PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA iT L Council �—��
C unci Resolution
Presented By
�� ;%�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the District 3 Land Use Plan dopted by the City Council on June 6,
1981 recommends that the Concord-Congr ss area be developed as a neighborhood
mixed use cluster and that all new dev lopment should reinforce that type of
clustering; and
WHEREAS, recent development proposals or the area included various elements
such as street vacations, displacement of residential uses, rezonings and more
intense commercial activity; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has increase its commitment and focus on maintaining
and promoting better neighborhoods thr ughout the city; and
WHEREAS, the City Council is authorize under Minnesota Statutes 462.357 (5)
and the St. Paul Legislative Code 64.4 0 to initiate a 40 acre study for the
purpose of amending the Zoning Ordina ce;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT t e Council of the City of Saint Paul
initiate a 40 acre study for the purp ses of assessing the commercial-
residential development patterns in t e Concord-Congress-Robert Street area and
of considering amendments to Chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Paul Legislative
Code, and
FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the 40 a re study recommendations be referred to
the Planning Commission for review an recommendation prior to transmittal to
the Mayor and City Council for their eview and action.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
rnmo�a Planning and Economic Dev lop nt
L.o�g in Fa or
co�c� �,
s�he;t�� __ A gai n t BY
Adopted by Council: Date
APR i x' Form Approved City Attorney
Certified Pass d y��ncil_Se ar BY
sy p I
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Approv by �Wavor: e ' �r � `� ��7 Approve b, ayor for Submis i n t Council�--
g BY
PI�IISN�D �,;��t ;� � i�8
• �ii—�v �3�'O
� . �� .N° 013533 �
J�,Sche3�be1/Peggy Reichert CODITACT N
5679/3380 PHO�E
3-28-88 DA��
S G�i. F TING ORDER: (See everse side.) a ��Q
Department Director .� May (or �`� `�l 19
_ Finance and Management Services Dir ctor 4 t Clerk� �� 88
Budget Director �
� City Attorney _ �r
�OTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: Clip all locations for signature.)
TAK T ? (Purpose/Rationale)
Re�olution initiating a 40-acre study fo the purposes of assessing. the commercial-
residential d�velopment patterns in the oncord-Congress-Robert Street area and
considering, amendments to Chapters 60-64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
Study recammendations will be referred t Planning Commission for review and recommaendation
prior to transmittal to Mayor and City C uncil. .
(Naqor's signature not required if unde $10,000.)
Total Amovnt of Trans�ction: Activity Number:
Funding Source: � .
ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all atta hments.)
_Yes _No Rules, Regulations, P ocedures, or Budget Amendment required?
_Yes _No If yes, are they or t metabla attached?
_Yes No Council resolution requ red? Resalution required? _Yes _No
�Yes _No Insurance required? ' Insurance sufficient? _Yes �No
_Yes _No Insuranc,e attached4
. � CF�'S�
T0: Council President Sc eibel ��
/'N • �,(�
FROM: Peggy A. Reichert r��.
Deputy Directo for Planning ,,�� evG '� %q�
Department of lanning and Economi����E���opme�
DATE: March 23, 1988 S ,���
C�t�� •��
SUBJECT: Robert - Concord 40 cre Study Request `g``!
My staff has informed me that tw weeks ago, during a public hearing to rezone
property located on the city's w st side at Congress and Robert Streets,
discussion occurred which inclu d reference to conducting a 40 acre study for
the surrounding area.
As you may remember, the Counci and the Planning Division had lengthy
discussions about the need for process to initiate 40 acre studies. From
those discussions we establishe a procedure by which the Council would not
only initiate a request for a s udy but also help the Planning Division
determine its priority among th many studies already established.
I have enclosed a draft resolut on initiating the study you requested as well
as a copy of the original proce ures we agreed upon for determining zoning
study priorities. I suggest th t this particular 40 acre study be considered
by the Housing and Economic Dev lopment Committee and be determined to be a
Priority 3, long range planning and land use related study. A determination
of Priority 1 or 2 may, in this case, pre-empt the district plan review and
amendment process that WESCO ha recently started.
cc: Ken Johnson
Lee Ann Turchin
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December 19, 1986
To: Members of the tity Counc 1
From: Peggy A. Reichert .
Deputy Director fo Plann ng �
Re: Zoning Study Pria�ities
At recent a�eetings of both the L gislation Conmittee and the City Development
Committee. we discussed �y need o obtain some advice from the Council in
deciding priorities among the va ious requests for zoning-retated studies
received by the Planning Oivisio .
The City Council and the Plannin Con�r►ission both have the legal authority
to initiate zoni�g studies. Be re eithe� body initiates a study. two
questions should De addressed:
1. Does the City Council (o the Planning Comnission) as a whole perceive
� the issue as significa�t
2. Are zoning regulations a suitable method for responding to the issue?
If the Council (or Planning Com ission) answers "yes" to both of these
questions. then the staff r+ould like your guidance as to the study's priority.
3. what priority should be iven to this study in relation to all the
other studies unde n+ay o pending?
-Both the Legislative and City D velopment Committees generally endorsed a
new process through which the C ty Council would address these questions
whenever a zoning-related study is initiated by the Council.:
1. City Councilmember initi tes resolution for 40-Acre Study/ .
Code Amendment and provi es memo describing background and
reasons for the amendmen , problems to be solved, etc.
(cc to Planning Division .
2. City Council refers reso ution to City Development Committee.
3. City Development Conmit e considers:
- - Resolution and Cou ilmember's memo
- Planning Division esponse in memo form
and decides:
- Should 40-Acre Stu y be initiated?
- Priority to be giv n to it (recommended to Mayor)
4. City Council acts on Co ittee reco� ,endation.
� �� �- � , 1,���v
Members of Lity Counctl 2 Oecember 19, 1986
Re: Zoning Study Priorities
I think there Mas 9eneral •gree�ent th t Me need to Aave iaore discussion
between the Council as a whole and the staff concerning the nature of the
probtem, the sense of urgency among th rhole Council , a realistic appraisal
of the role of =oning vis-a-vis the pa ticular issue, etc. before a 40-acre
study is endorsed Oy the Council and s nt to staff to complete.
� Regarding criteria to determine priorities, I share Nith you both my proposed
evaluation criteria and my ranking of zoning studies currently on the request
list. "
Priorit Cri_ teria
Priority 1: Critical
a. Studies critical to other �na�or ity pro�ects (or other governmental
agencies) with a deadline
' b. Ma�or netghborhood conce�n invol ing pending development
Priority 2: Essential
a. Studies committed to by adopted lans
b. Broad impact geographically or o general government effectiveness/efficiency
Priority 3: Somewhat O�tional ,
a. Long range planning/land use-re ated
D. Not critical , but nagging type roblem
c. Minor. non-controversial . house eeping
In general, studies M►ould be initia ed in order of their priority. 7here
would be two caveats to this. firs , staff availability: A simple Priority
� 3 Study may be initiated Decause r+e have someone available to do it -
perhaps even an intern or a �unior staff inember; whereas, a more complex
Priority 1 0� 2 Study may have ta ait for the right staff person with the
� necessary expertise to do the �ob. Second, I believe we sfiould commit to
finishing studies that are substan ially underway before we take on a new
pro�ect and drop or postpone work n process. When we drop projects, we lose
a great deal of the momentum and i sight; we become very inefficient.