88-457 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANC-E GITY O SAINT PAITL Council ���,�`� BLUERV -MAVORTMENT ,'t] , File N 0. Counc 'l Resolution Presented By ���'�ti%+�G� ,Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council has approved the Program Objectives of "Special" Programs, a section within th Division of Parks and Recreation, which includes improving and reinforcing the ocial and physical skills of handicapped people while educating the community to their needs and potentials as well as con- tinuing to provide the opportunity for eople to volunteer with all programming aspects; and WHEREAS, the 1988 Program Obj ctive of "Special" Programs includes the hosting of the 1988 Special Olympic Su er Games; and WHEREAS, the extensive media overage of the Special Olympic Summer Games will provide the City of Saint Pa 1 with tremendous public perception and goodwill; and WHEREAS, the Mayor of Saint P ul has endorsed the Special Olympic Summer Games and pledged the City's sup ort; and WHEREAS, the City employees p rticipating will de�elop a sense of camraderie and pride in their participa ion of the Special Olympic Summer Games; now, therefore, be it; RESOLVED, that the City Counc'1 hereby directs the proper City Officials to develop a plan whereby City employee may work at the Special Olympic Summer Games, with approval of their Superviso , in lieu of the hours worked at their normal work site; �d� be it FURTHER RESOLVED� that the Ci y plan shall be returned to the City Council for final authorization �rior t implementation of 'the plan. COUNCILMEN � Yeas Dimond s�avs Requested by Department of: Goswitz � Long [n Fav r Rettman �_ Agains � Scheibel Sonnen W].lSOn ApR " 5 Form Appro by City At rn Adopted by Council: Date Certified P- b Council S ta BY By Appro by Mavor. t � �n � Approv by M or mission to Council PUBt4SHED r,',i�;: 1 � 19 $ ` . . }" fl/� {/w 'I � i% ly.� Q11777 � Communit Services DEPARTME - Robert L. Trammel . CONTACT 298-5577 PHONE � , March 24, 1988 DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROt1TING ORDER: (Ses everse side.) � Department Dir�ctor � Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and 1!�anagement Services Dir ctor � City Clerk ' _ Budget Director �,pA,-t��Q �,n� Raereation �,. c�ty Attorney _ � . TOTAL NUMBLR OF SIGNATURE PAGES: l Clip a11 locations for signature.) W 0 ? <Purpose/Rationale) i ; z The City of St. Paul employees r leased from their regular work site to assist with the 1988 Special Olympic S!• er Games will develop a sense of com�aderie and pride in their participation of this event; and the City will receive a great deal of inedia attention wh,'ch will he�p �ta improve the public's perceptior of City employees. Additionally, this event provides the opportunity for many City employees to be educated as to the ne.eds and potentials of handicapped UDG ND ER P C Departments would rel�ase their ployees (wherever possible and ,only with the permission of the Supervisor) to assist on one of the three days of this competition. � . RECE;VED C G DG T V N R G DI ED: (Mayor's sfgnatura not required if under $10,000.) ��AR 2 g 1988 Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Nwnber: ` �,qqyOR'S OFFICE Funding Source:'� . ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attac ments.) Council ltesolution . ADI�INISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Pr edures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or t table attached7 DEPARTMENT R.EVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes No Council resolution requir d? Reso�ution required? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes _No Insurance attached� •��-...r. C ITY F gAINT PAUL ��d d -��7 ; '; OF ICE OF T'HE MAYOR • w i i �' �� 347 CITY HALL • "'� SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR Albert Olson, City Clerk CIfiY CLERK'S OFFICE . 386 Ci.tty Hall _ Saint Paul, Mn 55102 "IEMO TO: President Ji_m clieiUel RECEIVED FROM: Lee Turchin APR 111988 DaTL: Apri1 8, 1988 CITY CLERK SUBJECT: Special Olvmpi s Resolution I have just re-read Coun il Resolution ;88-�57 which was the � recently adopted resolut' on to determine public purpose� for the " Special Olympics. • . :;; It appears that the Coun il amended the resolution by adding . '}; a final resolved. It is, however, unclear to me what the ?: Council intent is by inc uding the amendment. t' I have attached-a. copy o the resolution foryouur convenience. y � Please advise the-�admini tration as to Council's intent ,in this matter. _, �. • }3� LT/j r . �;� ��' cc: Mayor George Latime - � Jim Bellus Department and Offi e Directors ;i; '`� Attachment ��-�, , . ��: ,� . . ;:_ ��4f � w..�rc -u rv c�cnw Counctl .�NR � FINANC[ G I TY F SA I NT PAU L � p� y�S� CANA11� -OEPAIITMEMT � � �y�¢ - M�roA Fll! NO. _ , Coun il Resolution Presented By ���ti%� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council ha approved the Program Objectives of "Special" Programs, a section within t e Division of Parks and Recreation, which includes improving and reinforcing the social and physical skills of handicapped people while educating the community t their needs and potentials as well as con- tinuing to provide the opportunity for people to volunteer with all programming aspects; and WHEREAS, the 1988 Program Ob ective of "Special" Programs includes the hosting of the 1988 Special Olympic Su er Games; and WHEREAS, the extensive media coverage of the Special Olympic Summer Games will provide the City of Saint P ul with tremendous public perception and goodwill; and WHEREAS, the Mayor of Saint aul has endorsed the Special Olympic Summer Games and pledged the City's su port; and WHEREAS, the City employees articipating will de�elop a sense of camraderie and pride in their particip tion of the Special Olympic Summer Games; now, therefore, be it; RESOLVED, that the City Coun il hereby directs the proper City.Officials � to develop a plan whereby City employe s may work at the Special Olympic Summer Games, with approval of their Supervis r, in lieu of the hours worked at their normal work site; �, � it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the C ty plan shall be returned to the City Council for final authorization prior o i�lementation of the plan. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department �: Yeas Dimond��ys t . Goswitz b (n Fa r J Long Rettman _� Agains � Scheibel Sonnen wilson APR - 5 Form Appr by City At rn Adopted by Council: Date Certified P• • Council S ta BY By- Appro by ,'Vlavor: � Approv by M or mission to Council / �•.rtt'— urr c�aK ."' _ .. - � - _ �� ���C���� '•,K � ��»A»�� j. G I TY O, � SA I NT PA Y, Coue�cit (���l .�aYAR11 �DE�ARTMlNT ' — — � ' �� _� a w e �w�'ow�% � FIIQ N O. �-.��L�t�L� ���"`' . � . ` Counc 'l Resolution -=;���: � . J�LL � �c.tt?7'�lJxt� r� Presented By L�v�—i11f ,+�z-rJ. . . Referred TQ CommiEtee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council has pproved the Program Ob�ectives of - "Special" Programs, a section within the Division of Parks and Recreation, which includes improving and reinforcing the s cial and physical skills of hand�capped people while educating the community to heir needs and potentials as wel�. as con- tinuing to provide the opportunity for p ople to volunteer with a11 programming � aspects; and � WHEREAS, the 1988 Program Obje tive of "Special" Programs includes the - hosting of the 1988 Special Olympic Summ r Games; and � WHEREAS, the extensive media c verage of the Special Olympic Sumtaer Games will provide the City of Saint �� with tremendous public perception and goodwill; and WHEREAS, the Mayor of Saint Pa 1 has endorsed the Special OZympic Summer Games and pledged the City's supp rt; and WHEREAS, the City employees pa ticipating will develop a sense of comraderie and pride in their participat on of the Special Olymgic Su�er Games; naw, therefore, be it; RESOLVED, that the City Counci hereby directs the �rove`Citv Offic�iyl to develop a plan whereby City employees may work at the Special Olympic Su�aer Games, with approval of their Supervisor in lieu of the hours worked at their normal work site. ,..���.''`"`���,.`�`'"'�-�.`�_�-�t- -rt�-� � 1�:,.. �...sQ �.,���d? ��`�- ��t�� �`` ��� ; ' �...�a,,._ � � COUNCILMEN . 1'eas Nays Requested by Department of: In Favor Against ' .�dopted by Council: Date Focm Appro y City At rn �ertified Passed by Council Secretary y - By � . . � 'i;.'��.. :�� . � . - . -. ' . . i . _._:: - .. .. B� . -� _ . .. . .� : . . : _ _- : _ .�' `._ •.. -_._ .. :��proved by Mavor: Date � � p►pp�?� by M or mission to Council _ �. - ._ . a7J . � I' . . . - _ . ' ' . � � . � . . . .. „�... . . s. J . . ." � . .... . . . ._ .a :"w. � ... ;, .�.: . .....�-.._ . �� . .:•� .� � . ,. ....,.^v..a.,a...�c'M"�..,..._.......�«.-...«.�'�� . �... ,.._. ..._ .. � . . . . . _. .. . "".... _._' . " " �