99-173ORIGINAL Presented By: Referred To: By: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City af Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into an 2 agreement with Ramsey County Health Deparhnent for services related to the use of on-call social 3 workers for the placement of children during FORCE Unit search warrants, A copy of said 4 agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by Department of: Police BY� �1 �_ � � A _ . Approved by N�a�nr: Date: /,�q� �/'�'�'� I: rchealthdept-forcecr RESOLUTION � SAINT PATJL, MINNESOTA counc;l File # Green Sheet # Form Apgroved by I: 44 - t� 63212 � s� L � -� � Ap d A y M r fo bmis ' n to Council: Y� Adoptio�Certified by Council Secretary: � �� � DEPAIZTMENT/OFFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED (� rot��De iziso/9s GREEN SHEET No. 63212 COhSACT PERSON & PHONE INfT1AL)DAlE iNRiqUDqiE ChiefFlIIiley 292-3588 �I DF➢ARTMENTDIREGTOR 2n4 4 crtrcouHa� — 3 M 5T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) _: - y � h Please process ASAP .. _ . _�:- _ . _ _ --�_ �xrn,�rowuEV �i�/ ❑arrc�uc �inwnCUl5ERY10E5DIR ❑FlNpNCIpLSERV/AGLTG ` V �pYOR(ONq$SIST� �UMMIRIGHI� u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC110M REQl1ESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resolurion authorizing the St. Paul Pelice Department to enter into an agreement with Ramsey County Health Department. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or RejeM (R) PERSONAI SERVICE CqNTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firtn everworKed under a conVact forthis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persontfirm ever been a ciry employee? C4VILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Dou this perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current dry employee? YES NO A. Is Nis perso�rtn a targeted vendor? YES NO Explain ail yes answers on separate shee[ and attach to green shaet INITIAiiNG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WFiY) Each year the St. Paul Police Aepartrnent FORCE Unit executes over 100 search wanants. Often times children aze encountered in circumstances in which shelter placement is necessary. Fifty children were placed last year. The pxocess is tune consuming, usually takes place late at night, ties up police officers, and often results in additional overtime costs. The process is traumatic for children, especially when done by the same officers who conducted the search warrant. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Reduce overtune costs to the St. Paui Police Department FORCE Unit. Free up officers to finish other responsibilities regarding the seazch warrant. Reduce trauma to children being placed by using on-call social workers from "House Calls" to come to the scene, meet the children, and transport them to Children's Hospital for an inirial evaluation. The "House Calls" civilian also stays to trans ort the children from Children's Hos ital to the designated shelter facili . DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None appazent. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Increased overtime costs to the St. Paul Police Deparhnent FORCE officers. Reduced of�'{r����cy. Increased trauma to cluldren being placed in shelter. � FEB 1 1 1999 . A rrf TOTALAMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ 2,SQO.OQ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7E0 (CIRCLE ONE) YES N� �ffiCEi7Gi3 ��5�?2r';s; 4;w";? FUNDiNG50URCE Geri0i21FAtld ACTIVITYNUMBER 00]-0�00�-0219-40001 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) ��� � CA ���t� 6a ,� rchealthdept-forcecr �q, I�3 RAMSEY COUNTY SERVICES AGREEMENT The following is an Agreement between the City of Saint Paul Police Department ("CI7Y") and the County of Ramsey, Saint Paul, Minnesota, by its Saint Paul - Ramsey County Department of Public Heahh, 555 Cedar Street ("CONTRACTOR"). 1. Scope of Services The CONTRACTOR listed above shall provide the services specifiied in ADDENDUM I, attached hereto and made part ofi this Agreement. 2. Scope of County Support The unit of Ramsey County listed above shalf provide the facifities, equipment, participants, etc., as specified in ADDENDIlM I. 3. Time The services wi11 be de{ivered on the date(s) specified and at 2he location(s► indicated in RDDENDUM I for the term of this Agreement. 4. Payment The cost of services shall be as set forth in ADDENDUM I. The CONTRACTOR shall submit an invoice to the CITY. Payment will be made within thirty-five (35) days of receipt of a detailed invoice. Interest accrual and disputes regarding payment shall be governed by the provision of Minn. Stat. Section 471.425. �.�,,;;;y � � r . and agents from any and all liability, loss or damage they may suff s a � result of claims, demands, judgements or costs, incfuding onabfe ,,�{� `' attorney's fees, arising out of or related to the CO `S performance of �� this Agreement. 7his provision shall surv' e expiration or termination of this Agreement. The CONTRAC agrees to hold harmfess the CITY, its officials, employees and a from any and a11 fiabifity, loss or damage they may suffer as a t of ciaims, demands, judgments or costs, including reasonable f t____� �.��... n. of this Agreement. Nothing in th C C 6. Audit 7 E� 0 constitute a waiver by the CITY or the a �_,�� s��� �� Until the expiration of three years atter the furnishing of services pursuant to this Agreement, the CON7RACTOR, upon written request, shall make available to the CITY, the State Auditor, or the CITY'S ultimate funding source, a copy of th+s Agreement, and the books, documents, records, and accounting procedures and practices of the CONTRACTOR relating to this Agreement. Cancellation The CITY may cancel this contract without cause by thirty (30) days' written notice to the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR may cance! this contract for cause upon written notice to the ClTY. Non-Discrimination The CONTRACTOR agrees that in the hiring of ail labor for the performance of any work under this Agreement, that it will not by reason of race, creed, color, sex, national origin or disability, discriminate against any person who is a citizen of the United States and who qualifies and is available to perform the work to which such employment relates. The CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with a11 Federai, State, and local nondiscrimination laws and ordinances, in particular the applicable provisions of the Civii Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972. The CONTRACTOR agrees to have in effect an affirmative action program and shall furnish a certificate of compiiance with this requirement to the CITY, upon request. Data Practices All data collected, created, received, maintained or disseminated fior any purposes in the course of the CONTRACTOR'S performance of this Agreement is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. 13.01 et seq. or any other applicabie state statutes, any state rules adopted to implement the Act and statutes, as well as federal laws and regUlations on data practices. The CONTRACTOR agrees to abide strictly by `a _-____ _.... _.. -- -- - �------- - ----------_-__ ,. .:.��.� .- , � G�q- I�� these statutes, rules and regulations. 10. Entire Agreement This Agreement, including ADDENDUM i, is complete and supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties as welf as any previous agreemenis presently in effect between the parties. 3 °IR -t�3 11. Term The term of this Agreement shall be from January 1, 1999, or from the date of execution by all parties through December 31, 1999. This Agreement is duly executed this RAMSEY COUNTY `�erry Schutte 13 �� I County Manager AL RECOMMENDED: Director APPROVED AS TO � ssi t County Attorney Funds are available Account Number: Sgf�7/6 - Q�1/�N�� � � �-�2-q9 Budgeting & Accounting INSURANCE APPROVED: - - f , Risk Manager � day of CITY NAME � 199 �tS: Ghief of Police 'APPROVED AS TO FORM: rney Joe Reid i Financial Services Director 4 ►�f �r S� n�'w�`' � b.� ��' �'c� u�^+�e�Y' 9 r�..�n sh.e.c+ � b�f 9?�. ��_��� ADDENDUM 1 The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide on-caii child advocacy services to the City of Saint Paul - Police Department immediately following a F.O.R.C.E. execution of a Search Warrant in Saint Paul. SCOPE OF SERVECES: A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the following services to the CITY, during the times indicated. B. The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide the following services to the CITY, during the times indicated: 1. On-call services for the Saint Paul Police F.O.R.C.E. Unit, to provide child advocacy for children immediately following a F.O.R.C.E. execution of a Search Warrant in Saint Paul. 2. Respond to the summons to the scene of the execution of a Search UJe�ra�t once the site is secured. The CONTRACTOR will transport child (children) to Children's Hospital for a pre-piacement exam, secure a shelter home, and transport and place child (chiidren) at the shelter home. 3. Camplete all pertinent forms, document CONTRACTOR involvement, fax the information to Ramsey County Chiid Protection Services, deliver a copy of the detention form to the Saint Paul Police Department, and provide a written report to Child Protection within two i21 days. if. SCOP� OF COUNTY SUPPORT: A. The County shail provide the necessary resources with which the CONTRACTOR shall work. This includes use of the Public Heaith van, a cellular teiephone, car seats, and diapers. 8. Kay Wittgenstein, a Licensed Social Worker, at the Saint Pau4 - Ramsey County Department of Public Heafth, 555 Cedas Street, is the liaison for the purpose of this Agreement. 5 .� �.�: a`�-l?3 C. Clerical support wili be provided to the CONTRACTOR by the Saint Paui - Ramsey County Qepartment of Public Nealth. tIL TIME: The services provided fior in this Agreement shafl be provided firom January 1, 1999 and concluded by December 31, 1999, unless terminated by either party, without cause, upon ihirty (30) days' written notice. 4V. COST OF SERV(CES: The City of Saint Paul Police Department wili provide 52,500 toward support of the County High Risk Youth Child Advocacy Program. C� ORIGINAL Presented By: Referred To: By: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City af Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into an 2 agreement with Ramsey County Health Deparhnent for services related to the use of on-call social 3 workers for the placement of children during FORCE Unit search warrants, A copy of said 4 agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by Department of: Police BY� �1 �_ � � A _ . Approved by N�a�nr: Date: /,�q� �/'�'�'� I: rchealthdept-forcecr RESOLUTION � SAINT PATJL, MINNESOTA counc;l File # Green Sheet # Form Apgroved by I: 44 - t� 63212 � s� L � -� � Ap d A y M r fo bmis ' n to Council: Y� Adoptio�Certified by Council Secretary: � �� � DEPAIZTMENT/OFFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED (� rot��De iziso/9s GREEN SHEET No. 63212 COhSACT PERSON & PHONE INfT1AL)DAlE iNRiqUDqiE ChiefFlIIiley 292-3588 �I DF➢ARTMENTDIREGTOR 2n4 4 crtrcouHa� — 3 M 5T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) _: - y � h Please process ASAP .. _ . _�:- _ . _ _ --�_ �xrn,�rowuEV �i�/ ❑arrc�uc �inwnCUl5ERY10E5DIR ❑FlNpNCIpLSERV/AGLTG ` V �pYOR(ONq$SIST� �UMMIRIGHI� u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC110M REQl1ESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resolurion authorizing the St. Paul Pelice Department to enter into an agreement with Ramsey County Health Department. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or RejeM (R) PERSONAI SERVICE CqNTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firtn everworKed under a conVact forthis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persontfirm ever been a ciry employee? C4VILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Dou this perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current dry employee? YES NO A. Is Nis perso�rtn a targeted vendor? YES NO Explain ail yes answers on separate shee[ and attach to green shaet INITIAiiNG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WFiY) Each year the St. Paul Police Aepartrnent FORCE Unit executes over 100 search wanants. Often times children aze encountered in circumstances in which shelter placement is necessary. Fifty children were placed last year. The pxocess is tune consuming, usually takes place late at night, ties up police officers, and often results in additional overtime costs. The process is traumatic for children, especially when done by the same officers who conducted the search warrant. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Reduce overtune costs to the St. Paui Police Department FORCE Unit. Free up officers to finish other responsibilities regarding the seazch warrant. Reduce trauma to children being placed by using on-call social workers from "House Calls" to come to the scene, meet the children, and transport them to Children's Hospital for an inirial evaluation. The "House Calls" civilian also stays to trans ort the children from Children's Hos ital to the designated shelter facili . DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None appazent. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Increased overtime costs to the St. Paul Police Deparhnent FORCE officers. Reduced of�'{r����cy. Increased trauma to cluldren being placed in shelter. � FEB 1 1 1999 . A rrf TOTALAMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ 2,SQO.OQ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7E0 (CIRCLE ONE) YES N� �ffiCEi7Gi3 ��5�?2r';s; 4;w";? FUNDiNG50URCE Geri0i21FAtld ACTIVITYNUMBER 00]-0�00�-0219-40001 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) ��� � CA ���t� 6a ,� rchealthdept-forcecr �q, I�3 RAMSEY COUNTY SERVICES AGREEMENT The following is an Agreement between the City of Saint Paul Police Department ("CI7Y") and the County of Ramsey, Saint Paul, Minnesota, by its Saint Paul - Ramsey County Department of Public Heahh, 555 Cedar Street ("CONTRACTOR"). 1. Scope of Services The CONTRACTOR listed above shall provide the services specifiied in ADDENDUM I, attached hereto and made part ofi this Agreement. 2. Scope of County Support The unit of Ramsey County listed above shalf provide the facifities, equipment, participants, etc., as specified in ADDENDIlM I. 3. Time The services wi11 be de{ivered on the date(s) specified and at 2he location(s► indicated in RDDENDUM I for the term of this Agreement. 4. Payment The cost of services shall be as set forth in ADDENDUM I. The CONTRACTOR shall submit an invoice to the CITY. Payment will be made within thirty-five (35) days of receipt of a detailed invoice. Interest accrual and disputes regarding payment shall be governed by the provision of Minn. Stat. Section 471.425. �.�,,;;;y � � r . and agents from any and all liability, loss or damage they may suff s a � result of claims, demands, judgements or costs, incfuding onabfe ,,�{� `' attorney's fees, arising out of or related to the CO `S performance of �� this Agreement. 7his provision shall surv' e expiration or termination of this Agreement. The CONTRAC agrees to hold harmfess the CITY, its officials, employees and a from any and a11 fiabifity, loss or damage they may suffer as a t of ciaims, demands, judgments or costs, including reasonable f t____� �.��... n. of this Agreement. Nothing in th C C 6. Audit 7 E� 0 constitute a waiver by the CITY or the a �_,�� s��� �� Until the expiration of three years atter the furnishing of services pursuant to this Agreement, the CON7RACTOR, upon written request, shall make available to the CITY, the State Auditor, or the CITY'S ultimate funding source, a copy of th+s Agreement, and the books, documents, records, and accounting procedures and practices of the CONTRACTOR relating to this Agreement. Cancellation The CITY may cancel this contract without cause by thirty (30) days' written notice to the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR may cance! this contract for cause upon written notice to the ClTY. Non-Discrimination The CONTRACTOR agrees that in the hiring of ail labor for the performance of any work under this Agreement, that it will not by reason of race, creed, color, sex, national origin or disability, discriminate against any person who is a citizen of the United States and who qualifies and is available to perform the work to which such employment relates. The CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with a11 Federai, State, and local nondiscrimination laws and ordinances, in particular the applicable provisions of the Civii Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972. The CONTRACTOR agrees to have in effect an affirmative action program and shall furnish a certificate of compiiance with this requirement to the CITY, upon request. Data Practices All data collected, created, received, maintained or disseminated fior any purposes in the course of the CONTRACTOR'S performance of this Agreement is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. 13.01 et seq. or any other applicabie state statutes, any state rules adopted to implement the Act and statutes, as well as federal laws and regUlations on data practices. The CONTRACTOR agrees to abide strictly by `a _-____ _.... _.. -- -- - �------- - ----------_-__ ,. .:.��.� .- , � G�q- I�� these statutes, rules and regulations. 10. Entire Agreement This Agreement, including ADDENDUM i, is complete and supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties as welf as any previous agreemenis presently in effect between the parties. 3 °IR -t�3 11. Term The term of this Agreement shall be from January 1, 1999, or from the date of execution by all parties through December 31, 1999. This Agreement is duly executed this RAMSEY COUNTY `�erry Schutte 13 �� I County Manager AL RECOMMENDED: Director APPROVED AS TO � ssi t County Attorney Funds are available Account Number: Sgf�7/6 - Q�1/�N�� � � �-�2-q9 Budgeting & Accounting INSURANCE APPROVED: - - f , Risk Manager � day of CITY NAME � 199 �tS: Ghief of Police 'APPROVED AS TO FORM: rney Joe Reid i Financial Services Director 4 ►�f �r S� n�'w�`' � b.� ��' �'c� u�^+�e�Y' 9 r�..�n sh.e.c+ � b�f 9?�. ��_��� ADDENDUM 1 The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide on-caii child advocacy services to the City of Saint Paul - Police Department immediately following a F.O.R.C.E. execution of a Search Warrant in Saint Paul. SCOPE OF SERVECES: A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the following services to the CITY, during the times indicated. B. The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide the following services to the CITY, during the times indicated: 1. On-call services for the Saint Paul Police F.O.R.C.E. Unit, to provide child advocacy for children immediately following a F.O.R.C.E. execution of a Search Warrant in Saint Paul. 2. Respond to the summons to the scene of the execution of a Search UJe�ra�t once the site is secured. The CONTRACTOR will transport child (children) to Children's Hospital for a pre-piacement exam, secure a shelter home, and transport and place child (chiidren) at the shelter home. 3. Camplete all pertinent forms, document CONTRACTOR involvement, fax the information to Ramsey County Chiid Protection Services, deliver a copy of the detention form to the Saint Paul Police Department, and provide a written report to Child Protection within two i21 days. if. SCOP� OF COUNTY SUPPORT: A. The County shail provide the necessary resources with which the CONTRACTOR shall work. This includes use of the Public Heaith van, a cellular teiephone, car seats, and diapers. 8. Kay Wittgenstein, a Licensed Social Worker, at the Saint Pau4 - Ramsey County Department of Public Heafth, 555 Cedas Street, is the liaison for the purpose of this Agreement. 5 .� �.�: a`�-l?3 C. Clerical support wili be provided to the CONTRACTOR by the Saint Paui - Ramsey County Qepartment of Public Nealth. tIL TIME: The services provided fior in this Agreement shafl be provided firom January 1, 1999 and concluded by December 31, 1999, unless terminated by either party, without cause, upon ihirty (30) days' written notice. 4V. COST OF SERV(CES: The City of Saint Paul Police Department wili provide 52,500 toward support of the County High Risk Youth Child Advocacy Program. C� ORIGINAL Presented By: Referred To: By: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City af Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into an 2 agreement with Ramsey County Health Deparhnent for services related to the use of on-call social 3 workers for the placement of children during FORCE Unit search warrants, A copy of said 4 agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by Department of: Police BY� �1 �_ � � A _ . Approved by N�a�nr: Date: /,�q� �/'�'�'� I: rchealthdept-forcecr RESOLUTION � SAINT PATJL, MINNESOTA counc;l File # Green Sheet # Form Apgroved by I: 44 - t� 63212 � s� L � -� � Ap d A y M r fo bmis ' n to Council: Y� Adoptio�Certified by Council Secretary: � �� � DEPAIZTMENT/OFFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED (� rot��De iziso/9s GREEN SHEET No. 63212 COhSACT PERSON & PHONE INfT1AL)DAlE iNRiqUDqiE ChiefFlIIiley 292-3588 �I DF➢ARTMENTDIREGTOR 2n4 4 crtrcouHa� — 3 M 5T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) _: - y � h Please process ASAP .. _ . _�:- _ . _ _ --�_ �xrn,�rowuEV �i�/ ❑arrc�uc �inwnCUl5ERY10E5DIR ❑FlNpNCIpLSERV/AGLTG ` V �pYOR(ONq$SIST� �UMMIRIGHI� u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC110M REQl1ESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resolurion authorizing the St. Paul Pelice Department to enter into an agreement with Ramsey County Health Department. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or RejeM (R) PERSONAI SERVICE CqNTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firtn everworKed under a conVact forthis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persontfirm ever been a ciry employee? C4VILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Dou this perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current dry employee? YES NO A. Is Nis perso�rtn a targeted vendor? YES NO Explain ail yes answers on separate shee[ and attach to green shaet INITIAiiNG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WFiY) Each year the St. Paul Police Aepartrnent FORCE Unit executes over 100 search wanants. Often times children aze encountered in circumstances in which shelter placement is necessary. Fifty children were placed last year. The pxocess is tune consuming, usually takes place late at night, ties up police officers, and often results in additional overtime costs. The process is traumatic for children, especially when done by the same officers who conducted the search warrant. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Reduce overtune costs to the St. Paui Police Department FORCE Unit. Free up officers to finish other responsibilities regarding the seazch warrant. Reduce trauma to children being placed by using on-call social workers from "House Calls" to come to the scene, meet the children, and transport them to Children's Hospital for an inirial evaluation. The "House Calls" civilian also stays to trans ort the children from Children's Hos ital to the designated shelter facili . DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None appazent. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Increased overtime costs to the St. Paul Police Deparhnent FORCE officers. Reduced of�'{r����cy. Increased trauma to cluldren being placed in shelter. � FEB 1 1 1999 . A rrf TOTALAMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ 2,SQO.OQ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7E0 (CIRCLE ONE) YES N� �ffiCEi7Gi3 ��5�?2r';s; 4;w";? FUNDiNG50URCE Geri0i21FAtld ACTIVITYNUMBER 00]-0�00�-0219-40001 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) ��� � CA ���t� 6a ,� rchealthdept-forcecr �q, I�3 RAMSEY COUNTY SERVICES AGREEMENT The following is an Agreement between the City of Saint Paul Police Department ("CI7Y") and the County of Ramsey, Saint Paul, Minnesota, by its Saint Paul - Ramsey County Department of Public Heahh, 555 Cedar Street ("CONTRACTOR"). 1. Scope of Services The CONTRACTOR listed above shall provide the services specifiied in ADDENDUM I, attached hereto and made part ofi this Agreement. 2. Scope of County Support The unit of Ramsey County listed above shalf provide the facifities, equipment, participants, etc., as specified in ADDENDIlM I. 3. Time The services wi11 be de{ivered on the date(s) specified and at 2he location(s► indicated in RDDENDUM I for the term of this Agreement. 4. Payment The cost of services shall be as set forth in ADDENDUM I. The CONTRACTOR shall submit an invoice to the CITY. Payment will be made within thirty-five (35) days of receipt of a detailed invoice. Interest accrual and disputes regarding payment shall be governed by the provision of Minn. Stat. Section 471.425. �.�,,;;;y � � r . and agents from any and all liability, loss or damage they may suff s a � result of claims, demands, judgements or costs, incfuding onabfe ,,�{� `' attorney's fees, arising out of or related to the CO `S performance of �� this Agreement. 7his provision shall surv' e expiration or termination of this Agreement. The CONTRAC agrees to hold harmfess the CITY, its officials, employees and a from any and a11 fiabifity, loss or damage they may suffer as a t of ciaims, demands, judgments or costs, including reasonable f t____� �.��... n. of this Agreement. Nothing in th C C 6. Audit 7 E� 0 constitute a waiver by the CITY or the a �_,�� s��� �� Until the expiration of three years atter the furnishing of services pursuant to this Agreement, the CON7RACTOR, upon written request, shall make available to the CITY, the State Auditor, or the CITY'S ultimate funding source, a copy of th+s Agreement, and the books, documents, records, and accounting procedures and practices of the CONTRACTOR relating to this Agreement. Cancellation The CITY may cancel this contract without cause by thirty (30) days' written notice to the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR may cance! this contract for cause upon written notice to the ClTY. Non-Discrimination The CONTRACTOR agrees that in the hiring of ail labor for the performance of any work under this Agreement, that it will not by reason of race, creed, color, sex, national origin or disability, discriminate against any person who is a citizen of the United States and who qualifies and is available to perform the work to which such employment relates. The CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with a11 Federai, State, and local nondiscrimination laws and ordinances, in particular the applicable provisions of the Civii Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972. The CONTRACTOR agrees to have in effect an affirmative action program and shall furnish a certificate of compiiance with this requirement to the CITY, upon request. Data Practices All data collected, created, received, maintained or disseminated fior any purposes in the course of the CONTRACTOR'S performance of this Agreement is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. 13.01 et seq. or any other applicabie state statutes, any state rules adopted to implement the Act and statutes, as well as federal laws and regUlations on data practices. The CONTRACTOR agrees to abide strictly by `a _-____ _.... _.. -- -- - �------- - ----------_-__ ,. .:.��.� .- , � G�q- I�� these statutes, rules and regulations. 10. Entire Agreement This Agreement, including ADDENDUM i, is complete and supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties as welf as any previous agreemenis presently in effect between the parties. 3 °IR -t�3 11. Term The term of this Agreement shall be from January 1, 1999, or from the date of execution by all parties through December 31, 1999. This Agreement is duly executed this RAMSEY COUNTY `�erry Schutte 13 �� I County Manager AL RECOMMENDED: Director APPROVED AS TO � ssi t County Attorney Funds are available Account Number: Sgf�7/6 - Q�1/�N�� � � �-�2-q9 Budgeting & Accounting INSURANCE APPROVED: - - f , Risk Manager � day of CITY NAME � 199 �tS: Ghief of Police 'APPROVED AS TO FORM: rney Joe Reid i Financial Services Director 4 ►�f �r S� n�'w�`' � b.� ��' �'c� u�^+�e�Y' 9 r�..�n sh.e.c+ � b�f 9?�. ��_��� ADDENDUM 1 The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide on-caii child advocacy services to the City of Saint Paul - Police Department immediately following a F.O.R.C.E. execution of a Search Warrant in Saint Paul. SCOPE OF SERVECES: A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the following services to the CITY, during the times indicated. B. The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide the following services to the CITY, during the times indicated: 1. On-call services for the Saint Paul Police F.O.R.C.E. Unit, to provide child advocacy for children immediately following a F.O.R.C.E. execution of a Search Warrant in Saint Paul. 2. Respond to the summons to the scene of the execution of a Search UJe�ra�t once the site is secured. The CONTRACTOR will transport child (children) to Children's Hospital for a pre-piacement exam, secure a shelter home, and transport and place child (chiidren) at the shelter home. 3. Camplete all pertinent forms, document CONTRACTOR involvement, fax the information to Ramsey County Chiid Protection Services, deliver a copy of the detention form to the Saint Paul Police Department, and provide a written report to Child Protection within two i21 days. if. SCOP� OF COUNTY SUPPORT: A. The County shail provide the necessary resources with which the CONTRACTOR shall work. This includes use of the Public Heaith van, a cellular teiephone, car seats, and diapers. 8. Kay Wittgenstein, a Licensed Social Worker, at the Saint Pau4 - Ramsey County Department of Public Heafth, 555 Cedas Street, is the liaison for the purpose of this Agreement. 5 .� �.�: a`�-l?3 C. Clerical support wili be provided to the CONTRACTOR by the Saint Paui - Ramsey County Qepartment of Public Nealth. tIL TIME: The services provided fior in this Agreement shafl be provided firom January 1, 1999 and concluded by December 31, 1999, unless terminated by either party, without cause, upon ihirty (30) days' written notice. 4V. COST OF SERV(CES: The City of Saint Paul Police Department wili provide 52,500 toward support of the County High Risk Youth Child Advocacy Program. C�