88-362 WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT .i �y/� BLUE - MAYOR File NO• ���� ounci Resolution 13 Presented y � Referred To 1V�� � Committee: Date ������ Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution changing the rate of pay for Volunt er Coordinator in the Salary , Plan and Rates of Compensation,Resolution. RESOLVED, that the rate of ay for the classification of Volunteer Coordinator be changed from the ngraded rate set forth in the Special Employments Section ($7.50 per h ur) to Grade 1, Section ID3, of the Professional Employees Non-Super isory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and b it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in � force on the first pay period af er the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. CQU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Din�ond C E Goswitz [n Favor - Long Rettman _�__ Against �el Sewrwta �1 Sp� MAR 15 1988 Form pproved y ttorney Adopted by C:ouncil: Date , Certified Pass uncil Se ary BY � � B5 . Approv :Vlavor: Date �` ��� � :� 98 Appro d by Mayor for S � ' to Council By � , p r��„-,fY ,. U 8U , . • Counci! Rese�r.c� Gente�i' o ' nne.���� �� u�PAR�M Nr 11�. 0'7234 � FEB 18 �988 �thp�yl Le ,_ CONTACT � �i Z. 298-4221 PHONE - _ 2-2-88 �� DATE ASSIGN NUNBER FOR RQUTING ORDER Cl i Al l Lo ations .for Si nature : � �� _1 Department �irector ` 4 Director of ManagementJMayor.2,� �01�� Finance and Mana nt Services Director � 5 City Clerk �'``"" Z- udg � �r 3 City At.torney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON TNE ATTACHED MATER A ? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Re: Volunteer Coordinator - See attached COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATEp: �'��'E�''t� See attached FEe � � ���8 MA YU��,� ,��=���,� . FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER GED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of "Transaction: quired if under � s10,00Q) Funding Source: Activity Number: . ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : � �C�� 1. Resolutton . 2. Copy for City Clerk RECEIV�� � -FEB � 1988 3. Attachment as noted aboye - , : FE B 8 19$8 6tjD��T t�Fl��CE . � ci �r �rr�►�N�� - DEPARTMENT REVIEW , CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW �Yes No C�ouncil Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Suf�icfent7 Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: � � (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR NSTRUCTIONSj . Revised 12/84 � , � � ���-��� Volunte r Coordinator WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? This resolution will change the rate of pay for the title of Volunteer Coordinator. This ch nge was at the request of the Department of Community Service . It has been determined that this title should be moved into the rofessional Employees Bargaining Unit from the Special Employments Se tion of the Salary Schedule. Special Employment titles are not repre ented by a bargaining unit. Special Employment title salaries are n rmally based on market considerations and include primarily seasonal art-time positions. This position has become full-time. (The cha ge in bargaining unit was accomplished through the 20 day notice process. ) In placing this title into the rofessional Unit, a grade was determined in accordance with t e Professional Employees Standard Ranges. A factor analysis was ompleted using the Q.E.S. System and this resulted in a recommendati n of Grade 1. COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PE SONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: The Parks and Recreation Divisi n of the Department of Community services utilized the help of 3 98 vlunteers in 1987. These volunteers worked 226,968 hours providing a variety of services ranging from coaching athletic eams to maintaining local parks. The benefit to the City of coordina ing these efforts far outweighs any cost to the City. There are th ee positions in this class, all located in the Parks and Recrea ion Division. There is one additional position on contract by the Division of Health. It pays $10/hour. The other three posi ions pay $7.50 per hour. They are all part-time at this time. Th contract position will be combined with one of the three Parks and Recreation positions making it full-time. Cost: Grade 1 base salary is $ 58.50 biweekly or $9.48 per hour. The additional cost for a full ear would be $5096.00. $10.00 - 9.48 — .52 x 2080 hour (contract employee) $1081.60 save $9.48 - 7.50 = 1.98 x 3120 hour (3 part-time employees) $6177.60 adde $6177.60 - 1081.60 = 5096.00 a ded cost in salaries annuall . R � � ��� . ������ ` • CiITY OP' ►�AINT P�.UL Bob Long, Chair . +i , - � OFFICH OF HE CITY COQNCIL Janice Rettman ' ' Tom Dimond � Co 'ttee Report � Finance Maua ement & Personnel Committee. MARCH 7, 1988 . PERSONNEL . 1 :30 1 . Approvai of minutes of F bruary 29th meeting. AppROVED 1 :35 2. Resolutton approving cha ge in minimum qualificetions for the class of Bridge Crew Lea er. L,p;ID pVER Tp MARCH 21 ----.... _____.. _ _._._ __.._.__.__ .. __... _.. __... 3. Res �'• � e r � �� `pec i a l ` mp oyment Se� on to Grede� 1 r � _ ,� 4 . , �e Pr esstonal Employees Non-5upervisory Ranges �� �:� � ���S�M , `�nd R te.s.; • nsation Resolution. (Referred 1'�l���!� �� '�e�`i ������ � ------------- �� _____.______. _��-___.______ -=> � 1:55 4. Resolution accepting de isions of the St. Paul Police Re11ef Association and the St. aul Fire Relief Assoctatton by resclnding C.F. 87-240, not approvi g eny consolidation of the said Assocla- tions with the Public E ployee's Rettrement Fund, and instructing appropriate staff to ta e action needed to uphold this deciston. (Referred from City Cou ci ) meettng February 11) AppROVED AS AMENDED FlNANCE a BUDGET . 2s30 5. Resolution amending the 1988 budget by adding $12,200 to the Financi�g and 5pending lans for Fire Responsive 5ervices. (Referred from Ctty Cou c11 meeting February 25) APPROVED 2t40 6. Resolutton amending the 1988 budget by adding $172,414 to the 5pending Plan and to th Financing Plan-City Attorney's Office. (Referred from City Cou cil meeting February 4) APPROVED 2s55 7. Resolution amenciing the 1988 budget by adding $200,000 to th� Financing and 5pending lans for Public Health Divislon - Removai of Vacant and H zardous Butidings Program, and that the HRA �800�000 fund balan e is released and added back to HRA � Development Fund. (Ref rred from City Counctl meettng February �`� te1 . . _ LAID OVER TO CH 14 CITY HALL SEVENTH F OOR SAINT PAUI.� MINNESOTA SS102 . . . .�.as