88-500 WMITE - CITV CLERK 1 PINK� - FINANCE COLLRClt BLUERy-MA�VORTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL File NO. ��� �� City Attny/PBB � M • � / ndnce Ordinance N�. V� i oc Pcesented By __w. ' o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An o dinance amending sections 404. 10, 4 9. 21 , 409. 22 and 409 . 23 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to provide f r further regulation of the conduct o lawful gambling on licensed premises nd in private clubs . THE CQLr3rIL OF THE CITY OF S INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . Section 409 . 21(b) (1) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as fo lows : (1) Only charitable no profit organizations licensed b the State of Minneso a to operate tipboards a�— �u�ta�� �a ese ��}x�a�y ��.e�}e�. }s � e s�gge�� e a�.e e ae�}�r���es a�. se��a��.� a �a�e���� e� �k.e �et��k ��et�x �ke 6��� e� Sa�x� Fat�� e� ee����bt3.�es a �.�..�e�}�� e� }�s �e�ae�.t� s ex sa��.� Fax� �*et��k may be aZlowed to sell �ullta s and tipboards on the licenser� premises . Section 2 . Section 409. 21 of the aint Paul Legislative Code is hereby araended by adding at the en thereof new subsections (c) (1) , (c) (2) and (c) (3) to read as f llows : COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favo Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai ns t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • _ Certified Passed by Council Secretary By /0 1 By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By • , . . ��-v G�-l� ���1� -2a- "(c) (1) Notwithstanding ny other provision o.f_ law or of sections 409 . 21 and 4 9 . 22 of this chanter, not more than five (5) charitable nonprofit organizations which qualify as ' large organi ations ' may be permitted to conduct lataful gamblin� 'n the �orm of pull-tabs and tipboards on licensed pr mises after meetin� all other requirements of chapters 310 and 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and of any other applicable statute, regulation or ordinance. The term �' large organization' for the nurtiose of this chanter shall mean and include any charitable nonprofi organization which has the size and resources , as tell as the public acceptance and drawing power, suff'cient to dominate in the com- petition for licensed p emises in which to conduct charitable gambling so s to make it difficult or im- possible for small char' table nonprofit organizations to find suitable or des'rable premises in which to raise funds by charitab e gambling. An charitable nonprofit or anization i) whose annua gross revenues for the immediatel as iscal or ca en ar year rom a sources are in exce s o , , or ii w ose annua mana¢ement an a ministrative ex en itures or its current budget year are in excess o ti , Q , , or iii twenty- ive Pe cent � or more o w ose net nro its rom c arit e gam ing are or ave een istri ute in at east t ree o t e ast ive vears to anot er nonpro it or c arita e or�anization� o w ic it is a oca c a ter or su si iary, s a e nresume to e a arge or oration. e computation o t e a ove o ar amo nts s a e the total f_or both the charitable no rofit organization in question and any other such organization, if such other organization: (i) has the power t appoint a majority of the governing body f the or�anization in question; (ii) has or exerci es the authority to direct or control t e work of the officers or employees of the organization in question; (iii) provides half or more of the gross revenues of the org nization in question; or � ��� � . . � . � . �'�-"� � � � � � iy�i3 -2b- (iv) franchises or cha ters the organization in question, or permits t e organization in question to use its na*ne and/or organizational symbols in the conduct of the fun -raising activities of the organization in question. (c) (2) No endorsement to the on-sale license shall be ,�ranted to an.y on-sale 1 ' censee for a lar�;e organization until thirty (30) days a ter the effect�ve date of this ordinance. If there are more than five qualified a�plicants for such endo sement , the counsel sha11 by motion set a future regu ar council meeting date at which five such applican s shall be selected for the issuance of the liquor e dorsements authorized herein. Such selection shall be v lot in accordance with the procedures indicated in ection 409 . 16(e) (2) (excepting the payment of the speci 1 issuance excise tax) . Not less than thirty (30) da s after one of such endorse- ments is revoked, denied or laPses for any reason, the Council may establish a date for random selection among otherwise qualified app icants as provided above. If the number of applicant at any time is equal to or less than five, or less than the number needed to bring the total of such endorseme ts issued to five , then the Council may issue such ndorsements in the regular manner. (c) (3) The large organi ations authorized to operate in on-sale licensed premis s as provided for in this sub- section (c) shall be re uired to comply �aith a11 appli- cable requirements of 1 w and of sections 409 . 21 through 409. 23 , includinp; the p yment of 10% of their net profits from selling of pull-ta s as provided by section 409 . 21(r) ." Section 3 . The existing section 4 9. 21 (a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby renumbered t be read as section 409 . 21(_a) (1) , and the following new section 4 9 . 21(a) (2) is hereby adopted: , , Y� l�lR� , � � � . � . �'',�`�-� /�6�3 -3- "(a) (2) In the event the ermission of any charit- able nonprofit organization to conduct lawful gambling on the licensed remises is terminated by the licensed establishme t on whose premises the organization was conduct'n� said gambling, or in the event such organizat' on terminates its lawful gambling, as a result of coercion, pressure or unreasonable or unlawful conduct by the licensee or its employees , the on sale licensee shall not be able to make applicat on for a gambling endorse- ment for a new charitabl .nonprofit organization to take the place of the former organization until one year after discontin ance of all �amblin� activity on the licensed premises bv the fonmer organization. " ection 4. Section 409. 22 of the S int Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by deleting subsecti s (a) , (b) , (f) and (j) ; by renumberin� the remaining su sections in said section 409 . 22 ; and by adding a neta subsecti n to read as follows : " ( ) Shall ex end at 1e st fiftv-one �ercent or more o its net procee s ro c arita e am lin at Saint Pau ocations to or o urposes which beriefit pro- rams or activities occ rrin in Saint Pau or w ich irectly bene it substa tia nuin ers o Saint Pau resi ents . Section 5 . Section 4Q9 . 23(a) of t Saint Paul Legislative Code is herebv amended to read as follows : "(a) There is hereby e tablished a special fund for the administration and distribution of the proceeds contributed by charita le gambling in on-sale liquor establishments as spec' fied in this chapter . Monies � 1 �ll�� , � � � � , � ������ � irb�-� -4- in this fund may be expe ded only for such lawful purposes as set forth i P�Iinnesota Statutes , Chapter 349, and shall be expen ed to assist youth a�k�e��e organizations which are ot selling pull-tabs and tinboards in licensed establishments . " Section 6 . Section 409. 23(b) (1) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is herebv amended to read as fo lows : "(1) Applicants for fun in� must be incorporated, nonnrofit organizations formed for the purpose of supporting youth sae��s a�.d a�l�.�e��e programs . Booster clubs organized for a recreation center or a specific sport may be eligible, but organized school� teams , wh.ether p blic or private , will not be eli�ible. Fvidence hat an or�anization has been reco nize t e RS as exemnt rom taxation �ursuant to U. S . C. § 0 or is usin an or ani- zation so reco nize as a isca a ent s a e acce te as nroo that t is a non ro it or ani- zation; ut suc evi en e is not t e exc usive metlzo o esta is in on. ro it status . Section 7 . Section 404. 10(6) of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as f llows : "(6) Ten ercent (l0%) of the proceeds received from the �am ing activity a� e ��e�a��ed er��;a �e ��.ese e�ga���a�}e�:s aad s.e�� ���ee e����b�e t�ade� See��ex 499-���a} shall be �ai to the Fund established under section 40 . o t e aint au Ze is ative Co e. , . � ��/a . �' � . . � , ��-,..�"'e� , . /y6/.3 -5- Section 8 . Section 404. 10(17) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby repealed. Section 9 . Section 409 . 21 of the Sa'nt Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding a new subse tion (d) at the end thereof, to read as follows : "(d) No charitable orga ization, whether a larg;e organization, exempt un er state law, licensed by the State of Minneso a or issued a gambling permit under any ordina ce, shall sell pull-tabs and/or tip boards in mo e than three (3) estab- lishments licensed by t e city of Saint Paul for the sale of intoxicatin liquor in accordance with section 409 . 22 ; pr vided, however, that no such or¢anization may o erate in a second estab- lishment until it has b en in full operation for at least three months i the first establishment , nor operate in a third stablishr.lent until it has been in full operation or at least three months in both the first and s cond establishments . " Section 10 . This ordinance shall t e effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Section 11 . Section 2 of this ordi ance shall be effective commencing as provided herein, and te inating on December 31 , 19;'0 , such . . � N�� _ .. _ . . _ . _ . : � _ _ .:�,,.... -- � � . - - _ --_ -_ _ _. _ . _ , _ , . .� --:• . - . . � ��� . _ , • : •. . . / ��� 1 1at' � / '-�4 , . . -_�= ���.8 �� - �� ',_ , � 3rd -; _ �- A�optec7 : - `�.`_ , . ...__,... , � .�. _ ..__ , , 1 " , " - � � l 7-�"r" Yeas '' , _. . �,� . . Nays DIMOND ��—(J�� � GOSWITZ �7�/� LONG . RET'1'MAN - SONNEN . WILSOLV • PRESIDENT, SCHEIBEL WHIYE — CITV CLERK COLL[1C11 n PINK — FINANCE GITY OF' S INT PAiTL ��" ��-D � L�ANAibV —.D�PARTMENT BLVE —MAVOR File NO. O��GZ dnce Ordinance N0. L?�!`� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -6- section to have no force or ef ect after such date unless reenacted or extended by the e actment of an appropriate ordinance. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g [n Favo Gosw;tz "ftEl4�nu Sc6eibel � Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �? ' �� Form App ved by City Attorney Certified Pas e Co ncil Se r By �0 7�� W! �. By Ap r by Mayor: Dat 2 3 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY �fs� ��c � �s8 . .. . � �� . . • �:�� � � - � - --�-��-��— WHIYE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE ' COURCII x/, CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY O� SAINT PAUL File NO. U � SDO BIUE -MAVOR • � � r �n�nce Ordinance N 0. , � �9 � r Presented y L v M 1°r j� V y _ �, Referred To�°rnm.� '-' SJ d-�- �t s�- Committee: Date %�"�� Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance a endi g Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legi lat 've Code pertaining to Intoxicating Liq or. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA T PAUL DOES ORDAIIV: Se �ion l . That section 409. 21 (b) (1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to pulltabs and tipboards in bars is hereby amended to read as follows : (1 ) Only charitable no profit organizations licensed by the State of Minne ota to perate tipboards and pulltabs w�iese--��}�xa�� -�tir3e�}er-i -}s--��ie--sr�ppe��--e� , a���e��e--ae�}����es--a� --se��a�rig- a--r�a�e����--e�--��e �et��l�--��ex�--�l�e--S}��r-- �--�a���--F t��--e�--ee����bt��es a-�}o-n-rt�-o�-��s-- -o�r-�a} �--�-a�.��-�totx�� may be allowed to sell p lltabs and ipboards on the � premises . S ction 2. That section 409. 22 o the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to charitable gamb ing regulations in liquor establish- ments is hereby amended so as to delete sub ctions a and b therefrom and renumbering s bsections c through t accordingly. S ction 3. This ordinance shall t ke effect and be in orce thirty days from and after its passa e, approval and publica ' on. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Gosw;tz Rettman s�ne;net Against BY Sonnen Wilson I Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Ceatified Passed by Council Secretary BY . ` , By � � � Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b� M�+or for Submission to Council By BY � . q . ,.. -. . ..-: . ... . . -_. . . ' . . �' . �'_. . _ .. ... . i . - -' .. wMiTE - c�rr c��nK : COI�RCII PINK � FIN.�NCE-:' �� �.ITY �OF SAINT ��JPAUL File N0. ��'�°--a'� CANARY-OEPARTMENtT � . � BLUE -MAVOR� , • � ` , r ndnCe ordinance N 0. -°� f �' � ,� ' � �.'% �,,� : Presented By � . - _ - : - , � ;� .: _. _, , , : . �; .V, ,_. II �Referred To ' =- Committee: Date `-�` ` i Out of Committee By Date Ji1a Qrdin�ee Ch�pt�r 4#19 of t�s � ' f - 8ai�t Pau� L�qislat w CoeN p�ertaini� � I I�ntooci.catin� ��r TtiS �AtpIGZL til� 1'i� CI1'Y 0'F P�. �AES OItDJlIli: fo� 1. 'tlsat se�atfva� t0�.32 �D} (1) ot ttN SaiAt P� �.s�islatiw , God� �rtaiai�q to pvlltab� a�d tipbaird�s in b�tr� is hereby arr�dsd to rsad as fol�+�s. � �l� t�l�► ch�ritabla !it �►r�lsatiorne lit;�sed � t.�e �tate �f �ti ta to �ats ti `� ' ; � � � �� � � � . be alle�w�d � sell 2#abs and tipboards �n the ; pre�sissa. � ; iex� 3. '�at sscticrn 409.?.S� trie 3a1r�t Panl �gfslati�� : psrtai�ix� tv �arital�i��'"� i�g e�2atic�as in ltqutsr �stani3a�- . �ta► i�r Mrfby �erded � as ta d�il� s�tions a ar�Q 1� fi.�trefro� aat! ra�ri�g tians c ths�' t a�.aQrdi�gl�r.< , - _ ' � �loa 3. t�ia ordi� shali flf�t a�d b� ia �c�rrae thirty daps lr+��aind �ttter its : a�rpsx�val attd pa�llc+at3�a. f � � � ' COUNCIL MEMBERS •� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ,_ Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman ��i� Against BY Sonuen . Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date 'Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By - . _ . Appcoved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By BY � .,� � • � � I � , � � � � . � . � ����-�� . . . . s�°��" ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��.:� GITT O� � Y'~04 '�`9 ;; �.! OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY '� I I I11 I�.11111 r� `%+ `'=�� 1°�� ,s<� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,..m �°�r��u n^•m,,.`' 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR March 31 , 1988 Council Member William Wilson 7th Floor City Hall Re : Charitable Gambling in L ' censed Liquor Establishments . Dear Council Member Wilson: I have prepared pursuant t your request of March 14, 1988 an ordinance amending Section 409. 21 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code so as to permit any charitable nonprofit organization licensed by the State of M'nnesota to operate tip boards and pulltabs to sell pulltabs and tip boards in liquor license establishments , and also a ending Section 409 . 22 of the Code to delete the references to haritable organizations that support youth athletic activities . Your� very tr y, ; ; ` i �\ J. n JE OME .� S GA Ass��ta�City Attorney si� JJS t�cg Encl . .,,�,.r . . � �, V,�„e,..,,.3 , _ . _ , ' . . Members: �� CITY UF S INT PAUL � Janice Rettman,chair „ ,�r::��.; Bili Wilson ,�� ���iu� OFFYCE OF TH CITY COIINCZL BOb LOt1g Date: April 21, 1988 JANICE RETTMAN ��������n - Commit ee Report To: Saint Paui City Councii : From : Community and Hu an Services Committee ° Janice Rettman, Ch ir The meeting of the Community and Hum n Services Committee was held on WPdnesday, April 20, 1988. The following were in attendance: J n'ice Rettman, Chair B b Long, Councilmember R ger Goswitz, Councilmember B 11 Wilson, Councilmember T m Dimond, Councilmember T rry Sullivan, City Attorney's Office J e Collins, Legislative Assistant J'm Murphy, Program Analyst rbara Benson, Secretary 1. Bowling Centers. Terry Sulliva drafted substitute ordinance. S-0 Yes. 2. Continuation of presentation by Irene 0'Ryan, Division of Public Health: Day Care Licnesing Procedures. (Policy: Proposed Day Care Rules and Regulations and Guidelines for ay Care Centers.) 5-0 Yes. {Policy pending resolution and public c mment. Resolution not available at this time.) 3. City Council Agenda 4/7/88, Ite N�. 26: Rssolution amending the I988 budget by adding $60,114 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Public Health-Salaries. (Policy with uture budget implications.) 5-0 Yes. 4. City Council Agenda 4/7/88, Ite No. 29: Resolution providing that the City's Neighborhood Clean-Up P ogram be funded, that a 20� funding increase over last year be added to acc odate increased participation, and requesting the Mayor to prepar a budget resolution transferring necessary funds needed to pay clean-up c sts. (Policy and which budget.) 4-0 Yes, as ae�ended: Addition of parag aph regarding recycling; include "street maintenance or appropriate bud et; on page 2, chan e "fund" to "program". ,__ __ . _ �.� /�I ,e� — S. City Coun il A da_4/12/88 I em No. 4: Ei�' �+_�= ���� "�'`��nce � 1) f the Legislative Code pertaining to - . ,`, ���t�b�s� ti boa�d.s in b��,s tay, deleting the references to charitable �- _ o�������I�''��'"�upport you h athletic acCfviL"i�s. 4-0 Yes. _ J CITl' HALL ROUM NO. 704 SAIN"I' PAUL, MINNF�O"fA 55102 612/298-5239 s�+a -r •- - -- — - _ _--- ---- __- - - _ _ -- __ !_ ___ . . 111id6TE� -�CITV CLERK - PINK � FINANCE ����� GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � � CANARV —DEPARTMENT� SLUE —MAVOR File N0. � City Attny/PBB • Or indnce Ordinance N O. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date o dinance amending sections 404. 1 4 9. 21 , 409 . 22 and 409. 23 of the Sai t Paul Legislative Code to provide r further regulation of the conduct o lawful gambling on licensed premises in private clubs . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S INT UL DOES ORDAIN: Sec ion 1 . Section 409 .21(b) (1) of the Saint aul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as fo lows : (1) Only charitable no profit organi tions licensed � b the State of Minnes ta to operate ti boards a� �u ta s �a ese s���a�y t�ae��e� �s � e s ge�� e a�e e ae���*�.�}es ax se����.g a �►a�e�� e€ �ke }et��k ��eai �ke S}�� e� Sa}�� Fat�� e� ee��� b��es a �a�e���� e� }�s �e�ae�x s ea Sa�r�� Fax� yet�� may be allowed to sell pullta s and tipboards on th licensed premises . �� �w � Section 2 . `� Section 409. 21 of the aint Paul Legislative Code s hereby amended by adding at the en thereof new subsections (c) 1) , (c) ' (2) and (c) (3) to read as f llows : ti COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: � yeas Nays Dimond � Loog In Favo ' Goswicz �h� Against By Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By l0 �7 �� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy BY , � ". . � � � . �� �-�--D -2a- "(c) (1) Notwit tanding ny other provision o_f law or of sections 409 . 1 and 4 9 . 22 of this chapter, not more than five (5) cha ' table nonprofit organizations ��hich qualify as ' large o gani ations ' may be permitted to conduct lawful gambl � n the form of pull-tabs and tipboards on licensed r mises after meetin� all other requirements of chapte 310 and 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and of ny other applicable statute, regulation or ordinance. The term 'large organization' for the nurvose of this h ter shall mean and include any charitable nonprofit or nization which has the size and resources , as �v 11 the public acceptance and drawing power, suffi ient o dominate in the com- petition for licensed pr mises- 'n which to conduct charitable gambling so a to mak it difficult or im- possible for small chari able non rofit organizations to find suitable or desi able prem' ses in which to raise funds by charitabl gambling. Any charitable nonprofit organization (' ) whose ann al gross revenues for the immediately past fiscal or ca enciar year from all sources are in exces of $I0,000,0 0 or (ii) whose annual management and a inistrative ex enditures for its current budget year re in excess o 53 ,000 ,000, or (iii) twenty-five �ercerit (25%) or mo of whose net nrofits from charit le gambling are have been di:stributed in at least three of the last "ve years to another nonprofit or charitable organiza 'on of which it is a local cha ter or subsidiary, s all be presumed to be a large orporation. The comp tation of the above dollar amo nts shall be the total for both the charitable non rofit organization in question and any other uch organization, if su other organization: i (i) has the power to appoint a majority of the governing body o the organization in question; (ii) has or exercis s the authority to direct or control th vrork of the officers or employees of the rganization in question; (iii) provides half r more of the gross revenues of the orga ization in question; or _ , � � . . ��'� �-� -2b- �.� •b (iv) franchi es or ch rters the organization in question, or rmits he organization in question to use its name nd/o organizational symbols in the conduct of t fu d-raising activities of the organization in qu t'on. (c) (2) No endorsement to the on-sale license shall be granted to any on-sale li nsee for a lar�e organization until thirty (30) days ft the effective date of this ordinance. If there ar mo than five qualified aPplicants for such end rseme t , the counsel shall by motion set a future re� lar co cil meeting date at which five such applica ts shal be selected for the issuance of the liquor ndorseme ts authorized herein. Such selection shall be by lot in ccordance with the procedures indicated in section 40 . 16(e) (2) (excepting the payment of the spec'al issuance excise tax) . Not less than thirty (30) d ys after one of such eridorse- ments is revoked, denie or lapses fo any reason, the Council may establish a date for rando selection among otherwise qualified app icants as provi ed above. If the number of applicant at any time is qual to or less than five, or less than the number neede to bring the total of such endorseme ts issued to five, then the Council may issue such ndorsements in the egular manner. s ,. (c) (3) The large organi ations authorized to t�nerate in on-sale licensed premis s as provided for i,n t`�}is sub- section (c) shall be re uired to comply �a�th al'�. appli- cable requirements of 1 w and of sections 409 . 21°tthrough 409. 23 , includin� the p yment of 10% of their net�,profits from selling of pull-ta s as provided by section 4,09 . 21(r) ." r Section 3 . �� The existing section 40 . 21(a) of the Saint Paul Legis ative Code is hereby renumbered to be read as section 409 . 21(a) (.1) and the following new section 409 . 21(a) (2) is hereby adopted: , . . . . ��'-s�� ��.,. -3- " (a) (2) In the event e ermission o� any charit- able nonprofit organiz ' on to conduct lawful gambling on the license remises is terzninated by the licensed establishme on whose pre�ises the organization was conduct' said gambling, or in the event such organization er 'nates its lataful gambling, as a result af coer ion, pressure or unreasonable or unlawful condu t by the licensee or its employees , the on sale 1 censee shall not be able to make applicat'on for gambling eridorse- ment for a new charitabi nonprof t organization to take the place of the former or anization until one year after discontin ance of al gambl:in� activity on the licensed vremises by the former organizati:on. " Section 4. Section 409 . 22 of the Sa nt Paul Legislat ve Code is hereby amended by deleting subsectio s (a) , (b) , (f) a d (j) ; by renumb.ering the remaining subsections in aid section 409.22 � and by adding a new subsection to read as fol ows : ��� ra,Qfi� " (q) Shall expend at lea t fifty percent o m re of its net proceeds from ch ritable gambling to o for purposes which benefit p ograms or activities � curring in Saint Paul or which d rectly bexiefit substan ,ial numbers of Saint Paul re idents ." �� � ; Section 5 . Section 409. 23(.a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as fol ows : " (a) There is hereby est blished a special fund for the administration and d stribution of the proceeds contributed b_y charitabl gambling in on-sale liquor . establishments as specif ed in this chapter, Monies . . .. � • �i .�•��`C�`� -4- _'`�,, � in this fund y be exp nded only for such lawful purposes as set orth i r�innesota Statutes, Chapter 349 , and shall be xpen ed to assist youth a�k�e��e organizations which re not selling pull-tabs and tipboards in license e tablishments . " ction 6 . Section 409. 23(b) (1) of the S 'nt Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as fo lows : " (1) Applicants for fun ing must e incorporated, nonprofit organizations formed for the purpose of supporting youth spe��s aa� a�k�e�� programs . Booster clubs organized for a recrea ' on center or a specific sport may be eligible, ut organized school teams , whether p blic or privat , �aill not be eligible . Evidence that an or ariiza ' on has been reco ized b t e IRS s exem t rom tax tion ur� suant to U. .C. § a e acce te as roo t at it is a non ro it o anizat'ion; ut s�ch evi ence is not t e ex u ive met o o est l�ishin nonpro it status . , . '' . Cy li N�I IW� AA�I �AAiI�IQ�►� SO rtKOqM It�� Section 7 . �' a �u� �'� Section 404. 10(6) of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as f llows : " (6) Ten ercent (10% of the proceeds received �rom the gam in� activity a� e p�e�a��.ed en��* �e �l�e�e e�gar��sa��e�.s a�.�. ae�� ���es e��g�b�e ti.r��:e� 8ee��e� 4A9-���a} s1za11 be ai to the Fund establ'ished� under ��`�. sectiori 40 . o t e aint au Le is ative Code. � l . . . �'� �� , . . �, -5- Section 8. Section 404. 10(17) f t e Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby repealed. Section 9 . Section 409. 21 of the S in Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding a new subs cti n (d) at the end thereof, to read as foll.ows : "(d) No charitable orga izatio , whether a large organization, exempt un er stat law, licensed by the State of Minnesota �r issued a gambling permit under any ordinance, s 11 sell p ll-tabs and/or tip boards in more tha three (3) stablishments licensed by the city o Saint Paul or the sale of intoxicating liquor in accordance with section 409. 22 . " r '` ,,� Section 10. �� This ordinance shall t :e effect and be ii'�. force thirty (30) days following its pas age, approval and pt'�blication. ,� � Section 11. Section 2 of this ordi ance shall be effective ommencing as provided herein, and te inating on December 31 , 1 90, such � . . _'--_- �__ _ _ _ _ . ---_ —---------___..._----- - -_... wMiTe - c�rr c��K ' COUnCil PINK � FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARY -DEPARTMENT � OIUE �MAVOR File �0. O� in�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By ,\ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -6- section to have no force or effect a ter such date unless reenacted or extended by th enactmen of ,an appropriate ordinance. `�� � � �. � , ,, � `�� � � ,� �. ,� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��s [n Favor ' Goswitz Rettman �be1� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . Bv BY ' , � ��u �� -3- " (a) (2) I the event the permission of any charit- able nonpro it organizat on to conduct lawful gambling on e licensed premises i� ter�minated by the licensed e tablishme t on whose premises the or�aniza�ion wa conduct n� said gambling, ox in the event such organi ation erminates its lawful gambling, as a res t of coercion, pressure or unreasonable or unla ful conduct by the licensee or its employees , the on sale licensee shall not be able to make applic�,t on for a gambling endorse- ment for a new charitab� nonprofit organization to take the place of the ormer organization until one year after discontin a ce of all gamblin� activity on the licensed pr ises by the former organization. " ro� �''"� 4,� Secti 4. Section 409 . 22 of the Sa nt Paul L gislative Code is hereby amended by deleting subsectio s (a) , (b)'� (f) and (j ) ; by r�numbering "' the remaining subsections in aid section`�,409 . 22 ; and by adding a new subsection to read as fol ows : �� � �, " (q) Shal1 ex end at 1ea t fift -one pe cerit or more of ? its net rocee s rom c rita e gam in to or or ' purposes ta ic ene it o rams or activi ies occurring in aint au ` or w ic rect y ene it su stantia nu� ers o aint ' au re i ents . Section 5 . `Y� �, Section 409. 23(a) of the Saint Paul Legislative �ode is hereby amended to read as fol ows : � � " (a) There is hereby est blished a special fund for� the administration and d' stribution of the proceeds , contributed b_y; charitabl gambling in on-sale liquorY�; establishments as specif'ed in this chapter. Monies '`,, � �l 1 . � ������� -4- in this fund �niay be exp nded only for such lawful purposes as se'� forth i r�innesota Statutes, Chapter 349 , and shall $e expen ed to assist youth a�k.�e��e organizations whi�h are not selling pull-tabs and tipboards in liceri�ed e tablishments . " `'� �. 4 �`°� �Section 6 . ,>, Section 409. 23(b) (1) of t�,e Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as fo lo'�,s : � " (1) Applicants for fun ing �ist be incorporated, nonprofit organizations formec��for the purpose of ,r� supporting youth sge��9 axd a�k e�}e programs . ;�.�'' � ; � Booster clubs organized for a re reation center or a specific sport may be eligib e, but organized school teams , whether p blic or pr vate, �aill not '' be eli�ible . Evidence hat an or a ' zation has been reco�nized b t e IRS a exem t rom axation ur- suant to U. S .C . § �,s a e acce' ed as roo t at it is a non ro it r anization; such evi ence is not t e exc usive met 'o o sta lishin nonpro it status . Section 7 . Section 404. 10(6) of th Saint Paul Legislati� Code is hereby amended to read as fo lows : � " (6) Ten percent (10%) o,f the proceeds received �rom the gam in; activity �x � e p�e�r�'de�: e��� �e �ke e�ga�.��a�}e�.s a�.�. ae�}�' �}es e��g�b�e t�.��e� see��e 4A9-���a} shall be aid to the Fund establ'ished und s�ction 40 . o t e S int Pau Le is at:ive Co e. � :� �;, �°� ���7 . ' ' ��n-v�Gt-� -5- ``°� �`�,, Section 8 . �. Section 404. 10(1 of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby repealed. Section A. Section 409 . 21 of the S t Paul Lep;islative Code is hereby arnended by adding a new subs c on (d) at the end thereof, to read as follows : "(d) No charitable orga izati , whether a large organization, exempt un er sta law, licensed by the State of Minnesota -r issue a gamblin� permit under any ordinance, sh ll sell 11-tabs and/or tip boards in more than three (3) stablishments licensed by the city of Saint Paul or the sale of intoxicating liquor n accordance with section 409 . 22. " Section 10 . This ordinance shall ta e effect and be in orce thirty (30) days following its pass ge, approval and pub ication. Section 11 . Section 2 of this ordin nce shall be effective co encing as provided herein, and term nating on December 31 , 199 , such � 'bi�� � . n ` . . � �--��`" Members: ���So� " ;� , Janice Rettman chair ' . ;=� ` CITY OF sAI T 1��lUL Bill Wilson `�r `ti�=.L /r�'.3 `` orFic� or TA� - C. TY COUNCIL Bob Long -�-'� Date: October 6, 1988 � 7ANICE RETTh�tAN Councilperson C O CT�CT�I lt e R e p o rt To: Saint Paul City Council From : Community and Hum n Services Committee Janice Rettman, Chai A meeting of the Community and Human Serv'ces Committee was held on Wednesday, October S, 1988, at 1:30 p.m. 1. i-ty Council Agenda 5/3/88, Item No. 6: Third Reading - 88-500 - An ordinance ame.�ding Chapter 4.09.21(b) of the Leg'slative Code pertainir.g to pulltabs and tipboards in bars by deleting the ref rence to charitable gambling organizations that support youth •athletic activities. (Community and Human Services Committee recommends approval.) (Sent back pe reauest by r!s. Sonnen in regard to national associations having pulltab .) Phil Byrne's combination of two ordinances will be presented. (Laid over from July 6, 1988 meeting.) (This was laid over to AugLSt 3, 1988, as oth Bill Wilson and Kiki Sonnen were absent.) (Laid over to August 17, 1 88.) (Laid over to August 31, 1988 for language stipulation--five permits v rsus striking youth athletics.) (Phil Byrne will make final drafts, hich will be submitted to the Committee, for final revisions of ordinances.) Subeti�u�e vrdina�ce recoiameuded fo approval �on 4= 2. City Council Agenda 9/6/88, Item No l: First Reading - 88-1450 - An ordinance amending Chapter 45 of the Legislat ve Code pertaining to nuisance abatements. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND UMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) � Recommended for approval on 4-0 vot , with amendment (amendment is to correct a�typo--"been" to "being") . ' 3. City Council Agenda 8/9/88, Item N . 32: Resolution - 88-1323 - Ratifying I assessment for Summary Abatements roperty clean-up through the month of May, 1988, and boarding up of vacant pr perty through April, 1988. (Summary Abatement for property at 940 Selb Avenue.) Recommended for approval, with 20- ear payback, on 4-0 vote. 4. Letter from Ramsey Action Program , dated August 24, 1988, requesting the opportunity to make a presentatio to the City Council. Presentation made by Sandra Meich r, Ramsey Action Program's Executive Director. CIT'Y HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 6 r�46 . . . . � COMMITTEE REPORT Community and Human Services Committee - October 6, 1988 Page Two 5. Letter from Sharon Voyda, District 6 Planning Council, dated September 12, 1988, requesting the opportunity to make a presentation to the City Council. Laid over until Sharon Voyda is available to attend. 6. Request from Joy Donovan, a lobbyist for animal rights, to make presentation to the City Council regarding Pound adoption policies. (Laid over to October 5, 1988 at Joy Donovan's request.) Presentation made by Joy Donovan. 7. City Council Agenda 8/16/88, Item No. 27: Resolution - 88-1347 - Adopting the Child Care Policy for the City of Saint Paul. (Continued discussion on September 23, 1988.) (Laid over to October 5, 1988 for Jerry Segal to work with Committee staff.) Resolution withdrawn, substitute administrative ordinance recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. 8. City Council Agenda 8/25/88, Item No. 30: Resolution - 88-1408 - Requesting the Administration to review the report and recommendations of the Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission and any information available through the Attorney General's Task Force on Violence Against Women. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) . Discussion held. Preliminary standard draft to be prepared within one month. 9. City Council Agenda 9/22/88, Item No. 17: Resolution - 88-1535 - Amending the 1988 budget by adding $7,146 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Community Services General Fund. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) Recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. � � II 10. City Council Agenda 9/22/88, Item No. 17: Resolution - 88-1535 - Amending the 1988 budget by adding $5,956 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Community Services General Fund. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) Recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. 11. City Council Agenda 9/20/88, Item No. 8: Resolution - 88-1515 - Foregoing any and all interest in developing a first class park on property described as � Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Saint Paul Park Acre Lots in Newport, Minnesota, conveyed by Gordon and May Bailey, and agreeing with Washington II� County that Newport, Minnesota should be the owner of said property. � (FOR ACTION.) � Laid over to October 19, 1988 at the request of the Division of Parks and '�, Recreation. � � cc: Ed Starr A1 Olson '�, I � _ _ _