88-322 WHITE - C�TV GL RK COUIICII }�f/`� - PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L �J� `'' CANARV - DEPART ENT � BLUE -MAVOR File NO. v v � - �o nc 'l Resolution Presented By � 1����� Referr d To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date Wf�RF',AS, 'I'he yor, pursuant.to Section 10. 7.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available or apprapriation �evenues }.n e�cess of those est.imated in the 1988 budget, and WHERF�AS, The yor rec�xx3s the follawing changes to the 1988 bwdget: gett C��anges Budget� FINANCING ------------- ------------- ------------- 050 �i Proj�ts-General Gavernm�ent - 7 99 fer Fran General Ftand 42,056 36,000 78,056 (00101 get Office) - All 0 r Financing 894,150 0 894,150 ------------- ------------- ------------- 'Ibtal Financing Plan 936,206 36,000 972,206 SPEI�IDING PL�AN _ 050 g�c i Proje.cts-General Gaverruruent 3a101 ernm�nt Responsiveness am 30101- 19 Fees-Other Professional rv 34,000 36,000 70,000 30102 1-Other Spending - 36.,.000 - 0 36,000 P,�l O r Ftiuxi Spending 866,206 0 866,2�6 - ------------- ------------- 936,206 36,000 972,206 _ - I�I' C�-1AN(� + 36,000 RESOLVID, Tha the City Council appraves se changes to the 1988 budget. Appruval Recamr�ded: ��� �� ... ��i��ii����� Bu�dget Di ec r COUNCIL M MBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �+' Dimond � �� � `K� /� �� � in Fav r � Goswitz Rett B s�ne�nei _ A ga i n s Y � w7son �,n fl� — 3 � Form Approv by ity Attorney Adopted by Cou cil: Date Certified Y•s by Council cretary BY By, " � I�pproved b a or. a — � � � �j'�"�a Appr by Mayor f Su ncil By Pl1�lISHED ;��,`,�; 1 °: 988 , � � C��! ���-- � 4 J . �i . � .N° 011014 , Executive c�ninistration � . DEPAR.TI�D:NT Gre Blees CONTACT N 298-4140 PHONE � -22 88 DATE A S GN E U G (See ev rse side.) � Depart ent Director � 4 Mapor <or Assistant) Financ and l�anagement Services Dir cta�r � City Clerk � Budget Director 1 � City A torney � I — TO SI 2 C1iIp all locations for signature.) {' T W C 9 G T 0 � T I ? (Purpose/Rationale) City has a c4i1t actual agreemeat with the Co li ion of Greater NIl�T Cities & Briggs & Morgan P•.A. to provide researc and analysis services on lo al governem�nt aid and property tax formula options. 7.'his resolution creates spending authority f r 988 contract.; with the same entities.by using Contingent Rese e General transfer to Speci 1 nd/Government Responsiveness Program. j � C ST BUDG Y D P RS L A S C City can utiliz services of Briggs & Morgan P. . during 1988 legisiative session to develop property tax fo la options. General Fund €i ancing and spending.is uncha gec�, $36,000 is transferred from Contingent Reserve General through the Budget Office operating r sfer out aocount code. Special Fund # 50/Government Responsiveness Pr ram spending and financing is increased $36,000 (financing by t ansfer from�'General Fund and sp ding for contract services) F U V TY R ED: (Mayor's sf nature not required if under $1 ,000.) Total Am t of Transgction: Activity Number: $36,000 30101 Fur►ding S urce: 09060, Contingen� Re rve General by 7299, Transfer From General Fund � Action To Dates ATTACHMTsNTS (List and number all attac exits.) F�NANCING: � --._:_ . CF #87-1324 $50,000 1. General Fund resolution ! CF #87-1821 $30,000 2. Special Fund resolution ; 3. Contingent serve General Status Report �is resol $36,000 ! $116,000 S��c�a�ita access fee $26 487 ; Briggs computer serv $38,898 AU IN S T PROCEDU S $ 65,382 VYes No Rules, Regulations, Pr edKires, or Budget Amendment required? �es No If yes, are they or ti table attached? I DEPARTT�iE TT V W � CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW =�s Council resolution requir d?� Resolution required? ,_Yes _No Yes o nsurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes o Insurance attached? ; � , I ' � ^ � . ���3-2����� COTJNCIL PTID 1988 BLmGET G�L� RFSERVE (09060-0537) ruazy 22. 1988 il Changes/Transfers ted ------------------------------ 19 8 Council get File Date Amaunt Available �1��9 � e 206,000 Cauncil Res h Director Search pending (30,000) Health Merge Pro1 ect Manager Jab Transiti Budget pending (42,038) Emergency Ftu�d. Final, Year per�ding (20.000) Transition P e-Out Praperty Tax tudy Contract pending (36,000) -- -------- - - - ------------- �' ��e 206,000 ----(128,038) 77.962 Pending - Pend' g action by the Finance ttee or identified but not the d tm�nt, yet subanitted by withdrawn - est withdrawn before council action 700%�8 2/22/88 _. _ . _ . _ ,._ .. ._... . _..,_� . ,...._....._........ ... .........._. ......:.. _ _.._ _ .___ .._ . .___ .._. .. .-.. ,- , r.__.. ..._ _,.: