88-313 �NHITE - CITV CLER f PINK - FINANCE COI1flCl1 Q CANARV - DEPARTME T G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L �(��rj'/� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Counci Resolution Presented By '�����u Referred o Committee: Date Out of Co mittee By Date RESOLVE : That the On Sale Liquor Sunday On Sale Liquor, and Restaurant License currently issue to #59 B.P.O.E. Inc. DBA Elks Lodge #59 BPOE at 72 Concord Stre t be and the same is hereby revoked for the following reason: Failure to pay required first 1/2 of the city license fees COUNCIL MEM ERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz O Rettman B scne�ne� _ A gai ns t Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Counci : Date f� � �o Form Approve y City Attorne Certified Yass d b il Secr y B3' By 61pp o y Mavor: D e ��` — 2 � Approved b ayor for Submission to Council By BY Pl����s��t� 1 °:�:f � � t. �8 � � -3i3 :���_•o� CITY OF SAINT PAUL '"� � DEPAR MENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � �ii1° e� ,. „ DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION 'w ,.,. � Room 203, City Hall Sai�t Paul,Minnesota 55102 George latimer Mayor � RECEIVED Feb uary 19, 1988 FE B 2 21988 St. Paul Lodge 4E59 BPOE, Inc Elk Lodge 4�59 BPOE CITY CLERK 72 oncord Street Sai t Paul, MN 55107 Dea Sirs: As icense Inspector for the Cit of Saint Paul, I am hereby notifying you tha on March l, 1988 a public he ring will be held before the Saint Paul Cit Council. This hearing will e held in the Council Chambers, third flo r of the City and County Cour House at 9:00 a.m. At his hearing, the License Insp ctor wi1l recommend that the Saint Paul Cit Council st��p� the (�€t S�3'e iq��r Lt�e�ts� po� presently hold at 72 ncord Street. The License I spector's office will base its ecommendation on the followi g: ailure to pay the required f rst half city license fee. It i our allegation that the abo e described activity violates the foll wing: aint Paul Legislative Code 4 9.05, License Fees. The first half f the total fee to be paid b fore February 1 of each such year. You y be represented at this he ring by an attorney or other represen- tati e of your choice. You and/o your attorney/representative will be allo ed to cross-examine witnesse and present evidence through witnesses and ocuments at this hearing. Encl sed is a memorandum of proce res used by the Saint Paul City Council for earings on license revocatio , suspensions, and denials of new lice ses. Very truly yours, � Jose h F. Carchedi Lice se Inspector JFC/ Enclo ure cc: ouncil Members erry Segal - City Attorney's Office 1 Olson - City Clerk ohn Sturner - Council Resear h