88-451 . WHITE — CITV CLERK PIMK — FINANCE CITY O SAINT PAUL x I C�:NARV — DEPARTMENT COLLI1C11 f BLUE —N.1�VOR F116 NO. ��/ �/ �.00..� q I � r indnce Ordinance N 0. ` ..S�J��.3 � � Presented By f Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapte 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the ity of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statute , § 462.357 and § 64.400 of the Legislative Code, V.V.L. Management an the Housing and Redevelopment Authority duly petitioned to rezone 67 Concord, the northwest corner of Robert and Congress and vacated Congress betw en Robert and Concord from B-2 to B-3 for the purpose of establishing a fas food restaurant; the petition having been certified by the Planning Divisio on November 5, 1987 and February 25, 1988 as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, an further having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the propert situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year pr ceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee on Decemb r 3, 1987 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezo ing petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, subm'tted its recommendation to the r Planning Commission that the petition b granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission consid red the rezoning petition at its meeting held on December 4, 1987 and re ommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notices of a public hearing be ore the City Council on the said _ rezoning petition were duly mailed to e ch owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly with n 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, Public hearings before the Cit Council , having been conducted on January 21, February 4 and March ��, 198 where all int�erested persons were heard, and the Council having considere all the facts and recorrnnendations concerning the petition; now, therefore . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor — . Rettman Scheibel A ainst BY Sonnen g Tedeaco Wilson Form Appr d b� City orn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By ` Approved by Mayor: Date Approve or for Submi i to Council By By M�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT YA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BL�'�',��` 1.}AVOR File NO. �� / • � r in�nce Ordinance N 0._����3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date . ...,. . _ . Out of Committee By Date THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL D S ORDAIN: Secti o 1. `Y` That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 37, as incorporated by reference in Secti n 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is h reby further amended as follows: That property located at 67 Concor , the northwest corner of Robert and Congress and vacated Congress betw en Robert and Concord being more particularly described as: Lots 5 nd 6 and part, NEIy of widened Concord Street, of Lot 5 and all o Lot 6 and the South 30 feet of Lot 7, Block 51 West St. Paul Blocks 1 hrough 99 and, that portion of Congress vacated between Robert and Concord Streets, be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to B-3. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect an be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �o�� Nays �arsw— w».�e In Favor � Rettm Scheibel `� ��' ' Sonnen � Against BY �-�"�-��-� -ladesee�fM cb✓� Wilson Adopted by Council: Date qpR 2 , �S Form Approve Atto y Certified Pa b ` � c BY By - � ^ � Appr d y Mayor: Da L ,.. ��S Approve b Mayor for Submi o Council By pt�tlSNEO AP R � 01988 uncii Research Cen�a� ���� � , :. y . . . _ r =�. . MAR 2 51988 N° 013 219 � PED � DEPARTMEI�T - -f; nna ts o CONTACT NA1� 228-3395 _ Fxort� �-�� DATE ASSIGN NiJ?SBER FOR .ROUTING ORDER: (See reve e side.) ^ - � C�"�"'� _ Department Director 2 Mayor (or Assistant) '3''Z���� _ Finance .and Me��mgement Services Director � City Clerk sudget Director 3 Council Researc � city �ttorney Plannina Qivision ��t'..�Sfi1� TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (Clip all locations for signature.) � T W C V D B G I ? (Purpose/Rationale) 1 Attached ordinance implements the City C uneil 's 3/4/88 decision to rezane 67 Concord, the NW corMer of Robert and ongress and vacated Congress�et betwe�n Robert and Concord from 6-2 ta B 3::to establish a Burger King fast food� . restaurant. Public hearings e irst n Jan. 21 and continued on February 4 and March �, 1988. � . COST B T UD E SO AC S A RF�F��� /�//q O N/A R�11°'� R j8� N► c�RK �iqyo�s 988 �'� oF,���� F N I G 0 TIV x�t ED N/A (Mayor's signature not required if under $10 000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Fundiag Source: ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachmen s.> R EC EIV E D 2 pp. ordinance N�AR 17 1988 AD1rIINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes No Rules, Regulations, Proced es, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetab e attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes �No Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Xes _No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance attachedY � N _ a a� � i �' --1_ ; o► i � i � cc W O � . . O U � W I N � � � �" � H O Z _ r C O . o c� � U �" � W � N 1� � m � � � O � Sa +� � O •i � t� �' N � � p N v a � � _ � a E ��r1 � M � s' � H d' +� � N � C r--� � O � N J (� � Q � G. J !n i. �Q N � oYC v~i= s.. ;�� a E +.� z c�.�o�~-+ E ��� U � � � �'� C o ��o`�o � � c°� a�. C,�i„)M _ , " - � , 2528883 �� �,��, ;. '� ; ; �v.� � � �: c o. � � r E•F.c�.Y C(1'��. �'� ��'r� ' ,�;��. �:rco��`n ot� RE�4�i�cv �i� `� � � �A� 3�l _Z �4 �'l� '�U JAN 3 0199a . .� .'� y,r ^ .,� ; { I . � •`/ �- ��, �" STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) I� , . , , . , ,Alber B;,O1son, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, innesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the attache copy of Council File No. .88,-451. as adopted by the Ci y Council. . . . .AQril.21:. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.88. . . and approved by the ayor. . . . . . . . . ,APri1.22:. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.88. . . with the original the eof on file in my office. I further certif that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and he whole thereof. WITNESS my hand nd the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . . . . .? th. . . . . day of , , , ,Januar�. . . . . , ,A.D. 1990. . � ��; ,�� . . . . . .�.�'r�=�s-C;L�.. :G�.°. . . . �':'�'� . . . . . . �'��''`' City Clerk. ��v . -��; � '��- ��.;. -.�..���i'i ��,, ���;, • �:,�, ,4 �. �'•� ;� -��'. ''�' �' ' � r, 1 - „7sv� '" 'y,� : IG , ' � J ' - , ��r :., L, � ` � �rs� � �.., ' • ' ' / !` �..� �. _ ^_ `.P � �L ��^ j' /� �' � / ' ' : ; .,, � � (,' l. ' . • '�e• �)` "'- Fl...� .-� <1 I� e a^ � ;js f f_�rv A: ;�, �!�e,',, W..f 'hi. �'.L.�`= � � . . .-�• WHITE — CITV CLERK r PINK — FINANCE Cs:NARV;DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL F1eci1N0. ���t e�ue — y,aroa . O/ W Z �/L{�.G Ordinance 1�0. l�S�� .- —. Presented By � �����" 2528583 ��' J ,` Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the Cit of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.400 -of the Legislative Code, V.V.L. Management and th Housing and Redevelopment Authority duly petitioned to rezone 67 Con ord, the northwest corner of Robert and Congress and vacated Congress between obert and Concord from B-2 to B-3 for the purpose of establishing a fast fo d restaurant; the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on November 5, 1987 and February 25, 1988 as having been consented to by at lea t two-thirds of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fu ther having been consented to by at least 67% of the owners of the property si uated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preced ng the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee on December , 1987 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezonin petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitt d its recommendation to the • Planning Commission that the petition be g anted; and ' WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considere the rezoning petition at its . meeting held on December 4, 1987 and recom ended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notices of a public hearing befor the City Council on the said _ rezoning petition were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 50 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and t WHEREAS, Public hearings before the City C uncil , having been conducted on January 21, February 4 and March 3; 1988 w ere all int�erested persons were heard, and the Council having considered a i the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Seheibel AgBiRSt BY So�nen Tedesco Wilson Form Appr d b� City orn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By ` Approved by Mayor: Date Approve or for Submi i to Council By By � WHITE - CITV CLERK t PINK - FINANCE COU[1Cll /+ CANA1iV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL / � BLUE �-MAVQR '- Flle NO. ��_�/ O�f�L Z �nce Ordinance N�. J�7_'S � Presented By 2528883 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section . " That the zoning map of the City of S int Paul , Sheet No. 37, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is her by further amended as follows: That property located at 67 Concord, the northwest corner of Robert and Congress and vacated Congress betwee Robert and Concord being mor;e particularly described as: Lots 5 an 6 and part, NEIy of widenedJ Concord Street, of Lot 5 and all of ot 6 and the South 30 feet of Lot 7, Block 51 West St. Paul Blocks 1 t rough 99 and, that portion of Congress vacated between Robert and oncord Streets, be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to B-3. Section . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from ' and after its passage, approval and ublication. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas �ti,� Nays �iiwie � In Favor P1 anni nr ECOt10t111 r �@yP1nTmPnt Rettm Scheibel � Against BY �� -'�� - �2-E'-�� Sonnen � � .Iadescc�;n?c`��O Wilson Adopted by Council: Date ��R 2 � '�8� Form Approve b Attor y Certified Pa d b r CQ� c BY By = `�.. Appr d y Mayor: Da L 2-��� Approve b Mayor for Submi o Council By e�� n � Pt3g9 lS4��D A t�R �.� c� 19 8 8 2 28883 �' �� � '�` �` . . , _. . „ � .. " ' ' " — .�_"".:.. ` .• d vJ432o B L9 i"'_. .--, . . � � " ' T,S. .7 �.: � ' • � •�• ! t� l�� —�.-.—. . i£L �P PLA/�4p �'•. VAC/►TLD � I .... . .Ns .............� A I 7 � /011 LTA/l � 2 �1+/ �{1 ••,',DR�v�•[1MT� OOC�Mt��f. w� � . � � , Q. �__� /.f0. /.f0�_____ oO • L' ; 4-�; ' t f �„� e �s'��' • D E LOS ' ' ',, csi) : � / f�'t(,)/O � ; ,_ a•,�_'• � •� _ .a..i•=-• ( a ,.,,� CROSSiNG . , - ��� ��a isZ ZI ��°�s): � ) n' + . 2 , , ''c;a i2 �l ��oa . 0 � « 1g !t�)r 9 _�,n��_ _ ; .; •,►; IL . i , , s "� . � � , e - 3.�� � � - -- .. TOWNHOMESo ; _ �� � � � -��,� .!Y 2 �f0. e ' •I. —� It�y i � � � � '°�• . y .� es� * � a 6� � � OSI i : 5 CL) � t � � � :2 i � T ,� 3d � I t t ♦ t 7 �� j 1 �� � � �. ���� II� � Ilo.O� . � ((i� � �` '•' .S� � � �5 � „S �"� 6'(�.) d oL'� si,S (+) � T)e)C�) w �°��o' � j � �;.-•�,. • .s s• � ri .re. � .r f ' � �i�• ' �l. . 1 �j�Q .Za,��`�^��,�.M;o E� � ~�� ..�'_����.-_'__-_ OV �N_� o a.. �----- _ _ ; _ ;;.. •.� ., r-- •� . ' � � . S�•. ' '••9�.i•�"� ,fo . °: a � .fa • ,!-e. i.f . � � � i o ito � . � 1�C� `2 �K� � I �� f� A/ 3�t) S7) I !OL � � � � ) !0 � SD 8� 9 ! ' �H/ Z E. .,�) ,...,. Q S ��. ��, ; � , �. � I � � I R E N A � � � y� ` 1� � �. � °�o L ss) °sb � `V e 64 70°� � '��' S7 4! � � � ` J Sz +�h� 2 �� � ( �B3 8�� � --�-., �—$ �l s4 (c�� / �' � 1 s � / i�rao a' � i //' � � �+'", •`^ . — _ o.ts.. � I ���Z._* �. � ' L �=-rs /O ` 9' .1��3' ,�` ., +'° , i �I1(y�S�rM e• 6 s ' z �',- ' �(s, �� 7.is �:•,� � ; �yz � y , ::." , i0�:: a. (s� �•��•. �M,� s.d � _ :s�; .'j w f �M. So. � ��s� `� t '�' � � � � � i. � --�' _.. / O w s. sO. .tf 1 - ... _. ��---- ' - - ,..-�... .. . ;�d. • � . -.... �es ••- •-. , f !J �.i.iTaO 3.-� � s \ �'�!! ' �Xw-.WO_� . '� � . !•! IO'f.f ` �� ` - /SO. f o' /o �� �.''" (»� �g p� \ '' � �� A / �� �� \: � � \ osn ,� 5�� a`J O�-z 2 �' ` H ,� � ' � \ `" ' � �;-� � _� 2 �' ,y � � ,�, , 1 ' �� °�4 e1 z - `' � � , .� �� � O`, r cs r ����� . � � � � i_ � � ` 5 A l3n �Q ,•,; ��'' '3 ` � , � � �f� � �, N' O � I 64 • �r�s� ryA �: , .•� M , . ��� •,, • ,=, _� �: ,� 6 � 7 y � �c ; // a � � " . � � � , . � os� � . � : � ,`l� �f� 01 �� :._��: ��. :.�; 43, : yt ir �� --- �o. ,00 '�� ` ���o � �,� � / � of.-B 1400 � ' '� � � O�O �0 70 r0 y; . T"" ''_ -. ._ .. %sO._--- �o. ro. �_ '•�_, .�o• - -�- - :,. • � j_J:%la�' 60 A � �� (�j) I ��� T MAP o� " s . � , .. . '^� . , �•'�' . .���-�► �� � pu4 • . ._ - : . - - RE�oN�N�, Au�� P� � N At�ES Ac,r.EPTEp FoR PEr�r�oN: N RA Nar�F�c,,�r�oi•t ,- - AR� -3SO' • , , ' . � , � wN�TE — C�TY CIiJ�K � � � � . M �P1NK � FINANCE �jjT�, � OF � SAINT PALTL � Councit � C�PI�R�/�DfiPARTM[NT � �' � /j 9LUE -�AVOR , � . . FlIC � NO._�,��/ � • � Or in�nce Ordinance NO.._.,,�, .� .3. ' � , Presented By Referred To Committee: � Date ' "`��Out of Committee By ' ? � Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the ity of Saint Paul and the zoning maps �..r.. thereof. � - -�:� , --- . \ WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and § 64.400 of the Legislative Code, V.V.L. Management and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority duly petitioned to rezone 67 oncord, the northwest corner of Rober� and Congress and vacated Congress betwe n Robert and Concord from 6-2 to B-3 for the purpose of establishing a fast food restaurant; the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on November 5, 1987 and February 25, 1988 as having been consented to by at east two-thirds of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year pre eding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Corrnnittee on Decemb r,3, 1987 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the �ezo ing petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, subm'tted its recommendation to the • Planning Commission that the petition b granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission consid red the rezoning petition at its . meeting held on December 4, 1987 and re ommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notices of a public hearing be ore the City Council on the said rezoning petition were duly mailed to e ch owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly with n 350 feet of the property sought to � be rezoned; and WHEREAS, Public hearings before the Cit Council , having been conducted on January 21, February 4 and March 3.; 198 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considere all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: 1'eas Nays Drew N��oS�a In Favor Rettman � S`ne�b°i A ainst BY Sonnen g 7edesco ' Wilson /� Form Appr d b City orn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Councit Secretary BY By � Aoproved by Mayor Date Approve or for Submi i to Council BY BY wH�Te — c�rr c�¢wK VINK — FIN�NCRn COURCII `f�.,, � � B�:UEpr—MAYORTM`NT , � . �CITY OF ►�!. INT PAUL File , NO. ����`�'�� �� • � O'��i QnCe Ordinance N O. f?,:,��'�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date . . ,. ulHa•..�;1Y'.-Y4 � �Out of Committee By Date THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOE ORDAIN: _ _ . _ - _.. .._K Section 1. y.�,� _ - That the zoning map of the City of aint Paul , Sheet No. 37, as incorporated by reference in Sectio 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is he eby further amended as follaws: That property located at 67 Concor , the northwest corner of Robert and Congress and vacated Congress betw en Robert and Concord being more particularly described as: Lots 5 nd 6 and part, NEIy of widened Concord Street, of Lot 5 and all o Lot 6 and the South 30 feet of Lot 7, Block 51 West St. Paul Blocks 1 through 99 and, that portion of Congress vacated between Robert an Concord Streets, be and is hereby rezoned f rom B-2 to B-3. Sectio 2. This ordinance shall take effect nd be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval a d publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas y�,��, Nays �9r.w— u;...��*�:�*-��-- In Favo � � Rettm � Cy�``� Scheibel 3 s��ne� Against By .Iadexe,p�n?c'A'l� Witson Adopted by Council: Date APR Z ' '� Form Approve b Attor y CertiEied Pa d b � c By By � Approved by Mayor: Date Approve b Mayor for Submi o Council By BY f . � .9 � Y �� y '. � . A �'i l,t A^ .t � ,. I' 1+4 � 1 ���K 1 r _ � 1, � 1 eR-'. . �, .,' , 4 . �t S �I . �_ '� . , � ` � Y s ,` ta � �� � �t � Jw3 'r F �k ,�� t�'�� `C � f ������� f : � � �s� � 7 '���' �t �s�� � ;� a �� � �id `.e ��,t� ��;� � :� � 1 ' � / ,, �µ ���� � �, � "�#-t I� t �'. � '��k� '� R} � j �� { , �,'� � ' t.tk t M'�� i � �a � ai 1` i '� � f��'-� �fitl� ' � -� �rA 1 ? l�. 1 1 ~ I,� ` 1 .:� � � yY� k '�. f � �' ,.h .,l .t � . v �2 Y T �>� � i '�'' /( {- i _ _ > r��` ,� . .+ i- � t = �� g ,} . � �d i f / .�:' L 7` 4 (� t �� � � ,�� ^ r �.�- ✓ ' � i :� ,. � ' `y •� ♦;. ..�i � ��t �' ��-.�. � � � � � t'� � ` ;-� ��� l `-x i � ' ..� � _� ,., � r� ���� � }�,P�_� y ! e is� s .i� � ,s�� Sx!.,e� ,y�4t t � �,. �}` .�; �� '�. . 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PAGE PURPOSE i A Rezoning from R�4-1 and B-2 to B-3 (general business) to establish a Bur er King fast food r•estaurant. L O C A TI 0 N 442 Livingston 67 Concord, & Northwest corner of Robert and Congress PETITIONER V.V.L. MANAGE ENT C0. AND HRA H E A RIN G Thursday, Jan ary 21, i9s8 9:0o A.M. . Cit Council C ambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 29s-41 4 - (Donna oatsko) Contact the Z ing Section of the Planning and Economic Development D partment, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Str et, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Legal Descrip ion: On file Notice •ent 1-8-88 � "A1 � � �,., r,< �r�: 8 P� o� `'-' �a�� `/� � � " � � , o � 4 4; , �.----_a � , - �� * � I � � � � s � `� �s a � � � ' i �i � � ^_-- i i ' � � iH � ( _i � t � , ' �i _� - � � C.� � '. ; d � ' I ; �i r � � � i t� �� i ���I � w ; � j p ' � �� —� �� � I � � j _ � �u � v ; i - ;� d � �� I ' � I y � , 'o �� V ' � =r-- p ! \ _'� � i �I�_ e — ` �_; I � � 'J�^ U� \ l �� � i � v` W ���-------- ! � ( 1 ' ° �3��' , � � I� � ' J � V I � \` � Z ,ul It11 �-�J 1 . � i � i� !,4 j I � J ' �jr- Z � ;�j � 2 � - - i � _, ��,,�, „o•,� � ,a,a� '`_;_ -� � , � I �� Y LL y� I � � ' i ! � � , � ! j � �! �� i _� ' �N � � i i � � �--- _/�a�r�nJn�> iD� '�l � ,e��� - -- � �� i I � ^t :� �o � � I W /� � �� ,� � z �,% ,E �� �V—� c FS�� �� ,. .� ,�- \ �� ���; ,, � , W � � � •o = y �� � �' � W � S,� � � ' �1� 4 = i i / ✓ �D � ��� i •°",° �\ / � ;� �� � � � � � _ r —� ���� _ ���� o�i � _ '� � • � d o � .� 1 I I � U I K f I (� Vi ' I ` � r �. , I � � d 'y r � � s � � ' �, ' ,' � ,Q � „ � _ � � �o �� � � � ,� ./�� . � � a A i � 5- ,b •�Y .+ T! . li � 'ay ' � � I � � � ;'� u 1 i 5� � '� —! 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A ccpy o` Sections 60.540 tnro�oh 60.54�; , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and cCkn�h'�E:'Q2 ihci. 1�e �1'e �ware o` ��� Or th USeS D���llt�?d U?1GE� c B-3 �';S�''lC: �O�i1�G C� �SS1r1CZ:lOfi Z(ld We ci'� v+'cl'E tnc: cil�' Or tF�ESE USeS can be eS�c�'1S�'�?d 'J�O� �l�,y COU�CI� �p�rovzl Or '1°_ r�ZOning;yctlC� h'E ile���!' tD�S2�1� �0 the i��Gi�'i^G UT ��i� Fi uNci'�.y �ESL;lhcC� lf) �i2 PE�i,iO� Cr �'.�'.L. *lanagement Cor�pany znd .?� t0 Z B-3 District. ridmE oi pE2iti0�Er LG; �?O�K ADDiTION ' RECOKD 0'�'l�=R SIGt�ATURc DAT� I , 14 I 64 ! L,?. St. Paul k�ilder H. Amher t `' , . , /, ,�` ���!� 15 I i � Foundation �i '���� -�i' �„���� � �G�;;� ' 16i j � - � , . i , i � � � � i � � � � i I 1 I I 1 ` 66 ( t,'. St. Paul Robert E. Keye �o � , ��, C�_�� 2 � � I 47R Robert I ��,-�,f ne f-j�C-�GC�" �Dr �U�I��� � 3 � { I r � ! 4 +i ! � � 5 I ! I . � � I I � , i Petitions shall not be considered as of`icially filed until the l ��se of 7 working days a`ter r ed in the Zcni g Office. kny sicnator o` any petition may k�ith�r�t�fiS������on by writ�� st r;ithin that tim�. FEB 121988 ' . P age .2 �f �� �s �� ZONNVG CITY C �RK . . - , � RECEIVED �STATE OF MINNESOTA) : ss FEB 121988 COUN Y OF RAMSEY ) _ ZONING , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the rson i�ho circuleted the within petition and consent, consisting of pages; that • ffiant is informzd and believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed im�ediately bef ore eac name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above s the owner of property which is within 10� feet from any property o��uned or purch sed by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1 ) year preceding the date of th�s petition which is contiguous to the property described in the pptition; that xcept for __ none of the parties described above has p rchased or is purchasing property from �etitioner contiguous t� the ahove descri ed property within one (1 ) year of the date of the petitior; that this consent was si ned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. 4025 West Broadway Robbinsdale, Minnesota Address 533-8629 Telephone Number Subscribed and sworn to efore me this �_ day of ���______, 19��' � L��� ��-- ---- P;ot y Public �� � �� ___... { ,�'�� E�s;'�`��' ,A� �-��Ll.sJ���` t y' _ :;07� ' —� ' �.� �-�:� . .. ��v�iY m.�.ir.;�.� e ._,,.:; �,_��ust 22,1990 Ap�roved as to form - Feb. 85 Page of Planning Department , d' �^ 4/,,�/ STATE OF MINNESOTA) R EC E I V E D : SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) FEB 121988 ; ��' , being firs duly sworn, deposes ���� that he is the per o vho circ ated the within petitio and consent, consisting of pages; that af ia t is informed and believes that th parties described are the owners respectively of the ots placed immediately before ea h name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned or purc ased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1 ) year preceding the date o this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for none of the parties described above has urchased or is purchasing property from petitioner conti�uous to the above descr bed property within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was s gned by each of said owners in the presence of t��is affiant, and that the si�natures ar the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. jla�� �N�v�si7� �. ST� P��t N. �s-ro��_ Address lQ'�S—��� Telephone Number Subscribed and sworn to ,before me this fZ day of .�.�_____, 19�' - -����E�!�!�- IVotary Public � rnnnn�nnnr,�v�n�� �5��' ��'E' �1 � r � /Yg,'/lr.oa �Jr- C f:�,. -�._jUll� � �`"��� f�,Y CG�:;�.Ef;i%if?�:.'�iA;i{?7, i9$1 Y\��atiAMVV'v�"�'1'vVt"✓v7nlvtiNVW�M/V'� Ap;�roved as to form - Feb. 85 Page of Planning Department .r • (', y=� F To: I�abel Street Residents �'`� `'�`�' � r:. - Conc�rd Street Business Associatiar� From: Dave Haley, Cr�air, Building and Land Use Corr,rnittee Enclosed is a copy of a let er of agreement between Jay Van Velzen, the develo er. af the proposed Bur�er I�ing, tl�e i.oncord Street B siness Association, ar�d the West Side Citizens Org nization. It covers the operation of the resturant in ar� Pffort to minimize impact on the neighborhood. This was developed prior to the January 23rd St. Pa� 1 City Council rneeting and is based on tr,e site plan or the vacarit lot adjacent to Michael' s Pizza. . � �� � ��� . •� ���� .; , , , �� SI�� � CI'TI���� O�� ��,'���1� � 209 West Page, St. Paul, MN 55107 292-8020 January 20, 1988 . Jim Scheibel, PresidPnt St. Paul City Council City Hall , St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Mr. Scheibel: The purpose of this letter is t convey the current status of negotiations between r. Jay Van Velzen, the West Side Citizens Organization and the Concord Street Business Association regarding referred conditions for building and operating a Bu ger King resturant alongside Michael's Pizza on Ro ert Street. Last evening a meeting was held to work out a letter of understanding between the parti s on specific items in the event that the City Council approves the re-zoning of the lots in .question and the Burger King building proceeds. Residents of the hom s that would be directly behind the resturant were also in attendance. They remain opposed to Burger King b ing built on this site, but wished to have input on the e conditions in the event the resturant goes in. Following are the pointy that w re discussed and the agreement reached: 1} PAftKING LUT SET BACK FROM TH HOUSES ON ISABEL STREET Distance required by city ode - 6-8 feet. Z) VOICEBOX FOR DRIVETHROUGH Will be pointed away from ouses, sound will be at normal conversation le 1, so as not to be ' heard by homes in imme ' t v 'nity. ���+��'" J ;!r� �� 1 3} TYPE OF FENCE � Treated wood. Style to be the subject of continued discussion with residents whose property abuts the Burger King lot nd the Concord Street Business Assoriation. a ♦ . ' � . � �) ACCESS FROM MAIN BUILDING TO GARBAGE BIN. Fully enclosed access from building to bin. 5) GARBAGE TRUCKS/DELIVERY TRi)C S Garbage truck will pick up after 8 am. Mr. Van Velzen will make a effort to schedule delivery trucks d ring the preferred hours of 8 am - pm. � CLOSING OFF BACK LOT �,f�^ LJ�VJ According to Zoning Commis ion requirements, back lot will be open from 9 am - 8 pm only. 7} DESIGN PARAMETEftS To the extent possible, wi hin Burger King Corporation's design, to f t in with the Old Town/Turn of the Centu y flavor planned for area. WSCO/CSBA/residents will have additional opportunities to review an have input into � detailed design drawings. 8) PREFERENCE TO WEST SIDERS FO JOBS Will abide by a first sour e agreement or it' s equivalent. Will promote o management positions from employees a the restaurant. �} DONATE BUILDING AT 442-444 C NCORD TO NEIGHBORHOOD Mr. Van Velzen will invest gate the cost of removal of duplex, back fi 1 and compacting for parking lot, The buil ing will be �iven to an appropriate neighbor ood organization at no cost for relocation nd rehabilitation, with the understanding tha relocation not delay scheduled constructi n. The cost of removing the duplex, which Mr. Van Velzen will be saving, is to be c ntributed toward the building relocation. 1 } PARICING LOT LIGHTS Shut off between 8 pm and 2 pm, time to be agreed upon with neighbors light to be shielded from residences. � - � ' • . 11) NEIGHBORHOOD CLEAN-UP " Will instruct employees o pick up beer bottles and garbage, not just Bu er King wrappers and containers, within one block radius of resturant; area and freq ency of pick-up to be agreed upon with the •nei hbors or specified by council action. . We ask that these terms, and y others that the City Council and zoning staff deem appropriate for this type of business, be made a pre-condition for ap roval of the rezoning. Mr. Van Velzen has been cooper tive in meeting with area residents, our district council and in providing information that has been requested. He h s also cooperated in agreeing to, and even suggesting, the c nditions that will minimize the impact of this business up n neighboring residences. While residents in the immedi e vacinity remain opposed to the resturant on this location and to removal of the duplex, the West Side Citizens Organiz tion and the Concord Street Business Association continue o support the rezoning necessary to insure that this developmen will go forward. We hope that this letter clarifies any ques ions you may have and will insure your continued support f the proposal. Sincerely, ,�9� �� ��- ` �� Dave Haley, Chair Jay Van Velzen Building and Land Use Committe West Side Citizens Organizatio �.-2�� f�vz�-,+�-- l�% Sam Verde ja, I��es ident Concord Street Business Associ tion - � ��- �„�--i ¢t'`t t Op b � �' °. CITY OF SAINT PAUL x ,, ��„����,,, b DEPARTM NT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT `�m °1r �� � ha DIVISION OF PLANNING 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �es• 612-228-3270 GEORGE LATIMER ' MAYOR RECEIVED January 14, 1987 JAN 2 01988 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall GITY CLERK Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File #10025 - V.V.L. Man gement and H.R.A. City Council Hearing: January 2 , 1988 PURPOSE: To rezone 442 Livingston St eet from RM-2 to B-3 and 67 Concord and the northwest corner of Robert nd Congress from B-2 to B-3 for the purpose of constructing a fast- ood restaurant. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: pprove (16 - 1) ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: App ove (6 - 1) r4 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve SUPPORT: District 3 recommends appro al; six people spoke in support. OPPOSITION: Three people spoke; peti ion with 113 signatures submitted. Dear Sir: On December 3,1987, the Zoning Commi tee of the Pl�nning Commission held a public hearing on this rezoning. Th petitioner testified. At the close of the hearing, the Committee voted 6 t 1 to recommend approval the rezoning. The Committee also voted to recommen approval of the Special Condition Use Permit which would be required to op rate a fast food restaurant. On December 4, the Planning Commissi n upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation on a vote of 16 to 1. . This rezoning is scheduled to be hea d by the City Council on January 21. Planning Division staff will present hotographs of the area for the Council's information. Please note that in addition to the sual information found i� rezoning packets used by the Council, this packet als contain supplementary aCaterial related to the rezoning petition. Some residen s who are in opposition to tnis rezoning and to the proposed use have questio d the validity of the rezoning petition. The authority to address questions o petition validity rest with the Council and therefore this issue was not considered by the Planning Commission in their recommendation. Sincerely, ���� � Donna Datsko Planner II ��' '��� * , � � � � � - PETITION TO AMEND ZONING CODE � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY RECEI�IED F i 1 e # Ib�,? � � ( ,v�Q J�� ZO ,195 Application Fee $ �3� \�bLN�ev� a'EC� � Iz ,�9�6 R Tentative Hearing Date �yo� � a�nr c�E Number of Lots or Size of Parcel: 29,900 24N�NG ________________________________________ TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DATE October 19 86 c/o Zoning Office, 1100 City Hall Annex Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the S . Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of the Minnesota Statutes, V.V.L. Mana e ent Co. and H.R.A. , the owner5 of all of the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Street Address: 442 Livin ston, 67 C ncord and N.W. Corner of Robert & Con res Legal Description: Parts of Lots 2 4 all of 3 Part of L t 4 d t Lots 5 7 all of 6 BLK 51 W. St. Pa 1 Additio from a B-2 a d -1 Zoning District to a _3 Zoning District for the purpose of Construction of a Bur er Kin Restaurant. Subscribed and sworn to By: � before me this 31st day of October 19 86 Title: PROJECT MANAGER / �'xl: 36 �' °� �� P age 1 of �_ otary Publ ' ■ �� ,� m 4080 RG.�'�:r'::"..,:'rr'•.ci7F E 2�85 s . NOTAH','�iS3','t.:-�,SENN� OTA !�.'.A:i?:i�!`i;.^.U�TY MY�rr�.s:x;;+res Gp��t 23 199) YM�/VNVNMMMM+1le1,:'VJ NVVd , November 18 , 1987 Larry Zangs Department of Planning and Economic Development 24 West Fourth Street St. Paul , MN 55102 RE: Proposed BURGER K NG Restaurant South Robert Stre t and Concord Street St. Paul , Minneso a Larry: The following s a development summary of the proposed construction roject . 1 . I am planning to urchase the land at the above location to const uct a BURGER KING Restaurant with a drive-thru lane . One of the pareels of land is a vacant lot which he City of St . Paul owns and the other lot contain a large two story house which I will demolish. Also I am going to vacate Congress Street between Concord S reet and Robert Street. I will use one half of the v cated street and the Mobile Service Station will use he other half. 2 . The lot size is 3 , 742 + square feet, this includes one half of Congress treet. 3 . The building size will be 3 , 249 square feet. 4 . The landscape or reen area covers approximately 8 , 244 square feet or 22 of the site. 5 . The walks and pav ng will cover approximately 25 , 250 square feet or 68 of the site. 6 . The building heig t will be 16 ' -2" + . 7 . The proposed park ng to be 50 stalls ( 49 stalls 9 ' x 18 ' and 1 handiea stall 12 ' x 18' 1 . The city requires 1 stall for every 1Q0 square feet of useable floor space, (kitchen, ining room, and service area) . This building has appr ximatel,y 2 , 199 square feet which equals 22 parking stalls . 8 . There will be no echile access from the site to Livingston street to the west . Larry Zangs November 18 , 1987 Page -2- 9 . Entrances and exi s will be by two 26 ' -0" wide curb openings off Conc rd Street and Robert Street with a drive-thru exit 1 ne onto Robert Street . 10 . I am proposing a ' -0" high wood fence along the north property line to elp screen BURGER KING from the residential house . 11 . Deliveries and tr sh removal would take place entirely on the site. 12 . There will be no uisances or litter generated from this restaurant . 13 . The parking lot 1 ' ghting will be directed awa,y from the residential area t our north propert,y line. 14 . The north half of the parking lot will be chained off to the public whe only the drive-thru is open at late night to prevent ustomers to park there and possibl,y disturb the neigh ors . Please feel free to co tact me. Sincere ,y, � v Ja, nVelzen JV:bg . ��'��� � , CONSEHT OF ADJOINI PROPERTY 01�NERS TO REtONING Me. the undersigned, ormers of pr erty Mithin 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned, purc ased. or soid by Petitioner within one year prece�inq the date of this petition, ac nowledge that Ne have been furnished rrith the follo�ing: 1. A topy of the Petition of V.V L. Mana ement Co: and H.R.A, 2. A to of Sections 60.540 �� of petitfioner PY through 60.544 , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a B_3 Oistrict zoning ctassification and we a e aware that any of these uses can�e established upon City Council approval f the rezoning; and Me hereby consent to the reZOning of the property described in t e Petition of V.V.L. Management Co. and H R.A. . to a B-3 • District. name of petiti� er LOT �LOCK ADDITION RECORD OWN R IGNATURE DATE 3 51 W. St. Paul James L. & S san E � �`� ' �r�f�(� � P-2 "JaN�rocki P-4 439-16th Ave N. So. St, Paul P�N ,.._ _ a P-4 W. St. Paul H.R.A. � �j $(m 6 _ W. St. Paul H.R.A. 2 6 P-7 P-5 8 51 W. St. Paul Donald G. Co ry 1023 County d.C- St. Paul , P1N 5510 Petitions shall not be tonsidered as off cially filed untit the lapse of 7 Morking days af'ter a petition is received in the Zoni g Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefro�n by Mritten r guest within that time. , CONSENT OF ADJOININ PROPERTY 01�IERS TO REZOHING Me. the undersigned. oNners of pr erty rithin 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate ovmed. purc ased. or sold by Petitioner within one yea� precedinq the date of this petition, ac nowledge that we have been furnished rrith the foliv+ring: 1. A Copy of the Petition of V.V L. Mana ement Co: and H.R.A. 2. A co of Sections 60.540 �� of petit9aner PY through 60.544 , inclusive of the St. P nul Zoning Code; and acknoxledge that Ne are aware of all of the uses permitted under a B-3 District zoning classification and we a e aware that any of these uses can e established upon City Council approval f the reZOning; an� we hereby consent to the rezontng of the property described in t e Petition of V.V.L. Management Co. and H R.A. . to a B-3 DiStriCt. name of petitin er LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD OWN R SI6NATURE DATE 13 64 W. St. Paul Amherst H. Wilder ,,--�' ,, ., — ,,-�° ____ _ Foundation ``�� �� �o L 919 Lafond �v ��' l St. Paul , P�N 5104 � � t Paul Lod 59 c/ /l�-���L P-12 ` �' W. St. Paul 72 Concord St, C��, or A�Cu1T�c�� St. Paul , �1N 55107 P-3 53 4J. St. Paul Peter M. Isaa � ) .,�—' a/ - 86 _.._�. P-4 1230 Dodd Rd. -..�, G .�,I W. St. Paul , 1N Petitions shall not be considered as of icially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received i� the Zon ng Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefro�n by written equest within that time. 7 ��'�vr� � CONSENT OF ADJOININ PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING 1ie. the undersigned. owners of pro erty rithin 100 feet of the total contlguous descriptions of reat estate oMrned, purc ased. or sold by Petitioner within one yea� precedinq the date of this petition, ac nowledge that ae have been furnished Mith Lhe follaring: 1. A topy of thP Petition of V.V L. Mana ement Co: and H.R.A, 2. A co of Sections 60.540 n� of petittoner PY through 6C.544 , inciusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknorrledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a s-3 District zoning classification and Me a � aware that any of these uses tan e established upon City Council approval f the rezoning; and Ke hereby consent to the retoning of the property described in t e Petition Of V.V.L. Management Co. and H R.A. � to a B-3 DiStriCt. name of petitin er LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD OMIN R SIGNATURE Qp� P-4 53 W. St. Paul Iglesia Ni Cr'sto _� �i_ � Church of Chr st 169-9th Ave. San Fran. , CA 94116 P-3 53 W. St. Paul Iglesia Ni Cr sto _ 0 29 6 Churc o r st 169-9th Ave. San Fran. , CA 9411 Petitions shnll not be considered as officially filed u�til the lapse of 7 Norking days after a petition is received in the Zoni g Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefro�n by written r quest within that time. 8 , CONSENT OF ADJOINI G PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We. the undersigned. orrners of pr perty rithln 100 feet af #he total conti9uous descriptions of real estate owned� pur ased, o� sold by Petitioner within one year prece0inq tfie date of this petition, ac nowledge that we have been furnished r+ith the folla+ing: 1. A Copy of the Petition of V.V L. Mana ement Co: and H.R.A. name of petitianer 2. A copy of Sections 60.540 through 60.544 � inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a B-3 District zoning classification and we a e aware that nny of these uses can e established upon City Council approval f the re2oning; and Ne hereby consent to the reZOning of the property described in t e Petition of V.V.L. Management Co. and _H R.A. . to a B-3 Distritt. name of petiti� er LOT �LOCK ADDITION RECORD OWN R SIGNATURE pp� 2 53 W. St. Paul Pauline M. Ho len ' 1� �'.c�c���_�!�� -L 7 � P-1 2663 Upper Af on Rd P-3 St, Paul , MN 55119 All 52 W. St, Paul City of St. P ul 6 -a-�-� Fire Departme t Petitions shall not be considered as offi ially filed untit the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zonin Office. Any signator of any petition may Nithdraw his name therefro�n by written re uest within that time. � � CONSENT OF ADJOININ PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We. the undersigned. oNners of pro erty within 100 feet of the total tontiguous descriptions of real estate owned, purc ased. or sold by Petitioner Mithin one year precedinq the date of this petition, ac nowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1. A Copy of the Petition of V.V.L. Mana ement Co: and H.R.A. name of petitioner 2. A topy of Sections 60.540 through 60.544 , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknorrledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a District zoning classification and we a e aware that any of these uses can e established upon City Council approval f the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the reioning of the property described in t e Petiti0n of V.V.L. Management Co. and H. .A. - to a B-3 0'iStriCt. name of petitin er LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORO OWNE SIGNATURE DATE P-3 50 W. St. Paul Ronald Webb �„�,/�� /0—�9 iL P-4 519 Bancroft St. Paul , MN 5107 P-4 50 W. St. Pau7 M ron Mober - � P-5 1970-87 St.. W. Inver Grove Hg s. MN. 55075 Petitions shall not be considered as offi ially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zoni g Office. Any signator of any petition may �ithdraw his name therefro�n by written r uest within that time. " Ip - CONSENT OF ADJOININ PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We. the u�dersigned. otirners of pro erty Mithin 100 feet of the total tontiguous descriptio�s of real estate otirned. purc ased. or sold by Petitioner Mithin one year precedinq the date of this petition, ac nowledge that we have been furnished with the foliaring: 1. A COpy of the Petition of V.V L. Mana ement Co: and H.R.A. 2. A co of Sections 60.540 �� of petitioner PY through 60.544 , intlusive af the St. P aul Zoning Code; and acknoMledge that ►ve are aware of all of tfie uses permitted under a B-3 District zoning classification and we a e aware that any of these uses can e � established upon City Council approval f the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in t e Petition flf V.V.L. Management Co. and H.R.A. . to d B-3 QiStriCt. name of petiti� er lOT BLOCK ADOI T ION RECORO OI�1N R S I�NATURE pp'� P-4 50 W. St. Paul Peter T, Mous ur � / - �� .�/�i '�'�'-�i � !0 � 8� �tal P-5 � 501 Orl eans S . (If nc� match see PaQe 10) St. Paul , h1N 5107 P-5 50 W. St. Paul Gene R. & Ire e M. /o ,� g� Josephs 'd 11 S . ,___ � 4J. St. Paul , 5118 2 65 � W. St. Paul Gerald F. Now k ��� � � P-1 459 Robert St. St. Paul , P1N 5125 Petitions shall not be considered as off cially filed until Lhe lapse af 7 working days efter a petition is received in the Zoni g Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefro�n by written r quest within that time. 6 � - CONSENT OF ADJOINI G PROPERTY OWNERS TO REtONING lie. the undersigned, oNners of pr erty r+ithin 100 feet of the total conti9uous descriptions of real estate owned, purc ased, or sold by Petitioner within one year precedinq the date of this petition, ac nowledge that Me have been furnished rrith the following: 1. A copy of the Petition Of V.V L. Mana ement Co: and H.R.A. 2. A co of Sections 60.540 �� of petitioner PY through 60.544 , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknoNledge that Ne are aware of all of the uses permitted under a B-3 Distrlct zoning ctnssification and we a e aware that any of these uses can�e estaDlished upon City Council approval f the rezoning; and we hereby consent to tfie reioning of the property described in t e Petition of U.V.L. ManagemQnt Co. and H R.A. . to a B-3 DistriCt. name of petitin er !OT BLaCIC ADDITION RECORD OI�IN R SI6NATURE pA� P-9 51 W. St. Paul Gaertner Hold ng Co: , Inc. 246 Albert St S. St. Paul , �1N 5105 P-9 51 W. St. Paul Gaertner Holding Co. , Inc. 246 Albert St. S. St. Paul , �1N 55105 P-10 51 Ul. St. Paul Thomas W. Wall ce � � g G 910 Allan Ave. W. St. Paul , P1 Petitions shall not be considered as off cially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zoni g Office. Any signatar of any petitfon may r►ithdrnw his name therefro�n by Kritfien r quest within that time. (� r, . d' �� '�,,;`'`/ � , CONSENT OF ADJOINI G PROPERTY OWNERS TO REtONING Me. the undersigned. owners of pr perty rithin 100 feet of the total tontiyuous descriptions of real estate ovmed. pur hased, or sold by Petitioner within one year precedinq the date of this petition, a knawledge tfiat we have been furnished with the follo�ring: 1. A tOpy of the Petition of V.V L. Mana ement Co: and H.R.A. 2. A co of Sections 60.540 ��60 °44D�titioner PY through , i�clusive af the St. P aul Zoning Code; and acknoaledge that Me are aware of all of the uses permitted under a B-3 Distrlct zoning classification and Me a e aware that any of these uses tan e tstablished upon City Council approval f the rezoning; and Ne hereby consent to the rezonir�g of the property described in t e Petition of U.V.L. Management Co. and H R.A. - to a B"3 District. name of petiti� er LOT BLOpC ADDITION RECORD OWN R SI6NATURE pp� P-10 51 W. St. Paul Louis D. & P -9 Bernice P�. De ardo . 90 E. Isabel t. St. Paul , MN 5107 1 50 W. St. Paul Marrel G. Hat awa c y � j5 P-3 1246 W. 7th S . St. Paul , M11N 5102 P-3 50 W. St. Paul Peter T. "lons ur �"G'" `� -'I� �-G� 7�' 30� $�a a — ' P-4 501 Orleans S . (If no m atch see P age 10) St. Paul , P1N 55107 Petitions shall not be considered as off cially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zoni g Office. Any signator af any petition may withdraw fiis name therefro�n by Nritten r quest within that time. 5 STATE OF MINNESOTA) � : SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) JOE GOMEZ , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person ivho circulated the within petition and consent, consisting of pages; that affiant is informzd and believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately before eac name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above 's the owner of property which is within 10� f eet froT any property owned or purch sed by petitioner or sold by p�titioner ��ithin one (1 ) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that xcept for _ _ none of the parties described above has p rchased or is purchasing property from � petitioner contiguous to the above descri ed property within one (1 ) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was si ned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. s F ddress 292-1577 , Ext. 315 Telephone Number Subscribed and sworn to before me this ��tday of Octobg,r____> 19$� � NO y PUb11C �, . � R�S�;';%�"'Y�►�€DE E _ --" NOTAR`l Fti'!_�C—FIiSNN :SOTA � ?R'�?v5`+'CCU+VIV My Cptr;m.E<,^.+res A�rfl 2 ,1987 Y J'!v.'V NVVt� Ap�roved as to form - Feb. ��5 Page �� of � Planni�g Department � ��'��',�-/ • � � COkSEH7 OF ADJOINIM PROPERTY OtitFiERS TO REtONING . We. the undersigned, orrners of pro erty rrithin 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned, purc ased� or sold by Petitioner aithin one yea� � precedinq the date of this petition, ac nowledge that vre have been furnished rrith Lhe . following: 1. A Copy of the Petition of V.V.L. P1ana ement Co: and H.R.A. � 2. A co of Sections 60.540 �� of petitioner PY tF�rougfi 60.544 , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that Me are aware of all of he uses permitted under a B-3 � District zoning classification and we ar aware that any of ihese uses can e established up�n City Council apProval o the reZOning; and Ne hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in th Petition of V.V.L. Management Co. and H. .A. • to a B"3 DiStriCt. name of petiti�n r LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD OWHE SI6NA7URE DATE P-3 53 W. St. Paul I les�a Ni Cri to _d12i' Ctr.� /S'�,` �x.�, �.� ,�,8�''� Chruch of Chri t �� � 59 E. Congress St. Paul , MN 5� 107 P-11 64 ul. St. Paul St. Paul Lodge 59 � � p 72 Concord St. . 7 St. Paul , P1N 5 107 Petitions shall not be cansidered as offi ially filed until the lapse of 7 r�orking days after a .petition is received in the Zonin Office. Any signator of any petition may ° withdraw his name Lherefro�n by written re uest within that time. *THIS PETITION IS VALID ONLY IF CONGRESS STR ET IS VACATED AND THE BURGER KING BUILDING IS CONSTRUCTED TO ADDRESS ROBERT STREET. , ' . � COkSEIiT OF AOJOINIH PROPER7Y ObtHERS TO REZOt�ING We. the undersigned. oxners of pro erty xithin 100 feet of the tatal cont�guous descriptio�s of real estate owned, purc ased� or sold by Petitioner Nithin one year • precedinq the date of this petition, ac nowledge that rre have been furnished rrith the . follating: 1. A copy of the Petition of V.V. . Mana ement Co: and H.R.A. - � name of petitioner 2. A copy of Sections 60.540 through 60.544 , inclusive of the � St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknow�edge that Ne are aware of a11 of he uses permitted under a a-3 � District zoning classification and we nr aware that any of these uses can e established up�n City Council approval o the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in th Petition .of V.V.L. Management Co. and H. .A. . tp � B-3 Distritt. . name of petitinn r LfjT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD Oi�IHE SIGNATURE DATE P- 9 51 W. St. Paul Gaertner Holdi g ^' y � �� ^ �� �� Co. Inc. � 246 Albert St, So. St, Paul , MN � 5105 P-9 51 W. St. Paul Gaertner Holdin �a"�/ ,�- /�-7 �� Co. , Inc. • 246 A1 bert St, o. St. Paul , MN 5 105 Petitions shall not be considered as offic ally filed until the lapse of 7 r+orking days after n�..petition is received in the Zoning Offic�. Any signator of any petition may withdraK his name theref�o�n by tiri-itten req est within that time. *THIS PETITION IS VALID ONLY IF CONGRESS STREE IS VACATED AND THE BURGER KING BUILDING IS CONSTRUCTED TO ADDRESS ROBERT STREET. "� � CONSEH7 OF ADJOINING PROPERTY QKHERS 70 REZOliIMG . We. the u�dersigned. oKners of prop rty Kithin 100 feet of the total contiguous descri�ptions of real estate orm ed, purch sed, or sold by Petitioner Nithin ene year � precedinq the date of this petitton, ack o�+iedge that vre have been furnished xith ihe fs�llaring: 1. A copy of thP Petition of V.�', , hlana ement Co: and H.R.A. name of petiLioner 2. A copy of Settions 60.540 through 60.5�4 , inclus�ve of the St. P aul Zoning Code; and acknorrledge that we aa�e aware of all of he uses permitted under a B-3 � District zoning classification and we ar A�vare that any of these uses cnn b- �stablished upon City Council approval e the rexoning; and Ke hereby cons�nt to the retoning of the property described in th Petjtion of V.V.L. Management Co. and H.R.A. � to a g'3 DiStriCt. name of petyti�n r LOT BLUCK ADDITION RECORD O�fNE SIGKATURE DATE 1 / P-3 53 W. St, Paul I lesia Ni Cri to _°I� C.t�a� j�, �Ci�� . ,Ejs' 3'''J Chruch of Chri t l��w /`;�u„rc� � � 59 E. Congress � ��E ...._....,._...__�..� �. ___..._.�._...._.�._ J 0�v-�f�� 'o�.o r-� St. Paul , P1PJ 55 07 �r.�.w�e � _._ _ _ � 25�1��7 � c/'ali�K� vv��n�.5 % f�-1? 64 41. St, Paul St. Paul Lodge 9 �Q � ,//��� �..,.� � � J-�=_``, 7 72 Concord St. St. Paul , !1N 5 107 � � � Petitions shall not be considered as offi ia11y filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a .petition is received in the Zonin Office. Any signator of any petition may aithOraK his name therefro-n by Kritten re uest within that time. *THIS PETITIOfJ IS VALID ONLY IF CONGRFSS S7R cT I5 VACl1TED AND THE BURGEP. KIfJG BUILDING I5 CONSTRUCTED TO ADDRESS ROBERT STREFT. • . . , - � . COttSEHT OF ADJOIliIN PROPER7Y OKliERS TO REZOHIti6 ��f.�`,�,- / �" . . We. the undersigned. ormers of pro erty KithSn 100 feet of the total contiguous 6escriptions of real estate owned. purc ased. or sold by Petitiorier� Kithin one �►ear precedinq the date of th�s petition, ac noxledge that we have been furntsh�d xith the- . follorring: 1. A copy of th� Petition of Y.V L. Mana eme�t Co, a�d H.R.A. . ' name of petitioner 2. A copy of Sections 60.540 through 60.5�4 , inclusive of the ' St. .Paul Zoning Code; an acknowledge that Ke are aware of a11 of the uses permitt�d under a � . • Oistrtct zoning classificaticn and we a e arrare that any of these �rses c�an�t'- established upon City Council approval f thr rezoning; and Ke hereby consent to the retoning of the property described in t e - � Petition.of i►•Y.L. Management �o. and H.R.A. . {o � g•3 District.i . . . name of petitin er � . LOT BLOCK . ADDITION RECORO OuN SI6HATURE pp� P-5 50 W. St. Paul Gene R. & Ire e M. � � Josephs . � • • 956 Bidwell S . ' . � St. Paul , MN 5118 . _ :_ ' , 13 2 53 � W. �St. Paul Paul i ne M. Hol l and i'P R�`'���`�„ES i9� � R-1 2663 Upper Af n R � w• . � - P-3 . St. Pau1 , MN. 511 �� � ��^�wm°� '�� ' .S'7<< �l.� k C /yj�S S`/o�"� . . � . . , Petitions shall not be cons�dered as offS ia11y filed until the lapse of 7 Korking days after a'..petition is received in the Zonin Office. Any signator �of any petition may rrithdraw his name therefro:n by rrritten re uest Kithin that time. *THIS PETITION IS VALID ONtY IF CONGRESS STR ET IS VACATED AND THE BURGER KING BUILDING IS CON$TRUCTED TO ADDRESS ROBERT STREET. . . � . ' . � COHSEfiT OF ADJOIt{I!t PROPERTY 0'KNERS TO RE10l�IIHG -� � We. the undersigned. ormers of pro erty Kithin 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate ov,med, purc ased, or so1Q by Petitiorier within one year prec�dinq the date of this petttion, ac naxledge that rre have been furnished with Lhe . follaring: 1. A topy of the Petition of V.Y L. Mana ement Co: and H.R.A. . � na�me of petitloner 2. A copy of Sections 60.540 through 60.544 , inclusiv� of the � St. Paut Zoning Code; and - acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a � � District zoning �lassification and rre a e arrare that any of these uses can e - .established upon City Council approval f the rezoning; and Ke h�reby consent to the rezoning of the property described fn t Petftion ..of v•Y.l. Management Co, and H. .A.. . tp a B-3 D�Stritt. . . . , name of petiti�n r � L07 BLOCK AQDI7ION R�CORD 0�1tiE ---_ SIGNATURE DATE P-3 .53___-_ W. St. Paul I lesia Ni .Cri to — � _.__ ___._ : .___ _ Chruch_ of Chri_ t � � � . 59 E. Congress ' _. St. Paul , MN 5 107 � - �_ ._ - P-11 64 41. St. Paul St. Paul Lodge 9 $�, �, . , . 72 Concord St. - . ` _. St. Paul , MN 5 107 , . , , -- --- - -- ---— — -_ _ _.__ .. — ---_ _ _ Pet�t�ons stiall n�t be cons�dered as offic a11y ffled until the lapse of 7 working days after a'�petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefro�n by rrritten req est within that time. *TNIS PETITION IS VALID ONLY IF CONGRESS STRE T IS VACATEQ AND THE BURGER- kING BUILDING IS CONSTRUCTED TO ADDRESS ROBERT STREET. _ . , . -. ' � • , . .,��:.:.�-*, ; ` � 1 STATE OF MINNESDTA) : SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) S d L„ _�jr}���-, being fir t duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the , person who circulated the within petiti n and consent, consisting of pages; that affiant is informed and believes that t e parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately before e ch name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described abov is the owner of property which is within 100 feet fram any property owned or pur hased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date f this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; tha except for -----, none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasin property from petitioner contiguous to the above desc ibed property within one �1 ) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was igned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures a e the true and c rrect signatures of each and all of the parties so described. °Z.5 [,l� s? �!T� �� -- Address _�--�g "�' 3 � y y Telephone Number Subscribed nd sworn before me this � day of _____, 19� . ROSEMARY FREDETTE �° NOTARY PUF3!_!C—M1AINNESOTA •.�,,: RAPoISEY COI�NTY !���� �� My Commission Expires 4•23•93 . r Public Approved as to form - Feb. 85 Page of Planning Oepartment • O (��/ _ / STATE OF MINNESDTA) : SS COUNT OF RAMSEY ) t _ �l�;���-- , being firs duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the p son who circulated the within petitio and consent, consisting of ��ages; that affiant is informed and believes that th parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately before ea h name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned or purc ased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1 ) year preceding the date o this petition whicFy��ontiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for � _ none of the parties described above has urchased or is purchasin property from petitioner contiguous to the above descr bed property within one �1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was s gned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures ar the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. .�0 6� ' ,�,� _„�� ,�-�. �6,;✓a� , p�'1%��✓. Address �.��n/.�*;,\;;,n•1nAn•i/'�tiR/�!'.MfJ.Mh"JVJ1hg - ;,� , � r , '�.� 2 ..x..., -��._ . . ✓c r P. �� ��v ' - , > b 33- o �� � ���_��� � ;., << � _� ,. . _�.;.. ,„ . <a �>;;�:;�^-.�.+�r�;v�,^rs'e.vMv1",�v'v��;v��vo^�tivV�a TQ�ep�'10112 NUf�ib21" Subscribed and sworn to b fore me th i s ,7�_ day of _ _ _, 19�1 Notary Public Ap�roved as to form - Feb. 85 P age of _ Planning Department ��- �.�-� B��UEST TU tt��lOV�; CO.i�EM'II,� SIG P;t�T UiiE `r'1tG1�� PETITIO L'i TO �f�t�;i� �G I4I Tt� CULE CITY Qr' �T. I'aUL. LATE • C� 19 8 RECEIVED AU G 7 � 1987 ZONING TU Lr��,HTiYi�2� �r' PL�II�I+It NG �: ECO i�t�i C L�VFrLOPr1F;� c�o Zonin� Office, 25 West Faurth treet, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 �" ��u�4.er.�' rn��s'�� � �' Mca.c� �.►�� `k T} I�We �r�' ' � ` ��'►�—.' requegt that our si�nature� be renoved fs�on a p titia� of consent of ad�oining property owners to rezone, File nuaiber �10 25. ' . ��-�.�� nL�u�;;�l� �l'U lth��iUVL l:UI+�LNrlru �rc r��l'UttE r�xo��� ��;�rrrio 1� �l�o ai���ru� '�UItQhG CULE (:ITY Ur' ST. F�aUL. L9TE TO LEFtiHTi�i�+;bQ' (1r' PL11Iv11tTIVG �;: F:CUNJI�: C liEVLT,GF'1�1EN1' c�o Zoning Office, 25 West Fourth treet, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' � I��e `� � request that our ei�nature� be removed from a p tition of consent of ad�oinin� property owners to rezone, File nwuber ;�10 25. ' _ , n � r � ����;�� � J RECEIVED RECEIVED AU G 10 1987 ZONING �ONING . �ta��o�;��r ���u zttwywv� i;u t�t�Nl�z iuu al�r�a�.��ux� r�xui�� y�;�rx�r�i�i� �l�o ���r;Nu i.GDQIrG COLE CTTY Ux' �7.'. I'bUL. LAT�; ��y►J. L/ - 9'�0 TG L'r;.�t►kTi�ir;I`Vl' U1�' PL1�Ivl�t[IV�: u: �:CU lIK1T�l C LEVF�LOPl�1�IYL' c�o Zoning Office, 25 West Fourth treet, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � I�FIe ��K-�-� request that our si�nature� be renoved fron a p tition of consent of adjoinin� property owners to rezone, File number 1�10 25. � RECEIVED NOV 121986 ZONING K�;QUEST TO K�'r�IUV� CUi�ENi'IIVG SIC�lATUI�E �'kGl�i �PETITION TO di�iEl� L��'� a/� /� / � �GI1�1� CULE CI7.Y Ur a2. PdUL. rV � TU LEPXEtTi�tGl�P OF PL�1IdDYI I�G & ECU iwt�l C 1,�;VEI.GF1"IE�TP c�o Zoning Office, 25 West Fourth treet, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' I��Te request that our si�nature be removed f o� a p tition of consent of adjoining property owners to rezone, File nwnber �10 25. � RECEIVED Nov 1 z tsas ZONING ��-��---/ ttEQUEb`T TQ RE'�4YE CONST1VrI1� SICNATURE F80M PETITION TO Al►�iEBm ��/��/�� ZOIa1� COVE CITZ OF �T. PAIII, D1TE RECEfv ED � 1986 TO DEF�tiTriElif� QF PLdN:NIAIG dc ECQI+RI�iI Lk�"v�I,OPME� {�IOV lO e�o ZQnin� Offiee, 25 West Fourth S reet� St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ZQNING . I� We �w �� ���' �v � �� reque�t that our si�nature be renofed fron a pet tioa of coatent of ad3oining property owners to rezone, File number 10025 �. � (�"'�� 2 �i. .a a / �d�'s- d O/`v /�k��'r 1 ' �S\A N' CR�S "IGLESIA NI CRI TO" ��'v '�a CHURCH OF CH IST 3208 S. KINNICKINNIC AVE., MILWAUKEE, WIS ONSIN S320T �yG9ch OF G�P\y~ TELEPHONE N0. (4141 482-46 I 59 E. Congress, St. Paul,M . Phone : (612) 227-57�8 To the Honorable Mayor and ity Council In care of: The Zoning offi e 1100 City Hal1 �nnex St. Paul, MN. 551.02 6 November 1986 Dear Sir, After careful consi eration, discussion with our members, and also with residents of the neighborhood; I wish to respect- fully withdraw my two sign tures in the name of the Iglesia Ni Cristo on petition: CONSEN OF AJOINING PROPERTIES TO RE-ZONE. FILE # 10025. After consideratio , we feel that it would not be in the best interest for the hurch or the neighborhood. This letter is res ectfully submitted. ,���� ����°L( Steven V. Kroll Resident Minister R�CEIVED NOV 10 1986 ZONtNG �,� .-�"/ . -, s� -. .. . .-.. ._.,,,,,,_.Y.-�._. . . ".. J r.3.v1�32o 6•LS•7 -..--'. ! R�� ��,�:�. . ;-.. � � .......... .._�O. J� i f I i;i COM'TAILI�R�f% �'-. VACATED � .�,�'...�v............. I. . i,� s �� s. ————i.fd' %�e-—————� 1v e G{� '.DR�vI E�MT, 00[ INKK w: �� 1 � 1 � Z ' �-�, '• _ � (�•) e -k"_ D E LOS ' s� : � �(���� h ' 4 .� J��'� �� �. � a• � • .�.s•-••• CROSSING � , f ��y;.� ��a!S Z � �c s,t �ts � . 3 �� + . z y , , _��•�__ }''•a iz �' � d • � g V`)s � � , -��J � . _ � ° 3 • _ _ a � s T011VNHOMESo — i `o\ �so. : � — :rve _ —�.,� '�y , 'd ' � i. i -- � � °'• '¢ es� t � ��� OS! � : (k) � r� _ � : ' T---` y aa �L'J '¢ � � s � ♦ s I , i � �2 , ;� �',:,, (nj � e � ��� � o. �� � lo. � (C��g � • , .S.,,� � �s � .S 6(�+) � o �;,S (+) � i�e)C�) � �o � 1 � '�, _ � .- �. � .ss•-. � �r�. r 't i �i�. - `L . ,�:, y�; � � i J o...�,,^:;o . r�� ` ` `.. L_ EL � ti� . r---------- ------- � �'��—� Z' ..-9�-3-•...� --- .-sd•. °� • T � ; ��.�' `Z <� ���• ' °N�:,� "w ��_� a'' � se �, � � � � d� 9 ! ��, -, ; � H/ Z , .� ��. ° S I .c —' � . ": �. �-- � S2 �0:, J \ � ' ' rj_ . Q' k'�' Z �> o � �e' • R ENA " ° o• � �i�� s, +� � ' � � � � 7O � � f oa 84"� � �g , 54 �L�• i� I��? 2 s / �tteoa' __'�..� , ' ,J / ' �' �� - .��� � _ , o.tf.. 1 L'i�_*e � � �zzl5 . i/' ;• -. r M . . /O ` .���3' �, ,` + i � M11(yol'�S� � �;� g�I s Z' Z�.is .�� . : ef' � i�., :�. , �O'=-A s� ���1 � �� � �� �I �`�_v.. /�4 I y� s� fo• .tf• `� I( � �' • -- �-�..... ��- > -•�- .... 1e► •• � � � !J V.I.ITEO "j- j. ' \ . .. . . �. �!� �.�t.+v-,wo��h �.� Id'f. ` � B�. � �-- /SO. tC' /o 'in �.��! (") �s0) � '; / C�l � / /O �,� �� � �+ \ oso � � a� �'�=.� 2 ,�+ v : � 6� '° 5� ► o '� �: e�, � Z � , � �.-� � 1 ' \' � 8 �.�','=�,s �, 9 �' � s , .� \ e' � � r" Q` ^c• � � �: O �• AS • � n �` ` 5 3 � y � ` � (�, 6 � s I � � �f , � � �9 H Q. �r �� ��t • n5 I o � � �¢ :7 =� ,� � ,� 6' " � 9 � !� ; // �z ,'r" � •° .�, 7._ a` '� Yt /S /! � '`�L�. o� �� so• ioo �'� �t,� .._ - .. , 43� ; _. � , ,. ,:,o ' O.. � � � o4-B/4Do ' • �. . � � 0�0 3 � .o �o � � r I �. '�j � 60 � � O,� �7�, 0 •'_• _. ._ i.�o_--•-- ro. .�o. o- '•v_�..ro. - --- — — �''' ' / �•�' � � �� v�lurE� - -- ,,Rr'� c.S�. , 4. , ,��".... . �, ✓�.—'7t ., � pu4T t�qP�o� : RE�oN�NC� AREA� � N AMES AGCE�p FpR PEr�r�oN: N RA - Nar�F�c.�r�oN ,- . AtZ� -3�0' : ; , ; � i i ; � � . - . ���-�� i `��o��T1o� 'Ta 'R�C,pt�M�NP . ' T a '�}E, c�-t�{ Lo u t�c�� T o AYP'�.ov E � , , 'RE�oN+tuc,� � �3-3 crty of sa�nt paui . pianr�ng com ' ' resolu ion RECEIVED file nurr�ber 87-127 � � JAN 2 01988 �te December 4. 1987 CITY CLERK iJ�IEREAS, V.V.L. Management Co, and H.R. . , file #10025B. have petitioned to rezone 442 Livingston from RM-1 to B-3� and 67 oncord and the Northwest corner of Robert and Congress, from B-2 to B-3 for the p ose of construction of a Burger King fast food restaurant; and WHEREAS� the Zoning Committee of the P1 ing Commission on December 3, 1987� held a public hearing at which all persons pre ent were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accorda ce with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHER�.AS� Saint Paul Planning Commissfon, based on the evideace presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing s substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant intends to construct 90 seat fast food restaurant with a drive- thru lane and surface parking for S vehicles. 2. The proposal requires a vacation of ongress Street, a zezoning to B-3 (general business district) and a Special Con ition Use permit for a fast food restaurant. . 3. The proposal involves redevelopment f two lots that have been vacant over 17 years and one lot where an older du lex now sits. The developer is working with the district council to move the du lex to a new site in the area. 4. The B-3 zoning district is intended to provide sites for more diversified types of businesses than those in either e B-1 or B-2 districts and is intended for location along major traffic arteri s or adjacent to Co�unity Business districts. • � (c tinued) mOVP,d �/ MORTON �.i� s�;�orxjed by REPKE in fav�or 16 agair�st- File #10025 � Page Tao S. This site is ad�acent to the Community Business districts found on both Robert and Concord Streets. Both streets e classified as minor arterial B streets in the streets and highway section �of e Comprehensive Plan. A minor arterial B street is designed to connect comm ities within the same subregion and the land uses adjacent to this type of stree are generaZly commercial or multiple family. The most recent traffic count for R bert Street between Plato and Concord is 12,725 ADT and for Concord between abasha and Robert it is 6,800 ADT. These traffic figures compare to similar ituations found on Rice Street between Como and Pennsylvania and on Grand Avenu between Fairview and Cleveland. 6. The District 3 plan recommends that the Concord-Congress area be developed as a commercial mixed-use area. 7. The city's Comprehensive Plan land e section states as policy 4.2-4 that the city "will continue to monitor comm rcial trends and adjust its land use policies to remain abreast of chang s affecting the character of commercial areas. . ." and as policy 4.2-5 that e city "will continue to review its present commercial zoning to ensure that ea h zoning classification reflects uses appropriate to the intended applica ion of the district." Finally� in policy 4.2-7 the plan s ates that the city� through zoning, "will encourage businesses to maintain th scale of surrounding development� reduce traffic and parking problems (and) uffer unsightly areas from adjoining residences and busit►esses. . ." . 8. The applicant's proposal meets the ntent of the B-3 zoning district� will foster development of an underutil ed parcel of land and Will maintain the scale of other Robert Street devel ment. The Planning Commission review of the . proposal for a Special Condition U permit under the standards established for fast food restaurants in the zonin code will ensure that traffic problems and parking requirements will be addre sed and that buffering standards will be applied. _ ( ontinued) . File #10025 Page Three NOW� THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED, by the aint Paul Planning Commission that the petition of V.V.L. Management Co, and .R.A, to rezone property at 442 Livingston, more particularly described as: subject to street� ex. the North 25' of I.ot 2 and the North 20' of Lot 4 and all of Lot 3, Block 51, West St. Paul Addition, from RM-1 zoning classification to B-3 zoning cl ssification, and rezone adjacent property at 67 Concord and the Northwest corner of obert and Congress, more particularly described as: subject to street, Lot S and except the North 20• of Lot 4, all of Lot 6 and the South 30' of Lot 7, 811 Bloc 51, West St. Paul Addition� from a B-2 zoning classification to B-3 zoning cl ssification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Co�ission does hereby reco�end to the Council of the City o Saint Paul that property located at 442 Livingston be rezoned from RM-1 to B-3 and that ad�acent property at 67 Concord and , the Northwest corner of Robert and Con ress, be rezoned from B-2 to B-3 in accordance with the petition for rezon ng on file with the Saint Paul Planning Division. - MINUTES OF TH ZONING COMMITTEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SAINT AUL, MINNESOTA ON DECEMBER 3, 1987 RES Mmes. Morton, Tracy and Z'eman; Messrs. Christenson� Levy� Neid and Repke of the Zoning Commi tee; Mr. Segal, Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Datsko, Ms. Freese, M . Murray, Mr. Ryan and Mr. Soderholm of the Planning Division sta f. ABSENT: Mr. Ferderer. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Mo ton, Chairman. V V.L. Mana ement Co snd H.R.A. #1 025 : A Special Condition Use Permit for property located at 442 Livingston, 7 Concord, and the NW corner of Robert and Congress and a Rezoning from RM- to B-3 for property located at 442 Livingston and from B-2 to B-3 for operty located at 67 Concord and the NW corner of Robert and Congress to es ablish a fast food (Burger King) restaurant. The applicant was present. There w s opposition present at the hearing. Ms. Datsko showed slides of the sit and summarized the staff report with a recommendation for approval of the ezoning and approval of the special condition use permit with the condi ions listed therein. She reviewed the history of the project and stated t at this case involved one proposal but two actions. Ms. Datsko said that thre letters were received in opposition including one petition with 113 sig atures, one letter of support was received and the District Council and the Co cord Business Association gave their support. Jay Van Velzen, the applicant, 1647 University Avenue, stated that he is a franchisee of Burger King Corporati n and has owned the business at 1647 University Avenue for 22 months. reviewed the proposal including the original and the revised plans for the site and discussed how his plans met neighborhood concerns. He said th t he has committed three quarters of a million dollars to the development. Mr. Van Velzen stated that he would offer employment to area residents, woul help sponsor charities, and felt that his development would benefit area bus'nesses. Mr. Neid asked for the address of he second Burger King restaurant owned by the applicant. Mr. Van Velzen rep ied that it was located at 2548 Hennepin Avenue, in the uptown area of Minn apolis, and that he has been the owner • � since May 28, 1987. Mr. Neid questioned the location o the dumpster, the hours of operation and the security system. Mr. Van Velz n stated that the trash container would be attached to the building to elimin te spillage; that the business would open at 7 a.m. daily, close at 1 a.m. o Sundays and 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. respectively on Fridays and Saturdays; after mi night there would be drive-thru traffic only; and that security guards are hired as needed. : - � �-'���.�-i.� File #10025 '" Page Two Samuel 0. Verdeja, president of the C ncord Street Business Association� focused on the potential economic hea th and growth of the area with the Burger King development. He stated t at it would benefit area minority youths by providing jobs and training in ma gement. Mr. Levy asked if area residents are epresented in the Concord Street Business Association and whether or ot they are uniformly opposed to the Burger King development. Mr. Verdej replied that residents are represented and that there is one person involve with the business community who is opposed. He stated that as an organ zation, the group confirms its support of Burger King. James Henly, Concord and State Stree s, stated that his family has operated Henly Furniture in the area for 99 y ars. He views Burger King as a sign of the potential revitalization of the rea. Marilyn Vigil, 179 East Robie Street executive director of Neighborhood House, said that the development wil provide needed jobs for area youth. George Letendre, 1016 Stinson Street manager of the Five Corners Coop at 178 Concord, gave his support to the co ercial use of the land. Brian Miller, 550 Gilbert Building, 13 Wacouta Street, stated that he is on the board for WESCO, and outlined t support given by neighborhood businesses to Burger King. Paul Mandel, 145 West Robie, former District Council C.O. , said that he was speaking as a resident ir► giving hi support, that Burger King would bring immense benefits to the area reside ts and to the business community. Zona Butler, 83 East Isabel, distri uted and read a letter highlighting her concerns about the proposal. She r quested a delay in order to allow time for an environmental and social impact tudy. Mr. Christenson asked if Ms. Butler was opposed to the commercial rezoning or to the location of a fast food rest urant in the�area. Ms. Butler replied that her strongest concern was the emoval of the duplex. Theresa Morales, 72 East Isabel, st ted that her main objection was the commercial development in her neig orhood, that development is needed but not at the risk of declining property lues on four minority homes. Cheryl Robellard, 78 East Isabel, tated her concern about additional traffic on Isabel if Congress is vacated. Discussion followed relative to ho rs of operation, location of the parking lot light pole and security guard overage. Hearing no further testimony, Ms. orton closed the public portion of the hearing. , ' � File #10025 � Page Three Mr. Repke made a motion to recommend approval of the Special Condition Use Permit based on staff findings and s bject to conditions 1, 2, 3 and 5 of the staff report and the additional cond tions that (a) the northerly parking lot will be closed between the hours of p.m. and 9 a.m. � (b) that the dining room hours will be 7 a.m. to midnig and (c) that the drive-thru hours will be 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. Mr. Levy secon ed the motion which passed on a roll call vote of 6-1 (Zieman) . . Mr. Repke made a motion to recommen a rezoning from RM-1 to B-3 for property located at 442 Livingston and from -2 to B-3 for property located at 67 Concord and the NW corner of Robert and Congress based on staff findings and public testimony. Mr. Christenson econded the motion which passed on a roll call vote of 6-1 (Zieman) . Submitted by: Approved by: �„�t,.. �Do., �,,� � � '��� ��� � � �� Donna Datsko Gladys Morton, Chairman . � r �• '�f..��,:�� . . ���� . . �1��d1��� ���������� 209 West Page, St. Paul, MN SS20? 292-8020 , December 12 , 1986 Councilmember Jim Sclieibel City Hall . St. Paul , MN 55102 Dear Jim, . I have been i�istructed y the WSCO Board to notify you and others of our Board decision t support the vacation of Congress St. (for the stretch between Conco d and Robert St. ) for the purpose of creating the necessary. space f r a Burger King. Uur 13oard took tl�is act on after ]tolding a puUlic meeting ��►itli our Building and Lancl Use Comm ttee and the area residents affected. This meeting ti�as publicized by means of both the VOICE Calendar and a flyer hand delivercd to all esidences and businesses within a 100' radius of the proposcd site. t was at that meeting that the developer presented an alternate plan th t would solve many of the neighbors' complaints by relocating the B rger King building from the northwest corner of the .site to the sout east corner. ,This alternate plan would require vacation of Congress . � It is thus thc WSCO Boa d' s decision to support such vacation, recognizing that �a2iil.e there r mains some opposition, there are some considerations that favor the roposal, including: a. the economic .boost to a epressed area, h . the increased �iobs such proposal would. bring, . ,. �;. Li�� ia�:t tiidt �:u�i�r�s� a - pr�s�iit p���� a �afety 1�::�:�r.] .:u� 40 � ti-affic on both Concord and Ro ert, so that its ' closure would eliminate some qf the problem, � d. the willingness of the d veloper to work with residents to assure the most pleasant and workable site, including s.pecial efforts such as - limited hours , extensive lands aping, fencing, parking control,etc. It must be noted, however, tha �VSCO approved this pian based on the fact that city would notify th residents as required of a��n� and all meetings where decisions or pu lic participation are possib�e. W� also reserves the right to re iew the Burger King Proposal should the vacation efforts fail. If there are any quest"ons, please feel free to contact us , and in closing, please see that t e proper notice is issue to all for all meetings as instructed and pe city regulations. � Sincerely, cc: Joe Gomez, PED Don Nygaard, Public Works G��- Jay Van Velzen, Burger Ki g Paul Mandell, CO Chaz Palusio, resident � � ����! �t'�NUTES OF WSCO BOARD MEETING HEL ON MONnAY, DEG. 8, 1986 at . 1Baker Community Center, 209 W. Pa e St. Board members present: A.Gaard, A. Antoniades , J.Schuetz , D.Johnson, R.Peterson; G.Bogen, B.Martin, T. Castor, H.Exley, D.Gross , T. Isaac, T.Johnson, J.Howe, J.Lee. Board members ab�ent: P.Tototaint e , F.Nimtz, R.Ortega, P.Grills , M.Morgan, I .Traczyk and D.Haley. Others present: Pau1 Mandell, sta f; M.Thurston,J.Bukowski , A.Bis- ciglia, N.Homans , K.Hi.nshaw, M.Hi shaw, S.Sailors , K.Kruse, R.Kruse, S.Gross , H.Armstrong, C. Peluso, ,Otte, C.Fishe.r, J.R.Helsper, T. Fyten, H.Dalglish, T. Gilshannon, M.Sylvester, M.Barone, L.Schmidt , T.Eggum, M.Eggum, J .Danner, J.Mi11an,M. Reilly, A.Robi.11ard, K.Moralz . J.Moralz .and Mrs. Nick Antoni des . 1. President Arthur Gaard called th.e meeting to order at 6:42 g.m. � ', ' 2. The agenda was APPROVFD. 3. Minutes of the previous meeti g were approved. 4. EtiRGER KING'�ROPOSAL -P. Mandell reported on behalf of the ui ing and�Use Committ e. The baard APPROVED the Executive Committee recommendation: That Burger Kin� proposal und r Plan B calling for vaeation of Congress Street between Conco d and Robert be supported by ZVSCO Baard in line with consensus f pu-lic meeting of Building and Land Use Committee, with appr priate letters going forth to the city. WSCO approval based on egular notice of residents involved for any meeting where a decis 'on based on open public hearing is an- ticipated. (While thi.s is Sta dard Operating Procedure for the City, WSCO wanted to affirm the enf rcement of the process for the benefit of the neighbors .) . � 5. Tin.a Isaac reported on behalf of the Finance Committee. The board APPROVED the following recomm ndations of the Finance Committee: a. That WSCO approve an adva ce payment of $1,500 to the VOICE to cover ads for the comi g year. b. To approve a raise for le d CO3 P. Mandell, of $ : SO per haur a on base pay . Thi.s is appr ximately a 6$ raise, and sup.plemented ,+ by MNSHIP supervision cha ge. Raise for MNSHIP staffer tabled pending return from Natio al Guard after serving 19 week stint. � (Unanimously approved) � c. To approve a cash gift of $250. 00 to Sr. Giovanni to be used � for her program or her bu lding, as needed (GAP- Guadalupe Area � Project) . 6. WABASHA BAR TASK FORCE - T. I aac reported 20 incidents of. assualts an3 rob^beries at tTie�Tabasha ar. The board APPROVED the Executive Committee recommendation: For a letter from WSCO to Cit Councilmember Scheibel and Licensing Chief Carchetti on concern an need for action at Wabasha B�r site of over 2 dozen offenses , mor violations , etc. , B LDING � LAND USE COMMITTEE ( sv� � � he November meeting included a ublic hearing regarding the Burger King Proposal. The original sit plan was presented, which met with many concerns over proximity to esidences to the nor�h of the property. Discussions then turned to a Pla B, calling for the vacation of Congress St. immediately behind Jerry' s M bil Station between Concord and Robert. While some were still opposed to project-regardless of where it goes, after points by residents, devel per, city, Concord�Robert �eps . , and WSCO staff, ��tas.�ouse�s,�s,�.,�;.at such a plan, allowing the buildiag to.be located�ioser�td�Ro'bert�`� d�away fromr��ie�F�es�+oii�t�he�iio�t���� �rould. be �acceptabl�. The develo er, Mr. VavVelsen also agreed to limit hours, probably operating from 7 a.m. until 12 or 1 a.m. . Plan also called for parking in approximat number of 50 spaces , Lo use all efforts such as landscaping (incl.evergr ens) , a high fence, light directions , curb cuts to encourage traffic a ay �from Isabel, and measures toquiet deliveries, garbage, and operati n of drive-thru order station. In addition, the committ e also presented that baring any pos. to vacate Congress, WSCO might s pport a rigidly monitored Plan A if the necessary signatures , approv ls , and guarantees were secured. Thecommittee also reviewed futur plans to examine the work of the Riverfront Commission, and to lo k to the Dec. 8 Public Hearing on th.e Underground Space Proposal as ch if ineans to secure community feelings . ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Present: gnea � mr. Nick Antoniades ,Gladys Glad, Rose Minar, Ed DelaForest,Mike N rton (w/Sen. Moe) ,Susan Kimberly (w/city and Met.Waste Control Comm. ) , Ma lene Hinshaw $ Kent, Herb Abrass , Mae Sylvester (w/Scheibel' s office) , Jim Hiniker $ Diane Wonnen (Met. Waste� , Dave Kelso (PCA) , Cliff Timm, Re . Sandy �appas, Paul Mandell Major presentation of th night was on Pigs Eye Treatment Plant and noise problems. Patience an involvement o£ groups like WSCO was given praise, then announcement hat .new round of silencers have been requested. Old system never pai for, failed to meet contract of 30 dcb. reduction, clogging and shutting down due to particulate matter. That was absorptive system, much like a s onge. Now, new process , stricter guide-- lines , close�'. monitoring w/ "rea tive system" like our car muf£lers , w/ multiple surfaces to bounce off nd be muffled. Pigs Eye plant� operating at " D" level (mild annoyance to strong complaints) according to MWCC Sc les , and if successful , which this time is expected, ruduction by 3 dcb. _ would put noise level at barely audible- as equal to noise from bedroom or home.Bids to be let in Dec. , � with silencers to be in place by April/May. On other matters, DAAC R p. Antoniades addressed the issue of the Land Use � Height Zoning Ordinan e at fiolman, presented to DAAC in Nov. , and being presented to the publi in January and Feb. . �he expressed her dissatisfaction w/DAAC, proces-, infoxmation disemination to public, and several other points . After engthy discussion, committee came to .RECOMMENDATION-� that Peter Gr lls e solicited to xecommend counse� .�._.:.. ..,.,� ,�;..�..� .,..,..,��...,..-�... ..�:��.--� . �9.�CO.�.��d:��res;�dei�ts in fighti g continuec� ques�ions on rig�ts at' o �mari�.� Peter, others including . Ashley would be solicited fo.r inter-, pretation of information contain d in Height Ordinance, w/ specific legal questions going to indepen ent counsel. To save cost, info. would be secured from wherever possibl at no cost, including material to be secured by Dave Kelso from Inter ational, but th.en consideration would be given to what to look for if ngaging legal counsel. Tt was acknow-- ledged that no legal opinions wo ld be requested from Ashley or others too close to the MAC situation. Scheibels assistance would also be needed. . , � a':. � f' } v H' �� °uq "ti.P° ,E F�� ti�a,q�� '. 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K .r � ' ^�x .� � ,�'.z� �7 q �`, 'c t e�' r ;" �� ts¢rrF�, �,�Q+^�y � �. s ' �'�"'� 2:,'� ,��`'�t'�{�`� � y .�-g�y . a�3!.?.,'�.�.f:..ti.�m f ;� ��µ�,.Y.1 k�.�.: ��� ,u�, � � §` •'.'a�`�� �4"�.-F�S,�'.5*. ,?� �i-z'� � Y � �� .�:�'�.: `d ' _ �r ����� f': Y.: ''t` ,rT-:� »,�«x J:": 1.«:. � .. �� ` •� � - .-� , . . ""°��• C. NCORO �STREE? BUSINESS ASSOCIATION �' . � • • . . 18? Concord Street �7 �: . • Saint Paul, MN 5510? o d � .. ;': . �� � � , f � � � 71�1Cf3 • � � O • � QQ � � . % . dCc ` . , i�Cesi�n � '. ce ""tietr November 19, 1986 � r . urniture . - ri� • �►IaNcct :�o Reverend Arthtir Gaard, President r P"�'�O West Side Citizens Organization • �`Q � 209 W. Page Street • � Saint Paul MN 55107 Dear Reverend Gaard, � - ' As you are aware Mr. Jay Van Velzen, President of WL Management Company has expressed strong interest in developing Burger Bing in the Concord Street Business District, between the intersections of bert and Congress and Concord and Congres.s Streets. On October 8, 1986 as President of t e Concord Street Business Association I was directed by the Associaion's board of directocs to make a statement in support of the development of a Burger King in the Concord Street Business District before ' _ Saint Paul's City CounciL The follo ing day the 3aint Paul Dispatch carried an article of the City Council meeting. . - As a result Ms. Kim Morales, a resident in the general vicinity of the proposed Burger King development contacted me and e ressed her concern about Burger King opening up in their back yard. She also stated t me that the other residents and home owners in the vicinity were concerned and op sed,the development of Burger King at that particular city owned property. , At the regular monthly meeting of th CSBA on Tuesday, November 18, 1986, Ms. Kim Morales and other resident were nvited to attend and express their concerns. • In attendance were representatives fr m Burger King, and City of Saint Paul and the residents were able to openly expr s their concerns to the Association members and the representatives of Saint Paul an Burger King. . So the concerns outlined b esid The residents present were briefed o the economic development interest of the Association and it's efforts to encour ge business ventures in the Concord� Street Business District and that Burger king ould set president for other major developers to invest in the Concord Stceet Business District of the West Side. � y �l� / Q. U � On Wednesday November 19, I met wit Ms. Kim Morales and her parents and again we reviewed the situation and I sugge ted to them that as an Assocition we could not at this time take a position on th ir opposition to the development of Burger King and also suggested to them that hould Burger King be allowed to develop in that particular property, the Concord treet Business Association could work with the local concerned residents to assur that they (Burgec King) would comply with any city codes and regulation and othe concerns expressed by the residents of that �ea. r Although individual business people hav expressed their support for the development of Burger King the Association can a this time consider becoming involve+d in a monitoring process, should the City o Saint Paul give final approvai for Burger King to develop-in the proposed city own d property. . I look forward to working with you in res lving this matter. Sincerely, . � � • `6'r' �� Samuel O. Verdeja, President Concord Street Business Association cc. CSBA Members Mr. Joe Gomez, City of Saint Paul Mr. Jay Van Velzen, Burger King Ms. Kim Morales, local resident I , Concord Street Bu iness Association Annual eting 5 Corne s CO-OP January 7, 1981 Board Present: Verdeja , Mens, Lav rty, 4enly, Dodge, Trejo Members Present: Juanita Moralez, George Letendre, Ed Kido Guests Present: Don and Vivian Co ry, Cheryl Robillard, Ron Mechura, Jim Young, Marily Vigil , Cathy Wilson Staff Present: Steve Kaukola I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:50PM. II. Treasurer's Report The CSBA checking balance stands a �$2328.06. . Paid membership for 1987 is now at 16. III. President's Address Sam Verdeja gave a summation of th last year's efforts and accomplishments, and outlined the 1987 goals and ob ectives with the following highlights: 1. Continue working with indivi ual business development issues 2. Implementation of the Concor Revitalization Initiative 3. Increased fundraising effort 4. Joint advertising efforts 5. Cinco de Ma yo 1987 ' 6. Pursuance of 501-C3 status 7. Leadership development for C BA ' IV. Business Development . Ed Kido reported on the status of he CO-OP, announcing that the Grand Opening is scheduled for March 23r, . - He also introduced Jim Young as the new manager and representative to he CSBA. The representatives of the CO-OP and CSBA then discussed the rand Opening program and how the Association could participate. Following this discussion, it was motioned by Letendre and seconded by Mens to designate Sam erdeja to represent CSBA as Master of Ceremonies. The motion was carrie . Steve Kaukola then reported on the status of the Burger King proposal , saying that WSCO is supporting an lternate plan which calls for the vacation of a length of Congress Street and places the restaurant building on the opposite side of the site and away from the houses. Residents opposed to the proposal attended that meeting and stated that they preferred that alternative if the proposal was to go through. They reaffirmed and outlined "their opposition at the CSBA Annual N�eting, and this was foltowed by discussion from various business m mbers who spoke in support. Sam Verdeja has also been in close contact wit these residents as part of the effort to work out an acceptable solution, teve also stated that WSCO and Jay Van Velzen were looking for CSBA to no take a stand on the issue. A motion was then made by Jim Henly and seconde by George Letendre to reaffirm CSBA's support of business development, i cluding the Burger King proposal and Sam's statement to the St. Paul HRA on 0 tober 8th, along with strong consideration to the safety and welfare of both eighboring businesses a�d residents. The : motion was carried. . ...• . µ. . s;::,;;,.;�'J. 1'crAcju .�����` ' � CONCORD STREET BUSINESS ASSOCIATION v�cc �:catacot Nard 1�1cns 18'f L`pnC01'� St�t l.cc l.overty -�, � ' SS1TIt P8111� MN 55107 ' Scc'etary O A Trcesurcr � � ... �� .�e � ' F�ed Prins ° g .'d tlosrd Mcmbcrs o 0 OU 0 .... � Jeckic Uod�c � Vo�uc N�tr Desi`n _ � . D�vo Fwko • AAA Typew�iter Jim Ilenly November 14 1986 - � H�nly's Furniture s Ataria Silvi� 1'.l Ilunito M�rkcl Loule TrcJo C�ss dol Puctrlo Resuunntc . Gentlemen: � = The CSBA would like to take th s opportunity to explain its position on the proposed Burger King devel pment on Concord and Congress Streets in St. Paul 's West Side neighborh od. As you are probably aware, a 1 cal Burger King franchise owner-operator - was_ na�d as tentative develop r on October 8th of a large �parcel . of surplus City-owned commerci 1 property near your property on Robert �� Street. During the next 120 d ys following that. date, the developer is required to submit a petition f at least 15 signatures of neighboring property owners to -the City P1 nning Commission for a public hearing on � a conditional use permit. If uch a permit is granted, a Burger King restaurant would be operating y May of next year. . The CSBA is supportive of this proposal , but is also aware of the concerns . expressed by neighboring resid nts and` prop�ehty-�owners. �Je'feel that their concerns can be easily address d: 1. Burger Kin will be inv_e tin $700 000 to develop vacant City - De�velopment of this site wi generate at least 20,000 annua y - in additional tax revenu s. _ �: 4 - 2. The new restaurant will rovide 60-75 new jobs to teen=age residents - and 4 management positio s. 3. A conditional use perm�t will require Burger King to strictly control litter, noise, p rking, and pollution. � The site will be tastefully landscaped an a sound barrier will be constructed on its boundary with the re idents. The Concord/Robert Street intersection will be dre sed up considerably. 4. The Burger King franchis will complement other businesses in the - . area, including restaura ts. Several area restaurants and other food-related businesses ave expressed their support of this proposal . � � 5. Development of this site can only enhance the values of neighboring properties in an economi ally disadvantaged neighborhood. �L�"` ��/ Gaertner Noldin.g Co. _ � Page 2 - . We at the Concord Street Busin ss Association are making several ma3or efforts to� bring economic vita ity to the business district, and we solicit your support for this roposed development. We ask that you . address your concerns to Joe G mez at City Hall (292 1577), or to our staffperson, Steve Kaukola, at 292 8020. Please .also note the - enclosed flyer regarding WSCO'- � meeting on November 19th. Thank you very much for your c nsideration. Sincerely, _ � - MEM RANDUM T0: Robillard, Morales. et al. FROM: Brian H. Miller RE: Burger King site DATE: October 29. 1987 HAND DELIVERED I haven't heard from you since our me ting in late August. nor since my earlier memorandum to you of September 4, 198 . I had hoped that you would take my� suggestion and negotiate a compromise with the developer for the Burger King. Mr. Van Velsen. I remain convinced that the Burger Ki g will be good for the neighborhood overa]1, not only because it will cre te jobs. but because it will be a catalyst for the improvemertt of other building in the area. I am doing what I can to further the Burger King proposal beca se of that belief. To that end. I am again asking you to consider negotiating a compromise with Mr. Van Velse�. Although the November 4 eadline for filing the petition with all necessary signatures is fast approach ng. there is sufficient time remaining to have a meeting. You could all be pre ent. or you could send a representative or your attorney. The meeting could be tructured any way you desire. so long as ' we are agreed that the intent of the eeting will be to discuss changes in design that can be made to minimize a much as possible the effects of the Burger King development on your homes. Another alternative is to include the ity in those discussions to determine - what the city may be able to do to im rove the part of the neighborhood in which * you live, such as finalizing the impro ements to the four-plex across the street from you. As you may or may not be a re. the city is very close to making a - condnitment to rehabilitate the Delos C ssings townhomes. Your support of that ' proposal may be the final impetus nece sary to carry it forward. In any event, I remain willing to faci itate the meeting. Although I do want to see the Burger King proposal go forwar . and think that it will, I remain hopeful that you will assist in a proc ss to minimize any negative impact on your homes. Please call me or have your attorney c 11 me to discuss this matter. Yours truly. Brian H. Miller BHM/lc � �� -� � I . . ' � � mr oF sr►i�r�u� INTER�E RTMfNT/1t MENIOR/►NOUM �• . January 20, 1987 � . . .. . TO: Dave Nelson ' 218 City Hal FROM: Edward B. He nen �� � � Assistant Fi e Chief ; _. � SUBJECT: File' No. 1-1 87 • Petition of he Housing Redevelopment Authority ' and Gerald N wak rfor the vacation of Congress St. between Robe t and Concord St. We, the Department of ize and Safety Services have reviewed your plans an have no objections at this time. � --- _-- _ , Inspected by: J. Babl r Distric Fire Chief : . � _ . � _ �� � � - j _ '�s�,,�,� S�#�gaq�:� �t a_:�a�i�r:_ -� .- . �.- � co� � - ul� be considered. - - � -•„-. _�. - .: �,���*;� . , a _ - _ . _ 7� - i • � � ; I ��,1'j�v��}�e�, � � , Il-��r Vt'�o ra.�co u� ���'�" �''''►w► . _ �z�3 J ��-- . � � S<��-,.�- b..� �-;,u �[�r- a��t�.c�,f- �'L�-�— vaca,h o,.� e-y�^�fn<:%�, 0 d � 3 December, 1987 T0: Zoning Committee David Lanegran Jeff Levy Gladys Morton Gail Summers Nancy Tracy Kathy Zieman Charles Repke Zoninq Staff Donna Datsko Larry Zangs FROM: Zona Butler Property Owner: 77-79- 1-83 E Isabel 86 E I abel SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning an Establishment of a Burger King cc: Councilman Jim Scheibel . Mae Sylvester, Staff Assi tant As a property owner within 350 feet of the proposed Burger King Establishment, I would like to highlight the following concerns: 1. The process used to in orm property owners within 350 feet was not sufficiently meticulous. ;� t � - 86 E Isabel is no 1 nger owned by Ragogna, DeNardo, & Peluso - 119 E Isabel is no onger owned by Janet Gerner - 18 properties in De os Crossinq Town Houses are owned by the Verdex Insurance Co, and were not notified - Douglas and Betty derson no longer live in Eagan, but moved� to California over ix months ago These are just examples, not al listed property owners were verified. 2. � � :e: � _. . � ,. , _. - The Thanksgiving Hol 'day reduced neighborhood reaction time - Many of the addresse are to institutions where internal mail delivery and staff p ocesses take more time for the recipient to react responsibly than the time necessary for a local property owner. e.g. Amherst W lder Foundation Northwest Bank � � � ,�-i . � Housinq & Redevelopment Authority � City of St Paul Fire Dept Mn Stat Building Corp City of St Paul/CS/PR Clinton v Town Houses Phoenix esidence Iowa Co erence of the Wesleyan on Riverview Girl Sco t Council County o Ramsey St Paul dqe - Some of the propert owners have out of town addresses. Clayton, Wi Charles ity, Ia San Fran isco, Ca San Dieg , Ca Madison, Wi 3 . - A bar within 100 fe t, the Westsider � - Another bar within -3 blocks which creates a foot traffic pattern to or from he Westsider - A liquor store - Siqnificant amounts of glass, plastic, and paper litter We do not need, nor want more raffic, noise or litter. While I am sure Burger King will do an excelle �ob of keeping their premises clean and orderly, will they clean up th debris that will get strewn as the heavy neighborhood foot traffic trave 1 to 3 blocks away? 4. The neighborhood is suffici ntly served by Kellies Diner which offers a d erha e co men . 5. obs roposed are minimum wage �obs whic wi not significantly impact the income of the area. Furthe the question arises of how much Burger King revenue will actually flow back into the West Side. While it would improve the tax base, aqain I estion how is it going to help our neighborhood? 6. The Staff Committee Report nder "Existinq Land Use" mentions an � ��� The Burger King proposal calls for the demolition of' is� structure. I would lik to call your attention to several facts and considerations. - This house at 442 Livi gston was included in the Ramsey County Historic Site Survey, ndicating possible architectural and historical merit. - The present occupants re renters, and not of transient nature. One has lived there 16 years, the other 6 years. Their home is being taken from un er them. They are considered good neighbors. �'�-�__� . - The removal of this ouse would leave us with less of a neiqhborhood and won erinq what is next to qo. 7. A significant portion of t e properties within the 350 foot radius are in a state of transition. There are 18 units in Delos Cr ssinq Townhouses that are actually owned by the Verdex Insurance Co of adison, Wi. They did not receive a hearinq notice. While they ma be very close to selling these properties for further develop ent, it is possible they do not care, however I am sure the ultimate owners will care. It is my understandinq that it could be less than six months before they are sold to the individuals who will ultimatel own and live in them. I believe a similar state of t ansition exists for the Clinton Avenue Townhomes. The ultimate owners should hav a chance for due process or at least the developer and real estate agen should study the impact of a Burger Ring to their plans. 8. With the current vacant st e of the Delos Crossing Townhouses, it ie clear that a 6 foot fence d es not always deter determined foot traffic. Many sections of the elos Crossing fence have been knocked out. This brings me to the qu tion of whether a 6 foot fence between Burger ICing and the residences n E Isabel that are adjacent, would really serve its purpose. 9. Mentioned in the Committee taff Report, is a planted buffer area between the proposed Burger ICin back parking lot and the residences. It does not appear on the aite lan sketch for all three adjacent residences. There is no buffer'ng for 86 E Isabel, which I presently own. Furthermore there appears to be a liqht pole directly behind this house, which may result in exce sive artificial light, since bedroom windows face in the south direc ion. At this point I would like to c ose, by askinq you to consider denying this rezoning and special use p rmit request. I believe sufficient concern has been expressed for uch consideration. At a minimum I am requesting a delay until the en ironmental and social impact on the entire neiqhborhood can be stud ed further. That might include but not necessarily be limited to the f llowing. - Completion of redeve opment and rehabitation of the the Delos Townhouses. - The commission of a istorical/architectural consultant, by the Zoning Committ�e, Staff, or City of St Paul, to conduct a study of the histo ic potential and need for preservation of 442 Livingston. have discussed this possibility with Thomas Zahn, formerl head of the Heritage Preservation Alliance of Minnesot . He presently is a recoqnized consultant on such ma ters. He suggests a project of 5-10 hours of research cou d yield sufficient information to determine potential a d could provide recommendation if further research coul yield significant findinqs. - The zoning committee taff improve the process of verifyinq and notifyinq propert owners of subsequent hearinqs. . Amhef'Sl I�L Wilder Fou ation � Board of Diroctors pecember 3, 19 7 H.Jarr►es Seesel,Jr. Chair Mary Bigelow McMillan First Vlce Chair Mthony L Mdersen Second Vice Chair Elizabeth M. Klemat Secretary ENsabeth W. Ooermann T0: Zoning Co ittee of the Frank Hammond St. Paul P anni n Commi ssi on Malcoim W. McDonald 9 James W. Reagan Kennon V. Rothchiid RE: PROPOSED R ZONING FOR PURPOSE OF ESTABLISN NT OF BURGER KING RESTAURANT Leonard H.Wilkening Piesident and Chiei Executnre Officer As a representa ive of the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, I a writing to request a delay in your considerat on of the above rezoning. Our request is base upon the questions raised by members of the eighborhood regarding the displacement of a residence as well as other concerns raised In indicating o r original non-opposition to the rezoning, we we e unaware of these neighborhood concerns but fe 1 that they should be adequately addressed befor rezoning transpires. We are supporti e of the requests made to you in Zona Bulter's 1 tter dated 3 December 1987. Sincer y;� r� Leonard H. Wilke ing President and Ch ef Executive Officer Amherst H. Wilde Foundation LHW:gjc cc: Tom Kingsto Steve Niels n • Executive Office 919 Lafond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 �6�2� �2-4�43 A charitable human servi orpanization created through the generosity of: Amherst H.Wilder,1828-1 •Fanny Spencer Wilder,1837•1903•Cornelia Day Wflder Appleby,1868-1903 '�"�� -- �' -_.' - ' '�'-'-'y,�.i, `+` � .�x ��, a �`��.� � � ���� � LAW OFi10E3 - ��_l/. L / U ']'�\.J GROSSMAN, KARLINS, 51 GEL, BRILL, GREUPNER 8. DUFFY SUITE �330 100 W SHINGTON $pUARE RICMARD�I[GEl Oi COUNSEL JO$IAM t. �RILL,�n., P.w. MINNEAPO IS, MiNNESOTA 55401 M. L.GR035MAN,P.A. JAM6S R.GREUPNER GERALO S. DUFFY TELE MONE (612)33a-7131 $H[LDON D. KARLINS.P.A. WOOD R. FOSTER,JR. , TELE PIER (6121 33�-6591 TMOMAS M.600DMAN RETIRCD K.CRAIG WILOFANG ARNOLD A. KAR{.INS JOMN i.WATSpN MURRAY R. KLANE �RUG[FIEDGCOCK �L KATMLCEN A. CONN[LlY � CPr1{WPrr 1� 19�7 TODD F. SASSINGER � W CNRISTOPNER PENWELL ANTMONY J.GIEEKEL 15,593-BH Zoning Committee 25 West 4th Street St. Paul, 1�T 55102 Re: Zoning File No. 1 025 Zoning File Name .V.L. Management Company and ffitA Dear Sir or Madam: On behalf of the Mor les and Robillard families who reside, respectively, at 72 Isabel and 78 Isabel Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, and Mr. d Mrs. Donald Coury, owners of Michael's Pizza at 441 Sou h Robert, St. Paul, Minnesota, I would like to express thei wish that the application for rezoning of the property located at 442 Livingston, 67 Concord and the northwest c rners of Robert and Congress and application for the issuan e of the special condition use permit for the constructi n and operation of a fast-food franchise on this property e denied. The construction and o eration of a fast food franchise in such close proximity o my clients � property would seriously interfere with th quiet enjoyment of their homes and business. The proposed drive-up window and the drive-up ordering station would prod ce noise which would disturb my clients throughout the day nd into the early morning hours. Furthermore, the parking lo would become a magnet for late night revellers if the dr ve-up window were open late at night. These concerns cannot be discounted as several homeowners in the 1900 bl ck of Pinehurst, St. Paul have encountered these same probl ms from the Burger King on Ford Parkway built behind their operty. Enclosed is an article i a • ��1�`s��" �t'!,� �4 �' g � -�-+�-..,_ . � �� ` � �'`°� ���"' OO Z�' � � December l, 1987 Page 2 -----� from the St. Paul Press Pi neer outlininq the problems which the Pinehurst Street resi nte have faced. The restaurant would also produce much a r pollution from the exhaust of restaurant grill. A const t odor of grease and fried foods would fill the air. My client's greatest concern is the drop in property values which would accompa y the construction of the Burger Kinq. The Burger Ring wou d destroy the residential nature of the neighborhood and wo ld make it very difficult for my clients to sell their pro erty at its current worth. Few people would want to buy pr perty whose backyard touched the site of a fast food restaur nt. It is my client ' s w ' sh that the St. Paul Planning Commission not grant its proval to the rezoning and the special condition use permi . Thank you. Ve truly yours, 'cL�� � C�' B ce Hedgcock BH:srw Enclosure cc: Rim Morales Alan Robillard Mr. and Mrs. Donald Co ry . �� ���� � � ������� . . � ���� o zs �---_ .... . . :. . -- . . . _.. _ . - _ ._ _-- . :. . :����._.__._.� . . . .. ��:___�.......�..:.a...a..�.ra.R. . St.PaW Pionser pre� tch W "' � - . ' • . _ �.Ap.5. 1987J � Nei h - � • . � g bo want no�se stopp►ed at the Hi and � Par ��� • .g . k B er I�;in � jng . B�►Bob cayro� �p — o�7�j/ST. PAUL � � nig6t,whm m�y the drive-tdroo� Staff WriMr . The managers of a fast f res- - windaw ia Bat Deane aai . �, tanrant on Ford Parl�vay in Dre�v said be�is sympathetic to what-tLe n��rs wonld like�e . � land Park wIll appear.bef tbe their complaints. "Of aontse I'm is far Burgec S;ng tv cla�e at 10.c . � �� St Panl C'ity Council on Ang. 6 to � concerned�wh� i plac� be- l�.p'�'�d fa abait 15 yea� defend its lioense agaiast gry co�neg a gatheriug for kids eri p1�e neighbors. .. . late at night,"he said Bl�,the chain'§distrlct manap � Bnt if Bnrger Hing district He added that he doesn't blame �'� said he be8an tiyin$ to qaie ager Dan Blne has his way, Lis c�nstitneats in the 1900 blocg of do�vn the restanrant last Week. ceighbors won't be so by � Pinehnrst for being up�et,"I aaild He cat bact the drive-througl then. Blue says he alreaiy has really 6nd it hard to live behind a �°� � �m S am. bn 1:3� made changes in tbe resta t's �'8�'�S aith a drive-thrnngh a-�• � �. and hired-s�orifi :op�atioa4 to respond to the 'gh- going�until3 in the mo�ning,"he �� � P$trol tbe parktng la bors' complaint� aboat late- t said. . from 9-.30 p.m. to 1:30 am. lbes noiae. - � . � " . - day t6t+ong6.Satarday. Befot�e la� � Becau�e so mnch of neighbors' �weer, the restanrant had nse� The resta�ant's backdoor anger is can�ed by the late-night guards only an Ftiday a� Sai� bors.oa Pinehmst�-Ave�rue noise at tlie restanrant, Deane da Blae said the guards'main plain tbat Barger Bing's cagto � hoped the city's noise ordinance is ' dowa noise in the patk. — ��Y Y�8 P�PIe. — conld be the tool to 8z the prob- ing.lot. � there and often bonic their lem. - B1ne asid he has be� � ��' � a� �P The ordinance does e �' .ster�os, shoat acraas the �°�'Po- ble for the Fg�d Park�vaY � lot ana so�metimes arinate ;n lice to stop the kina o�noise gener- Bing for �ly aboat t�vo-mooth�. ated by t�e Barge� IIm8 Pa�. H�e�� ���� 7��8 Y� � said Frant Staffeosan, Sk Panl's J�n Deane of'1960 ' �tal health director.Po- 'q��y Lad dane sa� �is the most vocal af ma��e � lioe coald c�de.r o�feode�s to st� t�ng beEac+e.But we're going to go �'� r�w�o making noise aad � � if ����� see if ��Y �8�d a P�� they re�aed,be said. „ - . _ ing aboat noise and crowda at � Bnt Dr�c�v isa't c�o�ting a� the Deane aaid these new meaaares Bm'$er B'ing at 1859 Ford P - ordinance� tc relieve hia �tn- Bltce baa tatea go further tLan any � �y' - mts' bxa�e eflforF ���t����� � � ��a� poli ing it��y i�'t 1�aasn't part�cularly ap�mis� hundred4 of�m the siz ae� Practi�al- "If they can 8et gentl� to �ay d�riv�g�h w'�mdo�w.�and �� � � �d �nP and ast foc tl�ir bargers -8��Y�B�a�13 a.m. ��• Drew sa�. `�nt 'rt's not a withont � t6e;r ha� aod priority With polic:e. � � � I'll be sati�- As he ae.gcribes it, he ana going to ait in that parking�� ��a,»�said."But I aoa't thint tee neighbora have�Yeazs He said he thints that the neigh- av�age teeo-ager is a geatleman." police and�com to a bors can be wimont tak- Fo� naw. he aaid, "I still want of diffei+�t managers at the ing away the l���s food lI- the tanrant, bat they've nev� (cit�►) oo�cil to r�tri�.�t t�n �8�P�e�k � ticket�. ���P°lice to write to 11 o'doct." The Dis�ict lic�se Was dae��f Deane has snggested t6e restaa- will hear fi�n n�'e�hbaes and �� �Y �P� to th ' night of the W�� e°�'9. Btn'ger B'ing on Ang.13 and reco� atY�member,Joha Drew. pat�ng on the �t mend aetlon for the dty t�ci1, i _ pre�nises late at Drew aa�d. , . . ___._ . _ ..._ ..__.-_ ..._ ----------- • � ` ��� . ��� -- --- ---- ; - . 9 O �� � � „ � . •� ,�' G'�� / .�',S�0 7' � . - • -_ / : � . _ ; _� � � " I - - -�--� 9°• --- - . _ , . .�� . � . ��� . � � � /_.� � . .� . � .,., � � ���i�� ���:� s . _ . I . Nove er 29, ]987 Donna Datsko � . � _ RECEIVED ' Zoning Cor.unitte 25 �?est Fourth street � NOV 30 1987 St. Paul, -Mn �•55102 � � ZONtNG Re: $urqer Ring Intent �Q�'�G ��LE r= Ms. Donna Datsko: As you know, Burger Rin intends to establish a fast food restaurant immediately adj cent to our property at 442 Livinqston Street. In that we maint in homes on the property, we �vould like to express our deep concer about this proposed action. We feel very strongly t at the development of a Burqer Ring franchiae in our small neighborhood would have far reachinq consequences, inimical to the best interests of our residential a rea. --� Specifically, we are conce ned about the probable developments in the following areas: 1. An increase in an -related activit . A late-hour, low-end fast foo estaurant w 11 encourage agqregations of young people wi h a probable concomitant � rise in crime. 2. An increase in veh cular traffic. As more people •drive into our area to p tronize the restaurant, the streets will become hazard us for ,local children to cross. 3. Develo ment of a n ise ollution and litter roblem. Late n ght restaur nt customers w 11 create a great amount of vocal an vehicular noise, disruptinq the sleep and peace of neighborhood residents and their children. 4. Possible establish ent of rodent and insect o ulations. Dumpsters of trash and discarded food w lI encourage development of coc roach and rat colonies with attendant possibilities of disease and injury. 5. Dro in housin val es. As a result of the foregoinq problems, home valu s will decrease as prospective �; buyers avoid reside tial areas shared with commercial establishments. As the people who will b most affected by the Burger Ring project, we feel that our co cerns are legitimate and justified. We ask that you consider his letter a formal protest to the planned construction of Burqer Ring restaurant in our neighborhood. Mr. an Mrs. Jesse Moralez Ms. Ri Marie Moralez �"`•. ';:. k � �' � ���� . � _ � � � ! r y: - .,E��;.� �. � SRPD INCID NT REPORTING SYSTEM HISTORY OF 8164? W UNIVERSI'TY AV FROM 11/24 86 —TO— il/24/87 ��. CRIME INC CN DATE ASSIST CALLS C��6 H6154677 12/H4/86 ACCIDENT 4L�k�: p7��873'7 91/?3/A7 TRAFFIC VIOL 46k�_ H7�A�114 �1/2�i/87 ASSIST CALLS 0�b g7g12�7g �1C��2�8� DETOX ��2 H7N12865 f�2/�2/87 SUwP ACTIVITY A�3 �7�13162 92/�3/g7 AS::IST CALLS H06 �7N18436 82/16/87 DOMESTICS 9A3 97921�45 82/25/87 RECOV �FOPERTY 0N7 • N7�25755 03/k�6/87 LOCKOU7 (AUTO) �06 �7926938 g3/09/87 VAMllALISM 14]. H7041149 �4/12/87 DETOX ��2 97�45742 k�4/22/87 INVESTIGATF 0�7 Q7G�63�32�1 H5/3�/87 A5SI5T CALLS ��6 07082248 ��/k�3/87 DFUNY. 23C� t�7E�84157 H7/�7/87 A0�5 ��3 �7�86892 �7/12/87 DhcUHi� �3� ti::�37a�Q �8/Hi/87 ��'.`,� :� : :: SPPD INCIDE. '1' REF�ORTING SYSTEM NIS70RY OF 81647 W NIVEkS�rY AV FF.OM il/��►/ 6 —TO— 11/24/87 CklhlE INC CM AATE TNEF7 �1643 �'7193126 �8/13/87 INVE57IGATE HH7� �7122C�62 6�9/15/87 NAkCOT�CS DRUGS 18t�k� k�7124135 99/1`a/87 SUSR ACTIVITY k�ti37 H712b598 09/2�/87 FIGNT5 �k�32 �7141k�47 19/27/87 THEFT �6C�� N7143717 11/H1/87 INVESTIGATE �H7� 9714756k� 11/1�/87 VIOL NUISE OkD 263� C�7153217 li/22/87 *** END OF TRANSMISSION *** 25 NCIAEMTtB) . Z�NING �1 E � LS' � PL ASE HELP IN STOPPIN(; � /���`JA URC;ER K NG FROM BUILDING IN t�UF, �311.Cr--� � E�� � LEASE SIGN THE PETITION .�� C�.� _ 7'c�L r�-/ �� � !`���rr^ . -- �- � ,� _-r � � �'-���cn� �.�� �� � ��,�.�.�.�..� �'�. �. � �z�, RECEI VED � -� �,..� ' �s.g,.,SZ,,,,�, •; s �°c�-rt�..��Q --�.-� N 0 V 3 0 198 7 ' ZONING � ��.���� � � 2 7 � l.� �'a�� -� . � y�.2 w �Z' ,y� �3,¢=� �� � ..�-,�i�-ti'r.� �-►,�� r � � c�a,��/ �� r �� ` � 5 S lJ7 , ;� y�lD S, ����� �:S-7�.v�� : � . - ; �. ;���:+�� �� �.0 � � ZSQ �O�l i ; ��,(,il/�� � r" . ; � � h �_ �-�5�;�/ � � (�55� ( �Q ��� 7�' � �� , � l� ��,�,�•-c,r,, J� `I t • I � �s . � f, \ . c:�:.�.�1 `"tiZ l s�`-�,rZ�- �. � G C� �Mf c,-r c �.g C � /�Y /;����'�.—`J �!- C.�,� ,���Lq��' _� J � G� � - ��/ S� � . . ; ✓���, �. � � , ' /. � � . � ������ � � `� � . r ` � , /'1 � L vV � �-l92 . 1,� . 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L '� �C!� ^ !• � ��-. 1.1 .. i- ��J . ��m � ��� � � � y (,n�'��� �'• u„�Cjl�l.� C�--' � - r�� � ' , � i J ' �;��'%/• C... / C 8� f/� G� e J-. � �� ...� � - , � -- ---�-��-��� �'�. -� ��'(.a,� -!c.� , .�.�oj, f /�'201 �,�_ � �'' ��'"�e �P'�l°�'t ,t��,. �y�ti r � � � 4 '�_ �� �a.�t i�cvw�. ,�- � ��� v(�iG�b lS � 1 � ��-�-i P�tZN��T TO O��C�A A �i�ST �00� �'�ST'A UP�,N T' �I�ANTED '�Y 'P IvtNG� COIaM�SS10N �2fy '��-- • CITY OF S INT PAUL� MINNg.SpTA SPECLIL C ZIDITION QSE PHR�Q? ZONIHG FILE �M10025A IIPPLICAN?: V.V.L. Management Co. and H.R.A. � - � PDBPOSE: ?o establish a fast food urger King restaurant Nith 90 seats and 50 off-strest parking spaces. LOCATION: 442 Livingston� 67 Coacor and the NW corner of Robert and Congress. I.E�iAL DBSCBIP?IOI�: Subject to street ex. the North 25' of I.ot 2 and the North 20' of Lot 4 sad all of Lot 3. B1ock 51, est St.Paul Addition. and ad�acent property at 67 Concord and the NW corner of Rober and Congress, legally deacribed as subject to street� Lot S aad ex, the North 20• o Lot 4� all of Lot.__5 and the South 30' of Lot 7. all of Block 51, West St. Paul Add tion. ZONING CO2�IT?E8 ACTION: Approve , December 3� 1987 � PIaNNIDIG CO�ISSION ACTION: Approve , December 4, 1987 � CONDITIOIQS OF THIS PE�I?: l. The parcel aust be rezoned to B-3 d the vacation of Congress Street must occur. 2. A final site plan aust be submitted and all site plan standards aust be met. 3. Sounds fron the drive-thru speaker ox will not be audible from adjoining residential property to the north. � 4. Restaurant staff wili police the re taurant parking lot at least three times each day to re�ove litter and will polic the one block area surrounding the restaurant oae time each week to re ove zestaurant-generated litter. S. The northerly parking lot will be c osed between the hour� of 8 p.a, and 9 a.m. 6. Tlze restaurant dining room hours of operation will be between 7 a.a, to midnight. 7. Ths drive-thru hours of operation w 11 be between 7 a.a, and 1 a.�. APPBOVED BY: David Lanegran� Planning Co�ission Chairuan I� the undersigned Secretary to the Zo ing Committee of the Ylanning Co�ission for ' the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do ereby certify that I have co�arad the foregoing copy with the original recor in ay office; and find the saae to be a true ' and correct copy of said original and i the whole thereof� as based on ainutes of the Saint Paul Planning Commission mes ing held on Deceaber 4� 1987� and on record 4 in the Saint Paul Planning Division Of ice. 25 W. Fourth Street. Saint Paul,� � Mitutiasota. ; Ruth Murray � Secretary to the Saint Paul Zoning Coanittee � � ?his permit �rill ezpire one ysar from ha date of approval if tha nse harein parmitted is aot established. The decision to grant this permit by e Planning Co�ission is an adainistrative � action sub�act to appeal to the City C uncil. Anyone affected by tbis action �ay appeal this decision by filing the app opriate application and fee at the Zoning Office. 1100 City Hall Aanex. 25 S�est ourth Strest. Any sucb appaal suat be filed �itbia 1S calandar days of the �siling iate aotad balar. � Violation of the conditions of this pe it aay rssult in its revocation. � I copis. co: Applicant , �!!�!"l�2�0'25A .Zoning Adninistrator � License Inspector District Council Mailad: Deceaber 7, 1987 ZONING CO ITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE #10025 1. APPLICANT: V.V.L. Management Co, nd H.R.A. DATE OF HEARING: 12/3/87 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning from B- and RM-1 to B-3; Special Condition Use Permit 3. LOCATION: 442 Livingston, 67 Con ord and NW corner of Robert and Congress 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 3 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: On file 6. PRESENT ZONING: B-2 and RM-1 ONING CODE REFERENCE: 60.541; 60.543(4) 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 11/20/87 BY: Donna Datsko A. PL'RPOSE: To permit construction f a Burger King fast food restaurant. B. SUFFICIENCY: The petition was dec ared sufficient by the Planning Division on November S, 1987; 21 parcels elig' le, 14 parcels required, 14 parcels signed. C. PP.RCEL SIZE: The parcel is flag-s aped with about 80' of frontage on Robert, 180' on Concord and 180' on Congr ss; the total lot area is about 36,743 square feet. , D. EXISTING LAND USE: All of the par el which is now zoned B-2 is vscant while the portion zoned RM-1 contains an ol r frame duplex. E. SL?RROUNDING LAND USE AND ONING DISTRICTS: �orth: Residential and commercial; RM 1 and B-2 East and South: Commercial; B-2 West: Commercial; B-2 and B-3 F. ZONING CODE HISTORY: Prior to 1975 this entire area was zoned commercial. G. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant intends to construc a 90 seat restaurant with a drive-thru lane and surface parking for 50 vehicle . 2. The proposal requires a vacation o Congress Street, a rezoning to B-3 (general business district) and a Special C ndition Use permit for a fast food restaurant. The vacation proposal is an integr 1 part of this plan because by vacating Congress Street, the parcel picks p another 30' in width. This extra footage allows the positioning of the str ture forward towards Robert Street. The , vacation was presented to the City Council but had not been acted upon at the time this report was written. 3. The B=3 zoning district is intend d to provide sites for more diversified types � of businesses than those in either the B-1 or B-2 districts and is intended for ' location along major traffic arter'es or adjacent to Community Business districts. 4. This site is adjacent to the Commu ity Business districts found on both Robert and Concord Streets. Both streets are classified as minor arterial B streets in - the streets and highway section of the Comprehensive Plan. A minor arterial B street is desfgned to connect comm nities within the same subregion and the land uses adjacent to this type of stre t are generally commercial or multiple family. . The most recent traffic count for obert Street between Plato and Concord is 12,725 ADT and for Concord between Wabasha and Robert it is 6,800 ADT. These traffic figures compare to similar situations found on Rice Street between Como and Pennsylvania and on Grand Aven e between Fairview and Cleveland. F�le �10025 Page Two S. The city's Comprehensive Plan lan � use section states as policy 4.2-4 that the city "will continue to monitor co ercial trends and adjust its land use policies to remain abreast of cha ges affecting the character of commercial areas. . :" and as policy 4.2-5 tha the city "will continue to review its present commercial zoning to ensure that ach zoning classification reflects uses appropriate to the intended appli ation of the district." Finally, in policy 4.2-7 the plan states that the city, through zoning, "will encourage businesses to maintain he scale of surrounding development, reduce traffic and parking problems (and buffer unsightly areas from adjoining residences and businesses. . ." 6. The applicant's proposal meets th intent of the B-3 zoning district, will foster development of an underuti ized parcel of land and will maintain the scale of other Robert Street deve opment. The review of the proposal by the Planning Commission under the sta dards established for fast food restaurants will ensure that traffic and park ng problems will be addressed and that buffering standards will be appli d. 7. Fast food restaurants are permitt d uses in the B-3 zoning district subject to the four conditions found in sect on 60.543(3) of the zoning code; these conditions and the applicant's ab lity to meet them with this proposal are. as follo�.•s: (1) Points of vehicular ingress d egress shall not be onto a street which is used primarily for access to butting residential property. Access to the site would be f om Robert and Concord Streets; both streets now serve a variety of commer ial and multiple family residential uses. (2) Points of vehicular ingress d egress sha11 be Zocated at least 60' from the intersection of any two s reets and at least 60' from any abutting residentially zoned property. ; Proposed access to the site an meet these conditions. (3) When the site abuts an a11ey . . . The site does not abut an al ey. (4) Imnact on adjoining property by use of the site may not result in the following: a. Ioud, boisterous and dist rbing noise levels b. hazardous traffic conditi ns c. offensive, obnoxious and isturbing odors � d. excessive Iitter e. excessive artificial Zigh ing f. substantial decrease in a joining property values g. any other condition incon istent with the reasonable use and enjoyment oi adjoining property and in onsistent with the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the ad oining community. Because the majority of the s te is vacant, this development proposal will have an impact related to noi e levels, traffic, lighting and so on. The level of negative impact will be mitigated by the proposed circulation pattern which directs the maj rity of traffic and activity towards the � Robert Street portion of the ite and away from the existing residential uses which front on Isabel. e preliminary site �plan indicates a 6' wood obscuring fence along that se tion of property which abuts the existing residences as well as a plant d buffer area between the back parking lot and the residences. The speaker b x is located and directed south, away from the residences. Traffic engineering staff has reviewed the preliminary plan and finds that the plan can meet city standa ds related to access drives and circulation patterns. No hazardous traff c conditions related to the layout and design of the site are anticipated. ' � File =10025 Page Three Properties adjoining a vacant r marginally used site may suffer a decrease in value due to factors of unc rtainty when compared to properties which adjoin a well maintained and a tractive commercial site. H. STAFF RECO.*'LMENDATION: Based on sta f findings 1 through 7, staff recommends approval of the rezoning from RM-1 and B-2 to B-3 and approval of the Special Condition Use permit sub�ect to th following conditions: 1. The parcel must be rezoned to B-3 nd the vacation of Congress Street must occur. 2. A final site must be submitted and all site plan standards must be met. 3. Sounds from the drive-thru speaker box will not be audible from ad�oining residential property to the north. ' 4, The northerly parking lot will not be accessible to private passenger vehicles when the restaurant is not open. 5. Restaurant staff will police the r staurant parking lot three times each day to remove litter and will police the ne block area surrounding the restaurant one time each week to remove restauran -generated litter. SZ!op�f "�� � �. , '�Y , ..�'' � , . . � �„a �� ��f .� �. ; ,7. , _ .. . , . ' .. ' . � � ��� ... . h. . . _ .. . . . . i'�`T�" ° �_�'^r�- �..�'��� •�.�".� . - ''v" T�n Lr :�. • -. . . .' . ...— _.�. _ ._. � _.. � ... _ ... fi:...�«_:�:.. ': , j, 1 . '__" ": �. � - ; , _ . �......e �r.fs. _ ' _ _s �..o�_ . .,_ _. . . . . . �--�----- � - =s- . - _,._ � -.Q-- .s----- . .z . � : : . � ,: , •_ . . 's ' _ , � : � rn� �- . ' • ' � ' � ' , . '��rL� � �'-'"2��' ' ' . , �# ' - • _ - .. e� . a, N _ y r' n ^.-= , ^ r .'�—_ """�'w i` . ', . . .�. . � '. , - .. - - '. . � ' �. - 1w . , .-��.« -- . , . � ' , � . � ' �!`+►�^�1Cri.�1r7�,�+p(� ;, , , ' _ � _j • �LSr� r ,9 . . . ' ' ` 3,�a _ _ _._ .r oJl ^�. : . . _ � " � �\ Y _ `� ,.� . 3 �_. � ► �. . . _ .. _.. . 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John Colonna, for St. Paul ire Dept. 11-12. Frank N. Gaertner 13. Gerald Isaacs 14. Don Larson, for PIP Propert es . �� -��-i lAW OiFICES GROSSMAN, KARLINS, 5 EGEL, BRILL, GREUPNER 8e DUFFY SuiTE �330 100 ASMINGTON $pUARE RICMARD SIEGCL O�COYNStL JOSIAM [. ORILL.JR., P.w. ��" MINNEAP LIS. MINNESOTA 55401 M. L G1�033MAN,r.A. � JAM[$ R.GR[UPNfR TLL pMONC (612)338-7131 SN[LDON O.KARLIN3,P.A. 6[11AL0 S. DVFFY WOOD R. FO$TER.JR. T[lE PI[R 1s12I 339-6391 TMOMA3 li.GOODMAN R[TIR[O K.CRAIG WIIDFANG A11NO10 A.KARLINS JOMN 3.WATSON MURqAY R. KLANE �I�UC[ MtDGCOCK 1(ATML[[N A.CONNCILY vember S� 1987 TOOD F SASSING6R W.CNRIsTOPM[R PENWELI. ANTMONY J.GIEEKEL CERTIFIED MAIL • �2ETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED 15,593-BH Ms. Peggy Reichert, Direct r Department of Planning and Economic Development 1400 City Hall Annex '�- �- 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, NIId 55102 Dear Ms. Reichert: Alan Czaia of the z ning office recently informed me that he had accepted as complete the petition of V.V.L. Management and the H.R.A. to rezone the property located at 442 Livingston, 67 Conco d and the northwest corners of Robert and Congress street . As you are aware, he petitioner must obtain the consent of 67� of the prop rty fee owners within 100 feet of the property. The petitio er has submitted the consent of a contract for deed purchas r of certain land within 100 feet of the subject property. he fee owner of the property, Ms. Pauline Mae Hollen, origin lly consented to the petition but subsequently withdrew her consent. (See attached Request to Remove Consentinq Party) . Ms. Hollen's property is Lot 2, and part of Lots 1 and 3, Block 53, West St. Paul Addition. Mr. Czaia has indicated t me that he used the consent of the contract for deed pu chaser to determine whether the requisite percentage of h meowners had consented. If the zoning office had not ounted that consent, then the petitioner would not have met the consent requirements for requesting a rezoning. Minnesota Statutes ection 462 . 357 and the zoning office ' s own regulations state that the fee owner of the property must consent. I ote from the zoning office's own regulations (a copy of whi h is attached) : ZQNIt�G FILE �2�� Ms. Peggy Reichert • November 5, 1987 Page 2 M' The City of Saint Pau accepts the signatures of the ee owners only; con ract purchasers or equivalent signatures are �ofi acc pted. It appears that the zo ing office's action in accepting the petition to rezone the roperty at 442 Livington and 67 Concord streets is in viol tion of both Minnesota law and its own regulations. There ore, I conclude that petitioner has not fulfilled the requi ements for rezoning and thus no hearing before the Planni g Commission can be scheduled until the petitiorier has co lied with these regulations. I would appreciate he ring from you on this matter. Thank you. Ve truly yours, �� co�lC, Bru e Hedgcock( BH:srw Enclosures cc: Alan Czaia Rim Morales Jerry Segal � ! �������� �=��E to�o�s,�: a�.. _ - •�`o'tT o•�i CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; ��i�„ ; DEPAR MENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT `+ �� o DIVISION OF PLANNING , � ���� 25 West Fourth Street.Saint hul,Minnaoh 551�2 612•228-3270 GEORGE IATIMER MAYOR November 16, 1987 Bruce Hedgcock Grossman, Karlins, Siegel, Brill� reupner & Duffy Suite 1350 100 Washington Square Mpls, MN 55401 RE: Burger King rezoning at 442 ivingston, 67 Concord, & NW corner of Robert � Congress, File #100 5 Dear Mr. Hedgcock: I consulted Mr. Jerry Segal, Assis ant City Attorney, regarding our policy of accepting contract for deed purcha ers on consent petitions for rezoning applications. It is his legal opi ion that Planning staff can accept the signature of a contract for deed p chaser if the contract has been recorded by Ramsey County. A copy of Mr. Sega 's explanation is attached. Over the past two years, the Plann ng staff has been accepting signatures of contract for deed purchasers whose contracts are recorded at Ramsey County Recorder's Office. I am sorry tha the rezoning process sheet handed out to the public has not been kept up-to date. Current procedures are explained by staff to applicants and other pers ns inquiring about the rezoning process. Thank you for bringing the discrep ncy between actual zoning procedures and our public information hand-out to my attention. I have directed the zoning staff to bring the hand-out up to ate. Please call Larry Soderholm (228- 3362) of the zoning staff if you h ve further questions. Sincerely, ;� " � � � , � Peggy Reicher�, Deputy Director of Planning enc. pr�ac cc: Jerry Segal file � ��i��NG FILE �s�- Syv�m , ��.�"' �-;;� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �; ��; OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY 7, ii�'iu�� ;� �: �" ��y EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �"`"un,;,R'.;�`` 647 City Nall. Saint Paul. Minnesota 5510? GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-512� MAYOR November 10, 1987 Ms. Peggy Reichert Director, Department of Planning � Ec nomic Development llth Floor City Hall Annex Dear Ms. Reichert : I am in receipt of a copy f a letter to you from Bruce Hedgcock regarding a petition to rezo e property located at 442 Livingston, 67 Concord and the north est corners of Robert and Congress streets. He questions th acceptance of a consent signature from a contract purchaser as a valid consent signature under Minnesota Statutes , §462.3 7 , subd. 5, relating to petitions for rezoning in cities of th first class . Section 462. 357 , subd. 5, requires written consent of owners of 2/3 of the description of real estate within 100 feet of the property sought to be ezoned. The statute does not define the term "owner" . There is precedent in Minnesota case law to accept a contract purch ser or contract vendee as an ovaner. In the case of State v. Ci y of Rochester, 100 N.W. 2d 44 (1961 ) the Minnesota Supreme Court pproved the recognition of a contract purchaser as an owner wi hin the statute relating to owners as petitioners for annexat 'on of property. In doing so, the court stated that conside ing the result of annexation, it is the vendee and not th vendor who will be most affected by that proceeding. This seems to be more analagous also to a rezoning petition. The Minnesota Supreme Cou t in Beck v. Council of the City of Saint Paul , 50 N.W.2d 8 (1951 ) approved counting a contract purchaser as an owner for he purpose of the city charter pro- vision requiring consent f owners of property adjacent to streets sought to be vacated or abandoned. Based upon these two cases it is my opinion that your office could properly consider a d accept a consent to a rezoning signed by a contract purchas r. Yo very uly JE . S istant y At or ey J :cg ZONfNG FILE �� . ��'-�'�/ it�QUEST TO i�E►�IOV� CUDLiEM'II+� SIG P:AT UnE r'kGN, FETITIO t� TO �•lE �0 i�lr� C(,LE CITY Or' ST. P�UL. iAT�; • � 19 8 RECEIVED AU G ? � 1981 � ZONING TU LF,Ye�iTI�.Gi�' U1�' PL�II�DIIr,� cX: �;CO I�IIC LEVELOF'ME$P c�o Zonin� Office, 25 West Four h Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � t�rp , �,?e�n.f rn�n:.��� r�e o�' y,.�, a5� 'k7� I �1e ���^I request that ' J our si�nature� be renoved fron a etitian of consent of ad3oinin� property owners to rezone, File number #1 025. ' tt��,U�:;T '1'u 1tr�►�,UVN; CUlt6.ir:Ni'1lVli aIG r;Al'UnE r'HOI�� FETI`Pi0� `PO iu��� GCiI1�I+G CuLE CITY Ur' JT. FdUL. L�+�; TO Lr.Ft,KTi�i�Iti'1' O1' pLtiluDiT NG ,i;: ECU t�.IC I;GVELOPAIF;LT c�o Zonin� Office, 25 West Fourt Street, St. paul, Minnesota 55102 , � I�W,e " � request that our signature be renoved fron a p tition of consent of adjoinin� property owners to rezone, File number ,�10 25. ' . . ►, �/U � /,�b��d � V v RECEIV REGEIVED ED AUG 10 1987 � ZONING ZONING !(t,'.�UC;«�`1' 9'U ttrr�iUVL� 1iU11t�14N1'II�IU �.t�r��r u�r; r�1w��, r�•rrrlu� �ro �u�►�; �GIrTIUG CULE CITY Ur' �T. pdUL. y6T� �f�. !/ — S'�'b TG Lr.��,tcTi���;i� 0�' PLdIvl�It,l� �c ECU Y�:IC LEVF�LOPr1ENP c�o Zonin� Office, 25 West Four h Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 I��le a.cc-��.u�c.� o..Q�Q,¢.,,.,.� request that our si�nature� be renoved fron a etition of consent of adjoinin� property oxners to rezone, File rumber �1 025. ' RECEIVED NOV 121986 . ZONING . K�QUEST TO �IFrI�IUVL'� CU I1��.N1'II+G SIG rlAT UKE FkGNI PETITIO Dt TO d%lE /��� �U 11Q 1VG CULE CITY Ur' .JT, �'dUL. LB`1'� /��.. �/ � � TO LEF�tTi►IEI�P 0�' PI,AIv1VTNG �c �;COI` I�,IC L�;YELOPr1ENr c�o Zonin� Office, 25 West Fourt Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � I�We request that our si�nature be removed f o� a tition of consent of adjoinin� property owners to rezone, File number �10 25. ' RECEIVED NOV 121986 � ZONING ��-��� � r a�;�uES� To ��iov�; coas��ir�c SIG DWT Ui?E FflOp, PF�'ITIO�I TO Ai�iF:hTi ��/ /�� �.O la l� COLE CITZ OF ST. FJtII. LAT� ld - RECE�V ED � NOV 10 1986 TU LEFruiTr,�,i� 0�� PLA2vNTlt� a ECO1�U IC L�'VELOPMENP c�o Zoning Offiee, 25 West Fourth Street, Z�NING St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 , I� We aw �� f�v� G� a �' � request that our si�nature be reno�ed fron a pe ition of coajent of adjoinin� property owners to rezone, File number 1002 �,, � C��, � �. ,� � . ,�ol�I.�. a( o�` /�a��'t-1 , ` �5�� N 1 Cq�S ' "IGLESIA NI CR STO" ���' ''o CHURCH OF C RIST l209 5. KINNICKINNIC AVE., MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN S320T �iG ��~ TEIEPNONE N0. (111) ♦e2-4641 9cHOFG�P 59 E. Congress� St. Paul� N. Phone : (612) 227-5748 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council In care of: The Zoning off ce 1100 City Hall Annex St. Paul, MN. 55�02 6 November 1986 Dear Sir, After careful cons 'deration, discussion with our members, and also with residents of the neighborhood; I wish to respect- fully withdraw my two sign tures in the name of the Iglesia Ni Cristo on petition: CONSEN OF AJOINING PROPERTIES TO RE-ZONE. FILE # 10025. After consideratio , we feel that it would not be in " the best interest for the hurch or the neighborhood. This letter is res ectfully submitted. .���� ����°`,( �Steven V. Kroll Resident Minister RECEIVEp NOV 20 �986 zotv�rvG - . .. �..._ �`�' �� .��_, ! t�� •`",' �ts , - ' M1R � : d T,3.�1�TL� �tl� ;"_' � ......T� ....... ��I i[L• M ,R y ' ____ V CA .�yP...�.y'�I:... ..{ `� � � 4 � r�• sTw�♦ � I. r(� •'.oRw� fst�(Dec �NNK w' t �� �. I!� /lI--——-- r0 '-� � I�~� ' ��� OELOS ' � : � �C'�� �+ : ' a,t�'� . ,,,.�•.::. 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OF PROPERTY Tract , Re istered Land Surve #443 APPLICANT John Williams COMPANY Opus Corporation . ADDRESS Box 15o rtpls. (ZIP) 55440 PHONE 936-4578 OWNER Pert Authority of the City of St. Paul (Land) ADDRESS 190o Amhoist Tower (ZIP) 55102 PHONE 224-5686 PROJECT COST ESTIMATE R E C E I V E D $ 91,40o SITE IMPROVEMENTS(ut lities, drainage facilities, paving, lighting) $ 9,soo LANDSCAPING(plant ma erials, sod,�et��3 �g87 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ' v�t (,'� ,, ZONINCroATE�' - 7 FEE PAID � 95.0o CITY AGENT - ,. "— OFFICc USE ONL PLANNING DISTRICT � LAND USE MAP ZONING�HISTORY �B,D � ��� PLANS DISTRIBUTED (2"3 ' �S� RETU�N BY �^ 1 S"�� REVIEWED BY CQMMENTS (continue on back) PERFORMANCE BOND/LETTER OF CREDIT/CASH E CROW $ RECEIVED SITE PLAN APPROVED BY DATE COMPLETED WORK APPROVED BY DATE � . , ' � ! 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Councilmember/Staff Time 1 . Approvai of minutes of Mar h 7th and March 14th meetings. 2:35 2. Report on status of Belmon Ctub criminal case by City Attorney. Jerry Segal 2:40 3. Three Resolutions amendin Section 8 of the Civil Service German Rule pertaining to fillin vacancies by expanding the don Alvarado certification process and providing affirmative action � se 1 ect i on opportun i t i es. �prov��•`g��.b��d. 9��Scheibe�:.'s &�i�isan's R,�1a��.i� - Mayor's amended plan (S heibel ) - 607. reach out plan (Wil on) - 33�. reach out plan (Son en) ._�.. q. �, : r� tiat�on of annuai physacal Bii1 Wilson . �.. ,-. . . . .: . i tne�� ty i n t'h'e-'�re .De ,�` �: Statements will be taken from representatives of the following organizations: • 3:00 City of�5aint Paul Personnel Office - 3:05 Board of Education Personnel Committee 3: 10 Citizens Group for Open Oppo tunity � 3: 15 Saint Paul Human Rights Commission/Affirmative Action Advisary Committee 3:20 In�ternational Association o Fire Fighters 3:25 Saint Paui Police Federatio CTTY HALL SEVENT FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 ' �°.�° � 'F a ` �- � � . �, ' � � , Y ` r� � ;� .� '�1 ' ��' ��,� �`'� r r - � ,��'�tl� ' i : y ,�'� �,'� �, �. t, � / � f_� ,'�f �.9 ����' ;5 ,� �' � � .� °r ' . a l; ���`��x �' 7 ' ` i � ' „�����1r�_"� }�y ; `�' �t 'f �. 1 +� � � " •,�. ` A:��� � �, �� - r `� s �' . `�r�� / ,�,�'�:. t �y, � � � 'r' ��, j,�xQ�y,�+�\r��r" .��i � � , : y � ` �I h �. 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S �i °� * t r` �' � r T .� y t f; � ! y fq 3 � rt, ��.r, � � � � `•'1 ,�'{ �' ,s� t y �t r � f� � x Y' \ t .. , �,� ' � i a� >� ' � � � i �� n � /, � � � i � � �� � \ �a'. i E. '� 1� F �4 .� a \C f F �"� � i : � t J� ' 'i. � ��'' � �' M.� 4 t �a - �► ✓ _ � � � /� ' t ,. `t , �, � , , � � } � i 1 '�a � � .�.� � " �' � S• L , ` � f >/ � �5 �� / i � �� !�� j. �f` � 5:'� ¢� x .[ !,. }. �, t��) E f �"'' �' r � � d d4 � a � � r..> � ��, �Y :� f - b' � �f s w � � ` . 4 +v ti '' d ' �! 'j' \ r�� �. : . -n . ; . r - '� z pr ?t �`'' ;7 ? ; ` ;�_ ti-v � Y a'`< <� �. t � 1� { , �; j- :� �1� �. } � , �� `7 �t �� ' � `5�) y 1 � � �� �,r ?� �fi t a �� R.j � 1� �`�.4� t��y v,' r ��" ! ��0 � w ;f � Y p? w.t7 F � �� _ . . . ,., ,. . . _.. �t . .. . ... . . ._ . .. . i.a .. �,,. x .. .. }� .�+S:�.ct �t� .. t .. ..,_ < c�r _. . .,�W-`.�4 ..,a�,;:> ..'�:."+k_ ; , , . ., ' • - R � ����•*��.� CITY O �A1NT ��ALSL , : OFFIC OF THE MAYOR e a : { �� ; M' �O ._..._.,\ ���� 47 CITY HALL � � - SAINT P ZJL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612) 298-4323 MAYOR ��j��O A ril 12, �9ss �PR 12198 p C/Ty�� 8 fRK,r��. Council President Jim Scheibel an Honorable Council Members 716 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council PrESident Scheibel: Re: Veto of Council Resolution 8 -452. - Physical Fitness Examinations For Incumbent Fire Fighters. I hereby veto Council Resolution o. 88-452 because of the following reasons: This Resolution places undue emph Sis on the physical strength and agility component in the testing process nd fails to address other important ' dimensions of fire fighting such s knowledge and skill levels. Fire Fighters have a right to dis gree with the language of this Resolution. During this last year, the City P rsonnel Office and the Fire Department have worked closely together to develo and validate both a job related written and physical strength and agiiity tests. Because of this 1988 test for entry-level fire fighters, this h s greatly reduced the need for this Resolution at the present time. n addition, this Resolution inappropriately singles out the Fire and Safety S rvices Department. Very truly yours, Geor t Mayo GL:djd � � • cc: Cit �� Ch: �Cal � �46 U �/�'/ APPLICATION FO SITE PLAN REVlEW CITY OF SAINT PAUL ����a'' �'� MT� � �t ����7 SITE PLAN REVIEW # S�J PROJECT NAME Federal Express St. Pau DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Distribution acilit for Federal Ex ress PROPERTY ADDRESS/LOCATION Chester S reet, Riverview Industrial Park LEGAL DESCRIPTIOP� OF PROPERTY Tract A, Re istered Land Surve #443 APPLICANT John Williams COMPANY Opus Corporation . ADDRESS Box i5o Mpls. (ZIP) 5544o PHONE 936-4578 OWNER Pert Authority of the City o St. Paul (Land) ADDRESS 1900 Amhoist Tower (ZIP) 55102 PHONE 224-5686 PROJECT COST ESTIMATE R E C E I V E D � 91,400 SITE IMPROVEMENTS( tilities, drainage facilities, paving, lighting) $ 9,50o LANDSCAPING(plant aterials, sod,�et��3 1987 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ' �i„�t (,'( ,, ZONINC�ATE - - 7 FEE PAID � 95.0o CITY AGENT - ,. OFFICE USE ONL PLANNING OISTRICT 3 LAND USE MAP � ZONING�HISTORY ��,D � z�Z. PLANS DISTRIBUTED (2'-3 " �� RETU;�N BY �.^ 1 ,S"g� REVIEWED BY COMMENTS (continue on back) PERFORMANCE BOND/LETTER OF CREDIT/CA H ESCROW $ RECEIUED SITE PLAN APPROVED BY DATE COMPLETED WORK APPROVED BY DATE � , j ! � � �j - `a+� . . , . ,� $ -`�+ �f����: :.� ` . : �,,, 0� `� �,� .;".s�` , . �; �: �';t,��,�'T�•- -..w1�'�"'�'!w�.-r:� . . � . ... . � . , •� . � �_ ���y:ry�' . . .i� . !„���L`..�. ... . � � V� . ._. �'�' : �• � . �� . ; i'� • . � , ' - - . , ^ . ' i.�. ..�- � � �......__ « �.� . . �. ui � • '� � . � :• : . '," � y � , �--,-' _ ""'-- r---i-=-T•=_�''�--� '�+t'.s! ` -_ . , . • • . . ��`�.•.� � '�' .,.� -� • � � . . .� ' ?, • . - n'�s.'_� • . . Z '. ,' , ' .' , . . .. � - - .r,..:_ _ 'r� ,� _-` _„ ° � '„ -. _ � � . : .. . _� .. : "- . :. , _ . "�- _, _.._. 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