88-333 WHITE - GITV CLE K PINK - FINANCE � G I TY O SA I NT PAU L Council I��j . CANARV - DEPARTMENT � - �.,,���L A BLUE -MAVOR File NO• �� ����� � - Co nc l Resolution _ � � Presente By Referre To ' n�� "' Committee: Date a-��-o� .. Out of ommittee By Date WHEREA , the 1987 Capital Impr ement Budget appropriated $770,000 in Capital Im rovement Bonds for reha ilitation of the CIS Computer Room at 100 East T nth Street; and WHEREA , the roof at 100 East enth Street is in poor condition and will be disrupt d by the rehabilitation of the computer room as air conditioning and relate utilities are installe on the roof ; and WHEREA , the cost of the rehab' litation is less than appropriated; NOW TH REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, y the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the M yor and advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvemen Budget Committee, that the 1987 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by he Council, be further amended to include removal, i sulation and replacemen of the roof at 100 East Tenth Street as part of th scope of project C-170 , CIS Computer Room Rehabilitation , APPROVED A TO FINANCI G: � � l:ra St. Paut Lc�ng-�'��:��''�'.'m�+i:::,? ��,*t�n��*:�`_�� i�:'t'iyvL�` i:i7dStYil3Q isG�tit't?t�fi.3' - - i�:`-.,.;';'-__:3i ::{: Eugene chiller � ��Q,E _ 3_� � - Financ an Managem t �e�raices _ a:�1;;A;;z��,��.$ APPROVED: YL''�� �Y--= Signecl: ` K �� � Gregor . Blees Budget Dir ctor CDlmpnd ME Na s Requested by rtment�of: Yeas y , � G03Wlt I Long [n Fav r Ret �' / Schei 1 � Against By ���� "-`"_" Sonnen Wilson �R — 8 � Form Approve Ci ttor Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas ouncil S a BY By A►pprove 1A v r: Date �� j � Approved by Ma or for ' sion to Council By "" �- - —� PUBIISHED ��t%i� 19 1 88 "`.'7r"!'�`^I � �'ai a �$ , . � '.t.. .'�; �-,..� -�.;sfk„ee, ,,.—'---"—,--- —�-- . '' ��vncil Research Center ���3 �' � • -�,� ' T" � N° 011007 � � FEB0919�g - - - - - - , P e DEPARTI�NT . CONTACT N 292-3 , PHONE � � 1-2 DATE � S GN G OR (See evesse side.) � Mayor (or Assistanz) � Financ and Managemant Sernice� Dir tor � City Clerk �Qs _ 4 City A orney � _ A ( lip all locationa for signature.) T W V 0 C ? (Purpose/Rationale) Roof at 100 ast Tenth Street will be rep ired thereby hai ng damage to building and potential da ge to CIS Computer Room RECEIV�� � F E B 0�'r 198$ _ RECEIVED . _ � ' MAYOR'S O��iCE FEB ? 1988 COST B UDGE AN SO EL I A ��G�'��� DIRECTp�R DEPARTMEIVT OF F'MqIV� Repair wiChi total bud$et for CIS Compute Room Rehab ����Q� � �� . NANC NG S C D V T 0 D: (Mayor's si ature not required if under $1Q,000.) Total Am t of Trans�ction: $�0,000 Activitq Nnmber: C87-1R001 Funding S rce: CIB ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attac ents.) Re$ol„tion RECEIVED . FEB 31988 AD NIST TI P OC DURES _Yes No Rules, Regulatioas, Pro edures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes No If yes� are they or tim table attached? � DEP ENT V EiT CITY ATTORNLY REVIEW �Yes Council resolution requir' ? ", Rssolution required? _Yes No _Yes � Insurance required? ' Insurance sufficient? _Yes ' _No _Yss � Insurance attached? i � ' , ►. , . (�_ ��- �3 3� _._._ r CITY O SgINT P.A.TJL I�lembers: . 'i iif°i:�i ' • OF'FICE O TH� CITY COQNCI�. �b LOng, Ch831 � Janice Rett�an . . Tom Dimand . � Co 'ttee �eport � � �'ina��e Mana °n�e� & Personnei �o it�ee. v Feb 29 1988 -- - — --- -- —� - ---- -. _ . . . .- -- . _ ._ . _ __ _.__ _ - � - - --- . _... _.-_ --- — _ --- 1. Ap roval of minutes of ineeting held February 22. I988. AppROVED 2. Re olution approving the renew 1 of On Sate Liquor License for ti�e Ki k-Off Pub located at 1347 B rns. (Laid over from Committee meeting . Fe ruary 22) Sent back to Co cil to set up adverse hearing. � 3. Re ort from License Inspecto� n Miller's Bar Tiquor license ' - i n est i gat i on. LA�D OVIIt Tp CF� 7 � 4. Re lution amending the 1988 b get by adding $30,624 to the Financing Pl n and to. the Spending Pian r Division of Public Nealth-Speciai � Pr jects. (Referred from City ouncii meeting February 11) AppROVED 5. Res lution amending the I988 bu get by transferring $42,038 from Con ingent Reserve to the Depar ment of Executive Administration-� Per onnel Office and General Go ernment Accounts-Fringe Benefits. tRe erred from City Council mee ing February lI) �D p� TO MARCH 7 • _ 6. Res lution amending the 1984, 1 8b and 1987 C�IB budgets by transferring fun s from other projects to pr vide for bid amount of the Wabasha Str et Hridge project. (Referr d from Cit CQ it_meetin Februa I1) . __ ------ ��- �— APPROVID _ ry ----- - _ 7. R . ;._ __.___, a�T�t�=-� � ,� �„ ._ "�:�i��. �' ��� � �'`�'F-'F`�'�Pt���:� � _.----- - - - - 8. An rdinance amending the Civil ervice Rules by adding a new subsection 34U hich establishes the classi ication of Legislative Secretary in the unci ssified service. (Referred from City Co�ncii meeting February I8?. �D 0�R 9. Resolution amending the Salary P an and Rates of Compensation ResaTution �� �� � in S ction V, Unclassified Posit ons by adding classification of l.egis- iati e Secretary, and in Section V, Subsection D under CiericaT Group by addi g "Grade 33". (Referred fr m City Councii meeting February 18} �D OVER TO MARC�I 24 Cm HALI- SEVENTH FL OR SAINT PAUL b2INNESOTA SSt�2