88-327 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F A I NT PA U L Council /! �J CANARV- DEPARTMENT File NO• �u _v �� bLUE - MAVOR \ * r ndnce Ordinance N 0. � 7cJ�7 ...� Presented By Referred Committee: Date Out of Co mittee By Date An ordinance amending Chapt r 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for th City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS Pursuant to Minnesota Statu es, § 462.357 and § 64.400 of the Legisla ive Code, George Toby duly p titioned to rezone 997, 999 and 1001 Aurora venue, located on the north ide of Aurora Avenue between North Chatswo th Street and North Oxford S reet, from RT-1 to P-1 for the purpose of esta lishing a parking lot; the p tition having been certified by the Plannin Division on May 4, 1987, as having been consented to by at least two- thirds f the owners of the area of he property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the property situat within 100 feet of the tota contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; nd WHEREA , The Zoning Committee on Jun 4, 1987, conducted a public hearing for the pu pose of considering the rezon'ng petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, s bmitted its recommendation to the Planni g Commission that the petitio be granted; and WHEREA , The Planning Commission con idered the rezoning petition at its meetin held on June 12, 1987, and ecommended that the City Council approve the pe ition; and WHEREA , Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoni g petition was duly publishe in the official newspaper of the City on June 2 , 1987, and notices were dul mailed to each owner of affected property and pr perty situated wholly or par ly within 350 feet of the property sought to be ezoned; and WHEREA , A public hearing before th City Council , having been conducted on July 2 1987, where all interested ersons were heard, and the Council having consid red all the facts and recomm ndations concerning the petition; now, theref re, COUNC[L EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson / Adopted by Coun �t: Date Form Approv ity At ey Certified Passed y Council Secretary BY By � � Approved by Mayo : Date Approved /Ma or r Sub ssio o Council � By WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT YAUL Council CANARV„- DEPARTMENT �p( � `�lUE - MAVOR File NO. v _�� Ord n�nce Ordinance 1�0. �7��/ Presented By Referred T Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date THE COUN IL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec ion 1. Th t the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul , Sheet No. 19, as in orporated by reference in Se tion 60.301 of the Saint Paul � Le islative Code, as amended, i hereby further amended as follows: Th t property located on the 99 , 999 and 1001 Aurora Avenue, being more particularly described as Lots 0,11 ,12, Block 3, University Subdivision o Lots 1,2,3,8, Hyde Park, be nd is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to P-1. Sec ion 2. T is ordinance shall take effe and be in force thirty (30) days from a d after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILM ,N Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � i and Economic evslo ment �u;�;� � In Favor Rettma � � s�na�bai Against BY -�.�.�- , =.i...s- �, w���� D 1988 Adopted by Counc 1: Date �R 2�1 Form Approved by ity tt ne Certified Pass Council Secretary BY � By Appro y Mayo : Date !�"` � 8 1 Approved Mayo or ubmis 'on to Council . �usN�o uP R ? �9s _ N Q1 G1 � �1 � � G1 � w � �J � ' S�J � �i Q r-I � O 01 O V N r-� W � � `� >- � �"' � � Z � � O � � � � W N J.J ro �' m �-1 C � O � a-' O i� .� � U � a1 O � N � a � E `6 �j i�- � � �+ +� � '� M � i.i N � H d' ►-� . O � � � � d J :�, O J (� tn 5- Y 1-2 '� Q1 � � tn L �� C1. E W � 4J 'v . � J Ii F- .n �a ' � Z C� O '-� E �"+ U V � �+� b � Y- Y- Z �`�'� �F-� C {- F- t0 C O rr ►-� 00 O .� t� C� M U G. a _ • , �52888� � t �,,�; ;r, _ i�. ' � ��.� `� ��u�,i; ,�� �� �,�ca�u��, �� .��� 3iJ � 1u �'�� +��. . � RECORGFp ON ��' �~ _ ' $ � ; � JAN 3 01990 �� � :=;. �z� � � =/ � .� :: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) Albe t B: Olson I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have 88-327 compared the attach d copy of Council File No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as adopted by the ity Council. . ,March.24: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.88. . . and approved by th Mayor. . . . . . . ,March.28: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.88. . . with the original hereof on file in my office. I further cer ify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original d the whole thereof. WITNESS my h nd and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . . 29th . . . . . . day of . , , Januat� . . . , . , ,A.D. 19 90 . n . . . . .f�:. .���. . �-�_. .�:�:�. . . . . . . . . ..� � �.'� City Clerk. �, � '�;�,,,, ., ,;� G��= � f;� �R� ne,� e _ `f�4,�ti �> `,': �' . .I . ,, � ��'s. . ;* 4 .:� ♦ ( i7� �.���,y n + st`��� i/� . : , ���` ,y�,a.'t �� ';�+ ; ,�y;"f�y� �"' . ti e � °r' �i * �a�'• Y; ��„r i i . '�' •"� `_ ��� ,; ��` r � �wY � � '• ' ld . . � , � � ,, � ... ...•• .�� A ��� e � � l,' ,��'>>, .., �.; � S y . �: �e.€�1 1 k R�h ` . 1., .. :..:�.�_. .. . . . . . . i'S�f . . . . - . . . ... . ... _ . . . .. . .. ; • WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F S I NT PA U L Council CANARy - DEPARTMENT X/� bLU•E - MAVOR File �0. ��/ _��� I ` ` r i �znce ,z88�r�nance N 0. � 7c��7 _-- 25 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Comm'ttee By Date An ordinance amending Chapte 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statut s, § 462.357 and § 64.400 of the Legislat ve Code, George Toby duly pe itioned to rezone 997, 999 and 1001 Aurora A enue, located on the north s de of Aurora Avenue between North Chatswor h Street and North Oxford St eet, from RT-1 to P-1 for the purpose of estab ishing a parking lot; the pe ition having been certified by the Planning Division on May 4, 1987, as aving been consented to by at least two- thirds f the owners of the area of t e property to be rezoned, and further having een consented to by at least 7% of the owners of the property situate within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year precedi g the date of the petition; nd WHEREAS The Zoning Committee on Jun 4, 1987, conducted a public hearing for the pur ose of considering the rezon'ng petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 f the Administrative Code, s bmitted its recommendation to the Plannin Commission that the petitio be granted; and WHEREAS The Planning Commission con idered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on June 12, 1987, and r eommended that the City Council approve the pet'tion; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing efore the City Council on the said rezoni g petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on June 2 , 1987, and notices were dul mailed to each owner of affected property and pr perty situated wholly or par ly within 350 feet of the property sought to be ezoned; and WHEREA , A public hearing before th City Council , having been conducted on July 2 1987, where all interested ersons were heard, and the Council having consid red all the facts and recomm ndations concerning the petition; now, theref re, COUNCIL EN Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman s�ns�bai Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Approv d � ity At ey Adopted by Coun il: Date Certified Passed y Council Secretary BY By � � Approved by May r: Date Approved /Ma or r Sub ssio o Council ._ By � WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK � FINANCE GITY OF SAINT YAUL Council � CANARY - DEPARTMENT `�+J} BIUE � - M?V OR File �O. � _+� � r O rdin nce Ordinance 1�0. �7�'�/ Presented By szseez Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commi ee By Date THE COUNCI OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DO S ORDAIN: Secti n 1. That the zoning map of the City o Saint Paul , Sheet No. 19, as inco porated by reference in Sect on 60.301 of the Saint Paul � Legi lative Code, as amended, is ereby further amended as follows: Tha property located on the 997, 999 and 1001 Aurora Avenue, being more par icularly described as Lots 10,11 ,12, Block 3, University Subdivision of ots 1,2,3,8, Hyde Park, be a d is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to P-1. Sect on 2. Thi ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from an after its passage, approval nd publication. COUNCILM ,N Yeas Nays Requested by Department oE: � i nd Economic evelo ment ,�,;�;, �L � In Favor Rettma � Scheibel � ��� � � Against BY �t� z.r...e- .ti„�c.,�Q, w�i�� q ; �R 2�{ �988 Form Approved by ity tt ne Adopted by Coun il: Date Certified Pass y Council Secretary BY By . �'-�- / Appro y May r: Date ��"` � � �7� Approved Mayo or ubmis 'on to Council � . Pll�l1SHED ��R ? 19 8. � ` 1 ; ; ' " � � �'°' ' �.��L' � l l l I I � l t �1.__ �.b_l..1 1.�L l_ 1._! _ i � _ ► .1_� �.__1_�- _ .-�� - � =b � � ' ' � I i I � ! ' 1 ► -1 � 1 I ! I ► , � o�o o�o o�c : -o� ;o���o�a o� , � o o�oi o� o 0 0 0� o 0 0 ` o ��� � .,. t� � "� � U � E AwE (��i3�. ��o�o o►o o ao�o���o p ; � � ; ',.� ; � �c� o lo � o i o , �, , I I � � i , , , , , � , � � � � i I I ( I � 1 .L_. .1 L-� � 1 l 1 � � _r ; ..T. . �- A- i—�--T �- :._1 � I T_ � � � � �F ( i i I , ' �_) p I � � �Q , ��. � �s6 � I � ! I � � I �AI � � . � � ��'� ��-�-�` �-�"�_�c_ _ � - - � �'� ��' � ' i 1 �D �i. v � � � .A �?. a' I ' � ! , � � � ;AA �y 'V ��VI � ' ° cl � ��'n� � i � �:. � i � �1 i I ` I �___-_ � � ( , i � ; ' �:` � � ' � � -�- - , � ;--�►`A � � -. -- _. , ; � -.�-- � � � , � ; ' : o; . ; , ; ;� �� F ,-� � o ; i o0 00 A , � . , � � � �.1 ¢ . , , � - - - AU� �A -� o A1/ E. I— � ��' ,p,p; Q g�i0 ;O`. ;o�o o';O�¢�O, C� O O O � ' p" O � aF vv ; � OC� I O � �> � , r � �I t►R; �O � � � i ; � T � ' � 1. , � ' $'" , , ; � � �� . 1 - -- , ! �-- l r� --�— _ _ R �r---r-- � -T—.--r_ r_ �_ � . T ..,_ .J �- --, . , x �- , , � � j- , , � � ' � � � I � I ' � � i ► � ! � � : , � ;, �o , o � �,�!o;o i��o�o�o�a�o�ooaa,� ; � o;o�o�o ��o o.o;o � , � ► '- FU LE �� AVE. -¢-- O O ' ¢ �O � � !� ° � ,O�O; �010!O'0�0;4�� O'O�O; ;o►O�O;o O � , � �I, , � � � I ; 1 ! ' � i i I I � � ,{�A __ . _�.�__�� _.. _.—a._. �_. .1._ � � � - ---' - • 1-_`. ..�_L_�__._ �-� -- --- r T-r--f---- � • - • '" ' i ; �, .�_ � i ' ' � � , ' , �. I � I �'� �� o 0 0 0 � o 0 0' � o� � �����ao�aoQ o o; Y � o o:o o, �o;o o c, �-� � ► _. - - . � �._..� � E �1l� R L AVE. Q ' OOO�OOC� � OC 00 ;6� QO C�00OO , 0 OQ ,} . . . .L, J t . . . . . .. . , . . . `,� . . . � . . . . . l I �� � . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ��' _ r � 1 � PS � , OO OQOOU O O .� O O OOOOpO�C) OC � _ � `____ —J � � �– - --- – _ _ _._ __ _ �fi. A N H 0 N �_-�;----- -- -- -------- ---�---__ _ . ��V E.__ _- _._ _ ____ .---- --- � �� ��t� �9�- ,lDo/, /v�3 N APPLICAN � � � LEGEND — — ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY ` F �l///�9 SUBJECT PROPERTY y PURPOS� a' �� � � ? _ � O ONE FAMlLY PLANNING t DISTRICT ' $ TWQ FAMILY � FILE NO � ; � � -�- � MULTIPLE FAMILY s DATE � � � n COMM ERClAI. � SCALE � I� = 200� NORTH � � � �NDUSTRIAL MAP N0. SAINT PA L PLANNING BOARD V VACANT _�� � ' � � ' ` , � 2528882' `. •� , . ' : � � . . � . { � � � � � . r ���� . . . . .�� ' � l�° �1'E3v.2�05 � DEPARTMENT ` - ��cfT/ n 'fS CONTACT ItAME +t 3 PRONE � � a� ti � DATE A S GN NG ER: (See rever e s�ide.) � _ Department' irector ` � l�ayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Management Services Director s �,SCity Clerk Budget Dire to� � City Attorn y TO (Clip al� locations r signature.) T W G 0 C ? (Purpose/Rationale) Dapt p►tsc�t i+�.����t�stS� Go�k �. �.�.ot•i -co ��t�o�s . �$� + toc�t X�svror�.�� . (,b twer.�. G4w.�►wo•t�N�. .�-1�. CacFo�p� ` fWo R,t"•l +o P-� 3v tst��-u► � �►+WF-�t�y �e-r, _ ; �r°i.�i�+ti� COS B t� G ND P RSO I TS� T D: E` FEB � 8 Ta�� i , I N/� " � i rr��YO�S OFFICE � •i � Councit Research Center F G T ACT VI C 0 D FEB 2r� (Mayor's sig ture not required if�under 0,� 0.) 9� . Total Am t of Transgction: � . Activity Number: . 1�. Funding;So rce: rt ' i � ATTAC �S: (List and number all attac en�s.� � RECEIVED y jrp ot�"'r�o�,r''�'�,-. FE B 17 1988 , CITY ATTOR�VEY > ADMINIST 'V C� RES � _Yes No Rules� Regulations, Pr ce�ures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes No If yes, are they or t etable attached? D P TMEN VIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _,Yes No Council resolution requ red? Resolution required? Yes �„No _Yes No Insurance required? �� Insurance su€ficient? _Yes _NQ ,Yes No Insurance attached? ( , • � . ! - _ � � ; • �.� •, ,, __,::. I�OTi TO IISE THE' GREEi� SHEET ' ' , y � - . . � � . . _�.:�� , , � > � The GREEN SHEET has threa ,�IIRPQSES: . 1. to asstst in routing document� and in securing required signaturest 2;� to brief the revieMers of documeats on the impacts of approval; 3. to halp ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared and.' if xeq�ired, � attached. . Providing complete inforffiation under the list�d headings enables renie�rers to n�ake decisions on the documents and eliminates fo11oM-up,contacts that may delay ezecution. Below is the preferred RO�TING`,for the �ive mctst frequsnt txpes of documentss CONTRACTS (assumes authorised�;budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor _ 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney ' 6. Finance Accounting Note: If a �ONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor•a signature is not required� if the departmeat director signs. A contract atust al�aps be signed by tbe outside agency before routing through City offices. �iKINISTBA�jfE ORDER (Budget Revision) �MINISTRATIVE (1RDER �a11 others) .1. Activity ?fanager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. Gity At�to�nsy 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assist�nt 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk ; 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Zianagement Services COiTNCIL xBSOLVT�ON (Budget Amendment/Grant Acceptance) GOUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. DepartmenE' Directar 2. Budget Director 2. Citq Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. MayorJAssistant 4. City Clerk 5. Cl�ai�, ;Fitisnce, l�gmt. , and Pers. Cte. 5. City Council � ' �. �City Clerk ,:�.. !�ity Council �8. Chief Accountant, Financa and 2Sansgemant Services � : The COST/BENEFIT. BIIDGETARY. AL4D::PERSO,�L�dGTS heading provides apace to e�lain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to Citp budget ' (General Fund and/or Specisl Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeoimers, ar other groups affected bq the action). The personnel imgact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. The ADMINISTRATIVE PROEEDUFtES section must be comp2�eted .to indicate r�ether additional administrative proceduras, including,,rules, regula�fons, or resource proposals are necessary for implementation of an ordinsnce or resolution. If yes, the procedures or a timetable for the completion of procedures must ba sttached. � SUPPORTIN�C MATERIALS. In the ��ACH1tENTS section, ideatify all attachtnents.' If the Green Sheet is we'll done, no letter of transmittal need be included (un].ess signing such a le�ter ,is one of the requested actions). � . Nate: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certifi:cate of Insurance should be one_ of the attachments at time of routing. . o e: Aqtions which requi,re City Council resolutions inelude contractual relationships with other governmental units; collective bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds. by City; eminent domain; assumption of liability by City, or granting by �City of indemnification; agreements �rith state or federal government under which they are providing funding; budge� amendments. • _ . . + �-�f�'�c:��-� 0� ` , /yJ�7 ZONING COMMITT E STAFF REPORT FILE # 10116 1. APPLICANT: ; George Tolyy� DATE OF HEARING: 6/4/87 2. CLASSIFI TION: Rezoning from RT-1 ( esidential two family) to P-1 (parking) ;; 3. LOCATION: � 997, 999� 1001 Aurora Aven e (�arth side between Oxford and � Chat$wor h) �. -,- J _ ---- .. . � __ --__ _ _ ___— 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 8 S. LEGAL DE CRIPTION: Lots 10, 11 and 2, Block 3, University Sub. Addn. 6. PRESENT ONING: RT-1 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 6 720 7. STAFF I ESTIGATION AND REPORT: DA E: 5/21/87 BY: Donna Datsko e e g� A. PURPOSE: To establish correct zoni g status for an existing off-street parking lot. R� t� B. SUFFIC ENCY: The petition was decla ed sufficient by the Planning Division on T; April 0, 1987; 15 parcels eligible 11 parcels needed, 11 parcels signed. w� C. P CEL SIZ : The parcel is composed of three lots, each 36 x 116, for a total parcel area of 12�528 square feet. S' C. EXISTI G LAND USE: The area is de eloped as a parking lot. B D. URRO DING U E AN ZO ING DI TRI TS: , _ �i : f ��t �� ���� � � F"'� ^ t i�t r- � �r�v'��'�y�, � :;i �}/ � �?t� �,� ' d � *°}F�"`��.•1`°`� � �� it� � � �jH�. .� �x �i '�r �.lT "��l � .n'+y�.y� A'� i �i � � ��� � � r ,�,�,� 4 l � � � rt ��� �' ? �4 '� �'� � °''�J r ��' y'�` .c� t � 4 , �'"' : � i � 2 -..�.�. t� -�'�, a�. { ,,,y��, �� �� t z t-� n � t ,„� ��y �,�e 1 � �, o �� ��`'�y��: ;- y'Ij.� �\ 1 4 }'>' '.v/ J�i ''' 4�� 5, �"� �t �� �a � x a �c � s'�3 M �;.'1 �a r: �" . � ' t ; ::.,�> -a� �3 ` � *� . � �". � � —^� ' �4'r T r.j ,-. "-� ' r � :�'� � .`�'.�tc a� .,,_�ttr 7r � #a � i r r�/ � :�� s� - ,��a � ' � k : t �- : � � � � . �_ i �<t �...� �. � F '".1 .;�, ��S � t � ,y ,` ,; -r ��r,�f 'NZ3' , t .� d I� -.� f� f 1 .S1 .�L � ,� �i A .1�, Y � � � :�� J � � y"'4s' �� : Y -� � � "� � Y �_ T i � yj � 1 � � .� i.r; c f �� "� � 7 � �'f n � i ,,� ' t�` ,� � ��* � {% r .t �, f c: • i £ ` ; 5 0 � s� i 3 s�s^`�� . ��.T . 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'"l, I.,A. b i .a�#.k�e.J.�_. dxS. .�Y _�:.r�_+x �X �-,� . ��'`.fsa.l'Y�S�� �. . . •�.4�trr o� '. CITY OF SAINT PAUL a ��������,, ; DEPARTMENT F PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � ��� �� ° � DIVISION OF PLANNING 0 ,.•• 25 West fourlh Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-292-1577 GEORGE UTIMER MAYOR July 6, 19 7 Mr. Georg Toby 1622 Pine urst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 RE: 997 - 1001 Aurora: Zoning File 10116 Sit Plan Review File # 1160 Dear Mr. oby: On July , 1987, the City Council held a public hearing on your petition to rezone t e -above-referenced property f om RT-1 to P-l. The City Council voted to appro e the rezoning providing the ite plan meets city standards. On Octob r 15,1985, you received a le ter from Charles McGuire listing a number o conditions that must be met for site plan approval. I am enclosing a copy o this letter for your refere ce. The City Council will not finally ad pt the ordinance to rezone the property until th y are assured that the parki g lot will be code compliant. Any variance from city zoning codes must be approved by the City Council as part of the o dinance. For this reason, i is very important that you submit your revised lans as soon as possible. If you ave any questions, please cal Lawrence �angs at 228-3392, or me at 228-336 . Thank you for your prompt ttention to this matter. Sincere y � i r... c: '�-..� `-� La ren e Soderholm ' ` �' Princi al Planner, Zoning - '^ — . f_�� Tr*+ LS:PJ: s r'-; � _ , > . encl. , _ . ,:._ . . : ;�� cc: oe Gomez �� PR File # 1160 oning File #10116 „.•`'s* °';. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' e + DEPARTMENT F PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ; �������� �o � DIVISION OF PLANNING • ,��. 2S Wat Fourth Street,S�int Paul,Minnesota,55102 d12-�92-1577 GEORGE IATIMER MAYOR October I S 1985 George To y 1622 Pine urst St. Paul, 55116 RE: Site lan Review #I160, parking lot ad ition at 990 West University Avenue located bet een Chatsworth and Oxford Aven e Dear Mr. oby: The plans for the above referenced site are ot adequate for a review to be completed at this time. Consideration for approval will b contingent upon satisfactory resolution of the following 1. Lot 10, I1 and 12 of Block 3 of the U iversity Subdivision are located in an RT-1 zon and must be rezoned to a P-1 par ing lot district. The forms and guidelines for thc rezoning process are enclosed. Th rezoning process must be completed before par ing is expanded to this area. 2. A omplete site plan must be submitte (10 copies) displaying existing use and pr posed development as indicated in "A guide to Obtaining Site Plan Approval”, a co y of which is enclosed. � 3. A explanation of why lot 12 was no incorporated into the legal description of the pr perty is necessary! � 4. A larification of the title "977 Auro a Ave." is necessary. 977 is located on the east si e of Chatsworth--990 is on the we t side. 5. B cause lot 9 would remain an RT•1 istrict, a 25 foot setback from Aurora Street pr perty line is required for parking expansion. If the property is rezoned to P-1 a vi ual screen at the 25 foot set back s also required. An obscuring fence is required ai ng the west property line. 6. T e curb-cut on University must be idened to 26 feet. The proposed curb-cut onto A rora is not approved. Access to t e parking lot from Chatsworth should be a equate. bandoned curb-cuts in the public ight-of-way must be removed and the boulevard r stored as per city requirements (p an should illustrate this). Contact Bob Hamilton a 292-6290 for further details. 7. he six inch pipe from the catch b sin should be a minimum of four feet in length. 8. 11 grading of the lot addition and regrading of the existing lot must route drainage o the catch basin. � . �'�-.�� � . , 9. Trees s all be planted in the boulevards a ong Aurora and Chatsworth. Trees, having a mini um 2 1/2" caliper, balled and bur apped, must be planted with a permit issued by the ity Forrester. Contact Ed Olson t 488-7291 for specific details pertaining to this m tter. (See attached plan for appro imate location of the trees.) 10. Applic nt must submit a performance bo d or irrevocable letter of credit good for two ye rs in the amount of a10,000.00 to nsure completion of landscaping, storm ater management facilities and ot er required improvements. The p rformance bond and letter of cred t forms are enclosed. Please complete and submi the form of your choice. Be ad ised that this condition must be f ifilled before any building permits are issued If you have any questions, please call Larry Z ngs at 292-1577. Sincerely, . i�Eis6J��� Charles L. cGuire Principal P anner - Zoning CLMLZ:1 '���C i T Y Op �i CITY OF SAINT PAUL a ��������°,�, ro DEPARTMENT F PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �m ���� �� � �o' DIVISION OF PLANNING 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �86� 612-292-1577 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR June 25, 987 Albert Olson, City Hall Room 386, City Hall St. Paul, NIN 55102 RE: Zon ng File #10116, George Toby Cit Council Hearing: July 2, 19 7 PURPOSE: To rezone from RT-1 (residen ial two family) to P-1 (parking) to es ablish the correct zoning di trict for an established off-street pa king lot. PLANNIN COMMISSION RECOI��SENDATION: prove ZONING OMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: App ove STAFF COMMENDATION: Approve SUPPORT: One letter received in supp rt. OPPOSIT ON: None Dear S"r: On Jun 4, 1987, the Zoning Committ e of the Planning Commission held a public hearin on this rezoning request. t the close of the hearing the Cornmittee voted to 0 to approve the rezonin based on staff findings. On Ju 12, 1987, the Planning Comm ssion upheld the Committee's reco endation on a unanimous voice vote. This ezoning is scheduled to be h ard by the City Council on July 2, 1987. Pleas contact me by July 1, if an Council member would like slides presented at th public hearing. Since ely, � UU4Y�v Donn Datsko City Planner II Atta hments DLD: s PETITION TO END ZONING CODE CITY OF S INT PAUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY File # � �� �D , rE��.E� a�— �� EV Application Fee $ �"�' f�J ` APR 23 ti981 Tentative Hearing oate b—�/—�� ZON�NG Number of Lots or Size of Parcel: 12,624 TO THE HONO ABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DATE �ctober 19_S.E'i— c/o Zoning ffice, 11D0 City Hall Annex Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Pursu nt to Section 64.210 of the . Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of the Min esota Statutes, Geor e Tob , the owner of all of he land proposed for rezonin , hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone th following described property Stre t Address: 997 to 1001 A r Lega Description: � from a RT-1 Zoning District to a P-1 Zoning District for the urpose of Extendin arkin area. Subscri ed and sworn to By: before e this 3�`� day . Of 19� Titl : Proiect Mana�er � ` P age 1 of No ary Public 4080 ■ 5 VICTORIA M. MURRAY Z����G F��� � � NOTAR�►U�UC-MIMNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY My C�mm.Explr�s Au�. 13.1991 v wvvwvvwvwvwa .. . CONSEN7 Of ADJOINING ROPERTY OWNERS TO REZOMING We. the ndersigned, oMners of prope ty within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptio�s f real estate owned, purch ed. or sold by Petitioner rrithin one year precedinq the date of this petition, ack wledge that Ne have been furnished with the foltowing: 1. A C py of the Petition of Geo e Tob � name of petitioner 2. A c py of Sections 60.72o through 60.723 � inclustve of the St. P aul Zoning Code; and acknorrledge hat we are aware of all of he uses permitted under a P-1 District zon ng classification and we ar aware that any of these uses can e established pon City Council approval o the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the rezoning of he property described in th Petition of 6eorge Topy to a P-1 Distritt. name of petitin er LOT BIOCK A�ITION RECORD OWN R SI pATURE pATE 1-8 3 U n i v e rs i ty ,� �--- Sub. Geor e Tob _ � ,G�C=�'ti"°_— / ��� 10,1 1622 Pinehurs 13-1 St. Paul , MN 55116 University r--- 12 � Sub. George Toby ,�Q� University 9 3 Sub__ Darnol d �d. Qa , Etal " � 2 ,2�.� 1007 Aurora • St. Paul , MN 55104 1 4 University ` Sub. Carol A. Mas n 982 Aurora St. Paul , MN 55104 Petitions shall not be considered as fficially filed until the lapse of 7 working da�rs ��ter a p tition is received in the Z ning Office. Any signator of any petition may wit is name therefro�n by writte request within that time. -�������,� ����� ���'-- ex�,s`d�A �V +d �, d r . � CONSENT OF ADJOINING ROPERTY OWNERS TO REtONING Me. the ndersigned. ormers of prop rty within 100 feet of the total conti9uous descriptions f real estate or+ned. purch sed, or sold by Petitioner Mithin one year precedinq th date of this petition, ack or+ledge that we have been furnisfied aith the folla+ing: 1. A t py of thP Petition of Ge r e Tob - n�me of petitioner 2. A c py of Sections 60.72o through 60.723 incluslve of the St. P aul Zoning Code; an ' acknowiedge hat we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a P-1 0lstrict zon ng classification and we a e aware that any of these uses can e established pon City Council approval f the rezoning; and we her�Dy consent to the retoning of he p�operty described in t e Petitton of 6eorge Toby to a P-1 District. name of petitin er LOT BIOCK ADDI T ION RE CORO OI�IN R S I GNATURE �� 2 4 niversity Sub Edward C. P�ar nda 122 Demont, # 65 St. Paul , 55116 3 4 Universit Sub "lanuel & Sar La os P-4 990 Aurora St. Paul , 55 04 -�v � � %�=�� � P-4 996 Aurora St. Paul , 5 104 Petitions shall aot be considered as fficially filed until the tapse of 7 working dnys after a p tition is received in the 2 ning Offite. Any signator of any petition may withdraw is name therefro�n by Nritt request within that time. ��3�I� �G F1 LE .1�1�._ • �� � - . . �� --'� � � CONSff�(T OF ADJOINING ROPERTY OWNERS TO REZOtiING We. the ndersigned� orme�s of prop rty Mithin 100 feet of the total contlguous descriptions f real estate owned, purch sed. or sold by Petltioner aithin one year precedinq the date of this petition, ack owled9e that we have been furnished aith the foliowtng: 1. A to y of the Petition of Geo e Tob � name of petitioner 7. A co y of Sections 60.720 through 60.723 , inclustve of the St. aul Zoning Code; and acknowledge t at we are av+are of all of he uses permitted under a P"1 � District zon� g classification and Me a e aware that a�y of these uses can e established pon City Council approval f the rezoning; and rre hereby consent to the rezoning of he propert; described in t e Petition of 6�orge Toby - to a P-1 District. name of petitin er L07 BLOt�C IIDDITIOM RECORO O�tN R SIGNATURE pq� 6 4 University Su Ru6y Hutchins n /Q'� _ -�D— � 1000 Aurora A e. St. Paul , P�N 55104 7 4 Universi�y Sub Willie Lee Wi liems �� � / ��� " ��� ��� ,�"� � � 100� Aurora e. St. Paul , P1N 55104 8 4 �University Sub Marie L. and � �� �--��� Christine A. Mack 1008 Aurora ve. St. Paul , P1N 55104 Petitions hall noi be considered as fficially filed until the lapse of 7 xorkfng days - after a pe ition �s �eceived in the Z ning Office. An si ay withCraw his �ame therefro� by writte request ' eF�LE -� �-�-- ZCJ� ��" . � CONSENT OF ADJOINING ROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING Ne. the ndersigned, owners of prope ty rithin 100 feet of the total conttguous descriptions f reai estate oMrned, purcha ed. or soid by Petitioner Mithin one year precedinq Lhe date of this petition, ackn r+ledge that Ne have been furnished rith the folla+ing: 1. A to y of the Petition of Geo e Tob • name of petitioner 2. A co y of Sections 60.720 through 60.723 , inclustre of the St. aul Zoning Code; an acknoNledge t at Ne are av+are of al l of he uses permi tted under a P-1 District zoni g classification and Me a� aware that any of these uses can e established pon City Council approval o the rezoning; and we �ereby consent to the retoning of he property described in th Petition of George Toby � to a P-1 District. name of petitin er LOR BLOpC ADDITION RECORD OWN R SIGNATURE pq� 15 1 laters Ronald lJ. Flol id ��� • ,G...,��..� 3 �� g 978 Aurro ra � 551 4 13 1 later Rileys Third Stevens n ��o�g� 14 ���i ` Properties C rp. � � 15 --- _ Hask Dallas TX 5204 Petitions shall not be considered as fficially filed until the lapse of 7 Norking days after a p tition is received in the oning Offite. Any signator of any petftion may withdraw is �ame therefro�n by writt n request within that timP � ������t'��+� '�e�,'� ��-- . , � CONSENT Of ADJOINING ROPERTY OWNEttS TO REIOtiING Me. the ndersigned, ormers of prope ty Mithln 100 feet of the total contt9uous descriptions f reat estate ovmed, purch ed, or sold by Petltioner rrithln one year precedinq the date of this petitton, ack wledge that Me have been furnished rith the folla+ing: 1. A to y of the Petition of Geo e Tob • name of Qetitioner 2. A to y of Sections 60.72o through 60.723 , incluslve of the St. aui Zoning Code; and acknowledge hnt Ne are aware of all of he uses permitted under a P-1 D1strlct zoning ctassification and we ar ar+are that any of these uses can e establishe� pon City Council approval o the rezoning; and we hereby tonsent to the rezoning of he property described in t Petition of George Toby - to a P-1 District. name of petitin er LOT BLOCK AODITIOM RECORO OWN R SIGNATURE pq� 1 2 Greve's Sub-A Duncan & Viol �• 3�� P-2 Hender�on ° � � ) 1Q12 Aurora St. Paul , 5�1 4 . �11� ._;� _ �„ 1-16 1 Greve's Sub-A S. Brand Pro erties 2221 Youngma Ave. St. Paul , 55 16 ,---- . 16 1 Slater & Rile Mlarian Polsfuss " �1��� �� rJ ; � �=�'.� 3/� g� 17 977 Aurora � St. Paul , 5 104 Petitions shall not be considered as fficially filed until the lapse of 7 Morking days after a p tition �s received in the ning Office. Any signator of any petttion may withCraw is �ame therefro:n by writt n request within that time. ZC����� F �LE °� � . ��-� -�� �� STATE OF MINNE OTA) : SS COUNTY OF RAMS Y ) Joe Gomez _, being first uly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person ivho ci culated the within petition nd consent, consisting of pages; that affiant is in orme�i and believes that the arties described are the owners respectively of the lots p aced immediately before each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of he parties described above i the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned or purchased by petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1 ) year preceding the datP of this petition which is contiguous to the � property des ribed in the petition; that xcept for !✓,(A� none of the arties described above has p rchased or is purchasing property from petitioner c ntiguous to the above descri ed property within one (1 ) year of the date of the petit on; that this consent was si ned by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the p rties so described. �-S= fiCJ � �1 �' � Address �. �. g -- 33yY Telephone Number Subscribed d sworn to before me thi s day of �,L____, 19�7 Notary Pub ic � y � ■An AHAAhhh/�AM/�Mhh/�/1AhNhAhA/�■ �, VI :TORIA M. MURRAY <� NOTART PUBLIC-MINNESOTA �,a� '� RAMSEY COUNTY � ' My C�mm.Expires Aus. 13.Y991 . ■VV WWVVVVWWVVWVVVVVWWVW• Ap�roved as to form - Feb. 85 Page of Planning Department �����G �IL�E �.�.� . � i . city of sai t paul plar�r�ing r��ssion reso6uti _ _- fiie nurn r $7-59 � . ��e J ne 12 1987 WHEREAS, Geor e Toby, file #10116, has pe itioned to rezone 997, 999, 1001 Aurora Avenue, situa ed on the north side betwee Oxford and Chatsworth, from RT-1 to P-1 for the purpose of establishing correct z ning status for an existing off-street parking lot; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Plan ing Commission on June 4, 1987, held a public heari g at which all persons prese t were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to aid application in accordanc with the requirements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Sai t Paul Planning Commission, ased on the evidence presented to its Zoning Commi tee at the public hearing a substantially reflected in the minutes, made the fol owing findings of fact: 1. The park ng lot w�s established in 1 e 1985. No rezoning occurred prior to the construc ion of the lot although the applicant was informed on 10/15/1985 that a rezoning was necessary. 2. Two lots we�e vacant and one lot con ained a single family home. The house was moved t 741 West Central. A founda ion permit and a moving permit were issued 10/4/85. In exchange for giving the house to the St. Anthony Block Club for removal, an NPP landscaping grant of $5000 was awarded to the applicant. ' 3. There a e eight required conditions _or a P-1 zoning district. These conditions are: ( ) the lot must be accessory o one or more businesses located in ad�cini g districts, (2) the lot mus be inaccessible for public use when the princip 1 use is not in operation, (3) the lot may be used solely for parking of private passenger vehicles, (4) no ommercial repair work or service may be conduct d from the lot, (5) no sign other than those designating access are permitt d, (6) no buildings are per itted on a P-1 lot, (7) a site plan must be submit ed and (8) all City standard for off-street parking must be met. The lo serves the various business s at 1000 and 1010 University Avenue. Access is restricted to Chatsworth venue and signs are directional. No repair work o curs on the lot and use is s lely for parking of private passenger vehicl s. ( ontinued) mOVe by CHRIS'rENSON 5ec d by ►��,:f�� . in fa r �►����H agai t � i � � i . ; i : � � � � _ ! ; ; i , , � , i � � � � . � � � ( i � � .. �� , . . ..i _ � �' � � � , � r . . � . - ; � ..� t . ._ .... . . r...r� ..: ...F��...,.r '•�:.i �r-'1" .1� .V ..l' ^..�"�'w1:: '�-. _ ..-_�....�.,,... :Y`44_Y'rc.:_ . . . � Y� Y..r+,• ..� .�.�-.:�� t:. �...�, �� ..�.�.�. _ _ � NOW, THEREF RE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the S int Paul Planning Cominission that the petition of George Toby to rezone proper y at 997, 999, 1001 Aurora Avenue, more particularl described as Lot� 10, 11 an 12, Block 3, University Sub. Addn. from a RT-1 zoning classification to P-1 zoning classification is consistent with the Cornprehensi e Plan for the City; and BE IT FURT R RESOLVED, that the Saint P ul Planning Commission does hereby recommend o the Council of the City of aint Paul that property located at 997, 999, 1001 urora Avenue be rezoned from T-1 to P-1 in accordance with the petition for rezoni g on file with the Saint Pau Planning Division. .. � _ � � � ;. � ` _ � - i F , � , � � _ � j � � �i � � : ` � � � ' i i � � �� � �'� f � i _ j � i ; � ; , ��... � �� 7 - MINUTES OF THE ZO ING COMMITTEE � - ` � CIT COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SAINT. PA L, MINNESOTA ON JUNE 4, 1987 PRESENT: es. Tracy and Zieman; Messr . Christenson, Ferderer, Levy and epke of the Zoning Committee Mr. Segal, Assistant City Attorney; s. Lane of the Division of H using and Building Code Enforcement; s. Datsko, Ms. Murray, Mr. R an and Mr. Wiederhorn of the Planning ivision staff, ABSENT: Ms. Morton and Mr. Neid. The meetin was chaired by James Christ nson. Geor e Tob #10116 : A Rezoning from T-1 to P-1 for property located at 997, 999 d 1001 Aurora Avenue to est lish legal zoning status for an existing ff-street parking lot. The appli ant was not present. There as no opposition present at the hearing. Ms. Datsk showed slides of the site a d reviewed the staff report with a recommend tion for approval. One lett r was received in support. Hearing o testimony, Mr. Christenson closed the public portion of the meeting. Mr. Repk made a motion to recommend pproval of the rezoning based on staff findings Ms. Tracy seconded the mot on which passed on a unanimous voice vote. Submitte by: Approved by: � � � a � �,�,�� � Donna D tsko James Christenson, Chairman j � . ! f ; � ' - . . ' �� .. .f . '� � . 7 . . . . ' " . ' • i � �t � ' � � I I � �1 I 4 f i . �� " � � ' . � . j I . '� . ..�..j ., • tt � f . , . ' t �':��-1 . �� � � . � � . .. . � ; �. � � �f . � � ; , , ' "., F � ZONING COMMIT EE STAFF REPORT FILE # 10116 1. APPLICAN : George Toby DATE OF HEARING: 6/4/87 2. CLASSIFI ATION: Rezoning from RT-1 (residential two family) to P-1 (parking) 3. LOCATIO : 997, 999, 1001 Aurora Ave ue (north side between Oxford and Chatswo th) 4. PLANNIN DISTRICT: 8 5. LEGAL D SCRIPTION: Lots 10, 11 and 2, Block 3, University Sub. Addn. 6. PRESENT ZONING: RT-1 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 60.720 7. STAFF I ESTIGATION AND REPORT: D TE: 5/21/87 BY: Donna Datsko �-_ A. PURPOS : To establish correct zoni g status for an existing off-street parking lot. B. SUFFI IENCY: The petition was decl red sufficient by the Planning Division on April 0, 1987; 15 parcels eligibl , 11 parcels needed, 11 parcels signed. C. PARCE SIZE: The parcel is compose of three lots, each 36 x 116, for a total parce area of 12,528 square feet. C. EXIST NG LAND USE: The area is de eloped as a parking lot. D. SURRO NDING LAND USE AND ZONING DI TRICTS: North: Commercial, B-3 East: Parking, P-1 Sout : One and two family reside tial, RT-1 West: One lot residential, RT-1; other westerly parcels are commercial, B-3 E. ZONI G CODE CITATIO : � Prio to 1975, this parcel was zo ed light industry. F. FIND NGS: 1 . The arking lot wa� eataUlished i late 1985. No re�oning occurred priox to tha conr�truc[iui► uf tl�«s l�t tilttioubh tl�ie aE�plicant war� inf�orinnd ori 1Q/1�/19H5 tk�at � 1n�unlrig wcta nncaabciry, 2. Two lots were vacant and ocie lot contained a single family home. The house was mov d to 741 West Central. A fo ndation permit and a moving permit were issued 10/ /85. In exchange for giving the house to the neighborhood, an NPP lan scaping grant of $5000 was a arded to the applicant. 3. The e are eight required conditi ns for a P-1 zoning district. These conditions are. (1) the lot must be access ry to one or more businesses located in adj ining districts, (2) the lo must be inaccessible for public use when the pri cipal use is not in operati n, (3) the lot may be used solely for parking of pri ate passenger vehicles, (4) no commercial repair work or service may be co ducted from the lot, (5) no igns other than those designating access are pe mitted, (6) no buildings are permitted on a P-1 lot, (7) a site plan must be su mitted and (8) all City stan ards for off-street parking must be met. Th lot serves the various busi esses at 1010 University A•�enue. Access is re tricted to Chatsworth Avenue and signs are directional. No repair work oc urs on the lot and use is so ely for parking of private passenger vehicles. �. ���-.�� � File #10116 Page Two G. STAFF AN LYSIS: Rezoning this parcel will complete th project started last fall and will link the two -1 zoned areas to provide a eeded and well landscaped parking lot. The proc ss of installing the lot and then seeking the rezoning is not one staff would co done however. H. STAFF RE OMMENDATION: Based o findings 1 through 4, staff recommends approval of the rezoning to P-1. � PETITION TO END ZONING CODE CITY OF SA NT PAUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY File # � �� �D E �.�v�'� °�-�"" .�9� V Application Fee $ �h� ppR 23198� Tentative Hearing Date b-Ll"8'� Z�N�NG Number of Lots or Size of Parcel: 12,624 ________________________________________ TO THE HONO ABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DATE October 19.�.fi._ c/o Zoning ffice, 1100 City Hall Annex Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Pursua t to Section 64.210 of the S . Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of the Min esota Statutes, Geor e Tob , the owner of all of he land proposed for re2onin , hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property Stree Address: 997 to 1001 A r Legal Description: from a RT-1 Zoning District to a P-1 Zoning District for the urpose of Extendin arkin area. Subscri ed and sworn to By: before e this -"�_j '�� day pf 19� Tltl : Pro'ect Mana er / �/' � /` ( 9 �r �, �. � ' Paelot � � � 1/ 4 9 ot ry Pub ic 4080 nnnnnr�nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. 5 VICTORIA M. MURR/IY "���!a`�M ,'���"' �j"� �� � i� NOUlIY ►UIUC-MINNESOTA dL.� � � � � �� �� �f■. `�, RAMSEY COUNTY My C�mm.EKpin�Au�. 13,1991 VWVWVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWWVW� � . � . . . ,� . ��4 � i , . .. . .E . . . . .... . , ... . . .. . .:.�� .. . .. . � . . '� . i . t �� I ` � � :I k , �� . j ; ; � � , : ► _ : � .. � ► � I j i PETITION 0 AMEND ZONING CODE CITY 0 SAINT PAUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY File # l�f [ D �� ���!�a °--°-- .�� ,V Application Fee $ `"�' �� ApR 23198� Tentative Hearing Date b�N��� ZON�NG Number of Lots or Size of P arcel: 12,624 _=====ocz=:oo=oo==c==ac==a==aacaaca=a=aa TO THE H ORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCI DATE Qctober _ 19_S.G__ c/o Zoning Office, 1100 City Hall Annex Saint Pa 1 , Minnesota 55102 Pur uant to Section 64.210 of th St. P aul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of the M nnesota Statutes, Geor e T b , the owner of all o the land proposed for rezon ng, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone t e following described proper y: Str et Address: 997 to 1001 A r r Leg 1 Description: from a RT-1 Zoning District to a P-1 Zoning District for the purpose of Extendin arki area. Subscri ed and sworn to By: before e this -'.j '�t day ,_ pf '� 19� Tltl Pro'ect Mana 7er I � ` r /' � � ,.. �_.c� ' P a e 1 of , 1 �n ti 9 ot ry Pub ic 4080 MNV�MMM�N,�MM�MN,nMMAnNN. 5 � '�� NOTAR O UI L C-MINNESOTA d���a� ,1 � ,�� �� �� �— di �, RAMSCY COUNTY My C�mm.EaV����Au�. 13,1991 vWVVWWVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVWWVW� � J � � f _ � • : � f �� � �� ; � - � � ��� �C . � ! 1 �; � � � � � � ; � � � 1 � .. � i r 4 ; i I - �'�, �, � � ._ � � CONSENT OF ADJ4INI G PROPERTY OWNERS TO REIOt+lING We. t e undersigned, ormers of ps- �erty within 100 feet of the total contlguous descrlptio s of real estate ownea, pur t�ased, or so�d by Petitioner rvithin one year precedynq he date of this petition, a knor,ledge that Ne have been furnished Mith the following: 1. A �opy of the Petition of G or e Tob � name of petitioner 2. A copy of Sections 60.�2o through 60.723 � inclusive of the S . Paul Zon�ng Code; and �cknor+ledg that Ne are aware of ail o the uses permitted under a P-1 Distrlct 2 ning classification and we re aware th�t any of these uses can e establishe upon City Council ap�roval of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the retoning o the property described in .he Petition 0 6eorge Tooy � t0 a P-1 District. name of petiti ner LOT Bl0 ADDITION RECORO ER SI6NATURE pq� 1-8 3 University �. Sub. Geor e Tob _=,�� / �/ a �� 10,1 1622 Pinehu st 13-1 St. Paul , M 55116 12 � University � - - �— Sub. George Toby � � ,�U` University 9 3 Sub. Darnold W. D y, Etal � L. ,,� � --- ��� � 2 2�'� 1007 Aurora • St. Paul , M 55104 1 4 University ' Sub. �Carol A. Ma on 982 Aurora St. Paul , M 55104 ,, - - Petitlons shall not be considered as fftcidlly f11ed until the lapse of 1 working da�rs after a p tition is received in the Z ning Office. Any signator of any petition may ►vithdra�v is n�me therefro�n by writte request within that time. --- -��,���� �,��� ��� � �-!��--- . .,. '+,.-�.a ,'+�' ° -'.—'�-`-----._y---------, � - -� ! j � • � . 4 .. ��� i : , . .. :� _ � '. . i � FI . . _ . t � � � . � � i .. . .. . � ..i f � _ � f . L I I ! . � i ' � � � .. . l � � � .. , �. � � � CONSENT OF ADJOINI G PROPERTY OWNERS T� REZONING We. t e undersigned� ormers of pr perty wlthin 100 feet of the total conti9uous descriptio s of real estate oaned. pur hased, or sold by Petitioner within one year precedinq he date of this petition, n knoaledge that Ne have been furnished rith the folloai�g: 1. A topy o� the Petition of eor e Tob � name of petltioner 2. A copy af Sections 60.720 through 60.723 , intlustve of the S . Paul Zoning Code; an acknowledg thai ae are aware of all f the uses permitted under a P-1 District z ning class9fication and we are aware that any of these uses can e establishe upon City Council approva of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the retoning o +�he property described in the Petition 0 6eorge Toby t� a p_1 Oistrict. name of petit nner L07 BL ADDITIOH RECORD NER SIGNATURE pp� 2 4 University Sub Edward C. P�aranda 122 Demont, #365 St. Paul , 5 116 � 3 4 Universit Sub "1anuel & Sa a La os P-4 990 AurOrd St. Paul , 5 104 -e �r �� ' ,�. ��i � P-4 996 Aurora St. �aul , 5104 �etitions shntl not be considered as officlally filed until the lapse of 1 Norking days afte� a p tition is received in the oning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw is �ame therefro�n by writt n request within that time. ���� ��� F� LE 1c�11� � 1�� � ; � � �: , _ � _ � ; � I ;1 ; ; . ; � � ���� �� � �� � � i � E �� � i ' I � ; � � � � ��� a E � � : � �, �� �� . . _ _ E . � ' ' , /''� r* ? .-..�y .. ' . ��iJ� "'� J� / ✓ J . CONS�N7 OF ADJOIMI G PROPERTY OKt�ERS TO REZOl1ING ae. th undersigned. ormers of pr perty w�thin 100 feet of the total con�iguous descrlpt�on of real estate or+ned, p�,r hase�. or sold by Petltioner nithin one year prec�dinq t e date of this petition, a knowled9e that �e have heen furnished rrith the follawing: 1. � opy of �he Petition of G or e Tob � name of petitioner 7. A opy of Sections 60.720 Lhrou9h 60.723 , lntlustve of the St P aul Zoning Code; and acknoxledge that we are aware of a11 o the uses permitted under a P-1 . Distrlct zo ing c�nssification and we re aware that any of these uses can t establishe� upon City Council approval of �.he rezoninq; a�d rre hereby conse�� to the retoning of the propertY described in .he Petition of 6eorge Toby � to a P-1 District. ��mme of p�titi ner LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD ER SIGNATURE pq� 6 4 University Su Ruby Hutchin on %. �`, ���� , '' _ -l�_ �,. 1000 Aurora ve. , St. Paul , P� 55104 � 4 University Sub Willie Lee illiams �"�� �� ~' � " J � �^-' -��' � / / iL.�- � ��,� �S � 1009( Aurora Ave, St. Paul , P1 55104 � --- � � 8 4 ►University Sub Marie L. an � �� �i, ,��_, . -Y��-, ,.� , _� -.��5--�; Christine A. Mack � 1008 Aurora Ave. St. Paul , �1 55104 � Petitions hall not be considered as offictally filed until the lapse of 7 aor6cing days - after a pe ition is received in the oning Off°:ce. An si n ay withOraw his name therefro� by writt n request t e�, qr � ���y� ��' �-��� � ; . ; , � ; . _ � � .; , , _ � ; k '� .. � . .. . . . . .. � i . � : . , , . �.�� � � - . � .. . : �. � � . � � .. � .. . �� .. .� . � � �'. . .. '. . , . . � . _ . . �� . . � . , � • COKSENT OF ADJOINI G PROPERTY 01d!dERS TO REtONING We. t undersigned. ovmers of pr perty Mithin 100 feet of the total tontl9uous ' descriptlo s of real estate o,�ned, pur hased. or sold by Petitioner Mithin one year precedinq he date of tnis petition, a kno►vledge that we have been furnished Mith the folloaing: 1. A topy of the Petition of eor e Tob • name of petitioner 2. A copy of Sections 60.72o through 60.723 , inclusive of the 5 . Paul Zoning Code; ant� acknor+]edg that we are ar+are of al l f the uses permi tted under a P"1 Distrlct z ning classlfication and we are aware th-•: any of these uses can e er.?abiishe upon City Couc►cii approva of the rezon6ng; and we hereby tonsent to the rezoning o the property described in the Petition o George Toby � to a P-1 �istritt. name of petit �ner LOT BL ADDITIOM REC�^.^ NER SIGNATURE pq� 15 1 laters Ronald tJ. F olid ' ���L�u/ _ ���� 3 �� g 978 Aurora a � e � � 5 4 13 1 1 ater Ri 1 eys Th i rd Steve son �_,.3o-8�J 14 �,�i _ Properties orp. � A 15 !--- Dallas TX 75204 � _ � Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 1 Norking days after a p tition is �eceived in !he oning �!ffice. Any signator of any petition may withCraw is name therefro�n by writt n request within LhaL timP � ������ �,��i �� �.� -1Q�l.�Z- - � � � ° .. ,. _ , . , , . . , . _ , :f . . . � �' f . _ _ ` . � . � ; ; . , , . , ; I ; � 1 ; E :_ � : ; , � � , , � � ; .. i ` �. : � . . . . ' . �.� r� ' . . , , � : CONSENT OF ADJOIaI G PROPERTY OwMERS TO REIOtiIMG He. th undersigned. orm�rs of pr perty within 100 feet of the total tontl9uous descrlptions of real estate ownede pur hased, or sold by Petltioner N�th1n on�pear precedinq t e date of this petition, a knowledge that we have been furnishe�rrith the foilvr+�ng: �. A opy of the Petition of eor e Tob • name of petltioner 2. A copy of Sections 60.72o through 60.723 � intlusive of the 5 . Paul Zoning Code; and acknor+ledg that we are aware of al l f the uses permi tted under a P-1 Dtstrlct i nin9 classification and we are aware that any of these uses can e establishe upon City Council approva of the rezoning; and we hereby consent to the retonSng o the property described in the Petition 0 �eorge Toby � t0 a P-1 Oistriet. name of �etit nner LOT Bl ADDITION RECORD NER SIGNATURE pq� 1 2 Greve's Sub-A Duncan & Vi la �����2�j ��� P-2 Hender�on ° � � ) 1Q12 Aurora ; St. Paul , 5 104 + . �I�'� � ,.� L', 1-16 1 Greve's Sub-A S. Brand Pr perties 2221 Youngm n Ave. 1___ St. Paul , 5 116 e 16 ? 1 Slater & Rile �1arian P lsfuss �. � i �� �, ,� ,�-f c , � ;,'�, �,...� Y�u,�J :/�s �' 17 977 Aurora � �---- St. Paul , 5104 Petitions shalt not be considered as officially filed untSl the lapse of 7 Norking days after a p tltion is �eceived in the oning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraN is name therefro�n by writt n request within that time. � � � �� �"` � �C f ������ ���� ���.� , V i -� � _ , � � ��� � �� � �I � ��� � �1 �� ; � .4 i i ' � . � . � � ' k . ( � � i . . . � � _ � ; � � ��� . i 1 � � � � ' i �� � �_ � ��--�� � STATE OF M NNESOTA) � : SS COUNTY OF AMSEY ) Joe Gom z _ , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition and consent, consisting of pages; that affiant is informed and believes that he parties described are the owners respectively of the lot placed immediately before ach name, that affiant is informed and believes that each f the parties described abo e is the owner of property which is within 10� f eet f om any property owned or pu chased by petitioner or sold by petitioner �N�tliin one (1 ) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the � property d scribed in the petition; th *_ except for !✓r,4 _ none of th parties described above ha purchased or is purchasing property from petitioner contiguous to the above des ribed property within one (1 ) year of the date of the pe ition; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affi nt, and that the signatures re the true and correct signatures of each and all of th parties so described. �-5= �CJ � �I �' � Address � , -�. �. g -- 33 �'Y . Telephone Number Subscribe and sworn to before me th i s � day of �,L____, 19�r7 � Notary Public y ~ � ■ A/�M/�NNNhAA/�hh/�/�n/�M/�hhNhNA/�ANAN�■ �, "� vI TOR1A M. MURRAY <� • -��V�! NOTARY PUBUC-MINNESOTA �•. � HAMS[Y CO�INTY My C�mm�Exylres Au�. 13,k991 ■ VWWVVWVVVVVVVVVVWVVWVVVVVVW■ Ap�roved as to form - Feb. 85 Page of Planning Department �.����� ��d„� —��= j' � . J �... '! . .. , .' . . . . i � � ,.. ..- . . . . ,.� . .� ' ; . . . t _ ,.�:� .. ... " � . � . . t . .�. i I � i ` � ,� . .. � ' . .. j 1 � . � . .. � � � � �� . .�- _ ._ . � �.� I . � � ; _ _ � , ; � , . �y . ...� 3 . � . � ; i ' . . . .. , , i . ,.�...-�.�( . � . . : � �:������ ��� �� �,� � oi� � �.� � � � �- c � � ., . ,, , , , . S 1 . PHV� S AMP WORKS, II`�C. (612)646-9661 946 UNIVEKSITY AVE ST PAUI MINN 55104 May 27, 1987 Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth St. St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File 10116 �-' Zoning File Name: Toby Gentlemen: We believe that rezoning fr RT-1 to P-1 would be in the best interest of the city a it would be an aid to business therefore creating more job , more tax receipts and better for everyone. Prosperity i people working in the priva e sector. � Sincerely, ,-,'- _, -i - ��� l �__..__- ���� , ,/�' � . / '. ,f � ,� �' 1- ,/ � � �. -� .' �! �a'. � �`�^'�` j�t.../— J l-- �Y � , �,� �� � .l Edmund M,��ellgren, Jr. ST. PAULfrSTAMP WORKS, INC. EMM:1 t �� /'� i� �. „��! �. ..I. .� i i . � � . .. . i . -, ...� �. . _ � . ,, ..'� (�', il�! Il I II , ,.;i��fl r i:.I k ', �',Y�1:-Il k ,�'.Ilf'l.^.I 1.[ l ;.ltf L'� IfkF.',`. C I1tl.K`� :.+.i� i _. . . - r .r. � . , , _ }� � i _. -�., i , � .. . ._ .� � r , cw�.� . :it • ���i��1�ir;r. �,rv!? nT��.uHirac,��� Nii� �, �:uL,�ur�{'liE `� fNt.,Fe.:vED � �. .. 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I � 1 I i I t ; i �' � � �� o 0 0 0 � o � o o� o� � ������ao�aoQoo; � o�o,o��o �o;o ao,� �- � �. - - CENI� R L AVE . . O ' ' 000�o o � 000 00 ,6,, o oo �oo 0 0 , o o Q .} . . .�� � � . : . . . . . . . . � . ��� . . . . . . . . � , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L�r' ' . • . r � � � PS , 00 OOOOU O O `. O O O OOO pO�C) 00 � _ ._ . _ _ _ � �_____ _ __ ___ —J �- -�V E:-=---- ��'. A N N 0 N_�--_–,.;�..�__. ---_----------_.____ ______ _ .____ _ A EA NiA�' �9� ,lDo/� ,��3 APPLICAN � T LEGEND — — ZONING DISTRICT BOUNOARY � SUBJECT PROPERTY PURPOSE r m ' O ONE FAMILY P�ANNfNG — � DISTRICT � TWO FAMILY FILE NO � g � -� � MULTIPLE FAMILY DATE ' + � n COMM ERCIAL SCALE = I� = 200� NORTH � � � IN�USTRIAL MAP N0. SAINT PA L PLANNING BOARD V VACANT �� � � . ; ; �� � � - I � � . , _ r ' �, ' ` �� %"y' .. �� f� . � J ST. PAUL CI COUtVCI� PUBI. iC HEA ING tVOTICE ZON NG - To: Property o ners within 350' ; Represent tives of Planning District 8. FIL E N 0.10116 PAGE P U R P 0 S E To rezone from RT 1 (residential , two family) to P-1 (par ing to esta lish correct zoning district for an existing off-str et parking lot. LOCATIO 997, 999, 1001 rora Avenue (northside between Oxford and Chatsworth) PETITION R GEORGE TOBY HEARING .. _ . _ __ ._ . Cit Council Cham ers, 3rd Floor City�Hall -•Court House Q U E S TIO S Zoning 29s-4154 (Donna Datsko) Contact the Zonin Section of the Planning and Economic Development Depar ment, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, MinnesoLa 55102 Legal Descrip ion: Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 3, University Sub. Addition �-� C _ f:�J'. �r... ....i ..-,. �'�7 � �.. Z°'...... .� __',; n� �"^ �i Q _ ..�.-.� ��.::3 No[ice • nt 6_19_87 . -;; -- . <=� �;-`a m .._.J r � e, ' �� �r .. .� _�� '��7 . . ` �;'' � .; `r` / ST. PAl1L IT COU(VCII. PUg� iC HE RING NOTICE Z NING - To: Proper owners within 350' ; FIL E N 0.10116 Repres ntatives of Planning District 8. PAGE P U R P 0 S To rezone from T-1 (residential , two family) to P-1 (par ing to es ablish correct zoning district for an existing off-st eet parking lot. LOCATIO 997, 999, 1001 urora Avenue (northside between Oxford and Chatsworth) PETITION R GEORGE TOBY HEARING . . ______ � . Cit Council Chamb rs, 3rd Floor City Hall -.Court House Q U E S T 10 S Zoning 29s-4154 Donna Datsko) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Depart ent, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, t. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Legal Descripti n: Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 3, University Sub. Addition �-� c _ �:��-. _ -� ,. :, �: � _;,:- f ie'.,.. 1� - ~,,j d\) r7'1 �,� p _ :� r� Notice sent 6-19-87 . -_; —° � .'a m :.� _ . . � ; . . .,.. .. . ., „ f _ .� '. . _ . r ._ ., . _ . - . � �, � . . . . �-� . .�.. .,. . � .. - , �. _ _ * . . � . .:: «,.. � ,.. - - .. . �, � - .�.: _.. , .. ., , , - , . . . ,. :�: ��. - �.: .�+ .. ..,... . _ . , ' • . � � . � . .� �,� � . .-. . . .� �. �. , . . .� �, ' . .. . -� . �. ' _:.., - _ . . . � : . . . i .. .. - . , r, ,'. . , , . . . .. . . , - .... . . . .:Y . : , .ivo�ricE oF� p Lic x�zNC _ . ; _ _ . ,,, -.. _ . - . , . . . _ Petition o Rezone ' � , _" ; -- ;. . -.. ._ ,. _. _ . . , , .. , . . . � . . , , , ,� . .-;. : -._ , .- .. . . A peti ion having been filed reques ing that 'the .Zoning Ordinance � of the City of St. Paul� be 'ameqded so.as to rezone from RT-1 to - - - � � P-1�, p operty described as Lots 10 hru 12, Block 3, University Sub. ' Additi n, located- at 997,. 999r 100T:Aurora Avenue (north side between - Oxford and Chatsworth). The'Counci '"of. the City, of St. Paul has . ��, � � fixed e�-��ay �;�.�r. ;��8?=�:a�: :0(� A.� .�:in the- Council. Chambers _ in th City Hall of said:City,:and=: t. said time and place, .the Council � . _ will ar� a1T persons and a]:l ;obj i.ons end:recommendations relative � - • to th proposed amendmgnt Y _= =` , > . , , . . .; ,- R , , :. _ , . ,• : . .� . ,. . . _ ,. ... � - . � .- �... . .. � �. Dated une 17� 1987 �Y ._ � _ � - , � ,, . . , .. ^ . ,. . ... . . ., , _ __ ' F i '�.: .., ♦. . . . ''. . .. :�.. ,..� . .. .. - _. ._/ . ' _ . . � . �:�. ���, % :. b:,'.. _.' � ' . �� "1: . 5F . . � .ii . ' .. ;. . �_. . . . . . .. ' �. ._ , ' . ;k°^�- - Albe B. Olson f _ _ '� t � �� � City lerk.= - - � �,�, - .. . . , .. _ � x - .: - , _ ,._ ,; � _ �. ,. s.�-, > ;._ . � , . ;,:; . _ .�. �. . � . - � � . _ . -- . .,s��``� (June 2 . �1987) _ . _ - _, .. ,.. .. , . , - � . �; . . _ : ,; � `�_ ,�_ �_._ _ _ ,�� � � � � . , . . : � � . . � ,' _ _ .� . _ . . - . .;: . . .. .. ��. . �., , . _ � ; ; � .. - : _. . . '' � ,7'` �1t: . ._ - . ��� . . . +� � A _ . _ . . . � � � - . ' . K T _ �� . .. � � � � . . .2�"Y �', 'e .� x i . . . . �5 tu� '. .;...s . ��E Y � f S . . - ._-3 t "l �' � ' . A'`�+' A t S^; . . . _ ?. kt� - 4 . . . ';+'a 4 ..F,.� t - r' . .. ..: . .: * . .. .• � _.. t 'A��'1�'� "• _ �.. � • _ � -. . � ' ' ' . " �} ; . - . . . .. � .�� t �.� �"`Y _ .. - .'�4 r*-,�. c � �. tr ,�� � `.��,F��-- . � . , ` :. _ ., _ . . -. " z _ . , _s;� � _ � ::. , _ . . .: . . _ . - `.--°• `a ..�..r`. _,' ._ .-.' �� _ . �.�p: ' � . ":: . ,. -.�.., . ... .,. __ . ..�. .-�� .. . 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