99-149Council File # `t9 - ��q 0���[�A� RESOLUTION Green Sheet # Gac�3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � t Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and Greening the Great River Park of the Saint Paul 2 Foundation have developed a landscaping plan for regreening Saint Paul's downtown Mississippi 3 River Valley; and 4 WfIEREAS, the Minnesota Deparhnent of Transportation (MnDOT) has made grant funds 5 available to eligible municipalities for landscape plantings along State roadways; and 6 WHEREAS, ffie City of Saint Paul and Greening the Great River Park desire to secure funding and 7 execute necessary agreements for MnDOT funding to be used foz the landscaping plan for 8 regreening Saint PauPs downtown Mississippi River Valley; and 9 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (CP 98-833), Greening of the Great River Park and the 10 Minnesota Depaztment of Transportation (MnDOT) have agreed upon implementation of a 11 landscaping plan for MnDOT lands along Trunk Highway No. 94 from Kittson Street to Mounds 12 Boulevard within the corporate City limits; and 13 WHEREAS, as part of the agreement to unplement a landscaping plan for MnDOT lands along 14 Trunk Highway 94 from Kittson Sueet to Mounds Boulevazd, MNDOT will provide $8,426.85 in 15 financing to the City of Saint Paul for the purchase of landscaping materials; and 16 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul must enter into a formai contract with MnDOT for the specific 17 purpose of receiving fmancing for the landscaping materials to be used in implementing the 18 landscaping plan along Truck Highway 94 from Kittson Street to Mounds Boulevard; and 19 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1999 Foreshy Support budget: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 Division of Parks and Recreation Foreshy Support Financing Plan 325-23104-4301 Normal Activity Services 325-23104 All Other Financing TOTAL FINANCING Spending P1an Current Budget 248,325.00 0.00 298,325.00 G�rrent Budget Changes 8,426.85 0.00 8,426.85 Changes Amended Budget ------------- 306,751.85 0.00 -------------- 306751,.85 Amended Budget 30 3i 32 325-23104-0738 Tree Planting - Removal 325-23104 All Other Spending 33 TOTAL SPENDING 0.00 298,325.00 298,325.00 8,426.85 0.00 ; _ . 8,426.85 . 14a' 298,325.00 4� 306,751.85 34 35 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper City 36 officials to enter into the necessary agreements to accept $8,426,85 in financing from MnI70T for 37 the acquisirion costs of landscape materials to be placed adjacent to Trunk Highway 94 from 3 8 Kittson Street ta Mounds Boulevard, and approves these changes to the 1999 Forestry Support 3 9 budget; and 40 BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the City Clerk to forwazd two 41 certified copies of this resoluuon to Kevin Hedlund, P.E., Minnesota Department of 42 Transportation, Metro Division, Waters Edge, 1500 West County Road B2, Roseville, Minnesota 43 55113. Requested by: Aivz i n of ] By: , "` . Adopted by Council: Date _`_'�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � � �/�� Approve y ayor: Da e: 1"� Z'� By: Approval Recommend�eY by Financial Services Director: s M f�"� Form proved by City A ey By: ������� DEPAR7MENT/OFfiCE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation GONTACT PERSON AND PHONE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 ACCTMUSi BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�A BY �OAIFj February 17. 1999 i DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET �� S� No. s2e2a January 29, � �y 1999 (,� � � INITAIJDATE INITIAVDATE � DEPARiMENT �IRECTOR 5 CITY CDUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEii FO .3 CITY ATiORNEY 7 CffY CLEFK RDUi1NG OftDER ? FINANGIALSERVICESDIR F) FINANCIALSERVICES-ACGOUMING G MAYON(ORAS515fA $ Rossberq 300 CHA _ TOTAL 9 OF SIGNATUflE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNA7V11E) ncnoN ReQUesreo: Signatures authorizing the proper City ofificials to enter into Agreement #78060 with the Min�esota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) for payment to the City of $8,426.85 for the purchase of landscaping materials to be used for a regreening project along Trunk Highway 94 from Kittson Street to Mounds Boulevard. RECOMMEN�ATI�NS: Approve (AI oe Re}ett (R) _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMIT _ A STAFF _DISTPICT COUNCIL __ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 0&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERYICE CANTRAGTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl under a conVact for Nis departrnent? YES NO 2. Ha5 this persONflrm eve� been a ary employee? VES NO 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skiil no[ normally posse5sed by any current ciry employee? VES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet antl ettach to green sheet. INITIATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, ORPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Whyl: Tf1IS 89f@@IT1Qflt P(OVIC�BS fOf f18�/pl2flt t0 t�'I6 Qt�/ bY Mf1��r Of $8,426.85 for landscaping materials to be acquired by the City for use along Truck Highway 94 in accordance with a plan developed with Greening the Great River Park for regreening Saint Paul's downtown Mississippi River Valley. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� TIlB Clt�/ 1999 Forestry Support budget will receive $8,426.85 in financing from MnDOT for needed landscaping materials related to the TH 94 landscaping project from Kittson Street to Mounds Boulevard. DISA�VANTAGES If APPROVED: NOf1G'. DiSADVANiAGE51FNOTAPPROVED: TF16 Cltv 1999 Forestry Support budget will not receive $8 ,426.85 in financing from MnDOT to be used for landscaping materials for improvements along TH 94. Pa,,� 7 ,, isvue'��"1'��Sfi •`"�.'�� . �. . � , . ,. RECEtVED FEB ° � 1999 �aYOR'S OFF(GE TOiAL AMOUNT DF 7RANSACTION $�- 8.426.85 NO _���-��� �� �� ..► ,_ •��': ;_.,=� E� ��������# COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIFCLE ONEI YES FUNDINGSOURCE M�DOT Communitv Roadside Enhancement Partnershio Proaram ACTIVRV NUMBER FINANpAIINFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 58,426,85 in financing to be received from MnDOT and placed in 7999 Forestry Support budget. Council File # `t9 - ��q 0���[�A� RESOLUTION Green Sheet # Gac�3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � t Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and Greening the Great River Park of the Saint Paul 2 Foundation have developed a landscaping plan for regreening Saint Paul's downtown Mississippi 3 River Valley; and 4 WfIEREAS, the Minnesota Deparhnent of Transportation (MnDOT) has made grant funds 5 available to eligible municipalities for landscape plantings along State roadways; and 6 WHEREAS, ffie City of Saint Paul and Greening the Great River Park desire to secure funding and 7 execute necessary agreements for MnDOT funding to be used foz the landscaping plan for 8 regreening Saint PauPs downtown Mississippi River Valley; and 9 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (CP 98-833), Greening of the Great River Park and the 10 Minnesota Depaztment of Transportation (MnDOT) have agreed upon implementation of a 11 landscaping plan for MnDOT lands along Trunk Highway No. 94 from Kittson Street to Mounds 12 Boulevard within the corporate City limits; and 13 WHEREAS, as part of the agreement to unplement a landscaping plan for MnDOT lands along 14 Trunk Highway 94 from Kittson Sueet to Mounds Boulevazd, MNDOT will provide $8,426.85 in 15 financing to the City of Saint Paul for the purchase of landscaping materials; and 16 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul must enter into a formai contract with MnDOT for the specific 17 purpose of receiving fmancing for the landscaping materials to be used in implementing the 18 landscaping plan along Truck Highway 94 from Kittson Street to Mounds Boulevard; and 19 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1999 Foreshy Support budget: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 Division of Parks and Recreation Foreshy Support Financing Plan 325-23104-4301 Normal Activity Services 325-23104 All Other Financing TOTAL FINANCING Spending P1an Current Budget 248,325.00 0.00 298,325.00 G�rrent Budget Changes 8,426.85 0.00 8,426.85 Changes Amended Budget ------------- 306,751.85 0.00 -------------- 306751,.85 Amended Budget 30 3i 32 325-23104-0738 Tree Planting - Removal 325-23104 All Other Spending 33 TOTAL SPENDING 0.00 298,325.00 298,325.00 8,426.85 0.00 ; _ . 8,426.85 . 14a' 298,325.00 4� 306,751.85 34 35 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper City 36 officials to enter into the necessary agreements to accept $8,426,85 in financing from MnI70T for 37 the acquisirion costs of landscape materials to be placed adjacent to Trunk Highway 94 from 3 8 Kittson Street ta Mounds Boulevard, and approves these changes to the 1999 Forestry Support 3 9 budget; and 40 BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the City Clerk to forwazd two 41 certified copies of this resoluuon to Kevin Hedlund, P.E., Minnesota Department of 42 Transportation, Metro Division, Waters Edge, 1500 West County Road B2, Roseville, Minnesota 43 55113. Requested by: Aivz i n of ] By: , "` . Adopted by Council: Date _`_'�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � � �/�� Approve y ayor: Da e: 1"� Z'� By: Approval Recommend�eY by Financial Services Director: s M f�"� Form proved by City A ey By: ������� DEPAR7MENT/OFfiCE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation GONTACT PERSON AND PHONE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 ACCTMUSi BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�A BY �OAIFj February 17. 1999 i DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET �� S� No. s2e2a January 29, � �y 1999 (,� � � INITAIJDATE INITIAVDATE � DEPARiMENT �IRECTOR 5 CITY CDUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEii FO .3 CITY ATiORNEY 7 CffY CLEFK RDUi1NG OftDER ? FINANGIALSERVICESDIR F) FINANCIALSERVICES-ACGOUMING G MAYON(ORAS515fA $ Rossberq 300 CHA _ TOTAL 9 OF SIGNATUflE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNA7V11E) ncnoN ReQUesreo: Signatures authorizing the proper City ofificials to enter into Agreement #78060 with the Min�esota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) for payment to the City of $8,426.85 for the purchase of landscaping materials to be used for a regreening project along Trunk Highway 94 from Kittson Street to Mounds Boulevard. RECOMMEN�ATI�NS: Approve (AI oe Re}ett (R) _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMIT _ A STAFF _DISTPICT COUNCIL __ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 0&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERYICE CANTRAGTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl under a conVact for Nis departrnent? YES NO 2. Ha5 this persONflrm eve� been a ary employee? VES NO 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skiil no[ normally posse5sed by any current ciry employee? VES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet antl ettach to green sheet. INITIATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, ORPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Whyl: Tf1IS 89f@@IT1Qflt P(OVIC�BS fOf f18�/pl2flt t0 t�'I6 Qt�/ bY Mf1��r Of $8,426.85 for landscaping materials to be acquired by the City for use along Truck Highway 94 in accordance with a plan developed with Greening the Great River Park for regreening Saint Paul's downtown Mississippi River Valley. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� TIlB Clt�/ 1999 Forestry Support budget will receive $8,426.85 in financing from MnDOT for needed landscaping materials related to the TH 94 landscaping project from Kittson Street to Mounds Boulevard. DISA�VANTAGES If APPROVED: NOf1G'. DiSADVANiAGE51FNOTAPPROVED: TF16 Cltv 1999 Forestry Support budget will not receive $8 ,426.85 in financing from MnDOT to be used for landscaping materials for improvements along TH 94. Pa,,� 7 ,, isvue'��"1'��Sfi •`"�.'�� . �. . � , . ,. RECEtVED FEB ° � 1999 �aYOR'S OFF(GE TOiAL AMOUNT DF 7RANSACTION $�- 8.426.85 NO _���-��� �� �� ..► ,_ •��': ;_.,=� E� ��������# COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIFCLE ONEI YES FUNDINGSOURCE M�DOT Communitv Roadside Enhancement Partnershio Proaram ACTIVRV NUMBER FINANpAIINFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 58,426,85 in financing to be received from MnDOT and placed in 7999 Forestry Support budget. Council File # `t9 - ��q 0���[�A� RESOLUTION Green Sheet # Gac�3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � t Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and Greening the Great River Park of the Saint Paul 2 Foundation have developed a landscaping plan for regreening Saint Paul's downtown Mississippi 3 River Valley; and 4 WfIEREAS, the Minnesota Deparhnent of Transportation (MnDOT) has made grant funds 5 available to eligible municipalities for landscape plantings along State roadways; and 6 WHEREAS, ffie City of Saint Paul and Greening the Great River Park desire to secure funding and 7 execute necessary agreements for MnDOT funding to be used foz the landscaping plan for 8 regreening Saint PauPs downtown Mississippi River Valley; and 9 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (CP 98-833), Greening of the Great River Park and the 10 Minnesota Depaztment of Transportation (MnDOT) have agreed upon implementation of a 11 landscaping plan for MnDOT lands along Trunk Highway No. 94 from Kittson Street to Mounds 12 Boulevard within the corporate City limits; and 13 WHEREAS, as part of the agreement to unplement a landscaping plan for MnDOT lands along 14 Trunk Highway 94 from Kittson Sueet to Mounds Boulevazd, MNDOT will provide $8,426.85 in 15 financing to the City of Saint Paul for the purchase of landscaping materials; and 16 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul must enter into a formai contract with MnDOT for the specific 17 purpose of receiving fmancing for the landscaping materials to be used in implementing the 18 landscaping plan along Truck Highway 94 from Kittson Street to Mounds Boulevard; and 19 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1999 Foreshy Support budget: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 Division of Parks and Recreation Foreshy Support Financing Plan 325-23104-4301 Normal Activity Services 325-23104 All Other Financing TOTAL FINANCING Spending P1an Current Budget 248,325.00 0.00 298,325.00 G�rrent Budget Changes 8,426.85 0.00 8,426.85 Changes Amended Budget ------------- 306,751.85 0.00 -------------- 306751,.85 Amended Budget 30 3i 32 325-23104-0738 Tree Planting - Removal 325-23104 All Other Spending 33 TOTAL SPENDING 0.00 298,325.00 298,325.00 8,426.85 0.00 ; _ . 8,426.85 . 14a' 298,325.00 4� 306,751.85 34 35 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper City 36 officials to enter into the necessary agreements to accept $8,426,85 in financing from MnI70T for 37 the acquisirion costs of landscape materials to be placed adjacent to Trunk Highway 94 from 3 8 Kittson Street ta Mounds Boulevard, and approves these changes to the 1999 Forestry Support 3 9 budget; and 40 BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the City Clerk to forwazd two 41 certified copies of this resoluuon to Kevin Hedlund, P.E., Minnesota Department of 42 Transportation, Metro Division, Waters Edge, 1500 West County Road B2, Roseville, Minnesota 43 55113. Requested by: Aivz i n of ] By: , "` . Adopted by Council: Date _`_'�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � � �/�� Approve y ayor: Da e: 1"� Z'� By: Approval Recommend�eY by Financial Services Director: s M f�"� Form proved by City A ey By: ������� DEPAR7MENT/OFfiCE/COUNQL Parks and Recreation GONTACT PERSON AND PHONE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 ACCTMUSi BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�A BY �OAIFj February 17. 1999 i DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET �� S� No. s2e2a January 29, � �y 1999 (,� � � INITAIJDATE INITIAVDATE � DEPARiMENT �IRECTOR 5 CITY CDUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEii FO .3 CITY ATiORNEY 7 CffY CLEFK RDUi1NG OftDER ? FINANGIALSERVICESDIR F) FINANCIALSERVICES-ACGOUMING G MAYON(ORAS515fA $ Rossberq 300 CHA _ TOTAL 9 OF SIGNATUflE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNA7V11E) ncnoN ReQUesreo: Signatures authorizing the proper City ofificials to enter into Agreement #78060 with the Min�esota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) for payment to the City of $8,426.85 for the purchase of landscaping materials to be used for a regreening project along Trunk Highway 94 from Kittson Street to Mounds Boulevard. RECOMMEN�ATI�NS: Approve (AI oe Re}ett (R) _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMIT _ A STAFF _DISTPICT COUNCIL __ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 0&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERYICE CANTRAGTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl under a conVact for Nis departrnent? YES NO 2. Ha5 this persONflrm eve� been a ary employee? VES NO 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skiil no[ normally posse5sed by any current ciry employee? VES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet antl ettach to green sheet. INITIATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, ORPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Whyl: Tf1IS 89f@@IT1Qflt P(OVIC�BS fOf f18�/pl2flt t0 t�'I6 Qt�/ bY Mf1��r Of $8,426.85 for landscaping materials to be acquired by the City for use along Truck Highway 94 in accordance with a plan developed with Greening the Great River Park for regreening Saint Paul's downtown Mississippi River Valley. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� TIlB Clt�/ 1999 Forestry Support budget will receive $8,426.85 in financing from MnDOT for needed landscaping materials related to the TH 94 landscaping project from Kittson Street to Mounds Boulevard. DISA�VANTAGES If APPROVED: NOf1G'. DiSADVANiAGE51FNOTAPPROVED: TF16 Cltv 1999 Forestry Support budget will not receive $8 ,426.85 in financing from MnDOT to be used for landscaping materials for improvements along TH 94. Pa,,� 7 ,, isvue'��"1'��Sfi •`"�.'�� . �. . � , . ,. RECEtVED FEB ° � 1999 �aYOR'S OFF(GE TOiAL AMOUNT DF 7RANSACTION $�- 8.426.85 NO _���-��� �� �� ..► ,_ •��': ;_.,=� E� ��������# COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIFCLE ONEI YES FUNDINGSOURCE M�DOT Communitv Roadside Enhancement Partnershio Proaram ACTIVRV NUMBER FINANpAIINFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 58,426,85 in financing to be received from MnDOT and placed in 7999 Forestry Support budget.