88-444 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COIIIICII PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L + BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � � Counci Resolution � Presente y Referred To �Q� � � � Committee: Date �--� �°�� ��� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, on February 24, 1983, the Cit Council of the City of Saint Paul approved the Neighborhood Partnership Program ( .P.P.) , C.F, 270893; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the N.P.P, is t improve the economic, physical , and environmental conditions in Saint Paul ' neighborhoods by allowing neighborhood residents, businesses, and property own rs to develop neighborhood programs and projects to meet their needs; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) has received nine N.P.P, applications for the ninth ycle of the N.P.P.; and WHEREAS, PED, the Planning Commission, apital Improvement Budget Committee, and the Mayor have evaluated the nine appli ations and forwarded their recommendations to the City Council ; and 6�HEREAS, approval of projects at this p int means the applicants have five months to secure�private match commitments and work with PED and other involved City departments to develop detailed funding and implementation agreements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that th City Council approves the funding priorities and budgets for seven projec s as shown on Attachment A, and the funding stipulations on Attachment B su ject to compliance with the Program Development and Implementation requirem nts of the Neighborhood Partnership Program Guidelines; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Co ncil wishes to extend its appreciation to all the applicants for their time and effort in developing proposals for the ninth cycle of the Neighborhood Partners ip Program. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond P 1 a n n i n & �� [n Favor ���� �� a, �� ett�j � _ Against BY �' Sonnen Wilson � 3� �� Form Approv d by City tt ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e ' Se ar BY Bs. :� � a, Appr by Mavor: � e �-- -- -- ��� Appr d by Mayor for Sub ' o Council � pUBII�HEO r;;';; 9 1986. � ` • • . � ' . � �`�� F � � � �° 011504 . ` PE Q DEPARTMENT . - - - - - - James Zdan CONTACT � -3324 PHOr� , . '� F�bruary , DATE n A�SIGN N[�IBER '�OR ROUTING ORD�R: (See r verse side.) �� 2 Department Director.(�� 4 l�iayor (or Assistant) � °� _ Financm and Maaagement Servic.ea Dire tor ,_� City Clerk �_. _ Budget Director � • c: � �i City Attorney � _��Z�,�,d � I4�� . �1` � I TOTAL NUMBE& OF SIGNATURE PAGES: ( lip all locations for signature.) �. W 9 B G � C T ? (Purpose�tionale) , Selection of Neighborhood artnershi Program �:N�nth Cycle Projects ��CEl�ED " ,� f��1AR 0 3 1988 � � , C U T N AP � C C A Allocatian of $639,000 in funds alre dy reserved for Program ` �� �� � C ATVI BR G D: �,� (Mayor's signature not required if under 10,000.) ���' ��� Tota1 Amount of Transuction: $639,000 Activity Nwnber: . � Funding Source: Comnunity Developmen. Block Grant ' Councii Research Center Capital Improvement nds �AR 11 '9�� . ATT�HKEM�S: (List and number all attac ents.) , 1. Planning Comnission Resolution 10 copies) �� . 2. Applications and listing (10 ca ies) 3. !layor`s transmittal 7etter to �i Council (for mayor's signature) 4. Draft Cit Council Resolution ADI�INI3TRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes �No Bules, Regulations, Pro edures, or Budget Amendment required? � _Yes X No If yes, are they or tim table attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW ' C�TY ATTORNEY REVIEW "" _Yes X No Council resolution requir d7 Res n re uiredP Yes _Na _Yes X No Insurance required? nsurance, suffic ent� Yes No _Yes �No Insurance attached? �y,�� ��� s f (:,,C�—`�`� ✓ �����**�.� CITY OF AINT PAUL . i OFFICE F THE MAYOR e a i ��1 11�n � s ♦� �o 347 ITY HALL ��`� SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (61 ) 298-4323 MAYOR February 29, 1988 James Scheibel Council President Members of the City Council 719 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: Neighborhood Partnership Progr (NPP) Funding Recommendations Dear President Scheibel and Members f the City Council: I am pleased to forward for your revi w and action the funding recommendations for the ninth cycle of the NPP. On bruary 26, 1988 the Planning Commission reviewed nine applications and decide to recommend funding for seven. I support the Commission's recommendati ns. The seven projects recommended by the Planning Commission, Department o Planning and Economic Development, and me are: 1. Neighborhood Stability and Futu e Building - $155,000 2. Lower Bluff Exterior Improvemen s Incentive Grants - $150,000 3. Payne Avenue Revitalization - $115,000 4. Asian Partnership Business Loan Program - $20,000 5. Expanded Commercial Rehab and D sign - $125,000 6. Dunning Park Recreation and Bea tification - $10,000 7. East Kellogg Gateway - $50,000 These recommendations are based on a rocess that includes evaluation and review by the Capital Improvement Bud et Committee, Neighborhood District Councils, Planning Commission, and PE staff. The result of this evaluation and review process is identified on t e attached Planning Commission Resolution. Funding recommendations Attachment A) and stipulations (Attachment B) are part of the resolu ion. Two projects are not recommended for unding simply because they were ineligible. These include the Lower luff Home Conversion application which did not have sufficient private match and the Victoria Coop Grocery Store application which did not have site c ntrol for it developmenr: proposal. `�s ��� ,��� James Scheibel, Council President Members of the City Council Page 2 February 29, 1988 I continue to be pleased with the o erall effort in the neighborhoods and the quality of the NPP applications. I would urge swift City Council selection of the ninth cycle projects. If you have any questions about project details or the NPP Program, please call James Zdon (228-3324) of the P staff. Sincerely, e a er M o GL:JZ:nd _ � ��-�� city of saint paut planr�ng commission re tion file nurr�er 88-10 �}e February 26 , 1988 t NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM Ninth Cycle ding Recommendations WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Partnersh' Program (N.P.P.) guidelines stipulate that the Saint Paul Planning Commis ion will evaluate N.P.P. applications and transmit funding recommendations to the Mayor and City Council; WHEREAS, the Department of-Planning nd Economic Development has received nine N.P.P. applications for the ninth pr gram cycle; WHEREAS� the Planning Commission has evaluated the nine applications in terms of the Comprehensive Citywide and Di trict Plans, Capital Allocation Policies, and N.P.P. Program selection criteri ; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the recommendation it has received from he Saint Paul Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that he Planning Commission recommends the � funding priorities identified in Att chment A and the stipulations in Attachment B; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Pla ing Commission recommendation be transmitted to the Mayor and City Co cil for their consideration and action. m��id � GEISSER ;��y�y�pd �/ LEVY v� ��rv �.i� in fav�or- . against 3 .� . / r. , � ���d" �� Attachment B FIINDIN STIPIIIATIONS 1. Neighborbood Stability and Fu ure Building $148,625 grant does not inclu e funding for the duplex acquisition component. 2. Lover Bluff Ezterior Improvem ts - A) Eastern boundary of target arsa should run north/south along - Arcade Street from Burling on Northern Railroad tracks on the north to Coriway Street on the so th. B) Residential and commercial design guidelines should be developed before matching grant fun are allocated. 3. Asian Partnership Program A) ASBDC should become a sepa ate incorporated body. B) ASBDC Board should be stru tured to represent the various ethnic groups within the South Ea t Asian Community. C) ASBDC Board should include a staff person from PED's Neighborhood Development Division. 4. Ezpanded Commercial Rehab � Des gn $125,000 grant is only for publ c streetscape improvements along Rice Street and the streetscape impr vements are limited to an area between Maryland Avenue on the north to the Burlington Railroad tracks on the south. 5. Rellogg Street GateNay A) Gateway design improvements should be coordinated with similar improvements planned for th Kellogg Mall and the Lowertown area. B) Final design must be review d and approved by the Public Works Department and PED. � i _ . � " O O � � O O n O ON � � O O 1 M O t0 r� � m M 1 1 1 O w �` �' 1 w � w � C V tG 1 1 1 Lf) O O � !1� 1 C�1 O i O � r 1 1 1 N � M �� � '"� frA dA � �y dq b4 bA C..)b4 � � � � � � � � i � O C O O Ln C� >u'f N O O O 1 1 O C J C� O 1� � �y. �O O O O 1 1 1 O tp p M � w w w � � � 0 � 1 1 � w w � w � � '� t� O i N V � � �-�+ CV � � �' t1'f i tA H9� �09 ++R K � ��i'.' U b4 CJ CJ � � � � d t n � � Ti C "'� OG f� M Cl � .� .� �"� f� C7 r r- •r Q M M M N N � Q� � N O N tC} •r- �p � � i0 i-� RS C 0 +� -r- �F-� •�- �.0 �,,,. O� O� > d H C li � W �' W � �1! N N N �-+ 1 1 N � d � 4 � � C d N N N N �--r � � M '"� C1 E r c� � � P7 M N N e-� p M N i� V � Q � ti� r � L t� i� C c'7 M M N P") N C'� f'7 N 7 � O � t..) � N Ri r- � T ,C ,,� L. •r •r- �71 d7 00 t� �t .-� Q► C*) 01 O O i•� N N N N � M- {.�•r M N 4) 'r r O� � L W ?. W V V V C d Z O O O O O O O O -p O O O O O O O O y O O O O O O t� O � w w w w w w w w w � 'O � O O ts') q O �.� Q� O 11') N ln t0 I.f) �--� N � � N Q' C b� !A b9 4fi 4s4 tR a� 63 . • � � � � N � +� i C r N d r0 U V) J U d •r � O J N �C > t i C7 N C Q i O i � G, d O � d GJ•r G) E � O O Y C1 � O t � � � +� C Rf O O � i . � � -C a � ~ CJ N L C� � p t.� d � O ,�,� C'S i +� � L >•r f0 'p •r ep n r- V Q .�� CO •O Q� d� Cl N �.- r-� C7 GJ � � � i i C� C Y M17 U t •r L i N i-� C C N O r �0 �.G OJ 01 C•� �6 C rC G-' > +� C +� Cl L -•- �6 3 +� �> �r rts a Q C U • C �n i-� � • Gl }� O X t0 GJ N O X W p •r �--� � +0 t0 ►-� Z (n J W G.� Q J W � U ? r-� � W C.7 � � V � � . 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N � d N +� L � +� GJ GJ i �0 +-� E O L i � d' � d 0 NZ d' .{..i � N •� OO +� � U U W U Z 'r f- r C3.' �- a a Q p �J o p N L p +-� r $.. °o � a c � a °i x '� a� m a� � Q�' V �.1� Cf r- (� i lf') e--� � � r-- O m O � .-� -� V d i-� I� s +� }�,� � dJd' YM i � NM . � C 1 1 n•� 0 C C 00 E ln � M L pp z V � YM '71�p dN UN � � L i +� N N r C 'r U C •1- 3 }.1 C O •r U O � � i. 4- r- C i-� N p� 0 � C'3 O E 7 C U C� O Gl � 2 V O i-� � � U > i p � • � �O .� t0 VE C � C! +� N rt7 +� O i O i-� .- N a �•^ •i L m O i-> •r �r E c o � v+ o ai a u c� a �c� � ,— , h :' V O O i �X � � O � ' � � > •� O +� •r N O i-� O ¢ O � U N O J U N U dl � E L Y � � � b GJ O i +� Q� �. O Z > +� rtf C r0 O r- J �•� N d Q CJ r V •r��r- � •r •^ r . � � �+.> 4.. +� a, a LHe 47 i C i f.. � � •� U Y rtf N N �O � +�-� � G. U •C i � � 3 C C C i. � +� GJ �Q •r � C) � O O C U �6 O Vf +� •'- V1 O d •� O O L � G1 Gl L �O Rf cn � L �UUC7 � � ODa W C.7 cC OOd i-� y 1 C M ,.M� ,..�.� ,� , .� . � � . .r��-��OZ1� �y . , .. ��� rp ' v ,,, �C� p � �c� '��� � �l � 2 � . .°'_��cQ as �- �,� :��4,2 -� � � � f �Oy o ' �, � ,� '� Neighborhood Partnershi Pro ram '`6,^ �``p � C P B PED USE ONLY � Neighborhood Development Division Nl �� i Z� Dept, of Planning and Econoraic Develo ment Planning District ' --.?•. " 25 West Fourth Street Staff Person Saint PauZ� Minnesota 55102 Technical Support ND D H _ (612) 228-3200 P CD InterDept Coordination � Funding CD_CIB_Other P T N PROJECT NAME: LOWer Bluff Homeoavnser p Cbnversion GROUP OR ORGANIZATION SUBMITTING REQU T: �3'ton's Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services ADDRESS: $�' E• �venth St. Pa , IVAt. 55106 STREET CITY STATE ZIP CONTACT PERSON FOR THIS REQUEST: S� e Joseph DAYTIME TELEPHONE:774-6995 1. What is the exact amount of your N P fund request? $ 250,000. 2. Is it a loan or grant request? �� � 3. What fs the total declaration of n ig2iborhood contributions? (complete . paes 8b9) $ • 4. Describe in detail your project -p imary purpose� specific features, guidelines� etc. (If multiple pro ects are proposed� i.e. residential � rehab and chore service� each must be separately described) . ' The primary purpose of this projec is to stabiliie the community by increasing . the number of owner-occupants. This w 11 be conducted as a demonstration project. Five to seven problem properties will e purchased/rehabilitated and sold in a two year period. For the purpose of this roposal a problem-property is defined as a � vacant building or an absentee owned d plex or single-family home that is deteri- � orated and in poor exterior condition. The homes will be marketed to tenants living in the buildings or to other tenants r siding in the neighborhood who wish to invest in its future. As a demonstration project it will be carried out in a small target area, of two or three blocks. Several possible target areas have already been identified through research conducted for the DBNHS URAP Proposal . The experience of OBNNS is that rehabilitation has a multiplier effect nd we expect to maximize the impact of our activity by stimulating additional imp vements on these blocks. "Model " fully- rehabbed blocks will be a secondary goa of the project. DBNHS staff will work intensely to involve other homes needin repairs in an NHS or City rehabilitation ' program. If successful , 08NHS plans to replicate this approach elsewhere in the _ neighborhood. DBNHS is requesting NPP funds to acq ire the properties. Funds to rehabilitate will come from several sources includin the NHS Revolving Loan Fund; the City's Residential Revolving Loan Fund for Non Profits and sweat-equity. Primary mortgage financing will be sought through FHA/VA loans or the MinneapolislSt. Paul Housing Finance Board's Single-Fanily Mortgage evenue Bond Program. ���`� / , (� � Iower Bluff Homeownership Program _ NPP Application Page -3 Pro�ect Name S. Briefly describe� the specific problem/need your project is designed to address ard cite references if possible from City Comprehensive Plans, Annual Citizen Participation G als and/or other studfes, The Lower Bluff has a dispropor ionate share of the rental market, approximately _ 55� as compared to 40� citywide. W ile we do not wish to e]iminate decent afford- able rental units we do want to inc ease the stability of the area by increasing homeownership. The housing stcck i old, a]most al] built prior to 1940. Much of it is in need of repair, absentee 1 ndlords often can't or won't make needed improvements. This. project will ad ress the need to upgrade the housing stock and at the same time give low/moderate ncome families an opportunity to purchase a home. This project is consistent with the District 4 Plan and in fact, increased home ownership was the number one priori y of the District Council in the Mayor's Better Neighborhoods Program. 6. Please list in order of priori the thres most important objectives of your pro j ec t. 1. Stablilize community by increa ing homeownership. 2. Significantly upgrade the� cpnd tions of the h.ousing stock on the targeted blocks. .. 3. Provide homeownership opportun ties to low and moderate income renters. 7. Briefly describe� in quantifi le terrns� the specific results and itapact your project will achie e wtien completed. The conversion of 5 to 7 vacan or rental properties to owner-occupied rehabilitated homes. A spin-off effect which wiil r sult in at least double the number of homes making visual improvements beyond t ose funded by this project. A demonstrated successful appr ach to revitalize and stabilize the neigh- borhood that can be replicated on o her blocks. , , ���-L�`t7 � � NPP Application Page 4 Yr ject Name��on's Bluff Homeownership Program \ � 8. In ordez to accornplish your objec ives does your proJect have to be coordinated with aay other projec /program? Yes X No If Yes, describe the other project/p ogram and the relationship. This project wil] be coordinated ith: City's Residentia] Revolving Loan Fund; DBNHS Revolving Loan Fund - DBNHS Weatherization Grant P ogram all of which are potential fund sources for rehab work. Minneapolis/St. Paul Family ousing Fund for mortgage financing. The City's Vacant Housing Pr gram to acquire property if applicabie. Referals will be made to the City's Single-Family Rehab Program and Rental Rehab Program when appropriate. 9. �lill this pro)ect be completed fn 2 years? Yes X No If not. explain bow it will become self-s staining without fuZther NPP funding. 10. Will this pro3ect result in incre sed maintenance and operating costs? Yes No X If Yes, explai how the project will privately pay for those costs. ' ' �C�/�'' �f� Dayton's Bluff Homeownership Program � NPP Application Page 5 roject Name 11. Will the project benefit low a moderete income households? Yes X No If Yes� des ibe. Households with adjusted income of 80°6 (low) to 110% (moderat) of the median income for the St. Paul SMSA will b served by this project. 12. Describe your organization - isto�cy� structure. membership� etc. and its experience in managing s ilar projects. Dayton's Bluff Neighborhood H using Services, Inc. is a 501 c (3) non-profit organization incorporated in 1980. Its mission is to bring about a revitalized comnunity through the efforts �of� r sidents in partnership with financial insti- tutions, businesses, government���n the insurance industry. Since 1981 DBNHS has contra�t d with the City of St. Paul and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency to adminis� r a hane improvement loan fund for low/ � , moderate income households in Dayt n's Bluff. Thru the�end of 1986 DBNHS was directly responsible for reinvestm nt activity of 487 households totaling $1,293,395. We assisted another 2 8 households in home improvement projects totaling $1,973,260. � DBNHS core service include: inancial counseling; technica] assistance to homeowners in writing work specifi ations, finding contractors, putting out � bids and monitoring work in proces . DBNHS Staff includes an Oper ions Manager with more than twenty years exper- ience in financial lending and ma agement; Rehab Advisor with over fifteen years in the construction i�dustry and n experience Comrnunity Organizer. The Execut- ive Director has worked in the no -profit comnunity for fifteen years and has graduate training in community de elopment and planning. DBNHS is governed by a fifte n member Board of Directors. The 8oard, a mix of experienced community leaders and representatives of business and government will oversee the IRAP Program. . • ��J/���� �T V �- NYP Application Page 6 Project Name��on's Bluff Homeownsership Program 13. Describe how your organization will manage this project - activities, responsibilities, membership p rticipation, etc. The Board of Directors will ov rsee the pro�ect and establish its guidelines and policies as recaronended by a car�nunity-wide Task Force. The Task Force includes: - DBNHS Board Members, residents, loc 1 business owners and District 4 Community Council representation. The project will b administered by the NHS Executive Director and Staff. 1) Marketing will be conducted by the Carmunity Coordinator. 2) Technical Assistance in get ing city inspections, writing scopes, putting out bids and monitoring constru tion will be handled by the NHS Construction Speciaiist. 3) Intake, eligibility determi ation and loan underwriting will be the responsi- bility of the NHS Operation Manager. 14. Who is the designated project nager? Ms. Suzanne �oseph. Executive Director Describe his/her background, s ills and experience in matsaging similar type projects. _ Ms. Joseph has been woth DBNHS or seven months. She came to the organizat9on with a Masters Degree in Social Work specializing in communaty organization and planning. She has over fifteen�,_year experience working with .comnunity development organiiations and has managed several neighborhood projects in Houston and Detroit. 15. Describe the citizen participa ion process for this pro�ect. This project was first developed a part of the DBNHS UkAP Proposal by a cor�nunity wide Task Force. The Task Force is c mprised of: DBNtfi Board members, residents, local business owners and District 4 omnunity Council representatives. The project . was presented to the Land Use Committ e of the District Council , approved at that level and then approved by the full C uncil . The pro3ect will be monitored by this Task Force. Person to person contact will be m de with tenants of buildings that may quality for the program. • • �J '�`�7 � � � �' NPP Application Page 7 Project Name Dayton's B1ui'f Homeownersh; � Prograa 16. Will the project result in ei her the returning of NPP funds to the Neighborhood Partnership Prog am or the recycling of NPP funds within the project? Yes No X If Yes. describe. , 17. How does this proposal meet e iatent atid goals of the Neighborhood Partnership Program: This pro3ect meets NPP goals n the fol]owing ways: 1) It is designed to use pu lic dollars to leverage private dollars. 2) It is a physical improve ents program, which will address both residential and commercial propertie . 3) It is being coordinated ith severa] other programs that involve public and private dollars. �� - 4) It promotes neighborhood self-reliance since it has been initiated and will be carried out by e tities and individuals representing various ', sectors of the community 18. Complete Line Item Budget and Program Activity Budget Forms Pages 10 and 11. 19. Attach a map showing the pro,j ct boundaries. Suzann J se h Executive Director i/�R,� Sign ure of div dual Typed ame Title Date Comp eting Application " 'Linda . Hirte President 1115/88 ' ignature o �' � ed Name Title Date -- Officer or Pr si nt: ' �/�� 4/ '�f� L% NPP Application Page 8 roject Name Dayton's B1�.'�' Homeownership Program \ --- - 0 0 C 1. Estimated Comnercial PYOperty I rovements: Number of Participants - Average Investment Per Partici ant otal Investment Equals S_ _f1_ 2. Estimated Residential Property I provements: . Number of Participants Average Investment Per Partic ant 5 � otal Investmeat Equals ;11Q,000_ 3. Estimated Sweat Equity for Prope ty Improvements: Number of Participants Average Hours/Participaat '1 . ?otal Hours _� Total ours x $10/hr.. Equals : 30,000. 4. New Commercial/Residential Devel pment: None Site (a) Estimated Market Value ' $ Site (b) �. Estimated Market Value $ �, Site (c) � Estimated Market Value $ . Total Market Value $ _ 5. Estimated Volunteer Labor: Number of Volunteers 1 Average Hours/Volunteer Total Hours Total ours x $10/hr. Equals $ 3,000. 6. Estimated In-Kind Services (Offi e Space, Equipment, Se-�ices): source and Type 1. Salaries W es & Frin e S 5,700. 2. S ace Renta Utilities E� Phone S 1,902. 3. Consumable u li s S 1.127. . 4. Equipment 315. 5. Public Re]a ions 8 Advertising 167. 6. Printing 603. 7. Insurance 329. 8. Consulting ees 609. e TM�..e1 _ 222_ � ��'�Y'7 � � � � D�y-ton's Bluff Homeownership Program NPY Applicatior Page 9 roject Name 7. Estimated Cash Donations: Source 1. S � 2, s 3, s 8. Amticipated Foundation Grants: Foundation(s) 1. $ 12.000. 2. s . 3. s 9. other: Explain Mortgage Fina cin . Estimated Value $ 35(1 M� , Total Neighborhood ontributions Declaration $615,974. Private Match) 10. What avidence is there that e sbove declsratioas are realistic? �� (Business expsasion and priva e development proposals must demonstrate the probability of private le der support.) The rehabilitaion funds thro gh DBNHS and administrative In-Kind support are funds already secured or par of future comnitments. City Staff have assured DBNH Staff that mortgage money is currently available through the Family Housing J nd from a revenue bond. Sweat Equity is an estimate ased on the type of work non-skilled buyers are likely to be able to perform This information was provided by the DBNHS Construction Specialist. Volunteer Labor is based on he experience of a previous NPP Grant which utilized Block Club Leaders n the same way anticipated in this proposal . • ������ � NPP Applicatlon Page 10 ro�ect Name Dayton's Bluff Homeownership Program � t_t„� itcm Project Budeet: Itemize u a of � Funds and�Yzivate l2atch. If proposing more than one project� pre are a total budget for all projects and separately labelled budgets for ach project using this format. Requested Private Source of Cost Category NPP flu�ds Match Private . - Match 210,000. BNHS RLF, City's Resi- t r Non-Profi weat Equitiy 4 2 e o . ' (attach .�ob g e 25 0 . & ' . , . • c s 1 t e s bl e e cst a 4 $ Consultant � Contract Services c d o v 8 t e t c b Mpls!St. Paul Family . OBNHS Volunteer Latror Block C1ub 0 ani P an3�s, In Sweat E uit � Total $250.000. 5515�974. � o �p � � O a �+ o 0 0 O • � � Z 7 w � � 4O'f N�y � �y N tn N N � N M O � . . d O y • �W > V�q O �O O O► O O O � � .s�,,, ~ N O O ' O O M N r- � d � N M � M r �C M � �". O � L C e�-'C • rd O a- � C �S +� a R � O o, � � a� r � � N C +� � � �N = _ = C ?�O N N�r N N N N V1 �--� +�•� = t VI S 2 = S Z +- t/1 Z • 7 Z Z 2 Z Z N d O OZp m m • C�•� m �n O Co CO o0 m C� 'O Q� G p p � > 0 r S G C G G 0 d CC � N C � A C� _ \r� � p Z � •r CO LL. C.� C 01 � � • C C► � O� 0�1 r�-+ i O O C�1 � • � � i C�1 �� C1 .-� . �01 �01 r- i i� ri a3 .-i 00 �f 3 Q1 L. C1 � q��. L � �- � N ��R! �� �� 0� � •� N O � � � G. � �J , �• � C�J � � �V Q! � � G Q g � 7 1 LL � G •� e0 iJ 1 1 1 1 p 1 � 1 G t �1 C� i C�Q C�O 0� C�0 1 1 DO � CO � C�0 � s..►r Af O� C� G1 C► 00 O► C� 00 C� C1 ••- C � .-+ r+ .-+ .-+ � .�a � � � � r- � C r r � � r� � � � .a � � t Q m Q fl. � 0. A G. V L � i ¢ ¢ a ¢ �e ¢ o � � . � � a� � � . Vf N O � - � i � � N � � •�.� �O ' C .r r tA V � L ,r, - i� CJ L O � N lT Q �O N G. +� CJ �S C ro d � � c� � L C O rn � �j p d" � N rp � � � a A O �-Ci C i N C7 i b � J � � G! L d - N V N Q► p� t0 O OC t� Q� G. L � L 3 A b � V.. �F- i�► .� O +� C C +� Q N � C J C� L �O�- �F- N W N C� � V 7 V�- •� � a- i 4� � 4i O � V O «- +� •� CD O a� r- +� G� CJ 't7 � i � v! C C ++ C �G � G C! C O. Y r ed i�1 -e- M- Rf � 'r R{ 3 V _ a E d 0► > CJ O s- 'r � C O O v�f� rts � 3 O � 0 �O C � � � i � Q � �•� 0 ►�+d � m OC C� � Q ti N Q N � m � O a.r N C. 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N � , � N � A O � � --- ��� \� � ` 1 � S N d � \• �� � C \ }� �� ,���\ +� 2 � S 2 S pD ��r,������ `` Z Z Z Z �y � � G O G C O E+ ���0 :.� \O� �.. ���� . ,��;�?ozr<< . . ,,� � . f=`>' b o��'� � � � r ;:;; � � .�� 4: � �, r� - � ������z � �.'-' � `.S m� Q�0 0 ',-- r. p� J\ � � '___ ._ . i�v�L �j r`-1�/ 'w � Q �._,..7 Ncighborhood Partnership Program PED USE ONLY ::,�; Neighborhood Development Division - �_�,_ - Dept. of Plannin� and Economic Devel pment Planning District 25 West Fo�rth Street Staff Yerson Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Technical Support ND_,D_H+,, (612) 228•3200 P CD„_ InterDept Coordination_______ Fundiag CD_CIB_Other________ PROJECT NAME: Lower Bluff Exterior r GROUP OR OFtGANIZATION SUBMITTING VEST:�S�'ton's Bluff �leighborhood HousinR Services ADDRESS: g� E• �venth Street . Paul, 1�1. 55106 S?REET CI STATE ZIP CONTACT PERSON FOR THIS REQUES?:Suz e Jose h DAYTIME TELEPHONE: ''l- 995 1. What is the exact amount of you NPP fund request? $ 200.OQ0. 2. Is it a loan oY grant reque$'t? Grant ., 3. What is the total declaration f neighborhood contributiotts? (complete • � pages 8 � 9) . $ 5'T'�.974.0� 4. Describe in detail your projec •prisaaxy purpose. specific features. guidelires, etc. (If taultiple projects ara psopossd� i.a. xesidantisl rehab and cl�ore service. each ust be separately described) . The intent of this proposal is to combine NPP funds with URAP dollars and a significant amount of DSNHS dollars in this area over the next two years. The goal is to achieve a level of revit lization in the neighborhood so that it no longer requires substantial interve tion. The primary purpose of this pr �ect is to improve the exterior conditions and visual impact of residential an coRUnercial r►roperties in the District 4 URAP area. This is part of a compr hensive revitalization program designed to impact between seventy and eighty-f ve percent of all problem properties in five distinct program areas. (See Map) Several strategies will be employed to ac- complish this goal , including a Hom ownership Program on�l this Exterior Improve- ments Incentive Program. . Specifically, as an incentive o involve homeowners ar�+ businesses .in making needed improvements on their prope ies, NHS proposes to of;'er in�-pntive grants with the use of NPP funds to attra t or leverage additional ioan f�����s from: � Dayton's Bluff NHS; City's Commerci 1- or Rental-.Rehab Program; othe� lending__ ---_�:. ., � institutions. DBNHS is completing an NPP Ex erior Improvements Program that h�s beEn vt�ry successful . While only a 1:1 matc was required, the reality has heen a 7:1 match. For every �1.00 spent in N P funds, $7.00 has been leverage� fr�� o:Aer sources. However, the overall imp ct has been limited because the n�e�'• �s ��� great in this area. DSNHS Exterio Conditions Bui7din Surve of t��e LewQr �;;�;',' (1987) shows that 16 percent of th housing has been repaired; anothe� �iC ��er��nt ' �� ���y� � � - - - � `�1'P Application Page 2 roject rame �Wer Bluff Fxterior Impr�ments 4 . Project Description (ccntinued) � is still in need of improvements. M reover, it is the only DBNHS program for absentee landlords and our experienc demonstrates their willingness to parti- cipate in the program. Since the ar a has a disproportionale share of the rental market (approx. 55�) the reha of rental units is essential to impact � the area. While the 1984 NPP to DBNHS rest icted etigibility to residential proper- " ties, we are including commercial pr erties in this proposal at the request of several businessmen on Third Street. This would fill the gap that exits, since neither the DBNHS - NPP nor the East th Area Business Assoiciation NPP for Exterior Improvements included the Th'rd Street businesses in their eariier projects. The project would be carried out hroughout the total URAP eligible area, with marketing and special attention iven to the specific program areas identi- fied in the URAP Proposal . Exterior Improvements will requir a 1:1 matching grant up to $5,000, 2:1 up to $10,000. Interior Improvements w.i71 require 3:1 up to $5,000.--involving code work. Seventy-five percent of t e work must be in exterior improvements. , ' U_ 4���7� � Lower Bluff EScterior Improvements 1, NPP Application Page 3 Pro�ect Name � 5. Briefly describe, the specific roblem/need your project is designed to address and cite references f possible from City Comprehensive Plans, Anaual Citizen Participation Go ls and/or other studies. The need to revitalize th2 commercial strips and residential blocks in this area are well substantiated. Most homes were built prior to 1940. The city s 1981 Housin Condition Re ort shows serveral census � tracts in the area having the great st number of structures �n e city needing substan- tial repair. A 1987 DBNHS study sh ws that 19% of the housing stock in this same area has been repaired since 1 961; anoth r 30% still needs work. � � Strengthening the conpnercial st ips will stimulate the neighborhood's economy, encourQge existing businesses to st y in the area and attract new businesses to fill ` vacant storefronts. Marketing stra egies .(included in the URAP Pro osal) to bring new ` services to vacant properties ('Iike Old Roma Bakery on Third Street� w911 be aided by this incentives Grants Program. ` This proposal supports the Dist ict 4 goals as cited in the Economic Plan Section of the District 4 Plan. The Plan also contains objectives for hous ng w ic state; ncourage pr�vate re. abilitation a d restoration of existing housing at costs that are affordable to homeowners". 6. Please list in order of priori the three most important ob�ectives of your project. � 1) Achieve physical and visual imp ovements in the project areas through incentives for exterior, and to a lesser e tent, interior rehab work. 2) Achieve several fully-rehabbed ' odel blocks" combining URAP dollars for homeowner- ship conversion and NPP/NHS •dollars to do additional rehabilitation of rental and owner-occupied buildings. 3) Stimulate cor�nercial act�vity. 7. Briefly describe, in quantifiabl terms� the specific results and impact your project will achieve wt�en completed. a) Rehabilitation of 20 - 30 reside tial and commercial properties. b) Several fully-rehabbed residenti 1 blocks, as.a result of this pro3ect being coordinated with the Homeownersh'p Pro3ect. c) NHS experience is that this acti ity will have a spin-off effect. For every property that is rehabbed throug this pro�ect at least two others will result, �. with or without DBNHS assistance - - � ; d) A sluggish housing market wil] b stimulated:= = � ���-�'t`� � NPP Application Page 4 ro�ect Name��er Bluff Exterior Improvements � '�, 8. In order to accomplish your obj ctives does your project have to be coordinated with any other proj ct/program? Yes X No If Yes, desczibe the other project program and the relationship. This project will be coordinated with the URAP project which includes a homeownership program; public improvements and som clearance activity. - It will also be coordinated with other programs which include: MHFA Deferred Loans Weatherization Grants (DBNH ) Crime Watch (DBNHS) . City Comnercial & Rental Re abi7itation All of the above are components f an overall revitalization plan being carried out by DBNHS in coordination with the Di trict 4 Caronunity Council , East Seventh Area 6usiness Association and the City's PED. 9. Will this project be completed n 2 years? Yes X ' No If not.� . explain how it will become self sustaining without further NPP funding. '',. 10. Will this pro�ect result in inc eased maintenance and operating costs? Yes No�_. If Yes� expl in how the project will privately pay for those costs. w . ���-��� 0 -� NPP Application Page 5 P oject Name -�,ower Bluff Exterior Imnrovements �' 11. Will the pro�ect benefit low and moderate income households? Yes X No If Yes. descr be. Forty-five percent of NHS clients ave been low-income; forty-five percent moderate income. We anticipate that these per entages will continue with this project. The Dayton's Bluff average household inc e is 77� of the city average. 12. Describe your organization - hist ry, structure� membership, etc, and its experience in managing simila projects. Dayton's Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. is a 501 c (3) non-profit organization incorporated in 1980. It mission is to bring about a revitalized cortanunity through the efforts of resid nts in partnership with financial insti- tuti�cns, businesses, �government and th insurance industry. Since 1981 DBNHS has contracted wit the City of St. Paul a�d the Minnesota . Housing Finance Agency to .admini$ter a fiome improvement loan fund for low/ moderate incane households in Dayton's 81uff. Thru the end of 1986 DBNHS was directly responsible for reinvestment ctivity of 487 households totaling ; $1,293,395. We assisted another 258 h useholds in home improvement projects totaling $1,973,260. OBN HS core services include: financ al counseling; Lechnical assistance to :, . homeowners in writing work specificati ns, finding contractors, putting out bids and monitoring work in process. � DBNHS Staff includes an. Operations Manager with more than twenty years exper- ience in financial lending and managem nt; Rehab Advisor with over fifteen years in the construction industry and an ex erienced Comnunity Organizer. The Execut= ive Director has worked in the non-pro it corrmunity for fifteen years and has graduate training in community develop ent and planning. DBNHS is governed by a fifteen memb r Board of Directors. The Board, a mix of experienced cormnunity leaders and repr sentatives of business and government will oversee the URAP Program. . . . � ���-��� � �. NPP Application Page 6 Project Name I'°wer Bluff Exterior--Improvements � 13. Describe how your organization ill manage this project - activities , responsibilities, membership p rticipation� etc. The Board of Directors will ove see the project and establish its guidelines and _ policies as recommended by a communi y-wide Task Force. The Task Force includes: DBNHS Board Members, residents, loca business owners and District 4 Cortununity Council representation. The project will be administered by the NHS Executive Director and Staff. 1) Marketing will be conducted by the Community Coordinator. 2) Technical Assistance in get ing city inspections, writing scopes, putLing out bids and monitoring constru tion wili be handled by the NHS Construction Specialist. 3) Intake, eligibility determi ation and loan underwriting will be the responsi= bility of the NHS Operation Manager. � la, t,mo �s c�e designated pro�ect m nager? Ms. Suzanne Joseph, DBNHS Executive Director Describe his/her background, sk lls and experience in managiag similar type projects. � � Ms. Joseph has been with DBNHS or seven months. She came to the organization with a Masters Degree in Social Work specializing in community organization and planning. She has over fifteen year experience working with community development organizations and has managed 'several neighborhood proje�ts in Houston and Detroit. ., . 15. Describe the citizen participat on process for this project. DBNHS plans an open house in the spring which will be used to impart information about this and other NHS programs: B ock Club meetings will be used to introduce and explain the project. In targeted pro ram areas door knocking will occur and special materials produced to publicize and m rket the program. The Task force described in No. 3 has been active in designin9 the project. � � ���-�� . � Lower-Bluff Exterior Improvements � � NPP Application Page 7 Project Name 16. Will the project result in ei er the returning of NPP funds to the Neighborhood Partnership Progr or the recycling of NPP funds within the project? Yes o X If Yes, describe. 17. How does. this proposal meet th intent and goals of the Neighborhood Partnership Program: This pro�ect meets NPP goals i the following ways: 1) It is designed to use public dollars to leverage private dollars. 2) It is a physical improveme ts program, which will address both residential and commercial properties. 3) It is being coordinated wi h several other programs that involve public and private dollars. �� � 4) It promotes neighborhood s lf-reliance since it has been initiated and � will be carried out by ent ties and individuals representing various ; sectors of the community. 18. Complete Line Item Budget and P ogram Activity Budget Forms Pages 10 and 11. 19. Attach a map showing the projec boundaries. � S�zanne E. Joseph bcecutive I7irector 1/15/88 Sig ture of divi ual Typed Nam Title Date Completing Ap lication - _ � - �da t:: rte presi�'.ent 1f15f�� ignature ed Nam Title Date Officer or Pr si a . �. . ������� � � � NPP Application Page 8 Project Nazne Lower Bluff Exterior Improvements NEIGHBORHOO CO TRIB 0 'S DECLARATIO 1. Estimated Commercial Property I provements: Number of Participants 5 Average Investment Per Partic pant27,000. Total I:rvestment Equals $135,000. 2. Estimated Residential Property mprovements: Number of Participants 15 Average Investment Per Partic pant27,000. Total Investment Equals S405.000. 3. Estimated Sweat Equity for Pro rty Improvements: Number of Participants Average Hours/Participant Total Hours � Tota Hours x $10/hr. Equals $ 5.000. 4. New Commercial/Residential Dev lopment: � Site (e) � Estimated Market Value - _j�(fA , Site (b) • Estimated Market Value N�A Site (c) Estimated Market Value NfA Total Market Value $ N�A S. Estimated Volunteer Labor: Number of volunteers & 08NHS Conanittee Members Average Hours/Volunteer Total Hours Tota Hours x $10/hr. Equals S �_onn_ 6. Estimated In-Kind Services (Of ice Space. Equipment, Services) : source and Type 1. Salaries Wa es & Frin e $ 5,700. 2. S ace Re tal Utilities & Phone $ 1,902. 3. Consumab e Su lies S 1,127. 4. fquipmen 315. 5. Public R lations & Advertising 167. 6. Printing 603. 7. Insuranc 329• 8. Consulti g Fees 609. � G��-��� . � � . �` NPP Application Page 9 roject Name lnwPr Bluff Exterier Im�rovements Incentive Grants 7. Estimated Cash Donations: Source 1. $ u�..,�--- . 2 $ N/A 3. g N/A 8. Anticipated Foundation Grants: Foundation(s) 1. 5��000_ 2. - _ $ - 3. $ � 9. Other: Explain F d contribu i or ra ' �. - Estimated Value S see #6, 1 - 9 . Total Neighborhood ' Co tributions Declaration S570,974. (P ivate Match) 10. What evidence is there that the above declaratiotis are realistic? � (Business expansion and private development proposals must demcnstrate the probability of private lend r support.) See #1 - 3 The last NPP program administer d by DBNHS resulted in a 7:1 match for iow interest loans. Based on this previous xperience a conservative estimate of 3:1 is being used for determing matching dol ars for matching grants. See #5 Volunteer labor based on at lea t� 15 QBNHS Committee and/or Block Club Members actively promoting or making im rovements �n the targeted areas. See #6 In-Kind services based on 25� o DBNHS operating expenditures for those line items listed. See #8 DBNHS has received funding thro gh 1988 from St. Paul Companies, Inc. to continue its two year old Block Club Org nizing Project in the Lower Bluff. , • � ����/ � . NPP Application Page 10 Pz ject Name InwPr Bl�ff Fx _ rior Tm�r�vPmentS � Incentive Grants j�ine Item Proiect Budget: Itemize use of T� F�nds and Private Match. If proposing more than one project� prepa e a total budget for all pro�ects and separately labelled budgets for ea h project using this format. _ Requested Private Source of Cost Category NPP Funds Match Private Match as , onventional , R b'lita i 180 000. 54 00 DBN FA, NSP e . . . Meatherization " o u on 4 u t a r i t 6 oca ' em ' ion (attach job 8 a a es Wa s d t� b 9. r n e Benef ts ' ' � 10 a e r nta ut'lities & t 1 Co e es 2 �e e eae est e 4 ti te Insu ance Consultant & Contract Services ac d e t In-C t Trav 1 . 0 e 1' t & de r e 1 Sweat Equity 5,000. DBNHS Clients DBNNS Yolunteer Labor i Block Club 0 an' in Pr ' panies, In 2. Total $Z00,000. $570,974. �`� . � l.� � ' � � N � � 0 � d C`A p � Z � � O � Li � p N N ^ M G1 • '�� �t O O O � � u w � ''" •' a�► o° o O °� ' � L eO ' �� w w w w Q �� d � O N M �A n . � � � M i N � O ' V � N � � E o� v�i � F�- b � Z ,p H r- +� U�tn N N N • N N N N N N N tn � N O z 2 Z '7 = = 2 = � S S 2 CJ 'O 01 d m m [O r- pZp Z 2 Z Z Z Z � Q � 0 C � GO p C C C � G 0 C d � � i� -e- G.) � O O Q1 Q1 C1 � . O � �--� .--� Q p � p C�i '� �f 01 01 • C1 C1 C C7 t="O i i .-�i ..�{ • � ^ d^ C � 7 N 41 i L V = ,'L i � � � v c� �a v� rn E V 0�7 � t� L� � LRS rid- i r �- •r � +� � .� E 47 V tt3 !-- Ri � � � 1 1 1 1 1 � f.. i �t C� 01 C� C1 OO 00 OD 00 00 � E � �.0 e� � �"� 01 0�1 p�1 . 0�1 0�1 � 1 t � C .� � � rl ri r-1 r1 ri �p �p �,a p� i L L �. r- � � � � CO C�O , 00 Q m � Q Q �: S. A � �' � _ � � �. r" � � L � �f � � f � w � C V � C '0 �O � C •� � N �� � 1/f N 0 V� w •i '�- a8 'r Q1 N p� � +� C i-� C + •�.-� R! M- C •� . pf .-1 ! C� N C .; .-� •�- N r C � � .� 0 0 � � � V Cf � C. � � � L r •�- .N-- ` � Q �C H d �-► d p 3 (�j ('�j L' y d � � .0 \ GJ � G. d� L C G1 O � c� C a a� c. c E O a� +.+ o i ,a � ° c •n � +' Yo c �� '-' c� v� �n M- o ro S r a! i � CJ C1 C ~ V i N s' � L � � � � a ,� G.� � ,� n"'� � ro 4,�- •r., � V N �"' al Q' `\ ` •.U- CD O � O �F+ +�► i +� N �-t ed O M- C� � W ; � N C G1 N +.� V/ i �-1 C Y C i-� � a E Oi � > L � p �N � ••- � � � u � rtf C Q 5�.. ,C� C! �3 r- i tn L y C G ,F.d O � N C F C� d Q C7 Q V � Q m � N � � G. O N N ' � d p.v �"� N fr) d' tA tG n pp Q► O r- cV , " r- r- r- � � ' g-����� � � � ��,,G`�r iE�s��, � ti��� � `f�'� � � �, �..�, � .�t v � � �'�;- p`J Neighborhood Partnership � gr�r� '- `'~��'J���� � ; PED USE ONLY -.•. ,-.� � Neighborhood Development visiet����.;' .��;r� ,� • Dept. of Planning and Eco ic Dev lop�ent�=� Planning District 25 West Fourth Street �q, � � � ��' �'�;; Staff Person Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �y �1� ,:is:���%� Technical Support ND D H_ (612) 228-3200 " � P CD _ InterDept Coordination Funding CDlCIB_Other NP IC ION PROJECT NAME: Pa ne Avenue Revital' ation GROUP OR ORGANIZATION SUBMITTING RE UEST: �st Side Nei,g�borhood DeveloAment Company ADDRESS: 0 Pa e Ave. t. Paul STREET CI STATE ZIP � ."" x °` `;-'CONTACT '1'ERSON ;FOR THIS -�tEQUEST: DAYTIME TELEPHONE:77�52 � 1. What is the exact amount of your NPP fund request? g �55,000.00 2. Is it a loan or grant request? 3. What is the total declaration of neighborhood contributions? (complete ages 8 & 9) $ �69,250.00 . � 4. Describe in detail your project - rimary purpose, specific features, guidelines, etc. (If multiple pr jects are proposed, i.e. residential rehab and chore service, each mus be separately described) . TQ continue and expand revitaliza ion efforts already underway on Payne Avenue " � and Areade Street. ZYie first eff rts successfully involved 25 businesses on Pa�ne aad Arcade and included the planting of trees along Payne Aveune. (Tree planting was .a totally private ef ort.) This program will involve businesses from Case Street to Maryland Aven e on Payne. It will be availab�e to existin� businesses and will have componen s designed to attract new businesses to the area. - ACTIVITIES , � . _ . . . 1) Commercial Rehabilitation Grants. These will be available to busi- nesses on a matching basi . The mateh will be administered as follows: a) Exterior work: Store front renovations; awnings, signs, siding, doors, windaws, etc. , will require a 1 :1 match, that is, for every dollar of grant funds expended for exterior improvement, the grantee must invest one dollar on exterior improvement. Maximum grant $7,500. b) Interior renovation - iring, heating,ventilation, etc. Improvement � " °" � �will r :1 mat �� . , - - e�.,_wire 3 . Maxim� g � 'T,500. � ����>K..�: .,:a:: _ .:;�: _ � ,.,. .:��,� ,, ._ ._ ,�;:�.. � � . ��-��� . � NPP Application Page 2 Project Name Pavne Avenue Revitalization 4. Project Description (continued 2) Incentives to new and expanding businesses in the Target Area. a) Assistance to new businesses in the forcn of a rent subsidy pro�ram. b) Grants to assist ith mo�ing expenses and to provide start-up advertising prog . 3) Grants for Design Ass stance. These grants would be available for business ownders inte ested in improving storefronts. Grant amount of $500 per applicant. ould pay for design services to be cont�;acted for by ESNDC. 4) Adcninistrative Costs $10,000. p- ,�.;._. � . _ : ,:;�, , , . ", _ ,, ,�,__, ,..., , , , . �.,-. Y t . .. ...:. � .,.. -r . , .�, ;, . ; . .. . . . � . � �. s ' �S. �:�: s , .. . .. _ �; . �, .A . , ' ' , C�U° —�f�i'� � : , • � - _ _. 4„�.., _ _:, _:: . _ . J ";�° .' NPP A lication Pa e 3 = . . - - - = 4�,��� ,y+. . . Y_PP_ , ' g _' � `', �Pro)ect Name Payne Avenue 8evitalization . . . . . .. .-y�. . .. - v�Y'. . . - .'�vM 5. Briefly describe, the specifi problem/need your project is designed � to address and cite reference if possible from City Compret►ensive Plans,' �� Annual Citizen Participation oals and/or other studies. � - .. � � °::�: - . The District 5 'Plan identifies the encouragement of new tiusin�sses �and the .��. � �}��= � removal of bli.�t and deterioratio through rehabil�tation programs as one of '' fi its econanic develo�ent goals. R cently, the Eastside Improvement Coalition' � � has reeotr�ended that ESNDC and PAB work together to develop a plan for the - , revitalization and redevelopment o the business area. The problems of vaeaney and deterioration on the t o strips have been the focus of,,.;previous . . �;�.,. ';�,. . , , �,. � ,�_ ,� ;_ �evelopment efforts.-involy�ng 'both t.he'1oca1 'business,people and �ity economie; ,: � ..: �ievelopment staff. � . .: , . _ : _ ,_ . ' - :. �.§,r� �.,:�+`•:;,r ..r. ., .;:^,�'�a.: .� .., ; ,� .:.:'� dF ss,,�'...� a'� .�' ,? '°c�, ..M.,� � -t.._, �E'�^ ��as�'' :�r. ,�iRr;.. . ..I� �._ �.: . . � �. . y'� .. �. 4: �j .'��C X: -1•.. . . .4:�.:! . ..,..:�.. ....... �:'.r, , ..- _ ' `A�_ . ..... . -. . yi"'. _.;Ya•_..3`•+IA:'7 .. .5!�i'f. .rn'rr � , . .�" , • .yt , w> . r.G � •� :. w! , ... ''� c � . -� .. ° „ `i:-- �� + ���� Y '+'ti A' �I � y LL •1�°ks LE L� S-- Y" KA4�� �N .h��Y Mi ,w� Y�SC` Y� $ � - 'j,M'^i ' y '.,�,,� yF�'.� !^ � �i J yy��: : Ny. 'y:...�. .. A.� -� �'1 �L��+-..`�fiM'[ill3 <• ''" ± _:. . ; .' .:"t..v�+.x` �°�4';4�.�w.3.�iro+yq'-�+,,'���' ��%i�t+a'��+.�iG�&s ��f� ` "" 5. �lease �list�''�in order of riori the three most � � M `i" �"� z - �- ; P y important objectives � ; ;�" ;�„ of your pra�ect.. y,� �k�y . bSR.�o- �"�. ..�!'. }'r' '� �, a .�`.:��' �� � ,.,:�� •� +` r-e'„" f�? �s's.v '�� b y� v��'� 4'9;� �S •.1� t .`.i .-�- . � . . . . . " . . .. . _ . ,;� . .. . �* <� " : - y.- 'To eontinuethe visual impooveme ts of the tiusiness ar�ea. ` ���::;�-�- .<� . -: �,� , ,:, . ` . � ,.,.�� ;_,. .-2. To reduce the vacancy rate amo co�ercial buildings on the Avenuer,�,,�, 4� _ 3. To attract new businesses to Pa ne Avenue which are complementary to - � y ,� , eacisting businesses. � �� ''c.��� _ :y . '- ,'t ��9r,. �`.;, _ . i�i , v, - ryr,�y �cx�.-i,•�.YTe ..,^��t s ��:C1�.�S .'ii�:r.. ".1,-;'i'% " ,'��y:y���. 'i:}j 1 i' 4. . +V� ki.��.�{c�4kS1��i.�'J!- rR�i�.� 4+0*�J Cr F ... i K� �'.�T:��.�Si-.9l4''� �`�',L n . � .. �4 y . _ _. :.1 aw�•`�.... .�v,'�'. . ...,�"'-� -��/`K. .�`:..` '�� . . .. . � . . . . � , �. .`S i . . . . . , .._' . . ' �.,. :.. ... . ...,. ' .. . ... .;.... .-.. . . . � . .:�.... � �� "irA r.±. . t . . . . �. .,a; t - -��<,NJ � � 6.i:�...!• . t'.". ? .�..F;. t_� �` .n.,�„-�' a '� � . � ... ., _,.sv ..: �•. �' ,. � .. . .. � .. _.. � r. . . ' � . ' . 'r` . . .�c,. � -� . . .. _ . + ._.. . . , . - , . . .. . _. ..�. _ ... . . . , . . �. .. . ,. - • . . .. ... ... . ,. � � ,>:;� 7. $riefly describe, in quantifiab terms, rthe specific results and � �'#°•- ` . ,� y, _ impact your project will achieve when completed.-- ��' _�~�- � _ , .. �: , - - °:n 1. Commer�ial Rehabilitation. Thi program should result in at least 14 �" ';:�� , provemen �ro ee s. " ` w �s n�,:t ar,.. � � z ;, i ...- �a,FA� r s :;�., f i° � 'K f y. .. ` s '� L � Y � � � . . � ^� • . :. ,. .,. x -':� S s «s; ._.*?�.>.�{r }�^.��,,..�.A` -..� ,c;i� s.�.1. -��� J�s.�.. * �'d;.y r',�y� a �,` !?t"'�,f � F �x' a} .+Y'x`: , 1 �3, . . ,�� , _ 2. � Incentives::�o �New ai1d Expanding inesses. ESNDC and the Payne-Areade ° �°'',�,i, : �", Business Association is working o produce a Master Plan for Payne Avenue � '�y � �° �*=° which will provide rec3evelopment feasibilit data identif Y � Y Parking needs w� and solutions, propose budgets a d timelines. The most improtant product - ��'��°`�: � .of �the Plan for the Purpo�es of his . pro�ect, will be a list of targeted � ... businesses, to Which �.he incenti es described above, will be directed. ^ 3 '�.�` . ' Tt �s��xgected .tk�at :�-businesses will .be either�established or. expar�ded � =_��,-- , :� .. , : ; >:� t ..� $ �r�esul'�.,of ��h�s�`pro�ect...- - . x � _., �. . . : � . _ � � �. ., . ��t . . . �. �= ` _�SNDC .�.s ��eeking�',o�mda�ion �up r.t. .for the ,.devElopment o�. the Master Plan# , ; � � ` - � t `�i's.,.ur� nt.ent' , .a� ��� �p � complete prior `to im�glementation of the`� >� �. ` :� ��neent�ve �rogram�eser"�.'Sea�a�ov .. �. _ _ , . - ._ .�. �� � , �< �� . � (��� - � � . NPP Application Page 4 Proj ct Name Payne Avenue Revitalizatlon •.-: �� - _ .8,. .<.I+n:order to .accom lish our ob ecti es does our - � P Y � �y pro�ect hsve to be ` - � - ' coordinated with any other project/ rogram? Yes X No If �: ; Yes� describe th� other project/pro ram and the relationship. ` ESNDC plans to work elosely with the St. Paul C�nercial Rehab Loan Program, � and other bvrsiness assistance programs ithin the T1ain Cities area. We are r most :interested in the expansion of th Scattered-Site Tax Incr�ent Program - �` ' to Payne Avenue. However, to be most seful, we would request that the boundary ,- � eactend to Maryland, in ar�ier to enco e coordinated develop�nent along Payne ` fr� Maryland to Minnehaha. � ESNDC has received operating support f r its previous cocnmercial programs from St. Paul Companies, and Dayton-Hudson oundation, and has additional grant requests pending at First Bank System, :Dayton-Hudson and St. 'Paul Co�panies. : � . _ �. , . - • .. . � `l�,o . , .. , , � .. ..r. ' � � -. . t� . .. . . . .. , � t_ . . �I. , ' . . - .. ,. , : ,�.::. ... . >:.� �. .:. .., , . � ., , ....- ... .. � . , . � .. ���., w•..:... - , ' . . ._��. . ...�,. ,_��. � ' ., t� ,5 x -�.: 9,:��:�Ti11:this �ro�ect��e-.compieted �in � years? Yes_�_ -�o ..� . If 'x�ot; -. "` ' � :how _ �.�,.�,����xpia�„ , iz.,s�ill,b�ecome.self- tai,ningz�i�thout fu��he�.�iPP :fundiri�g�,,-�=.�r:�� �r�-�.�.�.� ��� �TYie identified aetiv,ities wiil be eom leted. Hawever it is the intent of � '��" '�f`'�` ESNDC and'�ABA "ttiat �the`Master Plan d elo � ° ped will oontinue to provide diree- " tion for f uture �ro�ects, ti..i , �3 ' � . . . '- . . ' � . _ . . ... . . . ... ... .. . � .. Y. . . . . � . . • �;�t'� ..S.. . . .. . . ,�.�. , Y .. . . . . . ' . _ . . . . .. � ��-'f f�a . ' ���t . .. . „' � . .. .. i. .. _ . .. Si .. . _ + ��. r r . . -;�,_ . 'r��.7�!'w �`�... .. t:tr::?-. a.zx:.:��,,»,. �,4� ' �' _ .. _ .< • .,. _ .. a .. , . ,.. ,,� ,. . .. :: : t _ -'>- 4,�;^, �„#; s. . ... ,;. , , ._ ,_„ , .. • r_. : ; . � _ _ : : ,-�_.. . . _ i � r, ..._ .,. _ - ,. . ., ..,:'..,, . .. : . _;.. , � ` . . :"��" .�.�f:.:.. t._l.t�. ' �.�:.t�3 ;.y'...�... ;`. .2:r .;:�;� :a�r�,�. ,� . ..� . . , ,. . ._. �l.w . .. �. .. � ..' . .. . ... .. _w .-.r �r � ,.. � . . ..... .... - �'x......� ..��': ... ,..... ... .s!:..• , � . .�. ..., .��. ..�..:.. , - . . . ' • . .,.. ' \ . . , - . ... . ! , . . . . . .. .. . . . . , . . .. � . . . 10. Will this project result in incr ased maintenance snd operating costs? � - � •'Yes No X . If Yes� expl 'n how the project will .�, privately pay for those _costs. - • . ,,. _ ., . � ,. _ . _ . .�. �y. . ``"�'� .a�!3c t�""']?�` _ .. ... ^ '`. . ... . . _ ......_ . . . . ' � .. . . . � . � ` f�yt . 'T� � E, . • � �.r��.�,�, ._a• { :��;° . ._ . . . . _ - �., .�:ti:.r. . z �, i� y �.,.;ky�Ebwr " L<�- �,. ,y ..�; �•Y�, �.. y ,�_ _ , L y �Y�`� � *�' ��r�k�,� �j"•'fp>;� �T. h.� ,.� � ..� . . ,r.y . . 'ry.: .. . .� ..�� • �-' .p5 ��:*`. ^ 2,' .i�•, +. ,p. � . . - - y.. . .. [ , ..�_;� _..j*� .. .. :.:.�. t+t!+qc' . ... . �. . . .. .. . _. . .. , . . . r �r ...... . . . .. ... ..�.r• .. ��-- .._ -. .. .a. , .. . .. . . , .. . . . . . . . . .: �. _. � . . . . ^ . . � . . . .. . . . � � , . . .. . . . � . �y�" . . SX. _ . ' '.. . . , . :5�= �'. . . . .S. . . . , .� � . • . .. � _ � .� - 3� �i �s!- � ."'_ t it� ..,: ... . � , . .. . i.+�{-'c.�+ yr ��!° � k R y . � ,��,,� . .. 'r�� '���.�`'i' >���p������b.Ft .. .�.',t.�'.e�''', ,.y�i^ ;q ; Srn. r., ���.� �.��:�, 4 � t,�. �.. � .. .� .._ . S ." ' `-...i` �i — � ' � ��{ � .. �#t � e6� ��il+ � �.M�t�'.. 4 { Y,. .�,.�i . + -Y ��.a''r i,r °� � t}�X� F��h:�. t q.eCaY._ +r-r _.:a T .., c •r� �a. - , , . _ , .- � x:r�.i ,,,x... Ga i� � i fst� ��l o �;�i _ "�f' ?r� i' . . . . r h-ti- �i r. .. - � . . . _._. . . 3.��� . . . , ..J' .�. .�� +- . . �'.. . .. ' � . . . ,1 ]�..�. . .. . , �1� i . �. . .�.. . , . . , . � . � � .� . . '_ .. . .. _ � • ��,�`TT _ � : NPP Application Page 5 roject Name_pa�e Avenue RevitaliZation ' � 1Z. Will the project benefit low an moderate income households? Yes�_ No If Yes, desc ibe. The project will benefit law and mo erate income households located in Dist- rict 5 by: � _ 1) Providing increased shopping pportunities with walking distance fr� residences. 2) Revitalizing a visible se�ne of the community, this generating addi�ional redevelopment of adjacent re dential areas. 3) Prouiding increased e,mployme opportunities with the addition of new � and expanded businesses. t i 12. Describe your organization - hi tory, structure, membership, etc. and _ . . _ ;=its �axperience in managing simi ar pro ects. � . . � . . . . � The East Side Neighbor�hood Develo ent Compan�ri� a 50� (c) (3) organiz ation created in 1979 by residents and b siness people from the East Side of St. Paul. It is a co�nunity based dev lopment corporation focusing its work on the creation and maintenance of affordable housing and the revitalization, _ promotion and growth of East Side �mmercial districts. The Board of Direc- F tors of ESNDC is currently caapris of 25 members, 21 of them either living -� � or working on the East Side. ESND has suceessfully managed �wo previous - NPP Co�ercial Rehab programs. ES C has also participated in the Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic evelopment Capital Venture Program. In 1985, ESNDC received a grant of $4 ,500 which was subsequently disbursed as a loan to assist a new business to e tablish itself on the East Side. This �� ' loan is now in repayment. � � � �- � . ._ .. , : . . . � ,� 6. . � . . . • . . . � . ������ - D iNPP Application Page 6 Project Name Pavne Avenue Revitalization � . 13. Desczibe how your organizati n will manage this project - activities, responsibilities� membership participation, etc. Executive Director, Mary Grace F1 nnery will direct the planning and imple- mentation of the project. Judy T wnsend will assist and be primarily respon- sible for the record keeping and ommunication aspects of implementation. A � � monitorin� committee comprieed of inembers of ESNDC's hoard and members of the PABA Board will participate in de eloping program guidelines and will review and approve individual projects. i i '` 14. Who is the designated projec manager? Mar� �ra�P Flannar�r _ :-Describe his/her background� kills and experience in managing similar type projects. � '� � R Mary Grace Flannery has been the ecutive Director of ESNDC since April of , 1986. During that time, ESNDC has been in the process of canpleting two NPP Commercial Rehabilitation prog ams; one on Arcade Street and one on Payne Avenue. The programs have provide grants to 25 businesses. These projects ' have leveraged $950,000 in private investment. Ms. Flannery and Administra- � tive Assistant �udy Tawnsend have ad total responsibility for implementation . � on behalf of Payne-Areade Business Association. ; � 15. Describe the citizen particip tion process for this project. ESNDC's Board of Directors is made up pri.marily of neighborhood residents and � business people, and is elected an ually. PABA`s Board of Directors is eom- prised entirely of representatives of neighborhood businesses. A project � monitoring committee will be estab ished with representatives of both Boards. �'-� As with current NPP pro�eets, repo ts will be make by members of the monitor- .� ing eommittee at their respective rd meetings as well as to the Distriet ' S Council. The monitoring committ e will also be active in securing pledges of participation from businesses a in generally pranoting the program. { , � . �a o -�� � NPP Application Page 7 Project Name Payne Avenue Revitalization 16. Will the project result in ei her the returning of NPP funds to the Neighborhood Partnership Prog am or the recycling of NPP funds within the pro,ject? Yes No X If Yes, describe. 17. How does this proposal meet t e intent and goals of the Neighborhood Partnership Program: � . ;, ;, . .� This proposal, developed and direet by ESNDC and PABA, directly addresses a - neeti identified by the Eastside Imp vement Coalition as well as the sponsor- ir� organizations. This effort mee s the intent and goals of the NPP in that it is a program designed and implem nted through the cooperation of neighbor- hood and business organi.zations des ring to improve the appearance of the business area, support eacisting bus nesses, and ereate an attractive business errvironment for new enterprised.. I the program is successful, it should eontinue to generate private investment beyond the two ,year program • ' period. i8. Complete Line Item Budget and Program Activity Budget Forms Pages 10 and . 11. 19. Attach a map showing the proj ct boundaries. r . r bcPe»ti�P n;,��r1,.,�`j� Signai e of Individual Typed ame Title Date Completing Appli,catio < , � Signature of Chief � T�rped ame Title Date �� Officer or President � . � . P,���--��� � - NPP Application Page 8 Project Name Payne Avenue Revitalization EIGHBO 0 UTIO S C ON 1. Estimated Commercial Property I provements: Number of Participants 14 - Average Investment Per Partic pant 22,000 Total Investment Equals $ 305,000 2. Estimated Residential Property I provements: Number of Participants Average Investment Per Partic ant otal Investment Equals $ 3. Estimated Sweat Equity for Prope ty Improvements: Number of Participants ` ' Average Hours/Participant Total Hours , •. Total ours x $10/hr. . Equals $ . 4. New Commercial/Residential Devel pment: Site (a) Estimated Market Yalue $ - Site (b) i Estimated Market Value $ Site (c) Estimated Market Value $ Total Market Value $ 5. Estimated Volunteer Labor: Number of Volunteers Average Hours/Volunteer Total Hours Total ours x $10/hr. Equals $ ���c�jL 6. Estimated In-Kind Services (Offi e Space, Equipment, Services) : Source and Type 1. $ 2• $ 3. S • � • C���-�� � NPP Application Page 9 Project Name Payne Av n�P Revit.ali�ati�., 7. Estimated Cash Donations: Source 1. St. Paul Com anie $.�� nnn _ z. i�t B�� s $��Tnon 3. Da ton-Hudson $�; nnn 8. Anticipated Foundation Grants: � � Foundation(s) 1. $ 2. $ 3. S F:, 9. Oth�r: Explain : � Estimated Value $ 15,000 -; Total Neighborhood ` C ntributions Declaration $ �6Q,�50 ( rivate Match) - 10. What evidence is there that th above declarations are reslistic? (Business expansion and privat development proposals must demonstrate the probability of private len er support.) 1 . Commercial Rehabilitation. Bas on ESNDC experience in implementing two previous NPP's, eaeh dollar of rant money expended has leveraged $3.50 in private investment by the affec ed property owners: : Preliminary discussions with First Bank East President nd offieers indicates their interest in supporting and participating in eom�nercial revitalization efforts. 2. Foundation Grants. ES�NDC has nt requests pending at 1st Bank Systems and St. Paul Companies, and Da n-Hudson Foundation. 1 . . � . ��-�� . , a � _ ._ _ NPP Application Page 20 _ Pro3ect Name�y� Aven�e Revi .ali�atinn � � - ' ' Line Item Proiect Bud�et: Itemize e �of j� �nds �and Private Match. If proposing more than one project� pr pare a total budget for all projects - � and separately labelled budgets for each project using this format. - ' Requested Private �Source of . . � -Cost �ategory : . ,.'s . . .: �.�,. � `,' NPP :�tuids - Match _ ; ��Private � . . , , .� _ - _ •Match _ - _ ers � Rent Subsidy Program �. ' Grants for moving expenses & ad � +-- . 4 � . , . ,� , : , ,- . . < .. ... . � � ; . � _ , . _ . � � E ._ .. _ (attach �ob , � W c o _ . '� e ; , . ,_. _ .��., . .. � .. .. . , � . .. _..-,... . . ..:.- . . .� :_._ .� .:. .� � . . .. ,;., ., � ... .- . , . . . 4 e Consultant & Contract Services ,. . . . _: , : : . . • :.� • . ,. , . : : . - ., . : . _ . . � . .., �. � � . . . - . � .. � � .. . «Y � 1.. + ' . � . . ' . ..'. ' � . . . � . . . �.�.. o . . ' � Volunteer labor - various 1,250 Committee members Administrative tasks ; , _ _� . , Total $ �55,000 $ 369,250 � i { , r . � � . 0 - � � O � � � � O _ . _� - :N g- :_ oS o -g . _ o a��► _ . : . ..-� , z � . � : � �` - o o ui o -, - � . � � � ° �'r- � . ,r � � � .r� . , • . + _ - - . ,, � � __ , g _ o � , :_ o ; � � >U�A .. � � .N . . N '�` r � w :L1� � �. .. a � _� , L � '� ; r .. _ � : t ' � • . .� . a� � . . ., . : - • . . , _. , n . � . . , . .. >: . , . . ;. , _ • . _ : M � � .. �.�Q�i . . . 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Q m . � .. � ` � � . , � . � rl . � . . . i . �"a �'.�` � _ . � i `y� ��� '�� ' .. � . � . �,� y N z� ' ' � : ': �� '' �,� e0 �� r , p s:, ?i . � . . . � . • � - .� \ � � . . _ . - .t �� .. � � � �� � . .- . � m� � � - � ..�,i Q� .. . . �`> � a a co cd c� 2i �' � � c+ � o�, o . aa � +�.i' � `� c�o � F�..r `�,d s. m . � o o ,.a��i. oa�� � ai o�i _• _ t �.A ��D ��4 � i�. �i, r�i � � � C 6 V� . ,. -Vr 0� O 1� ` / " .ix� � . �' r�l � � a-r� ' ` a E C� OCi � WH C v� aC7 � � E Q L �� C) 1 1 H L� 1 1 A p+ � G. O � Vf . . . • Z a O� � N M . . � . � � � ��- ���� � JOB DESCRIPTION Execu ive Director The Executive Director is responsible for organization, administration, program developcnent ancl implementation and hi ing and supervision of all Canpany staff. TYie Executive Director reports direct y to the Board. ' Ma,jor Responsibilities 1 . Working with the Executive Board nd various sub-co�nittees. 2. Coordination and staffing of all esident task forces. 3. Hiring and supervision of staff. 4. Program Development a. Reasearch and preparation of rogram description b. Development of program goals ; c. Development of timelines for rogracns d. Identifying and obtaining fu ing e. Determining if programs are b st suited to Company goals and needs of a neighborhood _ : f. Liaison with various other or anizations necessary to implement the pro- gram. - 5. Program Implementation a. Preparation of program guidel'nes and requirecnents b. Secure participation and proc ss program participant loan and grants c. Provide technical assistance d. Monitor, report and evaluate rogram progress 6. Grant writing and fund raising • 7. Administration and Budgeting 8. Contract Negotiations 9. Land and Building acquisitions � 10. Liaison with City officials and ff 11 . Development of Banking Relations ips 12. Build and Maintain Corru�unity Rel tionships - � � - ��-��y O JOB DFSCRIPTION / ADMIIJISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DU'I'IES: Administrative/Office Managemen -Maintain filing system; office equipment, reporting, billing and maintenan e; maintain personnel records; routine correspondence and report typing receptionist duties; office and meeting seheduling, ineluding board of d rec.bors meetings; attend and take minutes at board meetings; maintain dire tor's schedule; screen phone calls. . 800kkeeping--Maintain oompany ac �ts; make deposits; write checks; maintain accounts payable and receiva6le; rovide eashflow pro�ections; prepare semi- monthly payroll checks; assist a i��ng fir� during annual audit. Program Assistance--Set up and ma tain files/financial records for all pro•� BPams• . Housing Grant Program--pcovide pro ram infor�ation to grant applicants, take applications, sc�►edule inspections review inspection reports with applicants, assist in campletion of applicant roposals, schedule monitoring co�ittee meetings, 000rdinate Housing Grant process. . . � � '_ � _.. _ • -- _ _ ���"���3 , - � � �' ���'' ✓^ :...r •� • ► }[1"CJ I � . O I I ' ( Z � 1 :. � .l _...�f�l ��� }��, i �.r . � �« � !' �' � , � �L�._J � M � l � M 1 ( ;� �,��- \ �C�� . � � �:�''� — ��.; .... ��r�:, .i �' ' � �; '�' `,,,,� _ �`� ���, -- L�:_ �. �-- . �--j . ..� -�-, � _ ., _ _ � . � !I �. —�� � s' •'f j ;� i � � `�=S_�__ � ! \ S,�'` �! . �� � � �' .���jf ........ � ' ' �� 1.�1J�. ..,,, r e '1 �' . � � � � _ . +.. .M_��—....... . �, � l. . .I, ' ��/ }}�+-��� -- �� �'�— �' � � � .� � �� �I �� J�_� ��1 � `` � a �' ' ,✓) � i•� ��� �� r . -- �� ~� ��76'! � �i � ' � � �--�� �. _:�, _ � C. ����.. � �1 , 1 �"" L�—' ' � � �C�=.. —, �. ` �'�� !�, '�e��� � � . 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' ' � — - PAYNE-PHAIpI DISTRICT NO "� '°°� '°" '°°' ~.�- � 7� ` +�.d—� '�U Q Q �o u� c�► �V :re �� , , , Pa ne F� ve u�� �ev.�o�..za.��on Y C�� O �7'7 , �;, 4, �~� . � '` � �,j\, �,. �•. V �-_ � �v> i �\ C� �y n �c- ^� �� .'�` O �--.,1 � �, •1 `=>.,; �`` -J� � � � r b� =Ci �`� � Neighborhood Partnership Program PED USE ONLY `? ���=���. ,:c' r % .`-,^ v,v , , . Neighborhood Development Uivision = - �.�,� >. C �C�� �� Dept, of Planning and Economic Devel pment Planning District •; _ -, i`,? 25 West Fourth Street Staff Person ~-y- ' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Technical Support Nll D }{ (612) 228-3200 P CD InterDept Coordination Funding CD_CIB_Other NPP AP LICATI N PROJECT NAME; Expanded Commercial Re ab and Design GROUP OR ORGANIZnTiON SUBttITTING REQU ST: North End Area Revitalization, Inc. AUDP,ESS: 9Z6 R1C@ St. St. P ul , Minnesota 55117 STREET CITY STATE ZIP CONTACT PERSON FOR THIS REQUEST: Mike Temali DAYTIME TELEPHONE: 488-1039 ,' 1. What is the exact amount of your PP fund request? $ 250,000. 2. Is it a loan or grant request? g ant 3. What is the total declaration of eighborhood contributions? (cornplete p ges 8 & 9) $ 1 ,000,000. 4. Uescribe in detail your project - rimary purpose, specific features, guidelines, etc . (If multiple pr jects are proposed, i.e. residetitial retiab and chore service, eacl� mus be separately described) . A. lmplement desi ¢n theme along Rice Street, Maryland Av, south to the BN Raiiroad Tracks. The N. E. A. R. �District 6 URAP roposal includes a �25. 000 gran$ for N. E. A. R. to hire an architect to develop a unif,ying design theme for this business district. This theme may be carried out with street lighting. street furniture. trees and Iandscaping. banners. uniform signage, uniform address plates, unique street signs, ather signage and/or other techniques which the architect may come up with. The funds from this proposal w uld be used to carry out this design. They are intended to e used to cover as much of the cost as possible. and would ex end north and south as far as the � funding level permitted, begin ing at Rice and Front Streets. ' The design theme is intended t give consumers-a--strang impression of Rice Street as a healthy, distfn�t�-sfiop�ping avenue, - _ __ , and thereby draw customers and investment to the communtty. We ,_ :_ feei this -is the last big step fn revitalizing this commercial district, following three year of facade and parking improvements. business expansi ns. and new commercial ' developments . , �G O ��� � NPP Application Page 2 p o�ecc Name Expanded Commercial Rehab and Design 4 . Project Description (continued) Programs to assist further st refront rennovations and business expansions will continue. usi g funds N. E. A. R. has raised from foundations and corporations. repaid loan funds, and non-N. E. A. R. sources. This will complemen the design project in this proposal . B. Exaand commercial facade mprovement program to an area bounded by University Av. . Dale St. , Larpenter Av. and 35-E. td. E.A. R. aould use this fundi g for a storefront improvement program using low-interest loans and grants. The programs would be based on the program� N. E. A. R. has successfully used on lower Rice Street : - 5096 Facade [m rovement Gran s. up to �2, 000; - Facade Improvement Loans. 7 % of -the first s7. 50G and 50�6 of the balance. up to a maximu of 112, 500, at 2% interest, with a 10-year maximum term Grants and loans may be combin d in a single project. All loans over 56, 000 must be secured. N. E. A. R. will make ful ! use of existing City� State and non-profit business loan progr ms to leverage these funds. We would concentrate our effor s on Rice Street from University Av, to the BN RR tracks. This is the natural continuation of our existing target area on Rice S reet north of these tracks. However, the programs co�ld be used in the ent�re area. based on Uistrict 6 and i priorities. a d on opportunities and requests which arise. . � , C,��-�� . � NPP Application Page 3 Pr ject Name Expanded Commercial Rehab and Design S. Briefly describe, the specific pro lem/need your project is designed to address and cite references if ossible from City Comprehensive Plans, Annual Citizen Participation Goals and/or other studies. The neighborhoods in this targ t area are primarily very low income. The commercial distri t along Rice Street deteriorated unchecked for many years . from University Avenue to Maryland Avenue. with some deterioratio north of Maryland. Lale Street from University Avenue to Como Aveune has also reached a low point. Both the St. Paul Comprehensiv Plan and the District 6 Comprehensive Plan place a hig priority on improvements to these commercial districts. The hig ly visible decay along these major streets has a serious negative impact on the health of the surrounding residential commun ties, discouraging private investments such as bu��in�; an�l i ixin�; ,�yp, }�e,,,yE:g�;. 6. Please list in order of priority e three most importan� objectives of your project. � i. Give lower Rice Street' s b siness district a unique. eye-catching identy, to solidify the improvements made over the past thr�e years. 2. Extend the improvements in the lower Rice Street business district south along Rice Stre t to its natural beginning at University Avenue. 3. Begin the commercial revit lization o! other parts of the target area, such as Uale Stre t from University Av. to Como Av. . and the pockets of deteriorati n on Rice Street from Maryland Av. to Larpenter. 7 . Briefly describe, in quantifiable erms� the specific results and impact your project will achieve wten completed. : ; The design theme will be carried out for at least five blocks north and five btocks south of the Rice and Front fntersection. it is too early to list the s ecific results of this project. since we do not yet have a design theme devetoped. The impact ae hope for is identity. The design improvements are intended to put Rice Street an the North End community in the mind of residents, consumers a d investers as an strong, healthy area making a permanent comeba k, and therefore as a good place to shop, start a business, or buy a house.- - - - -- - - - 1Jith =100, 000 allocated for c mmercial loans -arid= grsnts, we Wouid - hope to initiate 10 to 12 com ercial rehab--projects. Most of -- - these would take place on Rice Street from University Av. to the BPJ tracks. which should have major positive impact on the appearance of that area. Tha would not oniy attract investments to that area. but to the comm nity north of the tracks. since most people think of both par s of Rice Street as one. , C� p° �' ' / ' � r�t'P Application Page 4 roject Name Expanded Commercial Rehab and Design 8. In order -to accomplish your obj ctives does your project have to be coordinated with any other proje t/program? Yes No If Yes, describe the other project/ rogram and the relationship. Both parts of this proiect would be coordinated with all appropriate organizations a d pr�ograms. The design proiect would be coordinated with the Nor h End Bu.siness Club. District 6 Planning Council . and PED s aff inembers. The loan and grant programs would be coordinat d with District 7 and 6 Planning Councils. the Capital Appro ch Review Board, and PEU programs such as Commercial Rehab • Lo n Program and the 504 Loan Program. Both elements of this propo al would be coordinated with the programs which N. E. A. R. and District 6 has in operation at this time. It would also be dir ctly tied in with the our URAP projects, both in target ar a and in taking the street design theme from an architect paid with funds from this URAP proposal . 9. Will this project be completed in 2 years� Yes_�_ No If not, explain how it will. become self-s staining without further NPP funding. , �(�. Will this project result in increa ed maintenance and operating costs? Yes_� No If Yes, explain liow the project will privately pay for those costs. . ; The only increase in maintain nce costs resulting from this project could be associated w th maintaining the design theme, whether that be with differen street lighting, landscaping, or other elements. We would pro ose to the North End Business Club that some form of process be et up to collect funds from the businesses benefiting from th improvements to cover these costs. _ , ��-��� � � NPP Application Page S Pro,ject Name Expanded Commercial Rehab and Design 11. Will the project benefit low a d mode�rate income households? Yes X No If Yes� des ribe. The benefit to low and mode ate income households comes from the fact that the neighborhoods which these commercial improvements would take place in ar�e ver low income. These commercial revitalization efforts are art of an overall neighborhood � revitalization strategy, wh ch rer_ognizes the interdependence between the residential and commercial parts of the North End and Frogtown. Local residents are given e tra notice when jobs are created in these projects. But the pr mary benefit to the lov-income residents in these communit es is the catalyst role that these highly visibie improvements pla.v. Improvements on their _ commercial street increases community pride and overall health, attracting investments and ncouraging many other improvements. 12. Describe your organization - hi tory� structure� membership, etc, and its experience irt managing similar projects. , N. E. A. R. was formed four ye rs ago by the combined efforts of the District 6 Planning Council and the lJorth End Business Club. Thi9 followed many years of efforts by both groups to reverse the negative trends of homeowne s and businesses leaving the area and properties becoming increas ngly deteriorated. The Community Design Center spent over a year working in the community with the two orga i2ations. doing market surveys, assessing and prioritizing eeds, laying out alternatitive strategies, and preparing g ant proposals. The St. Paul Companies and the second ro nd of the Neighborhood Partnership Program responded favorably to these requests. PJ. E. A. R. has an 11-member b ard of directors, comprised of ten business or business proper y owners in the Greater North End. and one seat reserved for D strict 6. All meetings are open, and the board is chosen at an a nual meeting at which business oWrSers elect the board and officer . In our first four years of peration� N. E. A. R. has initiated and assisted 81 proiects with 5 businesses. These have included storefront rennovations, pa king developments. business expansions and business att actions. The funds for these loans and grants have come from f undations, corporationa. NPP and the City' s C1B process, and are now being augmented with repaid loans. Most of these improvements ave been concentrated along a one-mile stretch of lower R ce Street. This visible change for the better seems to have gr atly improved the attitudes both of persons already in the comm nity, and oi many others. We - can see this both from comments whi h we hear. from increased positive press coverage of the impro ements, and from increased interest of investors in Rice Street opportunities. . ����� � � NPP Application Page 6 Project Name Expanded Commercial Rehab and Design 13. Describe how your organizatio will manage this project - activities, responsibilities, mernbership p rticipation, etc. The specifics of the design theme implementation will depend on what the architect comes up with. This deslgn creation process will involve meetings with he N. E. A. R. Board, with the North End � Business Club, with Distric 6, with P�orth End residents in general , and with PED piann rs and architects. Uirecting this and developing a generally- ccepted implementation strategy will be N. E. A. R. ' s role. � The loan and grant programs will be based on N. E.A. R. ' s existing programs. We have met with nd will continue to m�et with District 7 to discuss any mo ifications which they would like to see in the programs, or in e phasis in implementation. 14. Who is the designated projpct m nager� MikP TPmali Describe his/her• background, sk lls and experience in managing similar type pro,jects. : Mike Temali has been Executi e Director of N.E. A. R. since it began. He is responsible to staff board decisions about program creation, for fundraising fo the programs and for overhead, for genera! administration and f r imptementing N. E. A. R. ' s programs, with direction from the boa d. Before N. E. A. R. , he worked at the Cooperative Community DeveloQment Program at the Humphrey Institute at the University of Minnesota for three years. He was involved in research and technica! assistance focused n neighborhood-based housing and economic development. Prior o that, he received a Master of Public Affairs degree from th Humphrey Institute. 15. Describe t}�e citizen participati n process for this project. N. E. A. R. has worked with the vrth End Business Club and its own board to get business input f r this proposal . It has met with District 7 to get their input and support of the loan and grant program in their boundries. nd it has worked closely with Uistrict 6 throughout its exi tance, including forming a partnership to submit a joint URAP proposal in which the first E25, OU0 for developing the design theme is included. As mentioned in 1113 above. the actua! creation oP the design theme is intended to include c nsiderably more resident and business input. . Ci+�J'��T 7 _ � NPP Application Page 7 Project Name Expanded Commercial Rehab and Design 16. Will the project result in ei her the returning of NPP funds to the Neighborhood Partnership Prog am or the recycling of NPP funds within the project? Yes_� No If Yes, describe. The commercial rehab loan po tion of this request tapproximately �66, 000) would revolve withi the project. The loans would be repaid to N. E. A. R. , and used for new loans of the same type. within the same geographical area. 17. Now does this proposal meet the intent and goals of the Neighborhood Partnership Program; The Neighborhood Partnership rogram is intended ,to provide neighborhood groups with tund to carry out pro�ects which the,y have developed, to impact pro lems which they have priortfzed. These two projects meet this ntent. Both are aimed at the economic development of low- i come areas. Both are projects developed by local organizati ns as being likely to make a substantial positive impact o a problem which is a high priority to them - the serious deterioration of the commercial portions of the North End and Frogtown. 18. Complete Line Item Budget and Pr gram Activity Budget Forms .Pages 10 and 11. � 19. Attach a map showing the project boundaries. 6 Executive Director 1/15/88 Signature of Individual Typed Name Title Date Completing Application ", � . '�� -��-- President 1/15/88 ignature of Chief Typed Name Title Date Officer or President . ��-�� . � NPP application Page 8 Pr ject Name Expanded Commercial Rehab and Design G BORHO CON R BU IONS E TION 1. Estimated Commercial Property Impr vements: Number of Participants 12 ' Average Investment Per Participa t , To al Investment Equals $ 39b,000. 2. Estimated Residential Property Imp ovements: Number of Participants Average Investment Per Participa t _ To el Investment Equals $ 3. Estimated Sweat Equity for Propert Improvements: Nwaber of Partici�ants 12 Average Hours/Participant Total Hours �� • Total Ho rs x $10/hr. Equals $ 1 ,200. 4. New Commercial/Residential Develop ent: Site (a) Appliance Parts � Estimated Market Value $ 4 0,000 site (b) Ritter site Estimated Market Value $ 1 , 00,000. Site (c) 7/11 Rice St. Mall Estimated Market Value $ 00,000. Total Market Value $ 2,200,000. 5. Estimated Volunteer Labor: Number of Volunteers �� Average Hours/Volunteer Total Hours Total Ho rs x $10/hr. Equals $ � ,000. ' ' 6. Estimated In-Kind Services (Offic Space, Equipment, Services) : source and Type 1. Western Bank Technical assistance $ 1 ,000. 2. C mm. Services - Mee in $ 600. room ( 60 ho rs x $10/hr. ) 3. $ � � ���-�� . � NPP Application Page 9 P oject Name Expanded Commercial Rehab and Design 7. Estimated Cash Donations: source 1. Business & business rganization cartritxttiais ; 30,000. - 2. � $ 3. s 8. Anticipated Foundation Grants: Foundation(s) i. St. Paul Compa ies g 60,000. 2, Western Bank S 4,000. 3, Northern State Power S 6.000. 9. Other: Explain .First Banks 5,000. Estimated Value $ �5,000. � Total Neighborhood 2��04,800. Co tributions Declaration $ (P vate Match) 10. What evidence is there that the bove declarations are realisticl � (Business expansion and private evelopment proposals must demonstrate the probability of private lende support.) �f1 . $33,000 per storefront rehab is an estimate of what projects would cost, assuming a number of them less han that figure, and a few at a much higher figure. �l3. Typical deals involve the build'ng owner doing some minor rehab work themselves. /E4. These three projects are in the orks, and anticipate some URAP funding. They are included here because ey create the commercial center which will be the center of our desig scheme. It will begin at that inter- section, possibly have its most isible stat ement at that intersection, and will be utilized in the desi n of the three projects themselves. �/5. We would need some help from me ers of the business community to work on developing the design theme a d strategy, talking with other business owners, possibly installing it, nd maintaining it. �E6. These levels of in-kind contribu ion are expected due to past experience. �/7. N.E.A.R. would have to generate nough support for the design theme to raise this level of financial co mittment. I/8. These are the funding levels whi h we have received previously. (�f`"�- �`f � . �1/ NPP Application Page 10 roject Name Expanded Comm. Rehab and Design Line Item Project Budget: Itemize u e of � Funds and Private Match. If proposing more than one project, pre are a total budget for all projects and separately labelled budgets for ach project using this format. Requested Private Source of • Cost Category ' NPP Funds Match Private Match e b t $100,000 $396,000 storefront rehab e 4 e a as e o � 7. e t (attach job 8 a e w es des o 25,000 78,800 grants & in-kind s S a e rental e Co umab Te e o 3 a e 4 n M te a 5 s e ' ' Consultant b Contract Services 6 at c e si d d 7 ve 18. t e st de be Implement design theme 125 000 2,230,000 Ritter, Appl. Pts. , 19. ° - us. donati� 0. 2 . 22. Total 5250,000 $ 2,704,800 c • rn ... N • � � � � � O b � � � O O � � � d C�i► N O �1'� � r0 � Z 7 .- O N N . � � � � pC - N � � .,..� 0 � i0 t � O O E� > V M O O � O •e- � C� U a. � N � � i N M � '� �? p i � ( C � �. � X � W �O � O N E" E ai z a ` '- � i� C�•N � G.' � d' � � � N GJ O Q Q Q Q ¢ Q Q � •O Q N W W W W W W W i. OJ � d � Z Z Z Z Z Z Z '� 1' n ( � O i •� r +� � c a, �o.- - � v�i E i o � U UI i •E eD � 0�0 0�0 O 00 C� O O � F- i0 \ \ rn 00 00 C� rn � �C� O � t0 00 N �C tG 1 >•C � � i-� +� i-� i� i-> •e-.�.. � : � C1 CO � � � � 00 00 � •. a m � O \ \ \ \ \ �.� �p � M t0 CO N 00 .. � N VI � � � � � �t "�1 •� .� � � Qf G. G t/� N � +� � p C � e�0 +� 'r'� ' � N N .,y ..r R7 •� d O � �--� C1+� �--� L �°a � � y •..� d d � ';^� C � i- .�'+ O t •-+ •� v� E E v�1� CNi � U O � 4� N � Q b � �--� t � i� N N i� � �a a ai a +-� c U N E s- d +a '" . V C �"' E C L�L � S_ +� � C ''� C C .Gf Qf N � O �C C -� GJ L d '� �� � � � � d � O p � d� N N 'C C O � +� � N �C t +-� +� vf �C U � y....- C V +� O +� C C L •� 00 O � C r+....� t RS e0 +� d a � 3 U S.. O � � Q E C! N � � � 4�'- �� � �C Q rt C � ,,,.� .... S� C � •..r Q i �-•e- � '� G� 47 E O � O �v � • C. L 7 �O 0 G �-+ � O J Q Z a p..r � �-- N M �7 ln 1� ,�.c' :.I� .�.�.�.aw�_r ly � ' - ' -�nc_'7� .,�:•oieY�xs:. ,yq ./ I�:l � '+ 2 fl /' •�. ,�,^` ' -/� • :�1 r-Z; o �= rrostip.� - �•�� I �% � � �� � �j ' ....�� i;�1 � � � �..� � " � -� �: t.,� .,1_ . _. . . .. � � �/<--fij/'`�" U vO '� y , NORTN END AREA EVITAIIZATION, INC. (N. .A.R.) STAFF POSI ION DESCRIPTION POSITION TITIE: Executive Director • POSITION PURPOSE: To direct a commercial revitalizatio and econanic development organization for the lower Rice Street neighborhood which will produce physical improvements to the area, increased parking, more and stronger businesses appropriate for the neighborhood, a more attractive and safe shopping istrict, and provide increased job opportunities for conmunity people. The goal of t is organization is to re-establish a solid, self- sustaining foundatio� for the local conomy in the North End, which will attract private investment in the future wit out special incentives and subsidy. NATURE AND SCOPE: � • . A. Environment and Accountability This position will report and be ac ountable to the N.E.A.R. Board of Oirectors, comprised of North End residents, rchants' and agency representatives. N.E.A.R. _ exists to address problems facing t e North End community which.contains some _of the oldest housing and commercial s ructures in St. Paul and some of the city's poorest people. B. Primary Functions 1 . Assist the North fnd Area Revit lization, Inc. � a. Identify and adopt an appro riate corporate structure. b. Identify and adopt corpora goals, methods, time schedule and evaluation process ,c. OrganiZe regular meetings. - . 2. Coordinate the lower Rice Stre t revitalization pro,�ect. - a. Identify and propose to th Board options for carrying out a revitalization effort, including rehab of storefronts, as well as strategies for attracting new businesses, strenghten ng existing businesses and attract customers, all with minimum displacement. _ b. Identify and obtain adequa e funding to implement these strategies and maintain an efficient office. - c.. Aggressively work with exi ting and potential businesses, using these programs, to create a new basis for he local economy. . ���-��`� � d. Administer all programs success ully funded, maintaining complete a�d accurate records and books� and insure that the organizatio� is protected with adequate insurance, auditi g, legal and other standard procedures. e. Organize and coordinate merchan participationin local . school-based � community crime prevention prog ams. f. Work aggressively with city age cies; banks, etc. to make full use of their resources. 3. Establish and maintain cort�nunity relations and support ; a. Foster communication and coope ation with the District Six Council. b. Continue and expand community wareness of and participation in the _revitalization pro�ect. . c. Cultivate broad contacts with t. Paul city agencies, local corporations, philanthropic resources, and o her similar neighborhood development organizations , , , . C. Evaluation . Evaluation of the position Nill be bas d on the degree to Nhich the primary functions have been accomplished, with particula emphasis on goals established each year, both at an annual performance review a d throughout the year. 0. Qualifications � General: Administrative and cortununit organizing skills, knowledge of small business an e commercial development proces , technical skills necessar�r to accomplish cortmercial revitalization, and the ab lity to build community support around development issues, and fundraising s ills. Re uired ` � - 5 years experience in community-ba ed real estate or business development and comnunity organiting or related ar as. - Comrnittment to buildi�g cort�nunity based leadership, participation and self-reliance for a broad spectrum of community people. - Self-motivated, energetic persona ity. - Excellent verbal and written comm nication skills. - Knowledge of urban economics and he dynamics of development in low-income communities Desirable � - Professional training in finance, real estate, busi�ess development or urban planning. - Experience in packaging and fina cing small business and real estate ventures. : • ' • • � `' � � • i7 -, � �. • . . / , � �� , � . , � • � , � � � ' ' � � , _ ..y � ¢ .- ' �" ��r'w�,. . .N�'.F'' � r ,o � � � � '�.��D� ��`��:j�. � �p%O'y �" / ,- f'f�,'�!+� '.s + � • ` '�;'���,f'� � '� i.� �/'.r''���! j r. 1 � , e / / / �-%`.+i F� i��f , a . . , / i t • ,�- .'� �?�� . : ' j .�',.r,:'� ,,.:.�:-�� � :�� � � � _ _`� r�r`��--'✓,;r. .� _ �i �� �� �'d i i�f .„«,sr,�..�. /° ,w.: _♦ •{. / fr.,r"';;,�/,�,,,.•,.�'�,,•°'��„ ,,j. ��; 'x � ' `r�r�r�w�}� ` • • � �1 �� �'�'a"`.�.!'' ��'`��i 1 ��"� '� �' F. t''�`�n,' .'��''"!'.��';.�'',,•�'',,e�,,,, . . 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St�4�,: • - _ ,'� .!.?� � *�''' 3�+► Y � ° ��r � ���y �W�'�:. � ��, � •� : " . r�n '�.�t14. �r��B >Fa�:� �, iY1�i� � �'�`^ �• '� a f .x� _ _ � _ - � a �tu+r.'�P:> ,�73`[v � � ,�'v t�!r,: s - - H1�''i t,'�"��p^�,�'��� y,bhst,..i �'����. l.l�f j . �� �`� �.�,�.�� ;3 � pl� •i'o ���^,�` t'rn 1' ��d�W-�" y } , . �� � ' ' � ' "'Tr --+ «' ��f ,i(.'•��y �d"� �' �`�' '� ;�tfi , � � . ,� 1���^-��1� . � ��; ,' � r� � �,` - r L.,.� Neighborhood Partnership Program PED USE ON[.Y ��^ � � .' ��� -`,% ---Neighborhood Development Division �'�.� ��� � �, . ` • Dept, of Planning and Economic Dev lopment Flan�ing Distrfct_ ` ' -f, , ��°�{ 25 West Fourth Street Staff Person �_ _ .°.'.'.� '� Saint Paul. Hinnesota 55�02 Techpical Support ND D H (612) 228-3200 P CD _ InterDept Coord�c�ation - Fu�ding CD CIB Othe - 0 � PROJECT NANE; Nei hborhood.Sta.bilit and Future-Building GROUP OR ORCANIZATION SUBHIT7INC R UEST: Aurora/S� Anthony Area Block Clubs, Inc. ADDRESS: 770 Universit Avenue St. Paul Minnesota 55104 STREET CI STATE Zip � CONTACT PERSON FOR 7itIS REQUEST: Ron ld W. Pauline DAYtIME TELEPEiONE:. 222-0399 . . • 1. i,ihat is the exact aa�ount oF your NPP fund request� $ 195,000.00 2. Is it a loan or grant request� rant Re uest ' 3. 41hat is the total declara.tion of eighborhood contributions? (coraplete p ges 8 b 9) $ 516.000 4. Describe in detail your $roject - rimary purpose� specific features, , guidelines, etc. (If multiple pr ,jects are proposed. i.e. residential ' rehab and chore service� tach �n�us be separately described). � To move from restoration to preservation; converting success in neighborhood revitalization to future stabi ity rougb: A. Rec cling of housing stock �Du lex owners i�or un families A AAB wi renovate n negotiate the pucchase and financial arrangements on owner rental units for two young families. Benefit: Affording a f rst home is made possible through rental . �n o n:e in a duplex, an this renovated housing will then be recycled ' to new owner/residents when the first young family can afford a single family residence. B. Nei hborhood advocac and im e-bui•ldin ma�or goa o is t increase neighborhood pride. We will continue to build on past succ sses�through: • 1• Beautification of the en 'conment. - 2. antin o u evar tre s. ..... . -: ..._ 3• atc in rants or ext rior re irs (business and residential). s_ - _� s �. � �. _. ,_. Our continued work on image-building, beau ification, and maintenance will increase the value of the neighborhood to outside develo rs and the larger community--aLso a means to guarantee our f uture. ��i �� . . . v NPP Appllcatio� pa e 3 Neighborhood Sta�lity g fro�ect Name and Future-Building S. Briefly deacribe� the apeciEic problem/tieed your pro�ect is designed ., to wddress and cita reFerences if poasible from City Comprehensive Plnns� . Annual Citizon Participation C als Rnd/or other atudies. . � Our continued work on image-buildin , beautification, gnd maintenance will increase the value of the neighborhood to outs de developers and the la.rger community--also a means to guarantee our future. • � 6. Please list in order of priorit the thzee aost important objectives � of you,t:project. " • . . O 'ectives - Promote neighborhood sta 'lity Promote image-building Increase homesteaded pto rties • Preservation of existing h using stock � ' . � • 7. Briefly describe� in quantifiable terms� the specific results a�d � impact your ptoject will achieve hen completed. i l. A minimum of two renovated du 1 xes owned b . � P y young families. '2. Ninety homeowners will complete t least $2,000 worth of exterior repairs and improvements on their homes. 3. Eighty-five beulevard trees will be re-planted. • 4. Neighborhood beautification and im ge-building will result in increased business development and increased home o necship. S. Coordination of public and private ctivities and programs related to - � rehab�litation .and pro�lem _solving..__�._ ,.; _ . . . . � ��� �� NPP A�+plfcation Pa e �• ' Neighborhood Stability � � g Pro j ec t N,,me and Future-Bui lding 8• In order to accomplish your obJ ctives does our � y pro�ect hnve to be _ coordinated yith any other pro� ct/prograa7 yea X No ' Yes, descxibe the other pro�ect prograA and tha ze'laCionsl�ip, if . City non-profit interim fir�ance prog am � � Residential rehab loan • j ' • . .� 9. Vill this proJect be complated n 2 yenrs? Yes�_ IE no[ explain hov it vill becon�e self austaining �rithout furtl�er NPP funding. —__.__• . . � . . � � � 10. Nill [his project tesult itt iner asecl maintenance and a eratin Yes� _ po , If Yes, expla n how the project willr g costs? • privately pay for thosa costs. ASAABC will secure additional fundi g through foundations and business contiibutions and will continue to move toward se f-supporting activi'ties. (A revolving fund for • � housing, etc.) Paid memberships no number 203 indi»duaLs and 27 businesses. � t . : � �-��� . � NPP Application Pa e S Neighborhood Stability 8 Froj�ct Nan�e ai�d Future-$uildinQ , •• 11. 1ii11 the pro�ject benefit 1ov- nd Modarata incoae l�ouseholds� � . Yes� No . If Yes� de cribe. � -- Increase in attractive and af ordable housirig. -- Increased property values'in eighborhood. - -- Improved physical environmen -- Improved pride in neighborh d, sense of pla.ce. ' -- Improved neighbothood image in larger community. _ -- Increased stability and self-s fficiency. � � � ' � 12. Describe your organization • hi tory, structure� membershlp� etc. and its experience Ln aianaging sir�i ar pro�ects, • . • The ASAABC is now in the second year of a second NPP grant. The organiza.tion began in May 198 as a small group of neighbors concerned about crime, neighborhood debris, and ph ical deterioration on their hlock Toda.y, ASAABC is a 32-block neig borhood-based action organization with many community improvements to its cre it. Successes have included: : -- A measurable decrease in crim $nd pcostitution. -- Increased cooperation with othe 'organiza.tions and city agencies. -- Seven residential structures mo d and/or rehabilitated. -- �234,000 in residential improve ents through matching grants, sweat equity, and private money. -- Ongoing senior and youth activi ies. ' -- Eighteen new alley lights (with rebates). ' -- Snow removal and property mai tenance. • -- Ongoing commercial developmen and support, - . ._ - -�-----_ -Over 200,000 in commercial im rovements through matctung`grants, sweat equity, and private money. ' . .S . . - ����� . . � � • Neighborhood Stability • NPP Application Page 6 � project Nam6 and Futu[e-Building _ y . 13. Describe how your organizntior iIl manage.this project - octivitles, - responsibilitisa. membership pa ticipation. etc. . . � The project will be managed by th ASAABC director. . An Advisory Committee and a Boar assist in pla.nning and monitoring activities. Coordination with city agencies and personnel will be essential. , , ' 14. Who is the designated project ma ager?_ Ro►nald Wes�ey�Pauline Describe his/her background� ski ls and expericsnce in m.�naging similar type p,rojects. Mr. Pauline is cureently in his second year of managing a second NPP project. He has been the director of ASAABC since its formation. A Property Management Coordinatoc ill be responsible for coordinating and monitoring the development and ongoi g operation of a pilot project in shared housing for undecemployed adults. � ; f s - 15. Describe the citiaen participation process for this proJect. • Advisory Committee: � • ' .. _ Steve Erdahl - Western State Ba k __ -.-. --.- --.:-__ . --�._-_____. ._ _ __ _ -- - - -- - � Joe Arrigo - Executive Director, Westmit�ter�Coiporation Martin Weddington - ASAABC R sident ' Lee Douglas - ASAABC Resident Kathleen McNellis - Consultant • - Rona.ld Pauline - Director (Board list attached.) �aid members - 203 individuaLs, 27 busi esses. . _ ���- � . � NPP Application Yaga 7 ro�ect NsmeJ 16. Will the project zeault in eith r the seturning of NPP tunds to tl�e • Neighborhood Partite=ship Ytogra or tha secyclina of NPP functs ' xithin the project? Yes X N . If Yes. descsibe. . � _ ., , ' . The �40,000 for acquisition of two eplexes will be recycled so as to piirchase additional residenual propertie$. � 17. �iov does ihis proposal meet the intent and goals of thn Neighborl�ood � Partnership Program: By tebuilding neighborhood standar , pride, self-image and public image--leading to increased self-reliance and stabi ity. By increasing the supply of decent, affor�a.ble housing, improving the lifestyle of needy residents, and broadening the base of support for th� neighborhood. . 18. Complete Line Itcm Budget and P ogram Activity Budgct Forms Pages 10 and 11. . 19. Attach a map showirg the projec boundaties. � . ! � . tif/ Ct�,�' Ronald. W, aaline Coocdinator • �!4-g� S igna ture oi I iv i dua l Type d Na e � . Title Date � Completing Application ' � /� ' Mattin O. W ddin ton Board Chairman -1 =�� _ _ . �_ ._: ___.. K..�._ __ .:-__ _ L.��_=— Si gi�etuYe of � ef :�' ?y ped N n e T i t l e . D a t e Offlcer or President � • . � ���'�' [��f , c� NPP Application Page 6 Pro j ect Name�„� � � ��-- _ . - . � . C N 1. Estimated Cor�mercial Property Improvements: � _ Number of Participants �" Average Iavestment Per Part ipant �' ' �d - Total In estment Equals $y 3 D 2. Estimated Itesidential Propert Improvements: Number of Participants Average Investnlent Per Part"cipant��_1¢QQ ,_ Total I e�nt Equals $ �D OOd �� 3. Estimated Sweat Equity for Pr erty Improvements: � Numbe�.of Participants Average Hours/Participant Total Hours �� Tot Hours x $10/hr. Equals $ �-t�.60 D 4. New Commercial/Residential Dev lopment: � Site (e) . Estimated Market Value Site (b) Estimated Market Valu� Site (c) ' Estimated Market Value Total Market Value $ S. Estimated Volunteer Labor: Number of Volunteers , "� Average Hours/Volunteer Total Hours — fd � - -- --- Tota xours x $10/hr. Equals $ Z. —�U� _ 6. Estimated In-Kind Services (Of ice Space, Equipment� Services) : � � Source and Type 1. • $_ Q� 2`.� t � $ , . � 3. S ; � � ���77 • 5 NPP Applicstion Page 9 Project Name � �- �,�n ,+�,:,L ,�p� , . 7, Estiaatsd Cash Donations: , � , � te Sourca 1. � s _ Z. S '� ��_ 3. S 8. Anticipated Foundation Grants �� Fouadation(s) 1. S �"y'0�� 2. , .V►.�/i. $ �___� / 00 3. $ � 9. Othdre -. Explain �~ • Estimated Value $ �gT 0� � Total Neighborhood �t �,0 D Contributions Declaration $ � (Private Match) . . ` 10. iThat evidence is there. that e abova declarations are realistic? • (Busineas expansion and priv te d�velopasnt proposals aust demonstrate the probability of private 1 nder support.) _ _ __�_ Projected �421,300 of mat � contributions for current NPP grant were exceeded early in the second ar of the project. �aundation grants have .also e eeded the projecte� $48,-04� in--th�__current _ - - Y - ---- . . NPP pro3ect. - - - . „�.._..:_.y.�.a.�,,.�,...W.ti.t:___.. ..�, .�.�w..�:� _. �,. , v _ � — �,.rrw�+�_,..�:-,�u .. _ �,,.�...-- . - ,. . . ,- - . C�� �� / � � � , NPP Application Page 10 Project Name � �.- . + � �� - Line Item Project Bud�et: Itemize e of � Funds and Private Match. I proposing more than one project, p pare a total budgat for all projects • and separataly labelled budgets fo each projec.t using this format. ., _ Requestad Private Source of - Cost Category NPP Funds Match Private • Match � el . e� ' _ � � � E� U �� . (attach job ��, W e OD�d� ��+.•��. , e .4D : d� D�' Q dc e° . - 2.0� �D ) 1CL D�d . .d0 3fh •G� 4 �00. D 2 oG �� r _. _ / . _- - --- . � �Q'(JV. _ ..--- ' Consultant 6 Contract Services . D�0� 3�0•�� . 9 � � � , l� c �6 0 °i� • DO �� 0 �d `" y".04 to 2� � Ik .b0 � � Total $ `� 5�5+�$ . � '� + 1,�y �D . ��..,.`.-e�� .�.�_...,,. � �-.��.. .i ...._.�.._.'v:� .r.�.�,. � ,,,.u,:�a .,�... � .,. ...:..�x�,,«...a�,,.��A.,._.,.._ �.._._.._.. r,,.,..,,�.,.�.s..�..�+.� ... ,. __.:.:a:�..... v..,..:_m:.. ._...-. ... _ ..� ., : .. . , .,. , � ,l✓� 8 'O ,r � � v p o O _ N .p �� � � � Z 3M � Q Q r - � �1e � +�„� � � • • • � /V � -' � 1 f � � 0 0 „ a a �. >u.�+ e o o �' a d� � �� o �� � s � � . � A � , � 1 H � a Z ,,a � � � � � . �.+ u v� V� � t/� a�i d o �' � �. --� v�a L ad � � a oc c 0 c d � � O� �P' A•� � �A� � N � � � �1 Q �� N , ' � �� ' �r� � � ��� � ` •� � \v b► � � ....r �' '�. v � � � a ao . , , � 01 N C� . r �O - • . �.r r.-� .-� > �. ..y r N � � 01 • A1 _ Q � y ,::'� ..,_.. ..._..._ . . . � . d � � � � •� 4! L a1 , . � V� �V— '� .^ � Q � " . r. C a. E Ci � y � C 7 � Z � � •� _ �-i� . . ' C��" °� 7 �--t�;_. , �;%' '� I 7�r?�, ����. . � �� �-r' �,� 2, � (.� �► �a� f� (� 9 ' ..J �♦ `�"�r O�f (1l . c.�.� . . Q .` ��P . . - — �`�F.:..:�' � �� � . \ _ .=� d,k� Oe O� v Q• v' �, 'ti Neighborhood Partnership Program PED USE ONLY �� �`��4����� ��'�,� Neighborhood Development Division � � Qw� Dept. of Planning and Economic Deve opment Planning District S�'�,?.� 25 West Fourth Street Staff Person Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Technical Support ND D H_ (612) 228-3200 P CD _ InterDept Coordination Funding CD_CIB_Other NPP A PLICATION PROJECT NAME: Victoria Corr�mun� ty Cooperative Grocer Store GROUP OR ORGANIZATION SUBMITTING REQ EST: Victoria Co��nunity Coo�erative Grocery Store Boar�Directors ADDRESS: 77� I lehart Avenue Wes , St. Paul, D2N 104 STREET CITY STATE ZIP '�' �' X ��` �CONTACT 'PERSON FOR`THIS REQUEST:Kenn th Burton DAYTIME TELEPHONE348-4754 : .. � 1. What is the exact amount of your PP fund request? $ 65.000.00 2. Is it a loan or grant request? loaTi 3. What is the total declaration of eighborhood contributions? (complete �:: : p ges 8 & 9) $__2�6,000. 00 ;. 4. Describe in detail your project - rimary purpose, specific features, guidelines, etc. (If multiple pr 'ects are proposed, i.e. residential �hheb�iet ria �om iunity�Coope aetiv�ar�rocye ys��ore� �eans to pro- vide a nearly full-line of p oducts that combines :sone features of a conventional supermarke v�tith feature-s of a convenience store The coop will provide business services for its members by operating a neighborhood tore with a defined trade area . The store will be registered as a cooperative association. The cooperative association tructure provides for a business association of inembers throu h purchase of shares of stock by an interested public, especi lly residents of the trade area. Provision is for one vote pe member, regardless of the number of shares . of stock owned. N; mbers will elect the Board of Directors and °officers. 'Commercial de elopment is presently directed by an interim volunteer Board o �irectors . Proposed construction is for a concrete-block slab one-story new structure. Size is 4, �00 square feet. with 20 parking spaces . Preferred site is the Southea t corner of .aelby Avenue and Vic- to�ia Street. Facits of the evelopment include acquisition of -- .__-;pr_.perty, architechtural de�i n of the facs�.i�,�-:let�ting-:fl:ut af -= =� �� �m. .. ` ' '� � bi��s for construction. ' Upori ompletion o� �cons�ruction, the �` �- s'�re will be equiped with fr ezing �nd re-f�ige�atiori -equiprnent -" and food stock. - . � . ����� � NPP Application Page 2 roject Name Victoria Community Cooperativ� Grocery Store 4. Project Description (continued) A building built to specifi ation can be most economical and Hrill be situated at an opti u:n location. A site along Selby Avenue has the advar.t �e of containino the blight which _ has taken over sections of he avenue . There is no food store of t is type Yrithin the trade area. The type of operation of th store, its design and its line of products must be careful y decided upon and efficiently acted upon in order to insu e profitable success. Selection of produce for exampls, sho ld reflect basic household needs and ethnic preferences . Th cooperative arrangement of the use of the Five Corners Coopera ive butcher shop for supply of fresh meats is a good stratedgy. The attempt must be to minimize shrink loss and t�o present fresh and attractive product throughout the store . Ulti ately� the ability to keep opera- ,ra . . ,; ... , ' ting costs 1ow wi11 ensure hat the store will be competative f or a good market share . In addition to the line of oducts chosen, the management by a professional is key. Manage ent is designed in the context of community participation in e ployment and as member/owners. tv:anagement will help determi e profitability throu�h correct buying, maintenance and supe vision and through a gross mar�in , of 25�. Providing a better usiness service to members will also maintain a community sp rit ir. all of the store 's activities . Residents must see the daily benefits of the store and see even- tually its long-term returns The cooperative concept is the right .motivating factor in a commercially depressed area, because the people understan how success should be -attair�ed. - ------------- They share in the victary an they reap the benefits of good work. Therefore , there is g eater support and less sabotage of the idea, even in geographic areas of economic privation. # i . . _ . , __ . _ : � �. • __. ' - l. - � � � � ���-� . � � . NPP Application Page 3 Project Name._yi _ ,o i a .ommun� t�y Coo�erative Grocery Store S. Briefly describe, the specific roblem/need your project is designed to address and cite references f possible from City Comprehensive Plans, Annual Citizen Participation Go ls and/or other studies. The store would be serving trade area which consists of the Vdestern part of �istrict 8. The trade area population is estim- - ated at 10�736 persons . T re is a hioh percenta�e of Black persons in the trade area. All tracts in the trade area have a lower median household inco e thar, the City of �t . Faul, except f or one tract. There is a need within the rade area for economic develo�ment and for strengthening the e onomic base of the community. A share of -the food dallar ca be retained within the community. The store developes self-re ience by praviding cost-effective business service and also b providing 8-12 jobs. Operating costs will be kept down in order o provide maximum service. 6. Please list in order of priorit the three most important ob,jectives of your project. 1 . To provide nearly a ful -line of products, which are of a reasonable price and qu lity, in a store which combines so�me features of a conv ntional supermarket witn features of a convenience store . By this characterization is meant that the store would pr vide groceries, produce , meat, diary anc3 bakery products. T e fresh meat department would be � supplied by the Five Co ners Coop. In addition, bulk products available will include rains, spices, t�as and herbs . 2 . To increase cor,ununity s lf-relience in directing the business, volunteering and invlue cing policies. 3 . To create 8-12 new jobs and develop the job skills of the individual employees. - . 7. Briefly describe, in quantifiabl terms, the specific results and impact your project will achieve hen completed. Image is a value which is a signed to describe the performance of the store relative to other sto e� . At an image of 100, the fir t year's average weekly sales would be $8,857.00 ($1,9? per squ re foot, with a market share of 3.0�) . If image could be increased �0 110, average. weekly sales would be $9,709. 00 (2.16 per squar f oot, market share 3 •33i�) • Image _ can be enhanced by providin top-notch product and service . If image should be 90, sales would average $8,000.00 each week, (1 .'j8 per square f oot, with arket share 2.75�) •- = - - The,;above economic success w uld regain some-. af,�the �business which - ` _ is _ ow captured by 'stores lo ated .outside :�af �Me �:rade�`area. =� Tt =- ' -- . - � . ,_. � � wou�d ensure the viability o _ the 8-12 new joi�s.�- � `- . , /�— �° � (. �� : NPP Application Page 4 P oject Name v5 �t�r; a c�omm �ni t� Goo�erative Grocery Store ` 8. In order to accomplish your ob3ectives does your pro,ject have to be � coordinated with any other projec /program? Yes X No If Yes, describe the other pro�ject/p ogram and the relationship. District 8 Planning Counci of the City of St. Paul, for the Summit-University Pleign orhood. Selby District Co:nmercial lub, a representative body of - Selby business owners a homeowners . The relationship is one of ooperative planning. e;� . . � . � � , . � . . . . � � . � � . � � . . � � � �' 9. Will this project be completed in years? Yes X No If not, �` explain fiow it will become self-sustaining without further NPP funding. € � _tr 10. Will this project result in increase maintenance and operating costs? Yes x No If Yes, explain h the pro�ect will privately pay for those costs. Ongoing costs of doing busine s include administration� advertise- ment, inventory. salaries � ma ntenance of the facility. The onboing costs will be rec uped upon break-even sales point. �� > : . , � ,,. ..- _ _ , _ - : �- - . � _:.. `: � �.. -- _ . . �/"Gd�'� / ' �, NPP Application Page 5 Project Name Vi' . .ori a .o m �ni t; .00perative , r ' Grocery Store 11. Will the project benefit low a d moderate income households? Yes X No If Yes, des ribe. :1�edian household income ra es in the census tracts of the trade area from �11 ��48 to �18 ,712 . The avera�;e St. Paul household income is �16,02 . hov:ever� the upper level of �18 ,712 occurs in only one census tract. All other census tracts are - below the level of the Cit of St. Paul. Two of �he tracts are 72f and ?5io of the cit median income . Others are 91!� 95i� 96,o and 117 jo of the city finure . 12. Describe your organization - hi tory, structure, membership, etc. and, �-� °-� � . its experience in managing s imi ar pro j ects. '' ' ` The Victoria Community Co erative Grocery Store is a natural ` � outgrowth of the successf 1 start-up and operation of the Five Corners Cooperative Groce Store . Some of the same people are - involved in both enterpri es. The coop syster� in the •lwin Cities is well-known nationally and is a particularly strong system. A coop of the mid-1970' s in Minneapolis, the Bryan -Central Coop, is a precurser of this coop also. : � The emphasis is or. a cooperative structure with an ethnic draw and an underserved trade rea. These conditions incubate a successful operation� if e project is well-run and the product line and store facility m tch the buying preferences. The Chairperson of the Bo rd of Directors -is Kenneth M. Burton. = He managed the start-up o the Bryant-Central- �oop and the Five Corners Coop. He managed operations of the Bryant-Central store . He has been involved in h using development, social and community services and energy and w atherization. Peter Kramer, Architect f r Roark, Kramer and Roscoe , 2929-4�th A venue South, itiiinneapolis, has been retained to design plans for the building. " Andy Dawkins is legal cou cil to the �Victoria Community Cooperative . Shem Shakir is the Chairp rson of the Finance Committee of the . Board of Directors. He h s been the Director of the Lillian Parks Thomas Community Center f r Ramsey Action Programs in the aummit- - University Neighborhood. He has also serve� as job services coun- __. __-• selor and in social servi es .generally� as`�ve�l $s'� private`�nt�T =- " °�- � ..,. ,,, prise. . _ �.� .. _ . :., _ __._ _ _ _ : • (��" J� �' NPP Application Page 6 roject Name Victoria Community Cooperativ� e y ore 13. Describe how your organization ill manage this project - activities, responsibilities, membership pa ticipation, etc. T�lonthly financial statement ti�ill be made to the Board of Directors. Statements are ased upon the bookkeeping records and daily balances. A year y financial statement is made to the _ membership at the annual me ting. Those holding shares will par- ticipate in voting. The an ual report will also describe the accomplishments of the part cipants, the Board of Directors, officers. staff, volunteers and members. Legal records, taxation and ily business records will be kept for review. Board of Direc ors meeting s minutes and volunteer statistics are examples of hese records. Board of Directors meetings are open to the me ber.s and interested guests . The Board of Directos hires the Ma.nager; they will oversee general po ic,y on arketin � b vi2� sal s o , bopk ing and community 14. �o is the �esignate�pro�Lct �t� ager� Ke�ie��i M. tSU����� relations. ;-� - Describe his/her background� ,�ki ls and experience in managing similar type pro�eats. Kenneth started two coopera ive grocery stores . He managed one cooperative store. He has en involved in weatherization and energy assistance, social se vices, and housing development. He has been doing community ork for the last 20 ;,rears . 15. Describe the citizen participati n process for this pro�ect. Even though residents of the community have low and moderate incomes, they will be expect d to help to start the enterprise . This task will be accomplish d through volunteerism and through the purchase of shares of st ck . The number of jobs is modest but will mean a lot to the c mmunity peo le who obtai� t�em. Irdith this economic model, a ommunity in�luence on po icies will result in gr�ater profi ability, because it is essential for the store to maintain a rofit margin by offering the most preferred products in the mo t efficient and attractive way. � � .# � . . �UV � 12. continued � Ike l�Jelborn is a Planner f r Ramsey Action Progra.ms, and a community activist. Ike i the Vice Chairman of the Victoria Community Cooperative vroc ry Store Board of Directors . Rev. i,:acIntosh is the lias n between the Victoria �:;ommunity Coop an3 the Black i�„iniste ial Alliance . Cindy Hardy is the Secreta y of the Board of Directors . She works for the Housing Auth rity . Pastor t�iillie Simmons is a member of the Black t'Qinisterial Alliance and a board membe of the coop. Ldward Kido is the Chairpe son of the Board of Directors of the Five Corners Coop and s an advisor to the Board of Jirectos o�' the Victoria Community ooperative . John Flor Y is the Mana.ger of Five Corners Coop and the Chair- man of the North Country D velopment Fund. He is an advisor to the Victoria Community oop. Jeffrey Wolfe is an adviso to our body also and a staff inember of the North Country Devel pment Fund. Other Board of Director.s m mbers include: aandra Justice � �dward Eugene Harris and Joan Pla t. Erik Bruun� International usiness Consultant� wrote the feasibility study. l . � . ���� a . � � � � � NPP Application Page 7 Pro3ect Name Victoria Community Cooperative rocery ore 16. Will the project result in eit er the returning of NPP funds to the Neighborhood Partnership Progr m or the recycling of NPP funds within the project? Yes X o If Yes, describe. The cooperative plans to pa back the loan in full. In keeping with the timelin as stated by NP�', the store will � have reached and surpassed he break-even point and will be in , a healthy financial situati n to pay back the loan. This store is in a strong p sition to pay back the loan because � the population is dense and the store location has excellent access from four compas poi ts. The store will have the advantage � of learning-from the succes es and problems that Five Corners � Coop has faced. The buildi itself. is a fixed asset and will F be built on an underutilize corner. We are inclined to negociate ;, terms for the loan after the break even point in store saies. 17. How does this proposal meet the intent and goals of the Neighborhood f Partnership ;Program: . :. , � . The Victoria Community Coope ative Grocery Store project � � addresses all five purposes f the Neighborhood Partnership �° Program. The `cooperative pr motes neighborhood self-relYence � in two ways, internally, thr ugh the citizen participation as members, and generally� by c eating a business which contributes � to neighborhood economic imp ovement. The cooperative is structured to realize a prof' t� which is used for private economic % neighborhood improvement. I captures economic resources which , - � are presently being used out ' de the neighborhood. Thus� the cooaerative answers the econo ic need within the neighborhood f or goo3, lower-cost foods . t answers the need for economic 18.ae�g��1$���.�itie ��n �rc��b�F�° r�t��v�t��$� #�r���'g�s���endorses ; 11. _ _ _ - _ this need. 19. Attach a map showing the pro3ect oundaries. - - - � - y .G�i��.: . . . . � �� ...�i,ti^-���%f �`�'���v�Kenneth M. Burton Chairman, 1-11-$8 ` ' Signature of Individual Typed Name $oaT2��l�f Dir- - Date _, _ °`� � Com letin A lication =- P B PP ect�ors �_ _. ._... . . . . , " ` Kenneth M. urton -Chairperson 1�-11-=88 ;-=== � � :M. �_- =St-gnature of �hief Typed Name :T�,�k�.��P ,�. � Date. . ,. _.:_ -,_- . ,� Officer or President � � �° -� � _ . . �_ .�. __ _. - -- --_ _ �.. . _ . . __ _ . . ��'�� , � NPP Application Page 8 - . roject Name Victoria Comm�ty r`��perati� Grocery Store N IGHBORH00 CON RIBU IONS EC TION 1. Estimated Commercial Property Im rovements: Nwnber of Participants _- ' Average Investment Per Partici ant � 0 otal Investment Equals $ 65.000. 00 2. Estimated Residential Property I provements: Number of Participants Average Investment Per Partici ant otal Investment Equals $ 3.� Estimated Sweat Equity for Prope ty Improvements: � �. . :,y, Number of_Participants � Average Hours/Participant . � TQtal Hours Total ours x $10/hr. Equals $ 4. New Commercial/Residential Devel pment: t ' Site (a) 26,000 Estimated Market Value $ 03,'000 „ ' . : . . . . . . t �: � . " . . :.k . Site Cb) Estimated Market Value $ Site (c) Estimated Market Value $ Total Market Value $ 229, 000.00 . 5. Estimated Volunteer Labor: . - �- Number of Volunteers nine Average Hours/Volunteer our mon Total Hours per mon ° �, . , Total urs x $10/hr. Equals $ 360.00 6. Estimated In-Kind Services (Offic Space, Equipment, Services) : . Source and Type 1. $ 2. $ , 3. S _ . , . . : , l _,. .. ,. r � � . . . � � � . . ., : , (,/�p° L(t/� �, ,� . NPP�Application Page 9 :. Pro ect Name Y P � Victoria Communit Coo erative , ,�r.. , rocery ore �,�, , 7. Estimated Cash Donations: : Source 1. sale of shares o stock g 7.500.00 2. $ �P � � J � �._ ; 3• . $ � '- 8, Anticipated Foundation Grants: ' - : ' �� � ;�p°� �� :t":'�,� Foundatior►(s) �. _ +� ?�11A L1A � :, ..: ` = 2_ 'Coop' Bank'�` � 6�,'000.�0 , , . �.; ; . . : � � , ,; u, ..., , .- . . , . _ .. = � .��t � � � �� � �: � ' '' URAP �'219,000.p0 � � ~�: f �s . ,3, {- . � � . � �� < �: > ' �40 �7D � � �;.�� �,�.�.� ,� ; � �, .. �> ` `Headwaters/ SHI�' :,, ,s .; � �,+ � x ��� x , � ��1� `�'3 � � V�.L{PriSe. Eacplain � � �vvi' �s'y t=1 '� � t k 4c.-'�.�4v.x� ��` ;S ,,_ ,y, r , . : � �}rt`*._,�i '` -v ..M+'�[ tt,t,�x .i`�,r rF ; t��*,+ ���lx� � N °F�(si'�,L'r `S� �f r %, Y,� ,�„�� .' � �,�-�. �.hb a�� i ,.� .t a�" t :.u,a v � ����`r �._��.�� r a # i r��, , F F: s� j � ,�� � ::� � ' e��`���'��� 4,, �` x Frt F 3 "y �,. � _ � � ,� �;,�` � �t���� � � � �.�.ab�7�''t'' . . .. � � . . ... . - .. , � ' ( � :3'� � .` " 1,��... . ' . � .,. ' .... _.. .. . . . � ,:. .,. . ..�.. `" . .. �� . _ Estimated Value ,$2$9.000.00 � � _ � ,; >� � �: �€ ` Total Neighborhood� �' �� �. .�..: . . � � �' �� � . ��i _ v, ���'a � . , ., , ti. �� � �. ., n :- =a�� $296��oo.'oo x t , � , ��� F C ntributions Declaration at�. �,, s. ;. ( rivate"Match) .: . , . � r= ,... _ .�, �:, _ _.�� ,�� . � � :=.. . . . , , , ,� _ _ .. � , _��: „ �.� _ . , -�� .. . r : a �� " � .�.0, What evidenca is there that t aboye declarations sre realistic? R ;� ; � ��� �:_�: , � � �� � � � s� jBusiness �xpansion and _priva e -development propos�lsYmust demonstrate . � , the probability of private 1e der support.) , _ _ . - - - , _ , �The Coop Bank has histori ally been favorable towards cooperatives. pw : . _ �. _ �, ; The Selby .13istrict Comme cial: Club and District $ `plan on ,� �� tsubmitting a proposal in the next cycle. �z��,�� 3��? ,�"�.,�wr��,�,� ;�, - �._� ..��- , - ��� - ` , . ; , � ; ,�� , ._ . , _ � � . { ' � � * . � �,:���ry��a- � .r'� ,`yo���r''��; w v 'v�� .���t�'� r/:;� ,a�, #�.n, i b,,��7�-� a r-, - '' �- ��� ,�,r.�-1""�.^',(Y.4. ��z?;.�#-}�,�r i� ��'� 'zr. '�. �t^Fi'� .x.., ; . .. . . . . 5�'� 'y'�,a �t. , - , �� . ..: . , . .. ..,-. . , _ . � . , . - c - .�.- , .. . : . ,.` '.� .�-.F �'� . . . . . ... . . . . . � . . � _Mk'; . . ■a.s '_ �.: _ :.�_. ' , _ � ._ ' . ._ . � .. . . S iy 'y a, �e. .... .. , . ... , . ., ,., :. ,:._. . . .. * . �3�., �. � ' -� . . _; � . _ — '"" . ,�_ __ . ... . . . � ' � �r—+—�� . . . , . '_ _ _ .. .... ' . �.�. _ � °.� _ . � " 'i�.��.e#a A . ' . . ' . . . ... ..�,g � . ' . � .. �x!n µ�N'����Rw i.a�c,�. : �: .0 � . . .. "' c`a'�� "ca'..;#�tldd,.,�E`�`� �' �!�' = t k ,. a .'µ.s.r .+a-., ' tl � . R, �,� F�. ' �� .Y ,�r�+�� ^-�s`$` T Y °,°�K .�,`y'y _ t�`"y;�o�, t:. ����i ' -�S � '._-C `�..1'��.^"y_ .�c� �4 k� � :.. S:. _ � _ - . t "_ c..`^^^�-�...-----.�,.'"' �. !�;(', m - .:`j'.`�' � � - - ' - .:. -.... �_' 1.. .:. �` ,oj .t .. ., Sa' . - -: �_. .... : ..� .- . . .- - -_�_. .. , ... ,r,�r. . . . . . . . - ,, . . . ., � .��r ��' �' ' . . . . . ... f .;� . . .. . . ,, ., _. _ , . . , . -... :. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . � . . . , � . ����� , _ ._ ____ ` :�PP Application Page 10 Pro ect NameVictoria Community, Cooperative Line Item Pro_ject Budget: Itemize use f T�P Funds and Private Match. If � proposing more than one project, prepar a total budget for all projects and separately labelled badgets for eac pro�ect using this format. Requested Private Source of Cost Category :JPP Funds Match Private _ Match 1. Rehabi itation esi n onstruct'on 4. E ui ment rental or lea e o 6 000 6 000 C oo B n - , . ; Ac uis't E elocation 7. Demo t on (attach job 8. Salar'es Wa es de cr' tio 9. Fr�n e e ' s w 0. S ace rental & utilities 1 Consumab e S es 2. Tele hon _ _ 3 �Posta e - 4 ir.tin r'ntin Mate 'a s 5 I suranc . _ _ _ _ - - _ Consultant & Contract Service • 6. ttac e a'led d sc n 17. In-C t rave , 8. Other ist desc ibe ,= =--�-__ . ..:-. g �- -„__ ._.._ 0 -=.- -: ; _ ,.. ,: _ _. . . ; . _..�-,- 2. Total $ 65�o00 $ 65,o00 a�' , � , .,� � ____ _ a ' o � � N O � � a'C eA p � Z � ti. _ � � � I E a� � �°,', o 0 o O o p E i� ra.c u1 v1 vl o o Lr1 O O > UtA .. � .. � � � '� � N L` N Q� � - a g � >O � � W � S� fa O N � � � � p r-i R3 � � �C.h ta O �C,' Id � a v _ > �-' � a' � � � � � o b cd a z � .r., o , 0 � V-� +� D {� U � » � v�a Q o ` �^ td - �: � `r a a�'i � �-ai .�o � � a � 6 � � � �� o � �� a z � Aa� U z v c 0 .� � c a� � � �a.a a0 aD ;.; - N E 1 1 CJ C.) N e� �--1 E � � � .� oa +� `'� � F�— �0 O O t. 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O O O O � � � i � v1 �0 P � O O � . � r .r M lV N N �y 2 A = ^ ^ � O O O N H � t N � z O � � v � � N � N � lb B • 1 � r � ! w r � " � 1w A � � ' _ � _ � � w .w�� � � M • . . . � r� 7 . . �� `� ' � .,���,"�i l�ly�� , .::�, � �j`�`'� , �g v' . .; � ��� � � N �,. _ � : ...: . . � Q v, Neighborhood Partnership Program PED USE ONLY -- ,CG �� � � Neighborhood Development Division `�, ���'v'�'�CFt� �' � o- r1� •�G..��`� ^. Dept. of Planning and Economic Dev lopment Planning District �r �;L �.• �.�� 25 West Fourth Street Staff Person -�-�^ "��% Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Technical Support ND �1S ' � 1 ` � (612) 2�8-3200 �' � P CD - InterDept Coordination Funding CD_CIB Other N P IC 0 , PROJECT NAME: nni Pa Re r a 1 1 1 ' GROUP OR ORGANIZATI0�1•. SidBMITTING RE UEST: Lexington-Hamline Comnunity Council � AnnxESS: 13�5 Selb Ave. St. Pa 1 MN 55104 STREET _ , . CI STATE ZIP � � � . -: . ;, � ; , .; , "��`�"'�' "'" �°'' COI3TA�CT�°PERSOIJ 'FOR�-THIS REQUEST: �im Kel le " ` �� �y DAYTIME TELEPHONE: 645-320� ' � � t . , � , „ . ., . , . . , _ . . . t.,: .:,� ,��. . : . .., .. , . . . . ' _ , .. , .... _ , . � 1. What is the exact amount of your NPP fund request? $ 8,600.00 2. Is it a loan or grant request? rant � 3. What is the total declaration of neighborhood contributions? (complete : �:. _ .._ ,. . ,. ages 8 & 9) $ �� D SC , o o � � : , :. . _. _ _ ;. � .,. .. . ... T 4. Describe in detail your project primary purpose, specific features, � guidelines, etc. (If multiple p ojects are proposed, i.e. residentisl rehab and chore service, each mu t be separately described) . The primary purpose is to increas the recreational use of Dunnin� Field. Currently, Dunning Field has seve al serious deficiencies which d�scourage recreational usage. In the passive a a, many trees have died, ieaving parts of Dunning looking like an empty lot a d hindering non-organized recreational activities. The basketball courts are located next to the Tot Lot. Many parents do not bring young chiidren to the Tot Lot for fear of exposure to abusive language and intimidation from the basketball players. The Dunning recreation project wil make two major changes to Dunning Field (s�e diagram): FIRST: Trees will be planted to beaut fy the picnic grove. A more attrac- > ti�re _pi cni c �pe� ,,area wi l a encourage f i ly,-non-strLCtured, and pass i ve .: ' recreational use. ' SECOND: The basketball court will be oved away from the Tot Lot towards Carroll Ave. This will encourage pare ts to use the Tot Lot who had been concerned about the safety of their children. .�_ , . � � .. :-. .. . . ;.. � ... . ,� .. . . : ; , .,. ., . . . � ��� - - Dunning Park Recreational NPP Application Page 3 Project Name Beautif�cation Project 5. Briefl3► describe� the specific problem/need your project is designed to address and cite references if possible from City Comprehensive Plans, Annual Citizen Participation G als and/or other studies. The Dunning Park plan addresse the need for increased recreational -opportunities. The Dunning projec furthers the Parks and Recreation com- prehensive pian's call for develop ent of joint use arrangement and alternative ways of delivering recreational se vices, increased volunteer involvement, and giving assistance to volunteer providing additional services. The Dunning Park Project also urthers the District 13 plan calling for a redesign increasing both active and passive use of the park, and cooperation between the neighborho d and the city to improve recreational and educational opportunities for rea residents. �r�.... ;.�.. �t�..�. -�',:., .. z:'�41;�:�, e ., '.. ...... . .i*�,,-.; ., , . .n;�`+;!v ,M .. , . �rn�. . �C' . ....�..ti� . ..�:i-� _.:!J i i .,. .:. .. ,_ ... > z.. ,'; ' - .�..,, ". , ,: ..: .y - �6. Plcase list in order of priori the three most important objectives . . . _ of your project. ,� • ,: , .. - ' � .. . .. , �.. �-•. :.�a5 .. .,., .. . .: � ���. 1. Increasing non-organized recrea ional activities at the picnic grove. � 2. Increase passive usage of the T t Lot. - 3. Seautify Dunning Park. , ► 7. Briefly describe, in quantifiab e terms, the specific results and impact your project will achiev when completed. Picwic grove usage increases 25 . Previous experience shows this figure� to be reasonable. Tot Lot sage increases 25%. Past experience � .w � shows this to be a reasonable figur �lso. .,� �.. . _ _, � :,, q _. , ._. _..y,. .. ,-. �. . .. .'., . .:�. .i!... . ._. . . ... ' . � . . . � _ (�U o , �� . ■ Dunning Park Recreational ' NPP Application Page 4 roject Name Rpaiitifj��tin Prn 'art 8. In order Lo accomplish your obj ctives does your roject have to be coordinated with any other proj ct/program? Yes �X No If Yes, describe the other pro�ect program and the relationship. A sewer separation is schedul d for Dunning Field in 1988. The tear- ing of the grounds twice and poss ble resulting extra costs .can be avoided by coordinating the sewer separat on and the Dunning Park recreational ,. - project. r.: „� � _ 9_ .Wi11 this project be completed n 2 years? Yes XX No If not, explain_how .�t, will become self sustaining WithouL,_turther NPP funding. � >- :� �'�'#�..r, ., .. ... w . ,. ..2. �.. . . . . _ 1rr,. w; � �. ,- "° . _ ',�� NII � 10. Will this project result in inc eased maintenance and operating costs? Yes No�. If Yes, expl in how the project will privately pay for those costs. � . 4� .�� . ' .. . "� .. •. ,. . . ' t � .. . � . � . ' . .. . .. . ' .. . . rI '�4� . . . . .. I�i . . ... � .. . N.. . :..�.... ... � . . _ ., . '. . .. . .. ;.. .. ... . - . . ' .. _.. � �. �0��" ' � Dunning Park Recreational + NPP Application Page 5 Project Name Beautification Project r � " 11. Wi11 the project benefit low a d moderate income households? Yes XX No If Yes, des ribe. f The recreation program at Dunning Park serves a wide range of people from different age levels, income 1 vels, and neighborhoods. Census figures show that the area that Dun ing Park primarily serves has a high , percentage of low and moderate inco e households. The Dunning project is located in census tract # 334. his is a CDBG eligible area. ` 12 Describe your organization - hist ry, structure, membership. etc. and �� �-+� - °��� °���t�s aexperience �in managing simi3a pro ects. . �" �� ' � ... . .•,. . _.. ' .. . �. _Lexington-Hamline was once descri ed as the city's only "yest pocket" � � �} neighborhood. The Lexington-Hamline ommunity is bounded by tlniversity Avenue on the north, Summit Avenue on the south, Lexington Parkway on the east, and Hamline Avenue and the Shor Line (Ayd Mill Road) on the west. In the early 70's the Lexington-Hamli e neighborhood experienced many changes which caused the area to be considere "blighted" or "deteriorated". The residents of Lexington-Hamline felt in tead that the Lexington-Hamline • ' " � " cor�nunity was indeed a unique and viab e community because the area contained � a rich diversity of people, young and ld of different social , economic, racial and religious backgrounds. In his diversity is the unique strength of the Lexington-Hamline Comnunity Cou cil . The Lexington-Hamline Corr�nunity Co ncil was established in 1969. Since � then, the LHCC has had a history of co unity-initiated projects and activi- ties that have repeatedly demonstrated hat an organized neighborhood can do to bring about positive change in the c mmunity. Some notable examples of these projects and activities are: orga izing a major crime prevention effort which has reduced the residential bu�gl ry rate by over 66%, conducting pocket meetings in which residents of t e neighborhood are brought together to identify and work on issues which af ect them; and the Resident Controlled Affordable Housing Project, which maint ins seven houses that were previousiy public housing units scheduled to be sol to a developer, as low-income hous- � _ � ing. .Out,±of about 1000�:households, Lexi gton-Hamline fias nearly 450 member- ships. . The Lexington-Hamline Community Coun il is currently managing Dunning Park, and is in the final stages of comp eting the Dunning Park Building . Modification Project. -, .:.. � . _ . , ,� , . .,. . c.i' �✓ . . ?� . � Dunning Park Recreational � NPP Application Page 6 Pro�ect Name Beautification Project ' 13. Describe how your organizatio will manage this pro�ect - activities, responsiMlities, membership articipation, etc. The management of the Dunning ark Recreation Program will be handled by a Dunning Management Committee hat is responsible to the Board of Direc- tors of the Lexington-Hamline Comm nity Council . The membership on this . corranittee is comprised of represen atives from key users of Dunning Park. � This �ficludes:_.2�representatives f om the Dunning Booster Club, 2 represen- tatives from the Lexington-Hamline Community Council , 1 representative from Concordia College, 1 representativ from Central High School , and 1 repre- sentative from the Neighborhood Cb nection, an area youth organization. Jim Kelley will plan the work, and organize the volunteers. The Dun- ' ning Management Cor�nittee will han le :any needed money qu+estions:�or-d:is�a�- s.ements. w i4. Who is the designated project manager? �1R1 Kelley � ., � , ,�;,-;:: �esczibe hisJlzer background, kills and experience in managing similar - � . type pro�ects. � , � ���: `� -- � � Mr: �Cel ley is the Youth Superv sor for the Lexington-Haml ine Corronunity Council . He is a coach, and has or anized many fundraising activities. � Mr. Kelley managed the Dunning Park Ma agement and �Building Modification Project. � .... . . ._ -, �,_ . . . , . . _ . 15. Describe the citizen partici ation process for this project. The Dunning Boosters recomnend d the changes in the park to the Dunning Management Committee. The Dunning Management Committee presented the plan to the Lexington-Hamline Corr�nunity Council . Based on community approval ` at a geueral meeting for the neigh orhood, the Lexington-Hamline 8oard of Directors approved the project. � .` � Yo]unteers will be providing e necessary labor for tree planting and � blacktop removal , and several resi ents are involved in the layout of the - project. Progress will be reported bac to the Dunning Management Committee and the Lexington-Hamline Community C uncil . � - _ ��: � _ . i . . ��� . � 2 Dunning Park Recreational E ,. NPP Appiication Page 7 oject Name Beautification Project 16. Will the project result in eith r the returning of NYP funds to the Neighborhood Partnership Progr or the recycling of NPP funds within the project? Yes N XX If Yes, describe. ., 17. How does this proposal meet th intent and goals of the Neighborhood _ , ' _ Partnership Program. .s -+.+tf � k . - .-i�.'.. . , . • .::....�..,..: . . �� :: .... -�!rT::.�:s. .�H. �.. tie. •. . �:. :.. :.:. .�. . .... . .,�:':.'.` � ,.::;... � .F,.'.. � n.isla.:.� `. . . � ry � .>. . ..'�. .�..�:- ...�..-.. . � The Dunning Park Recreation proje t is an excellent example of a coop- ` erative partnership to improve the neighborhood. Comrnunity. residents, � a ` youth, busiriesses, and city .officials have al�l played key roles in the de- sign and promotion of the Dunning Pa k Recreation Project. The project will - benefit all these groups. � � : a '; E . : _ -__ , _. ; : -, _, 18. Complete Line Item Budget and Program Activity Budget Forms Pages 10 and 'w . 11. 19. Attach a map showing the proj ct boundaries. ! • �' � s - Coordinatar 7-1�-8r� - Si t of Indiv dual Typed Name Title Date C le ng Application /^ Terrenc J. Trudeau President 1-15-83 a- , �� ,a,�.i � , , Signatur f Chief � Z�ped Name Title Date ` Officer or President � ..;� �.. , - ' ' ' _ . . _ . . C�� "� ' � Dunning Park Recreational NPP Appiication Page 8 Pr ject xame Beautification Project G CO R BU 0 E N 1. Estimated Commercial Property Impr vements: Number of Participants - Average Investment Per Particip t T tal Investment Equals $ � 2. Estimated Residential Property Im rovements: Number of Participants Average Investment Per Particip nt T tal Investment Equals $ 3. Estimated Sweat Equity for Proper y Improvements: ., .,_;. . - . Number of Participants _ , � Average Hours/Participant ° ' � � Total Hours • � ,. :.:.. . ,�a: : ,�., ._ ..,: . •... - Total H urs x $10/hr. Equals $ 4. New Commercial/Residential Develo ment: Site (a) Estimated Market Value $ Site (b) - ' Estimated Market Value $ Site (c) Estimated Market Value $ Total Market Value $ 5. Estimated Volunteer Labor: Number of Volunteers 100 Average Hours/Volunteer 15 Total Hours 1500 15,000.00 Total ours x $10/hr. Equals $ 6. Est�mated In-Kind Services (Offi e Space, Equipment, Services) : Source and Type l. p Landscaping . $T �50.00. . . Landscaping 2. Concordia 11 n S 500.00 � 3. $ � _ _ �; _ _ . _�` . . /��-L�� _ c, �. Dunning Park Recreational NPP Application .Page 9 Project Name Beautification Project 7. Estimated Cash Donations: source i. �unnin aoosters $ 2��_nn 2. Fundraisin S �oon_nn , 3. S S. Anticipated Foundation Grants: : , Foundation(s) 1. � _ 2. S 3. S �x ; , ., 9. _Dther: _ Explain � R _ ':;r. ,.;i...:�- ... .. .� . ..,:..,,. . .. . . . . . .�.. . .. � .. � . .. - , Hardee' K walski ' Food don i 100.00 Estimated Value $ , ` ' � Total Neighborhood i8.050.00 .T ,. .,:..- - ... _ Co tributions Declaration $ (P ivate Match) 10. What evidence is there that the above declarations are realistic7 � � (Business expansion and private development proposals must demonstrate the probability of private lend r support.) A. In-Kind donation of equipment - T is is based on discussions with busi- nesses regarding what they would e willing to contribute for this pro- ject. � B. Volunteer Labor - The number of v lunteers and the hours that will be committed are ased on actual con acts with individuals. A list of . contacts can be supplied if neces ary. C. ` Estimated Cash Contributions - Co ncilman Wilson will be sponsoring a pee-wee aseba tournament - cornfeed. The Neighborhood Connection will be sponsoring a marathon bask tball tournament. The experience . of similar tournaments indicates t at a $1000.00 for each fundraiser is a reasonable amount to expect. . . .. . _ . . . l,, , ... .. . , . � . .. _ . _ tf .. __. . � . r . . . . . � _ 1 . , .. -.�.. . � . . . �.. - ... '..,.r'.::' - " .. ..��,�-.... . -+7 . .. ;:. .... � - - .. �� . . . _ (������ � Dunning Park Recreational ' NPP Application Page 10 Project Name Beautification Project � Line Item Proiect Bud,get: Itemize use of 1� F�nds and Private Match. If proposing more than one project, p epare a total budget for all pro�ects and separately labelled budgets fo each project using this format. � Requested Private Source of Cost Category NPP Funds Match Private � Match 1 h i t t'o s 25 3 o u t n !8 050,o0 s'�g pp• � - 9 4 u n r a. _ t - _ x, �. (attach job � 8 a s W s e "on e � -i 0 ce e t es u s • 0 4 n t e e Cpnsultant & Contract Services d .. _ v 0 t b ,, ,: ;. � _. ._. . - , _ . _.., .._ - . ._ . __ ._.. . . �. _. . . . _ r ,. , ._ � .: __ . . _ L �. ,z..�. ._ --� , � - _ .__. ,�� . _ � , , , _ .. �. Total S��_ $ 18��� r � � . N d� O � CM • O _ . _ •--- - .. _ .; .:_: b - Z 3 tp . ,-= . r.-•--- . � � w • , . T .. .- rw^^- � �� � � � � . - .'-�� . . �k,.:. •��1'�:. �'�. �.�.��r.�_'y'�t+ � ' i ti . �. .: � , � � - . ..�J, � L ' ��� .- '�. .7_. 6 . ..h � � .. :.. �:."..� �� +�^ ;_�.��:.:�y' ." ',..-.�. �-_..� �o� ..,..._:....;..... ... . _. . . .. � . . . '_ ". ...: �� _.. . '." �'.: �� � .. . . , 'V . + . .._. . �. .... '�:. ...,y L L ���- G� O � C �t O i�-► � U H t,!"f r �i O d V � � � , Cf�i ♦_' M C� r}� � C 7 � 7 � � 0 Op V �j • � N'fl . +� O E � •� � � rd .�- r- 2 ' � E r- ?�•� eo M- +� C� v1 2 U �--- V C C � C 7 � CJ O C � rt '� Q1a O Oa i ¢ � C1 U , a � r +�N �C,� _ N C�F- -1 � O _.. _ C ,, „ . , _ t. ' � ,�: _ C d � n�. � N G� V tA s- -- •E � � � .:: . 1- �Q � : ' _ � ]'f C � a . .;:c a . , . _ �.� ,_� ` . _ , f: , . :; �. ,. .. ..,�'.' •,w.,. ,�� : .. . ' . . ._ - , . K:-�� n.+I,..� , .. . . � � r� '_ .. . . . . .. . , � � . ... . .... . . . . . . . Q m =�" ..: . a. Q N N N .r. «y � +� � >� �O V � � •r N � � � � ��� � `_ � i i G. d•� � ��- C 'r7 � GC C O � G� L N L .1.� �N b �V�- d U r •r OD O +� �4" C N- a E C7 OJ •�- '�'� O. rC C � � � Q i. •r- •r- C �O • Q1 � �� . a. O �.► v1 O.. i- 7 �O ' Z a O� • � - � . . . � - : - - _ . /� /, .. , , ' . • . - _ _ . " :. %f�y{//�,//'/ „ ... . ._ . _ ; . ��� ����� (� �. 4 ` � � - ' -. . - ' . - � . . �S�- •, '7 ^.�-7[ 1.,. • � �.. .. : � - . :." . - a 1 li� _. � - -.- �_--. � . :. -" . - .,�a.�... _.. • _ "'. . . .�. ._,: .� _ � � . - _- . r , _ _ . , . . .. ,. . � .. . . w. F�„ .�._ . � , . , _� . � . . - - - .- _ . . -.� .. �.�, .: . ... . . . ._ . . ..,Y±-s� - ... . - .. .. . �;., :•r- . �. � _. , ..r�'h�... . . . , -. � :. . .. � _ . . �-... _.. .�� J'd,'.�._, . �r:.ti ' ���1 O?I _ , _ . _ :. . . . . _. _ . _ . . � . =-.. • _ - _ . , . �- - . � _ ., ._. , ,., :, . . �. . ''� c'�' .<- _. --�.. - .._ �w` . .. �, _. _ , . _ .,, � c�g . . . _ . , _ . _ . - . . . :. _ : _ •. .c� .� . ; : :> . . . :, � - _ � _ � '`� � N �;. 5�,�, S•s 9 .. ., . , ,-_. - _ . . � `' ° �.Ci "�' C�'�.*�, Neighborhood Partnership •Program.- - PED USE ONLY �v�,�; � s-4, Neighborhood .Development Divisiori� = �. - �= .�- �ya:�'tr�,�.?; ���, .. .__ _ .- _ , Dept. of Planning and Economic Dev lopment Planning District-- O�O�� .,'�"' . '_ , _ - � _ ��25 West Fourtt� Street- :;: �.�- .- � Staff Person �- `S . � . s=: . , �� Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102--� �,�;J �yW_ - -- ;Technical .Support iJD . :� � -. � � (612} 228-�200� r , � � �.� �. r' __ .. ' _ __ .� _- : - 4-'��- , n *Z n.. �:�-.�— -- . ._ -.- �r. r:: •- - �. ,Int�rDe�Coar�j.ination - - _ _ � - - �- - �.. _ . `�=' � fluiding �CD=-- . CIB .Or.�ier � � , - . . 4 4 � •, ne.-A-` }:.� " .. . . . . .. . .. � - ' - `, - ��� � NPP �►PP - :., -...,,- �- � . _.. . -- - • �':• _ ,_ . - .. . - _ : __ � __ _ ,, -:�:.-- - - _ ' ' ": .. �" . . � .�._sr t .Y - f-. _' .. . � , _I .., ' a ..�. -��� __ ... . - . .. � ..F �v-:- _ .' - PROJ ECT NAME. ::r Asian.P�hi.p .r s-i�xiii. �Z�i1 , �,` ,, .. - _ ~ `- - _ . '' :' �a' 'rsn_° ."•J 9'I.C'y's? ',,;ti-T...;rL� t__ :,....�. '''�_.. _ ___:_...a .:s.i.r.�`�_.,,.,; —� � GROUP OR �ORGANIZATION SUBMITTING UEST_ � �1�_Bus�.neSs_D,. � t OP11t�er �- �:- . _ . _ - - . -- �r - . . _ � _ . _ - ` `-ADDItESS. 3 2?��mpire Dri,ve _- St: Paul - _ Mn.� =�- �51�3. -_ �.,� , - �:STREET - CI _ . . STAT£ ZIp � �i..x; . _ rL-:'P' �r�y- �F±,� .. .:�. .. . � .._ - � ���- - . - " . . .. Y . ,._._ _.i�-s..�W- w � - . . - � A.. ` . _ . . _ ` - . �� . ._'`.t ' ^-`�.,`S'Z'�. - i�.�.: " _ '� ._ . . ,.. _ ' ._ " ' "' '"'��_'�f . ' _ .. .. :;;CtSD�AC�: i�isnri:�o��.is���. .�i__ ,_.�..- �ri��.,��z.��ox�:-ZZS-3411� . - '�-- — --�-J _ 1�,.>_�_ _a.L.� �- _ + j T.chss�''- � ���;�++:4'"`�•.�.�?'� �. ����. y.-Si . ...�..� ,�_L ' . ..-�' <_ --,.n+-,�'' . . . - .'-�--- � s - r -�aa-4- -' � �. . .�1:1 ....�„r.— _ -� , . • n' -` � ;�.,,,,,,_•� . � y �.'-. - ^ .� •-- ' ?�� ` n ".1� • � "`-`- 1.��at 3s�.'t�ie�xact amount�of you NpP��und reque�S.� �$1�0,OOb<< �- � ". . . . _ � _,:��.. - ... ._. . . , _ . � �... ;___ _,..,.._. . _ - _ - -- _ - -- ._.. °� ,F,. _ -. :�•��Y_tr- �_ �_ �: . _ a ._ _ . �._ _ . ` �°2. - Is �it'a-1oari or gran't�request $2D Obb t aiu�i' �'T� O�l�"`Ypan �r-italiza�t.i0�1-. _ _ .. . _ _ - - _ � .....:_ "�- "�3 'What�z�2ie total declaration.a - neighborhood co�rxibutions? (comg�ete - - , .�: ,:.,,.-�..-- . � .:� _ <.�.,. -- - $ = 64= - '- - ti . �. _ .. . �� ;- � -Eap . �b _ . . , . : - _ _ _ - - �..�...��-� �--��.w����• ..v � �.� _ � 1�c« S� �;�� �r"-'�--�.._ ,...,.�.._; .,..,n - - .i�G�•g�Y-t..''�•...-c� er-7•=r•rvi- r's�a►`}'=�t:-,��- -.r� . -�-. . _a� Ae . ...,,�_'_ .-.-._. ..:.�.��.�;,..�,... J� - -.. '. , _ � . . .. . . T �.. � _ _; � ._4 �Describe _in �etail,-�►our project_,-�rimary_ purpose_,:_specific _£eatures, ,_ :.� -- -- _ _ _ �4� '����, �, rguidel�ines^etc;��"(2f multiple _ roj ects_are .proposed,ri�.e. residentisl r : -. �._ ,�reha�:�and :chore'serv��e" eacli�_ t :be separ,atel�_described) � :,.,*`_ '' ' -`" L ___ - '�;bi "' ;�bicial�t ra1`ib��Iness_ � �e Pr�Y P��of the progr�mm . = - is �:itbcrease.,�he_am�zmt arx� eff � of�cap��a1 pr�e.se�t1Y ayailable to the _ `_Asian business�o�iity.wFiere '�'avai.laliility'is"currentlY-1imited b'Y langua9e ._ � �-- � .,. _. , ,�. - . _ __ ,,. -. . _ . -_ and cultural barriers. �is will_ low a irore� eqi,tita'ble and broader availability _ _ V of c�Pi��.�'�?So�rDes.`.i�+�e_City,o ,�St, P�u.1,�. so that S� � wi]1 benefit mare' - , �'i�n-�he-eoor�aaic'act�.vity-o� i�s� �'ian res.�:d�en�s+,�.S�"°�o�-�`�,��°�1% 't°`'integrate. _ _ _ -- the oo�itribution.s=of:the Asi.an � 'ty t�o"tlie'���vo�nnautXio'�� Paul, _ p�articipati,on and�ber�efits fram project �ai11��not e.�oc�lude ariyoiie�� tt�e basis '- of raoe,. ethni.city ar_naticmal ori ' . 73�e benefits of t1�e-Pr'og�'am iaill be;c3e].ivered - -: �b�i;*+��i�y.�,and bicul.turally..to_.. Asian oam�auLity, but_:a1so,t4 the:�91ish-SP'eaking _ _ vc�m4mity: Staf£ will be hired a rding to qua7:ifications -.-- - .__.. . Y�-. . �; ...� '. . ._ . . .� .. 7r A_�y .. . �.. . Y'. .� - .� - . . _ -. . ._ . .. ....._�....�. � T.QA�.; -" -�.v�;a-j -.�`7,T .i2 .. �'; _.. ".. _ .�.._ '.' .-. "_ •. .�-'_ ..�{�-'"� _'� rYyy:'_ ._.-.... sT~: . . . ' • -�ere are t�ao essenti.a.l_feat�res o this project. An a9ency.tro:ac�niriist,er oertain - _ _ - ;`. 'aspects of the business�loans, and a fund of matchiiig piibl.3.c and private fwx7s for" �= ` ':. the_capi�alizatiocz of_.the loan p , �ich will :serve. t�o fill .existing,holes in� �-�. � :�,,� � . _ ac �� : � the cu�i�nt available 1oan.s. Each f these features will c3ra�a�eavil on:.fhe resou� �.,. - _ .- , .. .. _._ .__. �� -- - . - � _ � of-�he:Asiati vo�trnmi w� - . _ r �.y -_ _ _ __ _ � . . . _ _ �,� ..�... ����,�V.,_.� , _ ` _"" ; _ � . ' • ��'�+� � i '�`�`+-� 1✓ ?'�-�R'...� �� 1 _��` ' �� ' . �"�ac-.���~r.�� � ...~ •` '-.*� _ -Operd O� tl'1e a «ini �:. ..? :a�� ..�a. - �. . :•..s,z ....,r_ .-..� . .-.,__ . .�:'� r,,,,.�.�. _ . ,_.�y.. _ _ . . .' - -. ��- - � j'..=- . - . . ..- : � . .: _� .�..:!,.._�_ . . _ .��r.�_ . ,. .._•' ._ Y _ _ 1k1 �"'j-_. .. .� . . . . . .. - ., . .. . . �r-:_ - . _. . � ��- a) Z'he agericy will assist clien le in P�P��9 loan ap�licatior�s and by '� �� �. � �:� referring clientele to poten sources of capital, both private and public. - :� ` _ .- - �is P?'ePamt�YY stage wil.l both to ai.d in securi.ng and oo�trolling : • :_ . _. ,,; ,- .� t* _ _, _ __ .�-. �_ , _ ,. � . _ _ �. Y. - _..,, . .: . . - - . ,. -•. v _.. , .. .. .. ._ _. .: .�..-, _ _ ,_. = _. . . -- . - ,�.-� - . • -� ° � --.... .. ;; . _ . .=• _. .-.. . . _� . . .: __ . :� . - - • • -- - -.�-. -- ,. _.: .�. P.... ... �:..rv:� . ' � .� �. _ . ..,. _ _ _ _ . , . � ., . .- -,_�.: - . _. - � . '_ _.'� - .. .,..: ' -. . � . .. s. • ...4.�.?,'. � �. .. .__ __ ". _'_ .�. . .. . _ _'� �-. . . _ ' .. . ... : - .: - � : �s _ '.� - - i • �° .. -'�'. . - ... �';.. � - . . _� _� `_y��_ . . . . . ' . . . . . '�--,. �� _ . . _ " . �F_•ty� . . r. ' . ' _ii). . . .. . .. . . . `- ��' L _ 7.ra:. - -*�. --,�: . � I�:-',�. 4 a ... . _ . . � ,�,,.� , v„ ..? .�,��t - ., . . - ,,¢ '�' .. .. . _. . • . ~- �- . . . .' " .-.�,��"y C �.�. '. _ _ ' �} ' �t �� : ' j ' ...�� '.� �+�tr y Qr �-�. �r,�w±� �_ ... � - _ .. .,.-. _ ._._ , _.•- ,t S R S-�c'. �,;'a"'�r,F'.+�w ...a� " . .. " . . _ ,�. . ...-• "�'� � C `'�Z."�c.� �'` ..� .. . . • . ' . . . .. .. . . -. "� _ . . " _ j . . ~ _ �. . - . . �. �� . . �. . �- �� . . ' -. _. � - . . . ... . .� .�a' _ . '�. . - � . _�. . _�. .. �� . . ..`. , -_ S '- �• 3^- ' �. ... .. .N ..- A r� ..� � � . � . ��.T . . . . ;_ _ _ NPP Application Page 2 ;; +-� Pro j ect.Name Apt�T p - �' � _ � � --_ _ . _,_ -� - - -..�,,: - . . . . - . •, . . . ..a. . � ".....� ._- . y .' . ..? _ _ f'. .; . .�w -+ir.. � .. ` �.. _. . . .. ..r�- . . ,�-...Y. �,a�......-. . :• T - _ _.� �t�- ,3- . "- 4. Project Description (continued) � - .. .. :- . .. __ ,.,_ ... r - .�� _ . _ . . �� �: 4 ._ . , ... . . . �.- . -•- _ - �= ' _., ;: ., , _ , . . ,. �',r.,,�. _ ' '.+� - � _ ..� _. �'�;_ �` �'; s��`. . ` . ',;. `� '�;'"" :�. - ,;�'c..� _. �. _ � . _ ` � ,.. -. �. .. � .,..—, �,� -, :"� . - �loan disbusesnent; =a�d�to bring ya�iait tbe practice of�a r+;culating ancl ""-Yr = _ follcx�ring the k�nd of -goal-setting'and finar�cial.Plannin9 which these ;�� - ' -: : -. = planning prooesses enger�ex. �tao i�ortant add�.tiona]. goa].s of thi:s � _ _ -`• • _ ..- y..�(� • .ri s : . �-� ;,a :-- �d.. : ' .-: . `: ' � �.S�.GL�`..������ `' �- ,�^.' � - i`y.: �{;" ' ,�Y " _ - _ � _, _ . _ . � Y :� «. _..�' i-.rt �. ��sr " __ _ . . , � , ��--"t_ ;.., - �� . , _.. , � _ - ,- ' �1'T�. . y.. "- ?. '•'�n s . . � �'.i'�i74�' Y`_-_� F ' ��}�`.' _ _ '.. .. �. ...,:. . ,.:• ,. . �. ,: -. . �.� .�• . _ ..•. .. . -. s ..- . - , . _ .. . ._ .- .�. ., - . ., ' _ ,:,, _ l� -b� assist the c].ient in ic3entiiying wllatex t�-support .#be loan. -,<-._ `, . 2)�-t,�-assist the c],ient in ici�entifying the manac�erial e�q�ertise which < _ •` - - wi71 oonvince =tl�e finaizcial banramity tha'�'-fi3�:�teiprise �as the -- _- ,� _�- .wherewitt�al:to. suocessfull - ... Y -oa�ete for the sbare of.the �erket . _. �.- �.. _ _- .,-' . _ � . _ - - ,_ . ....,,,-it-r�eeds to';�atta�n pr�fitab�.3.ity. . _. , � _ � - . - .,:.: - -` _ � '.. ;:, � � :i -„,.-�� .. "�.-�r"'� � �Y � � . : .:,. . .. .., �:` -" b� Clients�11 f�st�e. rpferred for di.rect lo�-ms�..fn�n private_lending � : -- _. _ _, . , _ _ _ _ - institutioa�s:`�, a000rding to-d�e guic�elines �of_what�ev�er p�blic fimding -. s ; ,,. - -'-� - Pr'ogram maY be:app]icab�e;.w�ether;such guic�elines+xiequire tha� the appli- - � . . - �. : -cant be turr�ed-cbwii=i7y ��private�ir�.stitutian, .ar--ottser similar crit�sia, �the - - . =client will ..be referred -to a public "Capitalizatioarl" prOgraa[i..Z'l�se prOgrdt� -� _:includ� !an .guarant�ees, grants, or loans. Presently they include Oa�rercial , . ., __ . . . _ . - • Rehabili �.i� Loans, SSP, 7 ta��I�an G�arant�ees, �BA 503 504`3a.�ns;. .�-� _,_. / ��,/ , ,__ _. Z�ort Bank Guarantee.s, and SBA yEx�rt In�ort Woz�Cing Capital I�n Guarant�ee: _ ..., _. _ -:. _ - _ . _�� _,..._ __ _ ._ fi-�; __ ----- . __ _Pr�9x`am ` '�` , - _ . - _ _ - - - .. �. -. _ : .. - , . , . ; -= :, - � - � ` - - �:� �� .e� �.-+►..�..-�-�_ _-- � :�....- �:.� �.. ..�.. F� -al�; ::.. .. ..i � - - .- -.... _` .'�..:. KL_�w.i-. �-.�., - ay.'s_�..14�t . .._ ... . .. r..-_.-_.__- ,. ...-. _ . . -_� ... ..,- :., - `" c) Finally,,wbere cl�nts c�o �ot qualify for e�dsting�`loan s�ports _(whicli �3ny - a� r. � ='_ � . ._.�._ .-r.. . . . .. - . .- . � . . - .. __.wr�rthy;appl.ican�s:-wiil.r�t.:. either because of the type _of bvsiness .or because ..�_ ,._ __ .. � _.�. _ .-_. :. of the atmLint�x�uested) _theY will be oonsidered;for=,the-loan f und to be ,.:_ ___ - - - established by this pr�ject, o�nsisting of NPP furu�s matched by,neighborl�ood .� r.�.. ,- _ _ ,aryd private._funds.��This ,m�ryey.may be ap�lied in trie :foan af.;:c3ebt:-f - *�, : _. -- . :_ _�. . _ ._ _:.. : . - -- - f _ .�. -.� �subject to an appropriate_sc,hedule_of repaynent�y.�„,-,*�,fi1�at PaYback _ _ _.. _ ,. . •- ° - - begiri�soon after.the loan�is disbu.rsecT;-�Q�''fihe < .- :_. be_applieti-3n the -- - _: _fi�� . - . _ � Qf �uit�' fu�ar�ci.ng�("t: a.'sj defertre��d lo�an.s :(p�aybac�k,1�-�does not�iLnt��p,ntil '3. �r:l 7 :�-�� �JEOQI�` j)LVf3tdDie—br.L1i1�3.1_�_yE3X5 ,a�,_T�.T�t'�_�II�1�`i�I�VE'Il� - - , � � . � � , _ . __. . �_' " - - :i C - - - r�t:: -- -:�^. '�F57LI?L;J u --- r-• -� - - - - _ ; _ _ _.. - _ ._ • - -- - - • •_ _ ._ . ., _�.. _ --- - _, _ � _ _ ..:.-.._: ` _ _- C�) T�,L'�.' bt1S].Tle.S$ �t� ��1hC1L1���Q��t.tOA� �Wd�E -��j�j]� - ` -- -- - +,�;*+;,�.p.rograms �ill also be broug�it to b�ar. �se shgu].d"" _; : !7• T_ «" J 1 .Ji.J-..°���wl :��� "� � - ... _, .; - , bicultuY`a1�-.ar��bi�ngual. _ _ - .�--� - - __ -_, �,, - - - ;_�---� - z ;� _ '� �..10�w � - r��.:ra _,.r,c �'�� � -. A,''i;,,�rai �.ssistarr.� iri pi�iara'ti.ari of loan appTi�:ati:ons�will be pmv�.2le�_� I�J, -- - _ - Vieta�a¢nese; 7�aotiaii-�nbodian arid 'in other Asi.an lan9uages-asy � ' � 't3�e`�rises. , . M - - .,�, .. : . . :. ._�.�.--�� _s �..-. __ - _ _ s:�_ _ , . - - - - - _ .. . ,4 . -r . � * � . , _ . : . �' . �' �.� ' ���y�1 Y . Ti��n arx�li.c,an w�.31�`be assisted bX the:ASBDC �in addit�ai to the p o�ut7�ned � Y s-'��,a}�ove;`-� ��a� �ti11 o�fe���s �ir'�n_�o`�]��an�, �-��ya '� _ t'� . - - . ., . -. U�, 1--,:� -�'=�� � : �' -� L.=.�..:�' co .wr -:� �.,s.,`x Ju--�J 7 .�tl, .�'.1CtP y . �.� ... �-�V_ ".�:: 4 .. . � . �... .% � . �� 'L . ,•- . ,�,,� ..,y� ,�, ._..r- �s„�. ,� ,d..._ .'.. -;- -r�•�-- '� '�' �"-3 rr „y� .r') �..a 'tt�- '� a ,;,,,,. � _ '�'inal�y:Plan�ny�ancT_.forec�stiri� wi].1 be"aic7edf by c�tQute,r'a�sis�at� at ;: _ : - '- N a t i o�a 7:"D o l l e c�e. o�.Business. �I�K B voazsultants wi.11��ass�.st����can��-in� g theZr - . _ ..:,,_: _.._,. _ ... - - - - - .., - - ocxc►pufiers (NCB's).`�for tfiis puYpose- NCB will also_provit�e�` "�'�vdii�e]inq,fa�r.�--. - - - . s.� - appl.i.cants 1.nteresi�ed'�n the oomnuter�1.ndustxy_or�related`high-tecti-- _ tr�es. Yo_ � .� ` .:, �. �.. _ _ � - �a>��� ,� :v -. �' . ;:.'. ..:;,�.. ��.. .tl� •�t- � � - .._ 'r ' �:- . _. ' �_ .'i . � . -� . ✓-,__ w'.a.�...� • � -.t �s .��1 �LL •c-- �-- ---'� �.-� .. T - r ?�`a� tt .��C:S�^J_IY� ^3_�C�r JT��..22�b .:,.'' ;"Ju�T�z..�.t :E3` �s - - _ .Y - f - � _ � v�*� - ���. �� . , _ ` _ . � , �. . J _ _ ._ _ '`r�� _ �``� - k � . �` -` - . - �.`� -�--" ._ . _ : .- _,,,,_":.:., .,.-.:.�. .._.. " ' � ��. -- :,{,;i�,_' ', . . ' . .:- _ 's '� .. , .. . �_ . .. . .r _ _ , � _ ~j �. �';���y. . .. � - � � - � _ _ j -. � e..` --. ��.. - . . w -- . .. � . _ . . . . . . .. � - . . � . , .. -- �' � - . . . �_ .' _: . . _:'-:: � . -� _ , ` _.. . - . .. .- �_.. �- - . _ -� . - - �'��•.,. ��`�''�' , . �.-- _ _ �- . ... ;. .. _- _ . . .. - -- -- .. . . . .. .. . : .. � . _ , ,:. � ... . .. - .., . . .. -�.. .. ... -"'. �. _ _ - . „i` , .. - . . .-_. _ y _.: _ _ . ".. � 'r. . . _ _ -... .�. . ��� -.., ' . . . _ . .. . �_.. � :'.� '.._.- �...s. ..,:. . _ _. . ,. .:_ _,r.' ' - ' . - . . . . `. _�` .-.•��' . :;� ♦ . �^ ' _.� . . . ' "' ' '_ :._. . � . _ .. . _ . . . ��Y ' .''�' . . - . . . .. � _ . ... . .. . ., .. �� —.. .. . . � . . . �._-_;s . . . . r ..--.. :. . . ":. --:: . ... -. --+ . . . _ ':..� ' ' ... .a ~ ..l .: •_ _ . .. `-w' 4 - ..1` e_ ' �V" ,�' ! �>.yT.,� .:�... . . . �� . - -. , � _`T-yr- • �. . ' :. � .. . ... - _ ' - . . �. _ '� A,x. .,-_^ �-�...y'7_ _ �, �-�'My� � _..'�:..� -�,.�.'.. r �' �_ t � ""� a+S"'s' r.:...�t' .�. .� - - . _.. - . . x ., � • . .. - . -� �" � :-. . � . .� ..;y . 1'�-t. n :. -M - . 1"� .�_i� � 7.-,k, i - ��:�, '_ �;� t,.. �.. i- , . _ . . . . .. -. .�. ,-.. . �. .a . .. � _, � . . � .. _. � ` �t3�J..+ y .. �r, .. r�� {d',: , '"a`��.T�a}.i .r NPP Application . Page 3 .. ' 'Project Name� APBLP ° t:.�., , .. „_� _. z , , �� . ,-, . _ _ - -�`- ' �. �..�.., .� ` 5. Briefly describe, t-he s ecific rob�em need � ��'� ~�� "�� � � �' T ` _ . P_ P / your.pro3 ect is designed � ;�,� .. . - � to address and cite references if_possible from City �Comprehensive Plans, �°r.� . �-- :,>._ �: Annual Citizen Participation G als�;,��nd/or other studi�es � • 1 � j�va i 1 ahi 1 i�i Of �1i11C31 clSS].S �70�bU511125S CCH[[RQIl't]7� 3��a�l ahi 1 i�'O� �,r� _ capital for small ���;*�_s and en r�s, 'prvvisioai of-esnp�bynsit�nd'� � - , . -�* = reoo�c.�rtiiru,�to�ori es-ar�d othe.r io�i�cn�j'�ridiii�aa�.s.=_- ;�` � - ° • �� �frcRi`1987 State:=of #he �'i - �� ' ` ' -=' Y' . , . 'ty� . sac�e'��--'-{'I�e�1ay�r2..-':"wi11 v�u� i.�i"�a`rtnershi - _ -- -� . - _ . with�all?of-=the..�oo�ized= - : �en`'�" ._� "-oo�nuriities'r '"J;:"�lie P:�.D.-`;will _ � ... � . - -- initi.ate a S.E. Asian;Prograin and evaluate=t'tie �easibility=of �creating a S:E. .Asian .__ - Doo�❑mi.c � t fi�d and a S.�: Asian reta�.l, 'man art • �_,, , _ y.,.� _ , ,�,.rr , K l� ' f 11�dLlJr�a� "�I i f . . � v ,,i�.-. �L�.`�_.; � F ... - '. . �, .�-�''-� ' ..� ' .,_ ,��..�•� '� .'+, .,� � �54_�._ �.� �r.+.,r:��_.�.' . : . .. : -_��_. - '*: "� ;{ fY'QA �. P1�1.S� �t0 ���L�C3T��E0�']QCn.C'C�7.It13'�-�t-Sf�i�j.��R]S1I1e.SSeS � _ , dI1C3 E'Sl reli�LirS . , �' - • - • � � "�1rDM1l�1'�lE �+1�1�'�O� �+�]1Cd�"d.SS1Sf:3TlOe-'•...~� 'tnSt1l'�' . _ . . � . ; .,� � _ �aP' ., znoen#-ives t���he pnvate�.nancia3. marlce�t; w� . the :availability-of- ital".:.:„ and thr�ugh the use'of �city :and.f resouroes and loan Pr'ograms"..."ooQ'itinue ��; . an�d s its •oatmitment�to fia�tive actio� pr.ir�ciples, an3 tro the provisioa�;_. trengthP-n � 1 _ of e�Qloyment and eooibanic oppo 'ti.es to mir�orities":, �p: 14=13 _ . - . . ,.�- ... . ...� .. . ,.-_ � .�y - .� � - . .. -:_ - _ . .,,, . � .:-��. ... ' - - . . _ w:••- . ��.--:R �'.-Y:.-:.-�t,t �.Or�..,.. - .-. , ...._. ... _. ..�. ..: ..« ,.��.-� ..ne+. . ��,.w. � ...::.... ��rr•.�.i s t e. � _�' ...4 '� . .wti.- ...... _ X�'7"L. _. 6_ �- 'Please 'list in�order of pri ri tlie three_most,-important. ob�ec�ive's:= � of y.our-pro j-ect� i,r-� " ^�µrt "� .:�.�- -- �y -- -� �a o : F • �J.. . . '-w��6. �,. .♦ i . ." ... ..... �•. � .. �' _ "�I�w'CLV��CSj.�1C .. .:r . •'I: =:�. �:� _._ ?:±1. "1�-'Ii12��3�1=�j3�-���'' v -�a�iY�'iC�3�E'.����1R�Wi�'ilA"� � Asian busirless o�r�rnmity, esPeci y wf�re=s�uch availabili � zs �ntl.'�;�++ted_ . ,�.:... � ,_. bY . . _., _•-- _ . _ .� lan9vage�and cultural"barriers�`S' lwdiag lack of voorr3inatio� of`�ogra�u. �: - - � 2. .Zb,£ill e�dsting gaps in:the stn�cture of currently available,capital resouroes, p � .r+r.�..�.�.-._...�.,�r�-... . . . • . .. .. . r. These �nclude.f�mding_for "mi _ " (whe.re the r�eed is_�3D,000 or less), .� _, � , oertain�types of`busii�esses nat= fa red bY SBA`7�oan G�arantses, and;bvsir�.sses:�iose:,�. . .... : . . ,_ - maz�et_:�ght be 3argelY limi-ted��o t-he Asian m�mamity, .and wh�::n�y therefore_:aot be>_- .. ac3ecNatrely appr+eciated.or f�cled e�dstisig caPitalizatioa�.�rograans.•- - ::w_ _ : ; 3. 3b make better aase-of,.Asian- 'tal and:hunan resouroes and-�ncxease - . , - . _ Paxti+ciFa tio�n by:Asians in.all.:l�'P_and city prigr�ns ; _._ ,. _M - , _ _ - Y - `� •*`� �c:-� . , . . . � . . ,� _ . _,. ._ : - �--- -` �� _ -- - ,��� -.� -• ,:;.R._:. _. � . � � - -_. ,� _ , t ;� :. - • _ • �, _ - - _ , _ _ _..�.t ,. .,... •.� _ _ : = k:-- • � . - - . 1 _ .� . . __ ..,;:... _: , :, : .: ., . �: , _ -.�_ . -... . --_•.�•,� ��7ae _- ,4.,-�-i�e -.isg�,., r -....F.c�,,.. - '_j".°�:a'� r`,f'"`'"..�'Pi::�' "'�-T'..7-- _ . _ < ., ,. - _ ._:4t .., ' . _ _ " ' � , �. ... .'.__�:. . .. ��.f �-�. . ..r. _..'.. . . � _. .. . , ._. l:_ �-� . .- .�� . Y��" �' .._ ��'tia � v r . �-'4�✓✓,.. .� . w r-:3.,:.." � . ��',.'Y/+•`� . � ' .. a.. . .' . .� _ ;._ � _ _ � _ 4,.. _. ... __ :.. .� . � .:_. ..' _ ' �-- '.� .. • �;I' .' ... . _.. . .... �. �.. �.'�. - ."'_ . ..: . _ . ... � _- ..�. ... .:" _ .. .". .,.� - _ . . -_�. � .-: '. -. ._. ._ . '_:.+ � " .."� " 7. Briefiy .describe, in quantifiable terms; the' specific results and` _�; - .. . . •-- • - impactyouur project will :achieve' en co leted.= - --' = ==-'T' . _. .. . ._ . � .. . mP _ - - _ _ _^ z �:�.> -,..�,r- -j �.. _ _ _ , _ _ .� - _ ' � (fram 19875 State of tbe City ge). "Nearly ba].f of Misule.sota'S 32,000 5::�. Asi.an refi�gees live�in-tbe City of St. _pa . Minnesota has-the third hi. ' �c.�est,oon�oentratio�n ; ,,_. _ . of I�no� in the natio� and 75$ of �s _ 9 I� PoPulati� lives:in St: ''Paul. St:�" . �� Paul and�Ramsey,C-�o. is ha� to 9,50 �g, 2,500 Caanbodians, 2,000 Vietr�ese and= s _- : . .. _ m�re than 500 Ethnic`7�ao." p...11.-- S.E. �Asia, 85$ of.hous�olds_�rn self-�lvyed. -- ; ' Zhis.suggests a:_large r�eed for the of sae.11 busir�esses�as the .best way - - to pravide jobs- ar�d eooinnic self ficiency for the ooHm�ainity. -�- . 7 • - : _ -�� Zb meet;t�+;� need, :-.this project �, process an estimated.75 =1oan'�ap�licatiatis .'� � �� � _ �each year.' The_�project,will sponsor �4 business loaii w�rkshop/�+,*+a;� each'year for a' .: .- � ' total of-8.: Z�e capitalizatioaz of $ 00,000 will allaa the projeat�tn•'ftuyd approac. �'�`°`` � � 20-30 loans �aver-:t� years. i-rom $14 000 bo $20,OOO each who. otl�eswise oould_mt get `: _ _ ftu�.' The pivject wi.11 create�100. ncw jobs .each year: 7�e applicants will-.ineet -�:_ ~� with all S� Paul�bar�ks to explain _ servioes of t1�e pro�ect. ` � �- _ _ , -:,..,. -�.,a - . _ •nK i-"yT_' --F" � __ - y �•r�"' . ._ . s,. . r . .. .:. ,.''_ -.. '�- .'• at ' _ _ A ` _ X,. � ; ..� _� .�., , � � � - : . .. . .. . . ... ; -s... � -��:. � ... - , '�- ._ � .. .�: . _ . �. . � ._... . . ._ . ,--.. - - . �-.t. -. . . .�. � '. . - ._ � .._.- � _. ._ „ �.r.- . . . . . . . , r ._ ��:� _.. . '.,.�s '�`• - "� - � . . . ... .. .. _ - . -'... . _ .' _ ... �'. � .::.. _. - . . _ _'� . - . . . ..�. .. �, � ,. . - : _ �. � r;_..� . . . . .. ti.-. -_-.. _ .. ,,.:' '� - . .' . . :. ,.�` ' '� . .,� . . .. .. . _ _ _ _ . ' . / - ' � � .�� 1'Y . . . --.. .. �.'.. '�: '_ ' '. -�' '' _ _ .• . . . ..: �, _ .. ;.. �,. �_ ..,.._ :�. . _ . � . . . � � . � � . - ' , _ ' �... �.�'..� . . . . " '_' " " ' . _ . . . , . . . . . . .. " . : _ . . . . . . �. . ...._ _-..-. ' . .. . .:.. . ,._W ... �� ' . ' . _ . ...- . . . . .. .-. , � _.- _._ . � �,.�. � .... ��... -�....:._ >_ _ . �.��. ..- :-. _. - .:' .� ,.,__ y..... .�'L`"i�<' . .v. ...- . ' �tti � .. . ..i� - `, _ ' �.�- - I: _ L �` +•�' - ... . ; _ ... r .4 . ��ry . _ - . - Y - � h.; ��• ��. . . .'�� ,�.. ' .:' �, . � . '..-- �'� . .. . . . .. �y`��� �r . �� - 1 _ ��_ t,�R 1: �•'f�•"._ � -'. . . . �,.. . � ' _ r.� . . . . �.� . .i��. --♦ -- ... �� . ' `� � . _ _ _ .. . . ' �.. Yv.�� . " �r.�ci�..` .: _ . -- .� ..-_ '•-.... •. - . � .. - `' `� i. .. �y�'3:�� N-^•. � L..•._ i .. G _.� +�.�:. � � y' � . NPP Application page 4 ' _ <�Project�Name ,APffi� ` r�' � � � •'��,;�~� - . - . _ - ._- , ,� : . -_- , - -' � ��<_ . _ r,; . .� ...,_ � _ . -- .r . ��_, ,.: � 8. In order to accomplisY►'your objectives does your project have to �be ' '�- ' - •. - < . _ .�- ,. •� #'.� '�'�-t�ro . : . coordinated with any ot�er pro j ect/program? Yes�� No �-• -�: . if.: .� � ..:� '��-:".�:-= "- " � Yes, describe the other ro ect ro ram-:and the relationshi �' �� �r� �`"' � P � /P B p. �. , _ ::_N� ^ * , -- First, with all city, state ax�ci fec�exal-c�m�.ty�eoo�amic c7evel�t `r'esa�ro�s, �- ' -including.SBA; �i7SDC..:NII�O._MEEA, rti.r��e.sota Trade,.Involv�ment Offioe;"�,�nd .ti�e��=.��: _ - ._ _ _ _..; - • �District Ca�u�cils, Block.clubs=and business associaticcis. In-managing t� voni��, �. �.. � ti�s,._the project ar�l��rk�with and through.the F�ir�Builder Deoe�c�ent Danpaiiy�� •_-- -==--a=�-tr}�S`�.:�:�anas� SSDC��e a�c�ordinatioai with:priv�te•:caRital �.risfiituti;ons has al�' :'_ -beeiz�described. .Zb.is_�oo�din�?t,i�:�?i�i:beg�n•i.�:greater ea.rnest�witlt�.tl�:.forniation df ..�� ... . . " ` - �'tl�e-Projec�T.pamatt�e..:.:_Sialoe;s�iall:�na.slllesseS Creat'�e 7cabs•:t17�e Pro7ect''�fl:ii seek to`_� ; '--`-`__000rdinate:�wi.th,tl�e�-City�;s polic.y to:_"oontinue ra�d.:��its inwl�nt�i.th jab- - - -�tr�-n�3 � ]� �g P�, and m�re closely :int�egrate these'.acti�ties wi�th- - �. ��_�:-_.:;�he C:i�'��von�aaic,ass3st�e_�fc�ts:"•�_{fi�g�._�lan R�.��-_�e::pm�eCt will 000rd- � '':� � .inate�ritti relatecl- efforts of the-�7o�ncil.=of-As�airFac�ic:�iinn�,s�'�s �sian �nber�.- � ; - of Oo�mieroe_�ask Fb�oe ar�d•with�#�e ,0e�ter f�� _ -��-i.��,r� (�) , ,„, . Asians arsd Pacific . -.. �, .� - ,,� ,�' +- 'g �i.�-i.s.: �,...�;Ls.., i. .. �:"" x�" .. - S:..2 - ""' ` ; - " . }�� :.��'� ��.- ���� � �ir.. :.aa r r�'� : t. "�'S"5,,,.,. . ..t�i-� ,� � ' - �..� ' � �,s �+�„ . R.'- .. ^ ,..27 ' _� -� _ �_ __... _�..j .�t. ..�. yx�. a ""' '"9..; Wili �t}iis pro�ec� °6e �ompleted-in �,_�ears? Yes ' ,:, Itlo. _ �,, �."�p,�, - ` ,.., . ..�_•__.�,.... .. _ � � . explain how. _it will liecome� self-sustaining withouL further NPP fu�ding. - . • , ,__ . - .e..._.<. . b : -�, ':.,.;.: :....;�_�.,>�:- - •. - ��� .,�.,::::. __-�,.__ - _ _ :.; _ _ . _ -- . _. _ _ _,. _ --• . , __ .� . . - .,�. , 'I'he �mJect will-seek grants to build the agency.. -7�e project wi31 o�llect oa1 �,�� -_ - -�tiutstanding loans and;..ba..sed on the project's projected swc�ess,-seelc increased :�,;-' : :-_ ,- - �' " .:; . 'va - - ita3;izatio�':.and �reased. rt a�d involvia�nt ' Fn �� . by g�nt lending .�. . - - _ _. _ . _ ��p� �^�,.� .. . � � � . 3CJP11C�'F�.S� �P�3Ge�Y.iS.�C+f: _ 3S'saPl�. . .. r.f�c; T.'��- � .� s:.:�c./F - - - . -. ,�- �� -.-. . . z�+i �•�-� c:J '�_X?i!'dJC> . � <�.- - - - . . _ _ � _ _ . __ _ .. .a-.f,.. :-� �k��<:6•.�. ,�---�-�''�`+�l,y-�..7.•x.po±rt.r.:fo.q...�--y .y,.i.:.�,^�.. -� r - �....�.--=� �r�.:.+ _ Z. . .��-^� - en , �._ �'�:,. .- ,.:� .�. _ .�.. � .�,s ;;;�,� -- '. ;...:-�_.: _ . _ .; :__.--_, , -�:1:�a , _ � .. ...1 ��.'�� . � 'w.� 1s+1 j' �e ..�s.,.t- .L'',+wt� .w��� i] _ r_ I �4 v.{1.3��y �..�r t � �'�R� .-«..�-� ._,,,,°i.-r, ....��' _ ��� .. �'� � _ .�-_ . � _ � - . . .. �;� r �..�+ . ' - _ , � , ` .� ^ ".-. ' -. ,�. . ' ". � � : . �. , �..� . .. .. ..� _ _ " ' �. ._.. � � �� . �:. rr. y��y.e.'►+,�..�,?.p.- _�. � -� - y.r�.,-T..Y._'r� �-^;. ._ ..:+��--�- '� -- -�r+�� '� -v+ z�-�� - .., .. '�- ...�... .. _x.wr..�_.._" __._ ,.�.�..-......._-...t.s.e_-'_.. ._.,.T�,r�.i.LC�..1*n.,s. .�..:a.r. - �.:.�a.e�Lc:. __. .... y:a..�i_�3' �. •:, _ t �: �.. , . .:+�a _ _ :. ...-� . ,. . _ _. . - - ' . . .� ��`;�'a(7'':3's�_ �-�'!-��'�C�I+ �:SC� V`...�.:.� ..a�t+ �� C'�. �^J`��.i.'�`�:�^".�a :i �."ra�.�.�,:t ��'..Fiu '`-`a`� -_ s �t r�. °'�!��»* �.�.'�,,, � �-�s �^+��.�.w.. . . ._ . _. �_ - ..-� �� .s.� s..r- . +.� �.;�,� ��� a. � :�}�''::�..").,��. .�..�� ; � _ _ .�., . : �� _ a�:�l.'.ii;9Li°.+�.�& . r � �-:. c __� .. ������. � �r: �#s,��d►,.-s �- 1 r«...�. ,� ' �•►���_ ' �. .z ._.'• .:" l � v` . d . _!�4 �:,, _ 1 = �°'y_'""°1�r-..�'�s`?��7�"t'2X"'S:�_;+3}""_ s'+',�3`T�'-�'� ��L"�?�--�-�'nr_Yr c -.�.i.. .a.�if_;.. -��u �. (� � �� �• := c.Ai'r r -�4#r,� �;r .tiT�.ira"^r'������ �+�i ���'Si7 �? �L C��..^-� -Y�: la►.�+ -..tt _a.+s -•eW:"'�6,,,r' --5e+j�:'.�: _ . ��, al.:.� .w ._ ....._ .. - . .' �. ' �.. � �s`,:...:,�. - . ..- . _ . _ . _.. . s� �� . _ .. , . __ ;e . . �'�,��t� .. --. h.:8c'ssY .._ 1...`� - _- _ - ' ' . . - .nY t - .� .. .._-. � :. : �. ., .. . ...�� . . .... ,_ . _ _��.. �.. ._. _."` _-.. ^ . _ ' � . .. .. _ -,.� : - f �. . r: . :: �.��".° . Y�}— rc ..- . . ... _ :.� . .�. .� ��U`- � 10 Will �this,proj ect xesult in increased"maintenance and operat"ing �costs? ..Y _ _ :"_. .r._. . .. � - Yes �'- No XX . ,. If.;Yes, e�lain how the praject wili.. �- � :_ ~: - �__ � privately pay for those costs _ _ - „�,s - _ -= - .-. h'�-f�. ' 1 �� 'A+'° .'L � � L -..� -- � �' ' ,�'� l'. �.. �Y� 1�.�+ ' '1, rya - . _ ._ .. - '� - � . .sa7-��.- 4-�-.' �..�. �r�a=+��. �-� �` r�_�_s__ r: r-..Y ... =.n.. _ - . x°... _ .. - . ��,• o..� r _�- �_���-� .�r��.��; ^�'s'� - � - - - - - _ _ - _ .. r.: ..,r- 1 Y _ " _ ' � ' " T�� ' .._�,r �ir...�i�g €.��.:r�i" -t-�T x���+c..�.a .... c- �..- '�:. ._ . -- -. 1 ... -z�:- ..x �:�wx � :-�-- - _ In��'`....�-_-`Ju c�' � 'J" �` ' sks 1 S_.�" '_. L� _ G .i � �_ - .s.= _"'_L._r Z..�-�.. .Y".�.t�"'_ . k " ���t� --,-,��-�'.���. �:�.���. " � :�o.^ _ --_ _!��ar� rr �,_ �f �.�..,-�!i`30 ' . ,7� . - �`: �`�"7l�b� .+t u 4Y�.�. ,r�'. - y� � .. � ' . ~L „ � ., . . . +T�r�7��:� �,�- ��` a r�,,...rr�-�,s�"�..::. _t t/ �1 Ci�_� _ .-.y+lSa. V�C.� � �.►�i. i�av t���ri .I.u�� � .� � �aL.x�c..ta, .,e� ir s . . .. ... �,�,`� �"�7r-�.�s:.� �_'S�t-ky�'1,..���a.,r ij.,Y._l :� �'?��" . l �� � � - - i�.+.rr�' / ._- �Yaa.,� ''W�'1 r _ '�i 3"y" r � Z?a�y>{ ,y Y G.i�: aT�..�.-_fj�' t: -4_+.i'Y� `v�'�'�"!�"� '� �t_ � , . T _ " "s ,i� k i: C`"���.• advTM ' � - f,.. _ �'" Y ..r�.. 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' � .T� _ . ._t , ..., .. •- _,�KA Sl �1� - NPP Application 'Page 3 :`�.'`'�� 4'Proje t fName'-�ApgI,p� -° . - `"" �' ^`"'"� - .. . .; -: -: : ,. _ - - _. .� .- �,� r.._..: ;,_.: _: ;'� _ -. �--. . -.-, �:-- -;, �.� . . . � . , . . � ,fi _ - - 11 Will the project benefit low and mo rate, income houselzolds?. - - �'"'�� _ � ,_. :� .=Yes �:_.No -=-: ." If Yes, describe: - - . - �,,;-h = :Many of the businesses who will�benef' will primarily serve a`clienteie of ��.�-:= � _ R__ _ _ . . ° lc�i. and �rate'-inQa�.2�asel�olds:" so, m3ny-of'tl�ese-�iasi�esses'�ril.l-be� �l- �-`� �.� � - - _3�ocafi.eii::3ii•censu�{tracts��at'are<eli: �le"for��7aninuu�y` Blo�k ::�a��. --_- . , ' . C:L'alrtS.�� � .� +""`� -..�'""�+f• Y.� 3� ' �'!: _ ..: --•t. " _.^.1'''t'1 l+.s��•�. _ r.�r ° _ _ d k ` �-ra w-s ��� r�K� .i _ ``.1�"-• l.�": �_Y� +.^,_ .E:3. � � '�� - _ �-�.G� � . � 1�.33'3._ - �`+t' y' .."`fr s=n'L'�',�. :�.F �_� �a - - � _ �t F�+:. . _ h�s� ; -__ s �. �Az,''"-.-'� .�.:4F- �'?:'?�'�"+b''�.a �-A. n s�� -% i '�c�� � 2�;e.� . k„ .t. - F *' � �S� 7� .�T. - - .� . ��"tY'!�. �� ��v _- . .2.,,9 -Ff� _ _ _.t' ' _ . ...' �' _ . .;'�,�se'J, .. - , : .. ,, 4-'�- .. .... .... i.. : .� ;� .��-,.,ri ,:�._,: '.::, . ..�,.a�yo"KA� -�.:�.4. _r:.. y -q.'_..V. . >.'��'_ ._ - _ _ . ' '. _. - -_ . '__. - . ���. . �.yy:y,-,..-. . �-.. . _� � ..i- .:�.- �-..-.._ .�.�y� ,�..._. . .. . .. _ - ' _ . . ......: ,y.:.. �_� ..<_ -.._ . ' -' .., - �-'�� ,. � -_ .. . .�. .�. ....v ' ' _ 'i � '_ ".' ' .r.�� � ',�.. yT�C�� �'{s.t ",a. �' ' . 't.k _ . -:,� _.. - ,- .,. � F. r� �..,. --- . _' +e-=�iM:� . a.._ ...�.-., � .'- :�- t = �� . "- - � �- �•:k - - , . � Y '_5s: N -4�� F�. ..� � ��-:� ..: d �_� , . _ �a i-.r-.w z-'�- . __. " . - J'�` �, - L ..._ ' .,� ,m � fil .���¢�� :�:'C n va��� , � ,f�� �i'�'S'r?'" .. . �.i � ..., �'`�&L . -. . ' ::k7"' "' '£_ -•! _ ' ' . . _ .--.�:..,... . .>.�..�.:_ : •- . .?`-,= - ..�7�t%-�"' s`:}� - �- . _ _ -- .. . . ., -•_ _.� ...._. �:: ,� : , � . .. - . .,� _. x. . , . -- .. .......- . . � . _.,.- - - ' � . - � . �.. * r.. r ..` -_ �..:' . - . � .. � -- ' . .. -� � � ��� . .���� ' `"rCri x ��"-,'r' .�2 ,s? s�-L . _ � . . ."�''�'i " _ . �' .�•��SW j'j'+r� +''G'T+"�" s"�s c�` '�@' { F � s _. . _ �,- �� . r_-`�� «�. ,t_.°�� - _ ''-..,� ' . . . ' � � . . - - - . . . . . - c• y � : .. :_. . ... � ��Y . . ..: :. .. .�� .. ���_. . .. } - ,�. �' sn. +r w�� �--.. '.- �� - : : -_` "-:..' '... _ � . - a _.,. _ __� �12 S.Describe your organization histo ;� structurea �membership, �eu�_ and '. ; y � - :: ��e3ts experience :in managing similar` rojects.-� � - . -- -- .._. W. ._ . _;�.. : ;_, , - .; .�� _.;�, .. . �r,.. . - � : . _ _ _ __ ., .,. : . . ;` ..,.,:� = __. �`- _ 7� �,sian:�11.;Bus�s�ess Deve�l.��nt ter_;�aas_,fo��r3 �.n Ja].y 198�j.�y�lJghL, ��Y ` -- � _ �- . fi . Huynh.,7�e purpose��ias'to•proarotel �'ian anc�:snaYl � _ _ L _ en�oo�rage tl�e.c3evelog�iient:of;.Asiari :a":�! .s_ , �s`a�s � _� :;t�o .,l - - � �'T ' �� =1 :.«-:-� ri-� z: �-1_.. ..�r .__ . . ' t. ?�' ,,,)i. '��'r�'�f� ��...�"-"ti'� "r+-. ' ' . . ... -_ -F _ :.� . `-- _. '--` .-� _. . . _ � • 'e'X' -...- . •�__. . . . '•,- ..: . . .` . � ��� �� � .... L1�a�.- '..+...c-+.a�-wA.MMYIAS��M.d:+�tr..+�.w+. .r�..Mwe't'+.,iNaf ',��-�y+ . .. ....� .' -,�5.• s_ ,:..'..�.._�.,�+ ,"_'.: 1 � -„r Jf=ib."i - .. . ♦ - �:aEC1.�u1Q1 W3.S I[1dG� �O �'ti-.3 SpQZ1S�Y'•tQ QOT1�1�711tE �aCl�.l't1PS 3IY3 �US1T]�.SS� -� �.., .,�:�.. .,, _■��+��__. ..._S� ._`' .p�ered }��'(:�; �`� �se,.,,:=�e=-offer-'was���-�d ��� '�Y Jj�ll�� ��+�./�y���� �1 T./ i1 ... � .�.�� 1 � 7 '�..:.�:-��� �. ��. a.Y.---K J ina+.�w�..�Vlr�_'�Wa� _. .. .. .'� ' . ' i�...l _ .._ . ' -- �.ss'r�'WSV`t-� �ssaG^ -.«.- +ts�.�.- ,� �-^'�-- �L _ J 1:,- -._.. ....L -a .;,g...�. . x - ._�. �...i.J ��:fr.+-�',+4w�►3G. ;. _.. . `" ..ct r�+_ s-y_.: .�� - _ - ..i, a�s.,+.� .,.1. �'.. ...- +y.�--'�.! - �z� :i�nwr:*rt,�.::,gyr���' .-i v �cy.+;�.�:Yi`l.�t �..�♦ ''.�`'�.+�,,. y,� "�: 4_-.:;,� .� �=�r�"'9'� S.i' 7n.ay,t. _ . - . x=- - Nglii�guynh 2ias voluntarily wr�rked as irector of tbe-Cyenter;-a's'sist�n§�,s� �;r-- _ ` s�l.l"businesses in �lannincJ ventvres and locating bvsiness necessities arbd - ;,.�„;j� � z�eso�r+oes: Ae �l�a.s:�1so cultivated rt at the�'Natioa�al °College-,of Business,,� , _.:� } ,. ___: �_have �nt1y established a bi- ' yua7, program.,in Bnsiness Ac�ninistrat�.on,.:1 �- --' .� ,.. _ - _ .. worlc�ng with Mr Huynh.. _ � ' - -. - -� �>- � - _ - - � - " - _ - - - �` _ � Mr.-��h bas foi�iedxa �rt=*�,��+?Y'sai a waalfih of P.xp�si�r�oe aryd'resouroes at �"±-_� s.�.�.__ the St. ��as .SBDC. This SBDC has operating sinoe 1979, .serving ov�r 1,000 �` � �'�, '� -.clients (small businesses seeking ' or�..a variety_of oonoezass --.see�belaw�`: - � '��` Its vision in_fo this ,- - - : _ p� 3:yP_3r -�ILC� b111.C�],.I3g�s�I}�EXOP�PFlt^_ _ t10�1._ 3�[L1I1J : _ Qd�1�rStllP �- - wit-h t7�e_Asian c�6Rnnnuty_gives :it . �'enoe`and�c�red�.'bi7.ity�for�T+;ci�a�3.on-in - _ _ _ �]1.S �ffiil.J,�LS81X: ��.1P5.1]I]C�r. �$ 1�C�, � �a: .��a.•, •_ ' � 0 3 �t-af�-t�ie_Cb _ .J °� "�anas.� .� - ..: ._ .. . �,..r _ -.. . ..:� ': -s--._ . _ . - - _+,��: _ ...�� :.. . ..�:: �:- ,. _, _ � , � _ ..� - . . _ .,,...,. � . _. �...-' • -...., ..-��: w_ .r- -�, ` - . . - �_ , _ � ._ � .,-�. ... .. — � � � ,�� -_. ...:. , ��, , . . . ._,�. ,.:�,.. ti _..., _� --���- ._�.. . . �- �„ .. -_. ..� r ` `=::�e St.` Thanas SSDC essists clie�ts�" the following arn.as: starting a new b�usiness; ''�'," `sauroes of credit_and financing, ing sales, advertising and sales pramtiaai,.. � ��t"� _' market reseaich.,� selling to the , bidding and estimat;*+�. international � R._ E -trade;°.reoorc�ceeping and_ aeoo�uiting, financial statements, offioe or plant m��ag�anent, � � ��:�';: `���p�je].� p,nmr�r,nq c-ux� r�esearch� �ventAry oonttol� Purcha-sincJ► and csedit a1�d�_ _ _ . ����: ,'wll�s.���,�.,K,�����_> ... � _ _ - ��----- � �,,�� .s� �'_..X��t�X,arl.° "�; �k,..S � ��. � ��. _ � ' ~ } .� f ..�a'� �. .i,,, t� i a �'' x'f�� vr ��F--:��'yu,y4����Ff �^-� Y � .l Y ' x,� ,� �i���_ ��e '� R�.3�.;,, �eX'` . ;.j _ .. ' -... . �_e� �r a �> �. .�is `�„ ���.��" #: - - - _ �.�-r� ' - ���.r-�"r�y�,..� � R -�v "��� r x", _ - _ - ,�, . '�+� .._ � �.�� .o � _-a r. ��s z« �� .��� � +rr � , . -.s e��* _„►•- f **5`��"s.,1y;�. '3��44�!�°_ -� _ ' ---1€ '�- _s.Y�li y_�R. .l � A �.�� . � .tE ;is y .��"� �� �.�� �,•-�a, � � '-?- � _ - _ ;.� r� �,,.,° ��- � ,r �+� r " �_; -:� . - - � t _ . . �7yy..,€ ; t ,° ��� '��c' �- ;f _t _ ': _ - . . � •ir '��3 s-��4T v .f _x G_ .- . - ' _ .'. �.LC 4� f'` i � ��i`"�- _�� ' .". - . _ .. . �:.w._. � ' , •►�ir, -- " " . .. � j . . ' . . ..., � .. ; - , _ - ` _ __ . s � � � � _ �` -zR _ . �'r � �.t ...1e :{'� "; :` . -'`. - - . - - . �-.. - . y'� '- . { L� -,. .. ..- - - - � . ' -. ' .v•• .�.� �-- � • � _ _ . .. . �_ _ . „..; ,.. .y,. . �.. ,, .� : . �_ . . � .._ ., ._ � . �:�_�. ._:.- , , � . _ . .. . � .. _... .. . - .r. - !t. f:.:`^_.- �. .._��. _... ..;. ... ._!� . .. � . .� ._ - _ . ..., . . . - -�� _ ,.. ,o... . *'� � �ay.n{�..y:.. ... ,�{Wt�..+c-'..V: _ r- � .yt` - - �_-.r _,,, ..��;� . . .,_ �1 .. . . i T" _ , r�'.; .: ��, 1�.�/'l., ^� ._�+-�t'r,^I��j`M1 .;i.,� I . ��y .'�Y �.�4" Sk: +C�y.- . ', � ��_. �_ � � .: ��i" . ��at�"'���.'�"f . r —_� "�`,�,^"a' �. +�,.-� - �'�� � ,. - q�- TS��- x vi �j^f�' �f ��yL ,►., ,}� 'T T _ � �'b' � .: ,�C. ' . ��: p .,,A+ �` �#- - � a� r . :-"��'f..� :� .�� �,.5 .�d �,�-. .r.,� -y,.� . = z: � „+4',=�� �7,�� _ ti n' = �� i , ;.z�s._ '•t - ;,, �� � .:.:�?t, — _�'� ��.... . .�x�,�.. �a sa��t�:i��� t.� " m _ _. �.-s �� r ,�' `z�ww� . -r•�_ .3' ;-p,, +s�# �� -w-S�C�� � t �•i�.;�#. ��':. . � �'�l.1`'_.. �' . - . •� .�i y.' ZF.z,f --� '"''1' C�L•''�_�+�c..3 u�."��'` �r4�• "' �- _•y�,•.'-�' °� T+�'a _ �*��. . .,. t' �`i t, . '` -"1l�.t r '' T_' - -`'� + �"'��'�"":�+ "� _ ;=`��.� � t } w' �s- �y"� .,; t �'r..'a� .�: ^',f�`�' .. �-�'�!tT+ .1�.'�. . Y'��=�{1�^'� � '..,�- '� �+A. . . �.• ^ '�' r.fF t ..���- �"35.i��� + s� NPP Application Page b �` _;.; Project Name �'� �.K t -• ��^- `"��� � � - .-� .... .-.- , �:.... ., - �r..� � .L; " �. .:.-- - - { .�Y, - �- ��� y�' -:, .-.. y��� � � ;i;.: '•3s ,.�:�e ��^��'ts,-�.. �+'-a� r-: �-.tw�,� �.,�;�-�,�ilc r; •�.y.q„K+��Y .... �4�- f:-,_ . . ., .. - . ,_ _ _ 13 �� Describe �owyouur;organization_w3:11 manage �Lhis project ' _.activfties, �;��-: . -- ,. : responsibilities,- membership .participation '��etc �'��'� �� �` � :�si ��. r. � - � . .. . ..`. �a: K �..�-.-�+. '- a� �-+: i .�.f �< # ... ✓�n� r... x� .-_^..'�"" �� '.:,.+I-,���?+.fi#. :�+. i'�^� .. �� .-�iM�. . \ . . . . � <_k ��_ �.,n . �+w�w�-�.. '�T_ : �wa� :� . . .. � I f�.�� ' __'�l�e�ro�ect:<w111�ae�roan3ged:by.:A.S 1C.-�taff: p*-�imari 1Y �!:- >i�x'i � - -: '� " H�ynh, worTdng witfi,�t.„�ianas�:`SB�3C:.�irector.�loms'rutna:�nd:�the:-AS�C 3�dvi'sory ���: " - � _Caa�attee: �e project�wi'�.1_�clu3e6 iepi�+esentati'ties of na*�,cipatux}.-]�sig -�- .a' . _ �. - -�- � � - agezbcies�i/nC��its manag�oent te�n o� a voluntaYy b�as�s. � � .� � : ,. `4.. r- r •-� � ��.� . _YRet+iVi�_ .r� . . .. � '. �}._ isci `.. � � ���.'� '.- fip . . ' � �... _._. i ,.-_ t'- .,...r '=r"" ....r3' �..� ��� :. � .t3 � �"r,.t„�`^�'_ �• �. ,�..<_ a�. -���: it' . - ,x?��` .1 "L . bd r�. {+ � --_ -a ?'�� _ '� 7'xIF���.- �.,.d '��.a ,�n°'F.�. 'a�. ''�� . a-i' �'°� 3� �l .-tiv�s t�i( � '_�� ,v�`� °.h�'�' �r '.'.s-.�"'�_S ?S Y���vr '��� r �.��.�. _ . ' .-. . . � � . -r � �� ` '_ ' ._ . �_ '� ...� .� - .. .. ...n ... �, ! "'�}. . � - � .. - ^+�y�-.; a - .i.:.-e�.�.s`b.�-.�c �T° 1`---::t's'�c1=,c -��a�.a �'. � . , ^'� .��., ••,�.-: - ♦�.,��`{,.. . - s c.. . �+ �. '�,�!��.- iY^.�"2`- �. ""'�,....a �t.� . �- .'� _ �,s�- .' " z `3'-' `�:-�� ,_ . �.� � 4- _ . � � '.."'` ' B ��.'�'"� - -���2 a�: ..�c"r'�e� �„�'..''`"' u � ."'��"^ �,T." �� 2 - _t'.,rY;. -- . -`". _.a^' "V:- s� �. 2� �. ��L � '!^T � �.�6� . -aa : . Yr� � �+�_� . ... -��• z ._ . _..� �_� :������ .r: 7 ,�-- - ��� Y'� ;�, `� - . °�s �- ,�.�^`'�``�i� � -�X � �� ��-r' , � ,.s �a �-,:r'p'°� �"� �'�'�a W'o. �'��.is'�`..�'���.,�.�. -� aS.r��` '-t, = .,�+,R't",€ '� =�,, � i�.��` - :� , . �..: e�o^--- % �� � �v�,,,_. ��.��.�.�°f v .�. •c =- �..�^.i - _... � :'�s„ �&r. - �+:��+4'�.r�.��-- ._ �w�.: �,t i- �- �',�L�'�,3a '`�� s.-n,P+'�`sY�' �' _ r ��• ,,._�-'t Y�c. _. i'�.yu� `- . 1' Y �� a 3�.a'-- �<.-�'ra+' ..., �^�' � 3"a�rri"�1�.. �;: � -�s �. i .�,,` t Y- y-�..Y � s.f+Y t ' '�� ,St^'�S� f' eta'*�,' y�j'�t' Y�r . �. 'T ".. ,�2F .R�.L^K' •T�t.� t .4 S y eC:.,�r. � S �s - �` _ . �`.'' �" • :/R �.' .'y�i f 4 ' ;.� �'_ ' ��.�� b`v :. . . "ii +i'�3 C !.^� �. � ' — tla'. _ q � ;.3n'd. ." .� '.� ']�y�e`' `��.� s <.:. ,.�'.�t .k,�,�.:���Fs-" s� -i+-s:�. ,i�,+. �t.+.Wf;+i. • �:��. .. 3, � ��� �.. -- -' 14 µ�lho �is. the �designated project':manager? -.Nc�i"Ht1yr�Ii --. �= ° ��:� �_ �'.��':�-. `�.Describe "'hisJher backgraund�, .sl�ills and experience in�managing similar ��"'�; � +-�r-.s_.. ..,w� ,,,. __ �. , ._y . .._ -•s ..T - .., ;.. _-r . ,`. . .. . . . . type pro,j ects ; �, -:-.� � �:: ,_ _ . _. � ,�*�.., �". . �.:: . �� :_�. :�.;�.�f� b - u...� � �r �- otai�.'s,.�'�, ' „ Nyh�. guynh . o .the - om Asiari�Paci.fic� � �- an� $ -�'.� : -fo�r '�' : ..�, � � -.: � ,� - - .. Ooimriroe _ .. . . .. _ � _ : . '_ ..... - . _ - • _ --. ; , �. �-- - _ t w «:� �� -.-_ :m�ber �f`i�s��ian��nber of-, Ta.s1c`Fbme) , the�s.i.an;S�i�a13 Busii�ess;��}-. ,t..;_ . . ...r. � ,. __ _ ,-_ - ,. _ , . . . _ . . t-Center"��cu.rrently s�s �Director), former Vioe-�President.of ttie�'-- `=.�.._ _- _ _ ��� ° - �Center_for �,sians:�air1 Pacific_:Islan�lers,_and�Pub].isher and,Editos� of�Asian -- � - - -�... :.. _ _ . . . _ _ .. . ._: . - . Business"ana CamRmity�:News`;xa.iian=prro£it.oorpo'ration) for �,i,ver;years. '� .� . _ . _ - - v. .__ �^..�.""".'"""-'."ASBDC D�irectAr, he is s�esp�nsible for�organizing'#�i�e Cenfier's pro�;se�c.uig �'_k:usp�oalsors;(including�t�e�St:''�homas:'SBDC) , bvilding oo�mi�nitY-PartiaPati�n� - '�. �#Y�e ASBaC Adv�.s L�oanm.ttee, and'�voauiseling small bus�ess entrep�eneurs: '' - " i =- '-�...�_ 0�+�-*+.%.��,r� �.�." ��"- = L �r `•.-..�`-..�'.��i.� � _.:.�.i.� ��� ' �ff�' .t„1�°�.�+,: {=s� ���. �-i `� �ne^x.. '�e.��'"-��"s's'�i"°,r--�_..:�.` c '.�'�� i.,i'^°"�`•- °�'�Y�:.'��:a �"�`z"'�_ ::..r.� . . t+r+' 8t" .�!'�a?'� �`°�.-� �^..4'-`� "Sl�'*'�'..-r's.`7R^-�"���'�,=�"�._kr`. _'� '�r�- � -.. y 'S '�.�r.,,+c-� -,Yi� ^ �a'e"� ��_� ri' �q '4. � .�� � �.:'r-y` ..'�.� i ��y+►e y-w�«�n»+ 'rt�-�---.:rts-q�' +�'-rs��- s-�^=' -+eS�.s---_ .:� --+�sr_-. u...:Y Y -�:_.r. -`w 5 r" _ �s ��..t�'�`.w�w.rv .sFEr��i_�S�-��� :� :�- ���"C't3�L�: Fi"`a�.'.:, fi. "'<<'_ " ��•.;�"'�z:<'` -_,,sr�.ss:v +o, . T l"` - .��'� - _'., � .�; � '- -ts�..a� �' "ti.��a.'s.. a�i,�� ' _. . . � -�- --►_�--«L..,.,• . .�; ... .�; _��� .�. - .- .- aG.• �_..; �.,{r� _ � ��,G �y. :-' .:r .:1 r'�r�'�" �.'•.-�-....aJ.,... a -:.+y .-_ �,1 � e ,,,� �.:,. ..��r S . �.. �.�' .. y�. �r�"�� �. �- r �s�.�' _%�,. ^'3v a*F,w'n,�' ��+�=�- _ a�-- -.� ,�c-�: � a&�&..t,�,�..�.�,�„-� �' :�-� ;_ - • .. -�., z. . .y ,tc�� «a . -.,ta�:+�Yc.:6i...�'"�',rr =..r.n+t- c e'�"�.�r 3�..�.3�3kYr.v.?xs"�..t _- :+.��r.. -,__� -_�-++.w.�irrd+.i.._ .F��ir.haa.�;-.��:^.S3+�s+�K"c ' -v .� . _. ,:^_-. .. .: �-�=' :__ . ._ . ._� ... _. _,6' ,� _� . __. . .- . .:_.. - �: . _. . . ._ .. ;_�1� - � .. � . _ .. -: 15 �- �esczibe�the -citizen participation"process �or this project'�� <:��"� �'�� � _ _ . • *•.:� -=:r ;.,.� ,;�'..,. •� -- _ , v :- . _ t ��� ` .:-�._�. -r�_ f.�.;.. - "- . • '^".�4�• �- �_� t._ =. .T ASBDC"1]�S SOIl�_1'�L�SEilt3t].OIl"'fr0[lt all ASl3t2� �+OM11�S Zb fLll:ONlt #�715 . . __.. _. . _ .. .. _ >__ � ati� and �_.000r�d�.nate wifih other Asian_a�es with.s�inilar� v�r�erns;�he apQ1i- , _ _ . �� . -.� r� �-• . . ,_s. . . , . ._:. , . , � . ' -_ .T..�:�. ,,cants wili._-seek.tl�e;support_and active �r-f-,cipatson--of a11 Asian vam�mitp,organi �"''" zations, CAPI, and CAFM (includin the Asian t�ai�ber of t�cmeroe task fome) _ � �; _ .a- ,�:.�� ..�. _g - _ .� �_ ' � , �..� :':.-e .r 3e.-y..-I��Y .. .x y �+t'�.:. . ��-. =��-�� ��� zzS��.-e s.� . a . .i .- _ -- ...�.-�.- ..ir:�- '.Y��{�,r�-a+Y.--��� �3a�.�Y'�"'��#+=�}�5 L a�- r .�s' -- ..., ,� 'K a , w.�. rd�r :.r'"+`��_ ,�y�'' -- . �� .yt.i.� .�.�--� .e„i-.rra....r w .�'T i �tY�� E"::1.. E :. . .� + �.. ��.�..r.�.�..T . , x -*s, _ ^�^"7!ti - . .�_' _ t� Y ';�,V: Y� i...;.;�. �� ����'', ..�'��.»e��r.t�".+ .--�'.",,.;e._.-e---:.�"'"`.. - `,�-`--'�s��.e�- _ = -s�-t+c��.�..s..�r.��",t,+ae.�{��.�'�- ���i.���. _ �. °- -' - - " . � _ - �y�� r?r:ie- y �.r �� s . "t _ � .�`'�'r.+fr � ,�s w�s� 3 £n�, �, ry �i � � a+..,- ..c--.- �`�..�. _ �' '� i �'• ,-. - „dQs'r,;��- �'�..��. .._...,,,.,: '1'?I1_�.3c..'� � ._ � -..as - .�, � � Y i ! ��,• . _; � � �:�_v � hi+` S�i+ �_ t^ ! 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' "� 16.� Will�the pro j ect`zesult•3n`e ther the;;returning.of.NPP;funds to the -�'��_ '��'- � -� Neighborhood_Partnership Pro ram or the ;recycling of NPP funds,-. '� �Y� -" - : ,y , . -- �- -- _ ?- = within the pro j ect'� � Yes �IX= No = ' If-Yes, describe "3l"` ' � �- �s. ; ,' �` � .� �. F �►�, ' . . _ t _ : _ ... . ;: . , . _. _ _e. . �-�:�,. .�, ; . �_ _, �. .,. �, ,�� '� • =^ --- -- "= -�-- � - .Atl loans ioade` fi�iocn I�P fim8s wi 1 be pai3 back directly to i�P.h�e ftubds .. - � � ' �iill be rec.ycled`thro�ugh the capitalizatwn pro�ect,up t� the end of �..-�# - �` -- -- t'he seoo�r�d y�ear of the project. �: i �-�° -`,� - "": _ seoa� _ � �� r �:;� �, .�.. _ _ . , �� ° �-- � - wF :s. .d+-..:a, ::��e.�"'�:•.}�,��-. -_tc `' `''""nx� --�� 4"�`-'=?Ce-�+*5t_�+f .- �+k . s.�s; ' . - y�..._... .... � _.: .._ :_ _ - � � �' . ... 4 _.- .:. , .�.: _ , _ - . �� �r �- ...« �,�„�,.,,;,��s . .;, .x'.:., . .3t.€.�•. 4�t st ,.::�E 1..�:.,,,�,. , - '�'....c-.. •,�sw. -��,a�: a, . _. 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Paul-b�usir�esses, jab_�reation.-and_ - P�Y: _- - - - . i�ro��ments-of-�t:_:Paul..business .-St..Paul will be included:in a partrership .- Fr . _� �.. --. �aith exis ' ,�o�ami uiiti.ati -.�� . �. _ _ ., �_ -� 't1Tlg '� 9�-.��,w ` -s.�.� ��..�-�•- . _ . , . _ r_.... � a::;> 3�'': 'r - ..i$ a .�...r 3- - �fi�... ;:'t..0'^ie"t--s.: a.. �4,,,a� � `„�Ki.�z..s�t�R�,.?ar. _' �'�;r.�'' -s'-,�a1.1 ...T.�. � � 9.v '-- . _ . _ _ _ •�_ '__"' ' . ". .. . _ . � �' It iS 'also�our intention "bo""~ partici.pation by�Asian Americans 111�all ' ...� ::' :-:I�p I�OjP�CtS;:'�'t'llr'Ot1C�]Odlt'the-{.'1 Of $t:�:�'dt71.''3 . �;.�.�r.±t� �,: _�i1�y.��.--_�r z`�'�� �. -._ � _ . _. . _.. ,�.. - 18. �om lete, Line Item_ Budget,-an Program.Activity Budget_Forms Pages 10 and ; . - � - ___5.. 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