88-414 WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCII �/' ` PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PALTL � /� � CANARV -�DEPARTMENT �-Ll 6LUE -MAVOR File NO. Q � Ordi �nce Ordinance N�. �� �_ i t Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A Legislative Ordinance mending Chapter 322 of the Saint Paul Legislati e Code by amending the term bowling alley to r ad "bowling center" and by removing any limitat ' on on the hours of operation for bowling c nters. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIN PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec ion l . That Chapter 322 of th Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows : Chapter 322. Bowling all s Bowling Centers; Pool Halls. Section 322.01 . Licen e required. No person shall keep or have for public use in Saint Paul any �e�p�r3-o� �o-�li�g--��-1-�� bowling center or any billiard or poo table , including any coin operated billiard or po 1 table, wherein or whereon such person shall permi , for reward or otherwise, any other person to pl y at any game of billiards , pool , tenpins or to bow thereon, or any other game or games whatever, wit out a license. No person licensed to sell on-sal nonintoxicating and intoxi- cating liquor who has any coin operated billiard or pool table used o the premises licensed for the sale of liquor shall be required to have a license hereunder for said coi operated billiard or pool table. Section 322.02. Fee. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman s�he;n�l Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form pprov d by 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY , . - . . . � . ��--�.��� /�.��� (a) Billiard or pool tables . The fee required is Ninety Dollars ($90. 0 ) for the first billiard or pool table , including the first coin operated billiard or pool table ; and Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each additio al table thereafter except coin operated billiard and pool tables licensed under Chapter 406. (b) $a�a���g---a-13�� B wling centers . The fee required is Forty-eight Dollars ($48 .00) for the first bowling alley, and wenty-seven Dollars ($27 .00) for each additional alley hereafter. Sec. 322. 03. Hours o operation; cause for revo- cation. The keeper of any uch pool or billiard room shall not allow the sa e to be kept open or used by any person later t an 12 : 00 of any night and the same shall thereaft r remain closed until 7 : 00 each morning. There sh 11 be no limit on the hours of operation for bowling centers . Any bowling center that has an on-sale intoxicating liquor license or on-sale non-intoxi ating malt liquor license must , during the hours of prohibited sale of such liquors as set forth in section 409. 07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code , cover all liquor and liquor dispensing devices and ust secure them from public view and accessability by a locking device . ��e l�eepe�--e€--a��--s���l�-t ir�-�r--�o�v-�-i�-a��e3�--sl�a�� �e�-��-1-c�v�-��-sax�e--t-o- be-�ep-t-eper3--o-r--t�sed-�-ar�3� pe�ser3--�a�e�--�I�a�--or�e �r--�f��rr=--xrid�ri��-o€--ar3� r-3}g�i� ;--�r-�i�,--l�ewe�e ,---��-t-t-��ie-�;_,r--�a�-�e--l�ep� epe�--arzd--tise�--��--�r}� -�nsor�-�-svo--���--�o���--�a�e� ��a�-�r�-i�i��-e�--�-�t�rr -�}gl��;-a��-�l�e-��-s�ia�� ��ie�ea��e�--�er�a}�--e�es d--t�����--�:AA--eae�i--r�e����gT Any violation of this requirement as well as any disorderly or improper conduct on the premises shall be sufficient ground for revocation of such license by the Council of the C ' ty of Saint Paul . 2. WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1RC11 /y� PINN - FINANCE ^ �LUERV`MAVOqTMENT GITY O� S INT PAUL File NO. �V '�/ Ordi dnce Ordinance N 0. �f�-7 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Sect ' on 2. That this ordinance shall ake effect and be in force thirty ( 30) days from and after its pa sage , approval and publication. 3. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnes�� Wilson MaY � 0 �7U� Form pprove by Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P e ncil S t BY By App ed byvMayor: � t `MAY 1 = 988 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY ��s�EO MA� � � �saa � �' ' � �a�-�� WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 ��� PINK - FINANCE GITY O�' SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ���� BLUE -MAVOR • � ZIZGIIZCP Ordinance N O. Presente y _ Referred To ommittee: Date `3 -°�y��� Out of Committee By Date An Ordi ance amend ng section 322.03 of the Sain Paul Leg slative Code pertaining to Pool lls and owling Alleys . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIN PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec ion l . That section 322.03 o the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as f lo s : Sec . 322.03. Hours o peration; cause for revocatiora. The keeper of any such pool or billiard room shall not allow the same to e kept open or used by any person later than 12 : 00 f any night, and the same shall thereafter remain c o ed until 7 : 00 each morning. The keeper of any such t n in or bowling alley shall not allow the same to e ept open or used by any person later than er�e- - ��-�}�r��Q�i� 4: 00 a.m. of any night ; provided, how ver, that t-�-�re--a�a� �e--l�eg�--c�per�-�--t�sed- - --pe�ser�-t-�o---���--�ier��s �a�e�-t��--x�t-id�ri�r�-er-i- t� -�ri�r�;--ari� the same shall thereafter remain c osed u til 7 : 00 each morning. Any violation of this requirem nt as well as any disorderly or improper onduct o the premises shall be sufficient ground fo revocati n of such license by the council of the Cit of Saint ul . Se tion 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be 'n force thirty days from and after its passage , ap roval and publ cation. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Departm t of: Dimond �ng [n Favor Goswitz Rettman s�ne�ne� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approve b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By / V Approved by Mayor: Date Approved Mayor for Submission to Council , sy �y <.. �., ; - f-- _. , . . wMITE � Glrr C,LERK � � � �� '' � . PINK � �INIfNCE � .. ... +' � COUIICIl f ;. y/�. �- ;• -/ � �`�� CANARV-DEPARTMENT CITX_ QF., SAI,NT ��"�L File NO. �'i•� �r � � BI.UE -MAVOR � � , _.,. � � ��{��r� ndnce - -: Ordinance N 0.~ .. ��,r �• .,_��- ._. _ . � F. --. Presented By : 1,-r_-.��< f , � °•4 �: ; ,.�..- � : - : ,.;: �� ,_. ,;� -.Y . ,�. : .�_.. Referred To � " `-�"�� ' � ''"�Committee: Date ' � � � Out of Committ� By Date 1U� Ordt a�and sec�oa 3Z2.43 t�t t�e Sain Pat�l �t.�.va Gode p►ertets�ing _ ,: t4 P�rori 1s anr! 11t�g tll�►s. _/� T� t�dtA1C2L � T�E CITT SA2 P1l��ES O�t: 8�c oa 2. Tl�at sectio� 3ZZ�t#3 o the int Pa�2 LrQisla�iv+f �vd+e is h�carby a�d�d �+o »�! at� : ' S�c. 3s3.t#3. �r�t tit�s; e�we �ot �xsa�. . 1l�r fcea�rer Q!' aay s� � or btllia�r�d r�o� sl�all �� , no� allc�t tt� ss� to 1�lpt � ar v�d by � ,_ ptr�on: i�ter 22.flA aay ni�ht f a�d t� sa�s � shsll .�:eraatt�i�rMain cl u��il T s�! e� �or�,tnq. Th� ks�sr of ae�► sucl� ir� ot ba*r3i�p a11ey shall . �ot aiio�r tl�er smoe ti� ep.�� �pi�a or us�d D'y' aaq p�rs+a� taEer than ow�- - -�s�.e6�i�t� t s� a.�. . of �I t�lydt; p�no�rid�t, r, t1�tt ���,�P��� � �.- tt� �awe � " sbs12 �haraatt.+sr r�s�i� cl �sed � i1 T:Ot1 ea� awriain�. - - - � An� violativn +c�f tbis r qui�r�e t as �ell as . awY - _ _-,�-„ v diaorderly or iwProPs�r' �e preais�s �ail be �3'ticis�t qro� fa�r ra�tt# ot � li� b�r the cc�el.1 �f tht City Saint 1. , �__ , ___. ;, _.__., S�et c�ct �. , 'tbi� ordi�e shsll tak�e fact �ct b� lorce tAirt� �►ys fco�s aad �lter its P�ssaye. al �nd �bl ti�et. � COUNCIL, MEMBERS � ` �; Yea's Nays • Requested by Departme t of: Dimond �ng In Favor f Goswitz � �� . ��;� Against By sonnen . . _�Vilson Adopted by Council: Date �-�w Form Approve�by City Attomey�,�' � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY , By , Approved by Mayor• D$te Approved by Mayor fo� Submission to Council _ BY • - �Y'`=.._ _: �--�" �U[�. �-�'Q"°'-•J , . . . Members: ��1���� ,�:. � � ' - Janice Rettman, chair �•t,�h GITY OF AINT PAUL Bil) Wilson ��'"� ��ai: ���� �t l�l� OFFICE OF T E CITY COIINCIL BOb LOn9 Date: April 21, 1988 JANICE RETfMAN �o�n����� - Commi tee Re�ort To: Saint Paul City Council From : Community and Hu an Services Committee Janice Rettman, Ch ir The meeting of the Community and Hum n Services Committee vas held on Wednesday, April 20, 1988. The following were in attendance: J nice Rettman, Chair B b Long, Councilmember R ger Goswitz, Councilmember B 11 Wilson, Councilmember T m Dimond, Councilmember T rry Sullivan, City Attorney's Office J e Collins, Legislative Assistant J m Murphy, Program �inalyst �1�cQ � .�i��`�/�� B .�b�ra..B.anso�, .Secretary _. , I:'°''"��ta��ing�Centers. Terry "�uY�i��n dra�ted''suYsstitnCe brdfnance.` S'�''��_ .� _ ____- 2. Continuation of presentation by rene 0'Ryan, Division of Public Health: Day Care Licnesing Procedures. Policy: Proposed Day Care Rules and Regulations and Guidelines for D y Care Centers.) S-Q Yes. (Policy pending resolution and public co ment. Resolution not available at this time.) 3. City Council Agenda 4/7/88, Item No. 26: Rssolution amending the 1988 budget by adding $60,114 to the inancin� and Spending Plans for Public Health-Salaries. (Policy with f ture budget implications.) 5-0 Yes. 4. City Council Agenda 4/7/88, Item No. 29: Resolution providing th.at the City's Neighborhood Clean-Up Pro ram be funded, that a 2U� funding increase over last year be added to accom odatP inereased participation, and requesting the Mayor to prepare budget resolution transferring necessary funds needed to pay clean-up cos s. (Policy and which budget.) 4-0 Yes, as ae�ended: Addition of paragra h regarding recyeling; include "street maintenance or appropriate budge ; on "pa�e 2, change "f und" to "program". S. City Council Agenda 4/12/88, Ite No. 4: Eirst Reading - An Ordinance amending Chapter 409.21(b) (1) of the Legislative Code pertaining to � pull.tabs and tipboards in bars b deleting the references to charitable organizations Chat support youth athletic activities_ 4-0 Yes. CfI'Y HALL ROOM N�. 704 AfiV"I' P.AUL, 1�tINNFSO'fA SS10Z 612/298-5289 8..�.�a . . . . . � °���-��� .ovvn�ui p ' � r � ,�>� ��_� �. � CITY OF SAIN� P UL ��e` ;;,, p; Z: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �� inui�nm ;; ` + '-'�11°�� '� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,. m ,:: '�-�,������m,��'` 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR March 4, 1988 �'!�'('��11�n MAR � �ggg Council Member Roger Goswitz � ,��� Seventh Floor � ' ��4`?� City Hall Dear Council Member Goswitz : Enclosed is the ordinance a ending Section 322 . 03 so as to permit bowling alleys to remain open until 4: 00 A.M. each morning. Your��ery truly, f �,/ � /- JER . 5E �4 A�istant Ci � Attorney � iJJS.`cg ` / �J Encl . . _ . . ; , � , _ . . _ , , _ . • - . { , • _ : ... A : _ - ,; . ._ =�-- _ _ , , � , �- :�.��,..,..a��._A . . _ � ,,�:�...�.__._....�_..__y:..:,...F�:�: ��� . �.... _ �___.���..� ..��:,�.m. ..�: � ,r �.:..�._�__.�.� : > .. �.; ���� _ �� � � � , ; /�^.�/ _ t . . , � � 15� �3'��`d" 4 " � , 2 a �1�. �- .-, _ �' �, t , , ;� ,;. i� ; �� ��,� � ;�" . 1` t ., "_ ..' � �� � 3rd �—� G � � _ A opted __ - :� _ % �, � „ . �:� �,�;�;� Yeas . Nays bIMON ��` ��`5 rosw�T � /7�5�� LC�NG RET'P SONNE ,� WILSO - _ MR. PRESIDENT, SCHEIBEL - , � j = �,.,,... .<..�.-...�.,..m.,_ --- _ _,._,....,,.�,_.,�___�.a._..,,��., ��..,.._.-,�..,,,.�.�,�,--..,�,,:,.�.,�..�,..rtMT ....._�.,...__._.._ � �� �, ii.��a,� �`� ,- , � � -! _�� , �:�__�.� � ._.� �<�-: �F ���f���. .., � {;����,. , � .�z . � �� -. -- -- _ -- _