88-338 wH�Te - ciTr c� RK COURCII �y PINK - FINANC G I TY O SA I NT PA LT L /� ��J CA'NARV - DEPART ENT y BLUE - MAVOR File NO• v Return copy o: CO nC •l Resolution Valuations - Room 218 � (RM) (Clarke Addition) Presented By Referr d To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By � Date WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul , on January 2 • 929 , by resolution C . F. 79160 , condemned a subsurface ease ent recorded as documen 776698 , through a strip of land 20 feet in width for the purpo e of constructing and maintaining a publ c sewer all below an el vation of 70 feet above city datum unde part of Lots 7 , $ , and 9, Block 6 , Clarke' s Addition to the City of Saint Paul ; and , WHEREAS , the owner of the above described property, on Nove ber 29 , 1932, granted t e City the above described easement , reco ded as document $42997 , without referring to the easement .as bein below an elevation of 70 feet aboye city datum; and , WHEREAS , in order for t e present owner to clear title to this property , the City a rees to grant a Quit Claim Deed rele sing any and all intere t it may have in this easement area whic lies above an elevation of 70 feet above city datum. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are here y authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed which releases any and 11 interest the City may have in the sewer easement which is described as follows : All that part of Lots 7 , 8 , and 9 , Block 6 , Clarke ' s Addition to the City of Saint Paul , except the following : An easement for maint ining a public sewer , in , over , across , under and throu h that part of Lots 7, 8 , and 9 , lock 6 , Clarke' s Addition to the City of Saint Paul , that ies within a strip of and 20 feet in width , all below an levation of 70 feet ab ve city datum, the center line of hich is described as fo lows: Beginning on the center line f Stewart Avenue 3 feet northeasterly from its COUNCIL ME BERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favo .� Goswitz � �tt°1flO irector �be1�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved it Attorr� Adopted by Coun il: Date � � Cer4ified Yassed y Counc.il Secretary gy 2 � � g�, tapproved by Mavo : Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WMITE - CITV CLE K J PIMK -F,INANCE / CAICARV - DEPARTM NT G I TY O SA I NT PAU L CO�lflCll r�y^'�J � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �+ " �� Return copy t : Counci Resolution � Valuations - oom 218 (RM) (Clarkes ddition) Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date intersection with the enter line of Bay Street produced from the north , thence northwesterly to a point on the east and west center line of Section 11 , Township 28 , Range 23 , distant 104. 58 feet west from the center of said Section 11 , according to the recorde plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the R gister of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. COUNCIL MEM ERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Finan & Mana m �� In Favor Goswitz � �n1°a° � \ Director �be1�� 'd Against BY � Sonnen � Wilson Adopted by Counci : Date � _8 �� Form Appr ved by 'ty Attorney Certified Passe b cil Secr r BY— ����C� `" �� Y By - Approv �Wavor: Date � Approv d by Mayor for Submiss r� to Council gy B PUBIISNED Mh�z 1 9 19 8 ! _ Z � (�/— �J a � � . . .. . . .� . DAiE NtM7�Y�. _. . �oAfE C�MM�� � � �. .: F.inance & Mana em�nt 3e'rvices 2/18 J 8 ' ���:� ���{`h Nb. �d�� � o�rrt a�r�aron �►�aroA wn'�iiar+ai�y Dick f�c ann � � � 2 �a�w►ea�rr�o�croA �_crtv�xEwc .y�"?�. _ Valuations 298-5317 �ovr�Na �ra� _ °1�s i cm�??v�+�r Approve reso tion authorizing a Quit :Clai Deed which will reiease the, surfsee easement rights in Lo 7, 8, and 9, Clarkes Additi bounded by Victoria, Watsan, Ai`mstrong axid View. �o�►ra+s:c u►a«�c�t� ao�,NC� R�rarrr: 0.ANIR10 CWMM8810N � �CNIL SERVIEE WMNYSBIOl1 _ DATE N- . TE � // - � � �PMONE:ND, �� �. . . . A �_ZDNNdO GOMAIBS�OM� . ISD 67d 8QkI00l.BOARD � V � � . . � �_BTAfF.. .. . .� CHARTER CAAq11�lON� . �DL � RETfl 10-COMA�T . OON6TfFl1HiT .� . � .. . � .. . _ . . . _FOFi AODt plf0. _FEEOB11dC AODED• . .. D97AIGT COIMCIL .. . * . . � � � . . I �,�►� 2 i988 � ..�- R�C�NED ,,�.., Located in uncil�District �2. ��$1 9 �g�e . M�AcY bF`f10E �QF �� AI� MANAC�+EMENT� rrsanw�aon�. anro�ru�rrr rv+n+o.wnu,w�»o.wi+.r..wnyk .. __ .. The owner's certifieate indicates a se�ae ea�ement which encumber�����r����r��enter � ' . - M�R 1 - i9� - , . _ : . _ _ , . � �,.�.�>: - . ; The sewer d vision has aa��sea that this easement is in a tunnel and is not maintaiaed frotn the surface and therefore the City does ot `need an easement at tl�e surface: , : OAI�IYMw: end tia.who�: : ; , . , • � ;., ;U�ner will e 8b�.e to acquire clear titl ta his property. : . � : , , . . , , . �. rn� . �nos. , , cous . . . - - i Do no hing Owner wi1Z aot be ahle to acq�i�e c]:ear title -: to his property. �r�rs: _ 7'h�s is s outine matter that adequatel gxotects the City and helps out a Cit�+ property owner. uo�w.iesu�s: " . �te ppareiit at this time.