88-363 WHI7E - CITV Cl_ERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council oG /./� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. u " ✓�+ � BLUE - MAVOR ( Counc 'l Resolution � Iy Present By \ `�/� Referred To / �" Committee: Date °�`°��'�� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , The Mayor , pursuant to ection 10.07 .01 of the City Charter does certify that there are avail ble for appropriation revenues in excess of th�se estimated in the 988 budget ; and WHEREAS , The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1988 Budget : CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 510- FIRE RESPONSIVE SERVICES 35110 Fire Services Charges 6905 Contr . & Donation Outside 0 200. 200. 35114 Smoke Detector Distrib tion 6905 Contr . & Donation Outside 0 12 ,000. 12 ,000. 0 12 , 200. 12 , 200. SPENDING PLAN 510 - FIRE RESPONSIVE SERVICES 35110 Fire ServicesCharges 0355 Fire Fighting Sup lies 0 200. 200. 35114 Smoke Detector Distrib tion 0389 Other Misc. Supp ies 0 12 , 000. 12 ,000. ------ ------- -------- 0 12 , 200 12 , 200. Net Change 12 , 200 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, th t the City Council adopts these _.changes to the 1988 Budget . � � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas o4JG- Nays ������ Fire and S@�fety Services � �o�l=� [n Fav r S.ae+ner 9ern,e�► � Against BY T�.i� �il�tau0 Llfilsen Adopted by Council: Date r� � � Form Approv by City Att ney Certified s d y Counci , cr y BY gy - I i Approv y Mavor: Da :� !�R �i � 19 Approv y yor for S m' i Council AS BY BY _ �: PU67��U1 t�D a a 'V� � V d V t� ✓ i ,., � _;. . . , Cou�cil Research Center �, ����,;�3 A .� � � FEa 1 z �sea �I° 011533 � �Fa�p ancl 4a ety Seryi C?Q DEPARTMENT - (;a r� T r_u dia t�, CONTACT ; . , � ` �?R-fi2:] 7 PHONE � Il1�2 7_19 f�8 � DATE ASSTGN NUMBER FOR ROUT�Nr ORDER: (See everse side.) � o�� lr Department Director � Maqor (or Assistant) �`"� � Fina�tce and l�anagement Services Dir ctar � City Clerk � � Budget Director • �' fz� ��'�' .� City Attorney ; � C���e C� ntant TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAC�ES: lip all locations 'signature.) W ' T G 0 C ? (Purpase/Rati,onale) . � . �o purchase hard wired (ac) fire nd, smoke detectors for distribution. �o purchase fore safety supplies . �'���i��� T AN E SO E ' S C . FEe Z Q " ^ , ���8 ;:�o Budget Impact � ��t����'�'S Oi-���,E ET AC ' CHAR R ED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amouat of Trans$ction: $ 12, 20 . Activity Number: 510-35110 510-351i4 Funding Source: Private Donations. ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attac ents.) 1. (one ) Council Resollutions . t�yr�E'"iCD �� i�G 1/ G � FEB 8 1988 FEB 2 1988 AD2�IINISTRATIVE PROGEDURES _Yes �,No Rules, Regulations, Pr cee�ures„ or Budget �4mendment required? _Yes �No If yes, are they or ti et�ble �ttached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REViE6I �Yes _No Council resol�tion requi ed? Resolution required? ,_Yes _„No _Yes _YNo Insurance required? ` Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes ,�No Insurance attached? � � ��rs ����� i CITY P` ►�AINT P�.UL Bob Long, Chair - �.� ,� �s ��,� ) - • UFFICH F TA� . CITY COUNCIL Janice itettman Tom Dimond . � Co 'ttee Re ort I� . P Finance Mana eme t � Personnel �ommittee. MAR H 7, 1988 , PERS- � - . l :30 1 . Approval of minutes of February 29th meettng. A.ppROVED 1 :35 2. Resolutton approving c ange tn minimum qualificetions for the class of Bridye Crew L ader. �D p�� �p �� 21 1 :45 3. aesolutton changing th rate of pay for Volunteer Coordinator from the ungraded rate in Speciai Employment Sectton to Grade� 1 , _ Section I D 3 in the P ofessional Empioyees Non-Supervisory Ftanges in the Salary Plan and ates oF Compensation Resolution. (Referred from City Councii meetl g February 25) AppROVED � t:55 4. Resotution accepting de isions of the St. Paul Poltce Re1teP Associatton and the St. Paul Fire Reltef Association by reseinding C.F. 87-240� not approving any consolidatton of the satd Assocta- tions with the Public E ployee's Retirement Fund, and instructing appropriate staff to ta e action needed to uphotd thts decision. (Referred from City Cou cil meeting February 1 ! ) AppROVED A$ ArIII�iDF,D FlNANCE a BUOGET _. . : -_� - _ _-. _ :..�.� � �- , _ _ -_� 2:30 � ` `'. �,��,�,i ng $12,200 to the ^, ( , . w .�� ; \ n „ . .,. ��te .Servtces. �� . _ `'�°i- ._.. . �� ,_.__..._ - �-_-_ __i . __ ..___. ,_ _ --._ ___ _ 2:40 6. Resolution amending the 1988 budget by addtng $172,414 to the � 5pending Plan and to tli Financing Pfan-City Attorney's Office. (Referred from City Cou cil meeting February 4) APpROVED 2:55 7. Resolution amending the 1988 budget by adding $Z00�000 to the Financing and Spending lans for Public Health Divfslon - , Removai of Veca�t and H zardous 8uildings Program, and that the NRA $800.000 fund balan e is �eleased and added back to HRA bevelopment Fund. tRef rred from City Counci ) meettc�g February �" lA1 LAID OVER TO r .CH 14 . CITY HALL SEVENTH F OR SAINT PAUI,,MINNE50TA 55102 . � �.ss .