88-385 WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCII O��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL d CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Counci , esolution � � Presented y � Referred To r �� w v --S Committee: Date a—1 �`k� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Ramsey County p{ans to ov lay the follawing streets under projec� C. P. 474E�4 County Road C Dale Street o Rice Street Silver Lake Road Rice Creek oad to County Road H McKnight Road Lower Afton Road to North Park Drive and, WHEaEAS, The pians showing propo alignment, profiles, grades and aoss sections for the construction, reconstru on or improvement of County State Aid Highways No. 23, 44 and 68, within the 1 mits of the City as a County project have been prepazed and presented to the Cit , and WHEREAS, there is no cast ta the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE ;That said plans be in all things approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond c.oa� [n Favor i W� � 2-1-8 ca��� � . Rettman '� scne��� __ A gai ns t BY - Sonnen DOy1�C� E. I��J�TC�� Dl O Wilson MAR 17 1988 Form Approved City t orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passe o cil Secre y BY Bs� l hlpprov y 1�lavor: Date � 2 � Appro d y a or fo Su iss' cvto Council By P���s��s�0 t.�, ts. ; �98 �L . [r � - � � . . . .. � . .., „ r , .OI�i�1* . :y_s OAT!NfU1 DA7i CCI!!!f�: ���IE�.�`�! ���T` r�o. Q 4 9$, , ' 3 wivawta►�rw+ri � . • :J� _ ASOIGN � F.ar�a�r�o�c� ,�cm ct�c'- ?�� . . - euooEr Du�Ctoa .' . .. ._` ....� .�._ � ..r•/_.. ....._..� - - �.. � � GTY ATTORNEY.' . .. , :. �... .. . . .� v� Ap�`a5T31 Q� RaII�7 CAI3LTL'17 P�18 'bO OV�r � Wj.'�,1 ��.1'BN.ildl78 Ili3'�Y'].31.f �cni9nt: �a fram rx�tn Pa� rn�.ve to �on �oaa. �ouncil Research Center FEB 1119� nons:c�vv.�.N►«R.m«ca>> � �Pawr: , , . ... r�,a�a�c�� cm�sEav�oa�oN o�rE w a�� a�wr+�xo. m►wao oa�oN �o e�s acrioo�eo�►no ' : sr� . c►uRrEa co�x,xaeaH "s�s 'y� * _r��t�� _�* o�sr�wcr oots+c� * �,�,�.�, RECEi��a _ � FEB p E 1��8 , M���oR�s ���=:�� FEB 5 1988 �` ciTY �r����v�� .�,�.�,.»�o..�,�.t,,�.�,�.�.,��,�: _ ` Ramnsey Cata�ty is �eequ�esting cxxr appraval of t�e.ir plans � that they wi.11 be able _ _ , to do ,t-he w�ork. �►'��,�a«�o.s,r+�ai:. , . , . '�17.3 13 S COUl1� Itie37.ri'�lYIAC� Y'Oc7C�� ICial� 'ty 1�E=8�:f�li� tIB� t�lE. rOc"K� Si'K� �2 tA17.�,1 �]E .:. Iyp COBt 't0 t�3 C:1�. _ : �(YMW.MIh�R end 7o MYAan): _ '�]E 3t1'�Bt 3.8 det�Y'].QY'd't1riC� � YI�'dS �E.'. f�l� IIC7f�1. ILLTfIM1A71Y�• �ROS CCN� ,Dp np�ljl� �� CoBt tA COt��ty I10hi. k2Af1d �.s C�.�7.0�'r'�.t;Ud. :: _, . , Hi.gh futa�re cast. . ; �.srai+,r�a: - _ �e cit1, has apprc,vea c.aunty glans €or y w�arlc rhey a�+e to ao in tk�e :city. ` �wwes: _ _ l�T� ; � Members: (�""��� - Roger J. Goswitz. chair Janice Rettman Tom Dimond D8t2: March 9, 1988 9:00 a.m.--City Council Chambers Com ittee Report � � - To: Saint Paul City Counci From :Public Works, Utiliti s, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, C air COrI�IITTE OF WI{OLE - THIS ITEM ONLY DISCUSSION: Shepard/Warner/Gast C D Bypass Environmental Impact Statement. 1• Approval of minu es of February 24, 1988. . Hearing Date 2. 3/15/88 VACATION: Petiti n of Dale Edward Ailport, Jr. for the vacation of the lley in Watson's Division "D" for the purpose of combi ing into one parcel (bounded by Edgerton, Reaney, Payne an l�iinnehaha) . APPROVED 3. 3/24/88 FINAL ORUER: Im roving SHEPARD ROAD FROM Gannon Road to Elway Street by onstructing a bituminous overlay and doing all ott�er � ork necessary and fncidental to complete said improvement APPROVED . 4• RESOLUTION: Ame di.ng the 1988 budget by adding $15,900 to the Financing and Spending Plans-Traffic, Signal, Lighting Mtce. F nd. APPROVED S• RESOLUTION: Ame ding the 1988 budget by adding $80,950 to the Financing an Spending Plans f�r Public Works- Engineering. APPROVED _ �.-�. .,� 6 ,��`�.�." �"�' �.�,_ . �,. ���:�., , � _ k T � , :: ���` y.� .. L.., ��: � �� o ������. � ,:..,.. .� '?.c::� � �-- ---:.,� -►-•� �-�. �� _ �..�,. �• RESOLUTION: App oving the appointments by the Mayor of Charles Cathcart and Mary Alvarado to serve as alternates on the Metropolit n Aircraf,t Sound Abatement Council, terms to expire ugust 1'6,=�1990:���`s' APPROVED