88-476 WH1TE - CITY CLERK COUI1C11 ' / PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L �—`�'7f° GANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Co ci Resolution 3'7 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #1 615) for a One Day Gambling Permit (Raffle Only) applied for by the Women's Association of the Minnesota Symphony Orches ra (W.A.M.S.O.) at the World Trade Center, 30 E. 8th Street, on June 18, 1988, between the hours of 11:00 P.M. � and 12:00 M •dnight, to be held in conjunction with the 1988 Symphony Ba 1, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond ��•e• In Favor Goswitz �� � A ainst BY Sc6eibel — g Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR � i.'�W Form Appr e by i At r ey Cer4ified Y _ d y Council , ret � By � i gy, Appro d y Mavor: Date — Approve by ayor for Submission to Council By Pi1�l:S��� ,,_`,,.;-, -; :; 1 88 ���7� , DIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) PERMIT ADMINIST TION DATE � (� D "/ � °�� 0 � INTERDF.PARTMENTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant Q Y Y�� 1"�' l� ��� Home Address /(� c�. �� �-fT'�f L.e 0. bunSe �' Rusiness Name � �-(} � �. �•e�,. (� Home Phone 3 3a- �y 3� Business Address �'r�� � ��2 CQ V��TYPe of License(s) � � C(Yr� }j �i nh T�✓mt7 Business Phone �J��-.� �13 ( �,Q�� �,�l�t /� �� ( � 7-- Public Hearing Date icense I.D. 4� ���f� at 9:00 a.m. in the o nci Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� � llate Notice Sent; Dealer 41 �" to Applicant ����� �5� 03� Federal F3.rearms 4� �U A Public Hearing DATE II�'SPE TIUN REVIEW VERFIED (CO UTER) CUMMENTS A proved No A roved � Bldg I & D � ���- � Health Divn. ' � �,� { i Fire Dept. � � � N��- � � Yolice Dept. �,Q�"� I�l �J� License Divn. � � , i 3��� � City Attorney � i Date Received: Site Plan �/ N � To (',L�.�nsi 1 gesearch � �3 �0 Lease or J,�.t,t.er n (;«;, (',(�.,,,,�J Date from Landlord L� '�r r� ���'� �� . ��-�� - Minnesota Charitable Gambling Control B ard LAWFUL(3AMBLIIVG EXEMPTION Room N475 Griggs-Midway Building ���-- � 1821'Univer8ity Avenue FOR BOARD USE ONLY ;AM-. Sr..Paul,MN 55t043383 �-- , . �►'� '�� (612)642-0555 ,INSTRUGTIONS:._ 1.,-,Submit requesrforexemption at le t 30 days prior to the occasion. 2. Wherr completing form,do not com lete shaded areas until after the activity. �-. - 3. Giv�the gold copy to the City or C unty. Send the remaining copies to the Board.The copies will be ` � returned with an exemption numb added to the form. When your activity is concluded; complete .:--' PLEASETYPE the financial information,sign and ate the form, and return to the Board within 30 days. b,....� Organization Name Number of Members License Number Iif currently or previously Women's Assoc. of the MN Orchestra 1, 600 ��censedland/orpermitnumber. X-2'�131—'71 Address City State Zip Count 11I1 Nicollet Mal1 Mpls. MN 55403 �Iennepin Chief Executive Officer's Name Phone Manager's Name Phone Number �- Judi Blomquist �(61�)371-5 5 Janice Wilkinson � (6�2)37?-2542 �Typeof Organization ..._- - If Ott,ier Nonprofit Organization(Check One and attach proof of na�profit staWSl• �`'" ` ❑ Fraternal �Veterans � IRS Designation O Religion Other Nonprofit Organization �Incorporate with Secretary of State Attach proof of three years existence. ❑ Affiliate of Parent Nonprofit Organization Name of Premises Where Activity Will Occur Datelsl of Activity,drawing�s) Premises Address City State Zip County 30 East 7th St. St. Paul MN 55101 Ramsey June 18, 1988 � � , - � ��.�. .� < � _ , . . ��, .;.m, 3�,., � ._._ _.r . . ef . ' Game Yes No , �- • ,a �- � r�a_ � �� � �. � ,�a� ' �. Bingo X I .:-- Raffles X � .. '�^ Paddlewheels X � �- _ Tipboards x - , ; Pull-Tabs X � - . :. Use of Profit . All profit from the raffle is donate to the Minnesota Orchestra. �.`� � � ,� a# �t �" � ,�.-� �� " - ¢s� D�6ut�' d� d°'�''�.� �, +u-� '� ��`'^"`'�°�� � r� `� - �'-=• �a." . '�*.,,,,,�s '� .��. .��� �e, a, ,v: . ,-.. .. . . . ,� .,,; ... . ., . .,..._ _ . . . . - � � � I affirm all information submitted to the Board is true, ac or- ��'afft�m�at�ca��cr��mattor�subc�ittec�ta��'��aard �� I 7._.. ' �.t'C�X'�1c re#°{,' . �'.a�.'�u.�'# ,•,r '� " _;'t'.m,� et-'r � t..,. =� e`��a' � r ate,and complete. � � � � � � ��� � a " �1.� k<`" ,}>•-y-.� .t...:,� �;� `�Vf ��M ' . _., i ��_� . Chief�ecutive Officer Signature ; 1 D e ,� �: �.- ,. � ,•-� - �� � ��� � . � � ��-' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF N TICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY � _ . � � I�hereby acknowledgereceipt of a copy of this application By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been served with notice ' �-� '� that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable G mbling Control Board and will become effective 30 days from the date of receipt (noted below)by the City or County, unle s a resolution of the local governing body is passed which specifi- cally disallows such activity and a copy of that resoluti is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the below noted date. :_:>" CITY OR COUNTY TOWNSHIP Namenf�ocal Goveming.�ody ICitq or County) Township Name(Must be notified when County is the approving body) 'i? - � ;t ' .(f yfi ,.,.>r i. ✓��- . +_ �. , �� � + � i : Signature of Pets Receiving Application i^� ,; � Signature ot Person Receiving Application �`` `j. ,?+�� .��y vt�iv � ^!'/l� TKIe� J , �� y r+ i Qate R " ed Title Date -.�_ , , �.. --�' :..:✓ . �--' f ' , - CG-00020-01 16/87) White—Board Canary—Board returns to Organization to complete shaded areas. Pink—Organization Gold—City or County - ity of Saint Paul -��`!o , ' Department of Fin nce and Management Services � . Licens and Permit Division . � �(,� `� � 203 City HaIY Lu St. Paul, innesota 55102-298-5056 , APPI.lCA lON FOR LICENSE ! CASFF CNECK CLASS NO. ew Renew � .-L� Q �� � � / r�, ' .;_. . 2 6 5 Ia., Date• �/� `r t9 :-... �ti� � , Code No. , Title of Ucense From6- � � -� 19_To� `� 19 � � - in / --''r '� � � ��� _ �a�12 p�v�� -r �tri� J (�v ��� ' • i �oo �.��0►�'�Qn�, �S s v c C�t `�-h v� ,c'`,:.�,����t�-� AppliyantlCompany Name • , � � ,`` ' ;�'.�' ?-l.y �yrrJ nu�-,y �r . ,�sT. �.� ;.: .. t 00 , � , .� �..J �rIC1 � Y'���=:,, (_���-:t%r— 100 Business Name � 100 � V C. ��� � C � Businsss addresa Phorw Na � 1� _ �J ��:v� 100 Mail to Address Phone No. � . 1 - � . ' 100 �Gl i� 1 C �1 i %C; � _�� ManaptNOwner•Nams 100 .- i 4+ d ,c�i � , r -`{ ��,� 100 Atanaqx/Gwner•Home Address Phone No.—._- 4098 Applicatlon Fee 2. 5� _',� �, � Received the Sum of 100 /�1� �� . i��y� � � �7'JJ � • ,p?,� ManaqedOwner-City,Slate 8 Zip Code • � 100 Tot 1 100 � ,Y:t ! ��, . ,'� �. � � �: ;-i� . I �� � � '"�'�'�� • `t `.--`--� � L'ICense InspeCtor v� � By: �— Signature of Applicant , Bond• ; Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oate � Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiretion Date Minnesota State Identification No. Social Security No i Vehicie information: Serial Number late Number ; Other. THIS IS A RE E1PT FOR APPLICATION � THIS IS NOTA LICENSETO OPEPATE Your application for Iic nse will either be granted or rejected sub�ect to the provisions of the zoning � � ordinance and completlon of the inapeciions by the Health, Fi e,Zoning andlor License Inspectors. i ' ��L�)�$ �,u� `�'�° ' $15.00 CHARGE FO ALL RETURNED CHECKS , , . ^ _;l, �� -� ,2.vt..�-�- ,� _ - �^,D n.�'`�'`'`.� � �� -� -�( �. I 3 j�1� �� � CITY OF SAIl�IT PAUL � ����'6 1• - �• ' ' • DEPART:�1T OF FINANC ?,ND ,'�lANAGEMENT SERVICES . � r�� ' ` DIVISION OF LICENSE �'D PERMIT ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION RE UIRID WZTH APPLICATION FOR ERMIT TO CONDUCT GAI�ffiLING SESSION IN SAINT PAUL Four sessions are allowed per year, with ach session being a maximum of four consecutive hours. This application aad a].1 �equirad attachmeats must be filed with the Licease Inspector at I.east thirty days prior to t e requested date of the gambling event. �- 1) Name of organization �NO�'1t(�l`S �S� alJ eF fl��l..(Nr� �`t sYrnPWD�� 0�2C�SiY�� C,W, ,ln•so. 2) Address where organization's regular eetings are held � 1 ) t IViCO��.�T /1'l.�.C.., titP�S . 3) Day and time of ineetings �a�'� In�.e�h (�.�.( `''"w p�. �,(L�. a�.t� fp �..n 4) Address where gambling session will b held '..Jbl� "i��N'DE Cp,jJ�Q_ ��'j �5���"�rJ�. 5) Is applicant owaer of propertq where ambling session will be held? Yes �_ No 6) If leased, who is the owaer of proper y wnere gan�Iing sess�on ;�iII be held? 0 vs,1�r � v,�'y i s ' r l�r.�., 7) Name of officer making application ^ [rsrn ��(" 8) Address of officer S� P ,53)� (, Date of birth 6�� ¢� 9) Name of manager who will conduct gamb ing session �Qh,tC2, (r(fr 1 (rrk.,Svn 10) Address of manager � �VI rd 's�3 11) Ia coanection with wE�at evenr is this gambling session being held? $ �nti P�►� f�u� 12) What type of gambling device(s) will e used? Paddlewheel Tipboard Raff e _�_ Pulltabs Bingo 13) Specify when gambling session(s) will take place: � . ' xouxs: dt'�w u� Q� � - Day(s) S�c4' Date(s) .� l8 ��?S From: (Maximum of four hou ) 14) T?i11 prizss be pa�c' in money or mer�h dise? (1agr��.Se� t 15) Is the applicant association organize under the laws of the State of Minnesota? �(�_ I6) How long has the organization beea i existence? r nQa.�erc��l �k S�p�/455� 17) What is the purpose of the organizat n? -Ep �� �w�.�ea�'"i h a.ueQ S.�n,��o,� �.e_ �'Vl i h n 25t��A �'rw.�n°"'� p 18) Officers of the organization: '� J Name-Title Address Date of birth 1�.�.�: �I��c�u,�1' Pre� . cwY,�.�.z�. �T . lo j�k1�- , �Q,/��ra� �f��S�ar.G� I SrJ.P� � , �:t.-C.Qe !�V'c�� ���5 ���1�y7 �LI�r�n r �k(�eb�h�; TY'�as 1 �Ivu. � . L�ce��- =���SJ 19) Give names of officers or any other person paid for services to the organization. Name-Title Address Date of Bi�tr, �*--r- �ov'vtQ sc�� s{c- �j �t►� ^Y1��►tce.�' I�-(,1 , _�l�1(39 " . ZO) In whose custodq wi11 records of organization's am 1 g sessions be. kept? _ G�.�(0- o Name ��vu,�p �,1 k�v�So✓� ress �'{I� �M.�u,�� (�^v���'� , 21) Attach a cover letter defining the event for which you are requesting this license. 22) Attach a letter of permission to conduct the gambling session at the requested address. 23) Attach a copy of your organization's membership. roster and date each member joined. �.�n.�, �.rZ 1�DD Ih�yyt�4�t�'S . �f'W°L'-`d (oe. � ratXtcu� {v a�. �t. �,�.,5� Ibsfz.t.^, 24) Attach a copy of the Department of the Tr�sury, Internal Revenue Service "Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax", Fox� 990. [Chapter 419.04 (I) ] 25 i c�i�`.�n�:,i d. CGL'y" C?f ��'�:i±��2.^.� Gi �::3 ��:&S:.iI`i. LIiCrST131 ::f3VeL'uC :�c:2�iCZ� �±E�empi:. Oigaui� zation Business Income Ta��", Form 990T. (Chapter 419.04 (2) ] 26) Attach the annual report required of charitable organizations by Minnesota Statutes, Section 309.53. [Chapter 419.04 (3)J 27) Have you read and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation of gambling sessions? ��� 28) Any changes desired by the applicant association may be ma.de only with the consent of the License Committee. 29) Has any person(s) participating in the operation of any of the gambling sessions covered by this license ever been convicted of a felony in the State of Minnesota or in any other State or Federal Court? Yes No _�. If answer is "yes", provide names, addresses, and birth dates. Organization: �91�u,G�U 5 �55�C'-tP�Ta7J �b� µiNl�-S�ZA- �►2c��-Tn2� v b By: (Officer-Title) an State of Minnesota) nager in charge of gambling session) ) ss County of Kamsey j i Ju.CE� Blom�u,�;5f and JaniC� I�i1k�r�sorl being duly swo say that they are the petitioners in the above application; that they have read the foregoing petition and know the conteats thereof; that the same is true of their own knowledge. Subscribed and swo n befo e me this (o day of �i�l.L�.r� 19�g r . �,,��` PAFi�S�L ^AF'lAN ° . . �i.�e� NOTARY PUtiLIC—MINNE50TA No Public, Countp, Minnesota ���, HENNEPIN COUNTY My Commission Exp r s M'�.�sia. �3, �s�,^, ;�1"�1'�`rMnnr�v+,w��w�MMn^.- ' Building Department Approved Disapproved by Fire Department Approved Disapproved by Police Department Approved Disapproved by G���7� ���� 1111 NICOL MALL ■ MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 5640Ci ■ 371-5664 WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION � . MINNESpTA�ORCNESTqA- � � . . i- March 11, 1988 City of St. Paul Department of Finance and Management Services Division of Licenses and Perm.it Administration Room 203, City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Attention: Christine The WAMSO Symphony Ball is an annu 1 event that has been held for the past 32 years and is considered one of he major fundraisi.ng events in the ltain Cities. The Ball is a forma.l dinner dance t which the Minnesota Orchestra performs and all proceeds benefit the Minne ota Orchestra. � Thank you for considering our appl cation. Sincerely, � a Blomquist President las � d,,��-�-�7� I �� i : � j BCE.Development Properties Inc. 1500 Meritor Tower, 444 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 Teiephone (612) 291-8900 ;- March 14, 1988 City of Saint Paul Department of Finance & Management Se ice Division of License and Permit Admini tration Room 203 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Christine: BCE Development Properties, Inc. owne s of Saint Paul Center and the Minnesota World Trade Center, hereby onsents to the application by WAI�SO (Women's Association for the Minnesot Symphony Orchestra) for a gambling permit. The permit is necessary for he raffle which is part of the Symphony Ball to be held at Saint Pau Center and the World Trade Center on June 18, 1988, Should you have any questions regardi g this matter, please contact our office directly. S ince��],�, /j / , ' J` /> ,`l �' �`. 'c ard orsl nd Property Manager BCE Development RTA:kll � < <om�Y . � �� °° '�t'`fo .�.r,a� C1TY OF SAINT PAUL � ;° 't DEPART ENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES : ��� „e DIVISION OF UCENSE AND PfRMIT ADMINISTRATION �, ���� Room 203,City Hall Saint Paul,Mi�nesota 55102 Geo�r Latimer Mayor +-- i• March 22, 1988 Parrel A. Caplan 10 South Sth Stzeet St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Ms. Caplan: Your application for a City G Ling Permit has been receined in this office. A hearing on your applicatioa for Raffle ID #(s) 126I5 will be held. before the St. Paul City Coun il on April S, 1988 at 9:00 A.�i., Third Floor of the City aad Caunty ourt House. This data may be changed without the License � Pezmit ivisioa's conseat and/or knowledge. Therefore, it is suggested th t you call the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 to confirm this hear g date. You are fiereby notified that our attendance is required at this meeting. Failure to appear q result in denial of your application. Very truly yours, � � �seph P. Carcfied"r �-' "�. _ _..;�,, License Inspector JFC/lk . ��-�-�'�� _ ��.=•.e. C1TY OF SAINT PAUL '' ' ' DEPAR MENT OF FINANCF AND MANAGEMENT SERViCES • • . ��e DIVISION OF UCENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,..� Room 203. City Hall Sain!Paul,Minnesota 55102 _ �ieo��LitlttllP _. �� L- ' y t- 3/21/88 To: Virginia Baisley _ From: Christine Roze Re: Record Check In connection with an ap lication for a One Day Raffle at the ` World Trade Center, a re rd check is requested on the following: Judi Blomquist Janice Wilkinson 1545 Edgecumbe Road 1418 Mount Curve St. Paul St. Paul Birthdate: 6/28/42 Birthdate: 10/13/48 Sandra Krebsbach Eleanor Dulebohn 1832 Twin Circle Dr 4410 Manitoba Road Mendota Heights Excelsior Birthdate: 3/12/47 Birthdate: 6/24/35 CR/car aue rm��ec o�aa�ree�m �i����L� J� �, c�a;. ����# �� �o. 0�41�2� ���� ����� c'ha:�s�.ine R�zek � —' �.�.�� 3�«�w� �. �R — 2 Ovu�i,l Rese�h - Fi�ve & Mr�mt. 2�8-505f� � ��� � � r�- . ..,. .. -_ . .... ,. .. ,�, CITV ATTORNEY .... , . .` City Gaanb].ii�g �ermit �(Raff].e on].y) . � _ N�g'ICATIGN DATE:. 3/22/88 L1ATE: ��5/88 ' . ; _ f10Mt:tMpw+(�U a. tR)) � . PLMItBNG COAl1�IB8qN . . .. �CNIL�RVK�CONMI9SION �T�M� . . . . �.. NIALrST . .. . . .� (�11IX1E N0. . 1 . . . ZOWM�IG�ION .. . MD!¢6,8CFqOLBOARD �:'y�. �_�_ � . . � �'� J . . - . '� BTAFf� . '. .�.� � . :� , .CYfMiTER GOMAN9610N .� AB t8 .. . , � AQOL MFO.ADDEDi � ��_FOR A Di�� .. .� ADOm `- .. -.. . . . . _ . . _ * ��.. � DIBTpCT COI�iCL - �. � � . .� . .. .. �LANATION: � . . � . . . �,�,��►„�� Counc�I Research Center Y " MAR � 81988 . �►,.w�R s.u.,a.�,►cwno.wnn.,n+n�,,wne►:,wM�: : .. MB. ��_.A. (�l.dil� C�1 �1� Of '�YI�E.' e� �S ASSOC�dt.'LC3ll O$ t�Y M].TI��C#���:}3`�R�]��R'1�9 �t1'81 � `�i����O����� �� �/LYl�.il� ��'��V1 . _r ��VG1L�i�Ri �W �� V{�F .�, Mi�.�i. C�+f� 1i6i4iY1r `_ �,�;�ing _Pe�it ��affle c�ly) : � raffle '11 be l�e�.d �e 18, 1988 ,�t I2zE� m�ic�nt�ht at •tl�e �ld Tra�3e f�nter, 30 East 8th 3t.i�aet. The raffle will be heZd in' cz�nj��.an ar3.#h the `. 1988-`Sy�tyonY Ba].1. Proc�eds will be t�sed support the Miru�e�so�a S�atyo�y 0�`ehestra. `. ,iva�snrionpo.vu.��.M.;�+�u�..�.►: _ : . : , : , If t�cil �a1 is c�nted, tnT.A.M.S.O. 1]. be ab�.e to � a �affle at t�eir 1988 , S�bnY Ba].�- ' c�i�u�NCS twtia.wn.n�.a rn�nomy: ` . , � - _ ,. ., . If C�cil app�+ova3. is not granted, W.A.M. O. aa�i.l.l be unable to hold its raffle. � ��w►�as: . _ . . o�s _ . . . :. , ' . iwra�errr�c�►rrs: .. .,. , . _ , uoK�s: ,