88-445 wM�TE - Cirr CLERK COLLf1C1I �{" PINK - FINANCE ^ CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL (J�-� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. il R olution - I�. Presented By "Z � Referr To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Oakland Cemetery was est blished as a cemetery in 1853; and WHEREAS, Oakland Cemetery was des gned as a civic point of pride and culture during our early years as a great city and WHEREAS, Oakland Cemetery, since 853, has served as an honorable resting place for many of our great Saint Paul citizens, many of our honorable soldiers of the Civil War and the Spanish Ameri an War, many of our courageous Saint Paul Fire Fighters, many Saint Paul familie and S4int Paul resider_ts; and WHEREAS, the Oakland Cemetery Ass ciation, since 1868, has provided a perpetual care fund to maintain the pa k-like serene landscape; and WHEREAS, the Oakland Cemetery has remained a site of historical significance since 1852, honoring and remembering c tizens of past years; and WHEREAS, the Friends of Oakland C metery Society and the District 6 Planning Council support the historical designa ion of Oakland Cemetery; now be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul recognizes that Oakland Cemetery has served as a civic source f pride since 1853; and be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul also recognizes that Oakland Cemetery remains constant in i s support of grieving families; and �P�E4��3�T-��-��-����gT-��r�t.-tl�e e��c��-e�-t1�o_Cit3�_a�Sai�at�aul_.suggnrts ttr�-iri-stffrt�a�-ti2sfgaatfan-IIf-6a��arc�- gtgry;aa�-�trEZts-Bity-staff-t�o-prvz��ett ����r-�e-aPP�ep�s�e-s�p��e���e�-�e-�� e��e-st�e�-�es�g��e�. FINALLY� BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of St. Paul supports the neighborhood effort to designate land Cemetary and requests city staff and the Heritage Preservation Commissi n to proceed with the necessary research documentation and review to pursue suc designation. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman t� B ��;�� Agains.t Y Sonnen Wilson { �R 3�+ »� Form Appr City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Pass d y C url�c e BY � By Approv d �Vlavor: Date � APR - � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g BY pUBIiSNED wr�� 9 198 " �d o �L� . , w�re�nureu onh corn�,eo 'n" . C�#��N �i'#�� tro.: 0 OQ9�6 Janice ltettman� C01ffACr " --•.oEP�rr wnECroa `" u�ron(op�sa�sr� Janatce .Rett�aan/Jose h Coilins �� -- �+��� � �'� . no. : pWJfMiG -euoc;Fr a�croa - city coum�ii i98-5289 °�"° ��,� — The Council of the City of Saiat Paul supp.ort the histarical designation of Oakland Cemetery and directs City staff to proceed wi h the appropriate app�ication to procure such designation. (It should be noted the HP �S a�.r�aay worcking on this matter and wi11 have a report ready in May/June of 1988.) �tMwow(A)a R�fed(f�) COI1NqL REPOR7c � � PLAMINQ OOMw1�BB10N CIVIL 9ERVICE CO►AM�SS�ON . OA'TE N7� DA7E OUT . AWLLY3T � . . PFIONE NO: � . .. . ZO�NIi6 COA�&d�l I�026 8Gi1001.BOARD � . . . . . � . � . $TAFF � qMRiER WRMN8610N . COIAPLETE IS � ADDL INFO.ADDED* � � -I�T'D�TO Cp+ItA�'T .—._�TAtYD6i•� _ � � - _ _FOR AODti M'FO. . . . b18'IAICT COUNCIL *DCPUNATION: . � . . . . . � . . .. . : �.81fPPORT3 WHICFI COUNCL OBJECTIVE9 � - � � " . �.. � . . . � � .. . .. MilA7MN�ROSLHI,a61lE,GPPOR7iNNTY(NRW.VVhet,NRiell.NR1ere.Why): Historic designation is being pursued to ass re continuance of Aaklanc� Ce�etery as a . viable ceme.tery; ta prese�ve the. histoxical ture:., landscape and architeeture; Rnd to provide a forum for future fund-raising seti ities. ,�cn��oo�ue«+.�.�w.rw.o..,A..ua>� , . � _ ` See above. . ca�lecYrNCes(wn.t.wnan,°.rt To whom�: .. . . ; ,:,_ .. Attachment. _ . . , K�w►rnq�: . c� : . Do nothing. �r�: I3/A � �s+o�►c�a: N/A ����s FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED, t t the Council of the City of St. Paul supports the neighborhood effort to esignate Oakland Cemetary and requests city staff and the Heritage Preservati n Commission to proceed with the necessary research, documentation and review to pursue such designation.