88-459 WNITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF S I NT PAU L Council �j/�' '/�/j CANARV - DEPARTMENT X y � �[�J�- BLUE - MAYOR File NO• CJCJ 7v Return copy to: Council esolution Valuations - Room 218 I � (VirginiaStr) (JS) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council dopted Council File No. 275678 , dated September 23 , 1980 , said resolution for the ratification and confirmation of condemnat on and awards of damages and assessment therefor for opening , widening and extending Virginia Street by condemning and taking permanent easement ; and WHEREAS , said resolution ad an incorrect slope drawing number of 2158 ; and WHEREAS, the slope drawing umber should be changed to 2296 ; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV D, that the said resolution be amended with the correct slope d awing number of 2296 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Financ� & Mana�ement Serv;rP� Lor,� In Favor Goswitz J ��� � �l ��z� Dire tor s�he;�ei _ Against BY �■� � Wilson APR 5 � Form Appr ve City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date c 3 Certified Pa.s C uncil S By By y�"� ' �" ' " � e Appro ed by Mayor for Sub is ion to Councii Approve Mavor. G r B PU�������D ;:,;�� 1 � i� B, . �`��, C�-� . o,,,��„�„�: �,�� r�. ,� FI�tANCE 3 : �� $8 ' �R��'..����NO: ����`L 7 . 1 o��an,�ar o�crow (� w,t+o�!ai�er J��'N SA�TEH . ��� �a wv�oorarr sr�v�s onecron cm c�c 3'�='1'��� - , ; � � � �. p�lU�1lla eu°°eT°x�cr°" �'t_„SOT1i�T(:I. F,SL�.AR�$ VA�.UATIONS 298-5317 - �� — cmr�rroa�Y PITT. -- A ; O�I�. AS SS _ 1 AKLND �R�St>LUTIOT� - �#Aporwe UH a�(�) = aEPQ1rr: . _ ww�+�+a ca�oN avw a�avwe ooraamow a���w o��aur. 'r�wo. _ �� ���� 31�f 31z�. ��-- A pr�s cwwr�n oarrason ��'re.s is _,��r�r+o. � nErv ro corrt�r oor�s►rn,ar� " ��r -,��Q—�nooi°�o. _Pe�c�ooeb* dsracr� w owurat�a�: .. ' w�r,v+�ouHO�oe�crrvE� . - Nor� M�t� 1� �9ss F�ECEIVED� - MAYOR'S OFFICE _ MAR 1� 1958 � CITY ATT�Ri��Y. , ,�►�o.+�o.�.+���n cw�w.wn�.,m,.�,.w�.,�rr. .. . : : _ _ Gene S�uart Peteraon, Architect/Plaaner, tel phoned Valuations about an incorrect slQ�e dr��g nu�er in Council Fil.e No. 275678, datied Sep ember 23, 19$0. :,$e said that if tl�#a ttv�er �ss: �ot ,, ca�t'ec�ed, the Laad �f�le Gampany. ca�aot ce� i:fy c.lea.r..tattle to°:the �Teste�t State `,�. �thflut.: tilie certification�,.. moaey eannot be �eleased. o Mr. Peterson's _.ccm�ractor for t�e ��s��tit�a ' of so� bu�.�skitigs .on OiYginia Stre�et, north f Cottage Avenue. SEE A�TACHED LE�PSRI � _. R�S� �,. ,�°"'8.,�"''"�'`''�': - MAR 1 S 19�� .. � '� - Saae as above. ��. O�FIGE 0�TWE DIRE�T�R _ _ DEPARTMENT OE F(NANC� ; _ ,.- . � � MIQ I�NAGEM�NT S�Vt� C � : 01�11�11l�IS�vYh.e..ea Tu whoinl: If resolution is not amended, Mr. Peterson c not pay his contractor to co�aplete construction. �m� _ . ' caw - NONE �sronr�: Routine - Fo�lows .City policy and procedures. � `�cs+u.�: None Rsiown. _ �'.=`:.. S. ,:r: ti1`'�� �� ' �! � ' f . � A, ' 1 OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. 1980 4T9 � d p�vins CONWAY STREET Ir� Van � •t��e weat T feet to ehe wast = } turther cau ke Street to Hazel Street, un�er � s�d Lot 2;thence wuth aloag the ! ��g�°� west of uid Lot 2 to t!u north line of � " n���i� fnary Order 274942.approved Ma LS. iscne�t be and 19 Fiaal Order 27SI02,approved J 17� Cot e Avenue as opmed;thenee east to I � 1980. the int ot begianing, s ntiHad,and A p� t the above described ci:cle.All e submitted to P hpriag havin6 be�Is�d �the ; takins d condemnation ot the ds or that rt ot Lot S, Cottage Homn lying � ot Ramaey for ??, e�� �e�in, [or the abov impmve. with! the tollowing described line: 8 i ment,and e award ot daroa�es nto�,aad He ' ' g on che north Iine ot Cottage � r i .id aamsment � alao upon t t ot u th��efor. Avm e as opened aad T teet vicesurly oi ; i _ ���y�k� and the Cou '1 having duly nsidered the �he e t line of said Lot 3:thence nortd a '� same,now the ore be it d i s o f 8 5 tee t; t h enee no r t hwes t er ly " Resolved. Tha the tak and condemna- to a int 1�[eet west ot the east line of �' ��,�.1� tion of the lan escn in the anaezed ��d t 9 and 180 feet north ot the north i�, ' :�" asaessment roll,id ifi y the signature of �j°e o Cottage Avenue as opmed;thence I c north rlq and parallel to the east line ot d, � the Director ot Ff aad made a part said t�to a point 350 teet north af the �1 '� hereot, and the awa ot damages to the t ' . '<"�P owners of such lands id taking and con- north llne of Cottage Avenue u opmed; � ;;i�. thenc east 33 feet to the east line of said � I demnation az set fo in 'd assessment roll. �t 3;thence south along ehe east line of 4 � .SSESSMENT -� be and the same he ia all rnpects �id c 3 to the north line of Cottage � radiled and coni! . 1� � Avm e as opened; thence west to the By Victor J. Resolved tu r, that Uu d auessment point f beginnins. t of benefits,b nd the saau is. reby in all p� y�g a permanenc easement for nt oi benefits. �P�u nt ed. and the sam is hereby � Nu aad fills. i�xludia`riaht of I � '-' s:< utias iau�ral ����a s�bmitted to t6e Dis M Court �o � o[ lateral support fr� subJect areawa at Eor rnnfi tion. ` 4 � land r remainder thereot.xnsioned bq I ' - File No. 130 S. .: � exca tiona thereot or constnution oi � ,�y{"� :t side from Adop by the Couacil September 18, , slop in the gnding ot VIRGITJIA ' 11nth Strcet. App ved Sepcember l7,1980. ,sai�es to conform W Slope ` IS33,a�roved � (September 27,1980) Dnw' g No 18 Piled in Siope Drawer ` "�`""'- ler 271512,ap- /2 in Departmmt of Public Works. �'� , ' ier 2T1832,ap- A1.w, taking a temporary c�struction ease t on, over, and a lands as `��� �� � BSSOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRM- �O °°Slope Dawiag No« 1�tIIed in rovemmt.and. � �(Q CONDEMNATION AND AWABDS OF Slope Dr�wer NZ in the Dep�tmmt ot fy�r �_,.. - Publ Works. ��g��_._,. DAMAGES AND ASSESSDfBNT under limiaarq Order 2747l3, approved refo�r,be it ����R April 1980,Fiaal Order 275099,approved ;smea�be apd . June 17,1980. .,�olYMdl'�lr}ie Na 2iSfT� — By VtMOr J. s ratiSed.and:':: A pub'c haring having beest had upoa the e submitted to T�H�— �atcin6 condemx�ation ot the lands or o[Raa�se7 for y In the matter of Openiug,wideaiag and ex- easem thereia, tor the above improvo- emdiag ViRGINIA STAEET by condemning ment, d the award of damages therefor,and �id a��-' �d taking a permanent street nsement over aLso u the aszessment of benefits therefor, ����1e� - [hetollowing: and the uncil having duly considered the .� - All that part of Lots 2 aad 3, Cottage u+�•Ao therefore be it a . Homes rlddition lying aitdin the azc of a Reaolv , That the taking and condemna- �� � circle having a 40-toot radtus:the center of tion of r lands deacribed ia the anaexed � t T mber 23.1980 ..:- � said circie lying 7 feet west ot t!u esst line assesam t roll,identlfied by the aignature of � .'� . `� • of said Lot S and 244 teet south ot the north the Di or of FInance and made a part ' " ' + line of Lot 5,Cottage Hoa�es Addition. hereo[, d the awards ot daauses to ihe � E j��' )1 _.� _ as ownen sueh lands for said takins and con- _ „ad'_. :- Also except the above dncribed ci:cle.All � � �i ' `'^ chat part ot Lot 2,Cottase Homes Addl- demnati as set forth in said assessment roll. YDCONFISI[�� ��:} tion lying within the tollowing dexribed � �d he ume is henby in all rnpects I; � � �AWARDS� :Y'c line:BeEinning on the north line of Cot• ��ified confirmed. �F�9, ; tage�lvenue as opeaed aad 33 feet easterly Resolv turther.That the said assessmenc 4' ',''� ( ' SSESSMEPI'�" - {� of the wesc line of said I.ot 2:thence nor ot benet ,be and the same is haeby in all � '.`..« . therly and panllel to the east ltae ot said respects cyNiSad, and the same is hereby ,I � ictorTed�" �� Lot 2 a disUnce of 90.37 teet;thence nor ordeted be submitted to the District Court ! �� , thwesterlq to a poiat T teet east ot the west I [or confi tion. ' ,i I ; for the <i�of said Lot 2 and 185.37 feet north ot � ot rmw��°�" � ,' ' �he north line of Cotta6e Avenue as open- � File No. 8136 S. f� : � �. _ � ed: thmce northerlq aad panllel to the Adopt by c!u Couacil September 21,1980. i���r � 1, � ��yu�-. •£ � east line of said Lot 2 to a point S50 teet I App ��ptember 24,1980. ��ti;, y - north ot the north line of Cottage Avenue ��I` • xs in 6��• " (SePtember 21.19801 � � 'E� � I"-�.; � � t iN � I - �i' � ( ,t�� i � � I : � ° . (�`" �_�`"1 . '.`. ._ ...� � 3�����!�' , . ._ >�.�..r..s. _ : . ..,._. 3 �� . . .. . ,,.;�s March 11 , 1988 John .-D�errsfid Saumweber Valuations, Rm. 218 � City Hall St. Paul , Mn. 55102 Re: Virginia Street Dedication Dear Mr. Saumweber; On Sept. 20, 1980 the St. Paul Cit Council passed a resolution regarding subject street dedicatio . In the resolution reference was made to Slope Drawing 1�2185. his number is incorrect and refers to a street in another part of the City. We understand the correct number to be #2296. As a result of this error Land Titl Co. cannot certify clear title to Western State Bank. Without the certification mortgage monies to pay the contractor for construction of buildings on adjacent property cannot be released. This project is approximately 50$ c plete and it is thus of the utmost urgency to correct this erro as soon as possible. Than you, ; , , ' ene S Pe s OENE STUART PETERSON ARCFMTECT/PLANNER 9 1 JEFFEfi30N AVE ST.PAUL.MN.b6702 224-196e 4� +.�. . � . . � � '��e t � i � �!, ..�c., : � i � � � � \I, �� , , V g � � f � � � , � � � .4 Z i � ���a� ��� � � � �' o ����� � � "� , � . ' , � e `.. , � � ���P� � � � �� � � ♦ I Y = �� TESTA .gK�C�k� � W � � � �` . �� � ���9 : � � � � GI � W . v � h • - - - �� - . . �, p � � � � � � ' . . �R : � . z � Qmyy. � � �. -�'�� � � ° . � ► � o -.--- -- -- ------------- � � � �. �� v � �� � 1 .�a � . ,� . �_.—_—� -- �`` � N , � . • SK1LLIt,1ceS � � 1-� T 3' �a �� ; - � � � � � W � �� �� '. � �_ 4 3 � '� � , •� i : 3 ,o. � � � .� p � ,. . � 1'"� . .; w � Q • �a/�t,l O ScH� l.. � � �a � � � v° � .i N � . � 0�'r F �� � � i � " , ��! � �, � � � ,, y� � o , � 1 • . � Z Z � V � J . J , q ''� � � 1. L7uS�.� � 1� 1� Eti1►2�NT h h� �q, Z -- � . W � d � � � . � �, a .� � ( �� � � - �- -� - � .. � r � � � . '° -- -� �- o N� a . � � _ . 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