88-321 WMITE - GTV ClE K PINK - FINANGE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L CO11ncil CANARY - OEPARTM NT �����/ BLUE . - MAVOR File NO. Co.unc l Resolution �� Presented By ''��'����� Referre To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date The Mayor, suant to Section 10.07.4 of City Charter recamn�xx3s the follawing transfers for the 198 eral Ftu�d Buclget:- Current Amerxled Budget Changes Budget TRANSFER FRQM General Gav t Accaunts Cbnt�'ngen Reserve General 09060-053 Operating Transfer Out 206,000 (36,000) 170,000 TRAISSFII2 'P0: E�cecutive ' istration 00101 Bi�d et Of f ice OOT�1-053 ating Transfer Out 0 36,000 36,000 00101 A11 O�x Sp�nding 306,690 0 306.690 - - --- --- --- -- 306,690 36,000 342,690 NET CHANGE 0 RESOLVID, 'I'ha the City Council appraves se changes to the 1988 budget. Appraval Rec�r�ded '1 ,*yJ --1 -- 1�=—� ------- Budget ir tor E�ecutive Administratioa� COUNCIL M MBERS Requested,by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� �� � [n Fav r Goswitz Rettm / scneibe� / -- A gai n s BY Wilson �R —� '� Form Approve Ci Attor y Adopted by Cou cil: Date Certified P�: e by Counc.il Secretary BY � %, � . Bl � � roved � or. ate " 1� Approved by�ayo r Submission to Council PP — By -_ $y Plt�ll�HE�i ;,;.��:� �. 9��