88-474 WH17E - CI7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIlIICII �//�-�G / � BI.UERr - MAVORTMEN T G I TY O � SA I NT PA U L File NO. v�• - • �� oun l� esolution , 35 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. 13475) for a One Day City of St. Paul Gambling Permit (Paddle heels, Tipboards, and Pulltabs) and a One Day Temporary On ale 3.2 Malt Beverage License applied for by the Church of St. Matthew at 510 Hall Avenue (Parish Social Hall) on May 6, 988, between the hours of 8:00 P.M. and 12:00 Midnight be a d the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ^�•�s In Fav r Goswitz Rettman 8 s�ne;b�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR — � 1 Form Approved by Att ey Certified Pa s y ou�Se tar By — By 6lpprove \Aavor: Da APR ��D Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g By P"���.3���� . _ �`-���`' ,� �=�-�7`� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMIN STRATION DATE � /l 0 �/ c� /(p OO � INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Proce sed/Recei ed y Lic Enf Aud Applicaut �Q�,� l ,�QSL�'l Home Address �/ � (,J, O�-y�p�ar7 Aus ine s s Name �, ��ome Phone �.S�� /�3 � Business Address �1 D �� � Type of License(s) C�) C r�+i C�am b//h Business Phone �a► �1—� �3� rY�t �1"k��� � �P S � OQ ✓ S) ,,• l f-�A��) CI)T�►'n}7 0'� 54l� �� Public Hearing Date � � License I.D. 4l J �� _� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t �1I�' llate Notice Sent; I Dealer 41 N '/ � to Applicant (P �al o g� Federal Fi.rearms 4� rt 1 ^ Public Hearing ��' DATE INSP CTION REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) CONIl�4ENTS A roved N t A roved Bldg I & D I ti �� ; , Health Divn. ' � �,� ! � Fire Dept. i � � N ��� t Yolice Dept. �e'��I �� �� ! g � License Divn. �� ' ��17� City Attorney � 1 Date Received: Site Plan � !� To �ounc�1 ���rch a� � Lease or ett (�:—�-, ��,�� D te �c e.c ��. � ,i .."..., from Landlord � � . . ��=��7`f _' � Minnesota Charitabte Gambling Contr I Board LAWFUL GAMBLING EXEMPTION �� � Room N475 Griggs-Midway Building _ • 1821 Unive�sity Avenue FOR BOARD USE ONLY ��,;-:� - = St.Paul,MN 551043383 �"°��� (6121642-0555 �:_: -, INSTRUCTIONS� 1.. Submit request for exemption a least 30 days prior to the occasion. 4 = Z'_ When completing form, do not omplete shaded areas until after the activity. �_ 3".. Give the gold-copy to the City o County. Send the remaining copies to the Board. The copies will be - retumed with an exemption nu ber added to the form. When your activity is concluded; complete _ �- PLEASETYPE the financial information, sign a d date the form, and return to the Board within 30 days. '�'?'� Organization Name Number of Members License Number�if currently or previously - C���"�h of Saint ��fattf�ew 40aQ licensedland/orpermitnumber. g,.(�0572-003 Address 'ty State Zip County = 490 Hall Ave. 5t. Paul MPJ 5�i�� Ramsey Chief Executive Officer's Name Phone Manager's Name Phone Number �ev. Stephen J. Adrian , 612, 224- 793 same , , Type of Organization If Other Nonprofit Organization IChecic One and attach proof of nonprofit statusl. �: l� Fraternal 0 Veterans ❑ IRS Designation C'� Religion ❑ Other Nonprofit Organization ❑ Incorporate with Secretary of State Attach p�oof of three years existence. ❑ Affiliate of Parent Nonprofit Organization Name of Premises Where Activity Will Occur Datels)of Activity,drawinglsl Saintr�atthew's Sacial Hall Premises Address City State Zip County 1 f��N G , , -i`�,j- 5I0 Hall Ave. St. Paul, i�it1 F+1Pa 55I�7 �amsey r . . � r ��. �� �. �, �r .„ .n �. �. - � ,. , � , .� t �: Game Yes No � - Bingo X .,.� -.. �„ 7� . ;�. : _ Raffles X �-� � �'-. Paddlewheels X _.,. � Tipboards x ��� � � � ` ' ��. � Pull-Tabs X r ,�_ Use of Profit Re!igious Educatian Programs an� `fout ,�c�ivit_es , :; � � � , �w�"� � '°, `�`" ��,��' Df�m6dca`��icenseMra:# � � ,�,a� � � �..`+u.l fl § 4 �"^e g. . . . , . � .. ,_ �. � i ` r. � ��» . �� . �.""iJ�.4 �1 � c,, .. � _ '�"�,� °��'/' �, - -y �'°"` "' ��� y�.�';R � . �� I affirm all information.�utimitted to the Board is true, a or- �����f`trm�alF`f'�axancia�'mf�r� �s�br�s tt to�=t�f�Baa�ct<'i� ate, and coariplete.-� /- ., ;.�� ,�,R� �a�com�ai,:�., �s.�;�Y�,;,a;4� ���� E: y '°��. '� �'"�'_ ��1 ' t ._ �±'� ��/L-t-�/ �._ ��� � � , ,.� : -- �.�- � � � �- Chief Executive Offieer Signature te �,. � ., _ , , __ . ��` ,__ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTOF TICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY J-- 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this applicatio .By acknowledging receipt,I admit having been served with notice - ; that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable G mbling Control Board and will become effective 30 days from the date of receipt Inoted below) by the City or County, unle s a resolution of the local governing body is passed which speeifi- cally disallows such activity and a copy of that resoluti n is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the below noted date. CITY OR COUNTY TOWNSHIP . Name of Local Governing Body(City or County) Township Name IMust be notified when County is the approving body) �,,.`_.'C�� . t. �J��_.:., Signature of P on ReCeiving Application , Signature of Person Receivi�g Application '� � ; . \ . ti:� _ ;.:.,a l -( . \ i, .�...-.'��--.h..`. - - -'. . �" . . _A_ Title' � . Date Rec ved Title Date _ __ .. . _ . � V� _ ! i i � CG-OU020-01 I6/871 White—Board Canary—Board retums to Organization to complete shaded areas. Pink—Organization Gold-City or County �' `�_ � �� ����� r ', City of Saint Paul t �- Department of inance and Management Services ` �, . Lice se and Permit Division 203 City Hall� � St. Pa 1, Minnesota 55102-298-5056 APPL! ATION FOR LICENS� ! ��7� CASH � CNECK .- CLASS NO. New/ Renew � � r � � �_ � ��.. -- � Date / 19� -. �:� Code No. Title of License From � � 19�o ���% 19 oc/S (� l-r. "ir"' ��.� �,� � l � . -,-�� �' D ' � " ; ! ' ,-. , � /� � �— �--: � ; �{,�' �� ! ,00 �i�,r�y� � � 1 � :, �-*;r`C<� I (� ! � � : � � APPlieanUCo'mpany Name � /� c� / 100 r" ^ '�� � � :J.!''�/��' ���'-/ / ��Ll O\.C+ , t �� � " �.J ����� ..�� � ! � 100 Busl�ess Name � �I , � � i'7. �+ ' a?o,'/— .� �u � ^ p � , 100 � /Q � �/ / i"l��'`.....�-'� �Co'• �' Busi�eas Atldross Phon�Np, 100 � r �',} , � %. 1 � � i i) u � "' ::��',� � ,. 100 TMaiI to Addross � Phons No, �. / 1 —t.-� �.,. , t00 �// ,7�� �{ / . ' /'/' '1�<�:.`�..l� ManapalOwner•Nams� � % «/� / - ioo � �.-� � ` � g � � �� � / c L% I�.? . 10Q AtanaqeHGw�er•Home�Addteas PAons N 4098 Applicatiort Fee �.� Recelved the Sum of �pp . � ManayaAOw�er-City,State 6�p Cade 100 T tal 100 / � ' � '� � ` /'; �. (� i � ' % � �` '�;7 i�=�' r �1 /�+�,t\ I� UCBnSA InSp@CtOf ' ! � By; � ''""�' Signature of Applicant \ �'�, �/'/�'� �/�� �G C � •7'! . r,;,-, j' � � ' � G'• > �/ 7 ;'r j �r�: Bond• _- �• i •r'� / c.— ��` �� / /� _ _� � Company Name "Policy No. Expi�atio�Dats Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oat� Mlnnesota State Identification No. Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serfal Number lals Numbsr Other. THIS IS A RE �1PT FOR APPUCATION THIS IS NOTA LICENSE.TO OPERATE Your application for li ense will eitherbe gra�ted or rejected subjec!to the provislons of the zoaing ordlnance and completion of the inspections by the F4ealth, re,Zoning and/or Ucense Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FO ALL RETURNED CHECKS ��� , 5 ) , p��- ��T T �p�, (�,�,T.�.3�i�`�'��.✓ s� ����� � . � � ��-��y ; .. . . CITY OF S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �1 A L'� APPLICATION FOR TEMPO Y ON-SALE I�I.TOXI NOTE: This application must be filled o t and signed at the time of your interview with the License Inspector, 30 da s rior to the date of the event.. �.- 1. Name of organization Chut^Ch 0 St. Mdtthew 2. P.:?dress of organization St. Mdtt ew's Parish Center 490 Hall Ave. 3. Type of organization - check one whi h is applicable. CZVIC ( ) CHARITABLE ( ) RELIGIOUS (X ) VETERANS ( ) 4. List all officers and directors. President Dennis Chirhart 1052 Ottawa 457-3018 NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. Vice President hAME ADDRESS PHOIdE �tiG. Secretary Jean Md►1rling 749 Ottawa 297-9567 NAME ADDRESS ' PHUNE N0. Treasurer Joseph Steven 175 W. Isabel 291-2921 - NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. others Rev. Stephen J. Adrian 507 Hall Ave. 224-1037 NAME ADDRESS PIiOPJE �0. NAME ADDRESS PHO:IE �i0. 5. Location of premises for which appli ation is made St. Matthew' s SOC181 Hdll 510 Hdll Ave. Saint Paul, MN 55107 ��i� Cod�; 3�� Ma1-�- 6. Date(s) and hours during which the i r will be sold 8:00 p.m.- midtlight on Friday, May 6, 1988 7. For what will profits be used? Ed cation program for the school and youth activities How will profits be disbursed (or spe t)? thr�uah rh��rnc �hP�k hnnk _. -� 8. Upon completion of events you will be required to submit a financial statement showing expenses for event and use�made of pr fits. 9. Attach to this application a letter o consent from the owner and/or a person with lawful responsibility for the premise for which this lic::::se is being requested. (OVER) I0. Every applicant for a temporary On Sale Liquor License shall file with his appli— cation therefore, a bond with a valid Power of Attorney attached, in the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) . The surety on such bond shall be a surety company licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota, and the bond shall be �pproved as to forni and execution by the Corporation Counsel. Said bond shall be conditioned as follows: �- a) That the licensee will pay to the municipality, when due, all taxes, license fees, penalties and other charges as provided by law. b) That the licensee will obey the law relating to such licensed business, and that in the event of any violation of the provisions of such law, the licensee will pay all fines, penalties and other charges as provided by law. c) That the licensee will pay, to the extent of the principal amount of such bond, any damages for death or injury caused by or resulting from the violation of an� provisions of law relating to the business for which such licensee has been granted a license, and conditioned that surh recovery may be had from the surety on the bond. The amount recoverable shall be measured by the actual damages, provided, however, that in no case shall such surety be liable for any amount in excess of the amount of the bond. 11. $3,0000 On Sale Liquor Bond and Liquor Liability Insurance (Accord Certificate) as per attached. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) R2V. Stephen J. Adt^idtl being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. � Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of Mdl"Ch 19 88 . _ � ary Public, Ramsey Coun , Minnesota My commission expires SUDlTH A. HEL�+-�j'Z ; �.`. . !:�♦ nl«"�;� NpSARY Pl'il��—w�INNkS�`�� t t �t'"�`r' Di+i viA �'Ji.:N1Y i �!"V �i p Ny�amm�ss:sn �xci:as$-::�-?l � - . , �-.�-�7�f �. . � .. '•"''r w �i. _.L�.. .� ' .. . T'r'.'�,t'i�'":�1T OF �.1::� 3I:rJ i1n►'�,sG��:T S.:.?�TICLS � DI4'r�IO:I 0�'�' iu.� �iSc. r1.'dD ��IT a:MIP?IS�'zA^S(u"T ITd'r'OP�:AT2CY •�C?L� �•1Ii? Ar"`����TIQ1 R ?z'u'�TM' '^Q CC':�"�tTC'�' Gni'�I.ZTG S�SSIO�' _^:•i �T. PAOL . _.Z._...::a�e o� �aai:.atioa Sa i nt Mat ew' s Men's C 1 ub and the Church of Sa i nt Matthew � 510 Ha l l A�ve. 2� 3d�ss +�here �gaai.zatioa's- re., ar mest:'�s a.� h�ld - - - _3. .. Dap� aad tir�e of� �eetia��-s 2nd. We nesday of ever month at 8:00 .m. J�_ Addrsss whers GambLa� Sessiaa. � ' t�e- held 510 Hal l Ave. �. Is �o.'�.cant owner oi propertp wh re Gamb]y-� Session. xill be helc? X Yes "o 6�. L Lased, c�rho is awner of �rooe wt�.ere Gaziblin� Sessi�. t,riL be re�d? 7. T.f Ieased, atL„ach lsty�.er of pe . ' sion to coaduct Ga.�blir.� Sessioa, s gaed b3r i essor. 8. Name of off�cer- �aat�.ng apol.icatio Rev. Steohen J. Adrian 9• Address of of�_cer malQ.ng a�olica oa 507 Hdll Ave. Date o� tr�rth 4/15/42 10. i;ame cF inana�er who wi11 canduct ambl.ing Sessioa Andrew Gross L.. �iddress of �ar�ager 151 W. B l v i dere � D�te of birtYL I 0/27/56 12. In conaection. �sith �a�a.t event is !�s GambL.ng Sessioa be� heZd? Men's Club Fishermen's Par y . ?3. tiv'hat t�e oi ga�bLng devi.cs(s) - be used? Paddle�r�el X '►�`.pboard X ?.afj'7.e Ili.. �ay, datas and :�ours th:s aanLca on is =or anc nu�ber of sessions. ���5� Friday �ates Mdy , 1988 1-0� 8:00 - 12:00 r;o. oi Sess�ons 1 i5. �jill. pr_zes be paic ;w :�ans� or �. �.a..*�dise? both - I6. :s t:� an�Lcant association ora 'zed under �he laws of tw.e State �i :-��:ssota? Yes I.7. �ow iong 'r.as Cr�a.r.t�zation beea in stence? 100 yedrs 1�. �r�a.t is the p�ose oi ��.e Orga*+;� tion? Rel i gi ous EduCatl on 19. Of�icers of the Orgar�izatioa iiame Ti'�,.ie �ddress �ate ai bi��rh. Dennis Chirhart 1052 Ottawa 12/17/44 Jean Mannin4 749 Ottawa 8/13/40 Joseph Stevens 175 W I b 1 /42 Rev Stephen J. Adrian 507 Hal A 4/15/4� � . ����� ZO•. �:ve aaa.es oi oi=icers or a� othe aerso�s paid •°or se�ces to z�s Qr�a�za�ior.. �` Vaate-Tiy�.l.e dcidx�ss �ate o? �_-:h Rev. Stephen J. Adrian 507 Hall Ave. 4/15/42 �2Z« ra wcose c•.isto� *�ri.T1 x�cards oi a�.zatioa's �Embli,ag Sessions �e- kept? � � ilame Andrew Gross �eSS 151 W. Belvid�re � �`� 1 22.-_.At�ach a. c opy of �our OrgamzaZian s a�mbers�p raster. aad date eac!� ctembe r �ained. .. 23.__.Attach t.`Ze Gaab ;„ Session ;.aaar�e 's bon�. _ZL._ �ttach a c�y oi �ue �e*sar*�.�ent of tr.e Treasu.�, Interaal �evenue Service "Ft.eturn oi Orgaai.zatioa rxet�mt from Inco�te '" ", rornc 9?0. (Chzpter Is1.4.�L. (Z).) ._.._25.- ..�ttac:� a ce-�y of Leaa.-tzen� oi the ^�asiu^r, In�erZal ?evemie �ervice, ''�e�t Or�an- . _ izatioa 5usiness Income Tax", ��o�nt 9�OTr. (C��.pter ts19.OL. (2).} 26. �ttach tr.e a.naual repory rec��,.��d f c�ax�-;table or�anizatyons bp :`in.nesoia Statut2s, .. Secz�cn 3C9.�3. (Chaat�r !i).9.Oh ( ). ) 27. F•a�e Tou read and do �ou thorovF undsrs�ar.d the pr�sions o� all la�rs, ordinancss �. � .and re�ulations goner�,ng the .00e ion. cf Gemblir� Sessions? yes 28. �- cnazt�es desi�d b� w�e a�pLc associatioa may be mace orly- *rrith �:�.e consent o� .__._..__ . . . . the Licsnse Coam�i.ttee. ' 29.. iias aa�' persoa(s) par�cipat��ag i.a the aperation of auy oi t.':e �amb�i.r.� sessioas .coQ- ered by this Lc�nse ever beea con :.c�ed of a _elouy- in tre Sta.ta oi �iinnesota or i.n �` � a� oiher State or .yederal Couc�t? es Va X . L? a_ns-aer is "�es", provi3e r.ames, add�-bsses and birth-da.tes. � Church of St. Matthew G4�am.zatioa _. .. gp � l. fiC e) ; � � . �� ��� (Iianager in c'- e oi �amoL� Sess-�on) _State of :4innesota) iSS Couat� ai ?.aasey ) Rev. Ste hen J. Adrian aad Andrew Gross cer.ng d� sworr sa� �hat ine� a-e the p t�t:.oners � the above �lication; :tiati ;,:�e? ^.ave rsad �he foregoi� pet�tion a�d rmo�r the contents tuereof; �hat the same is true of t.`.e�r ot�m. �uo��ledae. Suyscx^�bed and swor� to beiore r�e t:�.s 8th day� ai March 1a 88 - -- � w .-� JUDITH A. HEI„SPE� ivor�Qr rueuc_ vo MIfq1E669I� � .�fp-co��sion�P���s '' . � =�IlII@SO -- - - - My-_o��°x�"r+�Ng�23�1 3uildiIIr D eaa•t�eQt d�roved_ Dis _roved. b� Li_e Denazti:,.ent :��raved ?is roved hp ?oLc� �Jeparcnent :�aproved"-�i is �_rarvzd--�y .., ., �����y � �. �,� � � _" i11 ti a. Cbu�ch of Saint N�tthew 507 Ha11 �Ave. Saint Paul, Mirtnesota 55107 3/8/88 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Mr Paul Desch is hereby ap ointed as my agent to represent me in matters re arding the Saint Matthew's Fishermen's Party. The proceeds of wh'ch are to go to further Religious Education at the Church of Saint Matthew. Yours sincerely, � ��� S e . Adrian ' Pa or ; Church of Saint Matthew , � C��--��./ . , __..,-,-�.�e. , T11 � t — ii1 � �.• Chu�ch of Saint Matthew 507 Nall Ave. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 3/8/88 City of Saint Pa-ul Division of License and Pe mit Administration TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: , Permission is hereby grant d to the Church of Saint Matthew and Saint Matthew;s Men's Club to conduct a Fishermen's Party the evening of Friday, May 6, 1988 8:00 p.m. to midnight on the premises of the Church. It is understood that beer ill be served and that a gambling session will take p���e Yours sincerely . , G i� S p e J. Adrian or Churchof Saint Matthew ; ��'—�?� _ ,�.*=a. C1TY OF SAINT PAUL ` `� ' DEP RTMENT OF FiNANCF AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES . + � :� � DIVISION OF LICENSE/1ND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ���� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �'.�lOf�LitlTlf �� �. 3/17/88 T0; Virginia Baisley From: Christine.�Rozek"` Re: Record Cheek In connection with an applicatio for a one day gambling and malt license at 510 Hall , a record check is requ sted on the following: Stephen J. Adrian Andrew Gross 507 Hall Ave. 151 W. Belvidere St. Paul St. Paul Birthdate: 4/15/42 Birthdate: 10/27/56 Dennis Chirhart Jean Manning 1052 Ottawa 749 Ottawa St. Paul St. Paul Birthdate: 12/17/44 Birthdate: 8/13/40 Joseph Stevens 175 W. Isabel St. Paul Birthdate: / /42 - CR/car � ����� . ;4�<<.•_., ' C1TY OF SAINT PAUL � � DEPA TMEIVT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMEN7 SERVICES + �� � DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION . .. ,... Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul.Minnesoa 55102 _ GeOtgae Latimlr MaYor' . s- t- I�arC�2 22, 1988 . Paul Desch (Church of St. tthew) 418 W. Thompson West St. Paul, MN 55118 Dear Mr. Desch: A review of the investigati ns which were made in connection with your � application has been comple ed. It wi11 be my recommendation that your licease(s) be granted. � A hearing on your applicati n for Paddlewheels, Tipboards, Pulltabs, and Temporary On Sale Malt Beve age License(s) , ID �(s) I3475 and 26004 wi11 be held before the Saint Pa City Council oa April 5, I988 at 9:00 A.M. in the Third Floor Council ambers, City and County Court House. This date map be changed without the License � Permit Dinision's coasent and/or knowledge. Therefor , it is suggested that you call the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 o confina this hearing date. Your presence is required a this hearing in order to respond to any questions that may arise. The City Council may have a /or receive other informa.tion which I am presently not aware of that y cause them not to follow my reco�end- ation. Very 1y yours, � r�� � .,� � . ,- � . . • ,�;. . ._.. , � � � /i '�„�-.'"�.�� ...�-.'t..� Jd'geph F�Carchedi License Inspector JFC/lk _ w,�n.nn cn�co�ra.e,tw . <. - _ �� �� - : , . . J� F: carc.x,adi _ ��'��`�` r�MO: 0 0�..�L��} oer�a►�r�r oir�craa- w�ron 1bt�sr�[rt►: . C'�'t��:8� 1�Z�k � '�"�a�rr ae�nose owdcron 3 cro s�wc ra. �. . .— — _ ' :;. h0lliNiG euot�r ox�tcror+ ���l ��,rh - �:� & �. �-�oss «�: i ��� , Application for a C�e Day Ga�ling t "(Pa�dd�e�,ls,` Tfp�oaxds>& Fullt.�bs) �t�d a � ':�anporary On Sale Malt. , _ �0►T�LCATICN DA�L: 3/22/88 LiA�$s 4/5/88 _ , . 'f70f�:6�PC�!a's(M a Ayect(R)) - t�IN�iCK. RlP61Mis. _ " . . � PLMNIO ODAlIM9Q10l1 CNIL SERVVICE COM11188ION � DATE IN - .� , � DATE .. 11NALY8r�.� . ... . . . PFqf�ND. : . � � � - �., mlMq GCMMBBIOM � 1�8�BCHOOL BOARD , � .. . � � �'� _ � � � . L� ..�. .. .�� � . ., ..� $TAFF. . fYIARTER GOA�I�ON. � . � A818 � �. AODl�IfIFO.�ADDEO* �. �__�AO L�.�' . �ADOL•a�. �� '.. DIYTRICi OOUAICIL .. - . . � � � � . � . ���.� � ;CounciJ Resear�h Center MAR 2 8 � . ..�r M.at._o�►oRn,►«T,r(w�,wn�.wn.�,.wn�r.w�rr , Mr. Pa�al>�t, on behalf of_ the (�itrch f St. Matth�.w, i.s re4ue�ti�uJ �raval of theis a�lica�'tiari f� a Orie Day Ga�li�g P�i. (Paddl;ew�eels, Tipboa�7s & Pu].1.t�b�? � a � 7.�o�rar�r tki �a1e Malt I.i.cerise for i�r 6 1988 � tl�e hio�s of 8:OQ p.�. ar�. ��it10 p.m. .Ttieae i�.c� are requ�sted in �or�j ;with a Fi�'s Party t� be�3�ci �t S,tO.�17 Av�ia�e (Parish Soci.al Hall). Frooeeia f the ev�ent will be used f�r` edueatior�atl p�c`a� and yova�t.i� activities. � . �,�.�i.o.e.A..w��: _, . , _ I� tbis applicatic� is -app�ort�d. .fi�' 'of 3�. Matth� will be allo�w�ec�i t�o � this e�nt with malt and charitable ga�nbling. �: ...�t�t..+H►iw+.r,a�o vYl,o�: . . , . , .. . If this applicatioa� is r�ot apprc�, tY� Churc.h t�€ St. Mattt� wiil r� lae allcxa�ed to spor�or thi.s event with malt and chari e ga�nb�i�g. : �.�wr►�: anot , oor�s — — .. _ ar�rs: �ioa.��ws: _