88-515 �'� ,�--�, ., CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. ���''"v!� FINAL ORDER ��',�,� , �:-, �y.;� By, /,���.� .� . `;�� �3-a8-Ol File No. 4 Voting In the Matter of side�lt constru�ti and/or recoastruetiaa at tbe Ward follwrins 1.d�eation�' 2 5-88—�1 3onth side Y st Seventh Street from St. Yeter . to approsi�atelr 265 f+�et Meat of St. Peter 3tz�et aith Integral Curb (Mickey•s Diaer} � BS?IMATED CQN$?BIICTION COSrS AltD TES AESIDBN7IAL rates (SII9CLE �AMILY 0 2HBEE BAMILY) For�—faot Mide sidewalk: New onstruction (mhere no valk ezisted) , $13.00 per froat foot ; �eplaee�ent af ol =id�valk, $6. 50 per front foot. , For a 6—faot wide sidewalk: New onstraction, $15.6� per froat foot; Seplaceaent of old sidepalk, ;7. 8 p�r froat foot. All corner resideatial properties vill receive a credit up to t�e firat 150 feet of nev or r�coastrncted slde alk along and abuttia� the "2oag side" of the praptrty. COM�fExGIAL rates (ill property ot er t�an reaideatial) � 100X of actaa2 coat estitiated to e apBroxi�ately $4.OQ per aqnare foot of �alk constructed. �+ ,�^� under Preliminary Order ��� �� approved ✓—� " " The Council of the City of Saint Paul has onducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the Cit Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, ther fore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City o Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby di ected and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the co pletion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the sam to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date APR 1 21� Yeas Dis�IId Nays Costi►!ts � Certified Passed b Council Se etar ?.�a� Rfttt�tet�t In Fa or Schsi�l ' So�sII� 'e" Aga' t f��.}ss� l�J"R � �F �8 Mayor PUBtISHED APR 2 3 1988 , ��_,�S . - �n��r����:� ��a�,�k�` �'�i2_ise ��� ;E����� ���t�!`�` �.O fl0�3`3 ��a ,;�« , OOtIT P1�90M4'.� , � ._ ' o�nF+�tlp�oi�c�l'ea � _ c' . �'t �10�,�9Yp+ri +_ � ; . ..e !� -� Fa1Aw[�a 8�+vi0ES, . -{�r G.e�k ; l Sr P�.<����-� . i - � �F �t'dA � 7� C #aif'�CS �r' x r �NO. _ gyoa�s-',�yEC7on. . . . 1 -.2,�..r �7Y�t'�C� Re$��rQ�`- . , , . . . � ,.__ , S. )k �,. .. 292-6Z$ cm A„�Y Must he. on �md� :oa,o.r;.b�fQre,. � : .. . :, � ,-��� � � .a. ,,.; ; econstruct Old Defective and Unsafe Side �ks -;� � ; , . Fi1e Na. 5-88=4�_ `. : � . . ��: . , - -�� . . - . . : .Uvv�+w w�c�t) cou��a�,a+cFr ne�o�rr: : ; 'v�co�oN c��c�nes�aa o�� �.�/ w�«�r �w.v�sr �• �eawe No. - zaw��+ ��o ex.+eGao�eo�wo �j ,• p 7� ,� .V J\ ' ,�'��� q srw� cxuwrEa c,ow�oK �s�s _,+oo,.�+%�* _�ir o'�i."0�'.�' ��`�* : oenacr ca�c� * surPOa�ra w►xc�ooe►+cw oa�crnrEi . To �nrpleme�t a� effective complaint resalution`process and ¢antrtbute to � a safe� and bet�e� neigfibc�rhood� �nr►swa�a�k w�.ovPOnnx�n rM,o.wner.wne�►.wn«�..wnrr. Tha prab l ea� "�f ec t i ve s i de�wa l k" wai s c rea d becau se of t ree rQOt s, de l etar i ous sv�g fsde� n�st r_iai, a_lttrnating f�eese/thaw cycles, ervice l ife 1 imiLs,; chamlcal addi ttve�fi extr�ne � ' t ra .,t't11�Ei`�rariat'ions, atc. 'Fhese probl s occur on a ci:ty wte�a Tevcl srid must be �r+es�sed �` - ��,. antl coir��ict�d� on�an annuaT��asis, Left u orrected the s�cl�1�C canditton`wcuid vrcrsen to a at��d.whe�e i't'wrQnld be rendered unusable nd-subJeci� to incr�essed .pedestria�n in�arTes fraa � , r 1��Its:and, pc�ssible litigations �S�S. W� th -�T. from 3t. Peter St:`to i�;' -t��' - : ' Council Qi tricf � -� Jaaies Scheibel) . - . : �oo.ue.r»e�:ne�rr.�.a;r�.s,�r. ` � . o .. , ._ . _ . 7`he`cc�anunitY wi i i 6e�ef It from tltis proj t because i t wi l l provl:�le safe ��fe+�t f�rae s��lks � for its many cltiz�s, The stdewalk cont cts are executed b�r prtvate �corrtra�tora, so #t fol.�+rs that p�ivate sector Jobs are c�ea as a' result of thts �cti�ity. . - . �. � � �. . . _ . . . ' . . . .. -. .. . . � � . . . . � . . . -. t� .. I j . � � . . ' . . _ . ... � �. ";,:.'-. 0011��lIMqt.M�n..and 70 Whom): ' ' , . • >, �° Histo�ically the sid�►a1k reconstructio�s ave created negative fe�edti�tcs in the araa of ca�- struation procedure anc� -assessrnet►t. in s ite of the fact the aa�es�ttn'ts arb`r^�uced to one-half the actual costs, as a result of he City provided -subsidtes t�ey st31� produce a great deal of controver�y. _ , , . , _ . � : ;� �< , -. }. �, ,. , .. ., . . . , r ; . ,,, . _.., �t:f�nL►�c w� . : Nav� CiEy Forces repair,or �eco�str.uct: Reduces the procedural �, Repairs aro cos�etic � . '1, fkfect i ve unsafe s i dewa�Lks where process, l easens po l it i ca ` ��k: Ee�+~airyi a� 6r�s . � - �ed, : irn►olvaneRt and �ii�viate 2. It�ocfnstr�t�e►r+s by�t 2. ignore tho defects and allow the canstftuent cc�nQlaints Citr Far�es a�c pr+c� it+frastructur�a system to dete'riorate. ge�ierated f�rx� asstssa�ent hibttfv�ly costly. - po t i cy. 3. #gnctir i ag Lhe s��t�a ; r#�tes � C i tx' ` _ . a����t to da��d '��"�° itself agsinst liti�- Rou�ine ada�inistrative action. tions. : . ; ,Foilarts atandard ope�ating procedu�e. . : �� 8astcsl�ly this is an adisinist�ative prace re Nith legisiative cvervin�v ancl au�thorization. [�b l an+# �+sed ,ba pm saed or .c6anged. lawsu i ts i d i rtcresse i f a l tet�nart t ve pol I cy ahere ae�eipte�. � � �i�� � . � � ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL �5��� PUBLIC H ARING NOT10E �c�rvEo , SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTIOp�R2s �ss8 CITY CLERK Mickey's Inc. Gity Council District ��2 P. 0. Box 18098 Planning District Council ��17 West St. Paul, MN 55118 File No. 5-88-01 To consider the onstruction and/or reconstruction of all or part P U R PO S E of the public si ewalk in front of your property. The limits of this project are A N D South sid of West Seventh Street from St. Peter Street to more-or-less 165 feet west of St. Peter LO C A TIO N street (M ckey's Diner) Tuesday, April 1 , 1988, at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G City Council Cha bers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House If the Council a.proves the orders (or any part thereof), a portion INFO R MATIO N of the costs wil be assessed (after construction) against benefit- ted properties. You will oniy be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts your prope ty. The estima.ted assessments for this project are as follows: CO1rIl�ERICAL rates (all property other than residential) : 100 percent of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per s uare foot of walk constructed. If the property has areaway under the sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that cost w'l1 be assessed in addition to the sidewalk assessments Please call 298- 255 (Construction) or 298-4513 (Assessments) with Q U E S T�O N S any questions. so Citq staff will be available to answer any _ last minute ques ions on the project in the City Council Chambers from .8:30 to 9:0 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 28, 1988, by the Valuation and Assessment Division Departmerit ot Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Courthouse Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 . ��s�s� '4�;r �� .�r :.� :� �� ,; � A�'�W1��:'� „ ��" ,r - ..� .�#"`'E as���. �_ _i #:' Sfi,iC7?.i s. Cou�ii I�'i2e No.88-3�—By r 3..iGQSwfis— In;the Matter oi sfdewalk co ction sndlor reconstniction at t,he foi�owing locatian: Vating Ward Z 5-88-01 Soutli ai�e'��8eyen S!.``�rz.�r��;,r1'i�f�t�'��ximate2y i6S fe�w�st aZ 5t.Peter St.wi integral-�ub.�ldi�kcy'a Lirier�. 'EST�iAT�D�ONSTRV�TIOAT STS;.,�T� �IDENTIAL rates(s e r S'- ,'�; ' . ; -� r��.�� � �,y�a���rr�� ?; ; 'vide'aldewalk:N ._ , . . ... .. . o �1� �nsttu�on(��rei�"'na�a����i��9 pp perfrontfoot;`Repiacemeuto oldsidevvai�;�d:5(1'����obft:'' � -__ ..,:x. lo'or a 6-foot wide sidewal : New Constrt�ction .i25.�1 per trout i�elt;� i� nt of old sidewalk ?.80 per front toot. ; ;•�s .- ��'��'�e�+ea�deat3e�� � P� �rec�v?ra e�l��Ya�irs��3@�eet �i=' ac�v or �+eco�strwcted sidew al� at►d abutting t l�e "long sic�" oi � . ,"� .` ...,.� . . ,�,:� �.,� :�, � a" � • � o�E#i�r th�u z��.F r __,� � '-' 1t10?i of actual coat e�tiacu� to b�"apProa���.$��r'squ�°foo�bt , � . ��� ,i-.�3.' ,. 7 ',`,�� `r.r,� - ;q'. � .-{ � .,e �J � '��` .� . CrS �'r t`�. r .'�, *3" ��: P�•.�; 47�+Cauncil or we city or Pat�l having receivea"tt,e�li�br��i���'qyo�=.. ` upaa� tl�e :�rove imP�►�t::; 3�av� �de�d�<�t�#:��5=#ereBY ' � � ' . =� rf��. '..:� . .. . � . . �9:.:- l.,;c� r}1F ,:.���,. ;: .�. i. Tl�itt f,he•�d�'r� 6 the�.:�. is �eby`i�l'�ri'We���rj�,::� .•� �'dterna�Eis►P,�.Sane� t�t� e��aat+m�t�<.t��r'�eof��i"• �:�� �essmeats.See above�a a:se�nt e�ts aad rate�> ,_�bi��, , ::,,-r-> �:�'��st'a.pnbl3c l�a;is6 io�r:sa�impi+ov�t�dU�=:�e-�d ' �erP ril' 1988,at9•09o,' -}�{���,�:� .�.,�. b' � �K � `���e�i�iat-�P�t:1�e„ Y:,. ,� , ; S. Tl�at notioe oi seid publie he�ring be given to the p�s"�d�ir�t�:.}x : �P�ded bY the r.e4�t3��t��d���t`�, the natttr�e or the iaiprav t aad#he total casx�,�:�► File No.5-88-0i �'' � Adopted by the Council� i,g,Y�. � ADP='o�ed Ma;+ch 18. 1988. ' E �6,1988)