88-437 WMiTE - CITV CLERK P�� - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PALTL Council ¢�,_��� y C NARV - DEPARTMENT BL E - MAYOR Flle NO• �� - Return �opy to: Council esolution �' Valuations - Room 218 � (RM) (25-1987) Presented By .,Referred To Committee: Daie Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED , that upon the petition of Dale Edward Ailport , Jr . , per Finance Department Fil No. 25-1987 , that part of the alley as originally platted in atson ' s Division "D" bounded by Edgerton , Reaney� Payne and Minn haha , hereinafter described , be and the same is hereby vacat d and discontinued as public property. That the vacated area be de cribed as follows : All that part of the lley as originally platted in Watson ' s Division " " 1 . That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 130 , codified March 1 , 1981 , of the Saint Paul Legisla ive Code , as amended . 2 . That the petitioner , h s heirs and assigns , pay the City of Saint Paul $2, 30 as compensation for this vacation which is due nd payable within 60 days of the date of publication of this resolution . 3 . That an easement be r tained on behalf of the City of Saint Paul , Departme t of Fire and Safety Services , over and across the vacated area subject to the following conditions: a . That the vacated a ley be kept clear of any storage material and vehic es which may create a fire hazard or an obstruction to vehicles responding in response to a fire call at his location . b . That the petitioner , his heirs and assigns provide the Fire & Safety Services Division with a key to COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Dimond Nays Goswitz Long In Favor ; Rettman � Scheibel Against BY �� � D'rector Sonnen Wilson Form Ap rov City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , / Certified Passed by Council Secretary By C �( 2 f��/� By Approved by {Vlavor: Date Appro Mayor for Sub s 'o �to il By . , � � y � (L���� /�� ! the gate located at the northerly end of the vacated area for a cess to this vacated area and by acceptance of th conditions of this vacation hereby grants the Division the right to use a bolt cutter , if necessa y, to gain access to the vacated area . c . That the petitione , his heirs , and assigns shall complyr with all fi e code regulations pertaining to an automobile repa r business . 4 . That an easement be re ained within the vacated area to proteet the interests f Northern States Power Companv, Electric Division . 5 . That an easement be re ained within the vacated area to protect the interest o Continental Cablevision . 6 . That the petitioner , his heirs and assigns , by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation , agree to ind mnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul its officers and emplovees from all suits , actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person , persons , or property on account of this vacat ' on or petitiQner ' s use of this property including but not limited to a claim brought because of anv act of omission , neglect or miseonduct of said petitioner r because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or `���� `��t�- ��g 2 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUACII (� �// � PINK � - FINANCE G I TY OF S I NT PA U L �- �I CANARV - OEPARTMENT ii � / BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� �T� - Valuationsy—tRoom 218 Council esolution (RM) (25-1987) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date regulation made in acc rdance with the law whether by the petitioner or any f its agents or employees . 7 . That the petitioner , his heirs and assigns , shall within 60 days of the publication date of this resolution file with he City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditi ns of this resolution and shall within the period ( s specified in the terms and conditions of this re olution comply in all respects with these terms and c nditions. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Finan & Mana ement -Servi es r.ong [n Favor - Goswitz � Scheibel � Against BY � �` � Director Sonnen Wilson y�, �QQ rM'�R � � 4� Form Appr ed by Ci torney Adopted by Council: Date /� � � 2 �- Certified Yas �y Council Se t BY— /` By .- t#pproved or: ate Appro d y Mayor for mi �on Council By � � ��'�1 � PI�IISNED APR 2 i988 , . �'30�►��..�3� -- - .��.�„o _ F����a :a�. ��nt �s���,a,e ` zJ��/� ����"�'� �.�0 8 3s�- �.�� �_��,���� D�.ck l���n — RO+d�t ��.8 ��� 2 F�uaree a�r�§onecron �_cmr«Ewc . ppU71NC� � e�,oac�aw�croA '�;� 1 / 5D�`! Valuations 298-.$937 � 1 ��,�. —" l�dopt resolution wilich will v$este the. alley i Watson`.s Division "D" bnunded by Edgerton, 'Reaney,' Payne and Minnehaha. _ Pubiic Works Cot�ittee flearing - March 9, 1988 . - . £ouncil Hearing = Marcfi I5, 1988 tMao�.'pu oc�i.�x c�) cou�c� ;�ro�r: . ,, nwrwro c�eeioN cn�sEavice e�resaw a►TF�+ o��arr w�w.rsr vr�No. �� ���� `�l� 3 !o. �'- ��so.�- �„� - ��,�,�, M �� �.�.� . _���'�' _ �• -�} � .: �D18TRICT OOUNCIL � . � � / _ . � . 1 � . � j . . . !EXPE LANATION: -. . .� .� . . .. � - � . .. . " lIJPPON781�YIN�60�ICM:0lJEGT1VET. . / .. . ��I�, . , � , . .� . Vn���� Located in Council Dist•rict ��1. . A' �S�o�rC� � ,��q�11 f� ���� - �g .n�►,sw.�i..Yr.aw�u�rrti=M�w.rv►,.�.�n,v�►.:,wn�: ' ; ' . , . . Purpose of the petftion of Mr. Ailport is at e r�� f the Planning Commiesion as part of itB approval of_ a special condition use pe ,it for ��u�&epair garage. The Depar:Ca�ent of, P.-ublic Works; The�:Departmen of Co��ty Services; the Depart�t ;c�f:.Pla�aiag�. a�d $ec�n�omic_.Develo.pment; Water.Utility;: Poli e D�$���.j����e & Safety S�rv�ces:� �t.h�s�erq: Bell T�leghone Company, Northern States Power Company; Distr E�nergq ,3t. F�t�3., �c�t �em , Union; Continental Cablevis�.on, and District have no objections to the �racg��;�. # �fs�u►7�N�o�l4�w�11.:�a.:�M..lM�il.�: - ` �- i (Included in above) ���R '�b/ � �AR � 1 "'' : �A ���� 9�� _ ; �o�M.�d.w9�sM�.��+d Tu waom,: . . . . . . . . ����� ' �. E . (Included in above) ��� � . .. _ , '�,.. . . _ . .. , :: _ � �+.tara� , . ,.. oa+s , -:. ; , Petitioner wil�. �ot he Deny-petition. eep status quo ah�e �o.get pe��. . . . . . . . .. � . . � . . . . .. � : . . �,7 . . . - . . - . � '� . : �Y��: . . - . � � . . . . . . - .. . � The vacatioa grocess and procedures follow apter 130 of the Legislative Code..: , .j u��s: �� � None known at this time. The resolution co tains an indemnification for the City. , . ��._�� � Members: � Roger J. Goswitz, chair Janice Rettman Tom Dimond Date: March 9, 1988, 9: O a.m.--City Council Chambers Committ e Report - To: Saint Paul City Council From :Public Works, Utilities, nd Transporta�ion Committee . Roger J. Goswitz, Chair COTf�IITTEE OF WHOLE - THIS ITEM ONLY • DISCUSSION: Shepard/Warner/�ast CBD Bypass Environmental Impact Statement. ova o minutes o e ruar�I98$.`-- Hearing Date 2• 3/15/88 Y'A��4Ti��s�tit�6sn vF Dal�.s;��,� �� `P'����.z�. '�,`the �t�c.a�fi�rxn-t�� '�ife rt31�<q ,�n, i�ats�,s� ��.3+�� "�.0 .,�,.,� ;; ��-___ purpose of combining nto one parcel (bounded by Edgerton, --- -_ _ Reaney, Payne and Ttin ehaha). ,��,, 3. 3/24/88 FINAL ORDER: Improvi g SHEPARD ROAU FR�M Gannon Road to Elway Street by const ucting a bitumfnous overlay and doing all other work ecessary and incidentaZ to complete said improvement. APPROVED . 4• RESOLUTION: Amendin� the 1988 budget by adding $15,900 to the Fi�i�ncing and pending Plans-Tr�€fic, Signal, Lighting Mtce. Fund. APPRdVED 5• RESOLUTION: Amending the 1988 bvdget b� adding $80,950 to the Financing and Spe ding Plans for Pulslic Works- Engineering. APPROVED 6• RESOLUTION: Approvin Ramsey County plans for the con- struction, reconstruc ion or improvemen� of MC KNIGHT ROAD from Lower Afton Road to North Park Drive. APPROVED �• RF.SOLUTION: Approvin the appointments by the rtayor of Charles Cathcart and r ry Alvarado to serve as alternates on the Metropolitan Ai craf,t Sound Abatement Council, terms to expire August 1`6,_ 1990�'�==" APPROVED . � - ��—���J � ......�n,..,� =��`'" ''�''- CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;.• :'''�, `� '�� DEPARTMEN OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �� i� ;: ,,,,�� �t �.� . VALUATION DIVISION �`"�,m'.',„.e�'' 21A City Hall GEORGE IATIMER Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 MAYOR 612-298•5317 February 1 , 1988 C��V�� 8�119aa � ���R� Members of the City Council G``` City Hall - Courthouse Saint Paul Re : Petition of Dale Edward ilport , Jr. for the vacation of the alley in Watson ' s Divi ion "D" bounded bp Edgerton , Reaney, Payne and Minnehaha This is to advise that the peti ion of Mr. Ailport to vacate this alley lacks a majority of signa ures of abutting property owners. This alley to be vacated has only one of the two signatures required. The petitioner is t erefore submitting his petition under the hardship provision f Chapter 130.02 of the St. Paul Legislative Code . The Valuation Division recom mends that the Council hold a hearing on March 15 , 1988 , to consider wo matters : 1 . That the Council consi er waiving the requirement for the majority of owners for a petition on the basis that a hardship exists . 2 . Should the Council aive the requirement for the majority of owners, tha a public hearing be held on the vacation of this alley as submitted . The attached letter of the peti ioner outlines the reasons of the hardship . This vacation is located in City Council District � 6 and Neighborhood Planning District . Sinc rely� Edward J . arn Valuatio and Assessment Engine r EJW: RM: g Attachment (Ailport)