88-318 WMITE - GTV c� RK COIt[IC1I �j PINK - FINANC G I TY O SA I NT PA U L �( BLUERr - MAVORT ENT �lle NO. �� �✓/ Counc 'l Resolution - �- Presented By Referr d To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date RE'=;��LV�Li, '�fi3't tF,� C.ity �_1er��; ic t,�r�t't�y ,�ir�ct��� t�, n�atify �r�c :=ca � Char�itat�i� ��amt�iina �=:��ntr��t Ec�ar,� �,f 3rry a�vcrs� actic�r� th�.t ti-�e Git �=c���nci i 4��+ a 3� inst ar�.� i icens�� 1 i����nr �stat�i ishm�nt, '�.,Q,Y ,�� COUNCIL M BERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� __� [n Fav r Goswitz �b;`e j C/ Agains BY Sonnen Wilson MAR -3 1988 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Cou cil: Date Certified P�s by Council Secretary BY By, Approved y�'Na �.r.-- � — � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B r BY PUBIISHED R����r 1 `' 1988_ . ; Council Research Center (1,F���� ' " �11° �11699 FEB 02198$ Cit Co ncil DEPAR3'MENT � • CONTACT PHONE � DATE S G NG ORD (See ev�rse side.) �J Z�� , �� _ Depart ent Director � ,_, Mayor (or Assistant) b� _ Financ and Iianagement Services Dir ctor _ City �Clerk _ Budget Director y ,_ City A torney _ OT P : �,_ Clip all locations for signature.) W C ? (Pu�rPcse/Rationale) � If adopte , th3s resolution would requ re the. Citg Clerk to notify the Charitable , - Gambling ontrol Board of any gambling violations which constitute cause for the City Coun �1 to take adverse action on a liquor license est�blishment. , � C T B DG AND L C AT D: ' N/A N C D U A V R D: (Mayor's s ature not required if under $10,000.� N/A Total Amo t of TransBction: ActiviCy Number: , Funding S urce: ATTACHMENTS (List and number a11 attac ments.) Resol�} ion . ADMINISTRAT VE PROC�DURES Yes No Rules, Regulations, Pr cedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes No If yes, are they or ti eta�ble attached? ,, NT V W � �ITY ATTORNEY REYIEW . � ' `Yes o Council .resolution requi ed?I � Resolution required? „�Yes _No Yes o Insurance required? ; Insurance sufficientR ,_Yeg �No Yes o Insurance attached? i �� � /,�8 _ _ WNITE - CITV CLE K �� / PINK - FINANCE GITY O SAINT PAITL Council �.���y/ CANARV - DEPARTM NT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Counci esolution � �.. Presented By eferre To �� Committee: Date ��� � � � Out of ommittee By Date RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby dir cted to notify the State Charitable Gambl 'ng Control Board of any adverse acti n that the City Counci may take based pon any gambling viol tions on the part of any licensed 1 ' uor establisizmen-c. COUNCIL ME BERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favo Goswitz Rettman �be1�i __ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appro e by City At orney Adopted by Coun il: Date 1 Certified Passed y Council Secretary By By, \ __.' Approved by Mav : Date Approved yor for Submission to Council gy By .WMITE �— C�'TY CI_-E K . _ . �:° �.:-.�f� r,"���i ( :'� � ! ' ��PINK —FINANCE � � � � COI�IIC11,t � 1� � BLUERV —�MAVORTM NT GITY �OF� SAINT PALTL File RO• �� ������ � Counci esol tion ��F ����- . .. + . . �...Si...+fy�_'�,�„ ���ff� . Presented By -•--"�;,�..° ,.��'".� . "�` ' �' � � Referre To /���'�'� � Committee: Date - �J �� �� Out of mmittee By Date ,�` ; f , tbat the City C2erk fs i�s�ra�r di�tt�d to �ify t� tat�e l�ari�tab��e r� C�trol E�ard ,fa�f a�y ad�rrn�sa► � t.b�st �e Ci�y► Cs�i �ws]► ta1�e �ec! ,�c�a► a�► �blie� �riul oe�s vr� t�e pa�t � ' aaay l.i�sd 1 �stabi�s3se�t�. /�� � � , > � � � .. . _ � j� `,� � . , e COUNCIL ME BERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dlmond �� [n Favo Goswitz Rettman �h�be� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Fotm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counc l: Date Certified Passed Council Secretary BY - By ' Approved by lVlavo : Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �_ By , C'_�"/c-�,� C1'1'�Y OF' ►�A..IN'r �AUL Piembers: ���/� : s� i i, � ` OF'FICm UF THID OITY COUNC32L �b Long, Chair '� ' Janice Rettman ' ' � • Tan Dimond � Corl�u 't�ee Pep�r� �':i�auce. 14ialla ellleIlt & Personllel Coiil�7�it�ee. rz�au Y 22 19a8 . 1. Approval of minutes of eeting held February 8, t988. Approved � r • 2. ResoFutton a '. � pproving th renewat of On Sale Llquor Cicense for the Kick-OfF Pub located a� 1347 8urns. (Re�erred from Ctty Councli meeting February 2) I,a d over to 2/29 3. Report from License fns ector on Belmont Club itquor Itcense Investlgatlon. 4• Resolution tequesttng t e Otrector of Personnel to change class spectf(- cattons for unciassifte title of Policy Analyst as tt pertatns to minimum qualtficattons. (ReFer ed fr 16� Tabled ' . . Resolution dire�ting CI y Clerk�������.������ finately Contro) 8oard oF any ad erse actton that Ctty Couneti may take bas�ed�'� upon any gambling viola Ions on the part of any lieensed itquor estab- Il�hment. , lReferred fr m City Councll meettng February !6) A r _ PP oved as n��j 6. An ordtnance amending C apter d09 oF the legtsiative. Code pertaTntng to intoxicattng tiquor and establtshing a potnt system for llquor viotations and adverse actlon. (R Perred from City Council meeting February !6) Lait� over 7. An ordinance amending C apter 409 of the Leglslative Code to 2�29 penaities for violation to liquor laws and Pertaintng to hvlding adverse hearing on violattons. provldtng procedures for meeting February 16� leted �aeferred from City Councfi 8. an ordtnance amending C apter 409 of the Saint Paul Cegtslattve Code provtding procedures fo processing of investigatfve reports, holding adverse hearings on Ilq or iaw vfotations, and esta6lishing presumpttve - penalties for violation of tiquor laws. I,aid over to 2/29 9. Resvlution approving th process to uttlize a hearing examfner in adverse actions involvi g iicense matters. fimiting the scope of reviea b� Council on he rtng examiner's report and prohtbiting ex- parte contacts. Appro ed as amended 10. Resolutton establishing a llcenstng Committee . Laid over to 2/29� , 1t. biscusslon and adoption oF Commtttee goals for 1988. (Laid over from commtttee meettny Febru ry 8) Will be taken up at City CotinCil Retreat 2/26� ' IZ. New Bu�tnese. 13. AdJourn. . , Cl?Y HALL. SEVENT�1 � OR . SAINI'PAUi,, MINNESOTA 55l02 • : �.,• .