88-499 WNITE - C�TV CIERK f PINK - FINANCE COlII1C11 JP�� GANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF S I NT PAU L �(/ �p City Attriy/PBB File N0. Counc ' esolution - Presented By - � ���� Referre Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the private club license issued to BUT, Inc . dba People' s Choice Club , 920 S lby Avenue, Saint Paul , Minnesota, i:s hereby suspended for a perio of thirty (30) days , beginning at 12 :01 A.M. on April 15 , 1988 and ending at 12 : 00 NOON on May 15 , 1988 , to which suspensi n the licensee has consented. The licensee hereby consen s to the aforesaid suspension of its license , and will not op rate or open for any business the licensed premises at 920 Se by Avenue. UT, Inc. dba People' s Choice ♦ � , Y s resident ate : � --� �✓ ��' � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Favor Goswitz � Rettman B �be1�� _ Against Y Sonnen �Ison APR 7 1�0� Form Appro d by City Attor e Adopted by Council: Date � • Certified Yas e ouncil Se ry B3' �'��� By /�p Ma ate � � � pproved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council � By p1�USHf r�+� � owaNATOa o�re�mi►Tro o�te cor�etpp ����" ,�,�. ��;. Gr#���t�i� S��T Ho. 0 01�3 5 � ��a� ����� : Icris sc��nler-van xorn � — �.���,-3�,,� � . � � 2 C�c�l �eae�rch � Finance & Mt�gmr�t: 298-5056 0� �p� � CrtY ATTORNEY - Re�olutian �uspending Pri.vate Club L�. Twws:c�1�a.�m)► �. n�r: ,. .. PLANiNG OO�tA18610N CML BEAVICE COMMISSION DATE IN DATE OUT � A4IALVST� . - � PFIONE N0. � � � ,. � �ONM�10 OdA6119610P1 18D�6 SG110i01 BOARD . � - . , .. � . . � . . .$FAFF � � � . . GUIRTER COAIMN8810N � ' CWMLETE IS - . � ADDL MFO.ADOED'� . . ��f�T'D TO CONiA�'T. � 0�6►IfU6�([ . . . . . - . . . . _ - _FOR ADDL.MiO.. _F�q(�ADDEp•. . � DI81'RK.'T COIINCIL . . . . � .. � *D(W.ANATbN: � . . . � . � . BUPPONTB NM1IICN COUIICL O&JEC7NE2 �. � � . . . . . � . . .. - . . . . � . . t _ . . . . . . � .. . � . . . . � . . � . . - � � . MNTtA7N10 PAOALEM,�i{!E.O/1�0RTtlNTY(YYfw.ViR�t.When.NRisro.Mrty�: . Mr. Jc�hn Willia¢ns, oa� behalf o� fihe Per�ple's Cim�.ce, h�s oo��sented to the suspensiai of t�a.r P�ivate Cl� la.cense for a'pexiod o� 3 :days beginning at i2:01 a.m. o� ��1 �.5, 1988 ' and er�ding at 12:00 Nooay aqz May 15, 1988. : �us„ncnnc�lco�n.rrn�s.adv�.s.�.1: _ _ _ . , A1.lvw Feo�ple's C1�.ve to rest�e thei,r � t ;that wiil be ae�;eptable to both the neighbortyoc�d and filye` City. �s;(WM,+en�en...Aa so wnon,r• . • : _ . .: 'IR�e PeaQle's Cim3.ve w�ll be cic�sed foo: 30 da . \ KTEwu►nv� �os cw�s _ �ronv�r�c�+ts: �issu�s: '. � .�UP�' ���� --�� . gw�.rc1T-usvlv - �.�-y rr.�vN�rr� cousvclt March 30, 1988 _ _ . ....._ _ _._ Councilmember William Wilson 718 Cit,y Hall �� , St. Paul, MN 55102 ` Dear Councilmember Wilson: As you are aware , on March 21 , 1988 , the Summit-University Planning Council held a neighb rhood meeting regarding the Private Club License of the Peop es Choice Club, located at 920 Selby Avenue. Over 100 concerned neighborhood r sidents attended the meeting at J . J . Hill School . Much frustra ion was expressed about the activities that are going on at he corner of Milton and 3elby. Many of the residents stated the are frustrated with the drug traffic� the police department an the Peoples Choice. As you know, the community at t e March 21st meeting voted to recommend the Private Club License be revoked . The recommendation was forwarded to the full Summit-University Planning Council the following e ening on March 22nd for final review and recommendation to th City Council . Nick Davis , Chairperson of the community mee ing presented the findings of ' the community meeting to the ull Board . In addition , a compromise was presented to the oard for their review. The Board discussed at great length bo h the recommendation to revoke the license and the compromise pr sented. After the disaussion by both Board and residents , th Board voted to acoept the compromise. The compromise was passed by the B ard is as follows: 1. ) The Peoples Choice Club (BUT Inc. ) agrees to voluntary close for 30 days start ng April 15 , 1988 to May 14, 1988. 2 . ) Peoples Choice will requ st the police department to patrol the area during t e 30 day eTosing. 3 . ) Peoples Chioce will make a public: request to the police department to patrol w en the Peoples Choice Club reopens on May 15th. 4 . ) Peoples Choice agrees to change the _opening and elosing hours to 4 :00 p.m. to 12: a.m;°� 5: )' People.s Choice agrees ��to work with a neighborhood task force to mqnitor activities in the immediate area around th.e Peoples Choic for an indefinite period of time (the task force wi 1 include, representatives of the Summit-U Planning C uncil and Laurel/HaQue Block Club) . . , - 6 . ) The Peoples Choice will p ovide security inside as well . as outside and must be id ntifiable. ' 627 Selby Avenue St. Paul, Minn, la 5510�4 Telephone (�i 12)228-1 ASS � ..:.�...:.. , ���9 7 . ) The Peoples Choio wi11 reinstitute a Board of Directors to help org.anize � Neighborhood Aotivities which will inelud but not b� limited to 1 . ) a Scholarship Fund for youth whioh will be presented at • an annual Banquet 2 . aponsorahiR of an athletio group and 3. ) will coneeiv and implement programs for 3enior Citizens . ( Which, w a a part of the original 1979 a�treement) . 8 . ) _Peoples Cho.ice will r move the pay phone in the er�try wa,y of the - club t:o s �op minors from having from having �..� �x. any reason to be on t e property, and will allow poliee "''�� to monitor for I .U. f aud. 9 . ) Peoples Choice agrees to raiae the minimum a�e limit to tweni;,y three . ( 23 ) ....yea s old. lU. ) Peuples Choice agrees to re-issue new membership earde. And check each indivi ual as they enter Peoples Choiee. The motion to �ccept the abo e compromise passed .. with four abstentions . In addition the Summit-U Council recommends the City Council continue the public hearing on he revocat�on of the Private Club . License held by Peoples Choice (BUT Inc: ) until July 1 � 1988. This will coincide with the annual review of the license. We understand that all of the a ove concerns will be included in � the resolution to be presented o the City Council on Thur�sday, April 7 , 1988 . Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 228-1855 . Since�ly, ; ; , �\J(�✓"'�N� � ^ . . . ('� Greg!Fin�ll Execta�tive director . cc: Peoples choice Joe Carchedi , License Inspector � 2 . -