88-390 WHITE — C�TV CIERK �c'INK �� — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I.NT PALT L Council CANARV — DEPARTMENT BLUE — MAVOR File �O• _39a Council esolution �- ' � Z Presented By Ig Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The intent of the 1988 Budge was to find an operator for the Oxford Indoor Swimming Pool and such ttempts have proven unsuccessful ; and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursant to Section 10. 07 . 1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify that there a e available for appropriation , total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1988 Budget ; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that t e following additions be made to the 1988 Budget : FINANCING PLAN CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET epar ment o�-Community Services Division of Parks and Recreation 332 Oxford Indoor Swimming Pool 23170-7299 Transfer from General Fu d -0- 161 , 369 161 , 369 23170-5217 Swimming-Adult -0- 9, 764 9, 764 23170-5218 Swimming-Child -0- 11 , 900 11 , 900 23170-5220 Admissions incl . Tennis , Bbll -0- 14, 646 14,646 23170-5221 Punch Pass 23170-5222 Other Use/Admission Fee -0- 5, 500 5, 500 23170-5223 Instruction Fees -0- 13, 200 13, 200 23170-5402 Lockers incl . Go1f, Swim ing -0- 1 200 1 200 23170-5417 Facility -0- 18�400 18�400 Total Financing =U= 2� 2�7T3 SPENDING PLAN CURRENT BUDGET CHA�� AMENp� BU�T �3r7�=0T1I—Full Time Certified _p_ 23170-0131 Certified-Temp/Seasonal -0- 64 , 991 64, 991 23170-0132 Not Certified-Temp/Seasonal -0- 2� gg2 2� 882 23170-0141 Overtime -0- 2, 000 2,000 23170-0161 Salary Needs _p_ 2� 229 2�229 23170-0221 Postage -0- 200 200 See Page 2 COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia C mmuni t $Qp'V Rettman In Favo Scheibel � \ '1 so�ne� __ Against � U�. Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By, ' Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approv y Mayor for Submi BY - – — � WHITE� - CITV CLERK �PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA NT PA U L Council //�] C4NARV - DEPARTMENT r���� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Q Council esolution � �°� Z Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 - Division of Parks & Recreati n Oxford Indoor Swimming Pool URRENT BUDGET CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET 23170-0222 Telephone-NWB Monthly Chg -0- �, 700 -�, 700 23170-0226 Telephone-Monthly Eqp Lea e -0- 300 300 23170-0235 Type II-Reg. ($3/Wk Day & 5 -0- 1 , 800 1 ,800 23170-0241 Printing Outside -0- 750 750 23170-0245 Publications & Advertising -0- 700 700 23170-0256 Registration Fees-Local -0- 435 435 23170-0279 Other-Repair & Maintenan e -0- 2, 000 2, 000 23170-0293 Sewer Charges -0- 6, 000 6, 000 23170-0299 Other Misc . Services -0- 2, 500 2 , 500 23170-0311 Plumbing Supplies -0- 4, 000 4, 000 23170-0312 Electrical Supplies -0- 500 500 23170-0314 Paint & Painting Supplie -0- 2, 500 2, 500 23170-0315 Janitor Supplies incl . Hsehold -0- 1 , 200 1 , 200 23170-0317 Hardware -0- 300 300 23170-0319 Other-Repair & Mtce . B1 gs . -0- 300 300 23170-0341 Motor Fuel -0- 566 566 23170-0349 Other-Eqp . Pts Supplies Acc -0- 500 500 23170-0353 Chemical or Laboratory -0- 3, 500 3, 500 23170-0356 Safety Supplies -0- 200 200 23170-0359 Other-Spec . Matl & Supp ies -0- 3, 500 3, 500 23170-0371 Electricity -0- 20,000 20,000 23170-0373 Gas incl . Bottle -0- 40,000 40,000 23170-0376 Water incl . Bottle -0- 4,000 4,000 23170-0389 Other-Misc . Supplies -0- 850 850 23170-0439 Fringe Benefits -0- 12 , 343 12 , 343 23170-0898 Building Improvements -0- 25,000 25 , 000 Total Spending -0- 242 , 779 242 , 779 Resolved that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does approve these changes to the 1988 Budget . COUNCILMEIV R uested by Department of: � Yeas ��•- Nays � ��4��r� C mmuni ty Servi ces Rettman In Favo Scheibel � �,,.,, __ A gai ns t Y �.,�...e �Ajarct0 Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAR 17 Form Ap o ed by Cit Att ey Certified Pa_s Cq�n,�il t BY By� �� Appro by Mavor. - • 2 � Approv Mayor for Subm' ouncil BY - - ��!����HED ���R `', 6 988_ ., � a > .. , /.I''�/ ,�-�� (. �, � � , � .N.° 010325 � C �uni t Servi ces nEP�t�t�tT - Y�C M��tq�nSt� 11 , CONTACT NAl+� 2g2-7409 PxoN� � 1 Z-23-87 DATE n �►c �" ? '!S ASSIGN Nt�iBER FOR ROIITING ORDER: (See revers side.) � ��� � �����* � � Department Director �� Mapor (or A�sistant) Finance and I�anagement, Services Director ` City Clerk � -�udget Director �� ���' , 5 City COUnCi 1 City Attorney � � Chief Account�►nt TOTAL N]iJMBELt OF SIGNATURE PAGES: � (Clip all locations for signature.) W I ING C ? (Purpose/Ratio�ale) � Continued operation of the Oxford ol . ��.�'�'� �� .� ' � �� � �� a �-� -_ �� - � o��ec�•�,�.t�e �ce�-� �.�¢.ae,c.�. �+�C, ,wy,w�� ,",,, . r.� " - � �� � � I' '-Y-�. � � , � Y / .l,i'�{1�7�.� AL�G�'t�� ktCE1YcD COS U G 0 EL C Cnntinued e�ploy�ent of 6.9 F.T.E s �AN 1 3 1�88 ' ���'E��d�!`� MAYOR'S O�aiC� ,�t�N !.' °�988 FIN C N UDGE A V TY CRED ED: aUDGET OFFICE (Mayor's signature not required if under �0,000.} Total Amount of Transt�ction: �242,77 .00 Activity Number:031��,W19i1,23170 Funding source: 6eneral Fund trans er� of $�61 ,369 and user fees4nc%�R � Mq,� �Sear�h•c. , ATTAC�RiENTS: (List and nwnber all attac ents.> 1 19� �i� � / • Tro Caunci 1 Resol uti ons � 6�� r,��� fe�' '�.�' C/Gt.�C �!,(,I�)� . 2. 5{� '� ' ���' �vr'.�`� �'�al�uzu� � RECEIV�D JAN 1. 21988 ADIrIINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ' _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, P ocedures, or 8udget Amendment r�Q��r�d�Tl"(�RNEY _Yes _No If yes, are they or t metable attached? DEPI4RTMEI�T RBVIEW ' CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _XYes No Council resolution req ired? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes �No insurance required? Insurance sufficient� _Yes _No _Yes ,�No Insurance attached? t-