88-395 WNI7E - C�TV CLERK
PINK - FINANCE COI1tIC11 /�' l�f
BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �V �+
� Counci esolution
� �4
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RF�OLVED, that the proper City Off cials are hereby authorized and direct,ed
to execute a contract with the Sta e of Minesota, Minnesota Department of
Wf�REBY, the City sha.11 develop, p lot-�test and evaluate an AID6 �ducation
and risk rechiction program far ser n�gative persons who continue to engage
in unsafe behaviors, according to he ter� of said contract, a copy of
which is kept on file and on recor in the Department of Finance and
Management Services.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�ng In Favor
�h;�� d Against BY � '
� � l 1�8 Form A rove by City, tto
Adopted by Council: Date ,
Certified Pass d y C unc.il Secret BY �
By- ,
� 2 j�C1� Approve by M r r ission to Cou cil
tilppro by Ylavor. Dat � +
B �
�(�BIiSHED M A R 2 G 19 88 �
Caann�nity Service�s ° DE PAR�ME � �� �g2 e�J�
��Y �� � CONTACT U"���
292-77b2 PHONE , �
' �lnrch 2, 1988 _ .
. DATE �Q,
ASSIGN NUNBER:FOR R UTING ORDER Cli All Loca ions for Si �ature. :
� Department Director 3 Director' of Management/Mayor
Finance and Management Services Director � 4 City Clerk
Budget Qirector , . . 5 Cit . .
City Attorney �
Rationale) : �;tySen,;ces
Resc�lutioo to allc9�r City s,igc�atures on an aq nt betw�en the Citp o€ Smint Paul thrcxigh
ft� Divi.sian of �Public �].th and the Mia�n� �ep�r�eent a€ Health. Un�r �he tern� of
the contra�ct; t�e D�.visimn,oF Public Health 1 c�vrel�op, pilot-�t�t at�d �vakuate an AIDS
e�d�cation and risk reductic�n program far s�r ative perac�ns wha c�o�ntirn�e to . �.n
un+aafe b�havio�s. �. , -
MAR p 4��1988 �
Fundinq will be received fram the Minn�sc�ta of Sealth far .�t�e c�ontract period
fraq .Q�tober 1�,. 19$? to D�c�abp,r 31r 1988. tal aupupt of �1ttaCt is ,�2 5, 615. 0 0, l�To
^-, personnel i�rct�,�s antiCipated. .
� 5'6/�'•c� ture no� re-
Total Amoun.t of :TranSaction: � quired if under
' ' � �10,00Q)
Funding Source: , �.� ��rtn�t of lth
Activity Number: 33243 '
ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) :
1. Agreemant, ariginal a�d four copieos RE
z. ��.u��«� C EI VED -
MAR 41��� .
.. .. . . �. �. � . . . � � ' . � ; T � . � . . . � . . ..
Yes No Cnuncil Resolution Required? ' Resolution Re�uired? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insur�nce Sufficient? Yes No ,�/'�
Yes No Insurance Attached: /�
Revised 12/84
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,^��JTICE TO CONTRACTOR: You sre �irad by Mie+n�ots S #es, 188'1 Supp6ert�ent,:Section°'290:��to prov de�.:_•_�^�ia1�.,
r�crr�rber or Mi�r�esota tax identificstio� number if you da busi ess with tl'te �tate�qf,JNi�rrm�a.'Tttis infidrmatioe�rosy be cese�.ilvF 1�,
anforcement of federal and;tate ta�c laws. Supplying these nu bers could rtauit in action to �e y�u to file >;sta�e tsx retw�s aa�:
�ay delinqu�nt state tax liabilities. This contract will not be app ved unless these.numbers are provided. These nurnl�erswilt be�
�t�•federal�and state tax authorities and state personnel invalved i the payment of state obligations.
"?F��kS CONTRACT, which shall be interpreted pucsuant to the of ihe State of Minnesota, br6�ae�n t1�.St�ete�f�,a�p�;:
:�*6uough �cs Neal th D ar
-khereinafter STATE) and � � "
,;.�oc.Sec,oc MN Tax I.D.No. Fe eral Employer I.D.No.(if appliceble) -
(hereinafter CONTRACTOR),witnesseth that:
�,JHEREAS,the STATE,pursuant to Min�esota Statutes
�is p,�npawered to
� �S ,�
contr tual a reement wit ' r' ' ' ' • ,�
?CNHERtAS,CONTRACTOR represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth herein, / prescribe�
;�1pi�/,THEREFORE,it is agreed: / hedTth SerV7C�5.
1. CO�TRACTOR'S DUTfES (Attach additional page if nece�a ►. CONTRACTOR,who is not a state employee,shakl:
Perform the duties as described in Exhibit A.
(?eport prograrn activities, performance and outcomes as described in Exhibit D.
6oth are attached hereto and made a part h reof.
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"'"Ka"�en A�Fi'ec'�Tc `er�'�u ervisar vent�ian Servi
Swch a�at shali ha+ee fi►►�1 authcrity for accepEance of C NTRACTOR'S services and if such services are accept�d as satis�asaocY,
;sk�all so-cest�Y �sn �sc,�h ic�wice�sWttmiitad-pcxst�nt to Ctau 11, para►graph B.
i';t. •AS�St ' . ��'RACTO`R s�ti rnit�e� ;�n °nnr � -ar�y r�zs uor�l�tuora�::�his��t�rieieaw� tl�=�ri�er
written aonser�t ai�ihe STA'TE. : .
'•�Fli. AMEMDNtENTS. Any amendments to-thrs contract shall ' 'in writing, �rrd�li t�ee�e�u°ted"�y'�e same parrties+►�ro e�d
the ori�inai contract, or their successors in office.
;,�. L-f:.aB�IT�Y. CQNTRACTOR agrees to indemni#y.arad ss�e 4ar�c� h�std the:STAT£, rfs�mgents�and�c�yass:�s.#re►en-�rye and
all claiFns .or causes of action arising fram tt�e perf�u of this contract�y �l'fiRapi�T�i:�crr .C�)l��°�R'"S:agew�or
-employe�.s. This clause shall not be construed to bar any tegal remedies CON7�tA�'TC1�i rnay fi+�re�#or'i�e S7ATE'S faii�e �:-�
fulfill,'►ts obligations pursuant to this contract. � ' • � ° . - 3.�'
�. S��,T� <�UDtTS: The .books, records, documents, and ac unting procedures and practices of-the CONTRACTOR rNevaM tci���'��-'
this co�i�tcact�siial! be subject ta examination by the contrac ing department and�the:legisl�teue.$urtiator.
;�CI. QWNERSHIP OF QOCUMENTS. Any repQrts, studies, ph tographs, negatives, or other documents prepared by 'C�IWTRACTC�R
in tEie per#o�mance of its obligations under this.contract sh 11 be the exc{usive property of the STATE ana all such materiak� -
tae rem;�i to the STATE by CONTRACTOR upon compl #ion, termination or cancsllation of this contract.CONTRACTf�R shaii
not;�e,-willingiy allow or cause to. have such materials us for any purpose.other than perfermance of CONT�iACTQR'S o61i-
gatio:ns �nder this cantract without the priar written consen af the STATE. ' � .
?�:tl. AFflRMATtVE ACTION. (When applieabte) CONTRACT R eertifies that it t►as re�eived a certificate of_coissptiance froeee the
Commissioner of Human Righta pursuant to Minrtesota Stat� es, T981 SuppFemerrt, Section 363,Q73.
ffit. WORKERS' COMPEN5ATfON. In accordance with the pro isions of Minnesota Statutes, 1981 Suppfement, Sectiorr 176.}8�, tt�
STATE -affirms that CONTRACTOR has provided accepta Ee evidence af campliance with the workers' compensation insue�
covera�e requirement of Minnesota Siatutes, t981 Suppleme t, Section 176.181, Subdivision 2.
=�C"!V. AN,TITRIJST. CONTRACTOR hereby assigns to the S#ate of Minnesota aRy and atF.claims for overcharges as to goods andlor
"services:,pcnvided in connection with this contract resulting from antitrust viot�at�ons which arise unde► the a�titrust lavas af the
United States and the antitrust laws of the State ot Minneso . . _ ,
��1. OTNfR PROVISIONS. (Attach additional page if necessary): ` � �. � � _
•� ,, ' �
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.. . . . . . �. . � �� �
The CONTRACTOR shall develop, pilo -test and evaluate an AIDS education artd
risk reduction pragram for seroneg tive persons who continue to engage in
unsafe behaviors. The CONTRACTOR, ho is not a STATE employee, shall perform
the following services for the p riod beginning October 1, 1987 through
December 31, 1988:
A. Program Preparation/Development
1. Establish program staff:
By November 1, 1987, ide tify and hire a consultant to serve as
program coordinator. This person shall hire appropriate counseling
staff, train counseling st ff, and develop appropriate handouts and
counseling protocols fo implementation � and evaluation of the
2. Develop materials:
By January 1, 1988, dev lop a counseling pratocol , appropriate
handouts, and pilot testi g handbook. These materials sha11 be
submitted to the STA E for review and approval before
3. Train staff:
By January 1, 1988, the C NTRACTOR shall ensure that a11 Room 121
staff and new program c unseling staff are trained by program
coordinat�r to provide he new counseling program and assess
knowledge gains and skill evelopment among a11 program trainees.
B. Pilot Test the Program through he Following Activities:
1. CONTRACTOR'S trained cou seling staff wi11 assist seronegative
individuals in assessing he nature, extent, and determinants of
their unsafe behaviors a d to develop a personal action plan
designed to correct these The action plan will include brief,
goal-oriented counseling o 'ectives, referral to other psychosocial,
educational , and/or other esources and regular follow-up visits to
obtain follow-up data and f'ne-tune behavior change programs to help
prevent relapse into unsafe behaviors.
2. CONTRACTOR'S services shal include at least one of the followfng
strategies: individual , gr up and couple strategies for obtai�ing
behavioral and goal-oriente changes.
3. CONTRACTOR'S counselors wi 1 assist HIV seronegative persons who
have engaged in high risk behavior to do outreach ta as many of
their sexual or needle-sh ring partners as possible in order to
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. inform-them of the�r pote tial risk and encourage behavior �hanqe.
4. CONTRACT'OR shall assess using tools described in section 4) the
HIV-reiated attitudes an knowledge among seronegative persans :r�t�
continue to engage in uns fe behaviors.
5. CONTRACTOR shall make referrals to other STATE prograr�s, as
C. Assess and evaluate program fr m October 1, 1987 through December 1, 1988
based upon the following vari bles using evaluation tools described in
Section D., below:
1. Attitude, knowledge, an behavior changes among seroneqative
2. Commitment of seronegativ clientele to implement individual actiQn
3. Ability of Room 111 staff to integrate B-BCOS program ihto angoing
operations af Counseling a d Testing Site.
4. Ability of seronegative cl ents to contact sexual and needle-sharing
partners in order to info them of their risks.
5. Ability of seronegative cl ente�e to sustain long-term risk reducinq
D. Program Reportinq:
1. Submit f�ve quarterly Pr gram Monitoring and Impact Evaluation
reports (Exhibit D) to th STATE for the period: October 1, 198T
through December 31, 1981; January 1, 1988 through March 30, I988;
April 2, 1988 through June 30, 1988; July 1, 1988 through September
30, 1988; and October 1, 1988 through December 31, 1988. These
reports shall include pr gram monitoring information, such as
service levels, participa t profiles, and a proqram development
timeline. These reports hall also include information reqarding
program impact in the form of ineasurable outcome objectives at the
individual and community im act levels.
2. Consult, at least once a nth, with the STATE on the developmertt
and content of all program roducts and services.
3. Submit, with the final cu lative report, an overall quantitatTVe
and qualitative assessment f the pilot program's process, prn�ducts,
impact a�d information syst ms for future replication elsewhere:
4. Develop and submit the following evaluation tools to the STATE for
review and approval by Janu ry 1, 1988:
a. An objective pre and st-test to be used in conjunction with
the training program f r B-BCOS counselors to assess changes in
knowledge, attitudes, ehaviors and skills.
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. ' b. An objective pre a d post-test to assess the kna�rled�e,
� attitude and behavio levels of seronegative patients.
c. A s�bjective parti ipant evaluation form to be used in
con�unction with all ounseling clientele to assess participant
satisfaction with the B-6COS program.
d. A �ormat for recordin individual clients' action plans.
e. Individual client fol ow•up procedures. :
E. Additional Conditions:
1. Whenever any part of the program and/or information and progra�n
evaluation system changes, the CONTRACTOR shall inform the SfATE �n
advance of the expected hange (for example: any staff changes,
anticipated inabilities to meet expectations, etc.). In the event
that the CpNTRACTOR is nable to meet the expected levels of
achievement as detailed in the program monitoring and impact
evaluation report (Exhi it D) , the STATE requires that the
a. Notify the STATE in ad ance.
b. Provide written doc mentation with complete evidence of
repeated efforts made y CONTRACTOR to resolve difficulties.
c. Meet with the STATE staff to verbally explain attemps to
overcome the difficul ies and present rationale for changed
The CONTRACTOR may risk can ellation of the contract if the STATE is
not satisfied with the writ en documentation or oral hearing.
2. CONTRACTOR shall assure th confidentiality of all client records
and any records of antibody testing results.
. _ ;n .
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�' R�Oi h�sra�utton nd R1sk ReOuctio�
ActivltY and Mon►ante aepott
6r�r.; Pert�: Oct�er l. 196� to Oete+�Der 3l. 1488 -
A9���y,_Sa.int Paul Division of Pubtic H lth
Pro�rBm• BehaV'OI-
Frevared Dr: Qua�t r1y ReDort
(P�rt J �nd II) (sDetlfy Quarte�)
��rtitftatlen Dy A ncy E�tcutlre Dtr�ct�: 1 •ffirm th�t the intor�nation D�ese�ted iw tltis
report �ccur�tely ret etts the tur�cnt status tR1s D�a9��'•
519ne0: Oate:
A. ACtivlty Od�ectires TO A� I ACCOMP ISHM h?
(�y tyDe ot strrlte. tf I ExDecte lerel• 1 lit ! 2nd I 3rd 1 4tn Sth t
acG�o�h ate3 (•tstls�:ed) i ot Ach1 re+r,e�t IQuarte� I puarter I Quarter i pua�te� 1 dwrte► i
I l�/87 12188 tl0- 2/811 l-3/88 l �-6/88 I �- 88 t 0-12188 i.
1. Contact ptzrtners/contacts •
of seronegative Rocm 111
clients practicing 230 le
unsafe sex
2. Pravide goal—oriented
caunseling to high risk 500 ntacts
clients and contacts
. '
r. . . . .. . . . . .
e ,
. °�- ����`"
D.`'. Outre�ct► Actirlt�r . Eaco�cte0
�• Ttm� ei 1�e Oa_,te A4ht�r„e�
tt:t eetnod: t t�tquency '
f1.e.. Nevslette� • qu��te�ly. s;�tewtde clrc tatlon
et :S�O coQles:
Cant,act sero�►ega#i�•e clients of Rocm 1 1 that
are in high ris}: graups � . 10/87
2. NetworkfnQ • to �tuh �t•rlsk poDulations
Wcrk with Ftaan Ill clients to �each ir 10/87 to
p�-tners ar contacts 2/88
a• Ne�suraDle ObJectires TOTA� 1 ACCOMP ISHM NT
(TAert �n� De note tAan � ExDecteE le el• Ist nd 3rd t 1tA Lh i Y
ne�sure tor any I oD�ecttve. i at AcMereRr nt IQw�te� 1 Quarte� I Qwrte� 1 Ouarte� i puarte� 1
peD�rt nun,e� �n� pe�centsye 1 0/87 • l2 88 Il0- /871 1- / 8 I 4- / 7- / ( !
ot total.) �
1. Prrn►ide follaaup to
determine efficacy of and 230 pE.�ople
satisfaction with the
BB-C�OS program .
2. Assess the HN-
rel�ted attitudes and �aoledqe -
a^�ong seronegative
persons �;�o continue unsafe,
high-ris}: beha�►iors 200 people
.4 �... - . . _ . . . . .
>, , ..
. , , _
, G �
— • _ _ _ � 0/ ��✓
� , _
�$. CNcnt Protile TA ACCU � . Hh ffT
I EaDertea te el• i ist I ?na 1 3ra I 4tA I tR 1 �e
1 Ot Athitr nt IQ�erter 1 Owrter I Quarter I Gwrte� i Qn�rter 1 -�
I 0/87 • ]2 88 I10-}21871 1-3/88 I 4-.6! 8 I �•9/ 8 f • !88 t a
�. Total numDer ot partitlpants 230 pE�Op}
t. Et�Mt minority ton+posttion Unk��,,n •
8}�tk .
Gucasl an
� Other (speclfy)
3. Gender canposttion
8oys/men 230 �
G1rls/women .
4. Aqe:
12-18 �
I9-44 .
�S•6� .
C. Oe�rTop�ental ObJectlres E�cpected
' Timeltne Oate Ach'e�ed
De•:elo�-r►��t of hando�ts and couseling
hancit�oo}: in coopesation with SPDPH and A 1 10/87
Train P.oan 111 staff and be:-in scheciulin
oi r.B-CGS clie�ts 10/8i
Beoin pilot phase of progra-� 11/87
Irstial (pilot) data analysis 2/88
Conclusion cf 9 month tsial project 7/88
11na11 ze data and e:.-perience to deternine
�•:'.c•tJ�cr t,l�,e projE�t �?�aL:)ci :.,e .cv!-;tinuc ', ,
nL�int��.inec3 or e.�pa�dec3 7/E8