88-415 WHi�.TE - CITV CLERK 1
PIN�� - FIf1ANCE COUf1C11 r��i.
, ' � �
' O/ ndnce Ordinance 1�10. !7�a
Presented By ��� � � �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance reg rding registration of
rental housing, c eating a new chapter of
the Saint Pa 1 Legislative Code
Se tion 1.
The City Council finds that it is often difficult to determi�e who is the
owner or party responsibie for intenance of residential proerty other
than single family owner occupie dwellings, and finds it difficult to
contact building owners who liv outside the Twin Cities area. This
situation hinders prompt and e fective enforcement of city housing,
building and fire codes; contribu es to property deterioration and blight;
and is detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of
Saint Paui . The City Council herefore finds it necessary to enact
legislatio� to register such buil ings.
S tion 2.
The Saint Paui Legislative Code 9s amended by adding a new chapter. as
XX.OI Definitions.
(a) Owner. This term ha the meaning given to "owner" in section
34.07 of the Legislativ Code.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�� In Favor
�be1�� Against BY
Form Approved by City At rney
Adopted by Council: Date . ' �/
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
. . � � ��-�-�i.�
� ��5�d
� - z -
(b) Registerable building. registerable building is any building
or portion of a buildi g used or intended to be used for
residential purposes as ele�iAed +A 9ee�+efl 3A:83 ef �pe
�egfis�e�five 6aele, except wner occupied s�'ngie famil dwellings,
owner ocCUpier� two family wellin s cooperative and condominium
buildings which are occu i d exclusively b�! owners, c�nvalescent
homes, rest homes, nu sin homes and_ hOSpitals, convents,
monasteries, parsonagess a� rish houses and rectories, licensed
hote 1 s and �a i 1 s �pa� Ae tlfi�C�fiR9 W�1fieI9 E6f19t9�9 eR�fi�°e�y ef e�+e
er° rfle�°e eaAe�° eeed�-�e elae�-}fiflgs sha�� be a t�egfi�s�e�°aH+e
(cZ Time of sale. The dat when a written purchase agreement is
executed � the buyer of a registerable building, or, in the
absence of a purchase a eement r�, ior to the execution of �
document providing for th conveyance of said building.
Where terms are not defined in this section and are defined in chapter
34 of the Legislative Code the shall have the same meanings ascribed
to them in said chapter 34 Where terms are not defined ur►der
provisions of this chapter no under provisions of chapter 3� they
shail have ascribed to them t eir ordinarily ascribed meanings and or
such as the context of their u e herein � imply.
XX.02 Registration requi d. A registration statement shall be
made and filed with the city of Saint Paui for all registerable
buildings on forms furnished y the city. The registration statement
shall set forth the following information:
(a) Name� telephone number nd residence address of the ear�e�° e�
owners of the registerab e building fa �e9� efffiee bex fis Re� aA
aeeep�eb�e ed��°e9s�.
(b) Street address or addres es of the building.
(c) Number and kind of resi ential dwelling or rooming units within
the bu i i d i ng {�IKe��-�Ag Rfi�9 er° P66FflfiR� tlRfi�9�.
(d) Name� telePhone number and residence address of �pe �er�9eA
�°espansfii��e f9�° eaeh e �i�e fe+�eN#flg; +f dfiffer°e�� f�em �pe
pe+°se� ffi�fiRE� �i�e �eg# ��°e��eA 9�8�@FRBR� f8 pe9� eff-�ee bex fis
fle� eA aeeep�eb�}e edd�es �:
ll) The person, if oth r than the owner, who is authorized ta �e
accept service of process and to receive and give receipt
for notices on beh if of the owner.
{2) The ep rson �e be �ege��q responsibie for compliance with
this and ail ot er city ordinances which apply to the
(3) The mana�ger or e �+aRa�e eRel ee� as operator of the
registerable buiid ng.
!4) The ee rson author zed � the owner to �e make or order to
. . � � ����y/J�
� � /����
' 3 -
be made repairs and or service to the building necessary to
protect the health, safety and welfare of any occupants or
the pubiic. The tele hone number erovided for this ep rsan
shall_ be of a h� one located so as to be normally answerable
twenty-four hours a a seven days a week, not sub,iect to
normal business hour .
fe� �he Ae�ne aAd �e-Fephefle Ad be�° ef �be pe�°9efl r�e9peflsfil�+e �e ea�°r�y
ed� 4e1���l� ebeve, er i�e fi9 eb�e �e eefl�ae� �pe p@f 96R se
ed�pa���ed. �he �e�e�pe e Aamber° 9ha�+ be ef a pheAe �eee�ed 9e
s9 �e be Ae�°me-}�y aA9we�°a �e �1�Efl�y-f9tlf hedr°s e �ay; se+�eA dey9
5 NC@�f� R9� 9db�ee� �e R9 ffl9� �tl9iR@99 �16tl�°9.-
XX.03 Nonresident owner. f any owner of a registerabie building
lives outside the Twin Cities etropolitan Area (which consists of the
Minnesota counties of Anoka, arver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott
and Washington) . the owner mu t authorize one or mare agents who live
in the Twin Cities Metropoli an Area for the purposes specified in
XX.02, and such agents' names, addresses and telephone numbers must be
listed on the registration st ement.
XX.04. Responsible erson • fi� lin9 and performance obliqations.
R@9{96R9fibfi�fi�y �6� Ffi-Ffifi� �I9@ i°EQfi9�P8�fi8R 9�9�@Ifl@R�. The registration
statement shall be made and filed by the owner of the building, or by
an agent of the owner if suc agent has been authorized by the owner
on a registration statement s responsible for compliance with this
ordinance. If there is more t an one owner, the person responsible for
making and filing the registr tion statement shall be the person first
listed as the taxpayer on R msey County property tax records. The
owner or ep rson designated b the owner in the registration statement
filed pursuant to section XX.02 shali be responsible for the
performance of the dutie and obligations set forth in the
rec�istration statement. The r sponsible ep rson designated � the owner
shali execute a written ac e tance which shall be filed with the
registration statement. No desi,gnat,ion of a responsible ep rson
hereunder shall be deemed o relieve the owner of a� fi ) in or
e�rformance obligations under this chapter.
XX.05. Registration requi ements and filing schedule.
Subdivision 1 . All re, isterable buildings in existence on the
effective date of this ch pter shall be registered no later than
Januarv l.z 1989 Se��embet� 3 ; �988.
Subd. 2. All registerabl buildings constructed or converted after
the effective date of this hapter shall be registered no later than
90 days after such const uction or conversion and prior to any
Subd. 3. Beginning A ri deflda�°y 1 , 1989, no owner shall allow to
be occupied nor let to anoth r for occupancy any registerabie building
unless a registration sta ement has been made and filed for said
Subd. 4. For all regi terable buildings a renewai registration
. , � � �?,���-�rs
.� - 4 - /7�'6�
statement shall be made and iled annualiy if no information on the
previous reqistration stateme has changed.
Subd. 5. No registration shall be assignable, and if any
informatian on a registration statement changes (e.g. new owner,
agent, change in number of welling or rooming units, or change of
address of a� of the owners agents or responsible persons) , a new
registration statement shall be made and filed within 10 days of the
XX.06. Filing location, Registration statements shall be filed
with the following city admin strative units:
(a) For any registerable bui ding which must obtain a certificate of
occupancy under sectio 33.05 of the �egislative Code, the
registration statement s all be filed with the fire marshal . The
fire marshal may obtain he required registration information as
part of and on forms used for the certificate of occupancy
(b) For any other registe able building a registration statement
shall be filed with t e division of public health. If the
registerable building i a vacant building as defined in section
d3.01 of the Legislative Code, the division may obtain the
required information as art of and on forms used for registering
vacant buildings.
XX.07. Posting. The o ner shall post a cOpy of a receipted
registration statement or c rtificate in a conspicuous location in or
on the reqisterable buildin in a manner and location prescribed �
the fire marshal or division of u� blic health.
XX.08. Requirements of otification. The owner of a recaisterable
building shall , rp ior to the time of sale of said building, notify the
buyer or prospective bu e in writing of a� unabated order or
violation tags issued � the cjty pertaininc7 to said building, as weil
as the requirement that sai buildin9 must be reqistered under this
chapter within 10 days of c uisition. A cOpy of the notification
shall be mailed to the fi e marshal or to the division of health
within five days of furnishi the notification to the buXer•
XX.09. Fees. The City Council by resolution may estabiish and
amend fees for filing a regi tration statement. After the Council sets
a fee, no building owner y file a registration statement nor the
building be regarded as re istered, until the registration fee has
been paid.
XX. 10 88. Penalties. Any person who violates any provision of this
chapter, or who provides false information on a registration
statement, shali be guil of a misdemeanor and may be punished as
provided in section 1 .05 of the Leigslative Code.
O/ indnce Ordinance N�. l 7���
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
S ction 3.
This ordinance shal } take effe t and be in force thirty days after - its
adoption. approval and publicatio .
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�ng In Favor
�be;�� � Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date MAY 17 1988 Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed C ncil Secr ry BY
Appr y ayor: D �Y g Approve by Mayor for Submission to Council
, � • , _ . - n ,� � _ _ __ __ _
�� r
WMITE '— C�'i.Y�.- EHK COLLlIC1I ���fy� �
BLUERV—►nAVORTMEt�T File NO. �" /�/�
Ordi �nce Ordinance r10. _ �7��1�
Presented By � j
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance regar ing registration of
rental housing, cre ting a new chapter of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code �
Sec ion 1.
The City Councii finds that it is ften difficult to determine who is"the
owner or party responsible for maintenance of �esidential proerty other
than single family owner occupied dweltings, a�d finds it difficult to
contact building owners who live outside the Twin Cities area. This
situation hinders prompt and ef ective enforcement of city housing,
buildi�g and fire codes; contribut s to property deterioration and biight;
and is detrimental to the heaith, safety and welfare of the citizens of
Saint Paul . 7he City Councii t erefore finds it necessary to enact
iegislation to register such buildi gs.
Sec ion 2.
The Saint Paui Legislative Code i amended by adding a �ew chapter, as
XX.O1 Definitions.
(a) Owner. This term has he meaning given to "owner" in section
34.07 of the Legis]ative ode.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�ng In Favor
Rettman $
s�ne;n�i Against Y
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretar}� BY
:.p�ro•✓ed by !�tayor for Submissio� to Cou.^.cil
. ; .i Y�;. ,.. .:. .,._-- ------------- ---- I i
.. !! R,
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� - 2 -
(b) Registerable building. A registerable buiiding is any building
or portion of a buil ing used or intended to be used t=c�r
residential purposes s eleffifleel fiR see�+eR 3d.-83 ef �i�e
�egts-Fa�ive 6ade, excep owner occupied sin le family dwellings,
owner occupied two famil dwellinqs, cooperative and condominium
bu9ldings which are oc:cu ied exclusively � owners, c�nvaiescent
homes, rest homes, n rsin homes and. hospitals, convents,
monasteries, arsona es ap rish houses and rectories, licensed
hote 1 s and 'a� i 1 s �t�a� Ae btit�ElfiRg wpte#� e6R9fi9�9 eA�t�e�y ef eAe
er° fne�e ewfle�° eeed�-� d eJae�-F+Rgs she�� be e �eg-�9�e�ab+e
� Time of sale. The da e when a written purchase aqreement is
executed � the buyer o a registerabte building, or, in the
absence of a purchase a reement rp ior to the execution of anv
document providing for t e conveyance of said buildinq.
Where terms are not defined i this section and are defined in chapter
34 of the Legislative Code th shall have the same meanings ascribed
to them in said chapter 3 . Where terms are not defined under
provisions of this chapter r under provisions of chapter 34, they
shall have ascribed to them heir ordinarily ascribed meanings and/or
such as the context of their use herein m� imply.
XX.02 Registration required. A registration statement shail be
made and fiied with the ity of Saint Paui for aii reaisterable
buildings on forms furnished by the city. The registration statement
shall set forth the followin information:
(a} Name� telephone number and residence address of the eNfle+° e+°
owners of the registera le building f� pes� ef€fiee bex +g Ae� ar�
aeee��ab�e edelr°ess�.
(b) Street address or addre ses of the building.
(c) Number and kind of res dential dweiling or rooming units within
the bui lding fdNe+�fiflg aRfi�s e� P86(AfiR� afl+�s�.
(d) Name� teleQhone numbe and residence address of ��e pe�9eA
�°espaflsfi��e fer° eae#� f �i�e fe��ew-�Ag; fif elfiffe�efl� f�°er� �He
�e�°sefl ft�fifl9 �f�e t°ee�'s��°a�+efl s�e�e�neA� fe pes� efftee �ex t9
Ae� sfl aeeep�ab�e a�el�e 93:
( 1) The person, if oth r than the owner, who is aut.horized to �e
accept service o process and to receive and give receipt
for notices on be lf of the owner.
(7_) The �erson �e b �eg��+q responsibie for compliance witti
this and all o her city ordinances which apply to the
(3) The manaqer ar �e ►naAa�e afld ae� es oc�erator of the
reqisterable buii inq.
i4) The �ers�n autho ized oy the owner to �e make or or�.er to
�. , ��-�'
- 3 -
be made repairs an /or service to the building necessary to
protect the health, safety and welfare of any occupants or
the pubiic. The t le hone number erovided for this ep rson
shall be of a hon located so as to be normally answerable
twenty-four hours a dav' seven days a week, not sub.iect to
normal business hou s.
fe-} �#�e Rer�e aRd �e+e�#�efle A �be�° ef �I�e �981°96R P@9�9fl9fi��C �e ea�°�y
6tl� ���{�} e�eV@-, 9P M1�19 t9 819�@ �9 C9H�9e� �1�1@ �@i°96R 96
sa��►e�fi�eei. �he �e+eph fle Admbe�° 91�s�� be ef a pbeAe �eee�ed 9e
e9 �e be Ae�rna�-}y an9ae� l�+e �NSfl�y-f6tli° hea�°s e �ey; sevefl deys
a aeek; Ae� 9db�ee� �e R f°IflB� �tl9fiR899 pee�s.-
XX.03 Nonresident owner. If any owner of a registerable building
lives outside the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area (which consists of the
Minnesota counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott
and Washington), the owner st authorize one or mare agents who iive
in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area for the purposes specified in
XX.02, and such agents' name , addresses and telephone numbers must be
listed on the registration s tement.
XX.04. Responsible erso s- filin and performance obiiqations.
R29�9fl9ilji�fi�y F6f ffi�fifl9 �I9 T°Ef�fi9�P8�fi91°! 9�a�@fRER�. The registration
statement shali be made and iled by the owner of the building, or by
an agent of the owner if su h agent has been authorized by the owner
on a registration statement as responsible for compliance with this
�ordinance. If there is more han one owner, the person responsible for
making and filing the regist ation statement shali be the person first
listed as the taxpayer on amsey County property tax records. The
owner or eR rson designated the owner in the registration statement
filed �ursuant to section XX.02 shail be respo�sible for the
performance of the duti s and obligations set forth ir� the
registration statement. The es onsible ep rso� designated � the owner
shall execute a written a ce tance which shall be filed with the
rectistratio� statement. N desiqnation of a responsibie ep rson
hereunder shall be deemed to relieve the owner of a� filing or
performa�ce obliqations unde this chapter.
XX.05. Registration requirements and filing schedule.
Subdivision 1 . All re isterabte buildings in existence on the
effective date of this ch pter shall be registered no later than
January 1 , 1989 Se��em�et� � ; �988.
Subd. 2. Al1 registerable buildings constructed or converted after
the effective date of this chapter shall be registered no later than
90 days after such cons ruction or conversion and prior to any
Subd. 3. Beginning A r 1 defltfa�°q t , 1989, no owner shall allow to
be occupied nor iet to anot er for occupancy any registerable buildinq
unless a registration st tement has been made and filed for said
Subd. 4. For all reg sterabie buildings a renewal registration
. "-� � t���'���`�
' - 4 -
statement shall be made and iled annualiy if no information on the
previous registration stateme t has changed.
Subd. 5. No registrat on shall be assignabie, and if any
information on a registrat on statement changes (e.g. new owner,
agent, change in number of weliing or rooming units, or change of
address of a� of the owners agents or responsible persons) , a new
registration statement shall be made and filed within 10 days of the
XX.06. Filing location. Registration statements shali be filed
with the following city administrative units:
(a? For any registerable buiiding which must obtain a certificate of
occupancy under secti 33.05 of the Legislative Code, the
registration statement all be filed with the fire marshal . The
fire marshal may obtain the required registration information as
part of and on form used for the certificate of occupancy
(b) For any other regist rable building a registration statement
shali be filed with he division of public health. If the
registerabie building s a vacant building as defined in section
43.01 of the Legisla ive Code, the division may obtain the
required information as part of and on forms used for registering
vacant buildings.
XX.07. Posting. The o ner shall post a co of a receipted
reqistration statement or c .rtificate in a conspicuous location in or
on the reqisterabl_e buildin in a manner and location prescribed �
the fire marshal or division of eublic heaith.
XX.08. Requirements of otification. The owner of a reaisterabie
building shall , rp ior to the time of sale of said building, notify the
buyer or prospective bu e in writing of a� unabated order or
violation taqs issued � the cjty .�ertaining to said building, as well
as the requirement that sai buildin9 must be reqistered under this
chapter within 10 days of c uisition. A cOpy of the notification
shali be mailed to the fi e marshai or to the divisio� of health
within five days of furnishi the notification to the buyer•
XX.09. Fees. The Cit Councit by resolution may establish and
amend fees for filing a registration statement. After the Council sets
a fee. no building owner y file a registration statement nor the
building be regarded as r gistered, untii the registration fee has
been paid.
XX. (0 98. Penalties. An person whc� violates any provision of this
chapter, or who provide false information on a registration
statement. shali be guil y of a misdemeanor and may be punished as
provided in section 1 .05 of the Leigslativz Code.
' ,
. *-�, , __ _ _
Ordi �nce
Ordinance N 0.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Sect on 3.
This ordina�ce shall take effect nd be in force thirty days - after�:-�lts �
adoption, approval and publication.
ii -
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
yeas Nays
��g [n Favor
s�ne�net Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By
By I
�� Ap�roved by� Rlayor for Sub:-�issio� to Cocr!cil
';;�ro��ed �;_; .`. �,�or: Da!e ----- ----------
i3y �I �'Y --
; . : . . . , a�;
r indnce Ordinance N 0.
� �
Presente By � '�(. � '"�- �� �' ��
Refer d To � ��, Committee: Date 3 'a 4�—d"d� r
Out of Co mittee By Date
� An ordinance r garding registration of
� dwellings, cr ating a new chapter of
� the Saint P ul Legislative Code
ection 1.
The City Council finds that it is often difficult to determine who is the
owner or party responsible f ma'ntenance of residential property other
than single family owner occup'ed dwellings, and finds it difficult to
contact building owners who liv utside the Twin Cities area. This
situation hinders prompt and eff tive enforcement of city housing, building
and fire codes; contributes to pr erty deterioration and blight; and is
detrimental to the health, safety a welfare of the citizens of Saint
Paul. The City Council therefore fin s it necessary to enact legislation to
register such buildings.
The Saint Paul Legislative Code i amended y adding a new chapter, as
follows: �
XX.O1 Definitions. �
(a) Owner. This term as the meanin� given to "owner" in section
34.07 of the Legislative Cod . �`
Yeas Nays Requested by Depa�tment of:
��g [n Favor
sche,be� Against BY
. Fotm Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �`� �"
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
. . � . . � � . � ,� , , ���,�i�
(b) Regi�terable buildi a. A "registerable buiiding" is any
buildina or portion or � b ildin� used or intended to be used for
residential purposes a� defi ed in section 34.03 of the Lecaisiative
Cocie. excec�t that no buildi a which consists entirelv of one or more
owner occupied dweitinq� shal be a reaisterable buildina.
XX.02 Re�aistr�tion rea��ir d. A reaistration statement shail be
made and filed with the c tv of Saint Paul for all re4isterable
buildinas. on forms f��rni,he bv the citv. The reaistr�tion statement
shall set forth the follawinq information:
� a? Name and residence add ess of the owner or owners of the .
recaisterable buildinq (a post office box is not an acceotable
address) .
lb) 5 eet �ddress of the building.
!c) Numb and kind of esidentiai units within the buildinv
(dwelli a units or roomi a units) .
fd) Name and �idence addr ss of the person responsible for each of
the follow nq. if ifferent from the oerson filinca the
reaistration t�tement (� post office bor, is nofi an acceptabie
address) :
lll "fo acr_ent ser 'ce f" process and to receive �nd aive receipt
for notices.
!21 To t�e le4aliv res nsible for comqliance with this and ali
�ther citv ordinances w i h a�Alv to the huildina.
f3) 7o manaae or act a o��ator of the reaisterable buiiding.
f41 To make or order o be m� re�airs and/or service to the
buildinq necessary to rotect e health. safety and welfare of
am� ocr_upants or th� pu i i c. �.,
l F�) The na�ne and t.e 1 eohone umber� of th�.. �er�on res�ons i h i e to carrv
�ut fd1l4l above. or who is able '�tc� contact the persan 50
�ut:hori�ed. The telep one number sha��l be of a phone tocated so
a� t;o be normaily �nswe able twenty-fou''� hours a day. seven days
� week. not subiect tc� ormal business ht���rs.
XX.U3. �Jonre�id�nt own r. If an:� own�r of a registerable
buildina lives outside t.h Twin Cities Metr`+�polit�n Area (which
consist� of the Minne�ota co nties of Aneka. Carver. Dakota. Hennepin.
Ramsey. 5cot.t. �nd Washinqt n) . the owner m�.�st �uthorize one or more
aapnts who live in the Twin ities Metropolit.an Area for the purcos�s
specifiied in XX.U?. and su h agents' names. addresses and telephone
number must be list�d on th� re�ai�tration st,�tement.
, . ., � . . . . , . : , � � . . �.��- �i�
, XX.04. Responsibility f r filinq the reaistr�tion statement. The
registration statement sha 1 be made and Filed bv the owner oF the
buildinq. or by an agent of the owner if such aaent has been
�authorized by the owner on a re?istration statement as responsible for
compliance wit.h this ordinan e. lf there is more th�n one owner. the
person re�-aon3ible for mak na and filing the ree�istration statement
shail be the person listed s the taxoaver on Ramsev Countv aroQertv �
tax records.
.05. Registration re4uir ments and filinq schedule.
Subdi ision l . All re isterabie buildin�s in existence on the _
effecti date of this ch pter shall be registered no later than
5eptember 0. 1988.
Subd. 2. 11 registerabl buildings constructed �r converted after
the effective ate of this haAter shalt be registered no later than
90 days after uch const .uction or conversion and prior to arn
Subd. 3. Beainninca Janu ry 1 . 1989. no owner shali aliow to be
occupied nor let to ano er for occupancy any registerable building �
unless a reqistration s a ement has been made and filed for said
Subd. 4. For ail regi te ble buildinQS a renewal reaistration
statement shali be filed a nual v if no information on the previous
registration statement has c anged�
Subd. 5. No reqistra ion sha� be a�sieanable. and if any
informati�n on a registrati n st�teme� changes (e.a. new owner.
agent, chanae in nurnber of welling or oominca units. or change of �
address) . a new registr�tio statement sh� l be made and filed within
10 days of the change. \r
XX.06. Filin4 location. R caistration stateme'x��ts shail be filed with
the followin� r_ity administr tive units:
(a) For any r?gisterable b� ilding which must obta'�n � c�rtificate of
occua�3tlr_V u�der secti 33.U5 of the Le�is`�ative Code. the
reaistr�tion statement s all be filed with the ff.re m�rshal . The
f i re m��rsha 1 may obta i n he rea!i i red req i strat i on`�..i nformat ion as
part ofi and on forms used for the certificate�'., of occuQancy
fb) F'or any other registerabl buildina a registr�tion sta��ement shail
. be filed with the divisi n of publfc he�ith. If the r�aisterable
buildinq is a v�cant building as defined in section 43.01 of the
Lenislative Code. th division mav obtain the re4uiretl
, reaistratfon informati � as pArt of and on forms used for
regtsterina vac�nt buil in�s.
, . .
BIUE -MAVOR File �O. ��'�/�
O r ZI ZGLIZCP., Ordinance N O.
Presented By '� �' � ��
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
XX.07. ` Fees. The City Council by resolution may establish and
amend fees for filing a regi tration statement. After the Council sets
a fee, no building may file registration statement nor be regarded as
registered, un�il the regist ation fee has been paid.
XX.08. Penalti�s. Any person who violates any provision of this
chapter, or who provides fal e information on a registration statement,
shall be guilty of a 'a�isdeme nor and may be punished as provided in
section 1.05 of the Leg�slat ve Code.
ection 3.
This ordinance shall take effect \i�d be in force thirty days after its
adoption, and publication.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�ng In Favor
scne16e1 A gai ns t BY
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorne �
Certifi�d Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
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oEru�Mr o�crop Z. �vaa�aa:�se�er�wry
.Mal1 ~ 0'�Rc�ttrYce - � �.�s�+�cro� 3 cmc►�c :
. pou'T1MO � e000Fr awEC�o�
Cit :�Cc�:ci - ?9ti�5378._< " °"°� � cr►Y�.�v. . , .: -,- ; , :
� �equire zegistration of I and 2 family rent 1 dwellings. ,
. . -{�pw�!+(N«�`(�1:) , «�w�. p�oRr: __ _ :.
, v��w�w+�oo�esaN c�m�car�wss�a+ oA�w o��air aw.rer �aNE►io.
� � 2pblNO OONi�loq .. .reD.s26 8GlGOL eoARO - . . . . � � . .. -
A��ar� cwuara+ao�..e�oi+ �s�B _no�t�+FO.�oo�* _�a�in�:'+� _�t�ooic*
oisrwc.TO«�rx : A: Councilmember ,�,,,,,,,
- .:
sun�oms wMa+coou+cc oe,�r�vEV �
Improve hous3ng conditioas .
, �_ ,_ �
Safer better neighborh�ods ' '
wa��a+eoa�.tK+�.orronn�rrr�wno.wna.w�,en.Nnrs�s.w►n): ;
Ia many cases,•abse�tee laadlords' property ose� problEms for neighbors, tenants and C��e City.
- _ .
>�iQoru�.nNM.,�ri�w��: ,.. - .
Registration of reatal .property results in etter owaer responsiveness.
•..: �rwr,+�wnw�,«�a To.wnan): , ._y;
_ , .. � � '�
. . ,. ; ,, -
. . _ � _, -;
C�tq s�aff becomes more responsive ta prop ty. .owners a�nd residents. . ��
Qwaers and tenants become more knowledgeab` af _their righta and reap�as���.l�,�.��e�. - "� '
�t�tt� . w� ao��s
Status �}uo Avoid increase work for Cdntimuss xent�l prapertq �
. _ Citg staff pro�lemi� ` .
: Certifica.te of .Occupancy .
. � �AL�SIIEa: ... . : . �. . . . .. . . : . � . . . . . _. ... r . :..;
' UnknOwn - _
� y. 1
' ' . . - . Members:
. Bili Wilson,chair
,��� CITY OF AIN� PAUL Tom Dimond
OB`FIC� OF T � ci� comvciL Kiki Sonnen
Date: April 27, 1988
WILLtConncilmaa ILSON C�mm �ee' Rep�� MAR�K��.wta.�
. To: Saint Paul City.Council
From : Housing and Econo ic Development �ommittee -
Bill Wilson, Chair r
��-�G�� - �'�-��.�r __ _____--- -- --
1. A�r r ' � 3�=`�s,� :.,��±�oy.:c����at at�ar
���[;�:���>�' �;��: �'
��{����� .
2. Resolution consenting to the i suance of Port Authority bonds to
.finance the acquisition and re ovation of a I2,300 sq. ft. office
and maintenance facility on Ho er Street for CommerciaZ Trucking
� and Leasing.
3. Resolution adopting policy to ot approve development projects
outside the City on behalf of he Port Authority until iterim
policies setting criteria are dopted by the Port Authoritp and
approved by City Council, tha this action is not intended ta
encourage or discourage such evelopment once interium and
permanent policies are set, a d requesting Port Authority staff
: to prepare proposed interium riteria for review by the Council
within 30 days regarding thei involvement in east metro
development pro3ects outside he City.
4. Discussion of implementation ules for First Source Agreement