88-520 WHITE - C�TV CLERIC PINK - FINANCE COVRCIl �L� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �_L/ �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ounci Resolution ���� Presented By Referr o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. 16269) for a General Repair Garage License applied for by Earl J, ulkrabek DBA Capital City Auto Electric at 690 University Avenu be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � �ng In Fav r Goswicz Sc6e'►bel �?i Agains BY —�--- Sonnen VYitsmf� APR 1 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Pass b u ci Se ta BY— , ���� B5 '� T. : Appro y Mavor: Dat ` �'��� j � �' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By P1�1lS�l�D ��R 2 ' 1988 �� _ ���° � . . o�,�,� �,,�� CR���t- �I��t �.0�1�s37 ;�� F. C� oc��ar�r an�ec►a► w►,�oA.,oA�r,v,n Kris' Vall HOrn , ItBSIGN — �,wce.�au�e�r ae+v�s c�oa 3 cm cxta►c E . IIUAABER _ _ FinaYi�ve & I�t. 298-5056 0� — �q`�' � C;au�i7. Rese�x�. . '� CRY.A7TORNEY .�. . . . . . " � T. _ , . . . iica�,icn �c�r a c�xai �a�.r c�,ra�e Councii Research Center � APR 4 519� NO�I'IC� SgNP: 3/28/88 I �' : 4/'12/"8$ ' � swNS:Uvw�tN a�(R)) oouNC� R�r+dMt: - PIMNMNQ COMMI8810N CNIL SERVICE C0�118310N� .. DA7E MI . DA7E 011T � �AWLLYST � � � . PFIONE NO. . . . . . . .. . � � ZONR10 COMM�B�OM _ . . I�626 HCFiOQI BOAqD.. � � � � 7 .� � ��� . . . . . � . � BTAfF : . � CFIARIER C01�MAISStON . . . . � �. . AS 18 . -ADDL NM�O.AODEO�' � REi'D TO!OONFAI�i . � . .00MB'T171lE'llT .. . . . _PtXi AOBL MlFO. __FEEDBAOK ADOED* . � DIeTRIC�COUNCIL � •EXPLANAT . � � . . � . . � . . � � .!CK!POq'18 NIIMCM�COUWCN.091[C�NE7 . � � . . � . � � � . � - � . � � . �. � . ` MifA7�N/NOM�1�1E.�ORlUNiY{1qn�What�Whsn.MI��NR�: Request by Earl �. Pulkrabelc DBA eapital ty Auto �l.ectsie at 690 L�vpar�.ty A'��e for a C�erieral Repai.€ C�'age License. .�ua�nr+o�►��ow tcoare.ne�:�+.rne�..a�t: _ . All applicati,oc�s ar�d fees hav�e been sa�sn�t, ted .an�d all inspect�,vn� l� beeri .ap�tAed, Zf . Cb�c.il � i.s g�,uen, thE applicant 7.1 be allc�ued to engage in tr�e bnsi,ne�ts of a _ . Cer�eral �pai� Garage. ' - �cwh.r,wn�.�►a�ro vwao�: If Oouncil appraval is. n�t g�ven, the app cant wJ,ll not be allc��ed t�o q�erate a General. - � .� �9e• w.wra►� . ca�s. . : _ �+isro�n►ia�►s: . . . . ��s: : ' C��-7�-021� T�IVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A.DMINI TRATION DATE �� /� � INTF,RDFPARTMFI�TTAL I�VIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant � > �� Y�.� Home Address �� ��"" �. . �� . -v�.. - Rusiness Name � �c,"t.iiome Phone � J- s�$"� � � Business Address � ,Type of License(s) � Q nooAc �.n Business Phone / Public Hearing Date d License I.D. 4i �(Qa(�� at 9:00 a.m. in the Cou cil ham ers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �(`������ llate Notice Sen ; Dealer �� �� /k to Applicant ��� Federal Firearms 4� � f�► Public Hearing DATE INSP CTION REVZ�.W VERFIED (C MPUTER) COMMENTS ' A roved N t A roved Bldg I & D �I � � , � � Health Divn. ' � �� � � i Fire Dept. � �I � � � � � i Police Dept. � I � v� License Divn. � � d i o City Attorney � t Date Received: Site Plan To Council Research � � 5 � � Lease or Letter Date from Landlord ��.,...�� l/' ��"" � , ~`�Z �-jpYL �Q/t � . % Da •�� • cr►�! or sT. Pti�L a, so q,Pp �'ee DE"��tTh�.'RT OF F�. CE AND MAAAGII�IT SEFtVICES LICENSE PEFtMIT DIVISI�'i !OS• � 5 �lust b ►-2.-I'�.trned. �Y• �rso�n � C� +u��E' 1�2�5— a4�Y-5vs(o - i'� �ue5��o�s These statement °or.,s are issued ia d licate. Please ansWer all ques:ions ?ul�y snd completely. TFis appl:cation is.thoro ghly checked. Any Palsification xill be cause Por denisl. �� te 19 � ��� � 1. Application °or (License) (Perm3t) 2. Name oP epplicant (~ J , t� , If apalicent :s/has been a ma.z�ried Peaale, list maidea neme �+. Date of birth �f-�- �� � L�-r place o� birtti �P(��1��n_ t 5. Are you e citi.zen of the United St tes 1��pS Native �_Aaturalized .r._.�_ 5. Are you a reg=stered voter Where '. . Home ad dre s s 3 `�'h S �Q `/��Cme te lephoae 3 S � A. ?resen� business address � ,QC sinesa telephone E�._LSt=L="/ � 9. Including ya�:r present businesa/e layment, vhat business�employmetrt have yoti °ollo�r�ed for the past five years. 9us i nc s s/Fk,p loyment p,d��8 s :0. ytarriec? � If ans�+�er is ';ves", 1 st name and address o! spouse I�- 3 �Su� �. a� S / I1. ciave you ever been arrested for an offense that has reaulted in a c�mriction?� IP ans�+er is ",yes", list dates oP ests, s+here, charges, convictiona and sentences. Date o!' arrest 19 Where CFiAF.GE COIWICTT_Oiv' SIIPTENCE Date of arrest Ig Where -• Cfi�.??Gr C�N'i'I:"":�'" � •r�s S �1T::Iv � - ����� �, 12. List the names an� a3:resses (i r�arried, name o� sgouse also) oP all persons, \� corporat�oas, pzrtr.erships, ass ciations or organizations which in any way have: a. A *�ort3age interest in the icensed pres�ise, �.. e d � o eor�ca�1' d�e� � b. A securi�y interest in tae �ceased pre�ises, license, or f'urniaY��:.�� af the `y '` I licensed premise, ' 1� ! c. A pro^aissory note for Punds loaned for t� eration of the licensed premise or the purchase of �he lice se, � � d. Financisl'_y contribu�ed to he purchase of the premise or the license it- s el.° 1"-Z� e. Any other interest eit'�eT irect or indirect, either Pinancial or otherxise i ' in the licensed prer�ise or the license itself, /Y '-�'`� �ttac'.: a copy hereto of any and all 3ocuments referred to in this a.*_°idavit. 1?. Give names aad addresses oP tu persons, residecrts of St. Paul, Minnesota, who can give information concernin you. „�t„� ADDRFSS • . r I�1°1� E� lYl i n n e I'I�I�a�. S 3a � �Qn��r�►�. 1�s. Address o° premises for Which icease or Ferait is made Address � Zoae classi2'ication � ?5. 3et�een What cross streets S 4 +�hi^-h side of street��� 16. �T�e under Which this businesa rrill be conducted� � I� '�-KJI�� ���2C� � 17. B�isiaess telephone munber 1p. P.ttach to this application, a detailed descriation of the design, lo at.i°�, �!d sqnare _°ootage of the pre:nise to be license� �r1.? �-�+��� C Q �f'�c��Q Yl� �I DNJ� , , 0.� , . ` :?. `.re �re�nises noa occupied What bLSiness Hoc� longl=� ��QQ'� �u. �I� t . . � ' ��-s�� � 20. List license w'.:ich you cu_�rentl hold, or foraer� held, or may have an intere in 21. Have r�y of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes N� �. If ansr+er is "yes", list dates and reaaons: ������ ?_2. Do you have an interest oP any ype in ar�r o�.ber businesa or business premises. I° gllSwer is "yes", list busine s, business address aad telephoae number. 2?. I� business is incorporatea, gi e date of incorooration /V �/ 19 and attach ccoy oP Articles of ncarporation and mirnites oP first meeting. 2�. List all oPficers oP the corpor tion giving their names, oP21ce held, hame address, and home and bu�iness elephone numbers: � � 25. If business is paztn rship, lis partner(s) address and telephane �bers: Name � Address Ttl.Ao. _... 26. Is there arLyone else who will h ve an irrterest in this business or premiees? IP answer is "yes", give name ome dress lrp e n rs d n xhat x a manaer is their intereat: (�, � p Q �. J�-.� rn n 1°<3—' 27. Ar,e you goinR to operate this b siness peraonally � if aot, rrho xill operate it: Aame H�ae address �� Z�el.Ao. � � �,r--04 v��2�'7 Are you �oing to have a !�.ana�er o assistant in this business? IP ansWer is ���yne�t�, give nac�e and ho:�e address and home telephone number: � w Name `—� Home address �'`� Te1.No. 29• xas arryone you have named in ques ions 22 throu�h 25 ever been arrested? ZP answer is "yes", list name o° oer on, dates oi' arrest, where, cha.rges, convic- tions and sentence ?�• I / l,� understand this premise may be in- spected by the police, fire, heal h and other city ofYicials at a�y and aII times wnen the business is in oae stion. State of �linnesota) )SJ Couzty of Ramsey ) gna ure oP Applicant �Q,�''� � �� Kl��P_l�. bei g first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the �'oregoing st ement bearing his signature and ?ciows the conter.ts thereof, and thst the same fs �rue aF his own lmvwledge excrpt as �o those caatters therein stated upon infar:nati� and belieP and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. Subscribed and sWOra to bePoz� ae ature of pplica.nt this y� day of 1?� ar,� Public, Ramsev C nty, Minnesot 'y!y co�nissi����i`4�'�a.�.a�aa��a.�a�ca�a�a�aE v .,��:;;.. , : . , <' :���_�;:'�:: ROTA:i�Y Fu-�LIC-P�1INNESOTA : '�';`.�';''� RF,PiiS�Y COU".TY a ��'�`�=��' A7y Commission Expires June 1,1989 � jb�l�'il"s�tl`5�V`�9'V"V'�%GG�i"vC"�"�1"�1%"G X a���