88-328 WHITE - CITV CL K COUIICII �� ^J ''} y �PIMK •- FINANCE GITY O SAINT PAUL CANARV -DEPART ENT <.�/(, Q BI.U* -M3�VOR File NO. • ' 0/ Z/` nce Ordinance N�. j�� Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date An Ordinance amen ing Chapter 77 of the Saint Paul Legisl tive Code pertaining to 5ewer Service Cha ges . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ection l . , That section 77 . 01 of t e 5aint Paul Legislative Code be ame ded so as to renumber de initions (2) through (6) to ( 3) thr ugh (7) . ection 2. That section 77.01 of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code be ame ded as to add the follow ng new definition: (2) Equipment replaceme t. Obtaining and installing of equipment, acces ories, or appurtenances which are necessary durin the design life or useful life , whichever is onger, of the city' s sewer system to maintain he capacity and performance for which the syste was designed and constructec:. ection 3. That section 77 .02(a) o the Saint Paul Legislative Code be ame ded to read as follows : (a) For the purpose of aying the cost of operation, and maintenance and equipment replacement of the sewage disposal sys em, including the sewage treatment works and sewer system; for the cost of construction of uch sewage disposal system, COUNCIL ME BERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: . Dimond �� In Favo � Goswitz Rettman ' s�ne;n�i Against By Sonnen Wilson Form Approv y City Attor y Adopted by Coun il: Date Certified Passed Council Secretary BY By i Approved by May : Date Approved by,'�Mayor for S�mi ion Council . By BY WHITE - GTV CL K 1 . �IMK. .- FINANCE COUI1C31 �j CANARV -OEPART ENT GITY O SAINT PAUL File NO. ��`�� BLUj -M'AVOR . O� indnce Ordinance N�. t7�'� Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date including the princ 'pal and interest on bonds sold for such const uction; and for paying Saint Paul ' s share f the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission' annual budget as provided in Chapter 473 , Min esota Statutes , and in accordance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act and Minne ota rule 7075, a sewer service charge shal be levied and assessed against every lot, arcel of land, building, or premises now and hereafter having a sewer connection to the S int Paul sewer system or otherwise dischargi g domestic sewage, com- mercial or industri 1 waste water, or other � liquid waste either directly or indirectly into the Saint Paul sani ary and/or combined sewer system. Such sewer service shall be based on the volume of such ewage discharged into the city sewer system a determined by the volume of water use. That part of the Sewer Service Charge assessed to ecover the cost of operation, maintenance , and eq ipment replacement shall be charged proportiona ely based on the volume of such sewage dischar ed into the city sewer system as determined by th volume of water use . ection 4. This ordinance shall ta e effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, pproval , and publication. 2. COUNCIL ME BERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Gostvitz Retttnan �be;�� � Against BY �seeee Wilson ��p rWIF 2 �t '�pp Form Approved b City Atto Adopted by Counc 1: Date i �ertified Passe y Council Secretary BY . f By ; � , Approve y Mayo : Date 2 � v Appro d r ll�ayor for bm' s o � g By PtI�IISktED AP R 2198 : , . �x .. . • � . • . OAR . . . CAT!COIM7iET�� .... . . - - � t�`�� .- T � Yp ���� � , � ,. , . . . . .. . - i �... ... :�. y, ' Works ., :, . 2-3.. . . . . � ; � . : nk,rort�+i�. �!i FOII a�c a�qea�r aen�a owec�on �«rr c�c 3 � )� . ROtlf1 0 � �r o�scron 5 C.1'� QO�1C11. � Amea�d 77, Sect�s �77.01 and 77. 2 of the St. Paul Legislative Cbd+e pertai.ning to s -se�ev�oe � es. . .Referenoe - Pre�poaed cb:+dinanoe , . . . . Nq a�t�l► cow+cx +�e�ot�r: _ < : v��wa�w cww a�v�cow�resia+ o��a� oa�our �vw.vst , rr�one No. �� ���� ��- - . . , sr� � t�aa�sa ca�u�sa�, ,�s re noot r�o.,moEO* aern c��nn�wr � urm�T oou+cx �'Pt1b1iC'WC3rks — , — —.vav�i r�a'.� _�wac�oo�•• • f �,�� + RECEi�'�p . _ .� f E B �7�'1988 �.: , , . , . ca.t� �iiae _ , C(�'Y A�'T�►RO�EY ���+ra w�.r�k �tw�w.w�.w�.n,wne►.,wnrr. . i n : . t,�r.�d by M3�nne�at�a Pollution �ntrol er�cY�#�o main�a� St. Paul's eligibili�y far �� � oanstrt�ti grants oantributing ts I U year sew�s se��ax'ati� p�ogr+�n.. ���;�y�yj�`t� -�U -��R,'` Se.. - .. . S�eru�t.t �(ra�. Ow�;�nc+.v,�. ,�, � a�.�@� "l�h¢. u.in�orl��4. �,c,ar . " � �:`��; e�c,s�s�� cs t�.�►�++cs, aeu►� �a QOe� � �+�i-���a�n ,�w.;�vw�� r��y)a����eh-�:d � _::,iu�aae,a�►�ow: �er.w.�.,A..�sr: _ r: ��,l.l; fulf' Fed�►.ral. aryd State guidel' e�tablis�aed for .�ewer se�:vice ex�arge�. ` ` �.n�:. , .�a TA v�na�: _ �-�/ P+os�sa;tx3.e lo of r�rants-for�sewer segara ' 4'����.Qr3 � �lr�^t,��t�� �li.�r� cv owc d,:b�2.,,�t,Q ��at:P,e cSi�iocX'�J�r,�,^T- �o-�^ �B j 2.t.�'S ,, :�r.sswnn� . . , � ca�s � l�iDS�e ,, � � > • ! . .. - K. �. .. . _ .. . � . , i . . . ' - . . . . , . . . .. .. , . � �� ' - . . .�. . � . � . -�. � ; . . � . . . � . +� .i ... i�.�tl�: a N�ne