88-404 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCII (/ BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL File NO. l ° O Council Resolution a„� Presented By ��'�`�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , The Planning Comm ssion and the Summit Hill Association/ District 16 Planning Council re in the process of updating the District 16 Plan, and the p oposed plan calls for maintaining the commercial/residential mix on Grand Avenue and for addressing neighborhood parking and traffi problems ; and WHEREAS , The draft updat of the District 16 Plan requests a Planning Commission study f land use , parking, transportation and zoning issues related to G and Avenue ; and WHEREAS , Commercial exp sion continues to have an impact on the residential character of Grand Avenue, on parking needs in the neighborhood, and on tr ffic ; and WHEREA5 , Information co lected for the 40-Acre Study for Grand Avenue initiated by th City Council on February 18 , 1982, by adoption of Resolution No. 78281 , is now out-of-date; and WHEREAS , Along with oth r zoning classifications , the B-2C zoning classification develo ed following the 1982 study may not be providing sufficient ontrols to maintain the residential , historic and aesthetic character of Grand Avenue ; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the Cit Council requests that the Admini- stration initiate a study, t be conducted under the sponsorship of the Planning Commission, f land use , parking, transportation and zoning issues related to Grand Avenue , providing for partici- pation by area residents and sinesses, particularly by representa- tives of the District 16 P anning Council and the Grand Avenue Business Association; and, be it COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman B �be1�� A gai R S y Sonnen Wilson Form Appro e by City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By A►pproved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /�/�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT /y{ �( BLUE - MAVOR File NO. v �+ _� - Council Resolution Presented By �''J�`��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTHER RESOLVED, That he Planning Commission reports its recommendations to the Counci as soon as practicable, and then the Council will consider the ecommendations and make its determi- nation whether any amendments are required to the City' s Compre- hensive Plan and Zoning Reg lations , including zoning classifi- cations and districts , his oric preservation or conservation districts , design districts , parking restrictions , or street and highway controls . 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �Hi�nend ��B �❑ �8V0[ �ee�ri4� xet�,� � _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson MAR 2 2 1 Form Approve b City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date - Ce�tified Ya. • �Se e a � BY — / By ;�� � Approv y Mavor: � r Approve b Mayor for Submission to Council� B BY PI1�tISHED �r'� `� 1 88 HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEL'i ..�. . ...� w..W� The GREEN SHEET has three PURPOSES: . f. to assist ia routing documents and in securing required signatures; 2. to brief the revierers of documents on the impacts of approval; , 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared and, if required, � attached. . Providing complete information under the listed headings enables revie�rers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates folloN-up contacts that may delay execution. Below is the greferred ROUTING for the five most frequent tppes of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) ' 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attornny 6. Finance Accounting � Note: If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must al�ays be aigned by the outside agency before routing through City offices. ADMINIS�TIVE ORDER FBudget Revision) A�MINISTRATIVE ORDER (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Ac�ountant 2. City Attornep. 3. Department Director 3. l�iayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services � �OUNCIL RESOLUTION (Budget Amendment/Grant Acceptance) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others.� 1. Department Director 1. Department Director 2. Budgat Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mgmt. , and Pers. Cte. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Councii 8. Chief Accountant, Finance and Zianagement Services The COST/BENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to ezplain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader f inancial impacts (cost to users, homeowners, or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. The ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES section must be completed to indicate whether additional administrative procedures, including rules, regulations, or resource .proposals are necessary for implementation of an ordinance or resolution. If yes, the procedures or a timetable for the completion of procedures must be attached. SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of In$urance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. � Note: Actions which require City Council resolutions include contractua.l relationships with other governmental units; collective bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds by City; eminent domain; asswnption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification; agreements with state or federal government under which they are providing funding; budget amendments. . �� � ��. c�-�� �� � � -� . . . �g� � . , , _ _ _ . __ __ WMITE - C�TV CLERK /�(/''`R� PINK - FINANCE COLLflCll Vp ��� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY O SAINT PAUL File NO. � 4 7V Counc l Resolution r �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date WHEREAS, The Planni Commission and he Summit Hill sociation/District 16 Planning Council are i the process .o updating the strict 16 Plan, and the proposed plan calls for intaining t e corranercial/ esidential mix on Grand Avenue and for addressing ighborhoo parking and traffic problems; and WHEREAS, The draft update of t Dist ict 16 P1 requests a Planning Commission study of land use, pa ing transpor ation and zoning issues related to Grand Avenue; and WHEREAS, Corr�nercial expansion continu to ve an impact on the residential character of Grand Avenue, on parking n d in the neighborhood, and on traffic; and WHEREAS, Information collected for th 0-Acr Study for Grand Avenue initiated by the City Council on Febr ry 18, 1 82, by adoption of Resolution #278281 , is now out-of-date; and WHEREAS, Along with other zoning cl s ifications, th B-2C zoning classification developed followin th 1982 study may t be providing sufficient controls to maintain t e r sidential , histori and aesthetic character of Grand Avenue; now, here ore, be it RESOLVED, That the Planning C issio undertake a study of 1 d use, parking, transportation and zoning is es rela ed to Grand Avenue, provi ing for participation by area resid ts and b sinesses, particularly by representatives of the Dist ict 16 P1 nning Council and the Grand venue Business Association; and e it FURTHER RESOLVED, That t e Planning C mmission is hereby directed to dvise the City Council as to ny needed ame dments to the City's Comprehensi e Plan and Zoning Code, inclu ing zoning cla sifications and districts, histor preservation or conse vation district , design districts, parking restrictions, and st eet and highway ontrols, and to report its recommendations to e Council as soo as practical . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Plannin and Economic D velo m nt Lo� [n Favo Goswitz Rettman s�ne;t�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approve y At tne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Counci( Secretary By gy, Appro . by Mayor for Subm' on o Counci,1,� Approved by iVlavor: Date — — � __ �— By _ WHITE - UTV CLERK ...' :�`-.�. , . . . .. . j y.. . . � CANARV - DEPARTMENT �. COl1QC1I � J �'�3 ��y�/�r.! BLUE -MAVOR � .. ^CITY OF +�SAINT PAUL File N0. ,�� "�� � � " � ' � = Counci R�-esolu�ion �=; , Presented By �' �� •*¢''-y'� � ' � fi- e Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date 1�AS, TAQ P1aAaf Caiwlssivu aeid t S�wf� �if�t soci�Rio�1@��tr�ct I6 Pis�ing Ce��cit a�e t�a process of atf� tAe str�ct 1� tta+�, sAA tAa propo�ed �ta� caits far i+atai*1Ay Lhe ca�rclsE/ fdneElai �fx aj �ra� A��nue asd t�nr addressing i9lrbo� Mti� a� r�ttlt prat�l+�es; ae�d ill�ltfAS, T�e drsft �pQate of 9lstri t 3� tt re�ests a Piannl�y C�wissi o� st�A�r o# i a�c! nse, pa i ag, rsas f� �! xoAi a� i ssaes re't ated to iiru� AYesva; a�d �tEAS. Ce�w�erc1�1 �xpanston ce�ntl o tne a� i�act wE t!� r�si�tlai tha�uter ot Sraad Arearwe, t�t pFaM�c1� , i� �Me �ei�or�, s�d o� tratflt; ae�d �EAS, Iat�+sit#s� coliect� !or tAe I�c St+r�j� tor B�and A�enue i ri t f stet! bX tAt 61 t�l CO��Ci 1 � Flb�i I�i s bl► s�1l�t 4 A�! � Rl3o11�L1 BA �ZT8it81, f s �r oat-of-�ate; a�d MNER€115, Aiv� r�1tb �rtMet Zo�at n� ti ss1 f ti�s, t 8-2C �o�i ag e1 assi ti c:t i+oa �et o� tol l 0�►1 !ie 1 stuel� waY be arorrf�t n� saffic4ert t�utrots ts �alntsin �td tfai* Aiste� and a�stlt�eLet�c cMarsct�r ot Gtaad Are�r; aa+r, 1�rsto�e be tt �£StX.�ED, T�at t�e rtan�l�g C issiort �Lak� a sta�► ot' �se, parklp�, � • t�aus�tati�e s�e! zs�t1 erg !s rti ateA u 6raAd A�e�ne, �ro�r i�q fr�r : ` parttcfpatls� �jr ana t�i s a�Q i�nsf se�, p�articrl�rl� b� � �epr�ese�ta�f ws �t tlte �i tE 16 Pt a�f � Co�te�ti i s�d tMet Gra rreN�et � �rslAess Assocl�tlea; an�a it , F�RTMER RESOIY�A, Tl�at e Pta�n1�g Caee�1 s i oa t s here�#y Q1 fectsd to ri se tbe G1t,� Coar�cil as to �p �ad �r�e� s to Li�e G1ty'= �r�eh�3 e �ian a�d Yt�1Ag CeAe, #aet : 1e�g zoAiiy tlssstti ati�s ae�d �tfst�lets, �ist presanrstiva or cous aLlou districts, A ign Atstricts.. �rlc#� . � �etri eti a�s�, �!� aM{ !!;�e�,�► C0�1t �S� as�e! ttt t�pOi►t f ts �_ e�et�atie�s Lo he Ca�c11 as soon as ractlurl. COUNCIL MEMBERS ' Requested by [?epartment of: „ Yeas Nays Dimond ����� � ��� ����n,t �```�... �� [n Favor Goswltz Rettman � ��;�� Against BY �- Sonnen -- Wfilson ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary 1� BY By � A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By . -�, $y ;_._ � , ��`"�� � .. � � ,. � • ; . N° 013210 � PED DBPI►R'TMENT . - - - - - - , Tom Harvey cat�T�cT 71 YHONE � Februar_y 22, D�Tg ASSIGN NUMBER FO& ROU NG D (See verse sida.) � �$ � Department Director Mayor (or Assiatant) �-- _ Finance and Managem nt ernices Dir tor � City Clerk Budget Director � � City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 2 ( lip all lacstions for signature.) W V TH C ? (Purpose/Rationale� ° The District 16 Plan Up a�e requests a s udy of land use, parking, transportation, and zoning issues along Grand Avenue. Pending comp etion af the study and poss�ble amendment vf the City's Comprehensive Plan, an interim mo.atorium on issuance of perm3ts for den�lition of principal structures and for moves of pr ncapal structures shall be in effect for properties on Grand Avenue between Oakland Avenue a d the Short Line Road aad which are currently a0ned B-2C. In additit�n, no applications for ny rezonings of B-2C zoned property in the area- between Oakland AYenue and the Short Li . Road on Grand Avenue sha}1 be aEC�pted. This interim �eriod shall not e�cceed ane year from t date of ado his w�hout further Council o v nx P o cTS actiorr. None. FE� �9 1988 � ,p� ����MA 9� ��i� �S S�hEr�,o �,I�9 CI UDGET V C C : �P�'s ��' {Mayor's signature not required if unde $10,00Q.) 0,�.� ��F �otal Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Funding Source: ATTACI�MENTS: {List and number all atta hments.) ���c'�cD G G 1. Grand Avenue Study - Resolution . 2. Grand Avenue Moratorium - Ordinance �E B �4 1�85 AD1dINISTRATIVE PxOCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, P ocedure�, or Bud,get A�endment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or t metable attachedY DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTARNEY REVIEW _Yes �No Council resolution requ red? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes TNo Yes No Insurance attached?