88-455 WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANGE GITY O SAI.NT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT J�j/ BI.UE - MAVOR File� NO. �V I � Counci Resolution il Presented By Referred To Committee: Date_. Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City Offi ials are .hereby authorized and directed to. execute a contract with the State Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Health; WHEREBY, the City shall provide und r the direction of the St. Paul Urban Indian Health Board, culturally sensitive, effective, efficient, and acceptable health care to the American Indian Communi y along with health education and outreach, which will result in disease preven ion, health maintenance, and morbidity reduction; and WHEREBY, the above services will be provided in accordance with the St. Paul Urban Indian Health Board policies nd directives and in accordance with funding grant requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Dimond Nays Goswitz �_ Long In Favo Rettman a� Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Wilson �R " 5 ��8 Form rove by C't orn Adopted by Council: Date C Certified Pas o cil Sec r BY By Appr by �Navor: Date QPR �p Appro y Mayor for Sub s io cil B r;� � Pt��_I�HED r�,� .�: 1 ;� 198 C.�nitv S�rvicea DEPA ` .ENT �" / � j1� _ O��r�7� Jotn Foreman � CONTA C���`��. 292-7713 PHO�IE . March 8, 1988 DATE � ,�� e� A►SSICN NUhBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cl i Al l L cations for. S� nature : ��y �Department Dii^ector 3 Director of Management/May rl ��' 4 Finance and Management Services Directo - City Clerk Budget Director �C. �C-S 3��7��� %�Ci ty Attorney _ WHAT WILL BE ACHIEYED BY 7AKING ACTION ON T E ATTACHED AII�TERIALS? (Purposef Rationale) : Resta�ution"to a11oM City aignatures on an agreement between the City of Saint P:ul, throngh its Division of Public Health,. an the Minnesota Department o'f Health. Under the terns of the contract health services, he ��tiQn and ontreach to the American' In�iian Comunity will be provided under the dire �`"of-the St. Paul Urban Indian Aealth Board. � Aa �g 1988 RECEIVED _ , OST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPA Y��CIPATEQ: ' �AR 1 � 19� � Community Services Fu�nding vill be received from the'Minnesot D�part�ent of He$1Ch for the gra�t peri�d . Janusry 1, 1988 - L1�ecember 31; 198� or unt'1 all obligations set forth in the grdnt have bse�! astisfactorily fulfilledy whichever curs first. The total amount of the eontract is $72,744.00. DTo personnel impacts are anti ipated. . FINANCIM6 SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUhBER HARGED OR CREQITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- � Total Amount o#'Transact_ion: 572,744. quired if under Funding Source:- Minnesota Department of Health $10,000� - Councii Research Cen#er Activity Number: 33252 . . MAR 2$ i988 ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attachments : 1. ll�re�t, _,�rigina2 and four copies 2. 11�solati� RECEIV�D . MAR 15 1988 DEPARTMENT REVIEW CI�Y ATTORNEY REVIEUI � �Yes No Council Resolution Required? � Resolution Requ�red? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No��j- Yes �No Insurance Attached: � � "�� (SfE •REVERSE SIDE FO INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ' . .. . � �,dv��� ST E OF MINNESOTA CONTRACT � THIS GRANT CONTRACT, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the • laws of the State of Minne ota between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Minneso a Department of Health {hereinafter STATE) _ And: City of St. Paul Divi ion of Health Address: 555 Cedar Street, St. Paul, l�i 55101 MN Tax ID No. : 8025095 Federal Employer ID No. (i applicablej : (NOTICE TO GRANTLE. You a e required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 270.66, to provide your social security number or Minnesota Tax identificati n number if you do business with the State of Minnesota. This 'nformation may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers could result in ac ion to require you to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities. THIS GRANT CONTRACT WILL NOT BE APPRO D UNLESS THESE NUMBERS ARE PROVIDED. These numbers will be avai ble to federal and state tax authorities and state pers nel involved in the payment of state obligations) . The City of St. Paul Divisi n of Health (hereinafter GRANTEE) , witnesseth that: WHEREAS, t e STATE, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 145A.14, Subd. 2, rovides that special grants may be made to community health bo rds to establish, operate, or subsidize clinic facilities and services to furnish health services for American India s who reside off reservations, AND WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perfona the duties set f rth herein, NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed: I. GRANTEE'8 DIITIEB. G TEE, who is not a state employee, shall: A. Subsidize the hea th services for American Indians in Ramsey County thr ugh a subcontract with the St. Paul Urban Indian Heal h Board, 1021 Marion Street, St. Paul. Such a sub idy shall not exceed Seventy two thousand, seven h ndred and forty four dollars ($72,744.00) and dhere to the budgetary provisions found in Clause I , paragraph A(3) . 1 • ., _ �8'�`�s'� . II. CONSID8R1�iTION AND TE 8 OF PAYME�iT. A. CONBIDERATION fo all services performed and good� or materials suppli by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant , contract shall b paid for the STATE as follows: 1. The total o ligation of the STATE for all - compensatio and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed eventy two thousand, seven hundred and forty four ollars ($72,744.00) . 2. Reimburseme t for travel and subsistence expenses actually an necessarily incurred by GRANTEE'S performance f the grant contract in an amount not to exceed On thousand, one hundred and fifty dollars ($11 0.00) provided, that GRANTEE sha13 be reimbursed f r travel and subsistence expenses in the same man er and in no greater amount than provided in he current "Commissioner's P�an° promulgated y the Commissioner of Employee Relations. RANTEE sha11 not be reimbursed for travel and s bsistence expenses incurred outside the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior writte approval for such out-of-state travel from he STATE. 3. Compensation shall be consistent with the Program Line Item Bu get below. GRANTEE shall not seek, nor shall th STATE pay, compensation to GRANTEE for any indi ect, overhead or administrative costs not otherwis included as a direct expense within the Program ine Item Budget. Pr am Line tem Bud et The GRANTEE s all adhere to the following pragram budget in per orming the activities listed in Exhibit I, G TEE'S DUTiES: Cate o of Ec enditure Estimated Allocation Salaries and ringe Benefits $46,324.00 Travel 1, 150.00 Professional upplies 3,821.00 office Suppli s, Print, Communic tions 7,174.00 Contractual/P ysician 9,659.00 Equipment Rep ir 60.00 2 _ . . ���-�� Staff Conti uing Education 505.00 Rent 4.08�,_00 TOTAL $72,774.00 Modificatio s within each category of the above � line item b get of less than 10 percent of any � line item a permitted without prior apprcval by = the STATE, long as notification of such � modificatio is made through the submitted quarterly e enditure reports. Provided, however, that the tot 1 obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed s venty two thousand, seven hundred and forty four d llars ($72,744.00) . B. TERMS OF PAYMENT 1. Reimbursemen shall be one initial cash advance of Eighteen tho sand, one hundred and eighty six dollars ($18 186.00) followed by quarterly cost reimbursemen based on the previous expenses as ocumented by receipts, invoices, travel vouch rs, and time sheets. 2. Payments sha 1 be made by the STATE promptly after GRANTEE'S pr sentation of invoices for services performed an acceptance of such services by the STATE'S auth rized agent pursuant to Clause VI. Invoices shall be submitted in a form prescribed by the STATE. GRANTEE agrees to provide the STATE with the foll wing fir►ancial reports which are due on the dates isted below: � Minnesota Dep rtment of Health Pubiic Health Grant-Budget equest/Expenditure Report on March 31, June 30, eptember 30 and December 31 of each calendar year this grant contract is in effect. iII. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. All services by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant contract pe formed to the satisfaction of the STATE, as determined i the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and n accord with all applicable federal, state and loc l laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. GRANTEE hall not receive payment for wark . found by the STATE to e unsatisfactory, or perfarmed in violation of federal, tate, or local law, ordinance, rule or regulation. IV. TEItM OF GRANT CONTRACT. This grant contract shall be effective on January 1, 1988, or upon such date as it is 3 ������ executed as to enc rance by the Commissioner of Finance, whichever occurs lat r, and shall remain in effect until December 31, 1989, o until all obligations set forth in this grant cont=act ave been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs fir t. A. aRANTEE shall ha e ninety (90) days immediately - following the en of the grant contract period to � liquidate all un aid obligations related to the project incurred prior t the end of the grant contract period and to submit a etailed accounting of these cumulative expenditures to e STATE. , . B. GRANTEE agrees t return to the STATE all funds provided by the S ATE which are not expended for allowable project costs within ninety (90) days following the end of the grant contract period. V. CANCELLATION A. Upon GRANTEE' s su stantial failure to comply with the provisions of thi grant contract, the STATE may terminate this gr nt contract without prejudice to the right of the STAT to recover any money previQUSly , paid. The termina ion shall be effective upon the STATE giving GRANTEE wr tten notice at its last known address. B. The STATE or GRAN EE may cancel this grant contract at any time, with or without cause, upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. In the event of such cancellation 6RANTEE shall be entitled t� payment, determin d on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily pe formed. C. Should this grant contract be terminated prior to the scheduled data, G TEE shall refund to the STATE all remaining unexpen ed grant contract monies within forty-five (45) d ys of the date of effective termination. VI. STATE�S AUTHORIZED AG T. The STATE'S authorized agent for the purposes of administration of this grant contract is: Lorene A. Wedeking, Mi nesota Department of Health. Such agent shall have that uthority for acceptance of GRANTEE'S services and if such s rvices are accepted as satisfactory, shall so certify on ea h invoice submitted pursuant to Clause II, paragraph B. 4 , . c,���-�"s VII. A88IaN�T. GRANTEE shall neither assiqn nor transfer any rights or obligation under this grant contract without the prior written consen of the STATE. VIII• AME�1D�tEi4T8. Any amen ents to this grant contract shall be in writing, and shal be executed by the same parties who executed the origina grant contract or their successors in • office. IX. LIABZLITY. GRANTEE qrees to indemnify and save and hold � the STATE, its agent and employees harmless from any and alI claims or causes of action arising from the performance of this grant contra t by GRANTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or employees. This cla se shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies GRANT E may have for the STATE'S failure to fulfill its obligati ns pursuant to this grant contract. X. STATE AIIDITB. The b ks, records, documents, and accounting procedure , and practices of the GRANTEE relevant to this gra contract shall be subject to examination by the ST TE, the legislative auditor, and the state auditor. Recor s shall be sufficient to reflect all costs incurred in per ormance of this grant contract. XI. OWNERSBIP OF DOCIIMENT . Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, or other d cuments prepared by GRANTEE in the performance of its ob igations under this grant contraet shall be the exclusiv property of the STATE and all such materials shall be re itted to the STATE by GRANTEE upon completion, terminati n or cancellation of this grant contract. GRANTEE sh 11 not use, willingly allow or cause to have such material used for any purpose other than performance of GRANTE 's obligations under this grant contract without the rior written consent of the STATE. XII. AF'FIRMATIVE ACTION. RANTEE certifies that is has received a certificate of comp iance from the Commissioner of Human Rights pursuant ta Mi nesota Statutes, Section 363.073. XIYI. WORRER�S COMPENSATION In accordance with the provisions ' of Minnesota Statutes Section 176.182, the GRANTEE has provided acceptable e idence of compliance with the workers� compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minnesota Statutes, S ction 176.181, Subdivision 2. XIV. ANTITRUST. GRANTEE h reby assigns to the State of Minnesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goods and/or services provi ed in connection with this grant contract resulting fr m antitrust violations which arise 5 . ���'-�s under the antitrust aws of the United States and the antitrust lawg of th State of Minnesota. XV. DATA PRACTICLB. The RANTEE shall agree to indemnify and . save and hold the ST E, its agents and employees, harmless from any and all cla' s or causes of action arising from a- violation of any pro sion of Minnesota Statutes 13.01- _ 13.90. XVI. GRANTEB shall provide nonpartisan voter registration services and assistan e, using forms provided by the STATE, to employees of GRANT E and the public as required by Minnesota Statutes, 1 87 Supplement, Section 201.162. XVII. GRANTEE certifies tha no funding provided under this grant contract will be used to support religious counseling or partisan political ac ivity. XVIII.OTIiER PROVISIONS. A. GRANTEE agrees to utilize competitive bidding and other procedures requir d by Federal, State, and local laws, ordinances, or re lations governing purchasing and fiscal procedures B. (This paragraph h s been deleted. ) C. GRANTEE agrees to provide the STATE with the following grant contract st tus reports which are due on the dates listed belo : July 31, 1988, December 31, 1988, and July 31, 1989. A final report describing the grant activities will be provided to the STATE on or before March 1, 1990. D. The STATE shall, d ring the course of this grant contract, evaluate GRANTEE'S progress towards goals ar►d objectives of the rant contract and compliance witM any special condit ons. The STATE reserves the right to request additio al information from GRANTEE to carry out its evaluation E. GRANTEE agrees to ake all its financial records related to the gra t contract available to the STATE upon request durin normal working hours. ` F. If the GRANTEE has an independent audit, a copy of the audit shall be sub itted to the STATE. 6 . �P��.5� G. GRAt1TEE aqrees t at prior to subcontracting any funds received under is grant contract it shall receive written approval from the STATE. The STATE will respond to requests of G E for authorization to subcontract • within ten (10) workinq days of receiving the reguest. �N WiTNESS WSEREOF, the pa ies have caused this grant contract to be duly executed intend'ng to be bound thereby. (3) ATTORNEY GENERAL (If a corporation, two cor orate By: offic rs must e ute. ) � Date• By: Title• Mayor (4) CONIl�IISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION Date: By: � � By- Date: Title: Assis ant City Attorney Date• �v /3 g � �5) CONII�IISSIONER OF FINAN E By: (2) STATE AGENCY OR DEPAR NT Date: By: Title• Date• Misc./STPCON.WS2 Ol/07/88 sjt:jd By: gy; Title l�irector of Comnunity Servi ce Title: Dir. of Finance & Management Date• 3 �� � Date• 7 ,�i����5 MINIiESOTA D AR7MENT OF HEALTH F ce Sheet • for , Exhibit 1 GRANTEE'S Duties Indian Ne lth Special Grant 5 pages, numbered 1 through 5 . Please initial: � _ � irector of Corrununity Service Assistant City Attorney CONTRACTOR: Mayor Director of Finance and Management Service ^' STATE A6ENCY OR DEPARTMENT: ATTORNEY 6EN i: COlMISSIONER F AOMINISTRATi : CONMISSIONER F FINAMCE: � - � � - Exhibit 1: GRANTEE'S OUTIES . St. Paul Indian Health 6ra�ct , , L/I�'�.�.'r,�"`S Page 1 Of 5 GO�• ' To provide culturally aensi ive effective, efficient, acceptable health-care to the American Indian community which wiil result in disease prevention, health aintenance, and morbidity reduction, � and to be a health, educati n, and information resource center compatible with Indian cult re. • OBJECTIVES 1A. By 1990, American Indian expectant mothers o� St. Paul/Ramsey - County will show a 15$ ecrease ( from 1982 ) in the number of single mothers. 1B. By 1990 , American India expectant mothers of St. Paul/Ramsey County will show a 15$ ecrease ( from 1982 ) in the number of - teenage mothers . 1C By 1990, American Indian expectant mothers ,of St. Paul/Ramsey � County will show a 20$ d crease ( from 1985 ) in the number not receiving prenatal care r �eginning care in the third trimester. 1D By 1990, American Indian births of St. Paul/Ramsey County :will show a 25$ decrease fxom ( 1982 ) in the number of Iow birth weight births . 1E. By 1990, American Indian infants of Ramsey County will show a 10$ decrease ( from 1978-1983 ) in the number of infant rnortalities . 1F Presently, 25$ of the cl ' nic patients with diagnasis of hyper- tension are in complianc with the clinics hypertension health care plan. This will in rease to 90$ by 1990. 1G Presently, 50$ of the cl ' nic female patients receiving pap smears showing evidence f carcinoma or dysplasia referred to specialists are in ccmpl 'ance wlth clinics health care plan. This will increase to 90 by 1990. � 1I Presently, 10$ of clinic atients with diagnosed diabetes are in compliance with clini s health care plan. This will in- crease to 90$ by 1990. - 1J Presently, 100$ of the c inic Yatients diagnosed with anemia are in compliance with t e clinic health care plan. The $ will be maintained through 19 0, by follow-up assuring compliance to clinic health care plan. METHODS 1A-B (a) The Health �ducator �utreach W�rker will instruct 24 "youth choices clas es" °or the St. Paul/Ramsey County American Indian pop laticn by the conclusion of 1990. � � . Exhibit 1: GRANT�E'S DUTIES � ,. � St. Paul Indian Healtn 6rant .. Page 2 Of 5 ����� (b) The Health Educato /Outreach Worker, Medical Assistant will instruct 24 A DS Education/Prevention Classe� to t�'tt St. Paul/Ramse County American Indian population tl�e conclusion of 990. (c) The Physician, Nur e, Medical Assistant will provide family planning in ormation to SQO individuals by the conclusion of 1990 (d) The Health Educato /Outreach Worker, Medical Assistant will provide 24 " ale Responsibility Classes" to the - St. Paul/Ramsey Co nty male American Indian population by the conclusion f 1990. (e) The Health Educato /Outreach Worker, Nurse, Physician will provide infor ation of different family planninq methods and provid service5 in choices made for fam- ily planning by th patients. - 1 C-D-E (a ) The Case Manager of the prenatal clinic will perform � commuity awareness f the services available throuqh the prenatal clinic. This will be accomplished throuqh 400 mailings of pro ram brochures, 25 in-service presen- tations , newspaper rticles , and the distribution of brochures at commun ' ty events by the conclusion of 199p. tb) The OB/GYN Physicia , Nurse , Practitioner, Medical Assis- tant, Social Worker Nutritionist, and Health Educator will provide prenat 1 services to 50 expectant mothers by th conclusion of 1990. 1 F (a ) The Physician, Nurs , Medical Assistant will provide SOQ � hypertension screen ngs considering blood pressure, aqe, and duration of ele ated blood pressure. All patients meeting the clinics criteria for hypertension will enter into the clinics fo low-up tracking system, consistinq of treatment goal , requency of visits for pressure . checks , education, requency of re-evaluation, and re- view of records to ssure comliance to clinic tr�atment plan by the conclus 'on of 1990. 1 G (a) Th� Physician will rovide pap smears to 100 clinic fe- male patients . Abn rmal pap smear identified patien�s wtll be referred to gynecoloqist and followed up to assure compliance at the clinics health care plan uti1- izing the clinic's p tient tracking system, pap smear file, and lab log by the conclusion of 1990. 1 H (a) The Physician, Nurse will provide immunizations to at least 90$ of the cli ic's patients aqes 24-27 months and six years . The clin ' c will utilize its system to� ident- ify, enroll, and imm nize newborns to assure provision of primary immunizat ons and a tracking system which a- lerts staff to child ood immunizations which are due or overdue and triggers appropriate follow-up this will be performed by the con lusion of 1990. •� . Exhibit 1: GRANTEE'S DUTIES � . St. Paul Indian keaith Grartt Page 3 Of 5 ��'�� 1 I (a) The Fhysician, Nurs , Medical Assistant will provide dia- betes testing to id ntified patients at high risk for diabetes by being o ese (qreater than 20$ of ideal body weight) , having a p sitive family history of diabetes at preqnancy. The pat 'ent will be provided with the clinics diabetes health car plan consist.ing of a modified GTT for pregnancy high- isk, urinanalysis, fasting blood chem- � istry screen, EKG, PD and chest x-ray if PPD is positive, ' education and follo -up to assure compliance of health care plan before the conclusion of 1990. 1 J ta ) The Physician will ntinue to perform anemia screening to the patients of the linic and provide health care for diagnosed anemia patients. These patients will be followed up by chart reviews o assure compliance to health care plan, this will be a complished through-out 1990. EVALUATION 1 A-D (a) Number of "Youth C oices Classes" provided (b) Number of AIDS Edu ation/Prevention Classes provided (c) Number of individu ls receiving family planning information (d) Number of "Male Re ponsibility Classes" provided (e ) Charted family pla ning choices , methods utilization within patient fil s 1 C-D-E (a) Number of brochure mailing; number of in-services; number of newspaper artic es ; number of brochures taken at re- corded community a tivities (b) Number of patients receiving prenatal serivices 1 F (a) Number of hyperten ion screeninqs provided; number of diagnosed hyperten ion patients followed up for compliance; number of hyperten ion patients provided with clinic health care plan 1 G (a) Number of papa sme rs provided; up-to-date pap smear file; up-to-date lab log ' 1 H (a ) Percentage of pati nts immunizated 1 I (a ) Recorded diabetes esting; patient diabetes healtb care pian provided; fol ow-ups performed on at-risk an�/o� diag- nosed diabetes pat ents 1 J (a) Charted anemia pat ents provided with health care plan; follow ups perform d on diaqnosed anemic patients ���i�v� � a. unni��« .� uu�tG� � St. Paul Indian Health Grant . , Page 4 Of 5 ����� GOAL 2: To administer the activitie of the St. Paul Urban Indian Health � Board in accosdance with Board p licies and directives and funding source requirements on grants re eived and functions served. OBJECTIVES: 2A. To elevate fiscal int grity on all accounts and grants , received. � 2B. To elevate effective ersonnel management and staff development. 2C. To coordinate departm nt/proqram services, interagency activities, and servi e needs. METHOD: 2A(a) . To maintain a monthly financial and quarterly reportinq system to the eaord a d appropriate source aqency. 2A(b) . To maintain invoicing budget control systems to Contmunity Health Services and o her funding sources as appropriate. 2A(c) . To provide applicable year-end program summary and analysis as appropriate. 2A(d) . To provide for annual financial reports/audits as required by funding sources. 2B(a) . In accordance with Bo rd recommendations, reruit, interview/ employ number of pers ns essential/approved for agency operations. 2B(b) . Research/identify ind vidual/staff development sources con- sistent with specialt area. 2B(c) . Provide an annual app aisal and recommendations/staff adjustments to the Bo rd as appropriate. 2B(d) . Pzovide for weekly/bi eekly staff ineetings and reports. 2C(a) . ToFaoordinate and pro ide systems diversification through d�tt�lopment of intera ency agreements and understandinqs. 1�.. . � � � " . � 2C(b) . To provide liaison wi h appropriate public/private insti- tutions as appropriat . EVALUATION: 2A(a) . Monthly/quarterly rep rting system to Board of Directars and other agency/source a appropriate. 2A(b) . Actual/projected prog am expenditures. 2A(c-d) Employ Certified Publ 'c Accountant - Annual Report and audit. • Exhibit 1: GRANTEE'S DUTIES ' , St. Paul Indian Health Grant ,� . Page 5 Of 5 ��-y�� 28�a) . Numb�r of persons hir d. 2Btb) . Personnel development sources/resources. ZB(c) Work plan/staff adjus ments. - 2B(d) . Meetings and staff ac ivity reports. 2C(a ) Letter of understandi q/interaqency aqreements. 2C(b) . Liaison/interagency a tivity.