88-430 WHITE CiTV CLERK COIIIICIl , ` P�N�: ,� CL�NANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL � CANARY - DEPARTMENT Y�O BLU� - MAVOR File NO. �� / � - . Cou il esolut ' n , � ;�, Presented B �4�"afi —'��� � Y R o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administ ative Resolution amending the Civil Service R les concerning filling vacancies. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 8. , Filling Vacancies, by striking out the current language and in erting, in lieu thereo�, the following language so that said Section shall read: �ke-�erser�ne�-6ff�ee-si�a��-neti� -tl�e-appein��ng-e€€icer-e�-�he-three-e�rgrb�ea en-�he-e�igrb�e-i�tst-rece+7±n�-k' e-'r�$;heat-sceres;-frem-whrch-the-apporntrng ef�ieer-aha��-ma�e-the-�p�eintr..e .�.--�-=?�e-6ffice-aha��-a�so-ne�rfp-�he-tkree e�igr��es.---�ke-eppesn�±n�-e�€<c r-naS-appei�t-anp-ene-ef-�he-three-e�rgrb�ea. �k'e-ap�e�a��ng-e€�=�epM-r�s;r-re�ee -�i�e-e��;�:��es-�€-€ea+er-�l�sa-��:ree-erigir�a� en�ran�s-are-�is�e�.---t�ev�e=�e±-;-� -±eyer-�t�an-�i�ree-are-�er�rfree�-frem-a-preme�ien �rs�;-�he-ap�etn�rng-e��i�er-r!ir.a -��pe}r_�-ane-ef-the-e�rgr��ea.---�f-twe-er-mere r�aeane�es-are-�e-�e-€���e�;-�hen �he-namea-ef-twa-mere-�kan-the-reqairee�-nccmber e�-persens-�e-be-appein�e�-s�ta�� l�e-gtvea-�e-�ke-appeint�ng-ef€reer. AIe-resrgna�rea-sl�a��-�e-reqa�re� �n-s�dar�ee-er-as-e-�er����rea-e€-appetn�men�.- 8.B. l .a. Vacancy Filled From An Original ntrance List Single vacancy from a requisitio shall be filled as follows: FOR LISTS HAVING TWENTY (20) OR ESS ELIGIBLES The Personnel Office shall certi y to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles from t e list, plus ties. In addition, the Personnel Office shall certify to the appo'nting authority the three 3 highest scoring eli_gibles, plus ties, in each pr tected-class group. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so cert' fied. age 1 of 4 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond i.ong In Favor Goswitz Rettman sche;n�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy A►pproved by �Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By By - -, � , � ��-�3� FOR LISTS HAV NG MOR THAN TW 0 ELIGIBLES When underutilization se re ati n or underre resentation as defined in Section 8 b do ot xist in a ct d lass he e nnel Office shall certif to the a ointin u t the three 3 hi hest scorin eli ibles on the list lus. ties In addi n th Personnel Office shall certif the three 3 hi hest scorin eli ibles o t e ist lus ties from each and ever rotected class w o are amon e ther the to thirt -three ercent 33� or the hi hest sco tw n 0 1 b s he whichever will roduce the reater n ber of rotec e -cl i bles The a ointin authorit ma a oint an eli ible so certif d When a s ecific ob title is un e til zed se re ated or when underre resentation exists in e Sa t Paul Board of Education civil service work force o Cit of S int P 's de artment divi on wo k force certification will be as follow • The Personnel Office shall certify to the a ointin a thorit the th e 3 hi hest scorin el ib es on the list lus ties In dd tion the Perso Office shall certif to the a ointin authorit he three 3 h hes co eli ib es u es of each and ever rotected c s who are amon to sixt ercen 60 o the h hest scorin eli bles on the ove ist The a ointin autho it ma a oint any eligible so certified. 8.B.l.b. Definitions Number of eligibles on a list: For purposes of determinin� the number of eli ibles o a list hi n b shall be determined at the time a new list is established d sh 1 in u ho ew e ons wh ook and assed the mos e n e i at on d d on h t t Underrepresentation: co d t a x st ive ti e where the ercenta e of each rotecte -c s rou within the overall work force for the Saint Paul Board of Education d t e de artments d vis ons of the C t of Saint Pau are below the C ' i terim oals for 199 fo eac rotected-class rou The re thirt -two t 32 or women twelv ercent 12 for minorities d ei ht ercent for disabled ersons Underutilization,(segregation: condition that exists at an time where the number o otected-class e em lo d n a 'ob titl fewer than the numbe of ali ed rotected- s m er that wou d be reason bl ex ected to be em lo d b their ava la i i in the relevant abor market areas based on a review of the studies b e nnesota De artment of Jobs and Trainin the United States De artm t bor and other relevant data sources as appropriate. Disabled: For ur oses of the e Ru es shall be de ned as a medicall determi ed sica or menta abilit w ich interferes wit an individ al's abilit of ettin or kee in ob Such definition d es not include an ndividual who s an alcohol c or che ica abuser whose current use of alcohol or chemica revents suc nd v ual fro erformin the ties of the ob in uestion o w ose em lo ent eason of such alcohol or chemical abuse would const tute direct th e o ert o the sa et of others age 2 of 4 : . � � : ; � � ���- ��� ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 8. , by striking out in ts entirety subsection 8.B.l.c. , so that said section shall read as foll ws: 8.B.1.c. �1-�i-p-�e- `-:�:,-�n,ie��r-ci��rv�i�g �ec��i-g���o�r Fer�t-�amt��tic-i�rt�kcJ9-anr� ��� 7�t�a D°������i-c3s-sl�a��-c+e��� €��o-�k}e��o-i3t��g�€€ie�e�-t�re�r-a� .ala.gib,la�s--r�t��i-s��sea�i�g �i-g�aes��or�s�-�ee�egsa��-t-a-€�������he- �r�cazic3.s.��lus�tao--additiot�s�� r Sn. *�*�Q�3x1_depa�tme.ats.�a. i.ox�-i.s�al�-���re��l.�e-bal-c�t� -�l��a�ec�i��ec��i�$�.-�. -$€t����teur-�o-ift�merrt�s arr-nrac�c,-�tlt� -P����-�€�i�a-sl���-c3�r-�f€}� ��-�ae��€ad���-i�a��pratecte�-c�ass ��igi�be�s�r�-e�ac}t�-o-��t�-�€ �b-g�o�g-es--�r-e��a�r}*-t�o-�provi�-t�� -t,o������o-,-�r��dec�� -��-o€-ec�c���i-���-��i-gi��e-g-s�ra��-�e--drawir �-8r'0114$i�t�a��t�-�o}���-�c��-� -s�co-�i-r�g�we�rt�-rt�ae-�,-�ri-e�e�rtr�numberti-s -g�sa.ts�r�r��a-s�is�i�g�� 1��ie�.--T�to�33������s�xlatec��nr �he-�aa�-i..s.-c�£.-t���i��s�i-� �€��$��-��r��a�e�eePr-�e- 8.B.l.c. Multi le Va ancies From A Sin 1 e uisition ' Multi le vacancies from a si re uisition shall be filled as follows: The Personnel Office shall cer if to the a ointin authorit the number of li ibles on the list ne es a t fill the number of vacancies lus two additio 1 scorers lus t n accordance with 8 B a I addition this same n be s all be cert f ach rotec ed-cla s rou The a ointin authorit ma a oint an eli e so certified ; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that a ew subsection 8.B.l.d. be inserted following subsection 8.B.l.c. , to read as follows: 8.B.l.d. O n 0 ortu it Pro ram a Each Cit of Sa nt Pau d a t will re are and annuall u date a de art t- ecific 0 en or t P o ram c on a in co sultat on with the ffi ative Action Div s o n the Human Ri hts De artment as rovided for in e a or' Execut ve 0 r e Directo s for t e Affirmative Action ivision a d he Human Ri hts a tme t will ointl review and a ree on the Plan rior to final a rova b t e Ma or's Office for ado tion. Page 3 of 4 WHITE , - C�TV CLERK �91N� .. .�- �INANCE CITY OF S INT PAITL Council (}�` �� CANAF`rY�- CIEPARTMENT Y,Y .- � BLt�'E - MAYOR File NO. O V � +` Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date The Saint Paul Board of Educatio , through the Superintendent of Schools, Affirmative Action Administrator, Personnel Director and other committees so designated by the Board of Educa ion or the Superintendent of Schools, will prepare an Open Opportunity Prog am Action Plan relevant to Civil Service employment in the district. The Plan will be reviewed by the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Educati n prior to their approval and adoption. The Board of Education will periodic lly or, at least, every eighteen ( 18) months review the Board's Plan and revi e the Plan, as necessary, to meet target goals. If protected-class members fail o meet certification levels or are not represented on the eligibility 1 sts for a specific job title of the Saint Paul Board of Education, the City of aint Paul's Personnel Office shall prepare, in consultation with the Saint Paul School District's Affirmative Action Director, a targeted recruitment program for that specific job title, so that the Plan will specifically address the recruit ent program goals of the Board of Education for the excluded protected class es The City's Personnel Office will prepare, in consultation with the City's dep rtments divisions, a targeted recruitment program for that specific job title wher protected-class members fail to meet certification levels or are not epresented on the eligibility list. The recruitment program will be spec fically targeted to the excluded protected class(es). The Directors for the Affirmativ Action Division and the Human Rights Department will make a semi-annual report t the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee and to the City Council in public se sion, regarding the progress of the Plan in each area, as specified in the M yor's Executive Order on the Open Opportunity Program Action Plan. Adopted by the Civil Service Commission or�, April 14, 198 . P ge 4 of 4 / , C iCy����v����p i s s i on Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond P ONNEL OFFICE Long in Favor coswica� -- Rettman B �be1be� _ Against Sonn�� Wilson _ Form Approved y ' y t ney Adopted by Council: Date ie� � 7 � � Certified Pas e u il Secre y ��r BY By, �. F�pprove 1+lavor: Date _^� ��•��l�� Appro d y Mayor for S i io�n,to Council gy � BY PUBIISNED �,r k � � 1988 . .� � � � . �F � � � . ��� � . � �� , .N°. 913281 � _,�je,�zr�a��ir�f��re Ac t ion DEPARTMENT . - - - -- - Germ�n don Alvarado CON'tACT � N � 298-4221 rPHOI�E 23 Ma�ch 1988 DATE . ASSIGId NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See reva se side.) � , ��a�`�����-- � Department Director � ?tayor (or Assistant) _ Finance an� �anagement Services Directo �, City Clerk _ Budget Director � Caunci� President Scheibel � City Attorney ` TOTAL NtJMBLR OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (Cli all locations for signature.) WHA W G ON ? {purpose/Rationale) To expand certificatidn opportunities for nterviewing protected classes ' ` (minorities, females and the disabled) for all original-ent�ance examination � e�.igibility lists. 'fo enhance affirmative action selection opportunities for departments/divisions of the City of S int Paul and of the Board of Educatioa by enlarging the pool of interviewees. T N U 0 AC � R `Not applicable. ' �� � � � . _ v c �IANj�QS�A+fii1N (l�taya�•� signa�tnre not required if under $10 000.) �E�C' Tota1 Amouat o€ Trans�ction: Not applic le Activity Number: Not applicable Fundi�g Source: Not applic le � ATTACHI�SENTS: (List and number all attachmen s,) Expanded Certification Resoluti�n .(faur pag s) ADMINISTRATIVE,�FROCEDURES _Yes �No Rules, Regulations, Procedu es, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes x No If yes, are they or timetab e attached? DEPARTI4ENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �_Yes _No Council resolution required? Resolution required? Yes �No _Yes ,_�No Iasurance xequired? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes �_No I�surance attached4 � ' ..^'YY' "�'�iil ���� • � ...'.�. ^-s:. . �' � � ; �.. � _ . � . � . T.. �. .� ...� ' ::"-. • . . ._.. .._ _,-.�___ ..�M,•Y_rSW_��... ...�.._... ...v._......[M•' .ei....._..__ .__..__.r...._ __�r-_._. _._:...._ _ _.......... ...._ .. .....__...... ____—__+_._._..... ._. ....... . ... . .. � .....� . ..:., �'... . , .... i� � :�� � . �... ... .. . ' , -.�,rE _ �,TY ���.� � .-, __._ �=�.. -;_- S�bS; ��t�e. �PiSJK -� FININCE . ....., . . . -�� . . �. . - . . G I TY O F S I N T PA LT L Council ��,_,/� car��av _ oEVU►rMer+r File NO. awE — rwwrota �T - . Cou id esolution `P�ented By �� R o Committee: Date ..:,..,,,.." Out of .Committee By Date An administr tive Resolution amending the Civil Service R les concerning filling vacancies. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service ules be amended in Section $. , �illing �ac�art�c.iaes, by striking out the current language and ins rting, in lieu thereof, the follow�ng Ianguage so that said Section shall read: �he-i�erzoaae�-9ffr�e-a�a��-aotify tke-appei�tiag-o�freer-ef-tke-three-e�igrl�es en-tke-e�igib�e-�iat-reeeitiie�g-tk -higheat-seeres;-fron�-whrek-the-appointircg offieer-aka��-ma�;e-tke-appointmen ---�he-8ffiee-aha��-a�ae-aotify-tke-tkree e}rgib�ea---�ke-appeinting-effree -�nay-appeint-arey-oae-of-the-tkree-e�igrb�es. �i�e-appeineiag-e�fieer-n+ay-rejeet the-e�igib�ea-if-feever-�l�aa-tkree-erisiae} en�ranta-are-�iatedr--Hoereber;-if feever-�hare-three-arr_-eertified-frem-a-proe�etiea �iat;-ti�e-sppetatrag-effieer-maat appoir��-e�e-ef-the-e�igtb�es.---�f-teve-er-mere vaeer�eiea-are-to-be-£i��ee�;-ti�en- �ee-rean+ea-of-teeo-enore-than-tke-reqesire�-mnmber ef-peraea�-te-be-8�peinbe�-aka��- e-givere-te-tke-appeinting-efrieer. ►�o-resigaatier�-aha��-be-reqtsirea- re-a�barcee-er-as-a-eene2r�ioa-af-appotntaec�t- �.B. l .a. Vacancy Filled From An Ori inal E trance List Single vacanc from a re uisition shall be filled as follows: FOR LISTS HAVING TWENTY (20) OR L SS ELIGIBLES The Personnel Office shall certif to the appointin authorit the three (3) � - ,, :: highest scorin eli ibles from th list, plu�s ties. In addition, the Personnel Office shall cerCif to the a oi tin authorit the three 3 highest- scorin , ` eli ibles, lus ties, in each ro ected-class roup. The a pointing suthorit �. tna appoint any eligible so certi ied. Pge 1 of4 :�.C3TJ:>'CIL MEMBERS lea� Nays Requested by Department of: Dim�n3 ��+�g [n Favor c:R�..,cZ 3tetiman B �rE;�� Against y �aoneu �'�ite�i Form Approved by City Attorney ..����te•� by �ouncil: Date •:'er!i:ce�-`I?�.�ssed by Cnuncil Secretary BY rc-r,.c' t�v yi�^.vor: Date - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council - , >;. � , ;. ,� . ,,w r� _ .� � .. _ _ '.' . .. _ _ _,.8 ; _. .. .__...._ Y ' � �� ��� � e e L de d 8 � c e o 3 c d v o _ e t v o a e o w und o v i W ' w k o c e w The Personnel Office s�j`all certify tQ the a e 1 s tie I a e h t e t u s eve 0 sco v e a o n a�y eligible so certified. $,$.ltb. Def�,nitions N�unber of eligihles on a ist• For �poses of determining the num er �f el b a b dete d at t e ew st is es ew e so wh t o a a e � o d t s �inderrepre�entation: - u w ve wo e du t e d v o S ► _ � e - o wo e v o minoritie� e e o Underutil;2ation/seg�e_ga on• t �„� h b o 1 w e t b u a t Cu be , e b e e eva t abo a ket e as d oia eviwo u e �nt fJbs n theLT ' d es ea t eevnt asu es s avprog�iate. Diszbled: s e a e 'n d a e c 1 determ sica o me w h ter e with an nd'v ua `s abi.I t o t k o c efin t o does ot i clu e an ind v d w o a a o e a us whose u ent u e f oh 1 or a ve v d e fo n u ie o e ob ue t e c e a y� e r s e P e2of4 ;,,��:.�.:�:,� - , , , , • . �� �3 v ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 8. , by striking out in ts entirety subsectioa 8.B.l.c. , so that � said section shall zead as foll ws: 8.B.1.c. -�4�t1-�i$1-e�eea�t��ie�-�-S'i� �i�i-�rier:�ar�-�ame��t�e-iir�fhe-�arnt ��� -T��a.-F�so�l�-0€�i�-e}�ia��-ee.� -�-�re�-�s�Aafrr��-c�€�ecr�-s�nbe��-v� �3.3g,i.b.7.a��-.t�a-liat�aaa�i�� ��-sea�-seee�saig*-t�f���--a�-the� .�arcax�c.ios..�,las�-two. � �,�y ri rl oa_�,�y Ae.,arr.ee„±Q�y� 3,5�-b��Gi¢-C�-�Lt�d-�i8�6169s-fa13e- -$O��r6--8#eA�e6��R-���r�?-�:�:�r�. $�@�l�-�'ke�l'lC4F-�Qp�'!C�'!'t�C!?t"J'�'1'C"'�al�C��'C�1C ��i6�-�fr���6-�9�A��-0el��� -�-i�l�9�-������L''�Clf�.l�"�f'L'Ot;EL"b'C!�"C��!'SS -6�1-���86�rr0�-6�8'O��-0�-��6-�� -BL�-�9t3�-+lF9�-+!R'1't�llCCC��t!'1'r�'CO"T71'O�C�TC" -�OS��r-��rli8--�ei+TA�-$r-0��A(�.-�i8�r -1�@�-O�--flS�(��'L��OTIa'�-t�'�Y�?�CS�'ia����C'��dSOlT -�',O�-��-�A�A�-�+�$-Ol�-�� -$041��$WE3'!�''!!�8".t;�ii1T±'_._L,._.-_.��l1�t�SC1"�S -�r6S�A�r�-�ii-6iF�8t.�-��r� �A��$�---=�ig�@�3�$-��'l3����ta�'CtT�C'��1T -.t.�3�..ba�s,i.s.-o,£-tta��i8t.x.em���ia�g -���-��-�@�-�a�*e-�eerr-m�de'- aB.B,l.c. u e V o � Mu t v a u n a b o ow • The o e h he o i t n o e ' e o e n v n e s o ta dd e e w h s sam r h ote ed- o n �1 a e ed ; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that a ne subsection 8.B.l.d, be inserted following subsection 8.B.l.c. � t read as follows: x•�'•'w.as. ac t d i adan udatea de a� t- ci c e a a ons 1 t n wit L-he A ve v h an ts De e t as r de fo a or' e ut ve D're to s or he A tiv ctio viv s o d t t will oint ev'ew and on the Plan v o na val h a o ' Of ce o ado tio Pge3of4 . '.:.'tb .. .: . ._ �h.�.�r '�� G :. . ... , ... . � . �r d r ,:: :��� r ... . .. � . ,-. -"�......._...__...__.��_._,�._.,.`ti_.,.____�''�^�'-.�..� . . .._.. . .__ .. ... __ ._..._..._. .._ _ .. ._._... ...-...� . _..- — "- '- .�. ... . __... . ._..__ ..._---._ .' • .� . ._ � . . � ... .. . .. . � . wMAY� ..�CItY={1r��K . . .... . � . .. � . . . . . � � - . s�MK � R+.NANGE COYRCll �/�,�� �""."�,' ���*�R,..aNT G I TY 4 F S I NT PA U L � a s�u: —ra�roa F1IE NQ. a Council :esolution fi'�s�nfed By. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date The Saint Paul Board of Educatio throu h the Su erintendent of Schools Affirmative Action Administrator Personnel Director and other committees so ` designated b the Board of Educa ion or the Superintendent of Schools, will prepare an Open Op ortunit Pro am Action Plan relevant to Civil Service em lo ent in the district. The Plan will be reviewed b the Su erintendent af Schools and the Board of Educati n rior to their a roval and adoption. The Board of Education will eriodic 11 or, at least, ever ei hteen 18 months review the Board's Plan and revi e the Plan, as necessar , to meet tar et oals. If protected-class members fail o meet certification levels or are not represented on the eligibilit 1'sts for a s eci€ic 'ob title o£ the Saint Paul Board of Education, the Cit of aint Paul's Personnel Office shall re are, in consultation with the Saint Pau1 School District's Affirmative Action Director, a targeted recruitment program for that specific 'ob title, so that the Plan will specificall address the recruit ent pro ram goals of the Board of Education for the excluded protected class es The Cit s Personnel Office will re are, in consultation with the Cit 's de rtments divisions, a targeted recruitment ro ram for that specific 'ob title wher protected-class members fail to meet certification ,levels or are not epresented on the eligibilit list. The recruitment ro ram will be s ec ficall targeted to the excluded rotected class es . The Directors for the Affirmativ Action Division and the Human Ri hts Department will make a semi-annual re ort t the Affirmative Action Advisor Committee and to the Cit Council in pubZic se sion, re arding the progress of the Flan ia each area, as specified in the M or's Executive Order on the Open 0 ortunit Program Action Plan. Pge4of4 :C;�.iJI�CI[. M�M3ER5 Requested by Departrnent of: '��-cs Nays ilinr.nn3 =�o�s _ In Favor �oswitz •Ra.ttman B �;�; Against Y :,nnnen '�Yit�,.�t. Form Approved by City Attorney ;'..c:or���:•d by CouncRl: Date ',>�:':��au i�asse� '�vy Council Secretary BY , :' �� ��:F::��.��r: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Conacil ._.._. ..._ . _ .. By - �� C�NAR1/ -OE1�R�MENT � l i rY V� .� 1 1�T"1' l A U L •LUE -w�row , T , . Fi�e N0. -. � Gouncil esolution �-�� P�� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administr tive Resolution amending the Civi1 Service Ru es concerning filling vacancies. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service R lea be amended in Section 8. , Filling Vacancies, by striking out the current language and inse ting, in lieu thereof, the following language so that said Section shall read: �i�ee-�eraenae�-6ffiee-ske��-netify he-sppeirttieS-effseer-ef-tke-tkree-e�iSib�ea er�-the-e�igib�e-�iat-receidina-tk kiakeat-aeorea;-fren+-nkieh-tke-eppeinting effseer-ahe��-�eiee-tke-eppeintmen .---�Fke-6ffiee-ahe��-a�ae-e�etify-the-three e}iSib�ea.---�Fke-eppeintina-effiee �ey-eppei�t-eay-eae-ef-tke-three-e�ibib�ea. �+e-eppein�ir�s-effieer-mey-re?e�t !he-e�iaib�ee-if-feNer-the�-tkree-erigina� entrant�-ere-�ieted:--HeMerer;-if feMer-li�en-tkree-ere-eertified-frem-a-prea�etierc }i�t;-the-eppeiesti�E-effieer-mnat eppeiret-ene-ef-tke-e�iaib�ea.---�f-tMe-er-mere �n�er�eiea-ere-�e-�e-fi��ed;-then- he-r►smea-ef-tMe-mere-ti�en-tke-reqesire�-namber ef-perseR�-te-be-eppeinled-ake��- e-ai�er�-te-t�e-eppeir�ting-effieer. Ne-reai�eliee�-she��-be-reqnired-'e�-edreeee-er-ea-e-eendities�-ef-eppeirctmen�r 8.B.t.a. Vacanc Filled From An Ori inal E trance List Sin le vacanc from a re uisition shall be filled as follows: FOR LISTS HAVING TWENTY (20) OR L SS ELIGIBLES The Personnel Office shall certif to the a ointin authorit the three (3) hi hest scorin eli ibles from th list, lus ties. In addition the Personnel Office shall certif to the a oi tin suthorit the three 3 hi hest scorin eli ibles lus ties in each ro ected-class rou . The a ointin suthorit ma a oint an eli ible so certi ied. Pge 1 of4 COUNCII. MENIBERS Reqnested by DepartmeM ot: �eas. Nays Diooad � [n Favor Gosw�fa ,�� Against ey sonoea �Vfl�on Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By. Approved by Mavor: Date Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � . .+ . � . . . en u eru zat re o unde e resentat on de i ed in Section ce shall e eli ibles on 0 0 tif the hree e nd ever tected w o rt - ce t 33 or the h w oduce the e orit ma c b e nd re e o a oa cat on civ s rvice e t d v o w Tt►e Personnel Office shall certify to the e t e lis lus o e o o t u ch ever he t v int anv eli�ible so certified. B.B.l.b. Definitions Humber of eli¢ibles on a list: ew i s ew d Underrepresentation: e a w v o e he h w ' t v 1Tnderutilization/se�re�ation: whe be w a h b b b v e va t bo a area ed v w e n d T t v t c appronriate. Disabled: e ed ca 1 e e t v d 's u e an o e a ohol v t o n o se s Pge2of4 . r •+ � � . � � ; and be it , FURTHER RESOLVED� that the C vil Service Rules be further amended in Section 8. � by striking out in it entirety subsection B.B.l.c. � so that said section shall read as follow : 8.B.1.c. �1-�i$l���i��i�e��r-Si�k f�i��err�ar��Sa�e�it�e-�rrsfhc�amc ��� �ts��s�c3.-0-���ea�i���-eer�� ���-$ggai�r�i��€�i�r-t�-sx�r-aF �.�b.1as�-t�a-l�i�t-raaai�i;�g ��g�ee�-ee��es�-�ee�e�s+sr�-tie����-����e� xacanc3AS..pl.�sa-L�o.�dd�ti.c�3r � Sa ri r1 na jy� ae.,�rr,ne*,re�A. ��c-�i�3'oi�i-��-UiClil.d�6�Alew�-�1�E -�(i&�6��8fiAC��-�SiA6rr�OL�-�r�:�$- -�''!e-TlEyF-�C�iY�SYC�'-Q'1'C"�3aC�"L�iC -Be�sot��-4€€�A6�3a��-���€3F ���€�-edc�i�!`feria��pre're�CtC�rt�a+S -�#gi�sles--�ic��-eac�-o€��� -st�b-��pg-e�-e�rt-�sctesaer�-�e�re�r�c3c-t�� ����l�;s.-�wo�$r�ide�-t�� �e-�€-n�d���ere����i��bl�a-alra���+c�raioir -�xo�.��k�-tt�a-xcs��3-�-�-�� �o-�i�g-�retrt-�-�e�,-�lr�ehero�er-r�mb�er�s- -B��r-�o�-tt;a-�a�i�s�-i�g-���g �-i-s�--1�-te�p 33ir-a�eQ��-�Srtaktr�atee��nr ��e-bas,i.s�€-tl�a.-Z,Lst-�n�i��g -$-��-t��i�ea��eaire-beerr�madc- 8.B.l.c. � u v ows• e c a n number of 1 e vi c es us wo dd i th s e e a o nti t ; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED� that a ne subsection B.B.l.d. be inserted following subsection B.B.l.c. , to read as follows: 8.B.l.d. t w th e v v e rvded ' v t v c on v d t w the or v ao ' P e3of4 OLUE -M/�Y1Did v a v v s � v �r �'l�C nV• - - " ' �o-C'ouricil esolution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date The Saint Paul Board of Education through the Superintendent of Schools, Affirmative Action Administrator, Personnel Director and other committees so designated b the Board of Educat on or the Superintendent of Schools, will repare an 0 en 0 ortunit Pro r m Action Plan relevant to Civil Service emplo ent in the district. The lan will be reviewed b the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Educatio rior to their a roval and adoption. The Board of Education will eriodica 1 or, at least, ever ei hteen 18) months review the Board's Plan and revis the Plan as necessar , to meet target oals. If rotected-class members fail t meet certification levels or are not represented on the eligibilit li ts for a specific 'ob title of the Saint Paul Board of Education, the Cit of S int Paul a Personnel Office shall repare, in consultation with the Saint Paul chool District's Affirmative Action Director, a targeted recruitment program for hat s ecific 'ob title, so that the Plan will specificall address the recruitm nt ro ram oals of the Board of Education for the excluded protected class es . The Cit s Personnel Office will repare, in consultation with the Cit s de a tments divisions, a targeted recruitment ro ram for that specific 'ob title where rotected-class members fail to meet certification levels or are not r presented on the eligibilit list. The recruitment ro ram will be s eci icall targeted to the excluded rotected class es . � The Directors for the Affirmativ Action Division and the Human Rights De artment will make a semi-annual re ort t the Affirmative Action Advisor Committee and to the Cit Council in ublic session, re ardin the ro ress of the Plan in each area, as s ecified in the M or s Executive Order on the 0 en Opportunit Program Action Plan. Pge4of4 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: yeas Narys Dlmond Long In Favor coswitz � Against By sonnen �Vileon Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certi[ied Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by iNavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councit By By , � ; � � . �, . � � � . . � �,�_ � �� , . . � affirmataive action pl n, with the Human Rights Department roviding t chnical guidance to each department n its prep ration. The Affirmative Action Divis ' on will p ovide consultation to each department on the impl mentation of each plan. A final joint r view and agreement by the Human Rights and Aff rmative Action Directors with each department dire tor on the prepared plan will take place prior to 'nal a proval by the Mayor' s Office for the plan' s a optio and implementation. Each department plan i to e annually updated and reviewed with the assistanc o the Human Rights Department and Affirmative Action i ision prior to adoption as here- in noted. Department affirmativ action plans will be based on city-wide goals which re applicable to each depart- ment as determined by rrent appropriate existing census figures and on d ta depicting occupational group availability, e ch with their corresponding goals . The present i ter 'm goals for the City of Saint Paul work force are % for disabled, 12% for minority, and 32% fo fema es. A quarterly report o hiring by departments will be submitted by the Hum n Rights Department to the Mayor, the Human Rights Com ission, firmative Action Advisory Committee a d the Cit Council . After the initial program year , if hiring and retention data from overall quarter y reporting indicates no problem areas , said eporting wil go on a semi- annual basis . 8.B. l .b Disabled Definition For the purposes of these Rules , dis bled shall be currently defined a : medically dete mined physical or mental disabilit which interferes ith an indi- vidual ' s getting or keeping a job. Su definition does not include an individual who is alcoholic or drug abuser whos current use of alco ol or drugs prevents such indiv' dual from performing he duties of the job in question and whose employmen by reason of such alcohol or drug abuse would consti te a direct threat to p operty or the safety of thers . , 2. �� Wii1TE �C1. ,rCLERK � � . . . .. . .� �, � , �� � d�UERV-IJIAVOftT E"r. �IT� >� F SAINT PALTL Council f.� ' � �� .;i;� �� � ;� , � File N0. ' , �� � P� �� Coun 'l Resolu�ion � F ;, Presented By �e�erred To Committee: � DacP. - Out of Committee By Date �. 1 e�t 1�1 � • �t �1 �,� ` Z�a► t�os� � � °t. � . as arr , . � r� ; � '��<. r. ` ,t' , . ���. �� � � '�, � �: , , �x � �, _� � �� . - � , :t '"� _g # :� # r ; ,,f �, - , ; � • : _ i { �� ; COUNCILMEN Requested by Departmeet of: Yeas � Nays , �i � In Favor , ���I�Ll1 �� Against By �� ,� �l3�OS , . Adopted,by Council.: p��e Form Approved by City Attorney . . Gertified Passed by Counci( Secretary BY r-••- By Ap ved by Mavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By 4 �� BY , , . . ', ' , ,��� i CITY OF S INT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENT L MEMORANDUM TU: City Co�aicil - FR(�I: Geman don Alvarado, Affinnative Actian D' to���/ �AATE: 16 Nove�ber 1987 SUBJECT: A�'�TRMATIVE ALTICN/JQB FAhIILIFS BREAI�0�3�T Zhe e�closed inforn�atiaci is a cantin.aatian o reporti� t3�e status of affinnative actian in the City. 1he City of Saint Paul is c�rentl usirag 92 �ob ��nilY occupatia�al Ol.�ingrs. Fach of ti�ese to t�e diff��career� p�att�is fo�that f.anil ._lIn most�icases, s�rx► positio�c�smin;emto U�e faud in aen.ni�er of City depar�ents. �e e�nclosed ep e�ts a sanpling of those 1 goupi� with miix>rity ar�ci fe�nale partici tion depicted. The 3 fonnation �layed reinfor � managers will devel an actian lan as a work- oroe °P �1 D�1°y°�ent �PPor�mitY �8x'mm P plffia�ag tool or ti�eir review and use in autlining yearly �d vvezall wnrk-force ob,jectives. ASIAN/ N(�TIVE 1�E2ITY W�L J0� FAI�.Y L�ACX ArTI PACIFIC ISLAAID ANffRICAN TCJTAL � JOB T�OrTA1. � - 1 4 - 5 26 49 (10.2�) (53.1$) ���t " ' - - 0 1 13 ( 7.7$) A��y 3 1 1 � - 5 7 23 (21.7�) (30.4$) Bacteri°1°gy'/Q�remistr�' 1 - - - 1 4 12 ( 8.3�) (33.3$) Ecarnmic D�e�elo�ent - - - - 0 3 10 (30.0�) �u1g 1 2 1 1 5 12 126 ( 4.0$) ( 9.5�) Healt3� Ed�z�,ati°n ' - - - 0 4 5 (80.0$) Iand.scape Architect - - - - 0 2 9 �(22.2$) ��}' 1 2 3 1 7 102 123 ( 5.7$) (82.98) �� ' - - - 0 15 16 (93.8$) P�� - - - - 0 7 20 (35.0$) Public Infarnoatiai - - - - 0 2 6 (33.3$) � - - - - 0 6 7 __ (85.78) Fire (Unifouned) 24 6 1 3 34 1 385 ( 8.8$) ( 0.3$) Fire Tecl�ruci� (Civili.an) 2 - - - 2 12 20 (10.0$) (60.0$) Police (ih�ifom�ed) 23 11 3 1 38 23 506 ( 7.58) ( 4.5$) ��r - - - 1 1 0 13 ( 7.7$) , . . ��_��� City Co�a�cil , • Pfi�ative Act.i.cx�,/Job F�nilies Brealcdawn � ASIAN/ NATIVE I�'�10RITY OVFRALL, JOB FANSILY BIACK HISPAt�TIC PACIFIC ISIADID ANIERICAN Tl7fAL FII�IAIF� JOB 'InTAL Glastodi.al./F�gineer 2 1 1 1 5 4 53 ( 9.4�) ( 7.6$) Driver/bpe,rator 4 2 - 1 7 0 104 ( 6.7�) a��� 1 - - - 1 0 41 ( 2.4�) ������� - - - - 0 3 14 . (21.4�) �O� 9 � - 4 28 0 174 (16.1$) P�� - - - - 0 0 11 ��r ' 1 - - 1 0 11 - ( 9.1$) 1Yee Ca�e/Gra��d Maintena�ce 4 4 - 1 9 5 130 ( 6.9�) ( 3.8�) Vehicle Mainbe�cr,e - 1 - - 1 0 36 ( 2.8$) �� ��� 9 - - 3 12 7 91 (13.2�) ( 7.7$) As mted� mimrity wnrk-force plmnis�g within sa�ple groupis� iriwlves architect ecoramic develapmerYt healtil eci�acation, l.arriscape archi t, nzrsing, P�, public infoYmat�an research, haasing rehabilitation, and painter job fmmil' For fe�les, w� -force planning i=nro�ves caz�enter, electri,cal, driver/o�perator, laborer, painter, pl�ber ard v�hicle maintei�ance �ob fmnilies. On a�t3�er matter in a review of ori��' -en ex�inatians (mn-prom4tianal examir�ations) given from October, 1986 t�ough October,1987, �e foll ' is mted: 1. 93 total origis�al-entrance ex�i�ti given. 2. 33 �tions or 35.58 had an inte prarational-preference list of eligi.bles. 3. 60 ex�inatiar�s or 64.5� had m p 'onal-preference eligibles. 4. OF the 33 exa,�;�tians with promoti eligibles, a. 20 e�t�*+Atians or 60.6� had 20 less an a list as origu�al.-entra�e eligibles. 1. Of ti�e 20 e�rni*,Ar�� 2 or 0.0$ had m protected-class eligibles on the list. �Borh� of � staiiea cY t �� ���zy-> 2. Of tiie 20 eacmminatio�s, 7 or 5.0� had 2 of the 3 protected-class groups mt represented. (Fa� were in Professional; 1, T�hnici.�; 1, Qerical; and 1, Seiv3.ce/Maintex�nce job cate ries.) b. 3 exmminati.ans or 15.O�s had 21 50 eligibles an the list. c. 8 ex�inations or 40.0� had 51 o m4re eligibles. d. 2 ex�ninatians had m original- ance eligibles. 5. Of t3�e 60 exantnations with only ori -entxance eligibles, a. 49 or 81.7$ had 20 or less an a t as original-entrance eligi.bles. � .. . . . . ��-��� , City Ca.aycil � Affiztnative Actian/Job Categori.es Breakcjo�,m Page 3 1. Of ti�e 49 ex��m.u�atians, 18 or 36.7� had m pmtected-class eligibles an th�a list. (ltao were in the Official/ tratian• 2, Professianal; 4, T ceclmician; and ar�e each � in ti�e Par rofessianal, Off ce/Clerica�, Service/Maint�c�ance ard Skilled Craft job categories� 2. Of ti�e 49 e�t�nir�ations, 20 or 40.8� ha�d 2 of the 3 protected-class gro�s not represented. (Eleven were in the Professianal; 3; Terlmician; 2, Protective Services; 2, Para�rofessianal; 1, Skil GYaft �d 1, Senrlce/Maintenat�ce job categories.) b. 5 e�x�i+�+*�ans or 8.3� had 21 to eligibles an the list. c. 6 ex�ninatians or 10.0� had 51 or m4re eligi.bles on t�e list. 6. O�erall, 69 or 74.2$ had 20 or less e ' les on a list aut of 93 eac�ninatians. 7. 8 or 8.6$ had 21 to 50 eligibles � a list. � 8. 14 or 15.1$ had 51 or m�re eligibles a list. In s�aiy, avai.lability will be affected by l.e�l of minim�m rn,�l i ficatians being so�ught, the nature of ti�e entxy-level positian itself as itpe to the job category, and the competitian fran other ,j�isdictians in recrui�ment. Prcm�tianal-�pr erence eligibles will receive first choice in appointrnent• ac� as a result, d�g on the nmber of in�nents to be made a�haw manypr arotianal-preferer�ce � eligibles there are, a�porb�mitres for ori entry eligiblesmay be limited. �f the 33 original-entrance ex�mnatians witiz pram -preference lists, 37 of the pramtional eligi.bles were female, 9 were mimrity mxi 4 were d�sabled. or the female promoti�ls, 19 irn�Olv�d the Offi.ce/C].erical categ�.y as examin�tians, 11 the Professianal job catego�y as e�ninatians, 3 in the Parapmfessional 3 ob category as �atians 2 each in Te�ician �d �ervice/hfainter�ance j ob categories as examtnatians. For mimrity p tianals, 6 irn�lved the Tectmicisn�ob category as examtnations, 2 iriwlved Service[Maintenatr.e, 1 irnwlved the Professional job category.as an ex�ir�ation. FYnally, for di.sabled prom�ti eligibles, 2 each were for the Parapro£essianal arxi Offi.ce/Clerical �ob categories. �� � � � , ' . , . , . , ' � �`�'-�� October 8, 1987 Citizens fa Opea Oppatunit is a group of citizens dedicated to making sure that the City of St. Paul ntinues to move in the dicection of open opportuaity in hiring. If it com s to that point, we also will seek to ensure that S� Paul dces not receive the dubious honor of being the ficst metropolitan community in 1987 to te against affirmative action, to vote against the rights of our fellow cit' ens. I'm sure we all hope that our affirmative action plan can be w ked out through information and dialogue rather than through the thre t of mob rule. We have listened to egpert testimony, public hearings and to members of the Council as you have gplained your views. It seems to us that there is a broad consensus on m st of the issues necessary io frame a sound affirmative action plan: 1. j We share the goal that t e City of St. Paul should have a work foroe representative of he crtizens in this community; men and women, minorities d disabled persons. 2. We agree that the City o St. Paul should be trying to reach the goals set by eiecutive or er in 1984, that there should be 32% women, 12� minorities and 8% disabled persons not only city-wide, but departme t by depariment by 1991. 3. We agree that affirm ive action means more than just nu mbers: it also mean that we want to desegregate �ob categories. None of us w uld be satisfied if St. Paul employed 32% women, but they re all seccetaries. None of us would • be �leased if St� Paul em loyed 12% minorities, but they were atl �anitors. 4. We all a�ree that every 'ty wocker should be qualified for his or her �ob. If the test used to screen eligible. �eople for interviews are not valid or do not egclude unquaLfied people, we all agree that the tes s should be redssigned. S. We all agree that St. Paul needs to have an effective affirmative action plan. e agree that the City needs to reach beyond the rule of thre to include qualified protected class members who pass the applicable tests. We all agree that some fair affirmative a ion plan should apply to every new hire that the City makes unti! we reach our affirmatrve action goals. We are here today to assist the Council in answering two much Page t � � . . - � . . , . . . � ��=�� � simpler questions: Has the 33x reach ut plan which applied from 1984 to 1987 been effective in desegregatin St. Paul's City �vork foroe? What is needed tafay to put St. Paul on track achieve open opportunity in hiring for all of its citizens? 1. Pau!'s Work Foroe. All kinds a�' statistics have b n used to assert that the 33X plan B� �e� �ti�tv�. If w� u�fc� ihat e �r►+am ta knrnw if x1'firmxt3ve �ian has integrated the job farce, we can ut many of these figures aside. Even if it were true thal many of our n w hires were women, minaities or disabled, this doesn't tell"us that we ave been suoceeding. Data from the Si. Paul Personnel Department sh s that most of the new tures for protected class members were as se etaries, maintenance workers oc in a paraprofessional category which is ade up of unskilled recreation aides. Many of the "new" hires are due to the high rates of turnover in these relatively unrewarding jobs. Looking t hires since January 1987, it is clear that llttle desegregation Is occurrin : S6x of the women hired �vere as clerical or maintenance workers, 7 x of the women and 82x of the minorities hired fell into one of the e three categories and 100X of the disabled persons hired by the City we e clerica! or maintenance workers. The raw numbers also t 1 us that there has been little improvement in the city-wide repr sentation of women and minorities. From 1984 to 1987, the percentage of women in St. Paul's work force increased only 1.7%. The percentage minorities increased only 1.2x. But the real integration sto is even more worrisome than these increases would suggest. If we loo only at the departments in which women, mina�ities and disabled per ns were underrepresented in 1984, we see that many of these depart ents have not made much progress toward desegregation during the past 3 years. The City Clerk's office,which had O.Ux minorities and O.Ox disable in 1984 still employs no minorities and no disabled persons. The City Co nci! which employed 4.8% minorities in 1984 has dropped to 3.3% minorit employees in 1987. The Civic Center which was far below affirmative a on goals fa� women, minorities and disabled in 1984 dropped in its e ployment of each by 1987. Women Page 2 . . ��l��. d dropped from 18.2% to 17.4X of its em loyees, minaities from 9.1% to 8.7% and disabled from 4.5% lo O.Ox. Fir and Safety Services still employs only 4.6x women and is 27.4x elo�►� goais. Planning & Eoonomic Development and the Public Wor s Department both dropped their � minority representation between 19 4 and 1987. At Planning, minority employment dropped from 8.3x to .2x. In Public Works from 7.0% to 6.Sx. Many job categories in St. Pa 1 remain almost entirely aegregated. We have seen no werall data on di abled workers. But, today, in 1987, only 3 of the 47 employees in acooun ing are minaities. None of the City's 6 management assistants are either w men or minorities. None of the City's 13 architects are minorities and only 1 is a woman. None of the City's 72 drivers are women and only 4 ar minorities. None of the City's 41 electricians are women and only 1 is minority member. None of the City's planners are minorities. Oniy 23 out of 511 (4.SX) of police officers are women. Of the City's 126 engineers, nly 7x (9� are women and 3.9x (S) are minorities. The City Council has not see data on how the 33x affirmative action plan worked test by test. Th e is no evidence yet that the plan helped to bring protected class me ers into these segregated jobs. We believe it would be very helpful to ob ain this information. The data we do ha�e from th Personne! Department demonstrates that it is highly unlikely that a 33x r achout could ever have a significant . impact in opening City jobs to protect d class members. In reviewing tests over the past year, we have been i med that 83% of the ezaminations resulted in an eligibility list of less th n 20 candidates. Si�ty-three percent tb3x) of the tests resulted in an el ibility list of less than 10. Simple arithmetic indicates that a 33% plan can go no further than the rule of three if aa eligibility list is less than 10. In 63x of S�. Paul's test situations, a 33% plan must mean that there is n affirmative action at all. 2. - "v o I�ists• Where the number of qualifi d candidates who pass City tests is small, there is little justification for egcluding any candidate from the Page 3 � � . . - � . . , . ��� �� d interview process. Where the eligib' ' y list is 20 � fewer candidates, we believe that the Counci! should prov' e 100x reachout to protected class members or a rule of the list under af irmative action hiring guidelines. The Council should also revie the record of the past few years to determine whether using a 33x r le served to bring new women, minoriiies and disabled persons into he intervie�v process. Data from the Personne! Department from January 9$3 through August 1987 suggests that lhe 33% figure may be too lo to bring a significant number of protected class groups into the hirin prooess. The number of protected class persons who could have been co sidered for an interview under the 33x plan and conrtastingly, if a 60x 100x plan had been in effect during the past few years, is set forth belo�v. Grnups Top 33� T p 607� 100R No. R Group R List No. X Group 'R List No. 7G Group R List I I I Women 1851 35.17L 12.SR I 144 59.6� 21.3R 12428 1007� 35.7R I 1 I Minority I 188 25.67� 2.87G I 358 48.87� 5.3� (734 100R 10.8R I I I Disabled ( 48 21.4R .71R I 116 51.8� 1.7� 122t 1007� 3.3R Based on this histocical data, ' all women, minorities and disabled . persons who pass City tests can be c nsidered fa interviews, the group from which the City will be able to hire will represent the number of women in the community and come lose to representing the number of minurities. If a 33% list is used gain, only 12.5x of the eligible interviewees will be women, less than x will be minority and less than 1% will be disabled. This ezclusion will co tinue to make it difficult f� St. Paul to meet affirmative action goals. Citizens for Open Opportunity strongly recommends that the City Council select a program for egtende certification which reaches out to enough protecied class members so at it can achieve rea! progress in desegregating City jobs. Page 4 , . ,. . ,. . . �� �� 3. � The Council has discussed po sible consequences to HUD grants if an affirmative action plan isn't in pla . As a lawyer, I would suggest that HUD is the least of the City's worries t this point. As the City proceeds to turn away protected class member who pass City tests in favor of non-disabled white men, litigation be mes a real risk. Two hires for civii engineer positions which took place this fall since the old plan lapsed illustrate the problem. The engineering jab family in St. Paul is highly segregated (onl 9 of the City's 126 engineers are women). On two tests for favil Engine ing I positions, one in Public Works, the other in the Water Department, omen passed the tests as qualified candidates but were not within the to three interviewed. In both cases, a white male was hired. In the Public W rks test, the top-scoring woman was 6th on a list of 11 eligible candidat s; her score was less than 3 points � different from the last white male ho was interviewed. In the Water Department test, the top-scoring wo an was 5th on a list of 9 eligible candidates; her score was less than 2 oints different from the third white male. If these women were to make claim of discrimination, it would be difficult to defend City policy and hir ng. It should be pointed out that a 33x reachout plan would have had effect on these hires since so few passed the test. This Councii has the motive, the opportunity and will soon have , the information necessary to reach a reasoned cansensus on how to best strengthen affirmative action in St. aul. Citizens for Open Opportunity shares your oommitment togive dive se members of this community an opportunity to work and serve in ou City jobs. Thank you for your time and consideration. For further information, p ease wntact Paula G. Maccabee (297-64UQ) or Barb Metzger (222-5 53), President of Citizens for Open Opportunity. Page 5 #''�`��ta�.; ' �' � C G RG rf MRS. MARY JANE RAGHNER, Ph.D. � , � � ' l917 PlNENURST AVENUE/y i,p�� ��r��y �����: �.� � ]�D��� �QQ� ST. PAUL. MN 55116 �i o� ALEC � 214 Nas�ac5usetLs 4ve., N.E. Suite 00 � iia�hington, D.C. 20002 � (202)547-06u6 Aosoaezuala are claieiag to be eabera of a siaorit� group and that aa� diacrialaatioa directed at thia group a un�uat. Hoaoaezuala are atri�ing to be puated �rith �ou�s that ha�e hietorical � been diacriminated agatn�L tor rea�on� �ua� aa race, aolor, diaaDilit�, •te., and t ua recai�s t5e aDecial benetita aecrusd b� Lheae groupa. . The healtb riaka involved in a hom �ezual lifeatyle are �igaitieant aad a ma�or cauae for alara. Beeanae ot tbe overal promiacuity or the homo�e�cual xa� of life, homosesvala have beea linlced to ths rec nt catastrophic spread of venereal dlsea9es. About 49f of all ��philia and 20� ot a 1 gonorrhea in the II.S. is carried b� gay�. ?he� have s rate of inf�etioua hepatitua 8-25 tiaea higber tDan heteroanzual aalea and tvo-Lhirda ot a21 aaya ha�• had at leas oas ♦snereal diaeaae.' t HousLoa doctor slao e n�L.�dj', In ooatradiation to all that ia aanitar�, , Stsaosez pracL ces nvolvs the direct aontact vith aad lageation ot huma.n ezcrement. Zt ia aot aurprisiag to diseove+r Lhat ho �e�ruala aa a grouy aer�e a� a reser�oir for a host of soaLagioua diseaa-qy �rhich ine♦ tabl� atfect the public health of our axiety a� large." - -------.�..___ . _y Perhapa the soaL rell-knovn aona quence ia tba recent AZDS (tequired I�mune Deficiene� 3�ndroae) epidemic aaoag h soaezuala, about xhich acientiata are nox warning ot Lhe ine�itable thrsat to the general public. AIDS ia a 1005 tatal eoadition Lhat rendera impoteat the D dy'a natural immunit� a�stea. People who � acquire Am3 are autosatieally au�eeptib e to a variet� of rare illne�aea, as vell as commoa ger�s to rhieh their immunit� a� tea baa no detenae. The re�ult i� imminent death. 3event� perceat of aIl lmS ca�ea are found in ae�cually active homo�ezusl and bi�ezual �en vith sultiple aez partnera. Seventeen pereent involve pre�ent or past abusers of latravenaua drug�. Aaitiaa atranta tnto the couatry comprise �tx; xhile patient� who have beea transtti�ed xith b ood or blood products are 1f. Steady aezual partnera ot persona xit�t AIDS or persons ia �oupa at high riak for AmS comprise 1�; and bemophiliaca� 0.7x. The itlanLa Center tor Diaea�e Cont 1 (CDC) reportied 8,31A easea of AmS ia the Q.S. aa of Februar� 11, 1g85, alaoat ha t vf wbich have alreadp re�ulted in death. •ID3 ca�ea are groxing b� geometric propo tioas; ia another txo �ear� there vi 11 be at leasL 40,000 AIDS victims in tbe D.S., fi e ti�e� the aumber today. The IIDS epidsaie bas reacbed aaeh roportions that Dr. Mervyn F. Sil vermaa has re�entl� reaigaed as Direotor of Bealth n San Franci�co, where there i� currantl� a death a day due to AmS. Tvo nex caaea s e rsported eaeh da�, whieh meaa� that a year . from aox there vill De tvo deatha a da�. The nuaber of AZDS ca�e� has eacalated to the eztent tbat Congre�s appropriated = 8.7 sillion to CDC tor the reaearch of IIDS for Fiaaal Zear 1985 under the LaDor, B alth aad 8uman Serviee� Act of 1985. Laat �ear the Ameriean tupayers llinded a tota of =13•75 aillion to Lhe �IDs diaease. Ia addition �o federal llinding of A S reaearch, the federal governmeat bad been aetive in direatl� lliading the hoso�erual movemen� During the Carter Adaiaistration, ao saa� homoaezual organisationa were a plyiag for federal granta that the Qnited Fello�rahip Metropolitaa Co�unit� Church n Yashington (a hoso�ezual cLurch) liated aa part ot iLa ga� oonaLitueat aervicea. •tr cking Lhe progresa of �aat applicatioa� to federal ageaeiea."� Outside Lba tederal go�erament, otbe aourcea of ft�nding include atate and loeal ' �ovarnmenta� iadi�idual donatioaa, elien feea�, touadstion� and churchea. 2et, it ia � sale �to aaa�e thaL the Americaa tazpayer provide� the pri�r� aouroe of fliading. � . � �. , " ! �' • . As a school board candidate Mrs. Rachner says: �� A school system �ahich abdicates its duty to stop op- portunities for seduction, rape, and murder by homosexuals is showing a reckless indifference to the value of humahj . life. �i The very first link in every complicated chain �ahich spreads Nly virus infection is an act of . �.rt#� victimization instigated by a homosexual' s act of sadism. � The homosexualrs act of anal enetration is rape, regard- le� of whet�C� or not the victim�consents and regardless of what age or gender the victim is. u T:ze homosexual's sale or donation of his blood is equally criminal. �� His purpose in all thes� actions , whether he realizes it or not, is the- sadistic one of inflic'�ing pain, disease, or death on friends, on family, and on strangers in the society he hates and scorns. - ►i� Homosexuality, �hen properly defined as specific behaviors, , is not caused by genes but by choice. The choice of cruelty is learned easily by children these days because liberals have all but eliminated from our schools and homes the civilizing influence of judgments wizich discriminate between right and wrong, good and bad, normal and abnormal, appropriate and in- appropriate, na^�ural and unnatural behavior. . � This blunt truth about the anti-social criminality of � the so-called "homosexual community" in our population . . is being suppressed by neighborhood ne�aspapers and community � �/ lib�rals in violation of the public' s right of free speech. ���_ ��-�.:`. .__ . .. +,,: , " . ., .� . .. ... �: `;.. ,',. i . .-�.�.w. � ` ` - � f : C�f TM.��tERK �' '',.'�1::.��' ...+.`°�, . . i�,,.�. -;. . � ,�..'. . r .,,. ��. �, t���.p. „. . 'N►K -`FIW�,iVCE � � y � NARY-OEPA�l7MENT� *T . . . COUI1Cl1 / �. � ', ��.�.1 �. �..�. ',� �'UE - WVAYOR , G1 iY OP"�; AINT PAUL 1 ;-� jf=,�,,� ,4. -. Fik N 0. - � Council esolutio� - '� � Presented y _ ��ti�� , . . , � . . ..r,_ . .. . . . � . . . � Referred To t s ,,r i-� ; i:. Committee: Date ,• � �;�`; Out of Committee By Date � � . r �.��s.�. a�� sti. c�sa . i�e.fa� � � �s (t+�etf+�. �. ��6L�s tlst �t C�iril l�l� tis #s �i�t i.�, li213a� sio�e3+�ss � �1 i+�M �s t�ll+rr�ss _ : . � . . � . � IIIIIIp.�IMI ■IbIM11�� .. . . . . -, . .. ... . . . � � �. ��� � ��� �� �� �� � ��� � � .. 2i�st !a !M �t! _;.� -t.�.l.a l�°is�et '!'� i'c+at �n► i��f�ti�I� t�st , 3M �. �f aMll � �r tirs �tt� att��s�c .� drt s�a�► � s� lfst ��� t!� � . -�:.s ,�sa�t. T' �itlrs i�slA�.w�rs a�aei+e� r�s+�MaGs�twt 3s ].e�rai� rt�3:t�Mi ts t#�► +�it�'s . #fF�dtt�a jetLNt �i2�s t�re l�qeaw�l �Kttas �ail �rsti�j► +�t r�r +�! iiiit�w�sl � wZt�3� aR ' . ari � e+s L�r t�MGtI � tlrswr, �r3M� t�st : t#�t �s a� a�iii �drsit�r iii��lr N�s�,l 'Mr �tr�rw fr� �itlMOC tir t�ar�r 31 �s� �ar t�1r �P s�ria� � to�s, �i�t� t� �ss�. �rw tiit +�4t� aLt�i►3s 13�t. l�rt3ari�. 3�a �+rlres� �� r�t3r� t� �alwr � 1�sL wta►tti�i tM eit^t's �lft:satiw ie:E� ls��,a�wit � , (�. si� tt�ti�s► air21 ,t�t�r +e�atti�E� s�r a� s� �!! Witl,irl si#�#M ar ara � s� �aw�e�r ttiat t� ii�at�s �rttti�t tA t�t �►a�t3�r� +�!!#�o�t, �Z'o:#Mi tlwrt � �' !tis i�i�asl l�7+t alf�itrl+� ' COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p� Nays Ni�os�a [n Favor Rettman Schsibel sonnen A gai n s t BY Ted� : Wilaon Form Approved by City Attorneg Adopted by Council: Date �ertified Passed by Council Secretary BY ` By _ Approved by ;Navor. Date Apprnved by Mayor`fo'r Submissiort Eo Council By BY , , ', ', �, ' , ��d� . ��� � are drawn from eit er the top 33 percent or the top scoring twenty names which ver is greater, from the existing eligible list. Similarly in title where the handicapped representation is below levels estab ished in the city's Affirmative Action Program (8�) the P rsonnel Office shall also certify as many names of additiona handicapped eligibles as are necessary to ensure that thr e handicapped persons are certified to the appointing off'cer, provided that the names of the additional handica ped eligibles are drawn from either the top 33 percent or he top scoring twenty names, whichever is greater, from the xisting eligible list. For the purposes of these Rules, ha dicapped shall be defined as: Medically determined physica or mental disability which interferes with an individual getting or keeping a job. Such definition does no include any individual who is an alcoholic or drug user whose current use of alcohol or drugs prevents suc individual from performing the duties of the job in question and whose employment by reason of such current alcoh 1 or drug abuse would constitute a direct threat to property or the safety of others. 8.B. l.b Vacancies Occurrin After First Vacancy Filled From An Eligible List. The Personnel Office shall continue to certify eligibles in the same manner as n a first vacancy unless an additional minority is appoint d. If an additional minority is appointed, only the three eligibles on the list receiving the highest scores ill be certified until 8 vacancies have been filled, except as stated in the next two paragraphs. . � • ' ' ' ,�7 /,,� ���� . �U✓" � , � After 8 vacancies h ve been filled, one more additional minority will be ce tified so that a total of three additional minoriti s will be certified for the ninth vacancy. Beginning with the ninth vacancy and every 8 vacancies thereafte , this pattern of certification will be followed. The Personnel Office shall also continue to certify eligibles in the s e manner as a first vacancy unless an additional female 's appointed. If an additional female is appointed, only th three eligibles on the list receiving the highest scores ill be certified, except as stated in the paragraph abov , or the paragraph below, until 3 vacancies have bee filled. After 3 vacancies have been filled, one more a ditional female will be certified so that a total of 3 addit'onal females will be certified for the fourth vacancy. B ginning with the fourth vacancy and every 3 vacancies therea ter, this pattern of certification will be followed. The Personnel Offi e shall also continue to certify eligibles in the s me manner as a first vacancy unless an additional handica ped person is appointed. If an additional handica ped person is appointed, only the three eligibles on the 1'st receiving the highest scores will be certified, except s stated in the paragraphs above, until 8 vacancies have bee filled. After 8 vacancies have been filled, one more a ditional handicapped person will be certified so that total of 3 additional handicapped persons will be ce tified for the ninth vacancy. Beginning with the ninth vac ncy and every 8 vacancies thereafter, this pattern of ce tification will be followed. . . , ,� 1� ,-- ��% CS� � � I� � t� � �"�' � _ - - - - - - �� TE - UTV GLERK - -� - � �- ���- � - - -� � INK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL Council ��'� ���� GANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . . .c u tip e acancies rom a Single Requisition for the S me Title in the Same D partment. The Personnel Offic shall certify to the appoin ng officer the number of eligi les on the list receiving e highest scores necessary to fill all the vacancies p s two additional names. In titles in depart ents where repres tation is below or would be below the oals stated in ction 8.B. l.a after the new appointments ar made, the Pe onnel Office shall certify as many na s of addit' al protected class eligibles from each of the a ected sub groups as are necessary to provid the to al plus two, provided that the name of additional ligib es shall be drawn from either the top 33� or the top cor' g twenty names, whichever number is greater, from the e i ing eligible list. The top 33� shall be calculated on th asis of the list remaining after all hires have been ma . 8.B.2 Vacant positio s 11 be filled from a promotion list in the followin manne : The Personnel Office shall certify to the appoin ng officer the three eligibles on the eligible list rec ving the ighest scores, from among which the appoin ng officer ay appoint any one of the three elig' les. The Personnel Office shall notify the three el' ibles of their certification. 8.0 he appointing off'cer may reject the eligibles if fewer than three entrants are listed. However, if fewer than three are certifie from a promotion list, the appointing officer must appoi t one of the eligibles. Ar�1D BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the provis'ons of this resolution shall be in effect commencing from the date of publicatio until July 15, 1990. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Ag8illst BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - - — By ' ' � �� - � Zi j, �� �1� 1 � � , 1 C P�RQ R. � 8� 1n� p Z Tq fl-RD �5 o • r ' � ` ,�' . /�D�s-'' �` z. Z N 7 E /�1�/�!/�`,�f�fff�� �c � 8 5'S �10 �l `- ��> �' � � � � � E � � 1 ��7 � �a� °'� . � � � ���� _ � r� � �� �, �D � a .��S �� �l _`„'A �/ ,qe Pc�QC o c�. '�-2 r"R'° � o�' �� �r ,�^ r' � � . � �" � l ' � �� ��-- ��7 / � � _ �� �� � � �� � � � ,�- �-- r- �° �t�l!� l S A-rv A- D %�v w��� �e � a�r _ �� �2 q� _ _____ _ , � ��_ _ _ __.__ �.��U.�� �r�-�'� �11,M,?L'�7'—LINt P[.�NN1N['s COIlNC1L � October 12, 1987 Janice Rettman, President St. Pau1 City Council St. Pau1, MN. 55102 . -� Dear President Rettman: At its September 22, 1987 E3oard mee ing, the Summit-University Planninq Covncil discussed the lack of an current Af irmative Action plan by the City and the present debate surrounding the issu . After a short discuss�on, it was mo ed, seconded and passed "That the Sumrnit- , Universit Plannin Council o on r cord as su ortin a minimum of 60:5 reach- down for women and minor.ities in th hirin rocess for St. Pau1 Firefi hters." The motion passed ' unanimously. The Summit-University Council firml believes the City of St. Pau1 must have a strong Affirmative Action plan in p ace in order to ensvre that the number of women and minorities within the Fir Department reflect the make-up of the City. The issue at hand has nothinq to do with safety within the department. The - residents of St. Pau1 nor the testi g process wi11 a11ow for a compromise to the safety af either the f.irefighte s or community residents. The issve is the commitment the Mayor and City Counc 1 have to the hirinq of qualffied candidates. Although the Summit-U Council would prefer a 100� reach-down, the City Council - can accept nothinq less the 60�. - � The qoal is tv have an inteqrated F re Department. The issue before you today � is not the qoaZ, it is the necessar 'objective to t_hat qoal, without at least a 60� reach-down you cannot achieve the goal of an integrated department. Should you have any questions, plea e ca11 me at 228-1855. Thank you. . , Sincerely, � ��� � Alma Joseph � Chairperson � .. . f., �o. 627 ;elby Avenue St. Peul�Minn te 55104 Telephone (612) 228-1855 �. . � ��� � St. Paul League ,_, of Women ,1 ` ' ` Voters �` 1010 University Avenue St.Paul,MN 55104 (612)644-9176 October 13, 1987 T0: The St. Paul City Council FRO1�:: St. Paul League of Women Voters; Carol Osip� President On the national level, th League of Women Voters has long been outspoken in support of affirm tive action programs and policies. That support i.ncludes filing a icus briefs in key affirmative action lawsuits. On our 1oca1 government le el� the St. Paul League of 4Jomen Voters is equally concerned and urges the City Council to adopt a strong affirmative a.ction policy witho t further delay. The issue is r_ot whether unqualified candidates ould be hired� but whether many classes of qualified candidates have tr e employment opgortnnity. With our present hiring practices we are not only depriving .many people of the chance to be considered for emp oyment despite being qualified� but we are underutilizing many tale ted members of our community and depriving ourselves of their ab lities. We look to you� our leader � to be pro-active� visionary� and creative in your approach. We rge you to work out a plan with thoughtfulness a.nd conviction o principle. The specifics of that plan should send out a alear message the message that minorities, handicapped persons, and women should no lo ger be denied opportunities provided they are fully qualified and th t aggressive measures will now be taken to redress foxmer wrongs. �, � , .� (�����b LWVSP Page 3�,tiro The City of St. Paul 3.s i the forefront in many areas� but on this issue we are sorely lacki g. We ask and urge you to give us a plan that is not merely comp iant with federal laws but one that leaves no doubt about our city s commitment to strong affirmative action. ._ . ��-�� , INIPORTANT I IN TESTING Presentation by r. Raymond A. Noe, Assistan Professor, Industrial lations Center University of Minnesota Zb St. Pa City Council Octobe 13, 1987 .1. Overview of Testing Process - What is a test? - Why tests are used? - Influences on testing proc ss - Haw are test developed for �nplayee selection? 2. Legal Issues - Uniform Guidelines for e�np oyee selection - Adverse 7mpact 3. Importance of Job Analysis - Identify tasks - Identify, knawledge, skill , & abilities 4. Establishing the Relationship o Test Scores to Job Performance - Content validity - Criterion-related validity - Construct validity 5. A,ccuracy of �est Scores • 6. Setting Minimtun Z�est Score Stan rds � ✓���� • ' • • � Recruitment Social Pressure Utility sting P ogram Legal Pressure �pe of Job INFLUENCES TF�STING PROGRAM . . �.�-�-� Exhibic 1.2 Steps in the Dcvelo of Sekction Programs Job Analysis IdeM fication of Relevant Job Pe ormance �imensions I entification of K owledge, Skills, A ilities Necessary for Job evelopment of � ssment Devices to M asure Knowledge, S ills, and Abilities Validation of ssment Devices t. Content 2. ConstruCt 3. Empincal Use of sessment Devices in the Pr essing of Applicants � - ������ e of 4 5 rule Hiring Ratio of any protected class must be at least 80$ of hiring ratio of majority group � of minority aroup hired . # of majoritv hired # of minority applicants . # of majority applicants E�a�le 72 white males hired = 60$ hiring rate 120 white male applicants Since 60$ of white male applicants a e hired, proportion of minorities selected should be at least 48$ (.80 x .60) If we had 50 minority applicants, th minim�un acceptable hires would be 24. .� . � �� ���3� TEST S00 DISTRIBLTPIONS IDEAL � �„ ..� I � I � / ♦ / � � 1 ♦ � s� �� ACIUAL �r ' � 1 ♦ / � �/ � � � B A - - - = Minority Group = Majority Group � . � - 3� " . � , ' ��-� Accuracy of Test Scores Influenced By: 1. Z�esting E�hvirorrment 2. Inadequate Content Sampling 3. Unreliability 4. Person Factors As a result, a test score is no a perfect estimate of ability. We can calculate the degree of rror in the test and establish an interval within which we can e t a test score to fall. (Standard " error of ineasurement) . E�mple �est score of 89 Standard error of inea urement is 3.0 95$ probability that the "true" test score is between 86 and 92. If tests have large standard errors f ineasurement, it will be difficult to make fine distinctions between job a licants. � � ���3� October 30, 1987 Albert B. Olson City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Dear A1: nlease be notified that I have calle . a special meeting �of the City Council for Monday, November 16, 1987 at 7:0 P.M. in the Council Chambers for a .. Public Hearing on the proposed Affi tive Action Resolution. � �, ; �r,��d�G�'�!?,G��-�/� _ __.:.__ _ _ � _ _.. _ ____ -- `Ccuncil President We the undersigned Councilmembers, hereby waive written notice requirements for a special meeting of the City C incil on Monday, November 16, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers for reasons stated above. ���. t , ,�`" ✓ � � � � - ;, ,r ,�Gi�'�,���1%/ �� � ' �, � ��/'.� i . • , . -L ' �' < � � � ���7� • ' . �,^....ti ���F CITY OF SAtN P/1UL INTERDEPARTMENTAI EMOR1INDUM T0: City Council ', FROM: German dor► Alvarado, Affirmative A tion Dizector/Personnel DATE: October 23. 1987 SUBJECT: DATA REQUESTED . The following information is pZOVi ed� as tequested earlier at the - - Octobet 13 session. Firat� Housin Urban Development (H.U.D.) can look at � any m�ber of specific areas to,de ermine if the City is weeting their employment standards in order to intain annual recertification of eligibility. You =equested inform tion oa one such area. called SIGNIFICANT PBOGRESS ?ES?. H.U.D. defines it s follows: 'This test is met if the percentage of recent full-time mirozity permanent hires for the past two years equals or exceeds the percentag of minorities in tbe population of the City." Based on my review of the semi•ann al Affira►ative Action statistics produced by the Human Rights Department. th following is noted: " PERIOD l�IINORITY HIRES and PERCEN?f�GE July - Decembe=. 1985 1 1 17 15.3t January - June. 1986 8 9 9•2� July - December. 1966 1 6 38 21.69 January - Juae, 1987 1 9 21 , 12.4• The most recent and updated Census data for the City of Saint Paul ' ' indicates an 11 .4 percent minority population. The above hire data will be ' reviewed in relation to the Census figure noted by H.U.D. in making its overall determination on recertifi ation. The other test, the GENERALLY REFLECTS TEST involving the annual EEO report will also be reviewed which involves a comparison of the minor'ty population percentage with the percentage of full time minority w rk force in the City which is at 8.4 percent. .. C��� �3� City iouncil � October 23� 1987 Page 2 CITY-WIDE WORK FOR E STATISTICS (FULL TIME) 1991 Int rim City Goals Females l32$), Min rity (12�) , Disabled (88) PROTECTED CIASS RA IO �PERCENTAGE OF GOAL ?0 BE ATTAINED TIME I�'RAME e e Minoritv ab ed � Female Minoritv b ed � June, 1983 24.88 6.98 3.78 � 7.28 5.18 4.38 June, 1984 25.5$ 7,28 3.88 � 6.58 4.68 4.28 June, 1987 27.28 8.48 6.9$ � 4.88 3.6$ 1.1$ _ The above data shows the following. he left hand column indicates the work force composition by each protected class roup and the right hand column indicates the __ portion of the goal remaining to be ttained for each group in the time period indicated. From 1983 to 1984 the per entage increase for Females was 0.7%, for Minorities it was 0.3% and for the D'sabled it was 0. 1%. In the 3 year period from June 1984 to June 1987, the inc ease showed the following. Females 1 .7� Net gain per ear of 0.566% Minorities 1.2% Net gain per ar of 0.4% _. Disabled 3. 1% Net gain per y ar of 1.03% The increase noted when charted out t 1991 indicate that the work force composition in comparison to the City wide goals will be as follows. Females 29.4% Minorities 10.0% Disabled 11 .0% Thus it would appear, that only 1 of the 3 goals will have been achieved as it pertains to the overall compositio of the City's work force. � � �0 a �� - Page 3 The following chart consists of a br ak down by department of protected class percentages by group. The foll wing su�nary is provided of that chart. 5 or 35.7% of the departments oted are under the goals set for Females. They are the Civic enter, Fire and Safety Servi�ces, Police, Public Works and Wat r Utility. 12 or 85.7% of the departments re under the Minority goals set. The 2 exceptions are Human R ghts and Personnel. 11 or 78.6% of the departments re under the goals set for Disabled. The 3 exceptions are Human R ghts, P.E.D. and Public Works. .. � ���"0� ` � � y. I �t Y N M �f Y !f Y Y N Y !! Y �[ V � O Y O • A • O Y Y O� Y r1� {� V O Y 'O O • 'i7 • tf • b • � O • 9 • � • • � V O� dC C aD C .r G �D C C �+ C y1 C > �D C 7 � 7 7 7 7 7 O 7 a O it Y �t Y M M It M M �t Y +t Y K M �t 4 ♦ O Y O • O • W Y Y 4 Y O Y 01 Y O Y G O • 'O • � • b • 7 'O • 'C • 'O • S • V O� �0 C aD C aD C w� C C N C �D C •+ C aC C 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 .7 N M +e 4 �e 4 �e M M M M N N !� 4 < A � Y O Y A Y P1 �I • � Y �1 �I M /� O O • v • v • v • �e a • �v • v Y • �o CO a+ C N C aD C wf C C N C � C > �'+ C � ' 7 �+ 7 7 7 7 7 � O 7 h� w O O �,' !t M w[ Y �t Y M Y M !t M it M ►f Y - Yl ♦ .-1 Y O Y N O P Y Y 1� Y � Y M l'1 Y ' 10 .'J = O � � • b • � • 'O b • � • tl O • � _ � M O� n C N C � C N C C h G �O C > ♦ C ►� < 7 �+ � 7 7 7 7 7 O 7 M O 1-� N �.i J 'O '.7 • M Y M M v ..1 1� Y M Y �O • M • Y M Y O O • O Y • V • • b r Y r a s a s a e s � a > > M • O O O .� 7 O N 7 O O V w ..� y M �1 � �S M M ►� M +t Y b O a Y M M O Y V O • V M M f+ � � P > ! > + C > P C > > < A O O O .+ 7 O N 7 O O N �+ N .� V W A v e « oe .+ -� Q Y Y if �t ►t t[ Ir Y O r� H �+ W m N C 'O O O O • O • • • � ti C � Y a �O �O N m OC �r S 1.� •+ O 2 � s .+ o • o� ►o � .e .e .. .. Y1 P � .� a �II N O � o .+ pc o ao 0 0 0 • • • • o �r �n < O� ♦ W N �O = W � N F w _ • !�- 41 .r �q _ • �e ►e �e �t K �e is a e m �• • w� �. �o m o r. e w O a .+ � � o o� o 0 0 6 � � W 41 (,! Y . � O VJ C �e �t �e �e ►t N tt . N .•� • P OD r1 P1 � O 1� t � CD . p . . . . . . ..1 P � • O� �O �1 O � C7 + ., � O � l+ v ,t .. ,� ,< ,. ,� .. .s W r� Cp �11 O ♦ �O �O O N 1-� m . . . . . . . . O � o� �o n o w m + �n m o[ ... n m o .. �n �. �o a + Y N lt N �t �e �e �! ►t W � N .� N N N N O � Cp . . . . . . . . P N n �O O r1 N O "+ �O �I1 n .� �/f O � t� � Z M C td M V O � = V .r Y W w � 1+ C -+ Y 'O w � � . � p� �. Y p u G Y N F • � < O V C G O C � w � W Y Y 7 Y �1 O O h � a O � V V U Y E Y C Y pG w M U Y u w {I � U 7 C �0 .� •w C Y C A A A .� A M y Y > Q O � r N u > C C 4 M r 6 ►� E � a ..� .� •.� • Y a Y 7 • '� V U U V � = y � y � _ � • �V �f�� � • � � � J M Y Y M Y A q r Y Y Y 1� r O� .� C > � C > ' � C 7 O 7 O 7 • Q M Y Y N 4 M Y ♦ Y P • • O • �1 �1 O m • • 'O • b • 1f • 'O a� > N C C .+ C N C O > > 7 7 �i N Y Y N Y M Y < � r ao r • n • q • v � a > + e � e ++ e .. e m o > > > > • o 0 C N M M Y 4 1t M M M � V! • �H • w • � O O O • � a s o • v • a • b • v • �o � � s o� r' � � � a n � � � M �0 M M mt J 0 �j • Y M M N Y �y ..1 1+ Y Y • �O • O � .. � o • • • v • e • v � s s e .� e e e N • O O 9 N J 7 C1 w � A � �+ O �+ • Y Y �e M M Y N O ♦ Y M • • w • Of • r+ i! • • • • e • O • b F+ � O� > > C O C P C < A O O 7 N 7 7 1+ Y N a V OI A c� F u � � � Q Y Y M N N � O. • O � � O M wf .+ C �O o �i C � �O t0 n O � �r = 10 .� .i O = i .+ D P 7 M N N N i0 P � • w .� O �O �'+ ~ fi O� O� N A I1 i W � Y !�. w s • s• � y � Z' � M N M !! !! i+ � Y. w N N OI N OL r '� . . . . . . < O O N w O �O O 4 C "'� �+ Yi U' ' • O • V1 N M if M M • N r M1 Fl �O O O < m � a a o e � � �e u � c m h („) N �f K N N 41 w 1� �O m ♦ O H . . . . . O • o • �o • ♦ OL �O • .r .� N a + e v K ►e �e .e w IY ♦ N M O� �1 �1 � . . . . . 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JK� v� m u � � , � -. a v a, •.� o L -, •••• � c u �+ •�+ a� a . .... A� ' � A �I �� � �� .�V�� � � �; � � z $ o00 �oo a» ��> >t� on m � c� a� �� o a a� a, � w v� � ,� H � •a cn v o v • � �� �� L f0 L U 3-i •� .. .... .... r� a� c •a a, .�+ a �. �� o�o �00 �oo O;o o.�� +� °� � � '� ^ o •� w v o�o +� ^ N O tn C L O .G 4� G S.," 3.� fA L •rl U L L •rl ;� � u b0 w N � a�.� r+ G u � � m m O u }+ O �0 •� � � � •.a m H DC O � �+ G +� N � �� .�y�� �.�.� ti�� �.�� i►� h cd P. G1 W . P. O m W U a� l��I :i l0.1 ��A� �71�0 �.1 CO n h L � T •� OJ �C •.-� vv vvv vvv vv v.iv vv � w U 'C7 F+ N 3a "O v� •.� l+ 7 .1 r+ �y O N C N u O C v% � U 3+ t1�� �t� �+� +'� 4+� ��4 �+ y,�,i '� C� ro m t0 C1 � 4�-i •1-i 'C cA N +� v G +� � O O N L .0 v C r+ � �s m �+ C � v G +.+ v •� +� u C a •.� .-i C .•1 U1 u � N Q O � •� cd aL o s°a � o 'm � 'm � ►+ v�i m ,� � a � � � c �n �c o a, - � .. .,.. .... '� • .-� � o a� a w b u . � a v� .c m oo a� •�+ w p •�+ � v v v �� v �+ u •�+ C u m O ^ v� N 9 000 000 000 000 �+O �c�l � � ro u •� •� v� 1. C G 1+ � , .o a, •.� c � v a �o •.� •-� a, w •,� s� w •� m co cn � Q7 G O O 00 Vl 3�-i ^•� � •.u+ G! N w a p C • �+ 9 N C m G •� .G m N •�+ - 1,+ 41 •'+ N •.-r G1 @ u N .-i u � ...�..�y► w �+ �1 C �L �n i � [-�� ►+ � a1 � ��v af � •�+ •� v� � O d u v �, Q. � 3�+ O G m � 00 u O i+ 000 000 000 �•+�f 000 00 1+ a� oD O .-+ •� .-+ � N •�+ f+ � r � i + os� c � �o � Lwa ao v •.� �n •..� co v, •.� ro w O a dB � °L' � �, .°� � ,c ,°-; .� .o u o � O N .� L .0 �..i ctl u..i . ., p . � � /� /'► U .� L •rl 1� •rl � W 'b L rl •rl . i►� .�..��► r►r,p p�.�. .��► i-� G 1+ ••a 3 v O N C c0 � N.r e0•�1 V� �•y•�1 .��t� cq c7 vv vvv vvv vvv vv 0 � � � 3 �� �'" � y �� 0 � a o00 ++° `7 i i i+`� '+"++ ++ ~' °,�' a � ai � v o �� a��n � � � >, �J u � +� v w C a1 y .� .n u �7 O O r+ •�+ �n u v N 1-� G A � p G af N •� w •,-i C � v ro cn ca •� ao v, 9 o u 3 u .n m v� �o v� s� �+ •.+ � O N � m rn C •'+ 00 N O 01 P. �-+ � , v N � a� �o •.� q v •--� tn w G .� c0 +� � N O x s� �a v o� v v co +� �+o �+ '� .... ...... Nw: m•-^io i N ; C�1v� � d N� o a�.� � N ,'�� � a -� � �rl [��.�i vv vvv vvv vvv v v v 3+ G 7 F*+ V] Z G�' f.� � 1 �� �+� 7 +� 4 1 4 OON 00 A � u � .. .. .. v .. v a, v • � �v .c a a� � � v L o .c o � � s� ,� c v� . •� on a� u cn u �y � v v vvv v v � � � ,� •� 1+ m 00 9 M �0 N •rl GO �, F+ �r .�00 ONO .�+NPf O.rO 000 00 � � �+ C N r+ �+ N v 1 + t 1 + 1 u u � •3 � •u � x cn � 'L) � O O C G 1�+ �n •.d � L � 1J 'a 41 N L � ��-+ u C O � U U U •� � � O w u � e •� O 'b N �.�i a.�i �� u O ..i f+ C � •� .�+ •.� •� O � s. �� � °� ��° �° �� � �v a �o � c� � c� � � � �m o ��� ��� ��� �� ��� �� ,v .� o b Q `� 8 � � ,-� �o r� r��B�I s�S�' a�i�'� �$� ��S ��a� i � o�. s� � 00 •� � o ►+ a� +� a, c v� a � � �-�i o`°o i c� � a � .+ g � �� � $ � . � �� R � � E . C� r�-�� ` Page 9 Community Services con't For the Disabled, a gain in Office/ Clerical and a loss in the Technician and Service/Maint. categories. ) Finance and Mmgt. Services (Gains for Females in Office/Admin. , Professional, Tech, and Office/Clerical. Losses in Skilled Craft and Service/Maint. Gains for Minorities are seen in Professional, Protective Services, Office/Clerical and _ Service/Maint. A net loss in Tech. for Minorities. For the Disabled, net gains are posted for the most part throughout the categories. ) Fire & Safety (All 3 groups post gains in the Professional and Office/Clerical categories. Minorities and the Disabled post gains in Protective Services and Skilled Craft respectively. Court Order plays a role in Protective Service increase. ) Human Rights (Net gain for females in Official/Admin. and Office/Clerical. Minority gains in Professional and Office/Clerical. The gains for the Disabled are in Professional and Office/Clerical as well. ) Mayor's Admin. (Female net losses in Official/Admin. and Professional. No gains for any group. ) Personnel (Both Females and Minorities experience gains in the Professional and Tech. categories and Minorities in Official/Admin. ) P.E.D. (Gains for the Disabled in Office/Clerical, Official/Admin. , Professional and Tech. categories. For Minorities a net gain in Professional and a net loss in Office/Clerical and Tech. . For Females a net gain in Official/Admin. and net losses in Professional and Tech. categories. ) Police (Gains for females for Professional and Protective Service categories. A net gain for Minorities in the Tech. category. For the Disabled, Professional, Tech. , Protective Services and Office/Clerical are categories with a net gain. Public Works (Gains for Females in Tech. , and Para Professional Minority losses in Skilled Craft & Service/Maint and the Disabled post gains Tech. , Office/ Clerical, Skilled Craft and Service./Maint. ,�; . ����� Page 10 Water Utility (Fem le gains in Professional, Tech. and Serv. Ma'nt. with net losses in Para Professional. Mi orities post gains in Tech. , Office/Clerical, Sk'lled Craft and Service Maint. The Disabled po t gains in Tech. , Office/Clerical, and Sk'lled Craft. � �'—��� . .. . . . .. n v a � ► � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � i b M • Y M O • M O M b a � .. A .r � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � a JI Y W C • Y � N N �f �/ N M �f K N M �t N N M • Y O n O II O O O O �O rl O � O � O 1 . 1 1 1 1 6 � O �O O • O O O O II P O P O • W • O O rl O N � O N O O �O � W � N rl e�l rl r1 0 � v r . • � M O • M ' w o 0 w � � � � � � i � � � � � � � � � o e e r � � r � 0 � e � : w a • � u � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � • • • M • O r M � Y V C � � t1 i N • �t �e a o 0 i � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � r o 0 C o �n � .� .� S O .� a O M � M �t N M �t M N �i �t �t M M �i �! JI O rl �q Of I� 1► �O rl � II II • �) O M 1 • 1 1 1 O N N N �O �O M rl N �O rf O M . 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PRESENTATION TO SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL ON ESTABLISHING AND USING PASSPOINTS IN THE EXAMINAT ON PROCESS OCTOBER 28, 1987 HOW TESTING FITS IN THE .qFFIRMATIVE ACTION DISCUSSION: ' The Personnel Office is responsible and ac ountable for Equal Employment Opportunity. -Recruitment and Selection: ensure that there is not adverse impact on the examinations. -Affirmative Action: adequate numbers of protected classes are ecruited for city positions and works with the city departments to meet th city's Affirmative Action hiring goals. Within this context you can see how affirm tive action and testing are linked because of responsibility for equal emplo ent opportunity. My discussion with you today is based on f llowing all professional and legal guidelines and meeting equal employment op ortunity standards. I. The Role of the Personnel Office and T sting a)To provide city managers with eligibl candidates for employment who meet the ,my�mum ualifications and have ssed an examinati which measures their knowledge, skills, an abilities for the p sition. The testing instrument is one piece of in rmation which goes into the ultimate selection decision. It measures he measureable and testable part of the job domain and should be used with thi in mind. It is not the complete picture of the candidates ksa's. Another portion of the candidates ksa's f r the job can be evaluated during the selection interview. When conducted " a structured way the interview can be a valid indicator of a candidates perf rmance. These two selection devices used together can provide better information about a candidate than either used on its own. The purpose of the selection devices is to enable managers to make better deci ions than they could of made by random selection. b)To provide selection devices that do ot result in discrimination against protected class candidates. c)To provide selection devices that res lt in the best candidates being selected. d)To balance the interests of utility, egality, and professional standards. ��-��d � II. PART OF THE BALANCING ACT-SETTING MI MUM TESTING STANDARDS THE EXISTING RULE VS A NEW POSSIBILITY THE EXISTING RULE: 75$ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -The 75$ rule inhibits setting standards at have a relationship to the �ob -It is an arbitrarily set pass point -We cannot say that candidates who receive a 75$ possess the ksa's necessary to do the �ob � -SAMPI.ES of tests from this year all passes, all fails, the pass point is rbitrary THE PROPOSAL: SET PASSPOINTS BASED ON IS REQUIRED TO PERFORM SUCCESSFULLY ON THE JOB AND WHAT IS LEGAL AND PROFESSIONALLY REQUIRED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -To assure that candidates who pass tests re qualified we need to base the standards on what is required to do the � -- .___.�— -To set standards we take into account a ariet of info while keeping the organizations best interests in mind. This means providing the best employees to fill our positions in a ro onal and leeal way. -There is no decision rule for calculatin the pass point. -It is set based by the udeement of the esting professional who looks at all of the data and makes the determination t best meet the competing needs of the organization. III. SETTING THE MINIMUM PERFORMANCE ST DARDS FOR TESTING -The following considerations go into mak ng the passpoint decision: 1. utility 2. actual candidate test scores 3. department performance standards 4. incumbent test performance ' 5. supervisor and test expert evalu tions 6. adverse impact 7. standard error of ineasurement 8. test security 9. legal vulnerabilities 10 . type of test IV. PLAN FOR ASSURING THAT TEST STANDARD ARE DEVEIAPED AND MET BY CANDIDATES MULTI-TIERED APPROACH: -Criterion validation -Content validation � ���� -Job analysis/test expert evaluation V. IMPLEMENTATION 1. Provide training to staff in �ob analy is and validation techniques 2. Select exams for validation studies 3. Implement a ,job analysis approach for se on all exams 4. Implement a test expert signoff system for development of exams VI. CONCLUSION AS A STARTING POINT: Request: modify the existing 75� passpoin rule by adopting a rule which allows passpoints to be set for each exami ation that is given based on professionally accepted criteria. The testing process and the setting of st dards are linked to the discussion of expanded certification because we need to have confidence that our tests measure what is required to perform succe sfully on the �ob. Confidence that no matter what the final panded certification ends up being- all candidates on the list will be qualif'ed and that the standards were set through professionally recognized techniq es. VII. Eligible list data: additional info ation from the testing perspective Exams given in 1987• Cohs��d�t GcS d+'s'CUSS �X�l,(OC� COI'� �/�C��larf 6� � fewer than 10 eligibles 6(� o a r-( Pro m. on 1 y �`3 � fewer than 20 eligibles q � 20-50 eligibles �U � � d�h �hoh Pren� �r""�'I $' more than 50 eligibles Because we have so many eligible lists wi h fewer than 20 eligibles it would increase the utility to the organization o enable managers to interview as many of the candidates on these lists as ossible. The interview data provides another piece of information in he selection process and will result in improv� selection decisions. If this approach is considered it is impo tant to note the titles that we would be considered for this expanded cer ification. It would not include entry level police or fire exams. VIII. How does the promotion rule affect he testing process? � _ ��-�� . When we set standards for tests we take in o account the performance standards needed to perform the �ob. Along with oth r legal and social concerns we set a cutoff score for the position. Through he process of �ob analysis and validation we relate the test to the job. Thus when we complete the testing process we can have confidence that those ho pass the test are qualified and we would predict that those candidates who score higher would perform better on the job. The omotion preference rule and absolute promotion preference take into account var a les outside of the testin p ocess and introduce them into the selection decis on. e ru e resu ts in c nsidering a variable which has no relatio bilit e ob t e test . Because of this the testing process is not as useful o the organization as it could be. IX. How do veterens preference points and residency points affect the testing process? They introduce into the selection process wo variables which have no relation to a candidates ability to do the 3ob they tested for. Becasue of the city's concerns t at c ty res dents and veterens e given at least an opportunity to be interviewed for the position we adopted a system of giving them additional points which are added on to their passing test scores. Addition of these points has great impact on the candidates 1 mate rank on the eligib],e list. Perhaps a alternative would be to open up he interview process to include more candidates in the selection interview so that this concern is addressed. � � � N �O n � �--� m O oD U N N .-�1 � ni aD .—I U W W � � � � � � Rf � W ai � ,�-� a� d w d � b �+ a� a� � � � a S"' i i i i � V1 C'1 M U'1 O� �O .-H �--i �� W � S V ` � � U � � � � � U � I-- � tn � O � U O O C� ;}, X �� � � r� �r W � U cn � ❑ 6� ._ z �� � � �. � H cn � w w w � � H H O U � U � � � w � 6� Ln � � � � � �� M N �--i �C�u an b a.� � ,. � � N v� O co�D � � ^ a u � � � ^ � cd � w +� W � 'C7 rl W' � 'L7 � � O U �—� p ,-I ,,Ci � v� U � 3 � � 1 1 I I C� P4 O u'1 1� tl1 �C ty') '-1 Qi .-1 .--1 � V H � � � � � � � w � �' � � U � � z� O � � X i, � .�i� � (� �� � � ~ � � f!� J � � ❑ V J � A C'3 lt � W W Z � � U A W W W W � J F— F-- f— J CL � i--� F--� O U � � � � W LL � � @ @ @� � m � ;� �C�uanba � �y �v � � aODi � � `'� �n � u a� � � � � ^ o0 cd p w ++ � a ,�-� a� a� a�i a� � � � o v � � � a W � c� � � t i i � r-1 N O� n �O W `00 �0 N � Z� V ` - �.1. � �� �M � w TW .._!__. .—� W � -�-� � � a o � � x << � � o �� � � � @ •S= w � � � � � Z �t � � � � H W W W W � H H O U _ = o� x � 3 3 d. W � � � � � �� 'd- m �..� �C�u an b .�� � � � � � � � t�d N pp cd a ao � u a�o � ma� � d � � b � � c� a� a� c0 q w a� � � N Gl 0ul O C+ r�l � O cU/� �'� U � � Pr W I I I I � N 1� M CO W M 1� N N ¢ .� • � � � W - U �+--- �F-- � O . pp -}-� . � � � � � � � � O U � p C/� y-- X �� cn w W �� w � ~ � � � � � � � � z ii � Ll.. � F--i C/� '—' U A W '�C F-w-- H F-w- ._=I � - s- H �-+ o v � 3 3 � W LWL. � � 8 � � �� � � r-�l _ �C�u an b .a� � � � � � w � � N � N � «1 a� ,..� �o a ao a�i � u o0 a� � � b b � wu o� � �, a� a� a� o � 'b �+ 1� a.i U �'., w,,C� rl O v] r'� U 3 � a W I I i 1 � � OOi .-�a � wj .1 � �T V ` � � W � U y-- � ��--- � O � � � U U p C/� ;-, X �� c�i� F-w- �-- cn � � � � � z " � � � � U A W W W � - H H O U 3 3 � W � � � � � �� � � � - �C�uanba � � , 8 � ~ � � �, � � � o � � � a m � � � n � � � . b o . b � � � � U � CW7 a�0 I t � c��1 c�+1 � O n . O �O W o w �+ ' $ a 0 v 0 � 0 N y W a 0 U H E� O y W ^+ E+ � � N � , O ` �"� ^I � � O � 1f1 �? !�f N rl n waw aw � a• �`C� � � � � O4 r� � c� � a�i ,-01i 8 'b � d0 cd a b � � u a ,-i a� a� a� o � � � � o cvn � '3 � a w � � I I 1 � � t—� �-+ O o0 �t W � N � � � � � � W W � 0 � � � � 0 U s-- O C/� � X �� � � � � � ii � H 3 � w � � � � z � � � �. � H w w w � H H O U 3 3 � W @ � � � � � �� 00 � N , ��uanba � ti r� r^ . � _ � .�1 ��-�� MY NAME IS NICK DAVIS. I LIVE AT 79 HAGUE AVE. IN ST. PAUL. I HAVE BEEN A MEMBER OF THE ST. PAUL FIRE DEPT. SINCE 1984, I HAD HOPED THAT TIiE MATTER OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION WOULD BE RESOLVED BY NOW. I'M DISTU ED BECAUSE OF STATEMENTS TEAT HAVE BEEN MADE BY SOME THAT CAST A CLOUD OVER THE ABIL TY OF PEOPLE OF COLOR WHO HAVE BEEN HIRED OR ARE TO BE HIRED UNDER AN AFFIRMATIVE ACT ON PLAN. STATEMEHTS HAVE BEEN MADE BY PEOPLE IN POSITIONS OF AUTHORITY THAT ARE MISL ADING AND GROUNDLESS. THEY HAVE SAID THINGS LIKE: ONLY THE BEST QUALIFIED SHOULD BE HI D; WE DON'T WANT TO LOWER THE STANDARD, THOSE PEOPLE NEED TO BE TRAINED SO THEY CA PASS THE TEST; WE'LL BE JEOPARDIZING PUBLIC SA- FETY; REACH UP NOT DOWN; YOU BRING E PEOPLE UP TO THE STANDARDS, DON'T BRING THE STANDARDS DOWN TO THE PEOPLE. I'M A PALLED AT THESE STATEMENTS. IF THESE LEADERS ARE REALLY THAT CONCF.RNED ABOUT THE PROF SIONAL SAFETY FACTOR, TfiEN WHY ARE WE NOT ASKING WHAT IS T�iE CITY DOING TO MAINTAIN TH HIGEI LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE THAT TfiEY CLAIM WILL BE LOWERED BY GOINC BELOW 33f? MOST OF 'Pg� PROTECTED CLASS WHO HAVE EEN HIRED OR TRAINED IN THE ST. PAUL FIRE DEPT. WERE BROUGHT ON BOARD AS A RES T OF COURT ACTION. THE PRESENCE OF THESE PROTECTED CLASS F.MPLOYEES HAS NOT LOW RED THE STANDARD OF THE DEPT. IN FACT, OVER THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS, MANY REFERENC S HAVE BEEN MADE REGARDING THE FACT THAT OURS IS ONE OF THE FINEST IN THE NATION. OME OF THE PROTECTED CLASS FIREMAN THAT HAVE COME ON BOARD HAVE NOT PLACED IN TAE OP THIRD OF THE LIST. THIS IS NOT UNIQUE, AS 517 OF THE SUPERVISORS OF THE DF.PAR NT ALSO DID NOT PLACE IN THE TOP THIRD. FURTHER, THERE WAS A TIME WHEN THERE WAS COMPL E VETERAN'S PREFERENCE. DURING THIS PERIOD, MANY MAJORITY FIREMAN WERE BROUGHT ON E FIRE: DEPARTMENT REGARDLESS OF WHERE TfiEY SCORED. THEN, DURING 19�1, ON THE EAS SIDE THERE WAS A CLASS CONDUCTED FOR OVER 100 WHITE MALES WHO WERE PROMPTED �JIT� :� - E ACTUAL TEST AND MANY OF THEM WERE LATER HIRED BY �IiE DEPT. AND, FINALLY, WHEN A FIREFIGHTER WHO HAD FAILED TIiE CAPTAIN'S TEST WAS PROMOTED TO ASST. CHIEF, Tf1E WERE NO CRIES OF DONT'REACEi DOWN. � ' , � � �;��.��o , PA E 2 THE �PPONENTS OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTIONEi VE NOT TOLD THE PUBLIC THAT THE ST. PAUL FIRE DEPT. HAS AN O.J.T. APPRENTICESHIP P OGRAM TEiAT LASTS 3 YRS. DURING TfiIS TRAINING, THE DEPT. WEEDS OUT THF NOT SO GOOD. WEERLY WRITTEN AND PHYSICAL TESTS ARE CON- DUCTFD. THOSE WHO DO NOT CUT THE MU TARD ARE DISC$ARGED DURING T[iIS PROCESS LEAVING ONLY THE BEST. WHEN I STARTED MY T INING, IT WAS 3 YRS. AFTER I TOOK THE TEST. THERE WERE 8 MINORITIES IN MY CLASS. WHEN I STARTED OUT, WE WERE INFORMED THAT THERE WAS RESENTMENT ON THE DEPT. BECAIISE E WERE HIRED. WE STARTED OUT WITH A RA1�iKING SYSTEM THAT RANKED AFTER EACH WEEK'S PERFORMANCE. AS IT TURNED OUT, THE MINORITIES DID AS WELL AS THE MAJORITIES,AND IN SOME CASES TEiEY PERFORMED BETTER THAN THE MAJORI-. TIES. I ALSO BELIEVE THAT A MINORI FINISflED FIRST IN THE CLASS OF 1981. NEEDLESS- TO-SAY, ABOUT HALF WAY THROUGH THE C SS THE RANKING SYSTEM WAS DISCONTINUED. SOME OF THOSE IN THE CLASS OF 1981 BELI THAT IT WAS DISCONTINUED BECAUSE IT DID NOT PRO- DUCE RESULTS THAT REFLECTF.D MINORITI IN A NEGATIVE LIGHT. I AM NOT SAYING THESE THINGS TO SAY AT ONE GROUP IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER, BUT, RATRER, TO REASSURE THE PUBLIC AND TH CITY COUNCIL THAT THE ENTRANCE EXAM IS NOT NECESSARILY A GOOD INDICATOR OF ABILI . TliB ENTRANCE EXAM ONLY MEASURES ONE'S FAMI- LIARITY WITH THE BODY OF INFORAtA�ION AT IS PRESENTED , IT DOES NOT MEASURE INTELLI- GENCE, ALTEIOUGH IT IS AN INDICATOR OF INTELLIGENCE. MORE IMPORTANTLY, IT DOES NOT MEASURE DRIVE, DESIRE, MOTIVATION, CO TMENT, ACEiIEVEMENT OR COURANGE. WHATEVER WE D0, WE CANNOT AND WE WIL NOT GO BACKWARD. IT IS�IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF ST. PA TO HAVE AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN IN PLACE TO FNSURE THAT OUR TAX DOLLARS BENEFI ALL CITIZENS OF THE CITY EQUITABLY. HISTORI- CALLY, WE FIND TRAT THE MAJORITY HAS LY VOTED IN THIS COUNTRY TO CONCEDE ANYTHING TO THE MINORITY. IN ALMOST EVERY CAS THE COURTS OR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAVE HAD TO BECOME INVOLVED IN ORDER THAT A FA R AND EQUITABLE SETTLEMENT BE REACHED. IT MIGHT BE NECESSARY TO REQUEST THE ASS TANCE OF THE COURTS OR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN THIS CASE. PERHAPS THE U.S. EQUAL LOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION SHOULD BE . � � '� � � } �' �� ' PGE3 ASKED TO CONDUCT A FULL SCALE INVEST GATION OF THE RACIAL DISCRIMINATION TI�AT EXISTS IN OUR CITY DEPARTMENTS TO DETERMINE ITS IMPACT ON THE RETENTION OF MINORIlY EMPLOYEES AS WELL AS ON THEIR PROMOTIONAL OPPO TUNITIES. SUCH AN INVESTIGATION MAY ALSO TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION A PLAN THAT OULD PROHIBIT RESIDENTS OF ST. PAUL FROM COM- PETING WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT RESID NTS OF THE CITY F0� "CITY JOBS". SOME OF OUR DEPARTMF.NTS HAVE OVER 25X OF ITS WO FORCE MADE UP OF PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LIVE IN THE CITY. ONE POSSIBLE OUTCOME COULD BE PLACING A FREEZE ON HIRING NQN-RESIDENTS UNTIL ALL RESIDENTS HAVE BEEN REACHED ON A LIST OR GIVING RESIDENTS A PREFERENCE. ALTHOUGH I PASSED THE TEST, I AM CER IN THAT IF IT WERE NOT FOR APFiR�lATIVE ACTION I WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN HIRED IN THE C S OF 1981. I HAVE BEEN A GOOD EMPLYEE AND HAVE PERFORMED BETTER THAN SATISFACTO ILY. HOWEVER, HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR THE 1981 COURT ORDER, I WOULD NEVER HAVE HAD E OPPORTUNITY TO DEMONSTRATE MY ABILITY. IN CLOSING, I WOULD JUST LIKE TO SAY T I THINK THE ISSUE AT HAND IS NOT WHETHER WE ARE LOWERING THE STANPARD BY HAVIN A 60X OR BETTER REACH DOWN OF PEOPLE WHO YO BELIEVE THAT . HAVE PASSED THE TEST. THE ISSUE IS ETHER�WOMEN AND PEOPLE QS CDLOR.FAV$ BEFNj HIS- TORICALLY DISCRIMINATED AGAINST AND N T AFFORDED THE SAML OPPORTUNITY WHITE. MALES HAVE BA11. AND, IF S0, SHOULD SOME CONSI ERATION BE ACCORDRD TO THEM ABOVE AND BEYOND THEIR TEST SCORES TO CORRECT FOR PAST WRONGS AGAINST TfiESE GROUPS? I WOULD ASK YOU AS AN ELECTED, PUBLIC SERVANT TO 0 WHAT IS RIGHT AND NOT WHAT IS POPULAR. < �-���� _- ��,� �� ^ � � AGENDA OF THE SAINT AUL CITY COUNCIL " MONDAY, NON R 16, 1987 7:00 P.M. COUN L CHAMBERS THIRD FlO�t CITY AND COURT HOUSE ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Resolution amending Section 8 of t e Civil Service Rules pertaining ta certification (affirmative action - 60% reach down plan). (Second Reading & Ado ption - Laid over from October 28 h) 2. Resolution amending Section 8 of t e Civil Service Rules pertaining to cert i fi cati on (affi rmati ve acti on - 33� reach down pl an). (Second Readi ng & Adoption - Laid over from October 28 h) _____ ._,.._..,.._..___......._,....,,,.--o.�.�..._...-.t,,.....,.�-,.v...�.>�.�,.n...�,.,�, �.�.�.,,.�-�..o.-...�.........,-_�...� ,. rrz.S. . . , . � � .. . . • . . . . . . + f�ITY OF S INT PAUL I�ERS: : � � . QFBZC� OF T CITY COIINCIL Tom Dimond � ... ' • Janice Retta�en � �ommit ee �eport �� F�uaance hian eme t Perso el ommittee. .. March 1, 1988 ----- Est. resent�g T i me � ��nr i__�me�nber/Staff 1. Approvai of minutes of March � h and March 24th meetings. 2:35 2. Report on statu� of Belmant C1 b criminal case by City - Attorney. Jerry 5ega1 Z:40 3. '1T��eso���o�n�^����nq Sec i on 8 of the C i v i i Serv i ce German Ru� per`�a i n i ng to f ` �vac nc i es by expend i ng the don a t varado c��,i f i cat T on process�end prov d i ng aff i rmat f ve a�r,t i o� , __ s e�ct i on oppor�vn��es�► :� d4�''9�e�be�.'s ��:f�;'���.iaaG - Mayo�'s amended plan (Scheib 1) - 60� reach out pian tWilson) - 33� reach out plan (Sonnen) 4. Resolution reque�ting negotiation of annual physical Bi11 4tilson fitness examination to assure roper safety in the Fire Department . A����, Statementg will be taken from representative� of the . following o�ganizations:• 3:00 City of'�Saint Pau1 Personnel Offi e .- 3:05 Board of Education Personnel Comm ttee 3:10 Citizens Group for Open-0pportuni y - 3: 15 Saint Paul Human Rights Commissio /Affirmative Act i on Adv i sory Cortan i ttee - 3:Z0 International AssociaLion of Fire Fighters 3:25 Saint Paul Police Federation CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOO SAIIVT PAUL,MINNESOTA SS10Z • _ � ,. � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ouncil esolution � . y Presented y Referred To L � Commi ttee: Date ���a � Out of Committee By Date An administrati e Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules concerning filling vacan es. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rul s be amended in Sectio 8. , Filling Vacancies, by striking out the current language and i serting, in lieu the of, the following language so that said Section shall read: �he-�eraenne�-Affrce-aha��-notr q-�he-appaintin efficer-of-the-three-e�rgrb�es en-the-e�rg=b�e-�rst-recerning- he-krgheat-aco a;-frem-whrch-the-apperntrng e£frcer-aha��-make-the-apperntm nt.---�he-Affr -ska��-a�so-netrfq-the-three e�igib�es.---�ke-appezn�ing-affi er-maq-apper -anq-ene-ef-t�he-three-e�igrb�ea. �l�e-appern��ng-effr�er-maq-re�e �-�he-e�rg' �es-�€-�eeber-�hsn-�hree-arigrna� en�ran�a-are-�ra�ee�.---Hewet�er;- f-�e�er-� an-�hree-are-eer�t€�ee�-frem-a-pre�ne��en ��st;-��e-appegntrng-ef�rcer-ma �-appe� -ene-ef-the-e�rgrb�es.---�f-twe-er-mere traean�ies-are-�e-be-€i��ee�;-�he -tke-n ea-ef-twe-mare-�han-tke-requrre�-namber e€-peraens-�e-be-appe�nte�-sha� -�e-g' ea-�e-�he-appern�rag-e€€reer. �Ie-res�gas��en-ska��-�e-reqn�re -� a�.�a�tee-er-as-a-een���ren-e€-sp�e�n�men�.- 8.B. l .a. Vacancy Filled From An Original trance List Single vacancy from a requisit' n shall be filled as follows: FOR LISTS HAVING TWENTY (20) R TESS ELIGIBLES The Personnel Office shall cert fy to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligible from he list, plus ties. In addition, the Personnel Office shall certify to he app inting authority the three (3 highest scoring eligibles, plus t�es, n each p otected-class group. The appointing authority may appoint any eli le so cer i ied. age 1 of 4 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Counci( Secretary By gy, A►pproved by 14avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . � FOR LISTS HAVING MORE THAN TWE 20 ELIGIBLES When underutilization se re at' n or underre resentation as defined in Section 8 B l.b. does not exi t in an rotected class the Personnel Office shall certif to the a intin authorit the three 3 hi hest scorin eli ibles on the list lus ties. In addition the Personnel Office shall certif the three 3 hi hest scorin eli ibles on the list lus ties from each and ever rotected class who are amon either the to thirt -three ercent 33$ r the hi hest scorin twent 20 eli ibles on the list whicheve will roduce the reater number of rotected-class eli ibles The a ointin authorit a oint an eligible so certified. �' When a s ecific ob title is u erutilized se re ate or when underre resentation exist in th Board of Education�of Saint Paul's or Cit of Saint Paul's de artment divisio work force certi 'cation will be as follows: The Personnel Office shall cert f to the a oint' authorit the three 3 hi hest scorin eli ibles on th list lus ties In addition the Personnel Office shall certif to the a intin authorit the three 3 hi hest scorin eli ibles lus ties of each a d ever rotec ed class who are amon either the to fift ercent 50 or he hi hest sc rin twent -five 25 eli ibles whi hever will roduce the rea er number o rotected-class eli ibles. The a ointin authorit ma a oin an eli i e so certified If the rocedure described in t e above ra ra h does not rovide at least one 1 eli ible to be certified in each an ever rotected class then with re ard to the class es with no eli ib es the followin rocedure will a 1 : The Personnel Office shall then ce ti to the a ointin authorit the three 3 hi hest scorin eli ibles lus ies from the entire list. The a ointin authorit ma a oint an eli i le o certified. 8.B.l.b. Definitions Number of eli ibles on a li For purposes of determining the number of eli ibles on a list this be shall be determined at the time a new list is established and s all i clude onl those new ersons who took and assed the most recent aminat on and are laced on that list Underrepresentation: A conditi n that exists at an iven time where the ercenta e of each otected-cl ss rou within the overall work force for the Board of Educa on of Saint Paul and the de artments divisions of the Cit of Saint Pau are below th Cit 's interim oals for 1991 for each rotected-class rou The ar thirt -two ercent 32 for women twelve ercent 12 for minori ies and ei ht ercent 8 for disabled persons. Underutiliz ion se re ation• condition that exists at an time where the number f rotected-class m mbers em lo ed in a ob title is fewer than the �iimber of ualified r tected-class members that would be reasonabl ex ected to be em lo ed b their availabilit in the relevant labor market areas based on a eview of the studies b the Minnesota De artment of Jobs and Trainin and the United States De artment of Labor as appropriate. P ge 2 of 4 Disabled: For ur oses of the Rules shall be defined as a medicall determined h sical or mental isabilit which interferes with an individual's abilit of ettin or kee in ob Such definition does not include an individual who is an alcoholic r chemical abuser whose current use of alcohol or chemicals revents such indi idual from er ormin the duties of the ob in uestion or whose em lo ent b reason of su a cohol or chemical abuse would constitute a direct threa to ro ert r the safet of others. ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Servi ce Rules be further amended in Section 8. , by striking out in ts entir ty subsection 8.B.l.c. , so that said section shall read as foll ws: &.-�-�:�c- M�x�-ti-g�e�3aca�sc�es-Fro�rt-E�-g�g� -&� rsrt�an-Far-�lte-3ffine-�it�e-�n-Y'�ce game-Bepartmcnt �-P�crsornie�-Aff�ce-sha��-cert -to-tke-appo�rct�ng-off�cer-the-ntunber-of r�rg���es-on-tke-�tst-reeeiroir� t�r�l:tgk�st-scores-necessarq-to-f�}}-a}} the�aearce�ea-p�txs-t�o-a����� ��rcames- �-����es-�t�-�ege���ea�s-�ake e- ep�ese��e��as-#s-be�e�a-ar-wen�d-be-be�ow t�e-gea�g-s�a�e�-�r�-See��e 8-B �-a--e��e�-�ke-�ew-eppe�tl�ffiea�s-e�e-me�e,- t�e-Re�s�er��e�-A€€�ee-sl�a�� ee�� �}�-as�ar�}-�e.�es-e€-e��.}��et�a�-g�e�ee�e�. 61�ss-e��g�b�es-€�eea-eas e€-�l� -a��ee�e�-st�b-g�erxgs-es-e�e-r�eeesse��-�e �r-A�ide-�l�s-�e�a�-g�t�s- eT-��e ��-����-�ke-aa�e-s€-e�����e�e�-e�#g#b�es s�a��bs-d�a�-€�A�-g� e�-�l�s- eg-3�8-e�-�l�e-�eg-sse���g-�wea��-�e�tes; w�i.cl�wus�-�uAabe�-�s-g ate�r-€� m-�l�e-s��s��ng-s��g�b�e-��s�---�e-�eg-��$ s�ra��be-ca�cu�ate�- -tl�e-bas� -af-the-��st-rema�n�ng-after-a��-h=res lta�re�been-ma�e.- 8.B.l.c. Multi le Vacanci s From A Sin 1 Re uisition Multi le vacan ies from a sin 1 re uisition shall be filled as follows• The Personn Office shall cert f to the a ointin authorit the number of eli ibles the list necessar to fill the number of vacancies lus two additiona scorers lus ties i accordance with 8 B.1 a In addition this s number shall be certi ied from each rotected-class rou The a oin n authorit ma a oint an eli ible so certified ; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that a ne subsection 8.B.l.d, be inserted following subsection 8.B.l.c. , t read as follows: P ge 3 of 4 ' . .` � - :N° 013280 . . gS���a• ;�,,r�:.� DEPAbtTt�!$D1T - - - - -- - ��.,�,.��varado CONTACT NAMB 298-�"�,�,,�� PHONE � 3 ,��b���v„_19$S DATE . . ASSIGN �8��, FQR.�IJTING ORDER: (Ssa� re erse s ide.� �Department Director � Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Maaagament Services Direc r � City Clerk Budget Director �;_ Civi1 Service Gemm,�asien r=2 City Attorney � _ � TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES: (C p ell locations for signature.) W 0 T C T ? (Purpos�/Rationale} � To expand certification opportunities fo interviewing protected classes �minorities, femalee and the disabled) f r all original-entrance examinatitm: eligibility lis�s. To enhance affirmati e action selection opportunities for � departments/�vi.�ions of the City of Sai t Paul and of the Board of Education � by enlarging t�e poal of interviewees..: - � C D PER 0 C C Not �1ica�1�. ;.,�. , , B GED R ; (�►yar's ;i�qt re�quired if under O,i000.) ,�; Toul Ama�t, �`'?�s�hs�c�tion: Not appl cable. Activity Number: �ot applicable. Ftmding &ource: , Not appl cable. ATTA6HML�NTS: (List and nxunber all attach ntis.) Expanded Certifi.cation Resolut�.on (four ages) �pMINISTRl�TIVE PROCEDURES', _Yes x: No Rules, �tegulations, Proc dures, or Budget Amenclment required?. _Yes x No If ges, are they or time ab�.e atts�hed? - DEPElR1?iENT REVISW. �� CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council r�solution require ? Resolution required? �Yea „No _Yes x No Insurance'!, required? Insurance sufficient? �Yes _No _Yes x No Insurance attached? _ „ , __ . Q ...,�4 �OW TO t�SE THE GREEN SHEET ` � _,� The GREEN SHEET has three PIIRPOSES: . ' 1. to assist in ;routing docmtan,ts a� in securiag required signatures; 2. to brief the renisr�rs of �o�viiai� ,nn the impacts of approval; 3. ta help ansura that asceaury sup�rting materials aze preparad and. if required. - � attached. Providing complete information une�sr ths listed headi�;s enables revie�rers to make ` decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up car�tacts that msy delay ezecution. Belo�r is the preferred ROUTING for the fi�r� most fre�}amt types of do�ments: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget szists) 1. Outside Ageacy 4. l�tayor 2. Initiating Department 9. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting Note: If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor•� sig�►ature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must alaays be signed by th� c�utside age�cy before routing througt� City offices. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) : .. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director , 3� Mayor/Assistant �►. Budgat Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services •' COUIQCIL R�{SOLUTID,�I (Budget Amendment/Grant Acceptance) GOtJNCIL RESOLU'�ION (all ot'hers) 1. Dapartment Director 1. Department Director , 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mg,mt. , and Pera. Cte. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk . 7. City Council 8. Chisf Accountant, Finance and lia�tgement Services • The C�ST/B�NEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PL►SSO�INEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explair� the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cast to users, . homeo�ners, or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. The ADMINISTRATIVE PR4CEDURES section must be completed to indicate whether additional administrative procedures, including rules, regulations, or resource proposals are necessary for implementation of an ordinance or resolution.. If yes, the procedures or a timetable for the completion of procedures must be attached. SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the �TTACHMENTS sectton, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well dane, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions). ' ote: If an agreement requires evidence of ins�trance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of :�he .attachments a.t time of routing. No e: Actions Mhich require Citq Council resolutions include contractual .relationships with other governatental units; collective bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds by City; eminent domain; assumption of liability by Gi�y, or granting by �City of indemnification; agreements �ith state or federal government u�der which they are providing funding; budget amendments. � � • • � � - .. + �Y�SY The five (5) pointa of the proposed rasol tion as a new Civil Service �ule are as follows: 1) For antry-lsvel lists of tventy (20) r less candidates. the, top three �3�lus scoring candidates. plus ties. md ttt top three (3) scoring candidates, p tiss. froa each protectad-clus aroup (females, ainorities and tt�e di�abled) will be interviewed. 2) For lists of more than twenty (20) c didates� the tEop three (3) si�ities. from candidates, plus ties, and the top th ee (3) scorin candidates, p each protected-class aroup will be i erviewed from: a, the top twenty (20) candidatas or the top thirty•thrae percent (33!) of the li�t vhen affiraative action goal hav_a een set or. b. the top twenty-five (25) candida s ot the top fifty pe=cent (SOt) of the list when affirmative action goa hava not been met. c. If affissativ� actsoness�ls h�►s A°i ut o�t�1���t��esattheltop fifty �SOUp(s) are aot s p p �a�didates from the percent (SO=vill bseavailabtliefo i�atervie� e �3� scorina eatira liat 3) Tlze City vill t►av� t�ro (2) soals: � overall vork forc� rapraaenoals�b a�obs for t21e entire City aad by d�Pa=�n /division. and a�►ailabi�paicent (32t) for •at oals of tbirty- title. The fos9er is based on tb� i� •i�t �=Ce�t �g�� for t�a wo�en, tvelve parcent (12s) fo= aino iti�s. disabled. The latur ia bu�d on tb Mit�rasota Dep�arta�et of Jobs and Training � t�e Unitsd Statss Departaent of bor. as �PP P artsent/division /scbool dis Yict vill dsvslop a �rritten Opan Oppo=�ity 4) Each dep 1 ob activss aud 6oala foz the pzogram Action Plaa (O.O.Y.A.p.). � csibina atmua � vork force and � ob titles fos fitul pproval by tb� ll�Yor. S) The Director for Affiroatiw Aetioa tb� Nu�an �16hti Disactor vill seport � the progras'a •ffeetivsnssommit lon aes�si�-a�nualebasisCity ��il and tbe Affirmative Actioa A�►isory C . . ������ r i� 's + CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTME TAL MEMORANDUM TO: City Co�aicil ' FRCM: Gem►� dan Alvaracb, Affinnative Actian D ecto���/ LY�TE: 16 November 1987 SUB.JECT: ATFTRMATIVE AClICN/JOB FA[�.IFS BEtEAI�OWN �e er�closed infonnati.on is a cantin�ati of repo the status of affinnative action in the City. c Zhe City of Saint Paul is cxmentl using. 92 J���Y ���� ��p�. Each of tl�se to the diff�erer�it career � fo�that� •ly -lI�n mos�ica es, s�uc�h p�osi�ansnare to b�e fo�,mct in aen.ai�er of City deparmoents. �e e�closed epr ts a s�pling of famil ga.�i.r�g,s with mimrity ar�d fenale participatian depicted. �er info�moation displayed re' rces � manag�ers will develap an Equal nnployment Opporamity Progrmm action pl.� as a work-£aroe p tool or t�eir review and use in outlining yearly and werall work-force ob�ectives. ASIAN/ NATIVE �ITY �1, JOB FAI�.Y �fK P C PALTFiC ISIAi�ID ANIERICAN NTAL FII�IA�1�. JOB Tl7fAL ��� - 1 4 - 5 26 49 (10.2$) (53.1�) `°'rchitect ' ' - - 0 1 13 ( 7.7$) A��y 3 1 1 � - 5 7 23 (21.7$) (30.4$) Bacteriology/Q�emistry 1 - - - 1 4 12 ( 8.3�) (33.3$) Ecomom�� Devel°'pment - - - - 0 3 10 (30.0$) � 1 2 1 1 5 12 126 ( 4.0�) ( 9.5$) He.alth Eck�cat�.an - - - - 0 4 5 (80.0$) IaixlscRpe Architect - - - - 0 2 9 �(22.2�) ��Y 1 2 3 1 7 102 123 ( 5.7�) (82.9$) I�sir�g - - - - 0 15 16 (93.8$) p��S - - - - 0 7 20 (35.08) Public Infa�tion - - - - 0 2 6 (33.38) �� - - - - 0 6 7 _ (85.7$) Flre (lhzifo�oed) 24 6 1 3 34 1 385 ( 8.88) ( 0.3$) �re Tec.�mici� (Civi].ian) 2 - - 2 12 20 (10.0$) (60.0$) Police (Ifiiforn�ecl) 23 11 3 1 38 23 506 ( 7.5$) ( 4.5�) Carpe�lter - - - 1 1 0 13 ( 7.7$) . ����� ��ty � - Affinnative Actian/Job F�nilies Bre�.�kdawn Page 2 ASIAN/ NATIVE MLNCIRIIY - OVFRAI�. JOB FAI�LY BIAQZ SP C PACIFIC ISIAND ANIERICAN NTAL FII�IAIES JOB 117TAT. A�stod3al/Engis�eer 2 1 1 1 5 4 53 ( 9.4$) ( 7.6$) Driver/C)perator 4 2 - 1 7 0 104 ( 6.7$) IIectrical 1 - - - 1 0 41 ( 2.4�) �iausing RehaUilitatian - - - - 0 3 14 (21.4�) Iaborer 9 15 - 4 28 0 174 (16.1�) P��' - - - - 0 0 11 ��r - 1 - - 1 0 11 ( 9.1�) TYee Care/GYo�md Maintenance 4 4 - � 1 9 5 130 ( 6.9�) ( 3.8�) Vehicle M� - 1 - - 1 0 36 ( 2.8$) Water Productian 9 - - 3 12 7 91 (13.2$) ( 7.7�) As mted, mimrity work-force pl�ning wi this s�nple gzoupi.n� uiwlves architect, ecarxxnic develapment healti� edx',a.tian, ]_andscape ar 'tect, tx�rsing, pl�m�r�g,�lic infonnation research, hausu'�g rehabilitatian, a�d painter job f lies. For f�les, wo k- orce pl��g i��ves carpenter, electrical, drit�ex/oq�erator, laborer, pain r, plunber and vehicle maintenance �ob fmmilies. On amther matter, iri a review of on�'�- try examinatians (nan-praiational exaninatians) given from October, 1986 i�roug}� October,1987, t�ie fol uwu�g is mted: 1. 93 total origu�al.-entrance ex�nir�a 'ons gf,�en, 2. 33 exa�inatiaLS or 35.5� had an in rnal promotio�al-preference list of eligi.bles. 3. 60 ex��inations or 64.5$ had m p tio�nal-preference eligibles. 4. Of �e 33 exmminatians wit�promo o�nal eligibles, a. 20 exa�i�tio�ns or 60.6$ had 2 or less on a list as original-entrance eligibles. 1. Of ti�e 20 ex�inatians 2 r 10.08 had no protected-class eligibles on the list. tB�tn� of � siaiiea �t ,�� ���ry.) 2. Of the 20 ex�atians, 7 r 35.0$ had 2 of the 3 protected-class grcxaps mt represented. (Fa� were the Professiaial; l, Tecta�ician; 1, Clerical; m�d 1, Servic%Maintenaiice j ob ca gories.) b. 3 ��++�*+�tians or 15.0� had 21 to 50 eligibles an the list. c. 8 exmminations or 40.0$ had 51 or m4re eligibles. d. 2 �xaminatians had ra original cntrance eligibles. 5. Of the 60 exaninatians with only o ginal-entxance eligibles, a. 49 or 81.7� had 20 or less an list as origu�al-entrance eligi.bles. ����� �ty � ' Pfi�ative Actian/Job Categnries Breakc�Cywr► � 1. Of the 49 ex�ninatians, 18 r 36.7$ had m protected-class eli ' les on the list. (Ztao were in the Offici.al/ tration• 2, Professianal; 4, �edmici.an; arxi or�e each in ti7e Par rofessio�nal, fice/Clerica�, Service/Maintenance acd Skilled Craft job categories� 2. Of the 49 ex�ninations, 20 r 40.8� had 2 of the 3p mtected-class gra�s not represented. (IIeven were the Professianal; 3 Tect�ician; 2, Protective Services; 2, Paraprofessianal; 1, ' led Craft �d 1, Senrice/Maintenazr.e job categories.) b. 5 e�raninations or 8.3$ had 21 50 eligi.bles an the list. c. 6 ex�ninatians or 10.0$ had 51 r more eligibles an the list. 6. Overall, 69 or 74.2� had 20 or les eligibles an a list aut of 93 e�ac_�i*+�tions. 7. 8 or 8.6$ had 21 to 50 eligibles a list. 8. 14 or ]5.18 had 51 or m�re eligibl an a list. In s�ary, availability will be affected t3�e lev+el of minim m qu�flcatians beir� soug�t, the nature of the entry-level position itself as itpe ' to the �ob category, ard ti�►e competitian fran other ji�isdictions in recYUi�nent. Prountianal- reference eligibles wi.11 receiv� first choice in appointrnent; and as a result, depe� an the tLtnber o intments to be macle and hvw manypram tional-preference eligibles there are, a�pordmities for ori entry eligiblesmay be limited. �f the 33 _ original-entrance ex�.tnatioms with pra�noti -preference lists, 37 of the pramtianal eligibles were fe�na].e, 9 were mubrity and 4 were disa}�led For the female prrnootionals, 19 ir�vulv�d the Office/Clerical category as exa�ninatians, 1 in the Professianal job category as �ninatians, 3 in the Paraprofessional �ob category as ex�inati ard 2 each in Teclmician and �ervice/Maintex�ce 'ob categories as exffinu�atLans. For adnority p tianals, 6 iriwlved the Tectmici.an j ob category as ex�nu�ations, 2 irivolved Service/Main , arrl 1 uivolved the Professional job category as an exa�nu�ation. Finally, for di.sabled promoti eligibles, 2 each were for the Parapro£essianal ar�d - Office/Clerical job categories. ���