88-517 wH�Te — c�rr CLERK COUtIC11 PINK — FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT PA U L CANARV — DEPARTMENT BLUE — MAVOR File NO. �j �� Counci Resolution �,,.-- � ��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #638 0) for the xenewal of a State Class A Gambling License applied f by Midway Training Services, Inc. at 1324 E. Rose be and the sa is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond '' Long [n Fa or Gosw;tz Rettman �l B �eei�� Again t Y Sonnen -� �PR � � � � Form App ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ` Certified Pass b C un '1 Sec ar By ���t � B}. ���� �� Appro by Mavor. � i� ;' : '� q Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLiSH�D �'.;�; ,� � 1988 a►Te o�aa� (� #q . C�/"a° ��7�! • u�08�'1,�'. �:AX'C.�IBC�1 ����� ��� �. �V���t 1 o��asr�rtr an�croR w►ran tai�ss�sr� C�1t 18t1X� � � . � �"� �a��ow�cion � cm aFwi ���. � ��� 2 C7o�c�.l R�ea�ch F�r3anoe & T�xpmt. 298-5056 �1; a,r��� — : . Councii Re�earch Center A�x�aaal of State Class A C�aritable ling Lic�,se. APR 0 5� r�o�ic�zaJ �: �/as/8s �: 4/�.a/s$ l�OOI�IBiD�710N::(ApP►ov'e(A)a RsJ��(R)) COUNGL EHEARCN REPORi: PLM11N6 OO�M�ISS�ON CNN.SERVICE COMMIS5iON DATE pd ��/ DA7E OUT - ANALY3T . . . PHONE NO. . . � . a01ANfi OOI�M88IOM. �. � . ISD W1b SCMOOL BOARD . _ .� .vp �: .. .��. .���. . . . . . . � . -.STAFf .. . . CFNHIER COMMIBBION � . . � AS IS �-T ADDL WFO..AWED* . tiETD IO OONTACT � � .. . . . . _ROIi At70Y.iNFfl*'�� _FEEDNIGC ADOFD• '^dBTHICf OOIMCLL . . . •p(pLANA � . . .. �MIlYCFI COIMJCiI 08JEC7'IVE? . � . ' . � � - � - . � . . � . . . . . NifAlWO MO�LfJ�NMNE,OPPORiMR1'Y(VMw.VVheT,YVF19n.VMFIlfi�Why): Mr. Hara3d Kerner, oai behalf of Mid�aay ainir�g �ri.o�s. �c.. req�eats Ccxa�ci.1 apPrwal �af the res�ewa�. of tt�.i,r State Clas� A , it�bie G',a�b113ng Lic�e. T!� g�abl.is�g se�i.�s ane held at 1324 Eas� l�e an Sunciay be't�aeen. 7:00.�.m. and �;�;�0:p.m.����'�.a�e tused�to p�uvir3e vocati�al and functi sk3:11 tr ' ' y au�ulg to me�tal.i reta�+c�ed a�.ilt wame� a�d n�n. 'tc�naY.oae...��: If Cc�cil �pprc�al is granted► Nii� Serva.aes, T�c., tahicli` has be�i in; �isfi� for 23 y+eaxs, wi.7.1 c�aritinu�e: to sponsor : r ,�nblixig sessiori. - �4�wn�.�a To vinnn,T: . :, . __ ; _. Tf Co�u3ci1 app�+a�ya7. is nat granted, Mi, Train�lg Servioe� will not be able t,o ac�tinue ttiei.r snoa�so�ship. ��u►�nr�a; naos , co�s wsronvtra�xrs: ��ssu�s: . ����� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�:RMIT A.DMINI TRATION DATE � '�'� J� / v �� �� INTF,RDFPARTMEhTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant `�'�YU I� �('✓n Q 2. _ Home Acidress •� 4 � �p,^-{ �p r� '� Business Name � � (ti}(,�. �r' �n ✓�i�,z,Home Phone ��� � � '�1 y`f nL Business Address ���} �. �S ' Type of License(s) Reiv��,va( S`�t�� Business Phone l� ��(S`� �' �-1 Cl�'v� b�r�'7 UI �'� �m s`�� Public Hearing Date "1 J fa` �� License I.D. 4� �' � � �� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� J� l+�} llate A'utice Sent; / Dealer 4� JV f�- to Applicant (p3 ��� Federal F3xearms 4� � f� Public Hearing DATE INSP 'CTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) CUNIl�4ENTS A roved N t A roved � Bldg I & D � N�� , Health Divn. ' � N��- , , Fire Dept. j A ) j� � � l� � i � ' e ,�� 1a.�JS� Police Dept. ,�Q ►'� I License Divn. � City Attorney � Date Received: Site Plan N `�} To Council Research �' 41�� Lea�r Letter G Date from Landlord �k��v-C.(� � a O� � �, � `��� (��s�� •� .�,..... Charitable Gambling Control Board ' . Rm N-475 Griggs-Midway Bidg. For Board Use Only �� 1821 University Ave. Paid Amt: - � St. Paul, MN 551043383 , Check No. •+.. : (612) 642-0555 � Date: GAMBUNG LIC NSE RENEWAL APPLICATION ,�;''�: LICENSE NUMBER: , /EFF. DA E: �,f � /AMOUNT OF FEE: � .;•va' 1.Applicant—Legal Name of Organization 2.Street Address � T. ' 1 4 fi �k '3.City,State,Zip 4.Counry 5. Business Phone . Cla 7 ,5• 8 '` � •' ;.•ft r 6. Name of Chief Executive Officer 7. Business Phone � S. Name of Treasurer or Person Who Accounts for Revenues � 9. Business Phone -� 10. Name of Gambling Manager 11. Bond Number 12. Business Phone '�fk'1� ,^?i 13. Name of Establishment Where Gambling Will Take Place 14.County 15. No.of Active Members . � y • C 0 � p 16. Lessor Name 17. Monthly Rent: �i� • 18. If Bingo will be conducted with this license, please specify day and times of Bingo. Days Times Da s Times Days Times 19. Has license ever been: ❑ Revoked Date: ❑ Suspended Date: ❑ Denied Date: 20. Have intemal controls been submitted previously? f�7 Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy) 21. Has current lease been filed with the board? C�7 Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy) �. 22. Has current�sketch been filed with the board? ❑ Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy) r , , • ..r�_�,..�....�.-....._._.�,. .,.... ..:..:_ ,..-,.__.�_.....-:.,..,._. .c.. ,,_. ....._._.,�._.._ .: e,,._.._.,c,.. .--i�.._..._..--�r.._. ,-.. . ._,._».,. .--::. ...-__ ...- . _.._....r. .._....�._ ... .T ;� ------ r,., GAMBU G SITE AUTHORIZATION ' ' ' ''- . `° By my signature below,local law enforcement officers or agents o the Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site,at any time,gam6�;ng is being conducted,to observe the gambling and to enforce the law or any�unauthorized game or practice. _ BANK R CORDS AUTHORIZATION • '% t' ' By my signature below,the Board is hereby authorized to inspect he bank records of the General Gambling Bank Account whenever necessary to ` ; fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. " - OATH I hereby declare that 1. I have read this application and all information submitted to th Board; s 2. All information submitted is true,accurate and complete; � 3. All other required information has been fully disclosed; _ 4. I am the chief executive officer of the organization; - 5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of I activities to be conducted; 6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Minnesota especting gambling and rules of the board and agree;if licensed,to abide by those laws and rules,including amendments thereto. 5=��' 23.Official Legal Name of Organization Signature(Ch ef Executive Officer) Date Title , /� a.�!. ' ` ' / ��jj a �} , '(/�+ /n[ �/// � � � � /""lJ�in/.L� j�:���� �� �J(.Cr;M^�N/+J' ,,✓ 1/DT/M ._ Midwa Trainin Servicea Inc. � .. . � � ACKNOWLEDGEMENT F NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this application. By ack owledging receipt,1 admit having been served with notice that this application will be reviewed by the Cha�itable Gambling Control Board and if app oved by the Board,will become effective 30 days from the date of receipt(noted below), unless a resolution of the local governing body is passed hich specifically disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the belo noted date. 24.City/County Name(Local Governing Body) Township:If site is located within a township,please complete items 24 1� �':� �; h'i,.�� C� .� l and 25: Signature of Pe�n Receiving Application: 25.Signature of Person Receiving Application f � � ��1 '� ��1� :♦ !� + ;L.� l 1' J Title �Date Received(this�date begins 30 day pe o� Title: ,' � �-� r�, _";;✓ ��- � 4 -- , . me, P rson De iv i "plication to Local Governing Body: Township Name /� CG-00022-01 (5/8� White Copy—Board Canary—Applicant Pink—Local Governing Body � City of Saint Paul ��J� • Department of Fi ance and Management Services � ^� � Licen e and Permit Division 3 g O� � 203 City Hait St. Paul Minnesota 55102•298•5056 APPLIC TION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New Renew 0 0 - ' � �+ 0 � � � -� 4 Date " 19� .-�i • , �._ Code No. Title of License 2� .�: � ' 'S- � y �' � From �' 19�TO " 19 ��� � � "� _,.�� f�, �,k'C; , � __-- � , o , <; . ,� ,_ ,00 ,� „ l,, �ar.� i ,:,�� �, ,:. , ��� c� 1. ��,� .,� b�� ,,, y�l .:Y�.• I�,C� � �� � •�(� ApplicanUComp y Name 1 �� 100 � r � � � � ' _. � � �'C �v 100 Business Name v �, j�' � ..-� � � 100 �� • rC; L� /�'I ` . �-' `� / �- �C Business Address ' Phone No. 100 100 Mail to Address Phone No. 100 �•�i: i,� 1 �� /�J /.' ' .`• ManaQeNOwnsr•Name ;��` ��,� _. 100 �_ ` � `I:,� ��C r—a � (�_ n�i ,�-�—'' 100 AlanagerlGwner•Home Address Phone No. 4098 Application Fee 2, 50 -� Received the Sum of 100 � 1 � '�i�C( --� I ;V� , ) ��` '�. L�J' V J Mana edOwner-City,State 3 Zip Code 100 otai 100 / . � � i /LC.,�� � LiCense Inspector '�(—""� By: � � Signature of Applicant Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expiration Date Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiration Date Minnesota State Identification No Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serial Number late Number Oth@f: THIS IS A R CEiPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A IICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordlnanCe and eompletion ot the inspections by the Health Fire,Zoning and/or License Inspectora. _ '� $15.00 CHARGE OR ALL RETURNED CHECKS � � � 31as�b� � jas� � ��� 1 /�� p�� City f Saint Paul U`—"Od ���� ' i � , ' ' Department of Fina ce and Management Services � . • • r Division of Licen e and Permit Registration INFORMATION RE UIRED WITH APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT CHA.R.ITABLE GAMBLING GAME IN SAINT PAUL 1. Full and complete name of organizati n which is applying for license Midwa Trainin Services Inc. 2. Address where games will be held 1324 E. Rose St. Paul, MN 55106 Yumber Streec City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this applica ion who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games ld K rner Date of Birth 12/15/25 (a) Length of time manager has been ember of applicant organization 12 years 4. Address of Manager 1 Number Stree[ City Zip 5. Day, dates, and hours this applicati n is for Sunday Evenings 7-11 PM 6. Is the applicant or organization org nized under the laws oi the State of MN? Yes 7. Date of incorporation April 26, 1 85 8. Date when registered with the State- f Mfnnesota Sa�e 20 years as Merria� Park OAC 9. How long has organization been in es stence? 3 Years as Midway Training Services 10. How long has organization been in es stence in St. Paul? Save 11. What is the purpose of the organizat on? Provide vocational and functional skill training to ■entally retarded adult woaen and ■en. I2. Officers of applicant organfzation Name Micke Michlitsch "iame Pearl Nipp Address 3870 Effres Rd. Nhite Bear Lake Address 113 30th Ave. N.M. Title President DOB 12/18/56 Tit1e Secretary DOB 6/25/25 Name Nancy Turney Kiely Name Georgine Bush Address 289 E. 5th St., St. Paul, MN :�ddress 750 Hague, St. Paul, MN T�itle Vice President Dpg 1/1/55 Title Treasurer r�pg 10/13/49 13. Give names of of�icers, or any ot:�e persons who paid for services to the organi�ation. Name Vame Address N/A address N/A Title Ticle (Attach separa e shee� `�r acdi=_or.s: ^a=as. �. 14. Attached hereto is a Iist of names and addresses of all members of the' organizatioc. � '� 15. In whose custody will organization's records be kept? Name Miclway Training Sexyices, Inc. Address 1549 L�iversity Ave., St. Paul, NIDT 16. Persons who will be conducting, assisting in conducting, or operating the games: Name Harold Ke,rner Date of Birth 12/15/25 Address 542 Portland Ave., St. Paul, NIl�1 55102 Name of Spouse Alice Kerner Date oE Birth 1/7/30 Dates when such person wfll conduct, assist, or operate ��y �nqs 7-11-00 PM Name ga� ��an Date of Birth 6/6/66 Address 2610 Snelling C�rve #17, Roseville, IvIN 55113 Name of Spouse �e Date of Birth Dates when such person wi11 conduct, assist, or operate S�nday Et�enings 7-11:00 PM 17. Have you read and do you thor�ughly unde:stand the provisfons oE aIl laws, ordinances, and regulations �overaing t;�e operat:on ot Charitab?e Gambiing games? Yes 18. Attached hereto on the forz+� furnished by the City o� St. Paul fs a Financial Report which itemizes ai1 receipts, espenses, and disbursemencs of the applicant organization as well as a1i organizatjons who have :ece�ved funds tor the oreceding calendar year which has beea signed, prepa*ed, and ve:iLied by William P.. Smith, Jr� Name � 2331 University Ave, , Mpls. MN 55414 Address who is the g�k�� oP the aoplicant Organiaation. vame o= Off��e 19. Operator of premises where �ames �ril: be heid: Name Richard Mangini B�rsiness Address 1324 E. Rose St., St. Paul, NIl�i Home Address 20. Amount of rent paid by anpl�csnt Organi:,acion ror renc oz che hall; specify amount paid per 4-hour se�sion $175 . ����� „ • > � . 2�1�. � The groceeds of the games will be d sbursed after deducting prize layou[ costs and operating expenses for the followin purposes and uses: Pbr those lawful s as fin in rul laws and ardinances and to enhance these functional and vocational s 'lls ess�tial for mentall retarded to live and work in the camamit . 22. Has the premises where the games ar to be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? 23. Has your organization riled federal form 990-T? L�b If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If a swer is no, explain why: Form 990 is submitted in lace of 90-T Any changes desired bv the applicant ass ciat�on may be made only with the consent of the City Council. . Mi.dwa ai.nin Services In�c. Organiza on Date By: Manager in arge of game rJ O � � 3 z �n rr _ n .. cr c� cn C� 0� fD `t O (, C S � y r0 O rt R R fD �R V o� 7� 0o rr �-t r+ C G fD fC rt A �7 W rr r+ (o � 7 R Ol f0 � �t A "O O � GC r+ fD � n ? �e K n �o � �e �v 3 a. r+� � rr -• r* o � 3 r+ '� • y ? (D r+� � C rn h+ 3 fA C Y., A R R (9 F�+ A cD vf 7 G. cA r� S `�G � � � r� r� O � O C� � 70 r+ r* a 7 � t,;: � 3 r3D = R n E 3 7 . m x � � � a r. � I � n \ c�'o v�i ;. m m a. r. � �e o R � 3 ��a:`i� j n 7c �o � � w � ■t fA j -t � 7 �D m f9 J7 '�G ��''\r�_-�i 3 fD �', I � '�C v v v ����:!� rT O F�+� r-+ ( ^ fi � y � O O rr 17 � tA F+ fp A � � � ��:�� rn T � Uf fp C� � I�r�t I � ��~L. � f0 I{ � � rt �. �i +y rn I f'f I ? ? W \`t 't,` 'J O ? O rt rr Of S � c� � � �" a' .�t � ro S R r9 �p I�n,3. �� � ICR. Ro �. � I i+� r'N � r^ r+ �7 ��YI�JV�1h��; � � �A �' O f0 � ��o R cp G fA CA � S F rr �p C O � v� .+ S ti rC rr W � l0 O 17 ri G. Sl � � �.' ►t ^'1 � m O I �� � '-+ O r '9 � .1ty of Salnt Paul �/ / Depar.ment of FLnance and Hanage�ent Ser•�ices ��d � � � _ r '�' Division oE L cense and Permit Administracion �� . • UNIFORN CHARI ABLE CAHBLINC FINANCIAG REPORT March 23 , 1988 Dace Midwa Training Services, Inc. 1. Name of Organization •2. Address vhere Charitable Cambli g is conducted phalen Hall� St. p3ll�. 3. Report for period covering �Ia 1, 19$� through DE?C. 31 . I�7 4. ?otal number of days played 3 3 S. Croas reeeipts for above period ; 1�-4 ��-5�. 45 6. Croas priza payoucs for above p riod ; 87 .586. 89 7. Nec receipts - line S mtnus lin e 26 ,563 . S 8. Expenses incurred in conducting and operati�g game: A. Gross vag�s p�id. Atcach vorker list with �: 609. 0� namea, address and groas vag s. $ e. Rent for weeks s 6 ,536 .25 C. License Ee� ; 658 . 25 D. Insuranee ; E. Bond ; loo. 00 F. Dlshonorsd checka not reeova ed ; 506 . �� G. fmployers F.I.C.A. = 243. 87 H. Sale� Tax ; I. Minn. U.C. Tax � lri � 88 J. Fsd�ral U.C. Tax � N/A K. Ftiscellaneous Expensee. Ida tify the a�ount and to vhom paid. 1, Equip. (MN Tipboa ;1234.21 Z. Gamb. Tax �2685. 07 3• Bank Chg , ; 88.19 � 4• Cash Short ; 195.40 9. To cal Expensea TOTAL i 19 . 8 5 5. 9 9 10. Nec Ineome - line 7 minus line 9 ; 6 ,707 . 57 11. Cheekbook bs2ance beginning of pe iod s 1 S 674�85 --„ 12. Total of lin� 10 and 11 : 8387 d� 13. Tota2 contributiona from lins L7 S 50��. �0 14. Checkbook balanee end of reportin period - 3 3 8 2 .4 2 line 12 less line 13 � 15. Specify use made of amounc on lin 13: see attached CONPI.Ii B THL� REVERSE SipE :�: �`:Surse�e.^.:s ;;om a�oun� ln I:1e i2: Name /``�x,v�s� l%��i�r/��r.11 ;��2(� Name ' �, Addrees /,j�� Uj(Ji�f, /'��� . Address • Dace Rec'd Date Rec'd Purpose �c� �j'Tr¢Lh�� Purpose Signacure Signacure of Recipient of Recipienc Amount�sD�ifj�O Amount Name Name Address Addreas 4ats Rec'd Dats Rec'd Purposa Purpose Signacure Signacure of Recipienc of Rsciplent • Amount Amount Name Na�e Address Addreas Date Ree'd Date Rec'd Purpose Purpoae Slgnature Signature oE Recipiene of Recipient Amount Amount Name Na�Q Addresa Addres� • Date Rec'd Date Ree'd ' Purpose Purpoae Signacure Signature of Reeipienc of Recipient Auount Ameunt 17. Tocal Disbursam�nts THIS REPORT M15T BE FILLED•Iti COl�LETELY TO QUALIIR APPLICATION FOR CHARITABLH GAZfHLINC LICEHSE. � T � n S OC y r �" � � o � Z � 7 O v� � � O � Z ��-1 � \` y ~ � � ~ � � a '~ � �"�'�� � o .�"�e �" c. �-�i .. 7 a�, 0 A O '*1 �''�.,�;�,i. � h O N /rs � �� � o �*1 3' z � n o�e �*�i '� o > n •s .. r �z„ :"4 °' `a o x � � d h► CO � Z e! e► !+� rr ..d ..� � � ? S 7 � 2 � A ' F+ i0 N �+1 �l O���C W � Vf nl i*1 7O 2 'JI+ � V! Mq �'.� -•-� - 2 h► f�f N � r ti�� a� � m � w w:.: � Q� m '� �-�i s Z � o n n � � s��►`� ►�.� ° V ,^t > _ -a o v � 0 3 w o�' r o C 7 � p e� n� S 1� vvv n � +��'�� '� � � n vvv pmy � A � � . 'O 01 9 � 'A�.� � .5 �� V n p L' � T � b ^ ��` �S K � `' ^ � ^ � ' n � m w •+� a o w a o o v � -'� � 7 u a � � a ::� � •^ � +f a � ' � r m o (� r z � ' r+ n p `C 7�' 7 N � 7r . � 4 C� O S n � � � nt "A" C r r� , � i�-. _ � > r+ n a °a � o, ° � a oo Q oo � a, °' � ``, a (� a \�\ � ��-��� • __ � Attachment to Finan ial Report Line 15 Midway Training Service , Inc. is a non-profit 501 C-3 agency providing functi nal and vocational training to persons with mental ret rdation and/or related conditions. It is limited in its ab lity to provide services due to constraints in funding rom public resources. The funds used from charitable ga bling enable the agency to provide a wider range of progra activities using generic resources within the community su h as bowling alleys, restaurants, swimming pools and also provides training opportunities using the surrounding s opping areas. We believe that this falls well within the g idelines for the use of proceeds from charitable gamblin . r' ����7 MIDWAY RAINING SERVICES, INC. M � 1549 UNIVERSITY AVE UE • ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55104 • (612)641-0709 � - Mickey Michlitsch - 3870 Effres Road, White Bear Lake, NIl�T 55110 D.O.B. 12-18-56 - Nancy Turner Kiely - 289 E. Sth St. Apt. 610, St. Paul, NIDT 55101 D.O.B. 1-1-55 - Pearl Hipp - 113 - 30th Ave. N. ., New Brighton, �MT 55112 D.O.B. 6-25-25 - Georgine Bush - 750 Hague, St. aul, �1 55104 D.O.B. 10-13-49 - Andy Beherendt - C/O Capital , 1020 Rice St., St. Paul, MM[�tt 55117 D.O.B. - Unable to Obtain - Jean Bell - 1706 Margaret, St. aul, NIl�i 55106 D.O.B. - Unable to Obtain - Milt Conrath - Ramsey County Services, 160 E. K�ellogg, St. Paul, Nll�T 55101 D.O.B. - Unable to Obtain - Cathy Flynn - 111 I�erial Driv #108, St. Paul, NIl�1 55118 D.O.B. 11-14-19 - Patrick Flynn - 678 Josephine P ace - St. Paul, NIDi 55116 D.O.B. 6-17-48 - ffiuce Gooc7e - Consul Restaurant rp - 4815 W. 77th St., Edina, Nll�I 55435 D.O.B. - Unable to Obtain - Betty Hubbard - 1157 Lincoln A ., St. Paul, NID1 55105 D.O.B. 4-25-15 - Charles Keffer - C/O St. Thcmas llege, 2115 Stmmit Ave., St. Paul, NIlV D.O.B. 8-7-41 - Ron Peterson - Sridgeview Schoo , 360 Colbourne, St. Paul, NIDT 55102 D.O.B. 1-18-47 - Todd Portinga -C/O Norhaven, 13 4 Jackson St., St. Paul, �T 55117 D.O.B. 3-17-59 - Jane Thames - 35 Orme Court, St. Paul, MN 55116 D.O.B. - 3-20-22 - Beverly Wasik - 1600 Hillcrest e., St. Paul, NII�1 55116 D.O.B. 1-4-34 - Rep. Ann Wynia - 1550 Sranston, t. Paul, PM1 55108 D.O.B. Unable to Obtain - Irene Young - 373 Stinson, St. ul, NaV 55117 D.O.B. 7-1-24 - �r--�'�'�7 �,*,,« CITY OF SAINT PAUL `�`� � DEPAR MENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � ����� � DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PfRMIT ADMINISTRATION .,�• "� Room 203,City Hall ���� Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor • 3/25/88 To: Captain Steenberg . From: Chr�stine Rozek�� Re: Record Check In connection with an applicati n for renewal of a State Class A Gambling License at 1324 East Rose, a record che k is requested on the following: Harold Kerner Mickey Michlitsch 542 Portland Ave. 3870 Effres Road St. Paul White Bear Lake � Birthdate: 12/15/25 Birthdate: 12/18/56 Nancy Turney Kiely Pearl Hipp 289 E. 5th Street 113 30th Ave NW St. Paul Birthdate: 6/25/25 Birthdate: 1/1/55 Georgine Bush Barb McClean � 750 Hague 2610 Snelling Curve #17 St. Paul Roseville Birthdate: 10/13/49 Birthdate: 6/6/66 CR/car . �%1`�Q ��� •"*'°� CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4� ' � : ; DEPA TMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES . . � �� ; �• �° DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ���� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor March 29, I988 Harold Rerner (Midway Train ng Services, Inc.) 542 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Rerner: Your application for a Stat Charitable Gambling License has been received in this office. A fiearing on your applicati for Class A State Gambling ID �(s) 63820 will be held before the St. Paul City Council on April 12, 1988 at 9:00 A.M., Third Floor of the Ci aad County Court House. This date may be changed without the License & Permit Division's consent and/or knowledge. Therefore, it i suggested that you ca11 the Citq Clerk's Office at 298-4231 to confi this hearing date. _ You are hereby notified tha qour attendance is required at this meetfng. Failure to appear may result in denial of qour application. Very truly yours, ♦ • seph . Carchedi License Inspector JFC/Ik