� Council esolution
�._- ��
Presented y
Referred To �V � L w p l Committee: Date �—�����
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS , The Council has adopted Final Orders for the
improvement of Oakridge Stree from approximately 130 feet
west of Upland Avenue to Howard Street, Fir Street from Oakridge
Street to approximately 500 eet south of Oakridge Street ,
and Howard Street from Burli ton Road to approximately 800
feet south of Burlington Roa , including constructing water
mains therein and acquiring nece sary easements therefor; and
WHEREAS , The Council has now decided to reconsider the
necessity for such improveme s , as heretofore approved by
Council Resolutions 87-1165 , 8 -1166 and 87-1167 (File Numbers
18455 , 18455W and 184555) ado ted on the llth day of August,
1987 ; now, therefore , be it
RESOLVED, That the City Council eletes street lighting work �
from File Nos. 18455, 18455W and 184 5S, and establishes 20 feet
as the street width; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That District ne Community Council is hereby
re�juested to develop, with the assis ance of residents of the Highwood
Ar�a com�lunity, a master development plan for the Highwood Area,
incluc�ing lot size, land use density, improvements to streets, sewers
and other utilities and to report ba k to this Council upon the
completion of this plan; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED� That during t e District One study and until
adopted by the City Council, no buil ing permits, lot splits, zoning
variances or new addresses shall be 'ssued by any City department
and drainage and/or filling of wetl ds shall not occur in this area;
and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall transmit a copy
of this resolution to the Water Util ty, the Departments of Public
Works and Finance and Management Ser ices and also to the Community
OrqanizPr for District One Comrrtunity Council.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
I.o�g In Favor
s�ne�nel A gai n s t BY
�R � 7 '�� Form Approv�by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date � J
Certified Yas e ouncil S tar B3'
t�pproved by Mavor: Date App� � by Mayor or Submission to Council
By By
Approved without the signature o t e Mayor
�suant to Section 6.08 of the City Charter. ��ls��p (��r� � �98� '
� . : . _ Cou�cii Research Center ��
'.� , `r� � osls s ,
. � .: �, , JAN29 � - - - - - -
` City Council DEPARTliENT •
298-5506 PHONE
� Januarv 28. 1988 DATE ' .
_ Department Director _ Maqor (or Assistant)
_ Finance and l�nagement Services Director C ty Clerk , / �
_ Budget Director _ � �� ����
_ City Attorney _
TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: � (Clip all locations for signatura.) ;
T W NG 0 ? (PurpoaeXRationale)
This resolution will rescind Final Orders 87-:�165, 87-1166, and 87-1167 adopted
August .11, 1987, and requests the Distric One Community Council, with the assis,�ance _
of the Highwood Area Community, to develo a master development plan for 'the Highwoo�
Area and report back to the City Council. •
. Z� l�� 534
� �� 1 �.� �� � ��
N/A �g,;�,o��/��W�•
�PO�,-i-r.-�..\� 8; ,
�� �� � � .
(Mayor's signature not required if under $10, 00.) � ��`�' ..
Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number:
Funding Source: ____
� �� 1��v`�i:� wl�
;� ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachment .) � ,
1 . Resolution s � �( n��+/�-�` '' � .
2. One copy each Council File 1165, 1166, 167
� Ua. `'/ r, � . I�
' �
_Yes X No Rules, Regulations, Proced es, or Budget Amendme+�t required?
_Yes _No If yes, are they or timetab e �ttached?
_Yes No Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes No
_Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No
_Yes _No Insurance ettached? �
• � �a � �d �
.s •
V ��,,�t**o.� GITY OF S INT PAUL
° �I'=� :
:, „e
���� 347 CIT HALL �IAR 2 51988
GEORGE LATIMER (612) 2 8-4323
March 25, 1988
Council President James Scheibei
and Members of the City Council
Saint Paul City Council
716 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
RE: Council Resolution 88-384 Highwoo Development Moratorium
Dear Council President and Council Me bers:
I have returned Council Resolution 88-3 4 to the City Clerk's Office
unsigned. The reason for this action is y concern that the Council
Resolution lacks clarity as it relates to a oratorium and the master
planning process.
Moratoriums such as this must be done y Ordinance, so legally the
Resolution cannot be enforced. I believ we can, however, implement its
spirit by continuing to deny requests for aivers to allow new home
construction. I don't believe the intent w s to deny all building permits,
which would include garages, home imp ovements and permits for new
homes on streets such as Springside Dr e or Burlington Road. New
development such as the Bacchus deve pment off of Lower Afton Road
should also be allowed to proceed.
Studies of the area have been done bef re, and I think a number of things
are necessary if anything meaningful is come out of this.
� 1. Participation by owners of vacant land must be insured since the
conflicts arise out of their desire t build new homes. _
/ 2. The hard to answer questions m t be dealt with: What are the
minimum size lots which can sup rt wells and cesspools, and how
are the existing ones functioring.
: _ � �6-- ���
Council President Scheibel and Council embers
Page 2
March 25, 1988
3. I am sure it was assumed in the R solution, but the participation of
Public Works and Planning will be important, if the District Council
hopes to get a master plan which he City Council can approve. City
staff has already been assigned t work on this issue. (Thomas
Kuhfeld, Public Works Departmen ; Donna Drummond and Sheryl
Pemberton, Planning and Econo ic Development Dep�,rtment)
4. A time limit should be set for this. Ten months would be most
appropriate since that would allo time to re-submit improvements
such as the Ogden/Winthrop sew r through the Capital Improvement
Budget process for 1990-1991 fu ding if appropriate.
5. Finally, the limits of the study are should be defined. Everything
South of Lower Afton seems like good suggestion.
Very truly yours,
e rge atimer
M or
cc: Donald Nygaard
Ken Johnson
Kathy Stack
Council Reso�ution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS , The Council ha adopted Final Orders for the
improvemenL- of Oakridge Str et from approximately 130 feet
west of Upland Avenue to Howar Street, Fir Street from Oakridge
Street to approximately 500 feet south of Oakridge Street,
and Howard Street from Burl 'ngton Road to approximately 800
feet south of Burlington Ro d, including constructing water
mains therein and acquiring nec ssary easements therefor; and
WHEREAS, The Council ha now decided to reconsider the
necessity for such improvem ts, as heretofore approved by
Council Re�solutions 87-1165, 7-1166 and 87-1167 File Numbers
18455, 1£3�-55W an3 p e on the llth day af August, .
1987 ; now, therefore , be it
RESOL'JED, That the Depar ment of Public Works , the Water
Utility ar�d the Department o Finance and Management Services
shall immediately discontinue ny of their respective activities
• as they m��y involve these ii�n rovements until such time as the
City Counc�il shall have reco sidered the necessity for making
of the same; and, be it
FURTH::R RESOLVED, That District One Community Council
is hereby requested to develop , with the assistance of residents
of the Highwood Area communi , a master development plan for
the Highw��od Area, including improvements to streets , sewers
and other utilities and to eport back to this Council upon '
the completion of this plan; an , be it
FURTH:ER RESOLVED , That he City Clerk shall transmit a
copy of this resolution to t e Water Utility, the Departments
of Public Works and Finance nd Management Services and also
to the Community Organizer fo District One Community Council .
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�ons " [n Favor
Rettman B
Scheibni A gai n s t Y —
Form Approved by Ci!y Attomey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by CounciJ Secretary BY .
B}' •
Approved by 17avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
v/`" �0 c�0 `1
� �
� BE IT RESOLVED • that he C' d
, t ity ouncil eletes street lighting
work from File Noso 18455, 18455W a d 18455S, and establishes 20 feet _,�"
� ���--
as the street widthe ��`'`
` � �
� � `{�`."� `1�` � �" .
u.,.�c..t �-� � � v � .
' l of �s l�f� .�� � � �.Q.. ;�� '�l
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BE IT RESOLVED, that the City ouncil deletes street lighting
� ( work from File Nose 18455, 18455W a d 184555, and establishes 20 feet
as the street widtho
. �- ►(-88
Council esolution
_ �- _ �.�
�Referred To �V� �-- W� � Committee: Date °�—�����
Out of Committ�e By Date
WHEREAS , The Council has adopted Final Orders for the
improvement of Oakridge Stree from approximately 130 fEet
west of Upland Avenue to Howard Street, Fir Street from Oakridge
Street to approximately 500 f et south of Oakridge Street,
and Howard Street from Burlin ton Road to approximately 800
feet south of Burlington Road, including constructing wat�r
mains therein and acquiring neces ary easements there£or; and
WHEREAS , The Council has now decided to reconsider the
necessity for such improvemen s, as heretofore approved by
Council Resolutions 87-1165, 87 1166 and 87-1167 (File Numbers
18455 , 18455W and 184555) adop ed on the llth day of August,
1987 ; now, therefore , be it
RESOLVED, That the Departm nt of Public Works , the Water
Utility and the Departn��nt of Finance and Management ServiCes
shall immediately discontinue an of their respective activities
as they may involve these impr vements until such time as the
City Council shall have recons dered the necessity for making
of the same; and, be it .
FURTHER RESOLVED, That D' strict One Community CounciZ � �Z'�
is hereby requested to develop, with the assistance of residents �� �,�.
��,of the Highwood Area community _a _master development �plan for ��,
,/the Highwood Area, including� mprovements to streets ,�—sewers �1��,' _ I
and other utilities and to re ort back to this Council upon
the completion of this plan; and, be it
. FURTHER RESOLVED, That th City Clerk shall transmit a
,- copy of this resolution to the Water Utility, the Department�
�� of Public Works and Finance a d Management Services anci also
�/ to the Community Organizer for District One Community Council .
�eas Nays Requested by Depart►nent of:
IAng _ In Favor
Rettman g
Sche�bel _ Against Y
Form Approv�by City Attorney
?dupted by Council: Date � J
Certsfied Yassed by Council Secretary BY
B} _
Approved by :Viavor: Date T APP� V bY Mayor or Submission to Council
By - BY
�';'' . . RETURN COPY TO VALUATtONS&ASSESSMENT DIVISiO 'i '���� -� '-` b�< '� ''`''r"''S`"'�� ' �`F"�°' � �f{.
�x`':"- `Raf?M 218 �' � - •"'� ;� �,�,,,r:� /�� ;• �,��,k�r" ,,"�'„�����„"� f
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/� k ��+• �NA� .•. .C�� 7 OF �. PAUL."' :k '"'.�i �„ _ s : ' NO �`_ Ax 0. .
� ° �� .,. .:,,c� ' •.j _" _• ...
�.t,�� � � FINAL ORDER �� :«, � .�=" ..;� � �
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F`f`�'_'=Voting_ _ In the Matter i�protinS�LI�e� ` � � �s e� y,�F �~��ng�� .
� : ! Ward .� eoastraetias ea�cret�e' sad �ette ; eosestsvcsti�stozae irstaz � �
, � . .
!y>� . ' _ _ dr�ia�s fu3liti�s sn apZa�d a tsa� a�zl3m�toa tR�oaa eo ,_- �:
�a1ar3,d� Str+at�' .Stz�est froa a ' '�-
F 7 .r.:,"� . . ppmziaoel�lf.;230 f�t �rsst :. .
�'< � _•y � o! QpLad Jlrano� to �Strsst aied ia �3r Stra�at froa O�xkridg� �
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E�` ..-'� ' .,,-: :-:frasy I30 leet w of I�d aad !ir Stzaet frna O�zidss - �
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F ti . ^ : Of �i'rZ1�tQl1 ��• L`ASi t�It$ SaII�t31'T !!f!t �lT�C! :
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'� A2so, coastr�eet'ti� a s eet li ing sTstea in tLa above meationcd
� :,� . atreeta. � .
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�1 -. ���ooz . �-�-��
� . , � under Preliminary Order approved
&__: . . .�._ __ ._ .
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has condu ted public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Cha ter; d
WHEREAS, The Council has heard alI persons, obje tion and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
• ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be i
RESOLVED, That the Council of tne City of Sain Pa 1 does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed n authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RFSOLVED, That upon the completi f said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to th C ty Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
� COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �G , , �8�
� YeasDret► Nay�
Yieosia�� Cert�ed Passed by Council Secretary
s�b.iu��� ,
tsttssa . _ � In Favor By
iTiid2 � � Against z a- ! ���--r, .
YIIso� ' ' °- ' �- � �..,� Mayor
�AN 131988 �
. _ �� r. ',..'j „�
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t}" ` ^!�" 1'iC I VK1Y GV1'� I U VALIJA l 1U1VJ bl fWJtJ.l1Y1t1V! UI�/IJIU - - _ -
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�°�s ..K - ,cmr oF sr. PAUL:,;,�.,f..��� _�.�.�,-�u ;�-�.f,: ,;-,,;� COUNCIL F NO „�
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. ..;Voting .r .`In the Matter of �spra�►i�'� t�e t A7en�s Strs�t� b� eo�astinetins s .
•;�Ward ':'� �,atar atin ia IIpLad j fz�o�D�rliagtaa �oad to Oatr�dt� :- �
� Str�t arad in d� lrqa I30 l�at wt of Bpl,s�d
'�s'^ :�x y'�� .. . .. O�i SLYl�[ -
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a � � �'' ^ . . �'� - �pro�iaat.�l� SOO feat �oath ot� O�d�a�Str+e�t aad ta Ho�atd '
�;�- ;. • � � a Stre�t tro� �OSd to � tsl! �f0 f�st aoath �. -'
� ' , ti,� ��: ot Burliagtoa �,oad. , �raosts�e �nnter ssrrie� �actions.
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� under Preliminary Order � ap roved �- �
� '
�__ . �
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has condu ted a public� earing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Cha ter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard alt persons, obje tions and recommendation.� pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sain Paul does h eby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorize to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the compled n of said imp ovement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to th City Council accordanc:with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCIL PERSON Adopte� by the Cou.�cil: Date �`� � 1 �7
Yeas �te�I Nays
1Keosi�� Cert�e assed by Council Secretary
Lttsss! i -
Seluib�I� _� In Favor By �
, • . Soa�ea j'
. Yaida�i _ � Against - .
ililsaa � � . Mayor -
�, .
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i`�iiard�' �_,In�the Matter of , eos�dqaius . taking ass:stn��ia tht-�and a,ae�ssittl► iot _
'_��� '� � slapss� C�tL�t �f Ile� S�C1udSu� rL�2tt of .Ysi�a�sl of 2att�[al -
"'`-T �- ., � - � sappa�ct ftc�a b�ect +�r ze�esiader thareof oca.asioa�d.b? . �
Y�'=?: - - _ . '. ,sscarratiaru t r�of er oaatr�atian at.sl�ts ia��tl�a�.srediag y '
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;. � . . � ��. �xs�cc �a t� ar�ag� 8trt�t ssd Oakri3q litzttt : .� _
- - ' izos� app tal7 I30 sst wst ot IIp3and igeaat� Ro Aowrd ' :-" -
: _ � .. SCs�e�t aad in ris Sts�e+s ftc� Oakxi�=� 8tteat�;�a ap�rr�cisssalp ,
� : • � .. SOQ ie�t sont oi� g� Stt��t and ia So+rard Str�et iso�e '� .
� ' 3urlit=gtoa a to sppr � is1T 80Q t�sst so�eth o! �aae33�taa � .
:y . - . . . . .. . E,oad. - , . . . ._ . - . ��
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�i�- �. . : . : . •
. , ' - 'Y �
• under Administrative Order � � approved � . �
� � .
. under Preliminary Order — /� "� apgroved 7� y ��
-:� - - . _ . . . _ :
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A public hearing having been had upon e above provement upon due notice, and the Council having heard
all persons, objections �ind recommendations relati e theret , and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it
� RESOLVED, Thut the Counc� of the City f Saint aul hereby orders said improvement to be made.
FIIRTHER K�SdLVED. Thss tha Coaacil here y dat ee that the eaute reqnired tpr thia impzovsmeat be as describ-,
ed above, and tGat tha proper City oftYce:s snbmit ro co t6e City Connoil for the pntposs of tLe Coanail's mating aa
award of dsmagea foe ttee i�arest�snd dete tion f asaeesments. it sny. againet tbe benetited property.
acquired �
; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counca�: Date J aUG � j �7
Yeas�stn Nay,4-
�iieaeis�/ - Certified Passed by Couac� Secretary
- �attaan � • � . .
Sc�aibel Favor By
W�ida � ��t Mayor �
. . . ���o��
.` � Roger J. Goswitz, chair
Janice Rettman
Tom Dimond
Date: March 9, 1988, 9: 0 a.m.--City Council Chambers
Committ e Report
To: Saint Paul City Council
From :Public Works, Utilities, nd Transportation
Roger J. Goswitz, Chai
DISCUSSION: Shepard/Warner/�ast CBD B pass Environmental Impact Statement.
1• Approval of minutes f February 24, 1988.
. Hearing Date
2. 3/15/88 VACATION: Petition of Dale Edward Ailport, Jr. for the
vacation of the alley in Watson's Division "D" for the
purpose of combining nto one parcel (bounded by Edgerton, �
Reaney, Payne and rlin ehaha) . APPROVED
3. 3/24/88 FINAL ORDER: Improvi g SHEPARD ROAD FROM Gannon Road to
Elway Street by const ucting a bituminous overlay and
doing all other work ecessary and incidental to complete
said improvement. APPROVED .
4• RESOLUTION: Amending the 1988 budget by adding $15,900
to the Financing and pending Plans-Traffic, Signal,
Lighting Mtce. Fund. APPROVED
5• RESOLUTION: Amending the 1988 budget by adding $80,950 to
the Financing and Spe ding Plans for Public Works-
Engineering. APPROVED
6• RESOLUTION: Approvin Ramsey County plans for the con-
struction, reconstruc ion or improvement of MC KNIGHT
ROAD from Lower Afton Road to North Park Drive.
�• RESOLUTION: Approvin the appointments by the Mayor of
Charles Cathcart and ary Alvarado to serve as alternates
on the Metropolitan A rcraf,t Sound Abatement Council,
terms to expire Augus 1'6,::�199b:�"��s' APPROVED
: . , ������
COMMITTEE REPORT March 9, 1988, 9:00 a.m.--City Council Chambers
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- �`, � ting o �above..�,�aa+ci� Files u�titl further t
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9. Other Business. -- - =�
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CC: A1 Olson, City Clerk Tamsen Aic inger Lee Ann Turchin �!
City Councilmembers Ed Warn Fred Gates
Mayor Latimer Dave Nelso D. J. Munro
Ed Starr Dick McCan Press
Jane McPeak Doris Lesn Dick Meryhew
John McCormick Kathleen S ack Chris Ison �
Jerome Segal Bob Piram WCCO-TV '
Donald Nygaard Ken Johnso KARE-TV
Tom Eggum Bill Patto Chamber of Commerce
Dan Dunford Jerry Jenk'ns St.Paul Bd.of Realtors
Robert Roettger James Grau mann Bill Buth, BOMA
Tom Kuhfeld Eugene Kra t Continental Cable TV
Chris Nicosia Perry Fede s Kim Herman
Joe Koenig John Sturn r Darrell Butterwick-NSP
Don Sobania Council Re earch District Councils
Dennis Grittner Cable TV O fice Dennis Chada
Roy Bredahl Housing In o.Office Bob Fletcher
Leon Pearson Captain Mi e McGinn Diane DuBay
Gene Schiller Larry Stan er,Fire Dick McMillen,NW Bell
Greg Blees Andy Drisc 11 Ora Lee Patterson
St.Paul Htg. & Cooling Dealers As n. Tom Welna
Peggy Reichert Warren Ha on William Belden
Mary Tingerthal Rudy Brynolfson