88-479 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - CINANCE COIIIICIl �//� 7 CAf�,ARV - DEPART.NENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL /� ���I BLUE - MAVOR File NO. (, � J Counc ' �luti � F Presented By '' ��,�',��� .`°�- l•J Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Sister City Progr m was inaugurated by the President of the United States in 1956 to establish reater friendship and understanding on a person-to-person basis between the eople of the United States and other nations through the medium of direct person 1 contact; and WHEREAS, succeeding Presidents of the United States have endorsed said program to be conducted for the broad purpo e of the exchange of ideas between cities of the United States of America and th people of other nations; and WHEREAS, the current political climate presents special opportunities for the two cities to initiate educational nd cultural exchanges; and WHEREAS, the Twin Cities of Mi neapolis and Saint Paul and the City of Novosibirsk are similar in terms of their emphasis on academics, technical and scientific research, levels of cult ral activity, size, climate and "gateway" location; and WHEREAS, CONNECT/U.S.-U.S.S.R. has been working with the cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Sister Cities' Inte national, and the Soviet Association for Relations with Foreign Cities, to range an appropriate affiliation with a city in the U.S.S.R. ; and WHEREAS, it has been determin by these agencies that an affiliation between the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul and Novosibirsk would be appropriate and mutually beneficial; and WHEREAS, Mayor Chikenev of No osibirsk has written to Mayor Fraser and Ma.yor Latimer endorsing the idea of a si ter city relationship between Novosibirsk and Minneapolis-Saint Paul; now, there ore, be it -1- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De artment of: Yeas Nays Dimond � Long [n Fav r_ Goswitz Rettman Scheibel Against BY - Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By By t7�pproved by 1Vlavor: Date Appro by Mayor for mission to Council � By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIIIICIl /�j a CANARV -�pEPARTiMENT G I TY O SA I NT PAU L X / BL1tE� - MAVOR File �O• �u s ��• � " Counc 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the City Counc' of the City of Saint Paul: 1. That this Council, n behalf of the people of the City of Saint Paul, Minneso a, does hereby approve the efforts of CONNECT/U.S.-U.S.S. . to develop a sister city relation- , ship between the ci ies of Minneapolis and Saint Paul and Novosibirsk, U.S.S. ., for the purposes of creating greater mutual understandin between the peoples of our great cities and nations; 2. That since the mayo s of Sister City associations are traditionally honor ry chairpersons, the Mayor of Saint Paul is hereby auth rized to act in this capacity for the City of Saint Paul o carry out this program; 3. That CONNECT/U.S.-U S.S.R. , in cooperation with the Mayor and City Council pu sue the necessary steps to formalize the relationship be ween the cities and involve appropriate local groups in dev loping educational, cultural, and commercial exchange ; and 4. That copies of this resolution be sent to Sister Cities International, the ssociation for Relations between Soviet and Foregin ities; Office of the Special Coordinator for U.S.-Soviet Exc anges, USIA; Embassy of the U.S.S.R. -2- COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� ` In Favo .C.swika Rett� _�_� Against By Scheibel Sonnen Wilson aPR '� 5 Form prov by City tto e Adopted by Council: Date l Certified Pas ci Se ar B � By /�pprove Mavor: Date P� � Approv Mayor for Su i tcsCouncil By Y pUBtISHED tii':� � � 1988 ��-��9 .d°. 013530 � Citv Couacil DEPARTI�NT � Mae Svlvester CONTACT N 5679 YHONE � 3-15-$8 DATE ASSIGN NDMBER .FOR RQIITING ORAER: (See everse side.) � Department Director � Maqor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Management Services Dir ctor � City Clerk ____ Budget Director _ �[ City Attorney _ ��� TOTAL NUMBffit OF SIGNATURE PAGES: lip all locations for signature.) K V Y H E ? (Purpose/Rationale) ; Resolution e$tending an invitation to t e City of Novosibirsk, U.S.S.R., to become a sister city to the Minneapolis-Saint Pa 1 cities and inviting the people in that city to participate in the Sister City Progr . CO T B I B AND PERSO PAC C F C 0 C D UDGET A I E C IT D: (Mayor's signature not required if uader $10�000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: I�unding Source: AT�ACHMSNTS: (List and number all attac ents.) RECEIV�D !� - MAR 17 1988 ' ADMINISTRATIVL PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Pro edures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or tim table attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes _No Counail resolution requir d� Res4lntion required? "`!Yes ,q�o _Yes _No Insurance requir�d? Insurance sufficient? �Yes _No�'"�; , Yes No Insurance attached? �itr o ����� a�` P �i ; o a � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ����������� ' DEPA TMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � A� e �es• GEORGE LATIMER �� � KENNETH R.JOHNSON, DIRECTOR MAYOR �� 25 West fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 l 612-228-3200 f , March 11, 1988 ��'Q� � �� ��a , .�,���^I'_p,"A.id Council President Jim Scheib 1 , .,-,_^ `:�:�i--��E�- Seventh Floor City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council President Schei el: I am forwarding for your con ideration a request by a local organization, CONNECT/U.S.-U S.S.R. , to the Saint Paul City Council. The organization is a local, private non-profit group whose goals are to make people-to-people and educational and cultural connections between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. They are requesting that the City of aint Paul join with the City of Minneapolis to form a sister city relationship with the Siberian City of Novosibirsk. The Ci y of Minneapolis has agreed to participate in the relations ip and adopted on March 4 a resolution identical to the ttached proposal. If our City agrees to the re ationship, members of the CONNECT/U.S.-U.S.S.R. organi ation will travel to Novosibirsk in April of this year to formal y propose the sister city � relationship to the Mayor an leaders of Novosibirsk. They have already indicated their inte est in the proposed leadership. The Sister Cities' Internati nal Organization has approved (recognized) the efforts of he CONNECT/U.S.-U.S.S.R. group in establishing the relationshi between our cities and Novosibirsk. The CONNECT organization wil also provide the staff support necessary to engage and main ain an on-going sister city relationship. They are also repared to brief you and/or other City Council members if you ink that would be desirable. :. Page Two Council President Scheibel March 11, 1988 Attached is background material on the negotiations with Novosibirsk, a letter to Mayor Latimer that indicates his endorsement of the proposal and a proposed resolution for your consideration inviting Novosibirsk to participate in the program with our cities. Thank you for your consideration. Call me at 228-3208 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Sue Hurley PED Public Rel ions SH/lle attachment cc: Mayor George Latimer Paula DeCosse Co-Director, CONNECT/U.S.-U.S.S.R. - . '�✓��Json � ,' PROPOSED CI Y COUNCIL RESOLUTION ���"� �j� EXTENDING AN INV TATION TO THE CITY OF NOVOSIBIRSK, USSR, TO BECOME SISTER CITY TO THE MINNEAPOLIS - SAINT PAUL CITIE AND INVITING THE PEOPLE IN THAT CITY TO PARTICIPATE I THE PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Sister City Program was inaugurated by the President of the United St tes in 1956 to establish greater friendship and understandi g on a person-to-person basi.s between the people of the United S ates and other nations through the medium of direct personal ontact; and WHEREAS, succeeding Pr sidents of the United States have endorsed said program to b conducted for the broad purposes of the exchange of ideas b tween cities of the United States of America and the people f other nations; and WHEREAS, the current p litical climate presents special opportunities for the two ities to initiate educational and cultural exchanges; and WHEREAS, the Twin Citi s of Minneapolis and Saint Paul and the City of Novosibirsk ar similar in terms of their emphasis on academics, technical an scientific research, levels of cultural activity, size, climate an "gateway" location; and WHEREAS , CONNECT/U.S.- .S.S.R. has been working with the cities of Minneapolis and aint Paul , Sister Cities ' International , and the Soviet Association for Relations with Foreign Cities , to arrange an appropriate ffiliation with a city in the USSR. ; and WHEREAS , it has been d termined by these agencies that an affiliation between the Tw' n Cities of Minneapolis - Saint Paul and Novosibirsk would be a propriate and mutually beneficial ; and WHEREAS , Mayor Chikene of Novosibirsk has written to Mayor Fraser and Mayor Latimer e dorsing the idea of a sister city relationship between Novosi irsk and Minneapolis - Saint Paul ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: 1 . That this Council , on ehalf of the people of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, does hereby approve the efforts of CONNECT/U.S. -U.S.S.R. to de elop a sister city relationship between the cities of Minne polis and Saint Paul and Novosibirsk, USSR, for the purposes of c eating greater mutual understanding between the peoples of our reat cities and nations. _ . G�-�-��9 2. That since the mayors of Sister City associations are traditionally honorary chairpersons, th Mayor of Saint Paul is hereby authorized to act in this capacity f r the City of Saint Paul to carry out this program. 3 . That CONNECT/U.S. -U.S.S.R. , in cooperation with the Mayor and City Council pursue t e necessary steps to formalize the relationship between the cities and involve appropriate local groups in developing educ tional , cultural , and commercial exchanges. 4. That copies of this r solution be sent to Sister Cities International , the Association for Relations between Soviet and Foreign Cities ; Office of the Special Coordinator for U.S. - Soviet Exchanges, USIA; mbasssy of the USSR. (,iN-�`� . 04`6i*r ej .�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;� �e DEPA TMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVEIOPMENT � ,..• GEORGE UTIMER KENNETH R)OFiNSON,DIRECTOR MAYOR 25 Wpst Faxfh Street,S�iM Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-228-3200 March 11, 1988 Council President Jim Scheibe Seventh Floor City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council President Scheib 1: I am forwarding for your cons 'deration a request by a local organization, CONNECT/U.S.-U. .S.R. , to the Saint Paul City Councii . The organization is a local, rivate non-profit group whose goals are to make people-to-people nd educational and cultural connections between the U.S. nd the U.S.S.R. They are requesting that the City of S int Paul join with the City of Minneapolis to fona a sister ity relationship with the Siberian City of Novosibirsk. The Cit of Minneapolis has agreed to participate in the relationsh p and adopted on March 4 a resolution identical to the a tached proposal. If our City agrees to the rel tionship, members of the CONNECT/U.S.-U.S.S.R. organiz tion will travel to Novosibirsk in April of this year to formall propose the sister city relationship to the Mayor and leaders of Novosibirsk. They have already indicated their inter st in the proposed leadership. The Sister Cities ' Internatio al Organization has approved (recognized) the efforts of t e CONNECT/U.S. -U.S.S.R. group in establishing the relationship between our cities and Novosibirsk. The CONNECT organization will also provide the staff support necessary to engage and maint in an on-going sister city relationship. They are also repared to brief you and/or other City Council members if you t ink that would be desirable. . l���75. Paqe Two Council President Scheibel March il, 1988 Attached is backqround mater al on the negotiations with Novosibirsk, a letter to May r Latimer that indicates his endorsement of the proposal nd a proposed resolution for your consideration inviting Novos birsk to participate in the program with our cities. Thank you for your considera ion. Call me at 228-3208 if you havp any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Sue Hurley �—=' PED Public Rel ions SH/lle attachment cc: Mayor George Latimer Paula DeCosse Co-Director, CONNECT/U.S. -U.S.S.R. ���79 To the Mayor of St. Paul ' ` Mr. George Latimer Dear Mayor Latimer ! Today I was genuinely glad to receive Ms. Susan Hartman and Ms. Paula DeCosse in the Executive Committee quarters of the City Council of People' s Deputies. They passed on to me your letter addressed to Sergei Paramonov, the head of the Association between Soviet and Foreign Cities , and information about your cit . They also related to me your wish to further study the uestion of the possibility of connections between the cities of Novosibirsk and St. Paul. I believe that the Twin Ci ies of St. Paul and Minneapolis have much in common with N vosibirsk in the similarity of the geographical locations, development of structural and industrial potential, and lso in possibilities for exchange in �.he areas of education nd culture. This provides a favorable basis for the de elopment of ties for the good of the peoples of our cities. I hope that, with mutual e forts, we will be able to reach the goal of a sister city elationship, which will further serve the prosperity, stre gthening of mutual understanding, trust, and friendship betw en the Soviet and American peoples. Respectfully, Chairman of the Novosibirs City Executive Committee V. P. Chikinev October 6, 1987 Novosibirsk o�**a �iITY F �AINT pAUL ��'"�7/ �`, S� OFFI E OF THB MAYOR : : �� �� �7 CITY HALL ���� sAINT � UL. 1rtiNNESOTA SSt02 OBQROE LA'tTMEIt (6121 2fi-4323 MAYOR September 21, 1987 � Sergei Paramonov Vice President and Executive Director Association for Relations etween Soviet and Foreign Cities Kalinin Prospect 14 Moscow Dear Mr. Paramonov: I am writing to lend my su port to the efforts of CONNECT/US-USSR. In June I had a most cordi 1 meeting with Mr. Yuri Smirnov and Mr. Valeriy Chibisenkov, D puty Director and Secretary General of the Union of Soviet Fri ndship Societies, during their visit to the Twin Cities. Together with Susan Hartman and Paula DeCosse, Co-Director o•° CONNECT/US-USSR, we discussed the possibility of develop'ng a Sister City relationship for Minneapolis or for the Twi Cities of Minneapolis-Saint Paul in the Soviet Union. Saint Paul is most interest d in exploring such a partnership. Havinq just o ened the new Minnesota World Trade Center adjacent to the Minn sota State Capitol, the City of Saint Paul is committed to eaching out to the rest of the world. A relationship with a Sov.;.et city might provide not only trade potential but al o the possibility of educational and cultural exchanges whic would be most beneficial to Saint Paul. Our experience with Sister City relationships has been that they work best wh n there is a core group of committed individuals in ea h city willing to carry such a relationship forward. I look forward to exploring i:his opportunity with you and CONNECT/US-USSR. Steve Pro scheZ of my office is the staff contact on this project. I hu�e to hear from you soon. Very truly yours, eor Latimer May GL:kh ...�.... C���7 y CONNECT/US-US R REPORT ON EXCHANGES Negotiated in Moscow nd Novosibirsk, October, 1987 CONNECT/ S-USSR Programs � Soviet Sister City Program CONNECT is exploring the p ssibility of establishing a sister city relationship b tween Minneapolis-St. Paul and Novosibirsk, a fast-growin educational and technical center in Western Siberia which i now the ninth largest city in the Soviet Union. In Novo ibirsk, CONNECT ' s co-directors met with Mayor Chikinyev t discuss the proposed pairing and delivered letters from May r Fraser of Minneapolis and Mayor Latimer of St. Paul indica ing their support for the program. Mayor Chikinyev as most interested in the prospect of a linkage with the Twin Cities and in the potential for trade and educational/cultural exchanges which might result from such a pairing. He prepared letters for Mayor Fraser and Mayor Lati er expressing his support for the Sister City Program. In Novosibirsk, Susan Hartm n and Paula DeCosse also met with Gennady Radaer, Assist nt Chairman of the City Council; Yuri Yershov, Rector of Nov sibirsk State University; and Vladimir Kharitonov, Dean o 5tudies at the �avrentev Physics and Mathematics Sch ol in Akademgorodok, which has recently established a uniq e academic exchange program with Phillips Andover Academy. artman and DeCosse also visited and met the directors of a allet school, two special English language schools, a children 's art gallery, and the university library. All ex ressed interest in exchanges in the context of the Sister C ty Program. In Moscow, Hartman and DeCo se discussed the procedure for formalizing the sister city relationship with Yuri Menshikov, Secretary of the Association for Relations between Soviet and Foreign ities. Menshikov indicated that the Association is most sup ortive of the proposed pairing and will do all that it can to help. Video Letter Exchange Nearly two years ago, CONNE T proposed a video tape exchange between Minnesota students nd young people at the Central Pioneer Palace in Moscow. he video letter program has now been approved, and CONNECT as received assurance that video equipment and tapes can be leared through customs in Moscow. A Twin Cities teacher will travel to Moscow to present video workshops with students and teachers at the Pioneer Palace in spring or fall, 1988. . . G�-���y � Chess Match by Telex In January, 1988 , six chi dren ages 9-11 (three boys and three girls) from Twin Ci ies chess clubs will play a 3-hour match with their counterp rts at the Central Pioneer Palace in Moscow. The moves wil be relayed by telex. US-USSR Holida s and Cele rations CONNECT confirmed plans t pair Lake Country School in Minneapolis with School 3 in Moscow for a three-year program in which children at the two schools will learn about and celebrate each ther 's holidays: 1987-88 : The childr n in each school will choose three favorite holidays and wil prepare all the information and materials which children n the other country will need to ' celebrate these festivals Photos and journals documenting the process of the teache s and students will also be exchanged. 1988-89: Children i each school will celebrate the holidays of the other cou try in as authentic a manner as possible. 1989-90: Children i the two countries will develop a joint Soviet-American hol ' day. A delegation from Lake Country School will trave to Moscow to celebrate the new holiday with their Soviet counterparts. CONNECT is exploring the ossibility of publishing a curriculum in Minnesota a d in Moscow as a result of this project. Minnesota/Soviet Seminar or Hi h School Students The new Soviet Children' s Fund has agreed to make arrangements for a semina , to be held in 1989 in the Soviet Union, in which Minnesota high school students explore the topic "Soviet Perspective on World War II . " The group will travel to Moscow, Leningr d, and Minsk. . Students will visit museums and war memorials stay with families who were involved with the war, an interview family members about their experiences. In Mi sk, American and Soviet students will undertake a camping rip retracing wartime activities of Soviet partisans with former partisan as a guide. . . ����,� CONNECT intends that the 1 89 seminar will be the first of a series of student exchange which will focus on topics of concern in both countries. The next seminar, planned for 1990, will bring Soviet st dents to the United States to study environmental issues Arts and Sports Exchanges In 1989 , CONNECT will brin a group of talented high school students to the Soviet Uni n to stage an American Arts Festival at the Moscow Cen ral Pioneer Palace and to perform at schools and Pioneer Pal ces in several other cities. The Minnesota students, skille in music, dance, media, or theatre, will give program for Soviet audiences and will also give joint performanc s with Soviet young people. In 1989 or 1990, CONNECT will host young Soviet performers in a return visit to Minnesota. This project, proposed in spring, 1987 by the Pionee Palace, was approved this fall by the Committee of Youth rganizations. In 1990, a Sports Festival may be arranged, with Minnesota high school students comin to the Soviet Union to participate in sports cont sts with Soviet young people and with a reciprocal visit by Soviet students to Minnesota. Joint Programs with Other Organizations Soviet and American Famil Research, Issues, and Policies With the University of Min esota Family Social Science Department and the Nationa Council on Family Relations, CONNECT is planning a majo symposium involving U.S. and U.S.S.R. experts on the fa ily. The symposium will take place in November, 1988, i Minnesota following the annual meeting of the National Co ncil on Family Relations in Philadelphia, to which the Soviets are also invited. In Moscow, CONNECT extended o ficial invitations to the head of the family department at t e Institute for Sociological Research and worked with s veral members of the Institute to incorporate their ideas in the proposal for the Minnesota symposium. . . �,.�� �7q Minnesota-Moscow Youth Ph to ra h Exhibit CONNECT ' s co-directors ha e obtained 50 photographs from the photography club at the M scow Pioneer Palace to complete the exchanqe initiated by CONNECT and Minnesota 4-H. The 50 Soviet photos will be dis layed with 50 photos taken by young people from Minneso a 4-H in a joint exhibit which will open in January at t e Lutheran Brotherhood Building in downtown Minneapolis and hen will tour around the state. Funding for a two-year to r has been obtained from the Bremer Foundation of St. aul. The Minnesota photographs have already been display d in Moscow at the Trade Union Hall and the Pioneer Pala e and will be exhibited again this year at other locations. US-USSR Youth Science Inv ntions A joint proposal from CON ECT and the Science Museum of Minnesota to arrange an e hibit science projects by Soviet and American young people has been accepted by the VDNKh (Exhibit of Economic Achi vements) in Moscow. A second Soviet partner organizati n will be chosen to make arrangments for the prepa ation of the Soviet exhibits and for the selection of Sovi t science teachers and students to visit the United States i connection with the exhibit here. onsulting Children ' s Theatre Com an One of CONNECT' s first pro rams was an art exchange with the Central Children 's Theatre in Moscow in 1984. Since that time, CONNECT ' s co-directors have been working to facilitate connections between the Central Children ' s Theatre and the Children ' s Theatre Company in Minneapolis. In 1986 , the two theatres and CONNECT sponsored an exchange of children' s drawings on their favorite literary characters, and in 1987 , the exhibit of art work by Minnesota and Soviet children was shown in Moscow. In spring, 1987 , the Minne polis theatre prepared a proposal for a USSR tour, which CON ECT presented to the Central Children' s Theatre. On le rning that the Moscow theatre was interested in hosting the roduction, CONNECT's co-directors encouraged Jon Cranney and Bill Conner of CTC to travel to . . G�� ��9 �• � Moscow and arranged meeti gs for them with the artistic director and executive di ector of the Central Children's -- Theatre. As a result of he meetings, a comprehensive program of exchanges has een arranged between the two theatres: in 1988 , Crann y and the CCT' s Alexei Borodin will direct productions i each other 's theatres, and in ' 1989 the theatre companie will exchange productions. EMS McGraw-Hill As a consultant to McGraw Hill, CONNECT has arranged a computer link between a M nnesota school and the Pioneer Palace in Moscow. McGraw Hill will donate technical equipment to the Pioneer alace and will provide training for the teachers there. f the project is carried out as planned, it will be the f rst on-going computer link between schools and youth organiz tions in the two countries. Minnesota School and Reso rce Center for the Arts While in Moscow, CONNECT ade arrangements for a visit to the USSR by board members from the Minnesota School and Resource Center for the A ts in fall, 1988. CONNECT arranged for a Soviet spo sor for the group anc7 met with Moscow arts orqanizations to share information about the Minnesota school and plan the visit.