99-167Council File # �\ 1 • v
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WI�REAS, the Saint Paul Deparhnent of Human Rights is implementing the "City of
2 Saint Paul HateBias Incident Response Plan" which is designed: (1) to partner wSth citizens and
3 neighborhood organizations for providing community wide support and solidarity to victims of
4 bias motivated offenses; (2) to send a cleaz message that the City of Saint Paul will not tolerate
5 expressions of hate or bias directed towazd any of its cirizens; (3) to collect and analyze data to
6 determine cutrent levels of need and availability of services, both city and statewide, for vicrims
7 of hate crimes or incidents and; (4) to develop programs which may prevent bias-morivated
8 offenses, and
9 WFiEREAS, the current budgetary situation requires the Saint Paul Department of
10 Human Rights to seek alternative sources to fund the implementation and objectives of the
11 Response Plan, and
12 WHEREAS, Saint Paul City Council Resolurion No. 93-1811 authorizes the Saint Paul
13 Department of Human Rights to seek grants and donations from corporate foundations and
14 communiTy resources to support the implementation of a City-wide strategy and campaign
15 designed to prevent raciallethnic violence, bigohy and bias motivated crimes, and
16 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services has approved a grant
17 request from the Saint Paul Department of Human Rights in the amount of $15,000 for planning
18 and conducting a research project for collecting and analyzing data to determine the current level
19 of need and availability of services for victims of hate crimes and for recommending activities
20 that will prevent hate crime victunization through a better understanding of diversity and tl�e
2 1 dynamics of prejudice and bigotry, an
Requested by Department of:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
B `_'�-�� � , 1-� � .,...,1`
Approved by M � •: Date /K�$�f
By: _
Green Sheet # ��S 0 0
Adopted by Council: Date "�,4, �.y \`�q9
By: ' Vy � —
W. . yrone rr�`l - i-r�ee �---�
Auoroval Recommended bv Budeet D'uector:
Council File # t {-)`�
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.071 of the City Charter, does certify that
there aze available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1999 Budget;
WI�EREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1999 budget:
General Govt. Special Projects
Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services Grant
050-30152-3490 State Grant -0-
Total Financing -0-
Minnesota Center far Crime Victim Services Grant
050-30152-0133 Interns/Future Force
050-30152-0221 Postage
050-30152-0229 Other-Communications
050-30152-0241 Printing Outside
050-30152-0245 Publicity/Advertising
050-30152-0256 Registration Fees-Loca1
050-30152-0290 Central Service Costs
Requested by Depazhnent of:
Numan Rightc
Sy: l.✓ / i� -^� —
-- �. — F1- ne err 1, Di rec
Approval Recommended by Budget Director:
�� ., _ n
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Green Sheet #
Form A�gr by City Attome�--�
By: /V'1 '
Approved by Mayor for Submission to
Chan¢es Budget
15.000 15.000
15,000 15,000
Z �ib-4
Adopted by Council: Date
Council File # t�, � rV 1
Presented By
Referred To
050-30152-0369 Other-Office Supplies
OSO-30152-0439 Fringe Benefits
050-30152-0528 Dept Head Reimbursement
Committee: Date
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Department of Human Rights is authorized to accept the
Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Servies grant, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1999
Budget Director
Requested by Department o£
r a Human Rights
By: w f �� e ,�,
W. N. on�Terr�ll ec or
Approval Recommended by Budget Directo� °�
g M' U(
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Green Sheet #
Form Ap�ve y City Attomey: �
By: ,_
Approved by Mayor for Submission to
L-(�. -4'S
Adopted by Council: Date
i ��., • _,
W. H. Tyrone Terrill - 266-8964
February 17, 1999
YZ�S �-1�:Ii1��C�li/_Y��1:7 � J_C�1 �9
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� wuxrw.m�xccsooe. "� � wuxcutmnn�cera
� Wvatlae�wur ❑
Resolution to accept grant from Minnesota Center for Crime Victims. Budget Amendment wi 11 esta bl i sh
new activity under special funds. �
Increase in Bias motivated crimes.
,.�',;r�. �:.�r:a�'�
g .j y3 4�
�\iv°�'�tY�4� k'd �
��$ 12 i�99
Grant will allow Department to conduct reseazch to determine current level and need for services for
victimsofhatecrimes. Funds will be available for expenditure from grant received from
Minnesota Center for Crime Victims Services.
Implementation of S�
Paul's HateBias Incident Response Plan will be delayed.
Has this Pe�soMrm e�rer woriced urMer a conVact M this AepaRmeM7
Has this D�Nfirm ever been a eity emPbY�?
Does this PersonrTirtn P�s a sidll not normalbP�se�etl bY any curten[ cm/ emd�`/ee?
Ic ihis P���m a tarpMetl ventloYl
�:'t��t� R�r���°Cs? CaPS1�EP
?+'orm Colemmv, .'„n} cr
December 21, 1998
NTinnesota Center For Crime Victim Services
General Crime Victims Proeram
Ms. MaQgie Knoke, Grants Analyst
245 East Sixth Street, Suite 705
Saint Paul, �1,\ 55101-1819
DEPARTI��NT OF HL'\'LA,`�7 RIGHTS �� _ � �(�
\�J. H. T�rone Tcrrill, Director �
9GOCiryHo11 Telephoree:651-266-8966
IS 13! A'eAoggBovlerard - Facsimile: 651-?66-8962
SoinlPovl,a�V55J02-16&I TDD.: 651-?66-897�
RE: Request For Pronosals/General G'ime Victim Research Proiect For
Victims afHate Crimes
Dear Ms. Knoke:
Enclosed please find a detailed proposal describing how our Department intends to
plan and conduct a research project for collecting and analyzing data to determine
current levels of need and availability of services for victims of hate crimes and for
iriiplernentin� prosra�ns that vaill generate a better understanding of diversity and the
; `-,_dynamics of prejudice and bigotry.
, ;„:� -
As you see, of the totai 523,525.00 pro}ect cost �ue are requesting $ I S,OOOAO from
yout orga�uzation. The remainder ti�ill be pro��ded for through "in-kind" contributions
from the City of Saint Paul. P]eace note that our office requested clarification
re g ardi ngthenumberofsignaturesrequiredfortheApplicationAssurancesform. Since
the Director is a board member and ��-i11 be responsible for the day-to-day operation
ofthis project, we queried whether his signature alone ���ould suffice for certifying the
accuracy of the �rant application. ��'e �vere told to submit the application with just the
Director's si!_nature, zs i+e ��.�ould ha�e an opportunity to provide an additional
si�nature if necessary.
Thank you for all your help and your many wonderful su�estions. 1��e hope our
application meets with }�our orsanization's approval. If you have any questions, or
require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at
(651) 266-5975.
Human Righls Specialict
'::t,V1im;.ni�: ;a�„�.r�i�,.,io„on��„�t�-r.,�,y�.��,
General Crime Vicfims Research Project
Apptication Cover Sheet -- 5 Month - FY99
1. Research Project Focus icneck ore):
Deaf/hard of hearing general crime victims
� Hate crime victims
Title Director
2. LEg21 OPg2�128f1Ot1 (Appli�nts must be zn independen±ly incorpera;ed nonprofit orcanization, ind+an tribal government, Iocal unit of
govemment, OR have a fiscal aaent that meets that requiremen,j:
NameofLegalOrganization r;t� „f Saint Pa��1 Hnman R;ghtc DPnartmen
Federai ID � 41-6005521 State 1D � 802-5095
Address 900 Citv Hall 15 W s KP>>oag Rt
1, NN
Zip 55102-1681
Contact Person
ne Terrill
• - . .. ••.� . .. •. - • .. ..
Type of Organization �cneck one�:
A. Privste, non-profit org�nizztion
B. X Pubiic, non-pro �t organizztion
C. Indi2n tribal government (iden:ity)
D. _ Other, not listed above (identiy) _
3. Program��td�trerent ;bzniegalorgznization):
Name of Program
Contact Person
7 itie
Form A
4. Tota► Budget For Ail General Crime Victim Programs Within Your Organization [inctuae tn�s proposaq:
Non MCCVS-funded
515 000.00
5. StafEing For All Generat Crime Victim Programs Within Your Organization ��nct�de tn�s proposaq:
3 number of paid sta� =1.15 sta`F FTEs'
_ number of volunteers =_ volunteer FTEs'
'To czlculate FTEs (full-time equivzleMS), tzke a yearly to7z1 of hours worked �nd divide by 2080. For exzmple, if volunteers genera�ty
contribvte 3000 hours of service �r,nually, diviCe 3GD0 Gy 2080 to arrive zt 1.45 FiE.
Form al
Pro,gram \Tame Cirv of Saint Paul Human Riahts Department
Use only this page to proti ide a hi<_torical o�°er�iew of cour organization. Indude such things as hotiv ]ong
vour oraanization I�as bzen pro�•iding ser� ices and a description of the services } ou procide. If your
organization is newly fm also describe �chere }•ou are de� elopmentally (e.g., ��hat steps ha1�e been
taken in regard to incorporation, fundraicNg_ board developmznt_ nen+orking �+ other agencies, etc.).
On September 6, 1967, the Saint Paul Ciry Council established the City of Saint Paul Department of
Human Rights for the purpose of enforcing Chapter 183 oftl�e Saint Paul Legiclative Code, commorily Imo«n
as the Saint Paul Human Rieh�s Ordinance (`'Ordinance''). Amended many times since its enactment. the
Ordinance prohibits discrimination in emplo}ment, houcin2, educatiai, public accommodations. and public
sen�ices on the basis of race, color national orisv� or ancectrv, se�, sesual or affectional orientation aeed,
religion, aee, disabilih� fanulial ctams manta} status, or ctyns ��ith regard to public assistance. Currently,
the Department is headed by a Director ��ith o� er 2� � ears of zxperiznce in enforcing Cicil Rights legislation
for the State ofMi�mesota, the Cit� of J4i�meapolis, and the Cit� of Saint Paul. The Director manages a ctaff
of 3 support persons, 1 convact compliance supenicor, and S full time investigators 7 of�jhom are licensed
attome; s. The Deparunznt erforces the Ordin��ce by im estigating acts of il]eoal discrimination occurring
�c'�thin the City of Saint Paul.
A tipical ui�estioation conunences ��hen a person alleging to be the victim of an act of il)esal
, discrinunation files a charge �aith our Department. Once accepted, the charge is tliroughly and 'vnpzrially
-�, in'vestigated by our staff. Tl�z investigation ��ill include the taking of «imess testimony, gathering relevant
�=�;,documents, and anal}zing comparative data. Before concluding an invesiigation, fl�e person against ��hom a
=` charge is filled is gi��en every opportunit�� to address the allegation at issue. Once the investigation is
�completed, the Director �ril1 dzt2nnine �rhether there is sufficient evidence to believe that a violation of the
Oidinance has occurred. Should che Director so detennine, the Director, u ith the ezpress permission ofboth
parties, �3�i11 then scheduiz a conciliation meeting. If the conciliation attempt fails, the Director has rno
options. 77�e Director may foncard the charez to the City Attomey for criminal prosecution or proceed to a
civil enforcement l�earing before a panel of the Human Rights Commission. If, afrer a full adminictrative
hearing, the pane] concludes that a� iotation of the Ord'n�ance did occur, ii may order the offender to pay
damages to the ��ictim or take other remedial mea<ures. After an order is issued either party may obtainjudicial
review ofthe panel's decision.
Under the Ordinance, the Director also has the additional responsibilityto develop and conduct sTudies
regazding discrimn�ation. prejudice and bias. To d�at end, on ?�7arch 17, ] 998, the Director accepted the
reconunendation of the Saint Paul Human Rights Co�mnission to implement a City of Saint Paul Hate/Bi2s
Incident Response Plaa� ("Response Plan"). '3 aims of the Response P)an are fourfo)d (I) to pam�zr nith
citizens and ��eighboifiood orsanizations for pro� iding community �ride cupport and solidarity to ��ictims of
hate/bias incidents; (?) to send a clear me<;a_z that the City of Saint Paul icill not tolera2e espressions ofh2te
or bias directed to»ard any of its citizcns: (3) to collect and anal�ze data to determine current levels ofneed
and availability of c�» iccs both city and state�� ide, For � ictims of hate Uias crimcs or incidents and ;(4) to
implement progra�ns that gcnerare a bctter understanding of di�ersity and the d�namics of prejudice and
bigotrv. Since A4arch ]7, 7998 tl�e Department has established a Hate/Bias Incident Response \eh�ork
(`^� ��hich is being utilized as a mcchanism to collect and anal�ze data on Uias-motivatcd offenses
and to deterniine the current ]c� els of nced and z� ailability of � ictim support cen iccs.
Form A2
Pro�ram I�Tame Citv of Saint Paul Human Riohts Department
Use this page only to describe your oreanization's experience ��.>ith: 1) the dea�'hard of hearing
population or hate crime victims; 2) research and information gathering pro}ects; and 3) Qeneral
crime ��ctim issues.
I. Oraanization's exoerience �vich hate crime �•ictims: Long before 4�e A4innesota legis]ature enacted hate
crime legislation in 19SS, the Saint Paul Dzpartment of Human Rights �3�as actively in�estigating offenses
committed against persons tl�at"ere motivated in �3hole or in part b} the offender's hatred against a particular
race, color, national origin or znczstm, se�, c_e�ual or affectional orientation, creed, religion, age, disabiliiv,
familia] status, marita] status, or stams ���ith regard to public asc���ce. As esplained in section AI abo�e
every allegation of illz_al discr,mination is throu�h]y and unpartially investi�ated through the taking of
wimesstestimony,thegathzrinsofrele�antdocuments If theDirector
detennines 21�at a� iolation of thz Ordinance h� occurred, the Director, depending on the circumstances �i ill
fon��ard the complaint for criminal or ci� i3 proszcution. Since its creation, the Departmznt has imestigated
and resolved 3.7 S2 complaints of illega) discrimination. In ] 998 alone. our office im�ctisated 142 incidents
of discriminatiai moti�ated b� a person�s protected class stams. v
__, II. Oroanization's exnerience �+ith researdi and information �atherino proiects• In addition to bcing
_.,. statutorily charged �rith gatl�ering ctatictica] infomiation and conducting research projects on a number of
K different topics, our Department also undertakes special rzsearch projects by other Departn�ents and agencies
.�:i;�ithiii and ouuide the City of Saint Paul. For z�ample, in 1997 our Deparnnent ���orked ��ith the Mi�u�zsota
'�:=� Department of Transportation (��In/DOT) on a joint research project ���hich identified barriers hindering the
"_' utilizaiion of ��omen and m'v�orities from entering the construction industry, revie�� ed e�isting programs and
services established to assist �romen and minorities gain emplo,n�ent in the construction industry, and provided
7ecommendations to more effecticel�� bridge barriers and ]ink efforts of established agencies to increase the
number of �vomen and minorities entering into construction trades. ;�4oreo�•er our Department routinely
analyzes : Q) the percentage of�cork hours perfonned b� minorit} and �� omen construction �� orkers �� ith those
of male non-minorities and; (2) the racz. ce�, and etlmic composition of a contractor's o�ork force by job
category and ammal salary to detennine i� hether a contractor`s emplo�ment and recr�itment practices have an
affect equal emplo�7nent opportunities. In additian ��e undertake an annual comparative stud}'ofthe number,
h�pe, and disposition of each diccrimination complaint recei��ed ici2h those of prior � ears.
III. Oroanization's exnerience �sith aeneral crime ��ictim issues Because our staff is regularly engaged in
investigating acts of illesal discrimination, the�� are continuously refining their understanding of the unique
issues faced b�• crime � ictims. Auring the course of each inrestigation, our staffroutinelp refer ��ictims to a hosi
of support sen ice pro� iders �nd rzadil� makes infonna2ion a� ailable for purcuing other ci� il and/or criminal
remedies. In addiiion, our or«anization is rcgu{�rl� participating in training �� ith la�+ cnforcement agencies and
commm�ity or=aniz�tions :o incrcacc si�{# k;io�.�!rd �e ofcrime i ictim icsucs. \��ith the implcmentation of our
Response Plan, �� e are �cti� rly cellaboratin� �, ith local crime � ictim �roups, crcating a Response T�'et�+�ork of
crime victim groups. and furnis]�i�ig organizotions ��ith information rcnardin� the nature and scopc of the
:�'et�cork'ssenices. - V -
Form A3, page I
Pro� am Name Ciri� of Saint Paul Human Ri�hts Department
Use this page only to pro��ide a description ofthe project }°ou intend to imple:nent under this
For �� ell over:0 � ears che Depamnent has been committed to fishting incidents ofhatred, bigotry and
pre}udice. Gi��en our esperience, �re have concluded that a bias-moti�ated offence creates a po��.erfial ripple
effect �3lvch can quickl.� spread fezlines of terror and cause a profom�d sense of outrage in our commm�ity.
To that end, tl�e Director acceptzd the reconm�2ndation of the Saint Paul Human Righu Commission, and is
implementing a local Response Plan for e]iminating the po�� er of prejudice in our nzighborhoods. The overall
effecti��eness of the Response Plan ���ll be assessed by a Re� ie�c Committee. Thz Re��ieu Co�runittee �cill be
composedofinembzrsofconm�unit� organization<andnei�hborhoodgroups that �3i]]meetona reaularbasis
tliroughout the ]ife oYthz preject a��d act as an ad� ison council to the Director and othzr commm�ity members
engaged 'ui imp lementing thz Rzsponse Plan. During the caurse of the project the Re� ie�� Conunittee �cill meet
on a monthly basis 2o de� elop strategies for cathzring and rz� ieu ing data, on both a state and national ]erel,
for such things as :(I) crzating a list of trainz, ��Uo are qualified to train on the topic of providing sen ice
and suppo�t to victims of hate crimes: (2) identifi ing victim sen ice nceds as they relate to issues of diversity
and (3) reconunending pro�rams for ezneratin� a better und2rstanding of di��ersity and the dcnamics of
prejudice and bisouy. Pzrl�aps che moct inno� atire part of our Rcsponse Plan is the formation of a HateBias
:7ricident Recponse \ieticork ("Net��ork`). Thz Net�;ork �cill sene as a dearinghouse of support and
= infomiation on the sei� ices ��hich ma�r be fumishzd to ��ictims of hate crimes. The \ct��ork itself ���ill be set
��� -
: up ]�7;e a�cheel �a�ith manp spokes. At the hub �aill bz the Department �3 a designate staff to
-� �,� °.
;�rdu�ate city ���ide support and to im�estigate al] alleoations of bias-moti��ated offenses occurring ���ithin the
. of Saint Paul. Continunity organi�ations and neighborhood groups �+�ill make up d�e spokes, �+�ith each
orgamzation representing a different geographic and support area e.g.. medical, ps}'chological, legal, and
�:r= : �:-
,`sp�nmal. ;�Tet�rork team mzmbers �cill �cork ��ith local nei�hborl�ood groups to extend local support and service
'efforts to a city ���ide le� el. By �� orking as a team, d�e A'et�� ork ��ill attempt to accanplish several goals. First,
Neh+vork members �ci31 meet on a monthly or as required basis for the purpose of re� ie�� ing reports of bias-
motivated incidents, assessing ��hether tl�e proper le�-el ofsupport ��as furnished to the � ictim, and pro��idin�+
follo�v-up contact and support if required. Secondl;� membcrs of the ;�'et�rork nill compose and deliver a
�;-ritten message to the cictim condenming the incident and offering support and solidarity. Thirdly, the
Nehvork �cill collect and anal. ze data on the current le��els of need and availability of services for victims of
bias-moti��ated offenses on a local, state and national level. Fach community organiza2ion participating in the
Netii-ork �i il] be provided �� ith a standard intake form ��hich �ril] be used to gather the referenced data. Tn
addiDOn 2he Director �cill de�ignate at least one fi�ll time staff person to conduct a state �iide phone and mail
survey of agencies and organizations proriding such sen ices and training for and about hate crime � ictims.
After analczing the information colleaed, thz Department «ill prepare a detailed repoit outlining its findin�s
and recommendatio�;s, The repert ��ill be issued to all membcrs of the Nct�iork, community oreanizations,
neighborhood groups. and srlect lecal. statc. and federa) a�encizs.
q�i -1��!
Form A3, page 2
Program I�Tame Citv of Saint Paul Human Riohts Department
Please use only the space pro�ided to describe the corrvnunity members, genera] crime victims and
service providers ��•ho ��ill be invohed in the planning and development of this project. Include
information about the foilo�a�inQ: 1) �vhat role ��.�ill these indi��iduals and agencies play; 2} ��,�hat value
will these individuais and asencies be to the project; and 3) how ��>ill you use the information �athered
from these individuzls and a�encies?
I. Communitv members and sen•ice oroviders ��ho �iill be imoh-ed in the ulannino and de�elopment
of this oro iect: City �(Sr. Pa�d. De�r. uf Htm�nn Righrs - \k H. T} rone Terrill DirectoT, and Daniel ;�4.
Kline; Human Rights Speciali<_t, Cin' ofS7. Povl Police Depl. - Sgi. Chris ;�'elson: Cirn ofS�. Paul, A1o�-or's
Office -Lisa \'asseff: Cer�zr, for YScnms ofTortt�re - Dr..��drea �orth�� ood; ,'�tA,4CP Sc Pard - Bett� e Kine;
UniversiN ofS�. Thomos - Sharon Ho�ce11; OmFi•ont h9inneso�a -Tontinie Seidel: L-nst Side A'eighba�hood
Developmem Compm�i- -ti'incent K. Campbell; La Familia G��id�nce Cenfer- Jose Santos; G�icano Lafinos
Affairs Coamcil - Pedro Li Bahamonde; G•isis Connecno�7 - Liz Paine: St. Paul Aren Coioacil ofChurcl�es -
Bet[y Pat Leach; Lengue qf.19JHwnon RigL-�s Connnissions -?�4on R�„ eck; ,49ncnles�er Col/ege- Bert Ifill;
_ HamlineUniversir»-Todd\.lasman;Ca�,mulvitr'Srcrbili_ntionPrnjeci-MarcyGro��ec;TheHmnlineA4idx>oy
.; Allimxe - Steven Kellen
�;,� �a: xo�e or commumrv members and sen-ice ro��iders in this nroiect: The Conununity oreanizations listed
, �� bo"ve �rill counter incidenu ofprejudice and hate by pro��ding an array of support and senrvices to victims of
'-� bias-motivated offenses. Essentially, the referenced organizations �cill fonn a I�Tet�eork of service pro�7ders
_.'.`_ that i�•ill function as a single, integrated, cit���ide response mechanism that ��,-ill act in concert to e�change
=' information, furnish ��ictim support, and pro��ide a coordinated and comprehensive response to biasanotivated
" hate crimes t� hich may occur �cithin the boundaries of St. Paul. 77�e Net�cork �ciU also collaborate �ti ith other
local, state, and federal a�encies in pro��iding ��ictim support and expressing condemnation of such acts
where�er they may occur. V
III. �i'hat value ��•ill these indi� iduals and aQencies brino to the m�oiect: Besides fumishing a broad array
of support sci� iccs to � ictims of bias-moti�•ated offences e.g. ps� chological. legal cpiritual, and financial,
many of the referenced organizations ha�e ��•ell established programs and activities that are aimed at raising
an individual's aiaareness and understanding ofprejudice and hou it affects our society and recommendations
on ho�v to fight aets of prejudice on a]ocai )ecel. In addition, each organization �cill be co]]ecting da2a on an
ongoing basis for the purpose ofdetem�u�'v�g thenpes and availabilit�� ofservice and support needs for victims
of hate crnnes.
IV. How ���ill we uce the infm�mation �athered from thece m-oanizations• \��e ��il1 uce the infonnation
gathered in a numbcr of n a� s. For �samy�lc, �� z�rill use the data to dctennine the mm�ber and t� pcs of bias-
motivated offcnscs occmring in our coinmunitr. The information ti�ill also be uccd to assess the t�pes and
availabilit� of ha2e crime suppoit sen'rees. and to drafr neighborhood impact ctatements for promoting the
healin� proc:ss ��ithin a conununit�. Perh�ps most importantl�. the information ��i)1 be used to de�elop
programs for the ��re� cnuon of hate crime � iciimization.
Form A4
'• a � .� .� 1 .. �
INS7RUCTiONS: Please answer the folfowing guestions as they appty to the overall sponsoring organization
(or fiscal agenf, if applicable). If you check "No" to any questions, please confacf your granfs ana/ysf for
further instrucfions.
Orqanizationai Structure
This oraanization is a lawfully incorporated nonprofit or governmental entify and is guided by a
mission/philosophy statement that promotes efective services. �es _no
2. Nondiscrimination
This organization does not discriminate on the basis of race, coior, creed, religion, sex, status with regard
to public assistance, physical or mentai disability, sexuai orientation, religious belief, national origin or
county of residence. �yes, we do not discriminate _no
3. Philosoohv
This organization's programming is consistent with the philosophy of all applicable MCCVS crime victim
advisory council(s). �yes _no
4. Comoliance
The organization compties with all federa{, state and {oca{ laws, rufes and regulations in the
implementation of its programs. �es _no
5. Financiai Manaqemeni
The organization adheres to generaliy accepted accounting procedures and, if funded, will meet the
requirements for a sound financial management system outlined in the Minnesota Center for Crime �ctim
Services' Financial Guidelines Manual for Reci�ients of State and Federal Fundina (most recent edition).
�yes _no
6. Reportinq
The organization agrees to fulfill ali reporting requirements established by the Minnesota Center for Crime
Vicfim Services. �yes _no
^ i3 ge-aBnin zM,6/58
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Form A5, Page 4- 6
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F199 �,CI'I�ZIY PI..4�1- 5 :1Sonth
PROGRriMNr'�'�4E: Citv of_Saint Paul Human Riohts Department
(use stam or
Goals and mea,na�able objecti��es
(include numbers sened, time lines
and/or other tern�s of ineasurement)
MCCVS/ I 1.7denli��ino stafe c�encies%organi_otions that l�m e a p�•imoiy
Ci�' focvs on proriding sen�ice ro rictin:s oflzate crinees.
A. Conduct preliminan reszarch b} contacting at least ]O local and
state organi�ations per ��eck and requzsing n�aterial on cach
organi�,tion'spro:ram standards toeethcr ��iih ihe t�pe and mm�ber
of sen9ces eadi or;anization currcml� pro� ides.
2. Conduc�ing o sun ey that idemifies rhe lroining or cther needs of
MCCVS/ generol crime rictims sen�ice proriders Io becon�e ca�ipelenJ in
Ciry providing sen�ires �o riuims of ho�e crimes.
��:- _.- - .
Contact by phone and mail at least � local, slate and federal
ie�ic infonnationon
nost requested npes of sen and needs of hate crime �•iainis.
"h,.-':�-�: B: Personall��inien�ie�rrepresentau��esfrmnatleast5organizations
ihaY proride hate crime rictim suppon sen�ices on a momh)� basis
- _ ..:�.—_,�
to evaluate i�donnation receiced.
C:: After receiring the e�press pennission of a cicum, trained
Neturork members ��ill meet and inteniew� at leas[ 5 cictims e� ery 2
months �o deiermine npe and le�•el ofsenices that proced to be most
D. Establish an ad�isory group composed of at least 6 nenvork
members that ��i11 mect on a month7y basis for the purpose of
ensuring that the npe and le� el of support cen�ices offered by tbe
?�'enrork am adequate.
A4CCVS! � 3. Derelop;nY o lict o f Iraii;ers rl;o nre yvro/ij�ed 70 lroin cn �he
City 7opic of sen�ice prcris;on �o riuin�_< r,jhote u-ime.c.
A. Conduct preliminary research bc contacting at ]east 5 local, 5
state and 5 national generzl cmne l ictim sen�ice prociders per n eek
requesting the names and qualificztions ef current trainers.
For Reporting
Purposes O�LY
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MCCVS/ I 4. Prorid i� jonvation on tJ:e rorious needs regording tF,e
City provision cfsen ices re/a7ed 10 issres cf dixersiN for riaims of
hole crimes.
A. Contzcur.g 5]oql communin organizauons per neek regarding
the npes of cen�ces »cums of haie crimes most ofien requect and
im-iling eac1� organization to join the :dernork.
B. Increacin� the membership of ihe :.Tetti�•ork by at least 2 new
organizations per ts eek.
C. Meeun� i�ith members of tlie ad��isory group on at leas[ a
monthly bzsis to decelop an ouveadt plan for contacting ne�v
MCCVS/ I 5. Ideiztif ino nnd defi�in� �I�e nFes ojservices �lm� nre neerled �o
City mork eJfectireJ�: n��rtr r�ctims oJlmre crime.
A. During thz monthl� meetin�. the ad� ison group i�ill diccuss tl�e
decclopman ef a sizndardizcd respnnse fonn for c�aluating and
anah zin� ihe n p�c �,f cuppon cen ices mos� rcquected Ur � iciims of
hate crimes.
B. Please refer to 2C aboce.
Dwin� il�e month]y� meeting, tbe ad��sory group w�il1 mect to
fuate the informauon recei��ed from reporung forms and �9ctim
ntiewsfor the pwpose ofanahzing the npe and lecel ofservices
;�vere most requested by �ictinu of hate crimes.
re/oping reconrmended stralegies for meeling 7he current
ojhme rrime riciimc
"_ A° By no later ihan A1ay 24, 1999. �he adcisory group uill dc��dop
- ' at least 6 stratesies io combat hate crime ��ttimization.
B: By no later than May 3], 199R ihe ad�isory group ti�il1 issue a
zeport containing iis findings, straie�ies and recommendations for
the de��elopment of at least 6 aai�•iuet ta increase the understanding
of di�>ersit� and the d}namics ofprejudice and bigotn•.
MCCVy � 7. Iden7i �in` c:irren! nUi�'iJie.c, nnd iunking recamniendmion.r for
City tl�e Jerelnpmeru ujnuirires :hnr prerrm hme crinre -
A. During the mcnilil�� mcetin � thc ad��isory group i�i)) mccl to
e��aluate the i:ifonnztion recei� ed from mponing fonns and ��ictim
inten�e�is for the purpose of de� doping at ]east 6 acu� ities that �a•i] 1
_ assist in the pre� enuon of ha�e crime ��iaimization.
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B. Afier dei•eloping iu repon per 6 B abo��e, tl�e ad� ison group
���II issue the repoa to every :.Tet��•ork member, and at ]east 30
communit�= or�anizauons and nei�hborhood groups, and at least
IS state asencies and national organizations �ahich primarily focus
iu sen5ces and suppon to � inims of hate crimes.
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Par�ose: The aims ofthe City ofSaint Paul Hate/Incident Response Plan ("ResponsePlan") aze
fourfold: (1) to partner with citizens and neighborhood organizations for providing
community wide support and solidarity to victims of hate/bias incidents; (2) to send
a cieaz message that the City of Saint Paul will not tolerate expressions ofhate or bias
directed toward any of its citizens; (3) to collect and analyze data to determine
current levels of need and availability of services, both city and statewide, for victims
ofhate bias crimes or incidents and ;(4) to implement programs that generate a better
understandin� oFdiversity and the dynamics ofprejudice and bi�otry.
Defnition: For the purposes of this Response Plan, a"Acr�e,?�ias i»cide�n" is defined as any
offense cotnmitted a�ainst a person or property that is motivated in whole or in part
by the offender's bias or hatred against a race, creed, reJigion, sex, color, national
origin, ancestry, familia) status, a�e, disability, marital status, se�cual or affectional
orientation, or status with re�ard to public assistance. While a"hatei7�ras incidenP'
may rise to the level ofa "hcne�bias crime," as defined by criminal statute, the word
"incident°-. is used to allow for implementation of the Response Plan for ail
occurrences warranting a community response. -
Page -1-
Response Procedures
I. RaceBias incident occurs �vithin bou��daries of the Citv of Saint Paul
II. Citv of Saint Paul HateBias Response Team (hereafter "Response Team") notified
A Victim
B. St. Paul Department of Hwnan Rights (as permitted by the "Minnesota
Government Data Practices .Act")
C. St. Paul Police Department (as permitted Uy the "Minnesota Government Data
Practices Act")
D. Community Based Organization (CBO)
E. Other (e.g., wiviess, n�ishbur, n;edia etc.}
IIf:, _. lf Couticted i�� Alleged Victiin kor all ott�er sources of cont�ict, refer to Section .. _
j��- . : _ ,
A. lnitiaCContact Desi�nated Response Team Membzr will conduct a li�nited interview
for the sole purpose of evaluating the appropriate level of support services.
Response Team Member expresses regret over the alleged incident and explaiias the
role ofthe Response Team.
2. Before gathering any information, Response Team Member notifies victim that every
effort ���ill be made to treat infonnation �athered as confidential, but
information is not privile��ed and mav be subiect to criminal or civil subpoena.
If victims prefer their stacements Ue privile�ed, Response Team Member encourages
them to contact professionals who possess privile�ed communication status:
i. Doctor, psycholo�ist, therapist.
ii. Reli�ious adviser_
iii. Attorney.
Pa�e -2-
B. Assessment: With victim's permission, Response Team Member interviews the
victim. The following questions are a guideline for the interview.
1. Victim is asked, "Could you tell me what happened?"
2. Victim is asked, "How can we help you?" Response Team Member determines victim's
need for immediate protection or assistance (medical, psychological, spiritual, legal,
financial or other).
3. Victim is asked, "Is there someone you can call or someone you would like us to call?"
(e.g., family member, friend, or other source of support.)
4. If appropriate, victim's permission is requested to discuss incident with Response Team,
Community Based Organizations, media, or other interested agency.
5. Victims are informed that they �+ill receive a letter of support from the Response Team
and pennission is requested to follo�a� up with a phone call in one week.
C. Repm•ting: Ifincident is not already reported, Response Team Member encoura�es victim
to file formal complaint with the St. Pau] Police and/or the Saint Paul Aepartment ofHuman
1. Saint Paul Department ofHuman Ri�hts conducts preliminary investigation in accordance
with St. Paul Human Rights Ordinance, Section 1S3.1S(4).
Z. If, after investi�ation, Saint Paul Department of Human Rights determines that violation
of St. Paul Human Ri�hts Ordinance has occurred, the Director refers matter to City
Attorney for criminal prosecution or initiation of civil enforcement proceedings pursuant to
St. Paui Human Rights Ordinance, Section 183 2Q(d).
D. ReferraC Based on inforination collected during interview, Response Team Membec
provides referrai information for immediate assistance and offers to contact appropriate
asststance a�encies.
I. Response Team Member contacts �=eographically appropriate support provider or
community or�anization. V
2. Response Team Member arranges to have resource(s) contact victim.
Pa�e -3-
��� �L�
E. Immediate Follow un: Letter of support is sent to victim from the Response Team
within one week ofinitial interview and follow up phone call is made, as authorized by
victim. Follow up phone call includes the following
1. Offers continued support.
2. Asks about additional incidents or problems.
3. Encoura�es victim to seek assistance as needed.
F. Long Term Assistance/Follow U�: Depending on the victim's degree of authorization
and the potential community impact of the incident, Response Team coordinates lon� term
assistance and community response by:
l. Notifying appropriate individuals and cammunity organizatiais to create awareness and
support. Notitication �+ill be deterinined by �_eoeraphic location, nei�hborhood and/or
victim's tnembership in a protected �roup. For nei�hborhoods that have a hate/bias incident
response plan, Response Team will ��✓ork with the nei�hborhood response team to support
and extend ]ocal efforts to a citywide level. For neighborhoods that do not have such a plan,
Response Team will encoura�e and assist appropriate local organizations in providing victim
2. Providin� follow up contact and support to victim aRer one �nonth and at other designated
points in time, as appropriate and desired by the victim (e.g., following court dates,
community actions, etc )
3. Contactin� the Saint Paul Depa�tment ofHuman Rights, the Chair ofthe Saint Paul Human
Rights Commission, the Mayor, and the City Council as appropriate.
4. Contactin� the League of Minnesota Human Ri�hts Commissions and the Minnesota
Department ofHuman Rights, as appropriate.
5. Communicatin� with media to create awareness and support. Response Team will
designate a media relations coordinator for each incident when media contact is deemed
6. Assisting communi[y based organizations in drafting Nei�hborhood Impact Statement for
use in potential sentencin� decision.
7. Collectin� and analyzing data to determine number ofhate/bias incidents occurring within
a reportin� period, and assessing current levels of need and availability of services, both city
and statewide, for victims of hate bias crimes or incidents. Accomplishing a summary report
and forwarding such report to the St. Paul Human Rights Commission, League ofMinnesota
Fa�=e -4-
l� 1
Human Rights Commissions, and other select a�encies. Liaison with other agencies to avoid
overlappin� reports. (e.�., St Paul Police, Minncsota Attorney Gcncral's Oftice, U.S. Department
of Justice)
8. Implementing programs that �enerate a better understanding ofdiversity and the dynamics
of prejudice and bigotry. V
IV. If Contacted bv Someone Other Than Alleged Victim:
A. Initial Contact: Response Team Member works with a contact source to deternune
most appropriate means of approaching victim, takin� into account potential barriers such
as victim's lanwage, literacy, culture, access to phone service, etc.
1. If appropriate, Response Team Member contacts victim in writing. An initial
contact letter.
i. Offers support.
ii. Explains the Response Team and the medical, spiritual, leQal, and financial
support services availab]e for victims of hate/bias crimes or incidents.
iii. Advises victim to report incident to Saint Paul Department of Human Ri�hts for
administrative investigation and/or tl�e Saint Paul Police, as appropriate.
iv: Encoura�es victim to call or write the Response Team for further assistance.
B. Assessment: If victim responds and authorizes further contact, see Section lII above
and proceed as indicated.
C. Long Term Assistance/Follow Un: If victim does not respond within thirty (30) days,
send follow up letter to either (a) victim, if procedure IV.A 1 was followed, or (b) contact
source, if procedure IV.A2. was followed. Follow-up letter contains the following:
1. Offers continued support.
2. Ask about additional incidents or other problems
3. Encoura�es victim to seek assistance as needed
Pa�e -i-
�a - t��
V. Review and Evaluation of Response Ptan
A. Response Team Review Committee will meet on a semiannual basis, or sooner if
circumstances warrant, to review the ef�'ectiveness of the Response Plan and recommend
improvements to the Director, Saint Paul Department of Human Rights.
B. The Director will evaluate the recommendations ofthe Response Team Review Committee
and, at the Director's discretion, recommendations offered may be incorporated into a
revised Response Plan.
Page -6-
Council File # �\ 1 • v
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WI�REAS, the Saint Paul Deparhnent of Human Rights is implementing the "City of
2 Saint Paul HateBias Incident Response Plan" which is designed: (1) to partner wSth citizens and
3 neighborhood organizations for providing community wide support and solidarity to victims of
4 bias motivated offenses; (2) to send a cleaz message that the City of Saint Paul will not tolerate
5 expressions of hate or bias directed towazd any of its cirizens; (3) to collect and analyze data to
6 determine cutrent levels of need and availability of services, both city and statewide, for vicrims
7 of hate crimes or incidents and; (4) to develop programs which may prevent bias-morivated
8 offenses, and
9 WFiEREAS, the current budgetary situation requires the Saint Paul Department of
10 Human Rights to seek alternative sources to fund the implementation and objectives of the
11 Response Plan, and
12 WHEREAS, Saint Paul City Council Resolurion No. 93-1811 authorizes the Saint Paul
13 Department of Human Rights to seek grants and donations from corporate foundations and
14 communiTy resources to support the implementation of a City-wide strategy and campaign
15 designed to prevent raciallethnic violence, bigohy and bias motivated crimes, and
16 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services has approved a grant
17 request from the Saint Paul Department of Human Rights in the amount of $15,000 for planning
18 and conducting a research project for collecting and analyzing data to determine the current level
19 of need and availability of services for victims of hate crimes and for recommending activities
20 that will prevent hate crime victunization through a better understanding of diversity and tl�e
2 1 dynamics of prejudice and bigotry, an
Requested by Department of:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
B `_'�-�� � , 1-� � .,...,1`
Approved by M � •: Date /K�$�f
By: _
Green Sheet # ��S 0 0
Adopted by Council: Date "�,4, �.y \`�q9
By: ' Vy � —
W. . yrone rr�`l - i-r�ee �---�
Auoroval Recommended bv Budeet D'uector:
Council File # t {-)`�
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.071 of the City Charter, does certify that
there aze available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1999 Budget;
WI�EREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1999 budget:
General Govt. Special Projects
Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services Grant
050-30152-3490 State Grant -0-
Total Financing -0-
Minnesota Center far Crime Victim Services Grant
050-30152-0133 Interns/Future Force
050-30152-0221 Postage
050-30152-0229 Other-Communications
050-30152-0241 Printing Outside
050-30152-0245 Publicity/Advertising
050-30152-0256 Registration Fees-Loca1
050-30152-0290 Central Service Costs
Requested by Depazhnent of:
Numan Rightc
Sy: l.✓ / i� -^� —
-- �. — F1- ne err 1, Di rec
Approval Recommended by Budget Director:
�� ., _ n
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Green Sheet #
Form A�gr by City Attome�--�
By: /V'1 '
Approved by Mayor for Submission to
Chan¢es Budget
15.000 15.000
15,000 15,000
Z �ib-4
Adopted by Council: Date
Council File # t�, � rV 1
Presented By
Referred To
050-30152-0369 Other-Office Supplies
OSO-30152-0439 Fringe Benefits
050-30152-0528 Dept Head Reimbursement
Committee: Date
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Department of Human Rights is authorized to accept the
Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Servies grant, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1999
Budget Director
Requested by Department o£
r a Human Rights
By: w f �� e ,�,
W. N. on�Terr�ll ec or
Approval Recommended by Budget Directo� °�
g M' U(
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Green Sheet #
Form Ap�ve y City Attomey: �
By: ,_
Approved by Mayor for Submission to
L-(�. -4'S
Adopted by Council: Date
i ��., • _,
W. H. Tyrone Terrill - 266-8964
February 17, 1999
YZ�S �-1�:Ii1��C�li/_Y��1:7 � J_C�1 �9
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� �arrwnan�r U anueu
� wuxrw.m�xccsooe. "� � wuxcutmnn�cera
� Wvatlae�wur ❑
Resolution to accept grant from Minnesota Center for Crime Victims. Budget Amendment wi 11 esta bl i sh
new activity under special funds. �
Increase in Bias motivated crimes.
,.�',;r�. �:.�r:a�'�
g .j y3 4�
�\iv°�'�tY�4� k'd �
��$ 12 i�99
Grant will allow Department to conduct reseazch to determine current level and need for services for
victimsofhatecrimes. Funds will be available for expenditure from grant received from
Minnesota Center for Crime Victims Services.
Implementation of S�
Paul's HateBias Incident Response Plan will be delayed.
Has this Pe�soMrm e�rer woriced urMer a conVact M this AepaRmeM7
Has this D�Nfirm ever been a eity emPbY�?
Does this PersonrTirtn P�s a sidll not normalbP�se�etl bY any curten[ cm/ emd�`/ee?
Ic ihis P���m a tarpMetl ventloYl
�:'t��t� R�r���°Cs? CaPS1�EP
?+'orm Colemmv, .'„n} cr
December 21, 1998
NTinnesota Center For Crime Victim Services
General Crime Victims Proeram
Ms. MaQgie Knoke, Grants Analyst
245 East Sixth Street, Suite 705
Saint Paul, �1,\ 55101-1819
DEPARTI��NT OF HL'\'LA,`�7 RIGHTS �� _ � �(�
\�J. H. T�rone Tcrrill, Director �
9GOCiryHo11 Telephoree:651-266-8966
IS 13! A'eAoggBovlerard - Facsimile: 651-?66-8962
SoinlPovl,a�V55J02-16&I TDD.: 651-?66-897�
RE: Request For Pronosals/General G'ime Victim Research Proiect For
Victims afHate Crimes
Dear Ms. Knoke:
Enclosed please find a detailed proposal describing how our Department intends to
plan and conduct a research project for collecting and analyzing data to determine
current levels of need and availability of services for victims of hate crimes and for
iriiplernentin� prosra�ns that vaill generate a better understanding of diversity and the
; `-,_dynamics of prejudice and bigotry.
, ;„:� -
As you see, of the totai 523,525.00 pro}ect cost �ue are requesting $ I S,OOOAO from
yout orga�uzation. The remainder ti�ill be pro��ded for through "in-kind" contributions
from the City of Saint Paul. P]eace note that our office requested clarification
re g ardi ngthenumberofsignaturesrequiredfortheApplicationAssurancesform. Since
the Director is a board member and ��-i11 be responsible for the day-to-day operation
ofthis project, we queried whether his signature alone ���ould suffice for certifying the
accuracy of the �rant application. ��'e �vere told to submit the application with just the
Director's si!_nature, zs i+e ��.�ould ha�e an opportunity to provide an additional
si�nature if necessary.
Thank you for all your help and your many wonderful su�estions. 1��e hope our
application meets with }�our orsanization's approval. If you have any questions, or
require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at
(651) 266-5975.
Human Righls Specialict
'::t,V1im;.ni�: ;a�„�.r�i�,.,io„on��„�t�-r.,�,y�.��,
General Crime Vicfims Research Project
Apptication Cover Sheet -- 5 Month - FY99
1. Research Project Focus icneck ore):
Deaf/hard of hearing general crime victims
� Hate crime victims
Title Director
2. LEg21 OPg2�128f1Ot1 (Appli�nts must be zn independen±ly incorpera;ed nonprofit orcanization, ind+an tribal government, Iocal unit of
govemment, OR have a fiscal aaent that meets that requiremen,j:
NameofLegalOrganization r;t� „f Saint Pa��1 Hnman R;ghtc DPnartmen
Federai ID � 41-6005521 State 1D � 802-5095
Address 900 Citv Hall 15 W s KP>>oag Rt
1, NN
Zip 55102-1681
Contact Person
ne Terrill
• - . .. ••.� . .. •. - • .. ..
Type of Organization �cneck one�:
A. Privste, non-profit org�nizztion
B. X Pubiic, non-pro �t organizztion
C. Indi2n tribal government (iden:ity)
D. _ Other, not listed above (identiy) _
3. Program��td�trerent ;bzniegalorgznization):
Name of Program
Contact Person
7 itie
Form A
4. Tota► Budget For Ail General Crime Victim Programs Within Your Organization [inctuae tn�s proposaq:
Non MCCVS-funded
515 000.00
5. StafEing For All Generat Crime Victim Programs Within Your Organization ��nct�de tn�s proposaq:
3 number of paid sta� =1.15 sta`F FTEs'
_ number of volunteers =_ volunteer FTEs'
'To czlculate FTEs (full-time equivzleMS), tzke a yearly to7z1 of hours worked �nd divide by 2080. For exzmple, if volunteers genera�ty
contribvte 3000 hours of service �r,nually, diviCe 3GD0 Gy 2080 to arrive zt 1.45 FiE.
Form al
Pro,gram \Tame Cirv of Saint Paul Human Riahts Department
Use only this page to proti ide a hi<_torical o�°er�iew of cour organization. Indude such things as hotiv ]ong
vour oraanization I�as bzen pro�•iding ser� ices and a description of the services } ou procide. If your
organization is newly fm also describe �chere }•ou are de� elopmentally (e.g., ��hat steps ha1�e been
taken in regard to incorporation, fundraicNg_ board developmznt_ nen+orking �+ other agencies, etc.).
On September 6, 1967, the Saint Paul Ciry Council established the City of Saint Paul Department of
Human Rights for the purpose of enforcing Chapter 183 oftl�e Saint Paul Legiclative Code, commorily Imo«n
as the Saint Paul Human Rieh�s Ordinance (`'Ordinance''). Amended many times since its enactment. the
Ordinance prohibits discrimination in emplo}ment, houcin2, educatiai, public accommodations. and public
sen�ices on the basis of race, color national orisv� or ancectrv, se�, sesual or affectional orientation aeed,
religion, aee, disabilih� fanulial ctams manta} status, or ctyns ��ith regard to public assistance. Currently,
the Department is headed by a Director ��ith o� er 2� � ears of zxperiznce in enforcing Cicil Rights legislation
for the State ofMi�mesota, the Cit� of J4i�meapolis, and the Cit� of Saint Paul. The Director manages a ctaff
of 3 support persons, 1 convact compliance supenicor, and S full time investigators 7 of�jhom are licensed
attome; s. The Deparunznt erforces the Ordin��ce by im estigating acts of il]eoal discrimination occurring
�c'�thin the City of Saint Paul.
A tipical ui�estioation conunences ��hen a person alleging to be the victim of an act of il)esal
, discrinunation files a charge �aith our Department. Once accepted, the charge is tliroughly and 'vnpzrially
-�, in'vestigated by our staff. Tl�z investigation ��ill include the taking of «imess testimony, gathering relevant
�=�;,documents, and anal}zing comparative data. Before concluding an invesiigation, fl�e person against ��hom a
=` charge is filled is gi��en every opportunit�� to address the allegation at issue. Once the investigation is
�completed, the Director �ril1 dzt2nnine �rhether there is sufficient evidence to believe that a violation of the
Oidinance has occurred. Should che Director so detennine, the Director, u ith the ezpress permission ofboth
parties, �3�i11 then scheduiz a conciliation meeting. If the conciliation attempt fails, the Director has rno
options. 77�e Director may foncard the charez to the City Attomey for criminal prosecution or proceed to a
civil enforcement l�earing before a panel of the Human Rights Commission. If, afrer a full adminictrative
hearing, the pane] concludes that a� iotation of the Ord'n�ance did occur, ii may order the offender to pay
damages to the ��ictim or take other remedial mea<ures. After an order is issued either party may obtainjudicial
review ofthe panel's decision.
Under the Ordinance, the Director also has the additional responsibilityto develop and conduct sTudies
regazding discrimn�ation. prejudice and bias. To d�at end, on ?�7arch 17, ] 998, the Director accepted the
reconunendation of the Saint Paul Human Rights Co�mnission to implement a City of Saint Paul Hate/Bi2s
Incident Response Plaa� ("Response Plan"). '3 aims of the Response P)an are fourfo)d (I) to pam�zr nith
citizens and ��eighboifiood orsanizations for pro� iding community �ride cupport and solidarity to ��ictims of
hate/bias incidents; (?) to send a clear me<;a_z that the City of Saint Paul icill not tolera2e espressions ofh2te
or bias directed to»ard any of its citizcns: (3) to collect and anal�ze data to determine current levels ofneed
and availability of c�» iccs both city and state�� ide, For � ictims of hate Uias crimcs or incidents and ;(4) to
implement progra�ns that gcnerare a bctter understanding of di�ersity and the d�namics of prejudice and
bigotrv. Since A4arch ]7, 7998 tl�e Department has established a Hate/Bias Incident Response \eh�ork
(`^� ��hich is being utilized as a mcchanism to collect and anal�ze data on Uias-motivatcd offenses
and to deterniine the current ]c� els of nced and z� ailability of � ictim support cen iccs.
Form A2
Pro�ram I�Tame Citv of Saint Paul Human Riohts Department
Use this page only to describe your oreanization's experience ��.>ith: 1) the dea�'hard of hearing
population or hate crime victims; 2) research and information gathering pro}ects; and 3) Qeneral
crime ��ctim issues.
I. Oraanization's exoerience �vich hate crime �•ictims: Long before 4�e A4innesota legis]ature enacted hate
crime legislation in 19SS, the Saint Paul Dzpartment of Human Rights �3�as actively in�estigating offenses
committed against persons tl�at"ere motivated in �3hole or in part b} the offender's hatred against a particular
race, color, national origin or znczstm, se�, c_e�ual or affectional orientation, creed, religion, age, disabiliiv,
familia] status, marita] status, or stams ���ith regard to public asc���ce. As esplained in section AI abo�e
every allegation of illz_al discr,mination is throu�h]y and unpartially investi�ated through the taking of
wimesstestimony,thegathzrinsofrele�antdocuments If theDirector
detennines 21�at a� iolation of thz Ordinance h� occurred, the Director, depending on the circumstances �i ill
fon��ard the complaint for criminal or ci� i3 proszcution. Since its creation, the Departmznt has imestigated
and resolved 3.7 S2 complaints of illega) discrimination. In ] 998 alone. our office im�ctisated 142 incidents
of discriminatiai moti�ated b� a person�s protected class stams. v
__, II. Oroanization's exnerience �+ith researdi and information �atherino proiects• In addition to bcing
_.,. statutorily charged �rith gatl�ering ctatictica] infomiation and conducting research projects on a number of
K different topics, our Department also undertakes special rzsearch projects by other Departn�ents and agencies
.�:i;�ithiii and ouuide the City of Saint Paul. For z�ample, in 1997 our Deparnnent ���orked ��ith the Mi�u�zsota
'�:=� Department of Transportation (��In/DOT) on a joint research project ���hich identified barriers hindering the
"_' utilizaiion of ��omen and m'v�orities from entering the construction industry, revie�� ed e�isting programs and
services established to assist �romen and minorities gain emplo,n�ent in the construction industry, and provided
7ecommendations to more effecticel�� bridge barriers and ]ink efforts of established agencies to increase the
number of �vomen and minorities entering into construction trades. ;�4oreo�•er our Department routinely
analyzes : Q) the percentage of�cork hours perfonned b� minorit} and �� omen construction �� orkers �� ith those
of male non-minorities and; (2) the racz. ce�, and etlmic composition of a contractor's o�ork force by job
category and ammal salary to detennine i� hether a contractor`s emplo�ment and recr�itment practices have an
affect equal emplo�7nent opportunities. In additian ��e undertake an annual comparative stud}'ofthe number,
h�pe, and disposition of each diccrimination complaint recei��ed ici2h those of prior � ears.
III. Oroanization's exnerience �sith aeneral crime ��ictim issues Because our staff is regularly engaged in
investigating acts of illesal discrimination, the�� are continuously refining their understanding of the unique
issues faced b�• crime � ictims. Auring the course of each inrestigation, our staffroutinelp refer ��ictims to a hosi
of support sen ice pro� iders �nd rzadil� makes infonna2ion a� ailable for purcuing other ci� il and/or criminal
remedies. In addiiion, our or«anization is rcgu{�rl� participating in training �� ith la�+ cnforcement agencies and
commm�ity or=aniz�tions :o incrcacc si�{# k;io�.�!rd �e ofcrime i ictim icsucs. \��ith the implcmentation of our
Response Plan, �� e are �cti� rly cellaboratin� �, ith local crime � ictim �roups, crcating a Response T�'et�+�ork of
crime victim groups. and furnis]�i�ig organizotions ��ith information rcnardin� the nature and scopc of the
:�'et�cork'ssenices. - V -
Form A3, page I
Pro� am Name Ciri� of Saint Paul Human Ri�hts Department
Use this page only to pro��ide a description ofthe project }°ou intend to imple:nent under this
For �� ell over:0 � ears che Depamnent has been committed to fishting incidents ofhatred, bigotry and
pre}udice. Gi��en our esperience, �re have concluded that a bias-moti�ated offence creates a po��.erfial ripple
effect �3lvch can quickl.� spread fezlines of terror and cause a profom�d sense of outrage in our commm�ity.
To that end, tl�e Director acceptzd the reconm�2ndation of the Saint Paul Human Righu Commission, and is
implementing a local Response Plan for e]iminating the po�� er of prejudice in our nzighborhoods. The overall
effecti��eness of the Response Plan ���ll be assessed by a Re� ie�c Committee. Thz Re��ieu Co�runittee �cill be
composedofinembzrsofconm�unit� organization<andnei�hborhoodgroups that �3i]]meetona reaularbasis
tliroughout the ]ife oYthz preject a��d act as an ad� ison council to the Director and othzr commm�ity members
engaged 'ui imp lementing thz Rzsponse Plan. During the caurse of the project the Re� ie�� Conunittee �cill meet
on a monthly basis 2o de� elop strategies for cathzring and rz� ieu ing data, on both a state and national ]erel,
for such things as :(I) crzating a list of trainz, ��Uo are qualified to train on the topic of providing sen ice
and suppo�t to victims of hate crimes: (2) identifi ing victim sen ice nceds as they relate to issues of diversity
and (3) reconunending pro�rams for ezneratin� a better und2rstanding of di��ersity and the dcnamics of
prejudice and bisouy. Pzrl�aps che moct inno� atire part of our Rcsponse Plan is the formation of a HateBias
:7ricident Recponse \ieticork ("Net��ork`). Thz Net�;ork �cill sene as a dearinghouse of support and
= infomiation on the sei� ices ��hich ma�r be fumishzd to ��ictims of hate crimes. The \ct��ork itself ���ill be set
��� -
: up ]�7;e a�cheel �a�ith manp spokes. At the hub �aill bz the Department �3 a designate staff to
-� �,� °.
;�rdu�ate city ���ide support and to im�estigate al] alleoations of bias-moti��ated offenses occurring ���ithin the
. of Saint Paul. Continunity organi�ations and neighborhood groups �+�ill make up d�e spokes, �+�ith each
orgamzation representing a different geographic and support area e.g.. medical, ps}'chological, legal, and
�:r= : �:-
,`sp�nmal. ;�Tet�rork team mzmbers �cill �cork ��ith local nei�hborl�ood groups to extend local support and service
'efforts to a city ���ide le� el. By �� orking as a team, d�e A'et�� ork ��ill attempt to accanplish several goals. First,
Neh+vork members �ci31 meet on a monthly or as required basis for the purpose of re� ie�� ing reports of bias-
motivated incidents, assessing ��hether tl�e proper le�-el ofsupport ��as furnished to the � ictim, and pro��idin�+
follo�v-up contact and support if required. Secondl;� membcrs of the ;�'et�rork nill compose and deliver a
�;-ritten message to the cictim condenming the incident and offering support and solidarity. Thirdly, the
Nehvork �cill collect and anal. ze data on the current le��els of need and availability of services for victims of
bias-moti��ated offenses on a local, state and national level. Fach community organiza2ion participating in the
Netii-ork �i il] be provided �� ith a standard intake form ��hich �ril] be used to gather the referenced data. Tn
addiDOn 2he Director �cill de�ignate at least one fi�ll time staff person to conduct a state �iide phone and mail
survey of agencies and organizations proriding such sen ices and training for and about hate crime � ictims.
After analczing the information colleaed, thz Department «ill prepare a detailed repoit outlining its findin�s
and recommendatio�;s, The repert ��ill be issued to all membcrs of the Nct�iork, community oreanizations,
neighborhood groups. and srlect lecal. statc. and federa) a�encizs.
q�i -1��!
Form A3, page 2
Program I�Tame Citv of Saint Paul Human Riohts Department
Please use only the space pro�ided to describe the corrvnunity members, genera] crime victims and
service providers ��•ho ��ill be invohed in the planning and development of this project. Include
information about the foilo�a�inQ: 1) �vhat role ��.�ill these indi��iduals and agencies play; 2} ��,�hat value
will these individuais and asencies be to the project; and 3) how ��>ill you use the information �athered
from these individuzls and a�encies?
I. Communitv members and sen•ice oroviders ��ho �iill be imoh-ed in the ulannino and de�elopment
of this oro iect: City �(Sr. Pa�d. De�r. uf Htm�nn Righrs - \k H. T} rone Terrill DirectoT, and Daniel ;�4.
Kline; Human Rights Speciali<_t, Cin' ofS7. Povl Police Depl. - Sgi. Chris ;�'elson: Cirn ofS�. Paul, A1o�-or's
Office -Lisa \'asseff: Cer�zr, for YScnms ofTortt�re - Dr..��drea �orth�� ood; ,'�tA,4CP Sc Pard - Bett� e Kine;
UniversiN ofS�. Thomos - Sharon Ho�ce11; OmFi•ont h9inneso�a -Tontinie Seidel: L-nst Side A'eighba�hood
Developmem Compm�i- -ti'incent K. Campbell; La Familia G��id�nce Cenfer- Jose Santos; G�icano Lafinos
Affairs Coamcil - Pedro Li Bahamonde; G•isis Connecno�7 - Liz Paine: St. Paul Aren Coioacil ofChurcl�es -
Bet[y Pat Leach; Lengue qf.19JHwnon RigL-�s Connnissions -?�4on R�„ eck; ,49ncnles�er Col/ege- Bert Ifill;
_ HamlineUniversir»-Todd\.lasman;Ca�,mulvitr'Srcrbili_ntionPrnjeci-MarcyGro��ec;TheHmnlineA4idx>oy
.; Allimxe - Steven Kellen
�;,� �a: xo�e or commumrv members and sen-ice ro��iders in this nroiect: The Conununity oreanizations listed
, �� bo"ve �rill counter incidenu ofprejudice and hate by pro��ding an array of support and senrvices to victims of
'-� bias-motivated offenses. Essentially, the referenced organizations �cill fonn a I�Tet�eork of service pro�7ders
_.'.`_ that i�•ill function as a single, integrated, cit���ide response mechanism that ��,-ill act in concert to e�change
=' information, furnish ��ictim support, and pro��ide a coordinated and comprehensive response to biasanotivated
" hate crimes t� hich may occur �cithin the boundaries of St. Paul. 77�e Net�cork �ciU also collaborate �ti ith other
local, state, and federal a�encies in pro��iding ��ictim support and expressing condemnation of such acts
where�er they may occur. V
III. �i'hat value ��•ill these indi� iduals and aQencies brino to the m�oiect: Besides fumishing a broad array
of support sci� iccs to � ictims of bias-moti�•ated offences e.g. ps� chological. legal cpiritual, and financial,
many of the referenced organizations ha�e ��•ell established programs and activities that are aimed at raising
an individual's aiaareness and understanding ofprejudice and hou it affects our society and recommendations
on ho�v to fight aets of prejudice on a]ocai )ecel. In addition, each organization �cill be co]]ecting da2a on an
ongoing basis for the purpose ofdetem�u�'v�g thenpes and availabilit�� ofservice and support needs for victims
of hate crnnes.
IV. How ���ill we uce the infm�mation �athered from thece m-oanizations• \��e ��il1 uce the infonnation
gathered in a numbcr of n a� s. For �samy�lc, �� z�rill use the data to dctennine the mm�ber and t� pcs of bias-
motivated offcnscs occmring in our coinmunitr. The information ti�ill also be uccd to assess the t�pes and
availabilit� of ha2e crime suppoit sen'rees. and to drafr neighborhood impact ctatements for promoting the
healin� proc:ss ��ithin a conununit�. Perh�ps most importantl�. the information ��i)1 be used to de�elop
programs for the ��re� cnuon of hate crime � iciimization.
Form A4
'• a � .� .� 1 .. �
INS7RUCTiONS: Please answer the folfowing guestions as they appty to the overall sponsoring organization
(or fiscal agenf, if applicable). If you check "No" to any questions, please confacf your granfs ana/ysf for
further instrucfions.
Orqanizationai Structure
This oraanization is a lawfully incorporated nonprofit or governmental entify and is guided by a
mission/philosophy statement that promotes efective services. �es _no
2. Nondiscrimination
This organization does not discriminate on the basis of race, coior, creed, religion, sex, status with regard
to public assistance, physical or mentai disability, sexuai orientation, religious belief, national origin or
county of residence. �yes, we do not discriminate _no
3. Philosoohv
This organization's programming is consistent with the philosophy of all applicable MCCVS crime victim
advisory council(s). �yes _no
4. Comoliance
The organization compties with all federa{, state and {oca{ laws, rufes and regulations in the
implementation of its programs. �es _no
5. Financiai Manaqemeni
The organization adheres to generaliy accepted accounting procedures and, if funded, will meet the
requirements for a sound financial management system outlined in the Minnesota Center for Crime �ctim
Services' Financial Guidelines Manual for Reci�ients of State and Federal Fundina (most recent edition).
�yes _no
6. Reportinq
The organization agrees to fulfill ali reporting requirements established by the Minnesota Center for Crime
Vicfim Services. �yes _no
^ i3 ge-aBnin zM,6/58
��- i��l
Form A5, Page 4- 6
: �
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F199 �,CI'I�ZIY PI..4�1- 5 :1Sonth
PROGRriMNr'�'�4E: Citv of_Saint Paul Human Riohts Department
(use stam or
Goals and mea,na�able objecti��es
(include numbers sened, time lines
and/or other tern�s of ineasurement)
MCCVS/ I 1.7denli��ino stafe c�encies%organi_otions that l�m e a p�•imoiy
Ci�' focvs on proriding sen�ice ro rictin:s oflzate crinees.
A. Conduct preliminan reszarch b} contacting at least ]O local and
state organi�ations per ��eck and requzsing n�aterial on cach
organi�,tion'spro:ram standards toeethcr ��iih ihe t�pe and mm�ber
of sen9ces eadi or;anization currcml� pro� ides.
2. Conduc�ing o sun ey that idemifies rhe lroining or cther needs of
MCCVS/ generol crime rictims sen�ice proriders Io becon�e ca�ipelenJ in
Ciry providing sen�ires �o riuims of ho�e crimes.
��:- _.- - .
Contact by phone and mail at least � local, slate and federal
ie�ic infonnationon
nost requested npes of sen and needs of hate crime �•iainis.
"h,.-':�-�: B: Personall��inien�ie�rrepresentau��esfrmnatleast5organizations
ihaY proride hate crime rictim suppon sen�ices on a momh)� basis
- _ ..:�.—_,�
to evaluate i�donnation receiced.
C:: After receiring the e�press pennission of a cicum, trained
Neturork members ��ill meet and inteniew� at leas[ 5 cictims e� ery 2
months �o deiermine npe and le�•el ofsenices that proced to be most
D. Establish an ad�isory group composed of at least 6 nenvork
members that ��i11 mect on a month7y basis for the purpose of
ensuring that the npe and le� el of support cen�ices offered by tbe
?�'enrork am adequate.
A4CCVS! � 3. Derelop;nY o lict o f Iraii;ers rl;o nre yvro/ij�ed 70 lroin cn �he
City 7opic of sen�ice prcris;on �o riuin�_< r,jhote u-ime.c.
A. Conduct preliminary research bc contacting at ]east 5 local, 5
state and 5 national generzl cmne l ictim sen�ice prociders per n eek
requesting the names and qualificztions ef current trainers.
For Reporting
Purposes O�LY
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MCCVS/ I 4. Prorid i� jonvation on tJ:e rorious needs regording tF,e
City provision cfsen ices re/a7ed 10 issres cf dixersiN for riaims of
hole crimes.
A. Contzcur.g 5]oql communin organizauons per neek regarding
the npes of cen�ces »cums of haie crimes most ofien requect and
im-iling eac1� organization to join the :dernork.
B. Increacin� the membership of ihe :.Tetti�•ork by at least 2 new
organizations per ts eek.
C. Meeun� i�ith members of tlie ad��isory group on at leas[ a
monthly bzsis to decelop an ouveadt plan for contacting ne�v
MCCVS/ I 5. Ideiztif ino nnd defi�in� �I�e nFes ojservices �lm� nre neerled �o
City mork eJfectireJ�: n��rtr r�ctims oJlmre crime.
A. During thz monthl� meetin�. the ad� ison group i�ill diccuss tl�e
decclopman ef a sizndardizcd respnnse fonn for c�aluating and
anah zin� ihe n p�c �,f cuppon cen ices mos� rcquected Ur � iciims of
hate crimes.
B. Please refer to 2C aboce.
Dwin� il�e month]y� meeting, tbe ad��sory group w�il1 mect to
fuate the informauon recei��ed from reporung forms and �9ctim
ntiewsfor the pwpose ofanahzing the npe and lecel ofservices
;�vere most requested by �ictinu of hate crimes.
re/oping reconrmended stralegies for meeling 7he current
ojhme rrime riciimc
"_ A° By no later ihan A1ay 24, 1999. �he adcisory group uill dc��dop
- ' at least 6 stratesies io combat hate crime ��ttimization.
B: By no later than May 3], 199R ihe ad�isory group ti�il1 issue a
zeport containing iis findings, straie�ies and recommendations for
the de��elopment of at least 6 aai�•iuet ta increase the understanding
of di�>ersit� and the d}namics ofprejudice and bigotn•.
MCCVy � 7. Iden7i �in` c:irren! nUi�'iJie.c, nnd iunking recamniendmion.r for
City tl�e Jerelnpmeru ujnuirires :hnr prerrm hme crinre -
A. During the mcnilil�� mcetin � thc ad��isory group i�i)) mccl to
e��aluate the i:ifonnztion recei� ed from mponing fonns and ��ictim
inten�e�is for the purpose of de� doping at ]east 6 acu� ities that �a•i] 1
_ assist in the pre� enuon of ha�e crime ��iaimization.
_ -'"'..
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B. Afier dei•eloping iu repon per 6 B abo��e, tl�e ad� ison group
���II issue the repoa to every :.Tet��•ork member, and at ]east 30
communit�= or�anizauons and nei�hborhood groups, and at least
IS state asencies and national organizations �ahich primarily focus
iu sen5ces and suppon to � inims of hate crimes.
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Par�ose: The aims ofthe City ofSaint Paul Hate/Incident Response Plan ("ResponsePlan") aze
fourfold: (1) to partner with citizens and neighborhood organizations for providing
community wide support and solidarity to victims of hate/bias incidents; (2) to send
a cieaz message that the City of Saint Paul will not tolerate expressions ofhate or bias
directed toward any of its citizens; (3) to collect and analyze data to determine
current levels of need and availability of services, both city and statewide, for victims
ofhate bias crimes or incidents and ;(4) to implement programs that generate a better
understandin� oFdiversity and the dynamics ofprejudice and bi�otry.
Defnition: For the purposes of this Response Plan, a"Acr�e,?�ias i»cide�n" is defined as any
offense cotnmitted a�ainst a person or property that is motivated in whole or in part
by the offender's bias or hatred against a race, creed, reJigion, sex, color, national
origin, ancestry, familia) status, a�e, disability, marital status, se�cual or affectional
orientation, or status with re�ard to public assistance. While a"hatei7�ras incidenP'
may rise to the level ofa "hcne�bias crime," as defined by criminal statute, the word
"incident°-. is used to allow for implementation of the Response Plan for ail
occurrences warranting a community response. -
Page -1-
Response Procedures
I. RaceBias incident occurs �vithin bou��daries of the Citv of Saint Paul
II. Citv of Saint Paul HateBias Response Team (hereafter "Response Team") notified
A Victim
B. St. Paul Department of Hwnan Rights (as permitted by the "Minnesota
Government Data Practices .Act")
C. St. Paul Police Department (as permitted Uy the "Minnesota Government Data
Practices Act")
D. Community Based Organization (CBO)
E. Other (e.g., wiviess, n�ishbur, n;edia etc.}
IIf:, _. lf Couticted i�� Alleged Victiin kor all ott�er sources of cont�ict, refer to Section .. _
j��- . : _ ,
A. lnitiaCContact Desi�nated Response Team Membzr will conduct a li�nited interview
for the sole purpose of evaluating the appropriate level of support services.
Response Team Member expresses regret over the alleged incident and explaiias the
role ofthe Response Team.
2. Before gathering any information, Response Team Member notifies victim that every
effort ���ill be made to treat infonnation �athered as confidential, but
information is not privile��ed and mav be subiect to criminal or civil subpoena.
If victims prefer their stacements Ue privile�ed, Response Team Member encourages
them to contact professionals who possess privile�ed communication status:
i. Doctor, psycholo�ist, therapist.
ii. Reli�ious adviser_
iii. Attorney.
Pa�e -2-
B. Assessment: With victim's permission, Response Team Member interviews the
victim. The following questions are a guideline for the interview.
1. Victim is asked, "Could you tell me what happened?"
2. Victim is asked, "How can we help you?" Response Team Member determines victim's
need for immediate protection or assistance (medical, psychological, spiritual, legal,
financial or other).
3. Victim is asked, "Is there someone you can call or someone you would like us to call?"
(e.g., family member, friend, or other source of support.)
4. If appropriate, victim's permission is requested to discuss incident with Response Team,
Community Based Organizations, media, or other interested agency.
5. Victims are informed that they �+ill receive a letter of support from the Response Team
and pennission is requested to follo�a� up with a phone call in one week.
C. Repm•ting: Ifincident is not already reported, Response Team Member encoura�es victim
to file formal complaint with the St. Pau] Police and/or the Saint Paul Aepartment ofHuman
1. Saint Paul Department ofHuman Ri�hts conducts preliminary investigation in accordance
with St. Paul Human Rights Ordinance, Section 1S3.1S(4).
Z. If, after investi�ation, Saint Paul Department of Human Rights determines that violation
of St. Paul Human Ri�hts Ordinance has occurred, the Director refers matter to City
Attorney for criminal prosecution or initiation of civil enforcement proceedings pursuant to
St. Paui Human Rights Ordinance, Section 183 2Q(d).
D. ReferraC Based on inforination collected during interview, Response Team Membec
provides referrai information for immediate assistance and offers to contact appropriate
asststance a�encies.
I. Response Team Member contacts �=eographically appropriate support provider or
community or�anization. V
2. Response Team Member arranges to have resource(s) contact victim.
Pa�e -3-
��� �L�
E. Immediate Follow un: Letter of support is sent to victim from the Response Team
within one week ofinitial interview and follow up phone call is made, as authorized by
victim. Follow up phone call includes the following
1. Offers continued support.
2. Asks about additional incidents or problems.
3. Encoura�es victim to seek assistance as needed.
F. Long Term Assistance/Follow U�: Depending on the victim's degree of authorization
and the potential community impact of the incident, Response Team coordinates lon� term
assistance and community response by:
l. Notifying appropriate individuals and cammunity organizatiais to create awareness and
support. Notitication �+ill be deterinined by �_eoeraphic location, nei�hborhood and/or
victim's tnembership in a protected �roup. For nei�hborhoods that have a hate/bias incident
response plan, Response Team will ��✓ork with the nei�hborhood response team to support
and extend ]ocal efforts to a citywide level. For neighborhoods that do not have such a plan,
Response Team will encoura�e and assist appropriate local organizations in providing victim
2. Providin� follow up contact and support to victim aRer one �nonth and at other designated
points in time, as appropriate and desired by the victim (e.g., following court dates,
community actions, etc )
3. Contactin� the Saint Paul Depa�tment ofHuman Rights, the Chair ofthe Saint Paul Human
Rights Commission, the Mayor, and the City Council as appropriate.
4. Contactin� the League of Minnesota Human Ri�hts Commissions and the Minnesota
Department ofHuman Rights, as appropriate.
5. Communicatin� with media to create awareness and support. Response Team will
designate a media relations coordinator for each incident when media contact is deemed
6. Assisting communi[y based organizations in drafting Nei�hborhood Impact Statement for
use in potential sentencin� decision.
7. Collectin� and analyzing data to determine number ofhate/bias incidents occurring within
a reportin� period, and assessing current levels of need and availability of services, both city
and statewide, for victims of hate bias crimes or incidents. Accomplishing a summary report
and forwarding such report to the St. Paul Human Rights Commission, League ofMinnesota
Fa�=e -4-
l� 1
Human Rights Commissions, and other select a�encies. Liaison with other agencies to avoid
overlappin� reports. (e.�., St Paul Police, Minncsota Attorney Gcncral's Oftice, U.S. Department
of Justice)
8. Implementing programs that �enerate a better understanding ofdiversity and the dynamics
of prejudice and bigotry. V
IV. If Contacted bv Someone Other Than Alleged Victim:
A. Initial Contact: Response Team Member works with a contact source to deternune
most appropriate means of approaching victim, takin� into account potential barriers such
as victim's lanwage, literacy, culture, access to phone service, etc.
1. If appropriate, Response Team Member contacts victim in writing. An initial
contact letter.
i. Offers support.
ii. Explains the Response Team and the medical, spiritual, leQal, and financial
support services availab]e for victims of hate/bias crimes or incidents.
iii. Advises victim to report incident to Saint Paul Department of Human Ri�hts for
administrative investigation and/or tl�e Saint Paul Police, as appropriate.
iv: Encoura�es victim to call or write the Response Team for further assistance.
B. Assessment: If victim responds and authorizes further contact, see Section lII above
and proceed as indicated.
C. Long Term Assistance/Follow Un: If victim does not respond within thirty (30) days,
send follow up letter to either (a) victim, if procedure IV.A 1 was followed, or (b) contact
source, if procedure IV.A2. was followed. Follow-up letter contains the following:
1. Offers continued support.
2. Ask about additional incidents or other problems
3. Encoura�es victim to seek assistance as needed
Pa�e -i-
�a - t��
V. Review and Evaluation of Response Ptan
A. Response Team Review Committee will meet on a semiannual basis, or sooner if
circumstances warrant, to review the ef�'ectiveness of the Response Plan and recommend
improvements to the Director, Saint Paul Department of Human Rights.
B. The Director will evaluate the recommendations ofthe Response Team Review Committee
and, at the Director's discretion, recommendations offered may be incorporated into a
revised Response Plan.
Page -6-
Council File # �\ 1 • v
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WI�REAS, the Saint Paul Deparhnent of Human Rights is implementing the "City of
2 Saint Paul HateBias Incident Response Plan" which is designed: (1) to partner wSth citizens and
3 neighborhood organizations for providing community wide support and solidarity to victims of
4 bias motivated offenses; (2) to send a cleaz message that the City of Saint Paul will not tolerate
5 expressions of hate or bias directed towazd any of its cirizens; (3) to collect and analyze data to
6 determine cutrent levels of need and availability of services, both city and statewide, for vicrims
7 of hate crimes or incidents and; (4) to develop programs which may prevent bias-morivated
8 offenses, and
9 WFiEREAS, the current budgetary situation requires the Saint Paul Department of
10 Human Rights to seek alternative sources to fund the implementation and objectives of the
11 Response Plan, and
12 WHEREAS, Saint Paul City Council Resolurion No. 93-1811 authorizes the Saint Paul
13 Department of Human Rights to seek grants and donations from corporate foundations and
14 communiTy resources to support the implementation of a City-wide strategy and campaign
15 designed to prevent raciallethnic violence, bigohy and bias motivated crimes, and
16 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services has approved a grant
17 request from the Saint Paul Department of Human Rights in the amount of $15,000 for planning
18 and conducting a research project for collecting and analyzing data to determine the current level
19 of need and availability of services for victims of hate crimes and for recommending activities
20 that will prevent hate crime victunization through a better understanding of diversity and tl�e
2 1 dynamics of prejudice and bigotry, an
Requested by Department of:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
B `_'�-�� � , 1-� � .,...,1`
Approved by M � •: Date /K�$�f
By: _
Green Sheet # ��S 0 0
Adopted by Council: Date "�,4, �.y \`�q9
By: ' Vy � —
W. . yrone rr�`l - i-r�ee �---�
Auoroval Recommended bv Budeet D'uector:
Council File # t {-)`�
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.071 of the City Charter, does certify that
there aze available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1999 Budget;
WI�EREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1999 budget:
General Govt. Special Projects
Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services Grant
050-30152-3490 State Grant -0-
Total Financing -0-
Minnesota Center far Crime Victim Services Grant
050-30152-0133 Interns/Future Force
050-30152-0221 Postage
050-30152-0229 Other-Communications
050-30152-0241 Printing Outside
050-30152-0245 Publicity/Advertising
050-30152-0256 Registration Fees-Loca1
050-30152-0290 Central Service Costs
Requested by Depazhnent of:
Numan Rightc
Sy: l.✓ / i� -^� —
-- �. — F1- ne err 1, Di rec
Approval Recommended by Budget Director:
�� ., _ n
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Green Sheet #
Form A�gr by City Attome�--�
By: /V'1 '
Approved by Mayor for Submission to
Chan¢es Budget
15.000 15.000
15,000 15,000
Z �ib-4
Adopted by Council: Date
Council File # t�, � rV 1
Presented By
Referred To
050-30152-0369 Other-Office Supplies
OSO-30152-0439 Fringe Benefits
050-30152-0528 Dept Head Reimbursement
Committee: Date
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Department of Human Rights is authorized to accept the
Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Servies grant, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1999
Budget Director
Requested by Department o£
r a Human Rights
By: w f �� e ,�,
W. N. on�Terr�ll ec or
Approval Recommended by Budget Directo� °�
g M' U(
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Green Sheet #
Form Ap�ve y City Attomey: �
By: ,_
Approved by Mayor for Submission to
L-(�. -4'S
Adopted by Council: Date
i ��., • _,
W. H. Tyrone Terrill - 266-8964
February 17, 1999
YZ�S �-1�:Ii1��C�li/_Y��1:7 � J_C�1 �9
� � '`M Qq_l4`l
3❑ �,v-1�°*+`�
� �arrwnan�r U anueu
� wuxrw.m�xccsooe. "� � wuxcutmnn�cera
� Wvatlae�wur ❑
Resolution to accept grant from Minnesota Center for Crime Victims. Budget Amendment wi 11 esta bl i sh
new activity under special funds. �
Increase in Bias motivated crimes.
,.�',;r�. �:.�r:a�'�
g .j y3 4�
�\iv°�'�tY�4� k'd �
��$ 12 i�99
Grant will allow Department to conduct reseazch to determine current level and need for services for
victimsofhatecrimes. Funds will be available for expenditure from grant received from
Minnesota Center for Crime Victims Services.
Implementation of S�
Paul's HateBias Incident Response Plan will be delayed.
Has this Pe�soMrm e�rer woriced urMer a conVact M this AepaRmeM7
Has this D�Nfirm ever been a eity emPbY�?
Does this PersonrTirtn P�s a sidll not normalbP�se�etl bY any curten[ cm/ emd�`/ee?
Ic ihis P���m a tarpMetl ventloYl
�:'t��t� R�r���°Cs? CaPS1�EP
?+'orm Colemmv, .'„n} cr
December 21, 1998
NTinnesota Center For Crime Victim Services
General Crime Victims Proeram
Ms. MaQgie Knoke, Grants Analyst
245 East Sixth Street, Suite 705
Saint Paul, �1,\ 55101-1819
DEPARTI��NT OF HL'\'LA,`�7 RIGHTS �� _ � �(�
\�J. H. T�rone Tcrrill, Director �
9GOCiryHo11 Telephoree:651-266-8966
IS 13! A'eAoggBovlerard - Facsimile: 651-?66-8962
SoinlPovl,a�V55J02-16&I TDD.: 651-?66-897�
RE: Request For Pronosals/General G'ime Victim Research Proiect For
Victims afHate Crimes
Dear Ms. Knoke:
Enclosed please find a detailed proposal describing how our Department intends to
plan and conduct a research project for collecting and analyzing data to determine
current levels of need and availability of services for victims of hate crimes and for
iriiplernentin� prosra�ns that vaill generate a better understanding of diversity and the
; `-,_dynamics of prejudice and bigotry.
, ;„:� -
As you see, of the totai 523,525.00 pro}ect cost �ue are requesting $ I S,OOOAO from
yout orga�uzation. The remainder ti�ill be pro��ded for through "in-kind" contributions
from the City of Saint Paul. P]eace note that our office requested clarification
re g ardi ngthenumberofsignaturesrequiredfortheApplicationAssurancesform. Since
the Director is a board member and ��-i11 be responsible for the day-to-day operation
ofthis project, we queried whether his signature alone ���ould suffice for certifying the
accuracy of the �rant application. ��'e �vere told to submit the application with just the
Director's si!_nature, zs i+e ��.�ould ha�e an opportunity to provide an additional
si�nature if necessary.
Thank you for all your help and your many wonderful su�estions. 1��e hope our
application meets with }�our orsanization's approval. If you have any questions, or
require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at
(651) 266-5975.
Human Righls Specialict
'::t,V1im;.ni�: ;a�„�.r�i�,.,io„on��„�t�-r.,�,y�.��,
General Crime Vicfims Research Project
Apptication Cover Sheet -- 5 Month - FY99
1. Research Project Focus icneck ore):
Deaf/hard of hearing general crime victims
� Hate crime victims
Title Director
2. LEg21 OPg2�128f1Ot1 (Appli�nts must be zn independen±ly incorpera;ed nonprofit orcanization, ind+an tribal government, Iocal unit of
govemment, OR have a fiscal aaent that meets that requiremen,j:
NameofLegalOrganization r;t� „f Saint Pa��1 Hnman R;ghtc DPnartmen
Federai ID � 41-6005521 State 1D � 802-5095
Address 900 Citv Hall 15 W s KP>>oag Rt
1, NN
Zip 55102-1681
Contact Person
ne Terrill
• - . .. ••.� . .. •. - • .. ..
Type of Organization �cneck one�:
A. Privste, non-profit org�nizztion
B. X Pubiic, non-pro �t organizztion
C. Indi2n tribal government (iden:ity)
D. _ Other, not listed above (identiy) _
3. Program��td�trerent ;bzniegalorgznization):
Name of Program
Contact Person
7 itie
Form A
4. Tota► Budget For Ail General Crime Victim Programs Within Your Organization [inctuae tn�s proposaq:
Non MCCVS-funded
515 000.00
5. StafEing For All Generat Crime Victim Programs Within Your Organization ��nct�de tn�s proposaq:
3 number of paid sta� =1.15 sta`F FTEs'
_ number of volunteers =_ volunteer FTEs'
'To czlculate FTEs (full-time equivzleMS), tzke a yearly to7z1 of hours worked �nd divide by 2080. For exzmple, if volunteers genera�ty
contribvte 3000 hours of service �r,nually, diviCe 3GD0 Gy 2080 to arrive zt 1.45 FiE.
Form al
Pro,gram \Tame Cirv of Saint Paul Human Riahts Department
Use only this page to proti ide a hi<_torical o�°er�iew of cour organization. Indude such things as hotiv ]ong
vour oraanization I�as bzen pro�•iding ser� ices and a description of the services } ou procide. If your
organization is newly fm also describe �chere }•ou are de� elopmentally (e.g., ��hat steps ha1�e been
taken in regard to incorporation, fundraicNg_ board developmznt_ nen+orking �+ other agencies, etc.).
On September 6, 1967, the Saint Paul Ciry Council established the City of Saint Paul Department of
Human Rights for the purpose of enforcing Chapter 183 oftl�e Saint Paul Legiclative Code, commorily Imo«n
as the Saint Paul Human Rieh�s Ordinance (`'Ordinance''). Amended many times since its enactment. the
Ordinance prohibits discrimination in emplo}ment, houcin2, educatiai, public accommodations. and public
sen�ices on the basis of race, color national orisv� or ancectrv, se�, sesual or affectional orientation aeed,
religion, aee, disabilih� fanulial ctams manta} status, or ctyns ��ith regard to public assistance. Currently,
the Department is headed by a Director ��ith o� er 2� � ears of zxperiznce in enforcing Cicil Rights legislation
for the State ofMi�mesota, the Cit� of J4i�meapolis, and the Cit� of Saint Paul. The Director manages a ctaff
of 3 support persons, 1 convact compliance supenicor, and S full time investigators 7 of�jhom are licensed
attome; s. The Deparunznt erforces the Ordin��ce by im estigating acts of il]eoal discrimination occurring
�c'�thin the City of Saint Paul.
A tipical ui�estioation conunences ��hen a person alleging to be the victim of an act of il)esal
, discrinunation files a charge �aith our Department. Once accepted, the charge is tliroughly and 'vnpzrially
-�, in'vestigated by our staff. Tl�z investigation ��ill include the taking of «imess testimony, gathering relevant
�=�;,documents, and anal}zing comparative data. Before concluding an invesiigation, fl�e person against ��hom a
=` charge is filled is gi��en every opportunit�� to address the allegation at issue. Once the investigation is
�completed, the Director �ril1 dzt2nnine �rhether there is sufficient evidence to believe that a violation of the
Oidinance has occurred. Should che Director so detennine, the Director, u ith the ezpress permission ofboth
parties, �3�i11 then scheduiz a conciliation meeting. If the conciliation attempt fails, the Director has rno
options. 77�e Director may foncard the charez to the City Attomey for criminal prosecution or proceed to a
civil enforcement l�earing before a panel of the Human Rights Commission. If, afrer a full adminictrative
hearing, the pane] concludes that a� iotation of the Ord'n�ance did occur, ii may order the offender to pay
damages to the ��ictim or take other remedial mea<ures. After an order is issued either party may obtainjudicial
review ofthe panel's decision.
Under the Ordinance, the Director also has the additional responsibilityto develop and conduct sTudies
regazding discrimn�ation. prejudice and bias. To d�at end, on ?�7arch 17, ] 998, the Director accepted the
reconunendation of the Saint Paul Human Rights Co�mnission to implement a City of Saint Paul Hate/Bi2s
Incident Response Plaa� ("Response Plan"). '3 aims of the Response P)an are fourfo)d (I) to pam�zr nith
citizens and ��eighboifiood orsanizations for pro� iding community �ride cupport and solidarity to ��ictims of
hate/bias incidents; (?) to send a clear me<;a_z that the City of Saint Paul icill not tolera2e espressions ofh2te
or bias directed to»ard any of its citizcns: (3) to collect and anal�ze data to determine current levels ofneed
and availability of c�» iccs both city and state�� ide, For � ictims of hate Uias crimcs or incidents and ;(4) to
implement progra�ns that gcnerare a bctter understanding of di�ersity and the d�namics of prejudice and
bigotrv. Since A4arch ]7, 7998 tl�e Department has established a Hate/Bias Incident Response \eh�ork
(`^� ��hich is being utilized as a mcchanism to collect and anal�ze data on Uias-motivatcd offenses
and to deterniine the current ]c� els of nced and z� ailability of � ictim support cen iccs.
Form A2
Pro�ram I�Tame Citv of Saint Paul Human Riohts Department
Use this page only to describe your oreanization's experience ��.>ith: 1) the dea�'hard of hearing
population or hate crime victims; 2) research and information gathering pro}ects; and 3) Qeneral
crime ��ctim issues.
I. Oraanization's exoerience �vich hate crime �•ictims: Long before 4�e A4innesota legis]ature enacted hate
crime legislation in 19SS, the Saint Paul Dzpartment of Human Rights �3�as actively in�estigating offenses
committed against persons tl�at"ere motivated in �3hole or in part b} the offender's hatred against a particular
race, color, national origin or znczstm, se�, c_e�ual or affectional orientation, creed, religion, age, disabiliiv,
familia] status, marita] status, or stams ���ith regard to public asc���ce. As esplained in section AI abo�e
every allegation of illz_al discr,mination is throu�h]y and unpartially investi�ated through the taking of
wimesstestimony,thegathzrinsofrele�antdocuments If theDirector
detennines 21�at a� iolation of thz Ordinance h� occurred, the Director, depending on the circumstances �i ill
fon��ard the complaint for criminal or ci� i3 proszcution. Since its creation, the Departmznt has imestigated
and resolved 3.7 S2 complaints of illega) discrimination. In ] 998 alone. our office im�ctisated 142 incidents
of discriminatiai moti�ated b� a person�s protected class stams. v
__, II. Oroanization's exnerience �+ith researdi and information �atherino proiects• In addition to bcing
_.,. statutorily charged �rith gatl�ering ctatictica] infomiation and conducting research projects on a number of
K different topics, our Department also undertakes special rzsearch projects by other Departn�ents and agencies
.�:i;�ithiii and ouuide the City of Saint Paul. For z�ample, in 1997 our Deparnnent ���orked ��ith the Mi�u�zsota
'�:=� Department of Transportation (��In/DOT) on a joint research project ���hich identified barriers hindering the
"_' utilizaiion of ��omen and m'v�orities from entering the construction industry, revie�� ed e�isting programs and
services established to assist �romen and minorities gain emplo,n�ent in the construction industry, and provided
7ecommendations to more effecticel�� bridge barriers and ]ink efforts of established agencies to increase the
number of �vomen and minorities entering into construction trades. ;�4oreo�•er our Department routinely
analyzes : Q) the percentage of�cork hours perfonned b� minorit} and �� omen construction �� orkers �� ith those
of male non-minorities and; (2) the racz. ce�, and etlmic composition of a contractor's o�ork force by job
category and ammal salary to detennine i� hether a contractor`s emplo�ment and recr�itment practices have an
affect equal emplo�7nent opportunities. In additian ��e undertake an annual comparative stud}'ofthe number,
h�pe, and disposition of each diccrimination complaint recei��ed ici2h those of prior � ears.
III. Oroanization's exnerience �sith aeneral crime ��ictim issues Because our staff is regularly engaged in
investigating acts of illesal discrimination, the�� are continuously refining their understanding of the unique
issues faced b�• crime � ictims. Auring the course of each inrestigation, our staffroutinelp refer ��ictims to a hosi
of support sen ice pro� iders �nd rzadil� makes infonna2ion a� ailable for purcuing other ci� il and/or criminal
remedies. In addiiion, our or«anization is rcgu{�rl� participating in training �� ith la�+ cnforcement agencies and
commm�ity or=aniz�tions :o incrcacc si�{# k;io�.�!rd �e ofcrime i ictim icsucs. \��ith the implcmentation of our
Response Plan, �� e are �cti� rly cellaboratin� �, ith local crime � ictim �roups, crcating a Response T�'et�+�ork of
crime victim groups. and furnis]�i�ig organizotions ��ith information rcnardin� the nature and scopc of the
:�'et�cork'ssenices. - V -
Form A3, page I
Pro� am Name Ciri� of Saint Paul Human Ri�hts Department
Use this page only to pro��ide a description ofthe project }°ou intend to imple:nent under this
For �� ell over:0 � ears che Depamnent has been committed to fishting incidents ofhatred, bigotry and
pre}udice. Gi��en our esperience, �re have concluded that a bias-moti�ated offence creates a po��.erfial ripple
effect �3lvch can quickl.� spread fezlines of terror and cause a profom�d sense of outrage in our commm�ity.
To that end, tl�e Director acceptzd the reconm�2ndation of the Saint Paul Human Righu Commission, and is
implementing a local Response Plan for e]iminating the po�� er of prejudice in our nzighborhoods. The overall
effecti��eness of the Response Plan ���ll be assessed by a Re� ie�c Committee. Thz Re��ieu Co�runittee �cill be
composedofinembzrsofconm�unit� organization<andnei�hborhoodgroups that �3i]]meetona reaularbasis
tliroughout the ]ife oYthz preject a��d act as an ad� ison council to the Director and othzr commm�ity members
engaged 'ui imp lementing thz Rzsponse Plan. During the caurse of the project the Re� ie�� Conunittee �cill meet
on a monthly basis 2o de� elop strategies for cathzring and rz� ieu ing data, on both a state and national ]erel,
for such things as :(I) crzating a list of trainz, ��Uo are qualified to train on the topic of providing sen ice
and suppo�t to victims of hate crimes: (2) identifi ing victim sen ice nceds as they relate to issues of diversity
and (3) reconunending pro�rams for ezneratin� a better und2rstanding of di��ersity and the dcnamics of
prejudice and bisouy. Pzrl�aps che moct inno� atire part of our Rcsponse Plan is the formation of a HateBias
:7ricident Recponse \ieticork ("Net��ork`). Thz Net�;ork �cill sene as a dearinghouse of support and
= infomiation on the sei� ices ��hich ma�r be fumishzd to ��ictims of hate crimes. The \ct��ork itself ���ill be set
��� -
: up ]�7;e a�cheel �a�ith manp spokes. At the hub �aill bz the Department �3 a designate staff to
-� �,� °.
;�rdu�ate city ���ide support and to im�estigate al] alleoations of bias-moti��ated offenses occurring ���ithin the
. of Saint Paul. Continunity organi�ations and neighborhood groups �+�ill make up d�e spokes, �+�ith each
orgamzation representing a different geographic and support area e.g.. medical, ps}'chological, legal, and
�:r= : �:-
,`sp�nmal. ;�Tet�rork team mzmbers �cill �cork ��ith local nei�hborl�ood groups to extend local support and service
'efforts to a city ���ide le� el. By �� orking as a team, d�e A'et�� ork ��ill attempt to accanplish several goals. First,
Neh+vork members �ci31 meet on a monthly or as required basis for the purpose of re� ie�� ing reports of bias-
motivated incidents, assessing ��hether tl�e proper le�-el ofsupport ��as furnished to the � ictim, and pro��idin�+
follo�v-up contact and support if required. Secondl;� membcrs of the ;�'et�rork nill compose and deliver a
�;-ritten message to the cictim condenming the incident and offering support and solidarity. Thirdly, the
Nehvork �cill collect and anal. ze data on the current le��els of need and availability of services for victims of
bias-moti��ated offenses on a local, state and national level. Fach community organiza2ion participating in the
Netii-ork �i il] be provided �� ith a standard intake form ��hich �ril] be used to gather the referenced data. Tn
addiDOn 2he Director �cill de�ignate at least one fi�ll time staff person to conduct a state �iide phone and mail
survey of agencies and organizations proriding such sen ices and training for and about hate crime � ictims.
After analczing the information colleaed, thz Department «ill prepare a detailed repoit outlining its findin�s
and recommendatio�;s, The repert ��ill be issued to all membcrs of the Nct�iork, community oreanizations,
neighborhood groups. and srlect lecal. statc. and federa) a�encizs.
q�i -1��!
Form A3, page 2
Program I�Tame Citv of Saint Paul Human Riohts Department
Please use only the space pro�ided to describe the corrvnunity members, genera] crime victims and
service providers ��•ho ��ill be invohed in the planning and development of this project. Include
information about the foilo�a�inQ: 1) �vhat role ��.�ill these indi��iduals and agencies play; 2} ��,�hat value
will these individuais and asencies be to the project; and 3) how ��>ill you use the information �athered
from these individuzls and a�encies?
I. Communitv members and sen•ice oroviders ��ho �iill be imoh-ed in the ulannino and de�elopment
of this oro iect: City �(Sr. Pa�d. De�r. uf Htm�nn Righrs - \k H. T} rone Terrill DirectoT, and Daniel ;�4.
Kline; Human Rights Speciali<_t, Cin' ofS7. Povl Police Depl. - Sgi. Chris ;�'elson: Cirn ofS�. Paul, A1o�-or's
Office -Lisa \'asseff: Cer�zr, for YScnms ofTortt�re - Dr..��drea �orth�� ood; ,'�tA,4CP Sc Pard - Bett� e Kine;
UniversiN ofS�. Thomos - Sharon Ho�ce11; OmFi•ont h9inneso�a -Tontinie Seidel: L-nst Side A'eighba�hood
Developmem Compm�i- -ti'incent K. Campbell; La Familia G��id�nce Cenfer- Jose Santos; G�icano Lafinos
Affairs Coamcil - Pedro Li Bahamonde; G•isis Connecno�7 - Liz Paine: St. Paul Aren Coioacil ofChurcl�es -
Bet[y Pat Leach; Lengue qf.19JHwnon RigL-�s Connnissions -?�4on R�„ eck; ,49ncnles�er Col/ege- Bert Ifill;
_ HamlineUniversir»-Todd\.lasman;Ca�,mulvitr'Srcrbili_ntionPrnjeci-MarcyGro��ec;TheHmnlineA4idx>oy
.; Allimxe - Steven Kellen
�;,� �a: xo�e or commumrv members and sen-ice ro��iders in this nroiect: The Conununity oreanizations listed
, �� bo"ve �rill counter incidenu ofprejudice and hate by pro��ding an array of support and senrvices to victims of
'-� bias-motivated offenses. Essentially, the referenced organizations �cill fonn a I�Tet�eork of service pro�7ders
_.'.`_ that i�•ill function as a single, integrated, cit���ide response mechanism that ��,-ill act in concert to e�change
=' information, furnish ��ictim support, and pro��ide a coordinated and comprehensive response to biasanotivated
" hate crimes t� hich may occur �cithin the boundaries of St. Paul. 77�e Net�cork �ciU also collaborate �ti ith other
local, state, and federal a�encies in pro��iding ��ictim support and expressing condemnation of such acts
where�er they may occur. V
III. �i'hat value ��•ill these indi� iduals and aQencies brino to the m�oiect: Besides fumishing a broad array
of support sci� iccs to � ictims of bias-moti�•ated offences e.g. ps� chological. legal cpiritual, and financial,
many of the referenced organizations ha�e ��•ell established programs and activities that are aimed at raising
an individual's aiaareness and understanding ofprejudice and hou it affects our society and recommendations
on ho�v to fight aets of prejudice on a]ocai )ecel. In addition, each organization �cill be co]]ecting da2a on an
ongoing basis for the purpose ofdetem�u�'v�g thenpes and availabilit�� ofservice and support needs for victims
of hate crnnes.
IV. How ���ill we uce the infm�mation �athered from thece m-oanizations• \��e ��il1 uce the infonnation
gathered in a numbcr of n a� s. For �samy�lc, �� z�rill use the data to dctennine the mm�ber and t� pcs of bias-
motivated offcnscs occmring in our coinmunitr. The information ti�ill also be uccd to assess the t�pes and
availabilit� of ha2e crime suppoit sen'rees. and to drafr neighborhood impact ctatements for promoting the
healin� proc:ss ��ithin a conununit�. Perh�ps most importantl�. the information ��i)1 be used to de�elop
programs for the ��re� cnuon of hate crime � iciimization.
Form A4
'• a � .� .� 1 .. �
INS7RUCTiONS: Please answer the folfowing guestions as they appty to the overall sponsoring organization
(or fiscal agenf, if applicable). If you check "No" to any questions, please confacf your granfs ana/ysf for
further instrucfions.
Orqanizationai Structure
This oraanization is a lawfully incorporated nonprofit or governmental entify and is guided by a
mission/philosophy statement that promotes efective services. �es _no
2. Nondiscrimination
This organization does not discriminate on the basis of race, coior, creed, religion, sex, status with regard
to public assistance, physical or mentai disability, sexuai orientation, religious belief, national origin or
county of residence. �yes, we do not discriminate _no
3. Philosoohv
This organization's programming is consistent with the philosophy of all applicable MCCVS crime victim
advisory council(s). �yes _no
4. Comoliance
The organization compties with all federa{, state and {oca{ laws, rufes and regulations in the
implementation of its programs. �es _no
5. Financiai Manaqemeni
The organization adheres to generaliy accepted accounting procedures and, if funded, will meet the
requirements for a sound financial management system outlined in the Minnesota Center for Crime �ctim
Services' Financial Guidelines Manual for Reci�ients of State and Federal Fundina (most recent edition).
�yes _no
6. Reportinq
The organization agrees to fulfill ali reporting requirements established by the Minnesota Center for Crime
Vicfim Services. �yes _no
^ i3 ge-aBnin zM,6/58
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Form A5, Page 4- 6
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F199 �,CI'I�ZIY PI..4�1- 5 :1Sonth
PROGRriMNr'�'�4E: Citv of_Saint Paul Human Riohts Department
(use stam or
Goals and mea,na�able objecti��es
(include numbers sened, time lines
and/or other tern�s of ineasurement)
MCCVS/ I 1.7denli��ino stafe c�encies%organi_otions that l�m e a p�•imoiy
Ci�' focvs on proriding sen�ice ro rictin:s oflzate crinees.
A. Conduct preliminan reszarch b} contacting at least ]O local and
state organi�ations per ��eck and requzsing n�aterial on cach
organi�,tion'spro:ram standards toeethcr ��iih ihe t�pe and mm�ber
of sen9ces eadi or;anization currcml� pro� ides.
2. Conduc�ing o sun ey that idemifies rhe lroining or cther needs of
MCCVS/ generol crime rictims sen�ice proriders Io becon�e ca�ipelenJ in
Ciry providing sen�ires �o riuims of ho�e crimes.
��:- _.- - .
Contact by phone and mail at least � local, slate and federal
ie�ic infonnationon
nost requested npes of sen and needs of hate crime �•iainis.
"h,.-':�-�: B: Personall��inien�ie�rrepresentau��esfrmnatleast5organizations
ihaY proride hate crime rictim suppon sen�ices on a momh)� basis
- _ ..:�.—_,�
to evaluate i�donnation receiced.
C:: After receiring the e�press pennission of a cicum, trained
Neturork members ��ill meet and inteniew� at leas[ 5 cictims e� ery 2
months �o deiermine npe and le�•el ofsenices that proced to be most
D. Establish an ad�isory group composed of at least 6 nenvork
members that ��i11 mect on a month7y basis for the purpose of
ensuring that the npe and le� el of support cen�ices offered by tbe
?�'enrork am adequate.
A4CCVS! � 3. Derelop;nY o lict o f Iraii;ers rl;o nre yvro/ij�ed 70 lroin cn �he
City 7opic of sen�ice prcris;on �o riuin�_< r,jhote u-ime.c.
A. Conduct preliminary research bc contacting at ]east 5 local, 5
state and 5 national generzl cmne l ictim sen�ice prociders per n eek
requesting the names and qualificztions ef current trainers.
For Reporting
Purposes O�LY
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MCCVS/ I 4. Prorid i� jonvation on tJ:e rorious needs regording tF,e
City provision cfsen ices re/a7ed 10 issres cf dixersiN for riaims of
hole crimes.
A. Contzcur.g 5]oql communin organizauons per neek regarding
the npes of cen�ces »cums of haie crimes most ofien requect and
im-iling eac1� organization to join the :dernork.
B. Increacin� the membership of ihe :.Tetti�•ork by at least 2 new
organizations per ts eek.
C. Meeun� i�ith members of tlie ad��isory group on at leas[ a
monthly bzsis to decelop an ouveadt plan for contacting ne�v
MCCVS/ I 5. Ideiztif ino nnd defi�in� �I�e nFes ojservices �lm� nre neerled �o
City mork eJfectireJ�: n��rtr r�ctims oJlmre crime.
A. During thz monthl� meetin�. the ad� ison group i�ill diccuss tl�e
decclopman ef a sizndardizcd respnnse fonn for c�aluating and
anah zin� ihe n p�c �,f cuppon cen ices mos� rcquected Ur � iciims of
hate crimes.
B. Please refer to 2C aboce.
Dwin� il�e month]y� meeting, tbe ad��sory group w�il1 mect to
fuate the informauon recei��ed from reporung forms and �9ctim
ntiewsfor the pwpose ofanahzing the npe and lecel ofservices
;�vere most requested by �ictinu of hate crimes.
re/oping reconrmended stralegies for meeling 7he current
ojhme rrime riciimc
"_ A° By no later ihan A1ay 24, 1999. �he adcisory group uill dc��dop
- ' at least 6 stratesies io combat hate crime ��ttimization.
B: By no later than May 3], 199R ihe ad�isory group ti�il1 issue a
zeport containing iis findings, straie�ies and recommendations for
the de��elopment of at least 6 aai�•iuet ta increase the understanding
of di�>ersit� and the d}namics ofprejudice and bigotn•.
MCCVy � 7. Iden7i �in` c:irren! nUi�'iJie.c, nnd iunking recamniendmion.r for
City tl�e Jerelnpmeru ujnuirires :hnr prerrm hme crinre -
A. During the mcnilil�� mcetin � thc ad��isory group i�i)) mccl to
e��aluate the i:ifonnztion recei� ed from mponing fonns and ��ictim
inten�e�is for the purpose of de� doping at ]east 6 acu� ities that �a•i] 1
_ assist in the pre� enuon of ha�e crime ��iaimization.
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B. Afier dei•eloping iu repon per 6 B abo��e, tl�e ad� ison group
���II issue the repoa to every :.Tet��•ork member, and at ]east 30
communit�= or�anizauons and nei�hborhood groups, and at least
IS state asencies and national organizations �ahich primarily focus
iu sen5ces and suppon to � inims of hate crimes.
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Par�ose: The aims ofthe City ofSaint Paul Hate/Incident Response Plan ("ResponsePlan") aze
fourfold: (1) to partner with citizens and neighborhood organizations for providing
community wide support and solidarity to victims of hate/bias incidents; (2) to send
a cieaz message that the City of Saint Paul will not tolerate expressions ofhate or bias
directed toward any of its citizens; (3) to collect and analyze data to determine
current levels of need and availability of services, both city and statewide, for victims
ofhate bias crimes or incidents and ;(4) to implement programs that generate a better
understandin� oFdiversity and the dynamics ofprejudice and bi�otry.
Defnition: For the purposes of this Response Plan, a"Acr�e,?�ias i»cide�n" is defined as any
offense cotnmitted a�ainst a person or property that is motivated in whole or in part
by the offender's bias or hatred against a race, creed, reJigion, sex, color, national
origin, ancestry, familia) status, a�e, disability, marital status, se�cual or affectional
orientation, or status with re�ard to public assistance. While a"hatei7�ras incidenP'
may rise to the level ofa "hcne�bias crime," as defined by criminal statute, the word
"incident°-. is used to allow for implementation of the Response Plan for ail
occurrences warranting a community response. -
Page -1-
Response Procedures
I. RaceBias incident occurs �vithin bou��daries of the Citv of Saint Paul
II. Citv of Saint Paul HateBias Response Team (hereafter "Response Team") notified
A Victim
B. St. Paul Department of Hwnan Rights (as permitted by the "Minnesota
Government Data Practices .Act")
C. St. Paul Police Department (as permitted Uy the "Minnesota Government Data
Practices Act")
D. Community Based Organization (CBO)
E. Other (e.g., wiviess, n�ishbur, n;edia etc.}
IIf:, _. lf Couticted i�� Alleged Victiin kor all ott�er sources of cont�ict, refer to Section .. _
j��- . : _ ,
A. lnitiaCContact Desi�nated Response Team Membzr will conduct a li�nited interview
for the sole purpose of evaluating the appropriate level of support services.
Response Team Member expresses regret over the alleged incident and explaiias the
role ofthe Response Team.
2. Before gathering any information, Response Team Member notifies victim that every
effort ���ill be made to treat infonnation �athered as confidential, but
information is not privile��ed and mav be subiect to criminal or civil subpoena.
If victims prefer their stacements Ue privile�ed, Response Team Member encourages
them to contact professionals who possess privile�ed communication status:
i. Doctor, psycholo�ist, therapist.
ii. Reli�ious adviser_
iii. Attorney.
Pa�e -2-
B. Assessment: With victim's permission, Response Team Member interviews the
victim. The following questions are a guideline for the interview.
1. Victim is asked, "Could you tell me what happened?"
2. Victim is asked, "How can we help you?" Response Team Member determines victim's
need for immediate protection or assistance (medical, psychological, spiritual, legal,
financial or other).
3. Victim is asked, "Is there someone you can call or someone you would like us to call?"
(e.g., family member, friend, or other source of support.)
4. If appropriate, victim's permission is requested to discuss incident with Response Team,
Community Based Organizations, media, or other interested agency.
5. Victims are informed that they �+ill receive a letter of support from the Response Team
and pennission is requested to follo�a� up with a phone call in one week.
C. Repm•ting: Ifincident is not already reported, Response Team Member encoura�es victim
to file formal complaint with the St. Pau] Police and/or the Saint Paul Aepartment ofHuman
1. Saint Paul Department ofHuman Ri�hts conducts preliminary investigation in accordance
with St. Paul Human Rights Ordinance, Section 1S3.1S(4).
Z. If, after investi�ation, Saint Paul Department of Human Rights determines that violation
of St. Paul Human Ri�hts Ordinance has occurred, the Director refers matter to City
Attorney for criminal prosecution or initiation of civil enforcement proceedings pursuant to
St. Paui Human Rights Ordinance, Section 183 2Q(d).
D. ReferraC Based on inforination collected during interview, Response Team Membec
provides referrai information for immediate assistance and offers to contact appropriate
asststance a�encies.
I. Response Team Member contacts �=eographically appropriate support provider or
community or�anization. V
2. Response Team Member arranges to have resource(s) contact victim.
Pa�e -3-
��� �L�
E. Immediate Follow un: Letter of support is sent to victim from the Response Team
within one week ofinitial interview and follow up phone call is made, as authorized by
victim. Follow up phone call includes the following
1. Offers continued support.
2. Asks about additional incidents or problems.
3. Encoura�es victim to seek assistance as needed.
F. Long Term Assistance/Follow U�: Depending on the victim's degree of authorization
and the potential community impact of the incident, Response Team coordinates lon� term
assistance and community response by:
l. Notifying appropriate individuals and cammunity organizatiais to create awareness and
support. Notitication �+ill be deterinined by �_eoeraphic location, nei�hborhood and/or
victim's tnembership in a protected �roup. For nei�hborhoods that have a hate/bias incident
response plan, Response Team will ��✓ork with the nei�hborhood response team to support
and extend ]ocal efforts to a citywide level. For neighborhoods that do not have such a plan,
Response Team will encoura�e and assist appropriate local organizations in providing victim
2. Providin� follow up contact and support to victim aRer one �nonth and at other designated
points in time, as appropriate and desired by the victim (e.g., following court dates,
community actions, etc )
3. Contactin� the Saint Paul Depa�tment ofHuman Rights, the Chair ofthe Saint Paul Human
Rights Commission, the Mayor, and the City Council as appropriate.
4. Contactin� the League of Minnesota Human Ri�hts Commissions and the Minnesota
Department ofHuman Rights, as appropriate.
5. Communicatin� with media to create awareness and support. Response Team will
designate a media relations coordinator for each incident when media contact is deemed
6. Assisting communi[y based organizations in drafting Nei�hborhood Impact Statement for
use in potential sentencin� decision.
7. Collectin� and analyzing data to determine number ofhate/bias incidents occurring within
a reportin� period, and assessing current levels of need and availability of services, both city
and statewide, for victims of hate bias crimes or incidents. Accomplishing a summary report
and forwarding such report to the St. Paul Human Rights Commission, League ofMinnesota
Fa�=e -4-
l� 1
Human Rights Commissions, and other select a�encies. Liaison with other agencies to avoid
overlappin� reports. (e.�., St Paul Police, Minncsota Attorney Gcncral's Oftice, U.S. Department
of Justice)
8. Implementing programs that �enerate a better understanding ofdiversity and the dynamics
of prejudice and bigotry. V
IV. If Contacted bv Someone Other Than Alleged Victim:
A. Initial Contact: Response Team Member works with a contact source to deternune
most appropriate means of approaching victim, takin� into account potential barriers such
as victim's lanwage, literacy, culture, access to phone service, etc.
1. If appropriate, Response Team Member contacts victim in writing. An initial
contact letter.
i. Offers support.
ii. Explains the Response Team and the medical, spiritual, leQal, and financial
support services availab]e for victims of hate/bias crimes or incidents.
iii. Advises victim to report incident to Saint Paul Department of Human Ri�hts for
administrative investigation and/or tl�e Saint Paul Police, as appropriate.
iv: Encoura�es victim to call or write the Response Team for further assistance.
B. Assessment: If victim responds and authorizes further contact, see Section lII above
and proceed as indicated.
C. Long Term Assistance/Follow Un: If victim does not respond within thirty (30) days,
send follow up letter to either (a) victim, if procedure IV.A 1 was followed, or (b) contact
source, if procedure IV.A2. was followed. Follow-up letter contains the following:
1. Offers continued support.
2. Ask about additional incidents or other problems
3. Encoura�es victim to seek assistance as needed
Pa�e -i-
�a - t��
V. Review and Evaluation of Response Ptan
A. Response Team Review Committee will meet on a semiannual basis, or sooner if
circumstances warrant, to review the ef�'ectiveness of the Response Plan and recommend
improvements to the Director, Saint Paul Department of Human Rights.
B. The Director will evaluate the recommendations ofthe Response Team Review Committee
and, at the Director's discretion, recommendations offered may be incorporated into a
revised Response Plan.
Page -6-