88-454 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR File NO• �� '�� � . . , �o c 'l Resolution j�' Presented By ' Refer o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Sai t Paul Administrative Code , Chapter A-2 , Subd. l , be and the ame hereby is amended to read as follows: "Chapter A-2. Council ommittees. 1 . Council Committees. That in order to p ovide for the efficient operation of the Legislative bran h of city government, the following subcommittees of the Cou cil are hereby established: (1 ) Finance , Management nd Personnel . (2) Public Works , Utilit es and Transportation. ( 3) Housing and Economic Development. (4) Community and Human ervices , and Licensing. ( 5) Rules and Policy. The President of the Co ncil shall be empowered to establish such additional �acomm' ttees as the need may arise with the consent of the Counc l . " and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Administrative Code , Chapter A-2 , Subdivision 5 , s b. l , is amended as follows : "5. �committee functi ns in particular. (1 ) Finance , Management nd Personnel . The Council �committee COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favo Goswitz Rethnan s�6e;n�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Ap,prove by i A ey Adopted by Counci!: Date � . i . Cerlified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy. Approved by �Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By . - ' � � ��d ���� on Finance , Management nd Personnel shall establish priori- tized goals and objec ives for all capital and operating budgets of all city departments , boards and agencies. In addition, the e�c mmittee shall assume the responsi- bility of reviewing all capital and operating budget matters submitted by the Mayo in accordance with the timetable provided by administrat've ordinance , shall be responsible for the consideration f any legislation relating to the personnel of the city, alary questions and labor relations; ar��-��ia��-�-r-e�s��i�-1 €o-r--�e�}eva��r3g-a��-�}eer3s�rr3g-r�a��e�s �eqt3���r�Q--��otx�3-�--�r-- st�beea�Fx}��ee--�e�3�--�xc�t--vake�e €t���--e�rre-i-l--a��}er3-i.� �eqr�}�ed-�-�aw--�a-i��-i�r ti-�-���}�s w�i}e13--v�o��c�-�o-t-�-1-l�va- -�o�=-st�b�ex�r����ee-�r-�-r}g--as--we��; a��--�e�--o�e��ee�r-�g--�c� �-c-�--�l��t-�re�-�e�a�e�v���--a�d �eee��e�d��Q-�eQ}s�a��e� e�-��ee�s��g-}sst�es . and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that t e Saint Paul Administrative Code, Chapterl�,,S!2 , subdivision 5 , s bdivision 4 , be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows " (4) Community and Huma Services. The Council �committee on community and human s rvices shall oversee policy develop- ment and review and reco mend legislation on issues involving community services , fire , police , the environment and other human services initiativ s of the council and shall serve as a clearing house for review of proposed state legislation. In addition the e�lacommi tee shall oversee strategies and policies and implement programs for the improved coordination and effectiveness of cri prevention and response to the city' s neighborhoods and or the improved quality of life in the neighborhoods . The committee also may review pro- posals from the administra ion that affect or concern district councils , business and ci ic groups in other neighborhood or community groups . This c mmi�tee shall also be responsible for reviewing all licensi g matters requiring council or �— 2. WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council o(i� CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. u` J��� BI.UE - MAVOR � � Coun 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date committee action, excep where full council action is required by law within ime limits which would not allow for �committee hearin as well , and for overseeing policy development of a d reviewing and recommending legislation on licensin issues. 3. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays I) Requested by Department of: Dimond �t� �� In Favo Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonn� Wilson �R _ 5 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Cer2ified Yass cil Sec y BY B}� Appr v by iqavor. Da _ . �R a � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PtI�IISHED kF r� �. � 198 _