PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA iT L Council oy/� �f
.�CANARV - DEPARTMENT File ' NO. vv ���
C un�i Resolution
Presented By '`
�� �
Referred To Committee: Date
-0ut of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the proper City off'cials are hereby authorized and directed to execute
a contract with the State of Minne ota, Minnesota Department of Health,
WHEREBY, the City shall provide or ensure health assessment, evaluation and treatment
services for each refugee whose initial U.S. resettlement is in Ramsey County according
to the terms of said contract, a c q of which is kept on file and on record in the
Department of Finance and Manageme Servicea.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: COMMUriITY SERVICES
Yeas DlIt10IId Nays �
Goswitz [n Favor
Rettman � Against BY �
wilson MAR 17 1988
Form pro d by C't tor
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Pass b ncil Secr ry BY
t#pprove 'Vlavor: Date � � � 1�e7� Approved by Mayor for S 'on to Council
By _ BY
���s�EO i�1AR �? 6 198a
� a��
Caomuait�Services DEPARTMfNT ' �d �s�4�
�ntheri�e Cairns � CONTACT ��"`�' �°��
292-7723 �" PHONE ..
Jatnuary 4, 1988 DATE � ���'► � Y e Qi
SIGN NUI�ER .FOR ROUTING ORD�R C1i Al1 Locat ns for Si nature :
�. Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor
4_ Finance and Management Services Director � � City Clerk
� Budget Director
City Attorney .
Rationale) •
City aignatures are required on the attached co tract bet�een th�in�eso�a�art�ad�it
of Health for the tbe City of Saint Paul - Divi ion of Public Health �efugee1He��lth Programs
in Ramsey County. `.��N 2 E ���
��.��f�pFl�MpF THE Dt�tEC1nR
�B ENT nF RCNA��_�
�Ar� ,�N�?�"�u►c�a+ENl SE�Y1;:�a .
�t�yp,�,� ���,t�E
The basic contract ia fpr $22,535. which Will c er the periad of October 1, 1987
throngk Septspber 30, 1988. There may be additi nal Federal funds for thia progr�m :
available ia i488. No personnel impacts are ant'cipated.
ture not re-
Total Amount of "Transaction: 522,535. quired if under
� $10,000)
Fur�ding Source: �,innesoca Depa�tment of ae ith
Activity Number: 33244 •
ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) :
1. Agre�meat, original and �4 copies ~
2. Cop� of sigsed resolution - .
: RECE11/�p .
. JAN N 01988
Yes No Council Resolution Re uired? ' Resolution Re uired? - �Yes No
9 , q
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No ��
Yes No Insurance Attached:
� .
Revised 12/84
, _
. ._ . H�T TO USE THE G�F•N "SHEET •
The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: ' � � '
1, to assist in routing documents arcd in securinq required signatures �
2. �'to brief the reviewers of docuu►�n�s on the impacts of approval , - .< .• - ;•�
3. to help ensure that necessary su�l�ort,ring materials are prepared, and, if
, . _requirsd, :attached. ' .'"4 _' � ' . � _
Providing complete informa�tion under the listaed headinqs enables reviewers to make
decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that tnay delay execution.
The COS�/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS headinq provicles space to explain
� the cost benefit mspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City
budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broa�er financial impacts (cost
to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact
is a description of cha�qe or shift of Full-�ime Equivalent (FTE) positions. �
. . .. .T �.. . .
If a <�NTRAi(,"F��8m0�t�'�ri��:i� �less tlian $10,0.00, �,�,e;D�ayor'.s siqnature is, not required,�
� if th� de�artm�n��directoz• signs� A contractt�muat :a�wa�a �be first ;signed ,by the - ,
outside agency before routinq through City offices. . ,
Below is the p���er�e�-�!�"PING for the five most frequent types of document�:
, , , �r-.r-.5
. ° �° �'ir�L+(1l�1�TS (assumes authorized budget exists) �
� 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor
2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director
3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting
1. Activity Manager . 1. Initiatinq Department
2. Department Accountant 2: Cf�y A'ttorney � `
.,�. :
3. Department Director " `. ` ' 3. Director of �M�naqement/Mayor`' '
4. Budget Director � ' ` 4. �ity 'Clerk • - - '
5. City Clerk
6. Chief Accountant, F&MS
COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdqts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others)
1. Departm�nt Director ` 1. Initiating Department
2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney
3. City Attorney �3'i' DiretCto�'of Manaqement/Mayo�
4. Director of Manaqement/Mayor 4. City Clerk
5. Chair, Finance, .Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council
6. City Clerk
7. City Council
_ 8. Chief Ac.countant, E`&MS
, � .
SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify ali atta�hment�. `If the "
Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless sigriinq
such a letter is one of the requested actions) .
Note: If an agreement requires eviderice of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of
Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routi�g. ,
Note: Actions which require City.Council Resolutions include:
1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit,
2.. Collective bargaining contracts. •
3. Purchase, sale or lease of'land.
4. Issuance of bonds by City.
5. Eminent domain.
6. Assumption of liability by City, or qranting by City of indemnific�tion. .
7. Agree�ents with State or Feder�l Gover�nt under w�ich they are providing
funding. , �
8. Budget amendments. . ,
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:L�tOT10E TO CONTR-ACT.OR:.You are rec}uired-by Mirtrresc�ta Stat as. 1��81 Stap�ernn,�t,,�n;�E3;�'►;tta • - ity
Ysuml�er or-Minnesota tax ide�tification number if you do busines with the StotQ of�illi�nn�a.��rrfsr�r�t"ra�~�r be-�tsed:in ttu
�?en�orcement�of federal and state tax taws. Supplying these num rs coutd resutt in actiorr to cequire you to fiFe state't�c ritwFns and
°par� delinqusnt state tax liabilities. This contract will not be appro ed unless these numbers are provided.These numben witt be<ava�bEe
��c��federaL.and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in he payment of stau obligations.
"THtS CONTRAGT, which shaN be interpreted pursuant to tlte b of the �tate-of'Minneyota,"'bietw�en the"Siate of Mi�esota,acting
�n�ou9h �ts De artrn nt of Heal th
(�#�ereinaher STATE► and U D1 V1 l Ot1 0 Ubl i 1
,,.,._ address 5 5 Cedar Street St. Paul MN 55 O1
�'Soc.Sec.or MN Tax I.D. No. Fe ral Empfoye�I.D.�.(ifapptipble) �'�'
jhereinaher CONTRACTORI,witnesseth that:
�lUki��R_EAS,the Sl'ATE,pursuant to Minnesota Statutes
-<.is>empawered to ' R
`i4�(Pa�T� ' '
�":`NNEREAS,CONTRACTOR represents that it is duly qualified and illing to perform theservices set forth hecein,
?.�+lOW,THEREFORE,it is agreed:
i. CONTRACTOR'S DUTIES (Attach additional page if necessa y1. CONTRACTOR,who is nat a state emptoyee,shall:
A. Adrni ni ster a refugee heal th pro,�ra�� vri t i n Ramsey Gounty in an effi ci ent and effecti ve
rr�annzr pursuant to the procedures as Qutlin d herein.
1. For each refugee whose initia�i U.S. resettlement is irr Ramsey County after
Octcber 1, 1987 anq for whor�i no ���^�viou health scre�ning services have been provided
in �this state, the following du����s sha 1 be undertaken:
a. Contact the refugee or thQ spons r of the refugee in order that a referral
mi ght be rr�ade .for a ge��eral heal�th ssessment. - � -
b. Refer all refugees for a general health assessmerrt, evaluation, and trea�nt
or encouraye the sponsor to nake su h referral .
(Continued on Exhibit A �vhich is at ached hereto and :naae a part hereof.)
A. Gonsideration for all services performed and goods or aterials supplied by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this contract shail be
paitl by the STATE as follows:
1. �ompensation Fort -five thou and sevent -one dol7ar
2. �eimbursement for travel and subsistence expens s actually and necessari�y incurred by CONTRACTOR pecformar�e of
th�s contract in an amount not to exceed dolEars
�g 0.00 ); Grovided, th CONTRACTOR shal[ be reimbuned far travef arrd subsistertce expenses
in the same manner and in no greater amount c an provided in ihe currer►t "Commiss�oner's Pian" promulgated bY the
Grmm�ssioner of Employee Retations. CONTRAC OR shall not be reimbursed far travel and subsistence experises incurred
outside the State of Minnesota unless it has recei ed prior written approvat for such c�ut m#`staxe tr�ue! trr�r�►;�A c�-o-„�,
it�::°ta€ai ooiigation of the STATE for alt compensatio and reimburserr�ents to CONTRACTOF� shaf! n�t ey��,,:i
�,�prt�—fivQ,,.thousanri s — dollars tS 45 ?l �(��j },
;°. •�erms �f Pa��ment
�. Pa��ments shait be made by the STATE promptl after CONTRACTOR'S preserttation af t�voic�6 for services performed
and acceptance of such services by the STATE'S authorized agent pursuant to Gtause V1. Invoices shalt be submitted in a
form prescribed by the STATE and according to t e following schedule: .
;:�:i�,�yu;^Seraent r:i 11 be made.,upon su r��i ssi on of quarterly expendi ture reports far- .
-�np� Guar�ers �nding December-=3.I, P1 rch 31, June 30, and Septemb�r 3a. _. _ .
..t ,
. . . .�,te ; ,.. :is
(v�/,�cr, apalicabla} F�4yments are to be made fro fed�ral #unds obtained by the STA7t thro�rgh fiitie$ USC 1�Z�f�e��'
. . lf`7171(IYe e.�P�.`�:,.. , � ,.- ,�5. .._.... _. ._.... . .__._- ..- . ._--lNR3\OT -._.... - --- � . .. �_
_. � .
. �..�_ �aubtiGfavw — — menis thereto). if at any°time swsh
�,.... . �.�n ��.at�R��NaOierthis�otttra , thba #eFminated.imm�diatety`uport written"notice ots[td�'fscC'byths'STATE
,.;! t r'�'th�,.,everi�'a t�er�niit ttoiu�,-COMTEt�F�TOR shalt be entitlea�t� �et�mmed°ares pro
. x . ::: ��•: �� �
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By r ^ }
birect r, Department of
Community Servicesj � ^
i � �
BY .-` �
� Direct r, Depar ent o€ Fin nc �
and Management 5ervices �"�'
Date :
C , .
�� � '
Assistant City Attorney
� ... •��,
,:�;�.. ;�.
. � . s ��-���
Sxhibi A
Z. . Provvi�.e �f'ollow-up within 30 days to all refa���:�:�,o
were �ef7erred for a gene al health as$ess�nt '�
- ascertain if the assessm nt was completed and
if acute disease problem necessitating follow-up were
3 . Assure folYow-up for a�l refugees identified as having
an acute disease problem including a11 refu�ees
suspected as having acti e tubercul.osis, those having
tuberculosis infeetior�, hose having parasiti.� disease,
and those at substantial risk of acquiring hepatitia B
virus (HBV) from an �TBV arrier living in the ,a�ama�
hous�hold or through per' r�atal exposure.
4 . Identify individuals who are household contacts
( spouses, children, and thers) to carrier females .of
child-bearing age and' pr vide educational mes.s�u�d�s �o
those so identified abau the importance of receiving
hepatitis B vaceination.
-:� . Offer hepatitis B vaccin tion to those individuals
identified to be at risk as described in item 4.
`.� . Develop and implement a racking system ta assure that
those �iven an initial d se of HBV vaccine are offered
the remaining two doses i the series one and six
months after the initial ose.
7 . Collect and record infor tion which documents �the
initiation and adherence o prescribed preventive
therapy for tuberculosis 'nfection for all refugees
placed on preventive ther py by the Contractor.
Completed records shall b submitted to the State
within 30 days of the ref gee's completion or
discontinuation of prescr'bed therapy.
8. Collect and record inform tion which documents the
results of each refugee's health assessment on the
"Refugee Health Screening and Follow-Up Information"
form (which can be found s Exhibit B which is attached
and made a part hereof) f r all refugees whose initial
resettlement is in Ramsey County after October I, 1987 . _
Completed forms shall be ubmitted to the 3tate within
45 days of the refugee's rrival in Ra.msey County.
9. Utilize funds of up to fo ty-five thousand seventy-one
dollars provided by the tate to support staff whose
responsibilities will rel te to items 1 through 8.
�.• --y,..�
- .t'4 :�4 .�^t�. ..� � . . . . . . . .- . . �. � . - . . U(� ���
.7' . ' . . . . . . � .
Bxbibit A (continued)
1Q. '�teturn to the State all nexpended Federal funds upoa
c�mpletion af the �ontra t period alcu� with a final
expe�diture report.
II. State'a Duties
The M:i.n:n�sm#.� D$�a,r�aent of �lth �aiil �rovi.de .ato 't�e Gan��r�+t�arr
�hE �nLl.owi•ng:
A. Consultation �nd training on r fug�e heslth ,p�a�le�ag and
recom;me�da:t�ions f_or in�erv:e�tion.
�$. "Refugee Hea2th Screening and 11oca-Up Infor�tion" farms
for docvmentation of health assess nt i�formation.
C. Sitmmary fir�dings Qf data submit ed by loca2 health agencies
�nd a.�•her epidemiolo�ic findings of refugee populations i�► the
s , ,.,�; . .. � . . . . . . . . , .
. :{, p� �'�d����
. � lati�ta Dep ment of Health
Refu�ee es#th Unit U.S:Arriva�t3ste:
EXHIBIT B 7t7 Detaw e Street SE
P.a. �s4a� � a t_
Month DeY YBar
�Minnea ' . MN 55440 Fo►ms Aeceived at MDFi:
. (612)6 3�5237
I �
Month Qay Yeru
� �r,4t�:E•(iast,tirst.mitidle) DA"fE OF BIRfiN(month,day.yeat►
A#�en or Visa Registratian # (from ACVA orm) _
1. DGte pf Care(for services indicated below): / �
Month Day Year
2. irnmuniz2tion Record:
DTP/Td � � � � �
Ma Yr. Mo. Yr. Ma Y Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr.
Poiio � � � �
t.So. Yr. Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr Mo. Yr.
R4e2sias I Mumps I_ Rubella . /
f+AO. Yr. lJ:O. Yo Mo. Yc
3 T: _arc�icsis ScrEening: Chest X-Ray: Chemotherapy and Ghemoprophylaxis
T,:�?r;ut�n Skin Test (taken irt U.S.) 1, _ Infected without disease- prophylaxis prescribed
1. _ �rD 0•� mm 1. �: Normal 2. ` Infected without disease- no prophylaxis
�. = P?D 5-9mm 2. :_: Abnormal prescribed; explain
:i. = FPD ��•14mm 3. = Suspected tubercutosis disease• chemotherapy
4. = �?r p ?. 15rm prescribed
4. `� Tuberculosis disease-cftemoiherapy prescribed
�. Hepa;it'rs B 5creening BiGlHBV Vaccine Record
t. = h�,3sAg negative
a. �-��ii•HBs negative HBIG / -
b. � Anti-HBs positive Mo. vr.
2. �-h$sAg positi��e HBV Vaccine / ! �
Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr_ Mo. Yr.
5. �reer�ed fcr parasites: u Yes �� No �
If POSITIVE, check parasite(s) found:
= Ascars � Trichuris C Clonorchis � Strongyloides _ Schistosomiasis
= �!-�cnkLti�crm _ Giardia � Aragonimus �, Amoebic Dysentery _-' Other. �
�. Cu�r�tly Pr�,nant: ` Yes ❑ No 7. CG Administered: =. Yes '_- No
�• ! ri=�C-F,'T!inCheel i l7EIGHT pbs.) HEMOGLOBIN HEMATOCRIT ,
j � c ia
�. . I
A Fl�ese�eturn ccmpleted form within 30 days.Thank you. Distribution.• White—MDH Refugee Nealth tlnrf
r';;S i 9.9-t`2 CanarY—local Health Agenty
�,� ,� y. �.
• ' �
• '�' ' . �/
. ., . " 3
Sxhibi C
1 . If th�e �orntractor receiv s total direct snd i.nciireet
�deral assistance of $100,00 or more per year, the
G�ntractflr +�grees to obtain a financial and cempliance audit
-�,de ..in :aca�rd�nce with the S n�le Audit Act +a� 1'g8� (P..b.
:�8-502) and 4°ffi�+e df Mansgem �t and Bud�et (OMB) Circul�ar
.A-128. The law and circular rovYde �that the audit sha11
�co�er the entire ope°r�tions o the City of 8t. `�Paul, at tlz;;e
;�optian of the Contractor, it ay cover departments, age��ies
ar establishments that receiv d, expended, or ntherr�is�
administered federal financia assistance during the gear.
Haw�ever, if the City af St. P ul receives $25,OQ0 or m��e �
-�e�e�ra1 Revenue Sharing Funds in a, fiscal year, it shall
�ave an audit of its entire o srations.
Audits shall be m�e ann lly unless the .S:tat�e Qr :th�
�ity of St. Paul had, by 3anu ry 1 , 198T, a cvnsti�u�i�r�al
nr statutory �equirement for l ss frequent audits. For
those governments, the cagniz t agency shall permit
-biennial audits, covering both years, if the government so
re�uests . It shall a�so hanor reQuests for bi�ennial audi�s
-by governments that have an ad inistrative policy calling
f�err audits less frequents than annual, but only for fiscaZ
�ars beginning before January 1 , 1987 .
::2 . The audit shall be made b an, independent auditor. An
:independent audit�or is a state or local government auditor
or a public accountant who mee s the independence standards
�:specified in the General Accou ting Office's 3tandards for
-�ludit o_f Governmental Or aniza ions Pro rams. Activi ies,
�.�ad Functions.
� . The audit report shall stat that the audit was performed
.in accordance with the provisi ns of OMB Circula.r A-128 (or
�-110 as applicable) .
The audit report shall include
a. The suditor's report on financial statements and
on a schedule of federal ssistance; the financial
statements ; and a sehedul of federal assistance,
showing the total expendi ures for each federal
assistance program as ide tified in the Gatalo� of
Federal Domestic Assistan e. Federal programs or grants.
that have not been assign a catalo� number shall be
identified under the capti n "other federal
assistance. "
b. The auditor's report n the study and evalua.tion
of internal control system must identify the
or�anization's significant internal accounting
controls, and those contro s designed to provide
, .
. �," �
. �� � 9�
_. ��
..�.a •. t'-
. . �
F,,�chi��t C (continued)
z'�asonable assurance tha f�ederal programs arF+e being
managed in compliance wi h laws and regula�i.ans. .I,t
�st als,� identify the c ntrols that .c,iere �va].�uat�ed,
:�"he controls that �er�e n t evaluat�ed;, snd t�re �aterisl
�eaknesse� .iden�ified as a result of the evaluation.
c. The Audi tor's rep�ar ah :�Am���,e, ,�,�,Q���,�.
- a statement of positive assurance with respect
to those i�ems tested fo comglia�ce, incl�ui��g
comgliance with law and r guiations pertsiniag ta
f:inancial reparts and cla'�s for adva�ces and
reimburse�ents ;
- ne�ative assurance on those i��� ua°t 'te�t�d
-an identification o tot�l amvunts questioned, if
any, for each €ederal ass stance award, as a �esult of
noncompliance; and
-a statement on the tatus cr� cor,rective aetion
taken on prior findings.
In addition to the a dit report, the recipient
shall provide comments on the findings and
recommendations in the re rt including a plan for
corrective action taken or planned and comments on the
status of corrective actio taken on prior deseribing
the reason it is not shoul accorapany the sudit report.
�4. The Contractor agrees that he State, the Legislative
�ditor, and any independent au itor designated by the 3tate
;:�all have such access to Contr ctor's records and financial
�st�tements as may be necessary or the State to comply with
�the Single Audit Act and OMB Ci cular A-128.
5. Required audit reports must be filed with the Office of
the State Auditor, Single Audit Division and state agencies
-�roviding federal assistance, w' thin six manths of the
"C:antracotr's fiscal year end. I a federal cognizant audit
��ency has been assigned for th Contractor copies of `�
.r�quired audit reports will be iled with that ageney also.