88-340 WHITE - CITV CLER PINK - FINANCE COLLflCIl (}y/y� BLUERV - MAVORTME T G I TY OF � SA I NT PALT L File NO• •�v ���� Counci Resolution �.� Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of C mmittee By Date EREAS , Robert ' s Fruit Tree , d/b/a Plum' s , located at 480 S . Snelling Avenue , Sain Paul , Minnesota, made application to th City Council for per ission to expand the business area licens for on-sale intoxic ting liquor sales and requested that he City Council modify he off-street parking requirements specified in Section 409. 08(11 (e) ; and EREAS , the applicant ' s proposed expansion of liquor servic area wotzld require vroviding of an additional 61 off- street parking spaces under t e provisions of Section 409 . 08(11 ) ; now, t erefore , �e it R SOLVED, that the Counc ' 1 of the City of Saint Paul having duly onsidered the request for expansion of on-sale liquor licens service area and mo ification of parking requirements , and ha ing found and determine that granting of such modification would have a substantial det imental impact on the surrounding neighb rhood, does hereby den both the application for modifi- catio of the off-street park'ng requirements and further denies the a plication for expansio of the liquor service area to the pa io as specified in the pplication; and, be it F RTHER RESOLVED, that he City Clerk shall mail a copy of t is resolution to the applicant, the license inspector and t e zoning administrator. COUNCIL ME BERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Favo Goswitz �b�'be� � Against BY Sonnen Wilson � —� '��8 Form Ap ove y City ttorney Adopted by Coun il: Date Certified Yas e y ncil Sec ar By By - A►pprov Nlav r: �ate • � ,� � � � � Ap oved y Mayor f Submission to Council By B PUBlISNED ���r�l\ 19 988 ����� . � � LV° 013408 � . � . - - - - - - DEPARTI�IENT • CQNTACT PHONE � _ DATE S G 0 (See r erse side.) _ Departm t Director _ Mayor (ar Assistant) _ Finance nd Management Services Dire or _ it Clerk _, Budget rector _ _ City At rney TO ( ip all locations f signature.) W V B T o c ? CPurPoseJRationale) ; �#�►�s ��J'o4�►r.� �l�u`t '�t�- c�e���"�:'�x/ ,��,. �/�r� :r �ib .st�(��' � '��:tl 1� ,e0�. � �. o��•.• c,c.«► �. �d ��' �•�d�J � � / • ��, ,�t� o� ,�.. Cc,�- �c� r��j � /ir 1,( Z.-�6-�,F•� C BEN U Y A D E S C T �0 G'�� /� � s 9�P�, ��,.c� � �� ���t N CI UGT V RC D ED: �`�°I► (Mayor's si ature not required if under 10,000.) � Total Am t of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Funding S rce: ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attae ents.) AD T T OCE U S _Yes No Rules, Regulations, Pr edures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes No If yes, are they or ti table attached? DE AR NT V W CITY ATTORNEF ItEVIEW _Yes o Coartcil resolution requi d? Resolution required? _Yes _No � _Yes o Inaurance required? Insurance suf£3cient? �Yes _No Yes o Insurance attached? . ���-3�`0 , 9�»U"°` CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,�� t1T• O� �~0� ��� ;; � OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY � iiii�i iii' >?� '?m 1--L „ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY "°`�,,..��`� 647 City Nall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIME MAYOR RECEIVED Februar 17 , 1988 FEB 18 1988 CITY CLERK Albert . Olson City C1 rk 386 Cit Hall Dear Mr Olson: The Sa'nt Paul City Council at its meeting on February 16 , 1988 , oted to deny the app ication of Robert ' s Fruit Tree , d/b/a lum' s , to expand the on-sale liquor service area and modify he required off-street parking requirements as specified in Sect on 409 . 08 of the Saint aul Legislative Code and requested that t e City Attorney prepa e a resolution formalizing this denial . The enclosed resolutio , if adopted by the City Council , would eny the applications f r the expanded service area and modific tion of off-street park'ng requirements. Yo s v ey truly J . L s sta t ity Attorney JJ :cg cl . cc : Lic nse Inspector ^ , /��� I ;�'�/��`" ,, I / /_� ,� . � �� � , t � �� �-, - �' ��' � �n� . � I 1 �' ��'-,�vL--_. ' j `� ` �� 'AUL I TY� C 0 UN� IL City Clerk K� IN� NO �ZCE 386 City Ha 1 LL� �NSE PI�ZCA�ZON F � '�' �'lO. LP LUM Dear Proper y Owner , * Request for a Pat�o Permit pjJR�P Q S - --, � �;-, � J �P�!C � Robert's Fruit Tr e, Inc. DBA Plum's � T Q C�,lZ � 480 South Snellin Avenue ��I� T January 6, 19 8 9:00 a.m. City Council. C ambers, 3rd Lloor City Hall - Court House By License and Per�ait Division, Departmeut ot Finance and �O�T C�. S •�T Kanagement Se 'ces, Room 203 City Hall - Court ?ouse, Saint Paul, � � esota 298-5056 This date may be changed withou the consent and/or knowledge of the License nd Permit Division. I is suggested that you ca11 the City Clerk' s ffice at 298-423I if y u wish confir�at�on. � / � y ' // � I �" , � rr� -' �'�' � � �O DIVISION 0 LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINIST TION DATE / INTERDF.PAR FNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received y Lic Enf A�,d Applicant e � -��C��--�r-�c.-� Home Address �L�.(�j �j-�-��,�,,_. t�� -�Y�� h�--{-a��`k F- Rusiness N me�',;�n5 Home Phone Gj3 J - ,39 �O Business A dress ��(� ��., , S�. � Type of License(s) _ Business P one �C('� - a�a '1 �'���1 ��,�,.�,`�- Public Hea ing Date . � . ��j - License I.D. 4{ t '"�,�� � at 9:00 a. . in the C uncil Chambers, 3rd floor ity Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4t 3 3 Q�jS� $ llate Notic Sent; Dealer 4� �tF}- to Applica t Federal Firearms 4� {� '� Public Hea ing (� l 'j�Iq'1 � � a- - - a - 0►5 - - DATE INSPEC ION REVIE VERFIED (CO UTER) COrIlKENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D n � 1\'� � ^ Health D'vn. ' � 'a � � I � Fire De t. � � � �� � I Yolice ept. I ►� 1� License Divn. � � �� ► City At orney � I Date Received: Site Plan � � To Council Research `2/���,�� Lease or ett Date from Land ord (� . d W � , v AMERI CAFE 480 SOUTH SNELLING • T. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55105 Lice se and Permi.t Division 203 ity Hall St. aul, MN To om It May Concern: Robe t's Fruit Tree, Inc. � d A Plum`s Neighborhood Bar and Cafe would formally like to equest a hearing by the St. Paul City Council regarding e extension of our liquor lice se to include our outsi e patio. ely, , Sc Zahren Niana er SZ:d w � � � � o � rn � � C�7 r`�N �� C'� � '�C "~'rn �Q =' — _-� O � N ' . •, ��` j v� CITY O SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTME TAL MEMORANDUM DAT : December 23, 1987 T0: Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector FRO : Rich Jents Deputy License Inspector RE: Patio License / Plum's, 48 South Snelling On ctober 6, 1987, a petition fo a Patio License was submitted by Sco t Zahren of Plum's, 480 South Snelling. P1 's petition listed 63 signatu es of the 70 residents/property owners wit in the 200 feet radius. The 3 signatures obtained gives them the nec ssary 90 percent. For y-five of the 63 were verifie by phone or in person. Three attempts to erify was made by Barb, Denve , and myself at various times of the day night, and weekend. However, we were unable to contact all 63. �� P C�n� ',j 4�U . / r,���:;,.�� CITY OF SAINT PAULI/ �o^ �� DEPART ENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � i. i�� Q ,� „ DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION 'q ���� Room 203, City Hali Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor Dec mber 23, 1987 Rob rt W. Sabes Plu 's 480 South Snelling Avenue Sai t Paul, MN 55105 Dea Mr. Sabes: I h ve been informed by Ms. Wend Lane, the City of Saint Paul Zoning Spe ialist, that you must provid 61 off-street parking spaces prior to obt ining approval of your reque t for an extension of your liquor se ice. At he January 6, 1987 public he ring before the City Council, you will hav one of the following three ptions: 1) Provide proof of 6 parking spaces. 2) Obtain modificatio. of the parking requirement. 3) Withdraw your appl cation I h ve enclosed a copy of Saint aul Legislative Code 409.08 for your inf rmation. Sin erely, � � Jos ph F. Carchedi Lic nse Inspector JF /lp en losure � ', . �;�,I . �-.,� ��� � . �` ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� INTERDEPART ENTAL MEMORANDUM De ember 23, 1987 ei; � � � o `-�= .�. crn-s r"'�,_... T0: Joe Carchedi, License Insp ctor w �'O,? ..v 1 �'" �' .c'��". FR : Wendy Lane, Zoning Special st � � --+ CC c RE: PZums' Patio License Reque t � ;c 480 S. Snelling Avenue — Sec ion 409.08(11)c. of the Sain Paul Legislative Code specifies tha when an area licensed for i toxicating liquor is expanded, one off-street parking space for each 45 square feet of patron flo r area is required, in addit on to 25 percent of any parking sho tfall for the existing licen ed area. The proposed patio at Plums woul be 2,025 square feet, which would req ire 45 off-street parking sp ces. In addition, 16 off-street par ing spaces would be required as 25� of the existing parking sho tfall. Therefore, Plums mus provide 61 off-street parking spa es or obtain a parking modif cation as described under Sec ion 409.08(11)e. before thei patio license could be approved. /kr �.:;;�.,iu _ oR[�IM�rron , a�rEr.an /. nn�c�xw.etra, _ . � '.� � , � ���i� :O�t�f1�9 i J`�eep�h F. . or��r wa�croA � w�va+�or+�sruam � �x$'' _ � Fwwce a�awa+r s�av�cm ora�cron crtr c�c � ra. � ewoEr o�eron � �� , . Firfarioe & 298-5056 ; or�: — G„��„� — Requ�est for '1 appra�ra.7. fc�r an on Qf l,i+�u�r �r�ive. (p�tio) . !� , n�ll�sll�►7u�ls: Ul a�lR1) conNC� �on'r: vuwwlca� 4ivn_sEav�c�w�asooN . o�TE w on�our �u+�Lrsr rr+or+E No. .��ONIqO CW�NAIBSroN � ISD 82s SGi00L�D . . � . �� . � . . j� arn� aaarEn c,o��sqw ��s �oo�wPO.nooc-0+ r�ro ro cart�r �r�rrtue� _ �Foa�ooL n�o. _�oe�ac�oo�* o�srrocr� „�� aurPOnrs w�icw cot� � IIBIA'Ii10 MO�LlAI.M/UE. Mlho.M�het.When.wlwre�WhY): ; . . � Mr. Sabes, c� t3ehal.f.Of Imbert`3 �`ivit , Inc. D8A Pl�r's �� 480 St�. ���;�, �.� ragu�ting , of tY�e ' liquor .serv�ive to incluae ttye outsid�.pa�.i.o. M�'. �s wi11 be ixa p��ou3 d�e proof of 61 . spat�es �r�d,/ar c�rGain a'modi�ica��c�n of : ' the �rkiri5 ts=-froi�t�-the"Cit�r.' il. _ .�s+wc+��t�o�t�,. a�rwr. ; _ .. Mr. Sabe� has sukxrui.tted the �equired pet�i. ' .� TY�e Li.oer�e and Pe�ntEt D3visicm has me�e their v+e�ifi tiaon. Mr. Sabea has the 90$ �1 frcm p�operty v�mers and _ r�ider�ts.w� ��00 feet of th�e pa:tio ` _ , �I�OY�i��lww. sc vw�om): _ . _ _ , _ If Mr. Sabes' t is apgroved, he will �1lvhaed tc� serve �nt�oacic�t3,r�g liquar a�.�cx�g ` with t,t�e menu p�resently serves o� the o. Tf Mr. Sabe�' req�est is c�3.ed, .he wiil n�ot be: . tc7 �sv+e int�axi.cating liqt�r w3.th the n�u he``p�eser�tly �erve.4 on ttye pati,c� area. a.�: , co„s .. _ _ . _ _ _ . ��:;� Mara�rn�r►s: _ Avt�t.�Ae � ti.Ve NTox'k : ��� � � � ' � � _ _ , =� Y': • :Fr, � § 9.Q'j -;4t � . � LEGISI.aTNE CODE -:;�K ��"�- ;k;�,�;,. than to persons wi�o are seated t tables; � `�. � (2) No liquor shall be sold or furaished for an�� - . P��ded, that the licensed estab i s h m e n t „� is in conformance with the Minne ta Clean p�°'�w h a t ever t o any person under nin Indoor Air Act. �(19)years of age or to a habituai � ard or to one obviously intoxicated�, .i �_;: ) It is unlawful for any such establ h m e n t, �Y Pei'son to whom s u c h s a l e i s r o h i b i d i rectly or indirectlq, to sell or se e intog- P �� by any law of this state or this chapter �. icating liquors as provided in subp ph The provision.s of this subsection shall appiy��� (1) above without having first ob ' ed a ��Persons whether or not licensed under''". sPecial license therefor. Such speci license this chapter. In defense of any prosecutioa '`' may be issued bq the council for a eriod af for a violation hereunder, the defendant one year and for wiiich the fee shal be two �Y establish by competent evidence that hundred dolIars ($200.00). Applica 'on for he has made an investigation of the statiyg=. said special license shall be mad to the of such person's age by complying with the ' council in the same manner as app 'cation P��ures and requirements established-` for other licenses to sell intoxicatin liquor bY �te statutes or by the regulations es-�"; are made. tablished by the state liquor control com- : (c No consumptiorc or display when pro ibited �ioner or in lieu thereof, if such statut� ;: No rson sha1l co or regulations do not exist, the defendant', nsume or display or all con- may establish bq competent evidence that�+ sum tion or display of liquor upon the p ��9 4 . of on-sale licenses at any time when the sale of he has made a bona fide carefui investiga_ '.` '• su liquor is not permitted, tion of the status of such person's age and ' has determined, upon evidence sufficient (d) Private Christmas parties Notwit �g to convince a cazeful and prudent person, any ther provision of the Legislative C e, the that such sale is not a violation of this licen e holder of premises having an an- le Ii- section. Suc}i evidence shall be considered j cens may once a year during the Christm sea_ in determining whether the defendant is ;R son ve a private party at no charge to the ests guilty or not guiltp af any violation of this ` ' after the lawfui ciosing hours; provided, at a section._ writt n request for said partq is submitted o the lice inspector thirty(30)days prior to th pro_ It shail be-uniawful to permit any person posed date of the party; and provid� f her, �der the age of ninetesn (19) to loiter or that o sales as defined by law of intoxi ting re�n in rooms wi�ere intoxicating liquor liquo or nonintoxicating malt liquor sh 11 be ar��xicating mait liquor is being sold or made at or during said party. 'I'he inspector shail �r°� �ess accompanied by his parent notify the chief of police of the date of eac pro- or guardian, posed arty. (Code 1956, § 308.20; Ord. No. 16815, 7-2 -81; (3) No sale shall be made in any piace or in Ord. o. 17037, 6-30-83; Ord. No. 17162, 9-2 .84) p� of a building where such sales are . prohibited by state law or this chapter. �' '�' ��a�O��ne�Y• f4) No person under eighteen(18)years of age All 1 censees hereunder are hereby requir to �� be employed in any rooms constitut- observ the following regulations; provided, ow- 1��e place in which intoxicating liquors ever t at any such regulation which specifi 1y aze sold at retail on-sale, except that per- refers an on-sale licenses shall not bin an 9O� �der eighteen (18)years of age may ! off-sale licenses, nor shall any regulation w 'ch be employed as musicians or to perform the �- sPecifi y refers to an of�sale licensee bin an duties of a busboy or dishwashing services :�. on-sale licensee: in pIaces defined as a restaurant or hotel `rs or motel serving food in rooms in w�ich (I) sales shall be made in full view of the �� p blic. intofficating liquors aze sold at retaiI on- � �e �'. 2178 �: �`� .. F'c' Yr � "'" LICEI�ISEB �f'." �409.08 'ai.shed for any;��: �n under nin�::.;�,- (5) Every licensee is hereby made re onsible (9) No person shall remain in or loiter in the iabitual drt�k¢`: for the conduct of his place of b ' ess and parking lot of an on-sale licensee after the oaicated or �"� required to maintain order and so riety in lawful closing hour. to �.: e�P�hibited �x:- such place of business. this c�apter, ��_ (6) No licenses shall kee (10) When a licensee is notified by the police on sha11 apply ,,:� P� P�ss or operate, department that a parade will be held within or permit the keeping, possession r opera- one blcek of the licensee's establishment, Icensed under �':. tion of, on any licensed premises in an 3'P�secution Y all beer and all intogicating liquor or liq- he defendant �'°Om adjoining the licensed pre ses any uid of an , slot machine, dice or an Y tYPe sold during the entire day vidence that Y gamblin device of said parade shall be sold onl or apparatus, nor permit any g mblin Y in plastic of the status g or paper containers. In addition, upon re. �iIIg with the �re���'"hett�ex'or not licensed by state), ceiving such notice,the licensee shail place s estabIished nor permit the licensed premises or any a person at each entrance and each e�t of room in the same or in any adjoini g build- gulations es- ing directly or indirectly under ' control �e establishment at least one hour prior control com- to be used as a resort for prosti utes or tO�e t�me of parade, and the licensee shall ��s��� other disorderi requu'e a person to remain at those loca- ie defendant Y P�ans, except at pull- tions until one hour after the parade, to vidence that �bs and tip-boards may be sold on 'censed . premises when such activi e�� that patrons do not enter or eaii il investiga_ tY is lice ed by with besr or intoxicating liquor. the state pursuant to il�linnesota S atutes, �n�g �e �d Chapier 349, and conducted p ant to (1I} T1� ahall be :e sufficient regulations contained in this Le slative p�� � � �� � ient person, Code. This exception shall not app to es- spr�t ���� � �� �' � tion of this par3�iag s�mcee f�r all on-saie prem- � considered �blishments licensed by the city for the isse�a�pmvided}�ein; sale of nonintoxicating malt beverag s,non- efendant is intoxicating malt beve a- T�aasfer a� aew issuaaee to a struC:' �tion of this ���d wi e, and nonintoxicating mait beverages wine ��Y�cted t�o�tiist pnrpose, as menu items only. a�stteet par�iug at the rate of oae ' any person Notwithstanding other provisions f this ��f����°e�`���feet'' to loiter or Legislative Code to the con /���a�' ting liquor cil ma �'�' th coun- b. 1�'ansfer or new issuance to an e.�cist- y permit an on-sale licensee o per- ing structure not previously licensed in�sold or mit the holding of a single event,su h as a his pazent banquet, that includes the sale o ra$le for on-sale purposes,off-street pazking tickets as a part of the event activi at the rate of one space for each forty- ; pro- five (45) square fest oi licensed patroa ilace or in �d�� that such events are sepazat from area minus the number of off-street park. saies are the public areas of the licensed e blish- ing spaces which would be r � ment, nor open to ti�e general publ , and ��d for �apter. the raffle conducted by a charitabl or a- �e previous use of the same area under ars of age nization licensed by the State of ' �� �e e��g ZO�g c°de provisions.Ex- constitut- �g Parking wiuch previovsly served (7 No dancing wherein the public parti pates, the same area shall not be counted to ig liquors and no dancin sin mest the re uiremenrs unless an are that per- g� �+�or other vau eville � y exhibitions or entertainment shall per- in excess of what would have been re- 'age may mitted on the premises of any on-s e li- q�'� for the previous use. No addi- rform the censee unless s-uch y � tional o$=streeL par$ing sbajj be requu�ed ;services ���� li � for entertainment, if the number of additional spaces re- or hotel quired is five(5)or fewer spaces. ia whic�. (8) The license issued to said licensee� be �,. F�xpan�ion of licensed area, off-street �etail on- Posted in a conspicuous place in tha por- parking at the same rate as transfer or tion of the premises for which tiie li ense new issuance to aa e.xisting structure has been is.sed, not previously licensed for on-saIe pur- 2179 `:� �� �J� .. ±A��� ;. -f 4;..' �� � 1 • �•��: y„ �^i�.. , . �....s�::'. - §409.08 LEGISI,aTnTE CODE °7:` • P�es, Plus twenty-five (25) ercent of '`' ~°. �Y P�'�g shortfall for th e the event par�ng pr�blems ' �x; licensed area. "Parldng s h �� the council may consider �"` �`�. mean the difference between ne space adverse action Pursuant to t�h� `�`'C< for each fo ���u'es set forth in Chapt�r 3� rty-five (45) s feet of this Code.Such adve�e act�� patron floor area for the • ii� include area minus the number of paz. • � T��B the lice . actually provided for that are , do one or more of the follo ' ` � '' � d. "Patron area" shall mean to include (i) Provide more off-street � all areas used by the public, and ex- (ii) Produce the usable fl�� ; cludes all areas used exciusivel by�_ (iii) Reduce patron capacity(�a ; ployees for work,storage o�.o� ing or bar area), ' e.- D� ��� ' odific�tioa of� • �e� (12) When an e:risting building is conve ��- � Y' T�� �out��eil may m on-sale intoxicahn li uor ��'r �Y e � g q purposes, ; . street par3ciag req� t�con- ing off-street pazking facilities whic,h se�I ' tained in this sei:tion �_ the building shall be provided with a•v�;:"` c�#ioa made for that purp se and sual screen where the parl�ing facili upon findin tY a�q`� 8s made by the ouncil Jo� or abuts across an a11ey any residea: that granting of such mo ' cation �a1 use or residential zonin de would not have a substan a1 d�t_ g ��'The". screen shall be between four and one-half. rimental impact on the �d_ (4i�z)and six and one-half(6'.�z)feet in heigbt ing neighborhood. \Rodifica ion, if and of sufficient density to visuall se r granted, shall be by res lution rate the parking facility from the adjace�� adopted by at least five (5 affir. residential use district,'I'�e�.�n may c�. mative votes. sist of various fence materiais ` 2• The council shall consider e ap- plant materiais or a combination�ther�e�:.;- Plication at a public he ' g fol- Access by patrons to the parking facility owing mailed notice Lhereof pi,op. from an adjacent alley should generallq be erty owners within three h dred prohibited. � fif�y (350) feet of the prop ed lf_ (Code 1956, § 308.23(1)—(10); Ord. No. 17015, censed premises. The counci may 4-28-83; Ord. No. 17043, 8-9-83; Ord. No. 17173, require,by resolution,the pa ent 10-23-84; Ord. No. 17321, § 2, 12-31-85; Ord. No. of an ad.ministranve proce�i f� 17368, § 1, 6-24-86; Ord. No. 17436, 3 1, 2-24-8'n for parking mod�cation ap lica- tions. Applications and fees shall Sec. qOg,pg_ Certa�n��conduct prohibited, � be made to the license insp or. 3- In granting any modif catio , the The following acts or conduct on licensed prem- council may attach reasonabl con- ises are unlawful and shall be punished as pro. ditions regazding the locatio , d� �ded by Section 1.05 of the Saint Paui Legisla- sign, chazacter and other fea � tive Code: of the licensed structure and az.�_ (1) To employ or use any person in the sale or ing area deemed necessary fo the service of alcoholic beverages in or upon protection of the adjacent n igh- the licensed premises w�i1e such person is borhood. ��o��or���a� 4- �'street modifications shall re +�ostume or cloth- with licensed premises so lon � ing as to expose to view a�y partion of the female breast below the top of the azeola or �e characteristics of the lice ed of any portion of the pubic hair, anus, cleft establisiiment remain unal In of the buttocks, vulva or genitals, \ 2I80 � • '� . i � �.U� C I TY C 0 UN C IL �i�y Clerk 386 �lty Hal HE ING NO TI C E RECEIVED LI �ENS � PLICATION JAN 141988 CITY CLERK �� � Dear Propert Owner: FZLE NO. LPLUM Mr. Robert Sabes on behalf of Robe.rt's Fruit Tree, Inc. DBA Pltun's at 48 South Snelling, will be requesting the P�P Q� City Council to 'fy the off-street parking requir�nts. This m�dificati is needed to allaw Mr. Sabes to obtain approval of his equest for an extension of liquor service to the patio ar 1�PPLIC T Robert's Fruit ree, Inc. DBA Plum's LOCATI N 480 South Snell'ng Avenue February 16, 988 9:00 a.m. ��I� City Council ambers, 3rd floor Citp Hal.l - Court House By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance and NO T I C E. S NT �nagement Se ices, Room 203 City Hall - Court House, Saint Paul, nesota 298-5056 This dat may be changed withou the consent and/or knowledge of the License nd Permit Division. I is suggested that you call the City Clerk' s ffice. at 298-4231 if y u wish confirmation. , � Dis 'ct 14 Comm ty Council Serving the acalester-Groveland and ndolph Heights neighborhoods of Saint Paul �ebru ry 11 , 1987 Jim S hiebel , President ' St. P ul City Council . City all . St. P ul, MN 55102 Dear im, This is to advise the Licens Committee of the City Council of our o ganization' s opposition to the application by Plums , 476 Sout Snelling , for a modification of the city ' s parking requirement for extension f their liquor license to their outdo r patio. The c ty' s current parking re�uirement for expansion of licensed areas dates back to 1984 . The requirement that parking be provi ed both for the new ar a and 25� of the license holder' s "parking shortfall" came a out after months of community , Plann ng Commission and City Council meetings on liquor license matte s. The idea was that liquor license holders should not expand their businesses unl ss they begin to take care of any parki g problems already in e istence. Plums is seeking to serve liq or on their patio, an area that can seat t least 50 customers . They presently seat 100 people . This s a significant expansi n- even though it would be for only a few months of the year. Based on the square footage f the building and the patio, the Zonin Administrator has dete mined that city code requires Plums to p ovide 61 parking spaces to expand their liquor service to the p tio. Plums has no park ng at all. In fact , the business has a parking deficit of 4 sp ces. (The previous owner built the patio on top of their parkin lot which displaced four parking spac s . City code requires that these parking spaces be repla ed. ) 320 SOUTH RIGGS STREET • SAINT PAU , MINNESOTA 55105 • PHONE 612 698-7973 � ,��-� �v City ode does provide fo modification of city parking requi ements providin� su h modification rould not have a detrim ntal impact on the sur ounding neighborhood. It is clear that he neighborhood aronnd lums already suffers from serious parkin problems. A 1985 stu y, in fact, determined there to be a parking shortfall of 200 sp ces in the Randolph—Snelling area. There c„rtainly is no �ust fication for increasing the gap betwee parking required" and "parking provided" by 61 spaces. , It se ms clear to us that it is very likely that incressing Plums' seating capacity from 00 to 150 Will indeed aggravate an alread serious parking proble . Further, there is absolutely no vay t at the applicant can p ove the proposed expansion of his liquo license vill not h ve a detrimental impact on the surrou ding neighborhood. We be ieve the burden should be on the applicant and not on a neighborhood already burden d with the overflow parking of neighb ring businesses. We hop that you wil], deny thi application. Sincer ly, � � �-�"� /� "�-- � - ) � �� / Tom Ra ser , resident Distri t 14 Community Council � + , ,� �� � �-��J ;, • . .'' .��, ��_� #409.0 �� „n•�,.s i ;, GLSL.�TIVE CODE . .z;: �::.. ; poses, plus twen -fiv ` �^�,� tY e (25) perc nt of the event par3cing probleaLy . '��;''. . �Y P�'�g shortfall for the e ' 'ng the council may consider r� =*��r licensed area "Par�ng shortfall" 1 f%'�: mean the difference between one ace �Ve��on pur�u�t t0�e�'�`p�,. '=:':.`P;: . for each fo cedures set forth in Chapt�r g10. - ,• rty-five (45) square f t of this Code.Such advezse action patroa floor area for the e�sting • ns� inciude requiring the lice ^ area minus the number of par�ng do one or more of the follo � 2� �'�`o..,;. actually provided for that area (i) vide more off-street���� "Patron area" shall mean to in ude paz��" ' all areas used by the public, an ex_ �'�"-� (�' Produce t usable floor , (iii) patron capaci 5�.� ciudes a11 areas used esciusively b em- �'��G. � ployees for wor storag ing or baz area). � -�. � �, e or og'ice ace. , � Modification of parking requi�.em ts: ��� �en an e.Yistin buildin is conve �j � 1• The council ma mo � g �f4� Y dify the of;- an-sale intoaricating liquor purposes, e�sy;-� street pazking requirements on- �8 off-street pazking facilities which serve � tained in this section upon a pli- �the building shall be prnvided with a v�:" � cation made for that purpose nd sual screen where the paziQng facility a�� upon findings made by the co cil joins or abuts across an ailey any residea.� that granting of such mudi{ca ion tial use or residentiai zoning district'�e' ve a substanti t_ screen shall be between four and on�� ntal im act oa the surro nd. (4'.�z)a.nd six and one-half(6�z)feet in height - 1�lodificatio if and of sufficient density to visuaily sepa.' granted, shall be by resolu 'on rate the pazking facilitq from the adjacent adopted by at least five (5) u_ residentiai use di,strict,'�e�.�n map c�. ( mative votes. sist of various fence materials, earth berms, \ 2- The counciI shall consider the plant materials or a combination thereof.. P- plication at a public hearing oi_ Access by patrons to the pariting faciIiiy lowing maijed notice thereof to p p. from an adjacent alley shouid generally be erty owners within three hun ed prohibited. fifly (350) feet of the proposel li- (Code 1956, § 308.23(1)—{10); Ord. Yo. 1 i 01�, censed premises. The council ay 4'28-83; Ord. Yo. 17043, 8-9-83; Ord. No. 17I73, require,by resolution,the paytz nt 10-23-84; Ord. No. 17321, § 2, 12-31-85; Ord. No. of an administrative processing e� 17368, § 1, 6-24-86; Ord. Yo. 17436, 3 1. 2•24-8� for parking modification appli a- tions. Applications and fees sh I �c- 409.09. Cert.�in seaual conduct prohibited. be made to the license inspecto . 3• In granting any modification t e The following acts or conduct oa licens�d prem- council may attac}i reasonable�c n- ises aze unlawful and shall be punished as pro- ditions regazding the location, e_ �ded by Section 1.05 of the Saint Paul Legisla- sign, character and other featur S tive Code: of the licensed structu�.e and p - (1) To employ or use an ing azea desmed necessary for t e Y Person in the sale or service of alcoholic beverages in or upon protection of the adjacent neig - the licensed premises w}iile suc}i person is barhood. unciathed or in suc}i attire 4• 4ff-street modificatians sha�� ,costume ar cloth- with licensed premises so lon ing as to expose to view any portion of the g female breast below the top af the areola or the characteristics of the licens establishment remain unalt��, °f�y P��on of the pubic hair, anus,cleft of the buttocics, vulva or genitals. �'\ l 2180 � � W � Z U rt7 .-+ z .�-� ]C Q f.. 00 I�. M p. � � J O M M 1 N 00 a m N f I + i r-1 ' o� . I r�i . r-I ^ .,..� � � l0 W �• . �1 � t0 d N ^ � M . a � r . b •r y • . U � i.. U t!') .-� N � 1 l0 � � r0 l0 p � O E v� N • o • U � • b . }� N N C G/ Q1 L � V 'i7 U -}-,_ VR'fl Rf t7' .Mr 7 ' lD 1 C S- v! tn '�U L .-�� � X U � �--�.0 4 � _ � W . t� w � � •r cn d Z N � o — -- i �. z .�, J ~ r N Q '--� t/1 R1 GJ ¢ w E o� b ''' oo in N � � I Z � � M OO M � Ol �' N '"� tn � _ � J � d � � � •r- 1n � � � r- V e-� 1� 11� �l 1 N C � b M n M , .--1 �p cn N r"� . GJ U � QO t0 Ql a•> v1 , M r- L rt7 N O � � � O � N �t N 7 C1 N �p � L�i. � N Ol dN � � tf) � �--i (V pp M �, O'1 . 1 C y� •r � . � Y U � � O .--� 1 M � �. d 1n � N M � . C IA . •r .�-1 � N�^ M � � � N � �' 7 C N �, ^ O � ' � _ . . . '_ _ . 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