88-360 WHITE �,-�- CITY C'vERK PINN• - FItTANC� G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council �j. � CANARV ��PART�NENT J� BLUE -MAVOR File NO. �v �� • ,,�j� r ind CG Ordinance�M,Q. �U �� Presented By � I� � �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �� ��� An ordinance regulat ng the size and time of display of temporary election signs and creating Chapter 30 of the Sa nt Paul Legislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA NT PAUL DOES ORDAIIV: S ction l . That there is hereby cre ted in the Saint Paul Legislative Code a new Chapter 30 to be e titled "Temporary Election Signs" and to read as follows : "30. 01 . Purpose. The ouncil deems it in the public interest to regulate he size and time of display of temporary election igns as it wishes to enhance the appearance of all ections of the city; observes the common historical xperience of the manufacture and useage of such si ns makes them susceptible to vandalism and deterio ation, thus causing litter and debris ; and furth r observes that the display of such signs, unless egulated, has a tendency to distract motorists and so increases the potential for acts of unsafe drivi g. 30.02. Definitions . A temporary election sign is an outdoor display of in ormation concerning an upcoming public election and of a manufacture that is susceptible to rapid deterioration d e to the elements and vandalism or not intended for lo g term use by the information conveyed thereon. 30.03. Regulation of display area. No temporary election sign may exce d 16 square feet on any side nor be designed to have more than two sides. Further , the aggregate area of emporar election signs shall COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng [n Favor Goswitz Rettman scne�be� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , gy By WHITE - CITY C1�-�ERK PINK . _ F�.�►:��. GITY O SAINT PAUL Council p�,��� � CANARV -�DtPAR7lNENT � BLUE -MAVOR File NO. • r �ndnce Ordinance N O. �a � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Oat of Committee By Date �!l7Jg� not exceed 80 square f et on any single lot of land as platted. 30.04. Duration of display. Temporary election signs may only be displayed after filings for office open or 60 days before a primary election, whichever comes first, until one week after a general election. Unsuccessful candidates of a primary election shall cause their temporary election signs to be removed no later than one week after such election. The volunteer or politic 1 committee , however organized, and required by law o ordinance to identify itself in support of a candidate or issue shall be the respons- ible entity for confor ance to this chapter as regards size, display and remo al of temporary election signs. Any sign found in vio ation of this chapter may be abated as a nuisance ursuant to Chapter 45 of this Code. Section 2. This ordinance shall ake effect and be in force January 1 , 1989. 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favo Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnep�.� Wilson JU� — 5 � Form�by City At rney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas ed u ' Secre ry BY By - Approv Mayor: e � '�L �' 7 �,�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY PUBIiSHED J U L 16 1988 . ` ` . , ��'�`�� s r ._ - ,. � • . lt° 013540 , . Cit��eincil DEPARTMENT ' Trnn Di mnnd COAITACT �9�-ssn� PHONE �' March 7� ]988 DATE ASSIGN NUMB$R FE?�L AOUTING ORDER: (See verse side.) ��g� _ Department Director _ Mayor (or Assistant) 3/' ,,�7� _ Financs and �a�geaent Services Dire tor _ City Clerk t _ Budget Director _ _ City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATIIR.E PAC,LES: ( lip all locations for signature.) W C BY G C T C D ? (Purpose/Rationale) • Reduces the time political lawn sig" s would be allowed to remain standing. Aleo limits size and square foot maximum of the signs per lot. O T B N F T BU GET AND ERSO T C T G OIIR D DG T ACTIVITY ER TED: (MByor'8 signature not required if under $10,000.) N/A Tota1 Atnount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Funding. Source: AR"TACHMENTS: (List and number all attac ents.) ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _„Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Pr edures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or ti table attached? AEPART�ENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yss _No 6ouncil resolution requir d? Resolution required? _,Yes �No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? �Yes �No _Yes _,No Insurance att8ched? i 1 '` �lst ...�—�s'—��'' ' ' �� -�,� '���-r(� J 3rd ' Ad pted __ '7��� . Yeas . Nays DIMOND �F �0 : �� O GOSWITZ ��.�7-3 LONG RE SONNEN WILSON � MR. PRESIRFI�i'� CHEIBEL __--�-�-r--�� __ . , ��-��� ' �•.� �7�5� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' INTERDEPART ENTAL MEMORANDUM June 7 , 1988 ,� R��E��� �"�;�� ��N 0 �0 ' ,,�:. TO: COUNCIL MEMBER KIKI SON EN '� �,��� COUNCIL MEMBER ROGEROGO WITZ c�Trc�ERK COUNCIL MEMBER TOM DIMO D FROM: PAUL F. MC CLOSKEY Assistant City Attorney RE : Temporary Election Sign . At the Rules and Policy Co mittee meeting held Friday, June 3 , 1988 , the Temporary Ele tion Sign ordinance proposed by Council Member Tom Dimond was iscussed. . Attached please find a phot copy of the ordinance which has been approved by this offic . I have labeled this document as "A" in the lower right ha d corner. This document consists of two pages � as is apparent•. At the committee meeting a ew page 2 was submitted for your consideration. This document is labeled "B" in the lower right hand corner, consists of on page and a copy is attached for . your review. With regard to document "B' , Section 30. 03 is objectionable as nonconforming to the cas of Baldwin v. City of Redwood, California, that was cited an discussed in my letter to Council Member Tom Dimond of May 16 , 1988 , and a copy of which has been shared with several of ou. Baldwin makes it quite clear � that the municipality may re trict an election sign to 16 sq. ft. and 80 ft. in the aggreg te per single parcel of land under separate ownership. It is no permissible to� enact a restriction based on the number of signs p r campaign per street frontage. • Accordingly, I recommend tha the document labeled "A" remain as is as it is in conformance with the Baldwin case and embodies the constraints that the co rts found permissible in dealing with election signs . I understand that at the ommittee meeting, a question was raised that the proposed ord nance is either inconsistent with and/or duplicative of provi ions of the Zoning Co�e dealing ' ��'�'U/�� . ���� Council Members Sonnen, Long, Goswitz and Dimond Page Two � June 7 , 1988 • with political signs . Chap er 66 (Zoning Code) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code deals paringly with this subject , namely defining them and providing fo a "take down" unit of time . Both provisions are preserve in the draft ordinance and are not inconsistent with the Z ning Code. What the draft does contain and does not appear ' n the Zoning Code are the several constraints , assessments of responsibility, etc. , permitted by Baldwin in the City' s tre tment of temporary e�lection signs . There is no contradiction. Council Member Dimond desired that the draft ordinance be placed in an appropriate section o the Legislative Code and Title V was selected as it deals w th the City` s existing legislation � on elections . Further , a different placement of the draft orclinance was desired as it deals with First Amendment rights and the electoral process whi h, of course , are separate matters of concern from the subject of the Zoning Code. I will be glad to discuss t e matter further with you should you de=_ire . PFM:cg ' Encl . ca : Edward Starr Jane McPeak Albert 01son � . � G�`_��D �'��`�"' °�` CIT�' OF SAI'���PRUL • �4�� �'': • . =• "" • OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY `� i�ulniii ', ; � - " ����l��j�� ' EDWARD P. STARR. CITY ATTORNEY � � ����. 647 City Nall. Saint Paul. Min�esota 55�02 , GEORGE LATIMER RECEIVED 612-?98-5121 MAYOR May 16 , 19 s s MAY 181988 CITY CLERK Council Member Tom Dimond Seventh Floor City Hall Re : Temporary Election Si�ns Ordinance. Dear Council Member Dimond: Pursuant to our discussion f May I6 , 1988 , I have redrafted page 2 of the draft ordinan e submitted to you by letter dated February 29. A photocopy o the redraft is attached and the original has been transmitted o A1 Olson for safekeeping. Three issues were discussed y us and the redraft incorporates t;�ao of them. You desired that the volunteers or political committee supporting a cand ' date or issue be the respansible party for conformance with th ordi.nance and the redraft reflects this . Further , you wanted a mech�nism for removal of the signs should the responsible party ot c��nform , and so I have inserted language making nonconformanc an abateable matter under Chapter 45 . . Lastly, you desired a limitat ' on ��er lot on the number of signs _ p�r candidate and tentatively sugge�sted three in number. �Baldwin � . �s . City of Redwood, Califor ia , 540 Fed. 2d 1360 (1976) has been previously cited to yo as the lead case dealing with .. . a multi-faceted . attempt by a municipality to regulate election signs . This case addressed th ' s issue also. The court in striking down a limi�ation on the aggregate number of signs said that it "restri ts the quantity, of campaign speech by . individuals , groups and candidates and therefore limits . , political expression at the core of our electoral processes , . and of the First Amendment f eedoms . . . . Such a restriction • � � can be upheld only if the g vernmental interests advanced in • its support satisfy the exac in scrutiny applicable to limi- tations on eore of First Amend ent rights of political expression . . . " . (Emphasis supplied) . The City of Redwood tried to justify its aggregate limitation by arguing that it wanted to equalize opportunities of poorer candidates , restrict distraction to motorists , preserve the . � � . ����a ���� Council Member Tom Dimond . Page Two :�ay 16 , 1988 cleanliness and good order o its streets and advance aesthetics. Such arguments failed to impr ss the court. But it did, of course , uph ld a limitation of 80 square feet of signs on a single parcel of land and that is set forth in the ordinance draft. Yours very truly, � PAUL F . MC CLOSKEY Assistant City Attorney PFM:cg Encl . cc : Edward Starr Kiki Sonnen • Bob Long A1bQrt B. Olson WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ����� � CANARY -OEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File O. • Or indnce Or nance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 30. 03 Regulation of display rea. No t mporary election sign may exceed 16 square feet on ny side n r be designed to have more than two sides . Further the agg egate area of temporary election signs shall not exce d 80 sq are feet on any single lot of land as platted. 30.04 Duration of display; r spon ibility for removal. Temporary election signs may nly e displayed after filings for office open or 60 days be or a primary election, whichever comes first, until one week a te a general election. Temporary election signs of unsuccessfu andidates of a primary election shall not be displayed beyond ne week from the date of such election. The volunteer or political c ittee , however organized, and required by law or ordinanc to identify itself in support of a candidate or issue shall e the responsible entity for conformance to this chapte as regards size, display and removal of temporary elec ion igns. Any sign found in violation of this chapte may e abated as a nuisance pursuant to Chapter 45 of this Co e. Se tion 2. This ordinance s all take effect and be in force January 1 , 1989. 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Gosw;tz Rettman s�ne�ne► Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form A ove City Atto y Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY 1 Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to_Cou il By By � WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY O�' SAINT PAUL Council . 360 CANAFY -DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File NO. � O/ indn Ordinance N�.���✓`J � Prese t � � � °�� r Y .�-- j �- ; Referred To a u �' Committee: Date ��� f�� ' Out of Committee By Date An ordi ance regu ating the size and time of display of temporar election signs and creating Chapter 30 of t e Sain Paul Legislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CI Y�OF AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � ` Section l . That there is hereby c e ted in the Saint Paul Legislative Code a new Chapter 30 to be en ' tled "Temporary Election Signs" and to read as follows : , "30.01 . Purpose. The Council deems it in the public interest to reg late the ize and time of display of temporar election igns as it wishes to enhance the ppearance o all sections of the city; observes he common hi torical experience of the manu acture and us ge of such signs makes them susce tible to vandal ' sm and deterioration, thus ca sing litter and ebris ; and further observes t at the display of uch signs , unless regulate , has a tendency t distract motorists and so incre ses the potential fo acts of unsafe driving. �� 30.02. Definitions. temporary election sigr� is an outdoor display of 'nformation concerning an�� upcoming public electi n and of a manufacture that is susceptible to rapi deterioration due to the elements and vandalism or not intended for long ter� use by the information conveyed thereon. '.� ,,\ COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favo Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY O SAINT PAUL F1eci1N0. Qx �6b CANARY -OEPARTMENT i BLUE -MAVOR � • r �ndnce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Cor�mittee By Date �03. Regulation. N temporary election sign mayti�xceed 16 square f et on any side nor be desigiqed to have more han two sides. Further, the ag�egate area of emporary election signs shall not exce�l 80 square f et on any single lot of land as platted�:t,. 30.04. Durati n of di play. Temporary election signs may only b disp ayed six weeks before a primary election on week after a general election. Unsucces u candidates of a primary election shall cause eir temporary election signs to be removed one week �fter such election. �� Sec��ion 2. This ordinance shall t ke effe�t and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, app oval and�`'publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman �be;�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form A ity Attor Adopted by Council: Date r Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By . . WN7TE C��,J TY CI.ERK . ., . ., � g. � ... . . •, .� - � PINK �'�NNANC£" . . .. .. . .:: �.,. . . � CANARY -�OBPARTMENT GITY � OF SA'I�.NT PAUL Councii `� �� � . . .� BLUE �MAVOR - . I'll@ NO. ��T . .. - . ` � .. " Or in�nce Ordinance N O. � Presented By -� �=--� �:- Referred To " Committee: Date � Oat of Committee By • Date � f 3i�.t�. Rt�lstion. 110► t�p�raar�► e3.eatiaa� ai� iny s�sd i8 sq�srs t t +� aay sitl� nor b� � �si�d t� � aore twv s��. l�tt�1".hi��', ; ''t�t ap�rsQtte ar�a o3 ra�► �rlrct�+e�a s#�as �tall . � � n�t e�oc�s�ed tlt� ,�ar� f t +a�n ae�r sie�gle l�t ot i�!-. ._ -, �s �lattiQ.: . , 30.44. t�trat� of di la�• �'f'e�or�ry► tl�ctitin !� , � si�►s s�' +�n1Y� dfapl s�c w� �'e�r+s a � Ari�Ty sl�Cida `'b�p vn�e �1c +aft�er a gs�ra2 ' - sl�lan. d� �d�t.�s of a pri�ary +eie�ie�n s3�a11 ca�ae ir t�ary �2+e�t+� si�us ' to bf ra�red +e� �!t �tr a�t a�i�#.ion. � � r : , � � e� g. � ,_�""� � � . i ± � '!'i�is or9dia�e sb�ll aff �ed 1� in to�t �tis�t� ��O� ' � , � . �rs af'tei' 1t�s pass�lr �i�P snc! �.i+�ttirxi. -.:� j . t , _ 'Y � , r i ... < � ,: ,, _ , .�. � , _. � - . , - _ � : . , ` _ .�� , � .� �' , �` . � . � _ . , �. �..,;:y;.. ' � - � � . . . " i::. � • COUNC'�L MEMBERS : . ; °;. Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond • �� "' In Favor coswitz �. Rettman �be;� Against BY � Soneen -- �Vilson Form Apprcw�d~by�City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �...:,.---'`� � � � � - Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY - � �'Y , By _. ' Approved by Mayor: Date _ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � , �"' - By , , _ BY � �_� - - — . y��,�,,,�, - � ' Members: G�,_�0 � ''- �' - ' Bill Wilsvn, chair /�� � .,";�\���'' -r r` E' �'; � -1 r� , �I'1 Y U� �t'�YN 1 �AUL Tom Dimond } � _�_ t �' �'-t -t9 :'f.' OFPICr OB` !1_`HE CI�L`1'' COUNCIL Kiki Sonilen a��Y,�-,�K���' , �Y\'R Date: �1Pzil 14, 198 WILLIAM L. WILSON r -y� MARK VO�RDING �)0111]Cilm��n V��1 ' ittee Peport Lec:islativeAide To: Saint Paul City Gounci Fro��n : Housing and Econ mic Dev�lopn�ent Committe� E3ill Wilson, Ch�ir ;�f 1. Ordinance amendi_ng Cliapter 60 f ttle St. Paul I,egislative (:ode pertain:i.;ig to Zoning l;e�ul_atio� s. (ad�il_C—type uses) COrtr1ITTLE RECOrIitiIENllEU API'f:OV/1L �1S t11�lEND1:1) 2. Ord-:t�t�,uce amending the Legis.la ive Code t�y adding ,8�aet�pter 30 . pe a,,�iug to the size and Cim of display of renipvlc��� Elec'�ion Si���� COMt4I'TTEE R�ERR�D T0'' ,�S At�°�'P4d,ICY `��TTEE � 3. Resolution approving the appointments by the P•Iayor oL Roililie }�rooks, Maggie Sch:•;ictitenberg, Kathleen Ldallace, a.�d Dr. Jaries Peterson to serve as members of t}ie Downtow 1Ziverfrotrt Cotrimi5sion. CO�I?1ITTF.E RECO�IENDLD APPKOVAL 4. Kesolution approving tlie appoin ment b}� tl�e Tlayor of Craig Rafferty to serve as a member of tl�e iiei-ita ;e Preset�vati_ori coinmission, term to expire December 31, 1988. COrl[°tT'I."1'EE R�COi•I�ILNUEll APPROVAL 5. Resolution sett:in�; a timel.ine w'thin the year 1958 to cease training operations of all tiel_ico�>ters a Hol.rn<in Field and to _;eeic a perr,lanent home at a secoiidary airporC . C i1�ll'TTEL' REC;OPII�iL.Nll1�D APF'KOt'AL AS �i�NDED CITY HALL SF�VEI`1TH FI.OQR SAtN1' I'AsJL, 1tilINNF,SCTA SSIfJ2 612l29F-�64fi �!�.n e � ����� �7��� Members: �iITY OF ►.5~AINT PAUL Kiki Sonnen, chair e�ll�ll f� Roger Goswitz OFFICE OF HE CITY COUNCIL Bob Long Staff: KIKI SONNEN Joe Hannasch, Research Councilmember Terri Byrne, Secretary MOLLY O'ROURKE Jane McPeak; Attorney Legislative Aide Rules and Policy C mmittee Report The following action was taken at he Rules and Policy Committee meeting of June 17, 1988: 1• O�dinEa�ce regulating the size nd time of display of election campaign signs and creating a Chapter 3 of the Legislative Code. Passed out of committee, as ame ded, on a 3 ayes 1 nay vote; Councilmember - Sonnen dissenting. 2. Motion was ma e to change the J ly 15th meeting to July 22nd. and to cancel the July 1 meeting for 1 ck of a quorum. Motion carried. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 s aa � �_„w,.�.- F� < ,,�,;,a,r , � , - .�.. �-1 _` _. . �.,, .z�o �^ t'�`w ..y,.. � a � . � ' r�.,,�,�,;,,* �-.. 'L*.. r����„�i.L S'�+F.���,t �`c.�...�w .:�. '°`_w _ �a��w. t��f, .�.�. ,. . ,.. 7L '� .y�.� �.:_.,` 5�� I � r � �t . r. ,cs- '_ �-. _` ,^.."b...^ _ e^"�'. ` Z . _ _ V1�'.i��,}.-., �.,�,�v`�'A°'�r"Tr"r .. . _; Pt�` �:� y �"��Fa a M-* _ Ass- fi �Y.aw-:la� F � '- ?�.. ` � .,� .ax,� � ' -� 1� ''� .� 1r`� '"�w: � :: r'r'�r.io, ,� �y ��� ;. --k.�`^�'� a�.�-�:�� - � �--°' .::. �. �, """ .G�. 't'�+.N�e . , ,-_�... °., " . <. . �"�c�. '� . � . �r � _ . , ti� _. .... .Y. �X" �� ,t �_� � . .�_ . - � . �...Y . i'w.. ...�dif�§r 1-. ,�� �Ad-i4'`y�cy.���I�.���t �sy�.�ye,�'� . . . . ��.h- . .'_ ?k Y'+e �' � � _ �. V �.�. . �....�" I .� �� '� ' .�a � �. t ... . . . :�i} �i��'�-} . .: . -..�.,�. T � � ...s. .�^a�`--� xaxs��.:. . 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