88-514 � — � t ' �C�(cJ City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. � �, . ��:�.--� B .�`%:,.'�,-,. � , Resolution Ratifying and Confirmin Y ,.----� ,a ,�� Condemnation and Awards of Dama es L g#���� and Assessment Therefor File No. Vr�ti�3g In tht matter of ��,� �/ �raxa g A 20-foot permanent eas ment for utility purposes under and across that part of Soo ine Plat No. 6, and that part of Ed Rice's Trout Brook Additi n, all being in the Southeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 2 North, Range 22 west, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. The enterline of the easement is described as follows: Commencing at the nor hwest corner of said Soo Line Plat No. 6, said point also b ing on the easterly right of way line of Mississippi Stre t; thence S 00° 02 ' W, 134.66 feet along said easterly r'ght of way line of Mississippi Street to the point of be inning of said easement centerline; thence S 7d� 33 ' 15 ' E, 72.98 feet, thence S 49° 08 ' 18" E, 568. 00 feet; then e S 82° 21' 03" E, 61.52 feet to the existing Trout Brook ewer and there terminating. The side lines of sai easement to be prolonged or shortened to begin on said east rly right of way of Mississippi Street and end on the cen erline of said existing Trout Brook undc Sewer. Preli Also a temporary construc ion easement as shown on the plan on file in the Division of Va uation and Assessments, Department of Fina Finance & Management Servi es. Said temporary easement to expire upon completion of the pro 'ect or on December 31, 1988, whichever occurs first. This is in conjunction wit the Jackson/Sycamore Sewer Separation abov proj ect. Cour RESOLVED, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Director of Finance and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessme t of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to e District Court for confirmation. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date APR 1 � 19�6 Yeas D��Nays Cp�,tg Certifi s d by Cou ' S eta y IAitg R,ettD08tri In Favor y • Scheibel ` ���n � Against � �., ` Mayor ��;� �s �i g�� Pt}�LISHED �P� 2 � 19 8 8 .' f �° i � City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �� �� '�` Report of Director of Finance BY on Condemnation of Lands ���s�� File No. �ut 3,�s� In the matter of t0lI�NItli11R p� t±� ��cd � A 20-foot penaanent ea ement for utility purposes under and across that part of Soo Line Plat No. 6, and that part of Ed Rice's Trout Brook Addit on, all being in the Southeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 9 North, Range 22 west, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. The centerline of the easement is described as follows: Commencing at the no thwest corner of said Soo Line Plat No. 6, said point also eing on the easterly right of way line of Mississippi Str et; thence S 00° 02 ' W, 134 . 66 feet along said easterly ight of way line of Mississippi Street to the point of b inning of said easement centerline; thence S 7d� 33 ' 15" E, 72.98 feet, thence S 49° 08 ' 18" E, 568. 00 feet; the e S 82° 21' 03" E, 61.52 feet to the existing Trout Brook ewer and there terminating. The side lines of sai easement to be prolonged or shortened to begin on said east rly right of way of Mississippi Street and end on the cen erline of said existing Trout Brook undf S ewer. Preli Also a temporary construc ion easement as shown on the plan on Fina file in the Division of Va uation and Assessments, Department of Finance & Management Servi es. Said temporary easement to expire ' upon completion of the pro ect or on December 31, 1988, whichever occurs first. To This is in conjunction wit the Jackson/Sycamore Sewer Separation project. lhe llirector ot rinance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of th land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of d mages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and det rmined the amount of bene�ts to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and at attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the un ersigned's finding on said matters. ��,�, )Director of Finance va � �y, ^ ' '; � .. City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. ' '� � � � Notice of Hearing in Condemnatio By � Proceedings y��,��� File No. �t�,��,�� In the matter of ���,� � ��,� �g cd � A 20-foot permanent e sement for utility purposes under and across that part of So Line Plat No. 6, and that part of Ed Rice's Trout Brook Addi ion, all being in the Southeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 29 North, Range 22 west, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Th centerline of the easement is described as follows: Commencing at the n rthwest corner of said Soo Line Plat No. 6, said point also being on the easterly right of way line of Mississippi St eet; thence S 00� 02 ' W, 134. 66 feet along said easterly right of way line of Mississippi Street to the point of eginning of said easement centerline; thence S 7d� 33 ' 5" E, 72.98 feet, thence S 49° 08 ' 18" E, 568. 00 feet; th nce S 82° 21' 03" E, 61. 52 feet to the existing Trout Broo Sewer and there terminating. The side lines of said easement to be prolonged or shortened to begin on said eas erly right of way of Mississippi Street unde� and end on the ce terline of said existing Trout Brook Sewer. Prelin Also a temporary constru tion easement as shown on the plan on Finai file in the Division of V luation and Assessments, Department of Finance & Management Serv'ces. Said temporary easement to expire upon completion of the pr ject or on December 31, 1988, whichever occurs first. TO V This is in conjunction wi h the Jackson/Sycamore Sewer Separation project. Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Pa 1, on the day of , at ten o'clock A.M.,upon the report of the Director of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the ow r or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated for the above improvements, and the persons to whom ch awards were payable and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the property f om the making of said improvement. Objection, to the taking of such lands or easeme ts therein, or the awards of damages therefor must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed fo said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated �-�t�/Director of Finance ��O �� �,�s�� . r ',,. �. _ ., ya.; eu.,e.�u,ao _ v�.,�e oar�ano.,. . Finance 6 I+�an ement ServiGes 2�26�$ ' ��� ���� N0.0�041`3 - � ¢�j �„���, ,a„��„��, - Peter White �� "U_ �N ! �8ww�aa�e+rsa�so�oa 1 an'a�c NUMBER _ �, , _ "`�` � , � �� _ �T�" _2 Council Research Valuations & l�ssat. 5317 oROeR: _ cmr,��v lqu :� on ead fct. e $ , 1. Setting hearing date for approval o acqutring �onstruction easements 2. Approve acqui.sition of permanent an temporary easements for the Jackson/ Sycamore Sewer Separation Project. F�.le No. 18492E TIONa:1Mp�(A)a fi�Jsct(Rl) . . COt1Uqt.R M flEVtllIT: - PIAfNXa OOAMIBSION CML SERVICE f�MN3310N DATE DA7E MW.Y9T � � � � PFIO�E NO. � �Ot�lAl6 WMN�1 . . . 18D E7b�8CF100L BOAi� . ._� .�' � � .� � ��� . .� .���-. . ar� �a cowusearu co�n as is �ooti.wFO.�o* aEro m co►��cr aDriemt�tr .. ..A . : . � . � . . - . _FOR.M9L MIFO:'�� _fE@0lAd(ADDED• � � DI6fFYCi OOUNCL � - � �FXMANATION: � .. . � .BUPPOH'TS VMIICl1�COUMCIL OB�IECT14E7. � � � . � � . �. . � . . . �� . . � .. . � � . , 1 -- �irutwo r�oe�.ew msu�,ovrarrruam�,o,v�ae,wn�,.wnas.vn,rr. The construction and future maintenance f ttee above mentioned storm sewer gro�ect . requires the_ea.sements as deecribed, on. e attached. . :. , ._ • :- .wsnncRti�o►r�coarew�.w.�a�ee�.a..�t: . _ _ - ,' These permanent and temporary +easements fll facilitate tl�e building of the above mentionect storm sewer pro3ect, resul�ing in more efficient and ecoaa�ic routing of the: storm water rano'ff. - . , , . _ �� , '�1�l�hN►�'• ' -^�s;�r �.:�c.s.�.�.,... . . : �, .: .. . : The permanent easements willtbe an encum rance on the propertiies affected. The tempo�ry construction easements wil, expire on December 31, 198$, or in the completio� of the construction, whic ever comes first:. K�wu►rn�a:: . - ca�s � . To be detex'�,tned Msronr�ceoa+�s: _ Tttis is the normal proceedure for easeme t a�quisitions. �u�s: Noae 'at this time . ���� Members: � CITY OF �AIN'1` PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair s_i i; n OFFIC� OF HE CITY COIINC�IL �an�C@ R@1t1T1Sf1 - Tom Dimond Da1e: March 30, 1988 Com ittee Report RECEIVED To: Saint Paul City Council MAR 311988 CITY CLERK From :Public Works, Utiliti s, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, C air The Public Works Committee .at its meeting of March 30, 1988, took the fo) lowing action: Hearinq Date 1 . 4/14/88 VACATION: Petition nf the Port Autt-�ority of the City of Saint Paul for the vacat on of �art of the alley in Block 15, Whitney anci Smiths Addition bounded by Fifth Street, : Fourth Street, Sibley a d Wacouta. Purpose is to expand their present facilities Recommended approval una imously. 2. 4/5/88 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: for utility easements for the ARLINGTON/ARKWRI HT STORM SEWER PROJECT. Recommended approval una imously. 3. 4/5/88 RATIFICATION OF AWARU 0 DAMA�ES: for easements taken for the RANDOLPH/SNELLIN SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Recommended appr�val unanimously. 4. 4/5/88 RATIFIC/►TION OF AW!1RD Of _AM�r,ES: fo►- uti 1 ity easements for the HAML I NE/HEW I TT ST Rt1 SFWEk PRU�IFC"I . Recommended a��roval unan'mou�ly. 5. 4/5/f�8 FINAL ORUER: Improving ST. CL_AIR AVENUE from Cretin Avenue to Sarato�a Ave �ue with a bituminous paving, cancrete curb 8, gutters, concrete driveways and outwalks, sod boulevards and a lant rn style street lighting system. Final Order was voted n in two parts: Recomnended approval unanimously on b tuminous paving, concrete curb 8 gutters, concrete drivewa s and outwalks, and sod boule- ' vards. Vote on lantern style str et lighting system was passed on a 2-1 vote, Rettman votin "NO". CITY HALL SEVENTH FLUUR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ae — ., - __-- _ • v � ------ - - -- __ ___ .__ , ,� , 6. ��l� a"�'�i;,, : �'��I�p ,, - j�, . _ ���y`` _.. .,.��� . z_ ' � �w th� �d�i ; . .: �. � ' � „g,�3e ,�,��1.,s. .<.rd , . r��l�I�� i I �� R��e�AN1'(!�^i'if� �,,�M��, . :,f�1y. � �_._� .._.,,_— ._y_______A__._______._.._________ �__..____._____.._._.__� / 7. 4/12/88 RATIFICATION OF AWARD 0 DAMAGES: for utility easements for the EDGERTON/BUSH ST RM SEWER SEPARATIQN PROJECT. Recommended approval una imously. 8. 4/12/88 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGFS: for �.�tility easements for the JACf<SON/MAGNOLIA SEWER SEPARATIUN PROJECT. Recommended approval una imously. `�• RES�iLI)T 1 pN: apprc�v i ng ch nge i n m i n i mum qua l i f t cat i ans far the class of BRIDGE CREW LEADER. RPCOmmended this Resolu ion be withdrawn because it has already been resolved. 10. RESOLUTION: amending th 1988 CIB budget by transferring $150,000 from the Ogden- inthrop Stnrm Sewer project to the WABASHA BRIOGE REPLAC MEN�i--MISSISSIPPI RIVER PROJECT. Recommended approv:�1 �inan mous 1 y. 11 . QRDINANCE: repealing Ch� pter 165 of the Legislative Code in its entir-ety per,tainin t� parking on SEVENTH PLACE. . Rec�mmPnded ap�rovai unar�imously. 13. RE50LUTION: ratifying a sessments for sidewalk con- struction or reconstructi n on south side of CONCORDIA AVENUE fr�om Hamline to Pa cal ( laid over for 2 weeks from 3/24/88) . Recommended unanimous app oval of ratification at the reduced rate. . l��-�� ����� � : , �o�� �:��� a���� `:'� ' ""�'a. �''��.u.. , , E..;. Cour�cil File No.$5-368—By�oger- F�swit�- _.� R ��<, .� In the Matter of c�dens�ing and #�DO� r� t��: # or � �'.i � � . -� �, , r� aNi[i� V���i� �s aslo�i��rrY� _ l "�" ' ����i�4 F � n +� %�hM . � , '� :� ' ��1'�S�'��t y: � � � � ,�t!�3� " ar�� Rt�:.h �k��� �r� ��6i� �s _ , ts�r .p� a ��e�.+��mW � �. � a 1'�:}� , ,�ia -. a i� T . �e F t % � a�m��„t�at�������:` � � ' �. ` ~ _,!� , . .r' e ± s.: '.5.. _ t, y �� r The�ide lines�S�"58i�"�e�ein�n �e prolus�ed or sl� '`. A�g��+� -:� �saii3 easterly n t of w�ryr of M ssissipgi St�e�t a�d end an t�qnterl� � 9Se: tSf S!l�il P!![���1tBOk'= +�; : .�'L��T��� `a'"�,c .,`f�' _� � z �3. ; J�lso a temgorary construction �} �� t as�h�vn on the glan:oa �ile�i��ie ? �tiv�+ti�pf��l�oq��+d. �t&,�le�p�pt,�e►f�� t:, Services Saicl tempos�g easement fre upon�ompietion of t3�e�i�,on; �1�3�,��8;w�tsi�ever. if�aast. .,t,�•.� .. > �!�: ,f .E�ut��sn��: - Zl�s is ut eonjunetion with the J tk9onlSycamare�Sewer;SS�paia#�`�b�ect;" ��yr+�l�p��ninary Urder 8?-183� rov�i I�pe�n#�r 29,�1Q�l;.�i�ps�1�;�8,_ s�gt� ��,+��?�B, 19�. �� � t �. Th�e'Df��}r ot,�x�pn�gt Iuviag ubmitted his report f n the sbove mattet°as to ti�e�a�ap�.�s��r�# �tat�ing of the�lais�t dr�s�i,'1�1��ls�d ` apPro�ri�t��r the at�ove i�aprov� ent and to whom�aya�;�' �}, subniftfed-bi� asse�sa�t of bee► its to P��3' from'th¢ �ro�` �inprovement,the �b�e it :, . ;; : , r;- � .��, RE$OLVED, the sai+rl�ks ent of�are�ts be aad the sams���ae�mby �. �PProvetY� s A �;� . ��J: ` ��F�v RE�VED F�THER, � pubkic �ari�,.be had�be�or�'t ' ` . upoa said report for a confi tion e#t ,� o;t 5��� ' `` Director oi�'i�ea�sfAd s�o upon t said assess��i`f}�etffs;�,', `�- Chamber,in tlie�ourt`Hotise in the ity of 5��;�t�l�A i' � : at 9 o'cic�ck A.Mr,�nd that the D' or���e���is e,;, c no�ce"o�`sa" u e� gs�pre.s�ribed y the Charter. � o�. � �ile No. 18���j `°,£ =�;Y f Adopted by"tYie�otincil March 1 ,1988,xz �,,, .r^�,:,�p�iived M`�.�,�;.�$• - .,� x; �, � _ 26, 1988) . . .. .. r :r aar' . •i .