88-315 WNITE - CITV �L K PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council ����`� CANARY - OEPART ENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Counc l Resolution � � �O Presented By t'�- � �� C�CV. Referre To v�'S/ N � CGo�I Yr� 1 L. Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Pa 1 City Council does hereby consent to nd approve of the reappointm nt, made by the Mayor of Robert Fer erer to serve as a member of the Saint Paul Planning Commission. Thr e year term to expire Januar 1, 1991. I COUNCIL ME BERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� �� � [n Favo Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson 1"IHf� — 3 198 Form pro by Ci ney Adopted hy Coun il: Date c Certified P•: ed y Council Secretary B Bp A►pproved .,'Nav r . ate �,' `� � Appro b Mayor for Submis to u � By J ` BY P(��ts���� �� ,:.;� i :;; 9g8. RECEIVED Members: ���"��SJ "� ,.�. � Bill Wilson, chair y`� � CITY O SAI�TT P�.UL Tom Dimond � ;"�� ;��� : = FEB 2 5 1958 OFFICE O TAF. GITY COIINCIL Kiki Sonnen CITY CL�: FEBRUARY 24, 1988 :'J[LLlAM L. iLSON MARK VoERDIn�G coUn�l�:��n Com ittee Report r�����<i� Aide To: aint Paul City Counc I Fro : Housing and Econ mic Devefopment Committee Bill Wilson, Chair 1. rdinance amending Section 41 .02 of the Saint Paul Legfslative Code ertaining to Massage Parlors COIyIl�1ITTEE RECOriMENDED APPROVAL AS ENDED 2. solution approving the appo ntments by the Tiayor of Lauri Simon a d Tina Moreland and the rea pointment of Inez Bonk to serve a members of the St. Paul Lo g-Range CIB Committee. COtiMITTEE R COMMENDED APPROVAL 3. R solution approving the appoi tment by the riayor of Douglas Skor t serve as a member of the He itage Preservation Commission, term t expire December 31, 1990. OIVIl�IITTEE RECOriMENDED APPROVAL � . solution reappointing �:���e�:to serve as a member of the �, S int Paul Planning Commission COriMITTEE REGOMMEi3DED APPROVAL �� C11'Y HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 a�4G - . - . .. . . � . I� .._._ .