88-450 . � � : . � �, - �, :� ��>�,l, �;���t �C�;r�� ' f o,'�''�n . . �� � � �-- � �� 3-aa��� �N _ __ _ WHITE - CITV CLERK ' PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 �J CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY O� AINT PAUL J( BIUE - MAYOR File NO. `� �_�� Od �i CP, � rc�nance N�. Presente By � � Referred To u-$� �'�' �� � r Committee: Date �r ���� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance resci ding and repealing the title and tex of Chapter 81 of the Saint Paul dministrative Code entitled "Purchasi g From Set-Aside Businesses" and in lieu and in place thereof enacting a new ordinance under the same chapter number ; entitled "Purchasing From T rgeted Businesses" ; and establishing t e definition, rules and procedures fo the purchase of goods and/or serv' ces from targeted businesses. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sect ' on l . That Chapter 81 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby repealed and rescinded in both title and text. Section 2. That there is hereby enact d a new Chapter 81 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code enti led "Purchasing Frorri Targeted Businesses" to read as follows : "81 .01 . Intent. The c uncil of the City of Saint Paul , pursuant to the auth rity granted it by virtue of the Uniform Municipal C ntracting Law, does hereby support the policy of e hancing the viability of the various commercial tities through temporary aid and support to those per ons and entities identified herein by facilitating the ' r participation as vendors to the City in its urchase f oods COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favor coswitz Rettman Scheibel Against By Sonnen �� Wilson � Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary �� BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . ' � : • . • ���'S�� "81 .02. Definitions. Subd. l . For the pu poses of this chapter, the following words and phra es shall have the meanings set forth in this sectio , except where the context clearly indicates that a d fferent meaning is intended. Subd. 2. Targeted business means a business entity that has been in existe ce for six (6) months or longer, organized for profit , including but not limited to any individual , part ership, corporation, joint venture , association, or cooperative, which entity is not 1 ) an affiliate o subsidiary of a business dominant in its field of o erations ; or 2) a manufact- urer ' s agent, broker, non- tocking retailer or whole- saler ; or 3) has owners wh are part owner or operator of similar businesses , and: a) has employees who worked a total of 45 , 000 hours or less in the previous fiscal year, or has not more than the equivalent of $1 , 000 , 000 in annual gross revenu s in the preceding fiscal year; or b) is 51% owned and controlled by a person (or natural persons in any c mbination) who is a woman, a member of any racial minority, or handicapped, all as defined herein. Subd. 3. Woman means any person of the female sex. Subd. 4. Racial minor ' ty means a person having ethnic origin in the black racial groups of Africa, a person of Mexican, Puer o Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or othe Spanish cultural origin; a person having ethnic orig'n in any of the original peoples of the Far East , S utheast Asia, the Indian subcontinent or Pacific Isl nds (this area includes , but is not limited to China, Japan, Korea, the Philip- pine Islands , Malaysia, Haw ii and Samoa) ; a person having origins in any of the original tribes of North America who is an enrolled ember of an Indian Tribe including any Alaskan Nati e Village or region or village corporation whose governing organization is recognized by the United tates government. Ethnic status shall be proved by pr senting a birth certifi- cate, affidavits or other do uments deemed acceptable by the Purchasing Division. ; � , �-�'�'-�5d Subd. 5. Handicapp d person means any person who has suffered a su stantial permanent physical disability. Handicapped status shall be proved by presenting a doctor' s certification, affidavits , or other documents deemed acceptable by the Purchasing Division. Subd. 6 . Small busi ess means a business entity as defined in Section 1 . 02, Subd. 2 (a) . Small business status shall be roved by presenting a signed copy of a tax statement from the previous year that includes a tax number or social security number, a current financial sta ement , affidavits or other documentation deemed ac eptable by the Purchasing Division. Subd. 7 . Goods an services means materials , supplies , equipment, trad consultant , or professional services , construction, an development projects. Subd. 8 . Owned and c ntrolled means the ownership and control by minority a d/or handicapped individuals or women shall be real , substantial , and continuing and shall go beyond the pro forma ownership of the firm as reflected in it ownership documents . The minority and/or handicap ed or women owners shall share the risks and pro its commensurate with their ownership interests , as d onstrated by an examination of the substance rather than form of arrangements . The minority and/or handi apped or women owners shall also possess the power to irect or cause the direction of the management and p licies of the firm and to make day-to-day as well a major decisions on matters of finance , management, pol ' cy and operations. 81 .03. Appropriation for targeted businesses. Of the money appropriate by the city each fiscal year for the purchase of oods and services as defined in Section 81 . 02 , Subd. 7 approximately 20% of such funds shall be directed to targeted businesses in the manner set forth he ein; of the 20% funding, approximately 3/4 thereof hall be directed to targeted businesses as defined i section 81 . 02, Subd. 3 , Subd. 4, and Subd. 5 an approximately 1/4 thereof to targeted businesses as defined in Section 81 . 02 , Subd. 6. The City of Saint Paul a d Ramsey County Purchasing Division shall authorize he bid specifications and purchasing decisions nece sary to accomplish these targeted business requireme ts. � . � , . �, � �i=��-,�,�° 81 .04. Application to ualify as a targeted business. Application materials in such form as fully and com- pletely identifies an pplicant' s eligibility for program participation sha 1 be presented and reviewed and an applicant intervie conducted by the Purchasing Division prior to bidd ng. Applications meeting all program requirements hall be valid for one year and must be renewed th reafter for successive one year terms in accordance ith overall program partici- pation limitations defined in Section 81 . 06 . 81 .05. Ineligibility. The Purchasing Division may, upon consultation wi h the City Attorney' s Office refuse to accept a compl ted application for partici- pation as a targeted bu iness upon the grounds of fraud. The Purchasing ivision may also withdraw its acceptance of any a plication at any time on the basis of fraud or change in the composition of a targeted business hich does not conform to the definitions herein. Any rejection or withdrawal may be appealed to the Di ector of Finance and Manage- ment Services, who shall co duct a hearing in accordance with the procedures set f rth in the Targeted Business Rules . 81 .06. Duration. A targeted business , unless determined to be eligible s otherwise provided herein, shall be entitled to th benefits of this chapter for a period of five ye rs commencing the date of an award of a contract r subcontract pursuant to this chapter. 81 .07. Method of awar . The city may, whenever it deems it feasible, sol ' cit bids that require the lowest responsible bidder to subcontract a portion or percentage of work to a targeted business certified in the Targeted Business Program. Alternatively, the city may, whenever it deems it feasible , solicit bids from among only ta geted businesses certified in the Targeted Business Program. 81 .08. Inspections. Inspections to determine compliance with Targeted B siness Program eligibility and contractual requireme ts and other conditions of performing contract wo k with the City of Saint Paul shall be performed y the Purchasing Division as required. 4. WHITE — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE COUACll ����L J� CANARV —OEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL c,J (/ BIVE — MAVOR File NO. Ord ndnce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Each targeted business shall upon request of the Purchasing Division permit access during normal business hours to the business w rk site , records and files , as needed to determine co formance to targeted business requirements. 81.09. Performance bo ding for targeted businesses. The Purchasing Division is authorized to develop and administer a perfo mance bonding fund program to provide performance b nds for targeted businesses. Funds for this program ay be received through pro- visions in city subsi ized development projects , and grants and donations from private , governmental , and non-profit sources. 81 . 10. Rules, regulati ns and forms. The Purchasing Division, subject to th approval of the Director of Finance and Managemen Services , shall promulgate such rules, regulations and forms as may be needed to carry out the duti s and responsibilities set forth herein. 5. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �,,� - ��"`���� �� In Favor � � Goswitz ��� Rettman � Scheibei A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Form rove by Cit orne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appro d by Mayor for Su i ion to C uncil By ' G I T Y O F ; S I N T PA LT L /��- y-,, (. OFFIGF. OF THE MAYOR No: � ADMINIS ATIVE ORDER �e`ogQ` Date: �g .IVE ORDER, / RULES OF THE T GETED BUSINESS PROGRAM The following rul s have been enacted to provide expanded definiti n to the provisions of Chapter 81 of the Admin' strative Code and to set for-�h basic operating rocedures for the Targeted Busi- ness Program. Articl I : Program Definition Subd. l. Admi istration. The Targeted Business Program shall be developed nd administered by the Purchasing Division of the Ci y of Saint Paul to carry out the intent of Chapter 81 . Purch sing Division staff shall serve as consul- tants and advisor to City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County departments and s all utilize information distribution, self compliance incen 'ves , educational programs , and additions to existing adminis rative procedures to bri�g about program compliance. Subd. . Mission. The mission of the Targeted Busines Program shall e to facilitate the participation of persons entities that ualify as targeted businesses in the City of Paul and Rams y County purchasing process , to serve as an � cate for tar ted business�es and to help City and County ments comply with all ordinances , rules , and procedural � ments relate to the Targeted Business Program. APPROVED AS TO FOR \ Assistan City Attorney � Date � � . � � � , ���� Article II : Definitions Subd. l. Targeted Busi ess . Targeted business means a business entity that is not n affiliate or subsidiary of a business dominant in its fie d of operation or is not a manu- facturer' s agent, broker, no -stocking retailer which is organized for profit includi g, but not limited to, individual ownership, partnership, corp ration, joint venture , association or cooperative. Subd. 2 . Sources . Def nitions used within the Targeted Business Program are referen ed to the following sources : l. Definitions within C apter 81 of the Administrative Code . 2 . Definitions containe within other sections of the Administrative Code elating to purchasing, contract- ing, insurance, and onding. 3 . The commonly underst od meaning of words as expressed in everyday usage an dictionary definition except where the context of usage clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended. 4. The Purchasing Divis � on will be used as final authority for program administ ative questions concerning defini- tions . Words and ph ases cor!i.monly used in program operations but not o herwise defined shall be so defined by the Purchasing, Systems Manager. Article III : Annual Process Subd. l. Applicable f nds . The ordinance definition of funds appropriated by the c� ty each year for the purchase of goods and services , includi g construction work , shall include the following: a) all city funds appr priated for the purchase of materials , supplies and trade, consultant and professional servic s . b) city construction w rk including, where feasible , work funded by spec al assessments and tax incre- ment financing. c) where feasible, exp nditures received by the city through intergovern ental grant programs . 1 � . � � . � . ��,�� d) where feasible , fun s received from non-profit � corporations or pri ate donations for city pro- jects or programs w en so authorized by the City Council. f) funds appropriated or the purpose of purchasing goods , services , nd construction work for Ramsey County to th extend authorized by the Board of County Co issioners of Ramsey County. Subd. 2 . Allocation. A the beginning of each fiscal year, Purchasing Division staff sh ll review the adopted budget for the City of Saint Paul to i entify proposed expenditures to which targeted business requ rements may apply. This determin- ation shall be submitted i written form to the affected departments . Purchasing Div sion staff shall meet with depart- ment representatives during ach fiscal year to provide recom- mendations to the ori�inatin departments as to how the target- ed business requirements can be met. Subd. 3 . Ongoin�? revie . The Purchasing Division shall examine each purchasing requ st to determine the approximate use of targeted businesses . The Purchasing Systems Manager may specify tha� bids require th lowest responsible bidder to sub- contract a portion or percen age of work to a targeted business as needed to ensure that Cit of Saint Paul and Ramsey County targeted business requiremen s are achieved. The Purchasing Systems Mana�er may specify he soliciting of bids only from targeted businesses upon a 'nding that a sufficient number of qualified Targeted Business rogram participants exist to ensure competitive bidding. The P chasing Systems Manager shall main- tain an ongoing record of s ch decisions . Article IV: . ragram Eligibility Subd. l. Application_ p ocess . Purchasing Divi�ion staff shall develop and administe a process for application dis- tribution, application revi w, and determination of program eligibil'ity. The process s all be sufficiently thorough and complete so as to ensure : a) that all applicant receive an impartial and • objective review f pro�ram application materials . b) that the applicati n process requires the submission of m terial deemed appropriate T�y the Purchasing ystems Manager to make - a determination on program eligibility. 2 � � � ��- ��G c) that each applica t will be interviewed by one or more members of t e Purchasing Division staff within thirty ( 30 days of the receipt of completed application forms f�or the purpose of determining the accuracy of a plication information and the meeting of progra ,eligibility requirements . The thirty day period may be extended at the discre- tiofi of the Purch sing Systems Manager when circum- stances warrant. d) that the applican may be required to furnish addi- tional informatio to determine program eligibility . e) that each applica t receive a writteri notice of program eligibili y or ineligibility within fifteen (15 ) days of the ast interview required for program determination. A plicants determined �to be ineligi- ble for the progr m shall receive notice describing their rights of a peal and the appeal process . Subd. 2 . Data retent'on. The application and any additional information collected in suppo t of the application shall be maintain- ed in an applicant file during the period of eligibility and for seven (7 ) years thereafter. Applica ion materia7_s of persons determined not to be eligible for the program shall be disposed of under the direction of the Purchasing Systems Mana er. All information gathering, filing, and disposing under the Target d Business Program shall be conducted in accordance with Minnesota S atute 13 . 37 . 3 _ • , ' � . , ��,���-'D Article V: Ineligibility Subd. l: Determination. The Purchasing Division staff shall utilize the application pro ess and periodic program monitoring activities to ensure that t rgeted businesses meet all program requirements on a continuing basis . ( At any time during the appli ation process , the Purchasing Systems � Manager may refuse to certif an applicant because of a misrepre- sentation of facts and may d clare the applicant ineligible for the program. At any time the eligibility f a targeted business may be with- drawn based upon a determina ion by the Purchasing Systems Manager that the business has misrep sented features of its operations which affected its eligibilit for -the Targeted Business Program or the composition of the bus 'ness has changed so that it no long- er qualifies for the program. Subd. 2 . Declaration of neligibility. When a determination of ineligibility has been mad , the Purchasing Systems Manager shall, by certified mail, inf rm the affected applicant of in- eligibility for the pro�ram, he effective date of the period of ineligibility, the reason(s) or being declared ineligible and the process by which the declaration of ineligibility may be appealed. ` Subd, 3 . Appeals process . The owner of a business that has been declared ineligible may a peal the decision to the Director of Finance and Management Servi ces . A written protest must be forwarded to the Purchasing Sy tems Manager within fifteen (15 ) days of the mailing date of th ineligibility notice . , The Purchasin� System Manager ill forward the written protest and the applications materials and other information used to make the original determination to the irector of Finance and Management . Services who shall commence a eview within 10 da.ys of receipt of the materials . The Director may request such addi�ional in- formatian as may be necessary t make a final determination and sY�all provide an opportunity fo the appealing party to be heard in person. . Subd. 4. Findings The Dir ctor of Finance and Management Services shall at the earliest ossible date, but no later than 45 da}zs af-ter the written prote t has been received, make one of the following determinations : a) that the Purchasing Sys ems Manager was correct in determining that the ap licant was ineligible to participate in the prog am. . b) that the Purchasing Sys erris Mana�er was incorrect in applying conditians f eli�ibility for the Ta�geted Business Prc�gr m and the appea�ing party shauld be considered �.s fully eligible for the prograan. 4 • � • . . . ��'�yJ�U > . c) that additional inf rmation is needed from either or both parties bef re a decision can be made and a date is set f r a continuation of the appeal. Subd. 5 . Records . The urchasing Systems Manager shall maintain a record of all hea ings and actions taken to carry out the appeals process . Subd. 6 . Status of appe ling party after rejection . During the time that an appl �cant is appealing an eligibility decision, the applicant' s re ords shall be maintained within the Purchasing Division file . The business shall be eligible to bid on city or county con racts but shall not be eligible to receive any of the specia benefits that accrue to businesses that have been fu ly certified under the Targeted Business Program. Any contr ctual work currently being per- formed by an appealing busin � ss shall continue under provis- ions of the contract. Article VI: Dur tion of Program Participation Subd. 1 . Duration. Con istent with the intent of providing transitional aid to identifi d businesses , the length of time a business may participate i the Targeted Business Program is five years from the date of eceiving the first award as a general or subcontractor while under the program. Subd. 2 . Name change . usinesses which change their business name without �hangi g the majority ownership of their business shall be considered the same business for purposes of determining eligibility in t e Targeted Business Program. Subd. 3 . Education and echnicaZ assistance . Businesses preparing to participate in he Targeted Business Program but that are not yet certified y receive technical assistance and participate in educational c mponents of the program. Business that complete the maximum p gram participation period may con- tinue to participate in the ducational components of the Targeted Business Program. Article VII : Inspections of Targeted Businesses Purchasing Division staff ma conduct inspections of office and work site locations of busin sses performing work under contract for the City and County governments to determine compliance with Targeted Business Program re uirements and other terms and con- ditions of performing contr ted work with the city and/or county. 5 �- �s� ��-� 6 l. 7 � �, ° �„�� - �R��i� ��"'1�T I+�o. 0 �. 7 3 co�r�►�r.�sori o�+�s►�r o�eroR �w„ron roA�arNrri � rop � , � � �ww�c�E Mav�aq�rrt ae�s w+Etmat cm c�wc `2�� � eu40Er D�croA � � . ORDER' cm�rtae�v ��TC�'YiC�iYtS 't0 C"�7c�p�'CS ��. O� �.tl@ •S�'X8't}.� �OG�' t��.]Y1J Wj.�l PLl�'('�1dS121�J :�TE�CI . "set-Asicle° businesses. ts provicie a mare �fic c'l�ini.tirm of eligible b�asiraes�es. c�ange3 name fran " aside" prc�g�'am to "Targ�eted Business" Prog�'aan P1so . 1uc�ed are newly clevel rules of o�xat%osi far t�e Progran. �c� '�� / — can+cw n�oRr: _ w�u►wo ca�es'°" /� r� 6��C,��'�i ,� rE our �vsr �ra. miw+o oa�a�. � � sr� �%nZJ�. /� / /� ` � -�9�pc"°°e' DIBlA1CT COIAiCIL / w`�C L ��/ i .. °L �J �,��� - �a�� i - � � � I l,(�-� C��/� �� � enter �� � / ��-/ v�?� � ���� � � �� � � � . �� _ _ _ `—`�� /�-� �,. , � � �� �� � a � � _ � ..n►�.� �i�C���;;z� ; �'�--. r— r,t,a ���� of tbe p�g�'�n, c� �7��ic-� � ` . r�� 1��� �-��,�'���1 � `� � � _ ��— �' � ��� ���� � ::�►�� � ; ;: � � �� � � � �lt �ZZ'��� � , ��- � � n ' _ ' �ui.cxly, will help �� S �-�� �� � G�� � � � �I����-� � �.arifies stanc�arci operatin� ,� �'(�-�2.e �� �� � � �, ��-'�--� _ ; � �–�it�_ � - � ' ��'� � l� l� � � �k,.� ' � _� . � � � �� _ ; � , ;�� ��`�—� �G��- ' -, �� � � � � �- ��,; � ���� �'� �-- � �-�.� I � � � , � � ��.�� � . ; ,, ; � ��e � ��2 �� C�-����� . . _ , , � . ; . . , � �. -- _ � { , � � � — _——-�_---- � .`' `�'+s -- � , . `-�-�---�---�= -.. , C��� "� -- : _ S� Msroen�rn�rre: �.eo�iaue�s: . _ - ����� Members: Bill Wiison,chairG�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Tom Dimond I�tliif ii111 �is� Ii�u OFFICE OF HE CITY COIINCIL Kiki Sonnen � Date: July 14, 198 WILLIAM L. WILSON . �o,���m� Com ittee Report RE�E��ED "'A��e°;A�"� To: Saint Paui City Counci! �L1519a� J � �L�RK - From : Housing and Econ mic Devefopme�i�t C�mmittee Bill Wilson, Chair 1. Discussion on Airport Noise NO COMMITTEE ACTION REQUIRED 2.. Discussion of Economic Development sues Related to LRT Develbpment in the Midwag Area COMMITTEE RECOMME?TDED 0 WEER LAYQVER 3. Amendments to Lower Cathedral Hill P an and Resolution adopting the amended Lower Cathedral Hill Plan as part of the C ty Comprehensive Plan (CF 88-789) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, WIT AMENDMENTS TO THE PLAN 4. Discussion and Briefing on Planning ommission Task Force on Community . Residential Facilities NO COMMITTEE ACTION REQUIRED 5. Ordinance creating a new chapter of he Legislative Code pertaining to replacement housing. (CF 88-997) COMMITTEE RECOrlr1ENDED TWO WEEK LAYOV R 6. Resolution approving the appointment by the Mayor of Paul Finsness and Larry Witte to serve on the Truth-In Housing Board of Evaluators, terms to expire March 25, 1991. (CF 88-1024) COMMITTEE RECOrIlKENDED APPROVAL 7. Resolution approving tax exempt reve ue bond issue ($650,000 - SPRC, Inc.) (CF 88-1086) COMMITTEE RECO NDED APPROVAL 8. Ordinance amending Chapter 81 of the Administrative Code providing for changing the definition of handicapped person , expanding charge of the Set-Aside Committee and delegating rule-making authority to the Purchase Division. (CF 88-928) COMMITTEE REGOI�ENDED APPROVAL OF 0 INANCE (CF 88-928), WITH AMENDMENTS, INCLUDING ITHD . , - 9. Resolution designating Norwest Bank innesota, National Association, as the Depository for the City's general an payroll accounts and approving esecution of the agreement relating to banking services for a period of two years. (CF 88-998) COMMI�TEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, WITH AMENDMENTS CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 622/298-4646 �4e :'. - �'#� �:«�' -:.. :''. 'i . " ' r+ �' _ ' �� ... x, +�+t' 's �,�.a« Li -ti`.:%� rr � . , . _ . . _.� . � -. ,i,,:.w•°" t .� y,��-- � .� ,4� . .�.-"'�..`.�f`^�i".`` �-s;���ir't , - ��� _?sZY.� �. ";�4 _++ a. �. ' �.� r�`3.'ItaY _ _ � . . - _ �:. �4'� � ��- , '7'°.'�'s 1 . _ Yw�"„.,y: r�''k�r°t�a 5�.�� � - . - ,. . .-i•c7 t� - _ . - �. - ' �.-..�.�� x _" �'s'4.�.r %a. � z . '. . '"' �� .- - ;�� �r��. ��. �'- ',.! W+.► .�x.. aY. 1� - ',�aw.:.,.. .. - �L 7Sh : a,-- _ . . .1t � .: r'� ''�°" r i "'�-� -.�a.'W:� -=�-Y '�..�s �- � _ .� �. Yk. . . �- ' . . .. .. -.�„'�!.. -.�'� �S:- ti.a f�.. _. -�. � . . �t -� �.�,•.. . .\� � • '• �. ,. . -.. .�},�� a . � �:� .� . � _"'"""-�� � �. 3a�Fz ,. L; * .{-�+- �`'�, , ._ �, .."�;:;- -� ' • - :v= �- ,E � .f� �-� --- "� = -, c _ 'k' �r; s a' -•�� _._ r ,:�f r _ i --- - ' � �' '.�` -wr.��� . 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