99-152�� City of St. Pau1 RE50LUTION APPROVIN'G ASSE3SMENT ADTD FIXII3G TIME OF HEARING THEREON COIINCI FILE 0. ��1� ,S�_ f � t By File No. as listed 0 R I G 1 N A L Assessment No._as listed V oting Wazd In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for p���� 3,4,5 the installation of Storm Sewer Connecuon Projects for the following projects. �� �- 3,999 The Hampden-University 3uom Sewer Connection System. 18726 Preliminary Order : 93-1546 Approved 0280 FinalOrder : 93-1823 Approved The Howell-Montreal Storm Sewer Connecuon System. 18755 Preliminary Order : 94-1276 Approved 0279 Final Order : 94-1664 Approved The Woodbridge-Front Storm Sewer Connection System. 18569-4A Preliminary Order : 89-1744 Approved . 0281 Final Order :89-2Q73 Approved . The Eustis-Franklin Sanity Storm and Sewer Connection System. 1872000NN Preliminary Order : 93-1506 Approved 0282 FinalOrder :93-1760 Approved October 14 1993 December 7,1993 August 31, 1944 November 30 September 28,1989 November 21, 1989 October 12, 1993 November 23, 1993 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessmenC be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RE50LVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 7th dav of April, 1999, at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNGILPERSON Yeas� Nays i/B� nanav ✓B,lakey +/ os trom �y Coleman vf�arris �L'antry �Keiter �In Favor �Against � RbSQ�� Adopted by the Council Date ��6 �'7 1��� Certified Passed by Council Secretary : Public Hearin A ri17, 1999 �— T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: January 25 ,1999 Green Sheet Number: � �IIGct YYr80L Eifd PhOIIa }S4IDlb9t: eSRTffiRf DZAECibR 'l �STY COQAC2L Peter �Phite 266-8850 � � "� °1TY `�` � [mt be oa Comd Agenda b9: T!9/1999 szrn8acmr rmewrme.*a.v [os[ be m Comcil Researt6 OSce 1J511999 zoatoa,tmsrerm 1 a�we� c mon on FYidav 5� 63662 ng date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Storm sewer connections installed during 1989 to '�. Pro'ect numbers are 18569-4,18726 18755 and 18720 CONN.. rII17F.NDATIONSAPPROVE(A)ORREJECT(R) ERSONALSERV{CSCONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWllVG: . Has fLe peison/Fimi evec worked mder a conhaM for fhis deparMent? YES NO HANNiNGCO2All5510N A SfAFF Has tLis perso�Sxm ever been a City employee? YES NO civu.sncvtcecoMnussiox A wnneaedtb . Does tLis perso�Srm posse�s a skiD mtno�a➢y posessed by any YES NO cm Conn.m'rEE A v,nosHiaqe eurtent CitS eIDpluYee? Explain all YF.S answers on a seperate sheet and auach. 1TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUHITY (W6q What, WLen, Where, Why?): Water run-off was connected to the sanitary sewer which resulted in the water runoff going to Metro Environmental's ZYeatment Plant when it was not necessarv. IFAPPROVED: water that did not need IF APPROVID: APPROVED: owner's basemen� instead of �rovNr oF �eaxsncTTOx: $2g�,g54.83 COST/REVENOE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� �s xo souxce: Assessments only acrivrrYtv�rn��x: L IlVFORMATION: (EKPLAIlI� 'ropertv owners will be notified of the uublic hearine and charees_ Cousu�7 Rese�rch Gent�r FEB 0 8 1999 : �� City of St. Pau1 RE50LUTION APPROVIN'G ASSE3SMENT ADTD FIXII3G TIME OF HEARING THEREON COIINCI FILE 0. ��1� ,S�_ f � t By File No. as listed 0 R I G 1 N A L Assessment No._as listed V oting Wazd In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for p���� 3,4,5 the installation of Storm Sewer Connecuon Projects for the following projects. �� �- 3,999 The Hampden-University 3uom Sewer Connection System. 18726 Preliminary Order : 93-1546 Approved 0280 FinalOrder : 93-1823 Approved The Howell-Montreal Storm Sewer Connecuon System. 18755 Preliminary Order : 94-1276 Approved 0279 Final Order : 94-1664 Approved The Woodbridge-Front Storm Sewer Connection System. 18569-4A Preliminary Order : 89-1744 Approved . 0281 Final Order :89-2Q73 Approved . The Eustis-Franklin Sanity Storm and Sewer Connection System. 1872000NN Preliminary Order : 93-1506 Approved 0282 FinalOrder :93-1760 Approved October 14 1993 December 7,1993 August 31, 1944 November 30 September 28,1989 November 21, 1989 October 12, 1993 November 23, 1993 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessmenC be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RE50LVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 7th dav of April, 1999, at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNGILPERSON Yeas� Nays i/B� nanav ✓B,lakey +/ os trom �y Coleman vf�arris �L'antry �Keiter �In Favor �Against � RbSQ�� Adopted by the Council Date ��6 �'7 1��� Certified Passed by Council Secretary : Public Hearin A ri17, 1999 �— T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: January 25 ,1999 Green Sheet Number: � �IIGct YYr80L Eifd PhOIIa }S4IDlb9t: eSRTffiRf DZAECibR 'l �STY COQAC2L Peter �Phite 266-8850 � � "� °1TY `�` � [mt be oa Comd Agenda b9: T!9/1999 szrn8acmr rmewrme.*a.v [os[ be m Comcil Researt6 OSce 1J511999 zoatoa,tmsrerm 1 a�we� c mon on FYidav 5� 63662 ng date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Storm sewer connections installed during 1989 to '�. Pro'ect numbers are 18569-4,18726 18755 and 18720 CONN.. rII17F.NDATIONSAPPROVE(A)ORREJECT(R) ERSONALSERV{CSCONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWllVG: . Has fLe peison/Fimi evec worked mder a conhaM for fhis deparMent? YES NO HANNiNGCO2All5510N A SfAFF Has tLis perso�Sxm ever been a City employee? YES NO civu.sncvtcecoMnussiox A wnneaedtb . Does tLis perso�Srm posse�s a skiD mtno�a➢y posessed by any YES NO cm Conn.m'rEE A v,nosHiaqe eurtent CitS eIDpluYee? Explain all YF.S answers on a seperate sheet and auach. 1TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUHITY (W6q What, WLen, Where, Why?): Water run-off was connected to the sanitary sewer which resulted in the water runoff going to Metro Environmental's ZYeatment Plant when it was not necessarv. IFAPPROVED: water that did not need IF APPROVID: APPROVED: owner's basemen� instead of �rovNr oF �eaxsncTTOx: $2g�,g54.83 COST/REVENOE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� �s xo souxce: Assessments only acrivrrYtv�rn��x: L IlVFORMATION: (EKPLAIlI� 'ropertv owners will be notified of the uublic hearine and charees_ Cousu�7 Rese�rch Gent�r FEB 0 8 1999 : �� City of St. Pau1 RE50LUTION APPROVIN'G ASSE3SMENT ADTD FIXII3G TIME OF HEARING THEREON COIINCI FILE 0. ��1� ,S�_ f � t By File No. as listed 0 R I G 1 N A L Assessment No._as listed V oting Wazd In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for p���� 3,4,5 the installation of Storm Sewer Connecuon Projects for the following projects. �� �- 3,999 The Hampden-University 3uom Sewer Connection System. 18726 Preliminary Order : 93-1546 Approved 0280 FinalOrder : 93-1823 Approved The Howell-Montreal Storm Sewer Connecuon System. 18755 Preliminary Order : 94-1276 Approved 0279 Final Order : 94-1664 Approved The Woodbridge-Front Storm Sewer Connection System. 18569-4A Preliminary Order : 89-1744 Approved . 0281 Final Order :89-2Q73 Approved . The Eustis-Franklin Sanity Storm and Sewer Connection System. 1872000NN Preliminary Order : 93-1506 Approved 0282 FinalOrder :93-1760 Approved October 14 1993 December 7,1993 August 31, 1944 November 30 September 28,1989 November 21, 1989 October 12, 1993 November 23, 1993 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessmenC be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RE50LVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 7th dav of April, 1999, at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNGILPERSON Yeas� Nays i/B� nanav ✓B,lakey +/ os trom �y Coleman vf�arris �L'antry �Keiter �In Favor �Against � RbSQ�� Adopted by the Council Date ��6 �'7 1��� Certified Passed by Council Secretary : Public Hearin A ri17, 1999 �— T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: January 25 ,1999 Green Sheet Number: � �IIGct YYr80L Eifd PhOIIa }S4IDlb9t: eSRTffiRf DZAECibR 'l �STY COQAC2L Peter �Phite 266-8850 � � "� °1TY `�` � [mt be oa Comd Agenda b9: T!9/1999 szrn8acmr rmewrme.*a.v [os[ be m Comcil Researt6 OSce 1J511999 zoatoa,tmsrerm 1 a�we� c mon on FYidav 5� 63662 ng date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Storm sewer connections installed during 1989 to '�. Pro'ect numbers are 18569-4,18726 18755 and 18720 CONN.. rII17F.NDATIONSAPPROVE(A)ORREJECT(R) ERSONALSERV{CSCONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWllVG: . Has fLe peison/Fimi evec worked mder a conhaM for fhis deparMent? YES NO HANNiNGCO2All5510N A SfAFF Has tLis perso�Sxm ever been a City employee? YES NO civu.sncvtcecoMnussiox A wnneaedtb . Does tLis perso�Srm posse�s a skiD mtno�a➢y posessed by any YES NO cm Conn.m'rEE A v,nosHiaqe eurtent CitS eIDpluYee? Explain all YF.S answers on a seperate sheet and auach. 1TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUHITY (W6q What, WLen, Where, Why?): Water run-off was connected to the sanitary sewer which resulted in the water runoff going to Metro Environmental's ZYeatment Plant when it was not necessarv. IFAPPROVED: water that did not need IF APPROVID: APPROVED: owner's basemen� instead of �rovNr oF �eaxsncTTOx: $2g�,g54.83 COST/REVENOE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� �s xo souxce: Assessments only acrivrrYtv�rn��x: L IlVFORMATION: (EKPLAIlI� 'ropertv owners will be notified of the uublic hearine and charees_ Cousu�7 Rese�rch Gent�r FEB 0 8 1999 :