88-473 WHIJE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1�1C1I ������ CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF S I NT PALT L Bl_UE - MAVOR File NO. Council esolution � Presented By ��'���'�y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #1 824) for the renewal of a State Class A Charitable Gambling Lic nse by the Alano Society of St. Paul at 520 North Robert Stree be and the same is hereby approved/ ��• COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond I.ong [n Fav r Goswitz Rectmaa b, B Scheibel A gai n s Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR — 5 � Focm A ove City Att ney Certified Ya. •e b ouncil , t BY — Bl, J Ap o y 1+lavor: Date H�R Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council --_.:_:,_.� By Pi.�!lSNED �� : ;: � �:': ��� �����3 3 r �� 3 l�.j �j D�VISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT A.DMINISTRAT ON DATE � / / O � INTE,RDFPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant Home Address _ .� Business Iv'ame � ttT �' om�Phone Business Address � Z-U �, Rv�i,QY'� Type of Lic.ense(s) ��n�QGU a-I � � � Business Phone a — �� �� l� A �/a�'r1 [Y! ���-S�'v Public Hearing Date s p License I.D. 41 � 4 g a� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� � '/4' —� llate Nutice Sent; �� Dealer 4f � � to Applicant � (��� ��o�� Federal Fi_rearms 4� �J /�' Public Hearing DATE INSPEC IUN REVIEW VERFIED (CO UTER) CONI�4ENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D I � � � � Health Divn. � , �j� � � _ ; Fire Dept. i � � I i � � ' 3 .�� � Yolice Dept. s�1�� I License Divn. � i City Attorney � Date Received: Site Plan !v � � `� To Ce�uur��YResearch Q Lease ar Letter � (�;�,. �� Date f rom Landlord w 1'1 �(�C l 1 !� �� + � � - � � - - " J���73 �„ Charitable Gambling Control Board ���. Rm N-475 Griggs-Midway Bldg. For Board Use Oniy �. - 1821 University Ave. Paid Amt: ' St. Paul, MN 55104-3383 Check No. :....:' (612)642-0555 Date: *��;' '` . GAMBLING LICENSE NEWAL APPLICATION - UCENSE NUMBER: A-t)1985-001 /EFF. DATE 4�►l16/87 /AMOUNT OFFEE: f100.00 `. .'1:Applicant—Legal Name of Organization- 2 Street Address. - �' ALANO SOCIETY ST PAI� 520 North Rohewk 5tr'ee! , +�? ,� � �`� 3.Ciry,State,Zp 4.Counry 5.Business Phone ,; . _V�,,r St Paal. MN �'i10t Ri+rsev 612 ?.22-553b 6. Name of Chief Executive Officer 7.Business Phone _ � � - ;��,: 8. Name of Treasurer or Person Who Accounts for Revenues 9.Business Phone _ � 10. ame of Gambling Manager 11. Bond Number 12. Business P one � Gorr�on Cole 2417?AiQO � 13. Name of Establishment Where Gambting Will Take Ptace 14.Counry � 15. No.of Active Members - St Aaul Alara Societv St Paui �ae+sev �25 16. Lessor Name 17. Monthly Rent: /'v � 30 18. If Bingo will be conducted with this license,please specify days an times of Bingo. �" .�_ Days Times Days Times Days Times � '� t�p "'� 19. Has license ever been: ❑ Revoked Date: Suspended Date: ❑ Denied Date: 20. Have internal controls been submitted previously? �Yes 0 No(If"No,"attach copy) * , 21. Has current lease been filed with the board? I�Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy) • ?2.Has current sketch been filed with the board? �'Yes 0 No(If'No,"attach copy) ��:'' � GAMBLING TE AUTHORIZATION - � .. . _ - � �my signature below, loca!law enforcement officers or agents ot th Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site,at any time, gambling is_ being conducted,to observe the gambling and to enforce the law for ny unauthorized game or practice. - BANK REC RDS AUTHORIZATION By my signature below,the Board is hereby authorized to inspect th bank records of the General Gambling Bank Account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. OATH I hereby declare that: �' - 1. I have read this application and all information submitted to the ard; 2 All information submitted is true, accurate and complete; 3. Alt other required information has been fully disclosed; 4_ I am the chief executive officer of the organization; 5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all ctivities to be conducted; 6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Minnesota r pecting gambling and rules of the board and agree,if licensed,to abide by those laws and rules, including amendments thereta 23.Official Legal Name of Organization Signa re(Chi f Executive Officer) Date Title 1 ^ . + q�n. — 7' Z'N , �-/ - '�fi�- � ACKNOWLEDGEMENT O NOTICE BY LOCAL OVERNING BODY v 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this application. By ack wledging receipt.I admit having been served with notice thar this application will ��"� be reviewed by,the Charitable Gambting Control Board and if app ved by the Board,wilF become effective 30 days from the date of receipt(noted : '�' 't�'� . below),unless a resolution of the local goveming body is passed hich specifically disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the belo noted date.� � 24. City/CouDty Name(Local Governing Body) Township: If site is located within a township, please complete items 24 ' � � f and 25: Signature of/ erson Receiving Application: 25. Signature of Person Receiving Application � /^, ! !�-.i!ir' T�le � Date Recei (this date begins 30 day p riod) Title: -'%� - . �- .� -i�� � �1�. � !� Name f Person Delivejiag,Application-to Local GoverrAng Body Township Name ,,� � � /" � "`` �' �..-"�, � . � � , CG-00022-01 (5/8� ;- White Copy—Board Canary—Applicant Pink—local Goveming Body ' . : City o Saint Paui ' ` Depa�tment of Financ and Management Services � ��v�"i E License an Penrtit Divisio� � � , / - 20 City Hall' / /�'�Y 73 � ' St Paui, Mi�n ta 55102•29&5056 v' ' � APPLICATI N FOR LlCENSE CASH CHECK CLAS3N0. New Renew .� y^' � � x �r. x :..(�. Q _ �-�� �� �!_. , oat�. ,�- ,�5; "Cods�Na T1tle of Ucens� . � :;-, � - ��! 19��To �J �� 1��. ;f.; From- ,'±.�� o� ,� n�J P 5� . �-e L — Q ,5� /� f '� 1 0 0 /'r"i C t�'1 U SO C�e=-y U�' i'�i •�c,L� ( i C �G SS � �� �,,.� �.� AppliwntlCompany Name i - ,00 S-a o �. K o � ,-r �-�-;�� � 100 9ualneas Name � �= . -- �p�.`i =i ,00 Si � `�-��� / � � s `�°l Busi�eas Addrosa Phon�Na j 100 i 100 Maii toAddreaa Phone No. 100 �yt rl,[ `�� �C !�(.( �'F7f � ManapeNOwnet•Nun� ; 100 ' �.�G N- l�ubo,--'�' =�'�'rP-� � 100 ti�anaperlGwner•Homs}iddress Phone No. � 4098 Applicatfon Fee ' Aeceived the Sum of 2 1pp `j • �G �`� � M r� ,'S ��� . } `J (� .�(� ManageNOwner•Cily.State 8 ZiP Code � 100 To al 100 • ( ,: � � ^} ,;? , \ (� �--�`-'�,/u/Y ' , ..::i:+,.�''V. ' Licenselnspector � 1 � B ` � y: Signature of Applicant f ' Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expiration�ate � Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiratlon Oate � Minnesota State Identification No. Sociat Security No. i • � Vehicle Information: � Serial Number Plate Number i Other THIS IS A: ECEIPTFOR APPLlCAT10N } ` . THIS IS NOT A LICENSETQ OPEHATE Your application fo Ifcense wiil either be�granted orrejected subiect tc the provisionsof the zoninq � o�dinance and completion of the inspections by the Healt , Fire,Zoni�g andlor License InspactOrs. � i � $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS , � i G�~" ' �P�" - : • � �, ��a,� �� ; v �) � ��C� ` � � Cicy of Sa nt Paul ��'-�7...3 Deparcment oE Finance a d Management Services � Division of License an Permit Registration INFORMATION RE UIRED WITH APPLICATION FOR PE T TO CONDUCT CHAR.ITABLE GAMBLING GAME IN SAINT PAUL 1. Fu11 and complete name of organization w ich is applying for license �'j e /��-N Q �eT b T �v , t- 2. Address where games will be held o /Q e�P/ f7- �T /tv N S"10� Yum er Screec City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this application who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games �� 1'`�„QbN �O Le Date of Birth �- /?- /�'��� (a) Length of time manager has been mem er of applicant organization / � rr(/Qf 4. Address of Manager � �/Q �!9/t/.l „J'"1: f�, u� it,. �5��� Number Streec City Zip ��N ' 5. Day, dates, and hours this application s tor ��r��Q�f-y- �_/�-,����Cnu�� y/,;��y L/,<'1 To hi�ti� 6. Is the applicant or organization organ zed under the Iaws o: the State ot �4d? yPS. 7. Date of incorporation r , �� / .� 8. Date when registered with the State of Minnesoca �P,Q' ;��/, /Gj �l� 9. How long has organization been in exis ence? r-f� ye%}�I' 10. How long has organization been in esistence in St. Paul? �� y'/�'/Qf � 11. What is the purpose of the organizati n? TO /��LI°ALf!n„/�.�`icJ- .�'To���i,��'.�NS y��v/, � T' � ' „i o- �z � o �. /`? F < a ' . I2. Officers of applicant organization Name �f �Q/j/J'' Vame /�D�l CJ1° �O ! L� Address/ „i ,v T;i°/rr%L , �J Address 1 i S� E�Q j�Jr. �f,��L/y,r,; ,r'Si�� Title ���J'/o��NT DOB 1��(o' t/' TitZe�/Ce ��G.3/��NTDOB %- � �. Name �NN�7� ,�, Name /7j C f��}cL. fN, C,Eti%1Q/LL C� 8'7l� �o�rt..�}�c..t�v. Address ,/" s�- �� �La6r`?/. r N 5�ri�fc�l�.�ddress j9SN.31"�lBnNr �o8,�r,P,�v�,�y,v Ss�I� Title ��t°e�.t'v�e,R Dos �- S �� Title ��� �i�tf�G1�NT�oB �'- �,;�.,- S"`� 13. Give names of officers, or any othe persons who paid for se:-vices to tne organization. Name C . J(' v�, Vame �iv e !Q, �v0 �f O Address � S E . �!/ ,r. SS./o.� address �O �t/� ��f/,t��f ��,,#�v�./�'Iti���' — �y Title Pi'C�� � ,�C!P�Y��( ?'i�?e /%�//1/7�Nl�/IiC�P_ f�°P,14�'J-O� (Attach separate snee� `.^,r add'_c_or.=� ::�=�s. '. 14. Attached hereto is a lfst of names and addresses of all members of the organizatfon. 15. In whose custody will organization`s records be kept? � • Name�.�ti t rh D, f�tv�,. Address .5�0�,�latPPRrlr, ,lT�i9��.L �r,�,, 5`s"io! 16. Persons who will be conducting, assistin� in conducting, or operating the games: Name ���e�v �; /j/L°�O,N Date o£ Birth �'���j� Address L�� .fL/`?M i.� .¢✓P,�io� .��/J��i� /Llti . 10n� Name of Spouse Date of Birth Dates when such person will conduct, assist, or operate F,�/�/� fi¢/. ,2/9�i T .r/�'e. l�.r.r/.I'r� GV/�/? .�1tiGi� ' Name �� �/-fe�, l,�/, L,¢ �L�tN Date of Birth �-�'�-�/� Address s i'i �t.rTe.�P!li ,f l, /P�(,,� /i9it, �s�°.i' Name of Spouse ��}�P/Q( � ✓ �/� ���qiV Date of Birth ��'- S� '}�� Dates when such person wi11 conduct, assi.st, or operate ,�e ,¢f;;�.I',J'; 4iv j/��'�XQj}J,J' l�Lf_c�v /�rL.z�./Le,6-_re,•• �'s' /��1'a,v-�� �LL �n�. /=vr4 �rol��Go�- �'oLe iti /�i ,� �4� t.v1"c' . 17. Have you read and do �ou thoroughl.y unde:stand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulatior.s �o�rerning che operat:on oi Char�tab?e Gambling games? ���J" � 18. Attached hereto on t:�e forW �ur^fshed bv the City o� St. Paul fs a Financial Report which ;temizes all recei�cs, espenses, and d±sbursemeacs of �he aoplicant organization as well as ail organ=zat=ons who have :ece:ved =unds zor the orecediag calendar year , �,� � � whfch has been s:3ned, prepared, and veri*�ed by vame � l 9 s /-��i�,.�A rr. �T ��u�. /'1ti�''�.� ,f/`, .��r�. �y.v �S"��� Address who is the �PC�(/T�v�G feC�QT,¢,�Q% oP the applicant Organization. Yame or Office 19. Operator of premises where games :�il� oe heid: . Name _ �¢li'�y(.D .�OC/e�� d �J�. 1�i��J�. Z.t/C • B�ssiness Address �"�p l(ja.l7"/�t �p ,(�Pn°7�� �J'. �/���, /��,_ �-JC-�b/ Home Address ����e. 20. Amount of rent oaid by appl�csn� Or3ani�acion for renc ot che hall; specify amount paid per 4-hour se=sion ���/ � _{`:� . ' . �v �.-�73 � ` .. 2.�:- `The pioceeds of the games will be disbur ed after deducting prize layout costs and � �erating expenses for the following pur oses and uses: � T / �� A o.�� c .� .r �T !✓�L L �vaN �4 � � i o�-.Me�1�.�- .r- _ e ���c,�res,, �tie �1s1C.� w � c ese Ro � To e 7r L� ! i,�C'orv io.�- CLe�tN¢: T�ii� 6 �iL � y .c Me�Ti�-y ,(oo.�?J'� 22. Has the premises where the games are to be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Pau1? � '�� 23. Has your organization riled tederaL fo 990-T? If answer is yes, please atcach a copy with this applicacion. If answa is no, explain why: � r . � �� .Q� � � Any changes desired by the apolicant �ssoci cion may be made only with che consent of the City Council. � -�i ���� Orga za on Date � — � � ��� BY= ��� J� ��o ��%NL'�V" �in char e oi game / �.I�.v t'J"lL�l" -'0 C� O r* � � Z cf� rr �+ !-f .� ? ;7 c1� N 0� � c0 �t O � C "� — 17 G� �D O rr Pt R f9 PT� S 3� '�"0 R �"S !+ C 63 fD (D ''t P'! C!] R h+ fD 'J :7 ft G� (D � ^t � �7 '� O � .(� rt (D '� A ? ',t �[N1A/4'^-�M' �1 ! �0 7 `G 3 � � n. r+� rr -- r+ ^ o '� � ;-�..__. ;,;%�t,�c\. i-.• � r ^'+ _�.�°�` � 31 ? rD i+ '� C O �n r�� B a C j :-:,:�� � �e �o rT rr t0 r '-n A ;D �D 7 ' :.-aF G. pf r� S �C � `r"':.•. 17 3 F� � "�R-'s' Q Si 7 C7. � �1 h+ � .1 G . '� 'T 6i � '� f'f fD fA � W 7 rr � n =� -�aa � ro rr � 3 � • R � � ?� 3. 6i t+ O U1 r9 � f9 � ° �+[A � �+ 3 I \ C '1 f9 R ]7 X �rJ�� CA CA C. F+- � � `�C O ! :;O c� 7 rT� 7�' �9 " �/ y = � � aarr � -t ( � ta rl to %*;��i4'� � rD E i� � `G v .�v v ^0 's7 ��:'� �. O r+ � ^ `� ' O 4 T Ss � I C r m F-+ r1 r-- O ; �..:'7^— rn (G � � N F+ fD ff ', ^� cn r O' (D h+ n �o � .S �-; �^� fD � I� T f0 A 3 T 3+ rn A T ? Q1 �G � �.� I p �' O �-t � Ct � � �.. � I� . � � l/ � � � r7�. r�n — !Q� +� ov�•:•�:��,^av 'D ^''' m a. � I, � � ro r ^ � o � a� -�— ►'� r � � 77 � O cD � �' �o � �o < I, � � �n — s � � co ro �� ' tA O ;D O � r+ G y I � E �s ^t � m O � � � � � ~ � � '-, O r� � �� , , �=CY � Saint Pau1 ���/�j� � Departmenc o[ Finan e and ManageTenc Ser•llcss �� � Division oE License and Permit Administration � '.;�., ` " UNIFORH CHARITABLE AMBLINC FINANCIAL REPORY � , na« .3-1b —� � i. Name of Organization �/}NO ,,fb /e,/ l �G" f'�T vL N�• � 2. Addresa vhere Charitable Caebling is onducted .�a'U /L. /�a,Be�IT.TT .Tr/S�v� s's/jJ/ 3. Report for period covering �ti / l9� through [/�C ,�/ `lq� 4. Tocal number of days played 5. Grosa receipca for above period ; �� Cj y �?. �S' !� 6. Cross prize payouts for above period � '�� S"d�� ��� 7. Nec receipts - line 5 minua 11n� 6 ; � y 9 �Q � � 8. Expensas lncurred !n conducting and perating gama: A. Cross vages paid. Atcach vorker liat wi[h namea, addresa and gross vagea. ; 0 B. Renc for 'O veeka ; 0 C. License fa• S �O O� �v D. .ia�anca/NV�'Ti�,i1Ti8�. F = s"D p► D� e. aona � S �Ob. � F. Dishonored checka noc recovered ; C. Empioyers F.I.C.A. S � . H. Sales Tax S ! 7S, .jc( I. Hinn. U.C. Tax ; J. Federal U.C. Tax ; ' K. Hiscellaneous Expenaes. Idaat fy the aaount and co vhom paid. 1.,�' �0//�MO�vd LOR1° j �! �7, /� L. �ilflN� C(TSJ. ! �S. J� a � Y 3. ; 4. ; 9. Tocal Expenses TOTAL ; .1�t� ,? �� s� 10. Net Income - line 7 minus line 9 ; �� S 3 a. �� 11. Checkbook balance beginning of pe �od S. /��.r, S�j" � 12. tocal oE lie� 10 and 11 f �� L`5'c�,� xt"I a 1]. Tocal contributioes froa lint 17 S � /� ��f7 , O S 14. Checkbook balance end of reportin period - �q� q� . G S line 12 less line 13 ; rt- f 4 15. Specify usa made oF amount on 11 13: � ` � ' . . P/9'� P • /<' �LPA�/iva '� /YI R ti i.v vi.� �/L n. ��jQi/"'.�fR vrto(� O ��n.QGL�I /4�Cv oL/� 1' �ti ti r �c�Ti;�. r. COMPI.:TE TII� ItEVF.RSB Sit,E ..5: �t:5ursenencs .:om aaounc in 11,^.e l2: , Name i. ��jh e�P N STA 1�e,r Po .Je�° Name /1�.�.n.e�Po��r C'c'ii/1'�P/}L /f/�- Addres9 � Address ��(d� 1 fT/}�f Sv, iyP,�,;�- S^ry.�v ' Oace Rec'd �,q C/-� /yv,�Th Dace Rec'd /d -�/- �i Purpose !ft�4Td lr�,4 Tr Purpose /gf� �.j�e�(/�-TLJ4 t Signacure Slgnacure oF Recipient oE Recipienc Amounc ��G(��_ Amount �0 �� O a T— Name /''IARJ"ne�v /�Lo�ci /t'1.4iw 7' Nama � ?� /t ,fCIQU/��J' Address /?/'� �i,v.r.�Rr�T, �v_ ��7' �,,,��y,,, Address ��/ (�LSOr�/°/eiy. /fichw � � MP.�.3'. M�., S�:i< Dace Ree'd �C/f �'/s,t,l/7 Dace Rec'd /ot -��t- �� Purposs l'��Ati„�,�L�-,�,�,Lo�i.�a Purposs Slgnacure Signacure of Reclpient of R�cipie�t Amount �� p�, D O Amount o1��. �i 1 Name `T/�'GV/f' ��v, .�vl�/°L�. �'v Name /yi}/�'I�I c�N/G1Y t" /�`1-�il.i°�GLR-rs Address S7i i1/v. Qf}L,L .rT Addresa�,i�1.4rCt rf. ,rT, �f?�(, M'�, �.J-3-//� Dace Rec'd /','�utiT�jLV Date Rec'd �� '�y�'�7 'i-� Purpoaa C�S,q�,,,� �C'n,,;�o �T��pjo ��, Purpose Signacure Signature of Reclpient of Retipient Amoun[ /SO x. �C� Amount $��� U d Name �T, i°,o�,.0 C'e�.T.P.9-L .¢� Name Address S I� �,w ST'`' /Pvc. ��v� S^S'�od Address - Date Rec'd /; - �j - � 7 Date Rec'd � Purpoan r9 iq L iTe,Q�1"�R p Purpose Signacure Signature of Recipienc of Recipient � Amounc �'y UC� Amcant 17. Total Disbursemants�d � �a5 O� O J� THIS REPORT KUST BE FILLED•IN COl�LETELy Tp Qp/►I,Igy ppPLICATION FOR CHARITABLE CAI�LING LICENSE. � •.._.—_•--_�•_. �AAAAAAAAA� . vl � Y,.;_ � 7'j{,G�AAAAAAAAJI� S O �i �y+. `� ��`���: � �o n S O .yi ry+ [�+f S �� � n C > ov � .+►�:.-r' � .n n C > Oo �f �r �� .., � o � � c, � ��� n K .w .Z.� -a � o cn �'� �� • � •t O ` '� 9 `� � � '� � d '� "" n� �......�� � � ^a M ��C 3 0 � � n a �n 3 O > �� � �.YI � ^ � 2 � A �rr y �{ Y+� o Z � 00 Z � N +a'J� a� rw 00' Z Rf C a . A!�s ? � � � y �1 � U � a� � Vl C7 m a- Z ,a � N d' - ^ -,2.°-� m �x� > a � m .°.� � a � e a� �,.� A-> a , ��g_� � n r. �> Z -� dZ � �1' n �. _ n��GF{ m OI � � 9 n �qC��N � ' T I � 3 7� O C'! 'OG� � � � 7 vvv "� I c� �Z � fe vvv pp � � � ? C a. � n 3 A ,� A � N L� f� 7 n W T R7 �� > �1 , eC � � ^t .� A ���`, � p 'm � u O `�� A O O m Z �-1 o.� ��rn 7D � ~ � cD .'��j � � �w m = +f « W 01 � A � W � A n f" 2 `G Q � 7C' � � W � �� > > �,O' � o D7 O 0� O O r� rn �.. � � w � h�„ p�,, r'� �,E,, • a V � o n ^ ` w A � ov. °' 00 y a a� a ` � � � �� � � � - ��-��3 4���.T... .+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � DEPARTME T OF FiNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ' �� ' DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT AOMINlSTRATION i w� '� ���` Room 203.City Hall Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 Georges:Latimer Mayoc �.. 3/u/8s To: Virginia Baisley , From: Christine Rozek Re: Record Check In connection with an appl cation for renewal of a State Class A Gambling License at 520 orth Robert Street, a record check is requested on the following: Gordon Cole Mary Warns 699 Orleans Street 12 W. Lawson St. Paul St. Paul Birthdate: 7/17/25 Birthdate: 11/25/54 Kenneth Bacfi Roger Roell 8718 20th Ave.. So. 1750 E. 7th Street Bloomington St.. PauT Bi�thdate: 11/25/41 Birthdate: 7/8/29 Michael W. Cantrill Nelen C. Nelson 995. N. St. Albans 178 Summit Ave. St. Paul St. Paul Birthdate: 8/22/54 Birthdate: 3/27/32 Stephen W. LaBlanc 577 Western St. Paui Birthdate: 9/25/46 CR/car - .. . �,G�-�r�� _ ���_.,. C1TY OF SAlNT PAUL •' = DEPARTME T OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES - , � � '��ii �, ; �e DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,��� Room 203, City Hall � Saint Paul,Minnesotr 55102 Geo�e l.atimer MaYor t- Ma.rch 22, 1988 Keaneth Schultz (Alano Society f St. Paul) 520 North Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear �ir. Schultz: Your application for a State Ch ritable Gambling License has besn received in this office. A hearing on your application f r Class A State Gambling ID �(s) 14824 will be held before the St.- Pa City Council on April 5, 1988 at. 9:00 A.M. , Third Floor of the City d County Couzt House. This date may be chaaged wi.thout the License & P rmit Divfsioa's consent and/or knowledge. Therefore, it is s gested that you call the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 to confir� is hearing date. You are hereby notffied that y ur attendance is required at this meeting. Failure to appear ma result in denial of your application. Vez�-truly yours-„ i� : • ; . _•,..... � . _ - �1/i �� � � . - ' .T-osep� P. Carchedi • License Inspector JFC/lk � � ��� �;F. c��u. �,,.».,�„� �„�.� Gl�� -�� ��f�ET r�. O t�16�� . . . ��y. � . . � _ . .DEPAATMFNT OIR6GTOR � . � � � � MkaOfi:(DN ABdSTANf)�-� .. . . . �� . �iR�4.��� . . -. � . . � . � . ' �.- r— PIWRIICE d�MI1M11091�i'!f HFAIAC��O�."iOf�i� '-3 'CR►L'LBiK � .. � NfJMBF.R FQW F & �a�., 29�-5D56 . -��.. � �a�' �Ca�a'�i.l l�e�ch . . , .,. . .�.: _,'. _._ � GTY ATtGl�Y .. ,� . .. : . . �� � :. . � Re�ewai. of a Stat�e of Miru�esota' CIl�ss�A ing Lic�se ' , NCnTCE �l`r: 3/22/$8 I�G 1�TE 4/5/88 : 'tAVP�N+)«�(�1 REI�RTa . • .. . _ � .. aw�wax�� ` c�.sEm��ia+ �� on� ��sr vt+pri� aon�o apMwreworo ao ma ec►+oo�eo�iw � � � '�i� �� � �� er� awn�oarMSaoN �s. ��o.�ooEU* �ro To ca+s,�r - . _ _ _wn�oot wRO. ��tu�o�s+� o�arnicr oouNCw ,, �Taa: s�s"�c"'oou�a`°a�' _ . , Council R�se�'ch.C�:Rter, Y , . , . �aR 2s� � ..tu,,.a�aee�.a�:or�n�n,o.wn�.wn�.w�+..wr�,�: Mr. K�neth Schultz, vri behal£ o€ t#�e Alano Society of St. Pau1, r�ts Qexur.�.l �val: , of their renaaa�..applicatian. for a. �►tat�e of Mix�ne.�c��ta Q�x�itabl.e C�nbT3.t� �. 'I�e ses�s� are 1�eLd c�n. sat�an3ay: �gs _ 8:OE1 p.m. and 1.2s 00 �.m., at.: 52p Nv�th �a�iert : . . St�t. Prooe��are usead for bu�.]Jding ten�a�oe �d €ca�r parogra�as fa� �oc��rl3e"s Ar�yst+ae.�s.. ��.ua.n�,�M.a..�n.>:. . _ : _ � ; - : : All �Cec,��3.red, applicatic�an� ar�d fees Ihave �t�d.#:ted. �f Ccxu�c�l �pp�x�val. i� gran'�ed, . the � Saeiety, which has beeri xn exis : for 43 years, wl.11 be a1�.o�w�ed t�a c�osltinue . = - thei�.�sorsl�ip. _ . . _;; . coweo�s�.-w�;.nercwno�: _: ,,:;: : , � , If �il appac�aval is rx� given, the A1 Sa�ci.ety will be forced to..c33.sootzt�e their sP�sarshiP• : :' �c�ruer� : ca+� - , uis�r�onr�: ��uEa: