88-466 W�iITE - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 {//I ,// / PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL �`fl� CANARV - DEPARTMENT /� � //f BLUE - MAVOR File NO. V L'� Council Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon execution a d delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be ap roved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0 070-511-000 , to: 1 . Deborah J. Brown the sum of 1 , 284 . 98 in full settlement of her claim of damages sustain d on or about February 2 , 1988 , as more particularly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Clerk ' s office on M rch l , 1988 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� ' [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman scne�bei _ Agains BY Seenee� Wilson APR — 5 ` Form Appr ved by ity Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vass b il Secr By gy, � p Approved 'Nlavor: Date � _ v Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council — BY Plt�tiSNED �,� ;� ;� � 19 8$ � � -�(o� �1T'° �0951'7 ` City Attornev =DEPARTME T �'� • Debr a .7, Ber na rd CONTACT ` 298-5121 ' PHONE . ; � ,� Mar,ch 17, 1988 DATE �►�/�' -i ± �� � _ _ SIGN NU1�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER C1i All Loc tions for S nature : ;: . � Department Director Director'o�' Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Services Directqr City G]e k Budget Dire�tor �. _ City Attorney . WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVEp BY TAKING ACTION ON �li :ATTACHEp MATERIALS3 :(Purpose/ , 5 On Febr.uary 2 , 19R8 , a vehicle owne� bv claimant, Ratioqdle) : Deborah J. Brown, was struck by � P 1¢� Wor.ks ' truck: Claim�nt ''s �r�hicl-e was parked on Gz�eenbriar between Or qe Str.eet and. Hawthorne 3'tY�et. "The City vehicle was being oper_ated b� plovee Howard Nelson. ' This' offi�e • � recommends the settlement of Ms. Br n' s claim in thE amount of $i , 28`4.98.: � , � ;� OST BfNEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACT RNTICIPATED: C�VhC'jj N�A R�N :. Rk �I�R��;�rch'�,� �, � - �� . �er . .. � . . . . . � `F-�-� . . . R J . �INANCING SOURCE ANO BUDGET-ACTIVITY NUNBER ARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- � � . ture not r�� , .. ' Total Amount of�Transaction: qai:�ec! ,if under� ° .- � Funding Source: S1 , 2�4. e � $10,00a) - . 09070 . . : Activity Number: . ' . , � ,, ATTACNMENTS List and Number All Attachments : . . _ Resolution � � [�EEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW . �, xYes No Council Resolution Required? � Resol�tion fkquired? x Y�s No �,Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Saffic'ient? Y`�s x No Yes x No Insurance Attached: � ` _ : , : . (SEE •REVERSE SIDE R INSTRUCTIONSj � Revised 12/84