88-308 WHITE - C�TY CLER COI1flC11 fJ` (J� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - OEPARTM NT GITY OF SAINT PAUL /{ — �D a BLUE - MAVOR File NO. V Counci Resolution y � Presented By -�' Referred To Committee: Date Out of C mmittee By Date RESOLVE : That Application (I.D. 54189) for the transfer of a Gas Station- 3 Pumps, S Additional P ps, A-2 Grocery-A and Cigarette License currently issued to Chu k's Power Center (Chuck Brooks - Owner) at 1184 E. Maryland Ave ue be and the same is hereby transferred to Leonard V. Paczosa I c. (Leonard V. Paczosa - President) DBA Chuck's 365 at the same address. COUNCIL MEM ERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �og [n Favor coswitz Rettman • Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson �n " � �8 R Form Approve City Att ey Adopted by Counci : Date Certified Pa. uncil S a BY / By , ! � ,� '—� � Approve 'by Mayor for ubmission to Council A►pproved � � avor Date � / � v gy By UD�'�Y�i� .... :i a w � 1�8 .� : • : C%�-�� . � , . a,�� . �� :�n �F.- . €���� ��E'�`� � 0 409 71 : ��� ����� Kri8 9t�e' e'C`-Vat�.I'�'1'2' ASSKiN � �+wce e w�w�rt�q�cmn 3 �rv c�wc ��oe & t. - , 29&-5�5+6 �. � �*� � .,. , ., .. . �. .�, .... ��. , :..:. .. � ..:.. . . - -'..CITYATT019HEY .� . � �. Appiica far a persor� to per�m tr . f of a C1ass ��I bus.ir�ess li,c�e. � N(�IF'TCATI DA�E: 2/I1J88 ��•••� • t�«�lR>) � n�oR►:` •. PLNrw+6 CoAAM�9sk�►+ cm�a�V�E C�MAlssicN oi►TE w oat1E Mi+oNE No. � DONWSl�A18SI0N . -18D 6�8 BCFqOI BOARD .� � .. � . � . � �. . . . . � - STAi�'�� � � �t,f1Af1'fER�COM�MSBION 18 AODi • . RET'G TO CON�II�'T . . � � � . . � . . . . _ � _FOR ADDL IM�O.. _���BA����TADp¢,D•. . � ��� •E%PLANI�T . � .. . .. � .. .8llBPOR181MlIICXOOANJCIL� . .� � �� � � � .. � � - - . . .. . � . .. . . . . � .. C�uncil�Researcfi �ter. . FEB 151� : ..�ti►��. ��.,�,,�,.�.,�.��: ; Mr.. Lea�rd P�zosa, or� betialf of . Paczosa Tnc., requessts Council app�val fo� the-#;r�f�er f a Gas S�a�:ic� (3 p�rQs) , 5 tic�al P�s�s, A-2 .C�a�rY, a�d C�.garette: 1i� y, iss�aed to Chuck's P�owex fi,.�r at 3.184 E�at M�y1a� tz� I��d t�. .Pa,cac�at at t�e satt�e . . � ,w..�woK.ns�s1: Al.�. r+��^�d l�tcatinns and fees have 'tted. Tf L�o�cxl app�val is giv�, Mr. Pa�a 11 be allawed to c�erate the .�r�:.ss Tocated at 3.184 East A3a�.,ylar�d. ` COII�E111�IOES�:. , .inA To.whe�: � ' . . :.. . •. .:.- . If (7vt�c3�1 is t�at git�en, �+Ir.. Pac '7.1 na�t be alZvwed to oQerate the busin�ss at ]184 I�ast lan�d. q.��,ve�: , _ ; . ;. . coNs • MsTannr�C�tRS: �EO�t.�s: _ . �� ��p� T�IVISION F LICENSE ANI) PERMIT ADMINIS RATION DATE q `d'I / �oZ `30 �� INTERDF.PA TMFNTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant , Q�,��� �) .�{ ���� - ' Home Address — �� (�r U�_ Business Tame ����(�S 3 � Home Phone �o f��-�� ' Business ddress �� � � Type of License(s�y� , �-a �,-�-�1 Business hone ��� - C���.'� � �� e� � �� � ,_. � ����{{�, � Public He ring Date �� � ` l� License I.D. �� �� � � � at 9:00 a m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t �)-ZS� 8'� • ����"""� �7B Dealer 4� � �A, llate Noti e Sent� to Applic nt ���� ��� Rg Federal F3.rearms 4� � �� Public He ring DATE IIv'SPE TION REVI 'W VERFIED (CO UTER) CUMMENTS A roved No A roved � Bldg I D � 1 i�3� o � Health ivn. � � -I � � � I Fire De t. t I ►�-��i i Police ept. �t � I � ,tw c�.��.. License Divn. � ► Z�� I o � City At orney � f Date Received: Site Plan To Council Research ��,'� f 1 � �9 Lease or etter ate f rom Land ord 5� � �� �-� ��-�� ��� CITY 0 ST. PAUL DEPAR7.7�NT OF FIl'�AIY AND MA1�A�P1' 3BRPICES LICE195E ARD PERI�R'P DNISIOA These stat m forms are issued _in dugl cste. Please arisMer all questicaa !�].�y aad completely. This applicstion is thor checked. Any talailicstioa irill be csuse for deaial. Da / / - / � 19 �� S s r,�-n oN ��- 1. Appl i ca i on f or c� � �v ' a (Li cease) (�erm�tt) 2. Name of applicsnt � �c o ,ti� ,-� /� c� a c�,-, 3. If appl cant is/has been a m�rried f e, list maidea ttame �'J a�-h�,�� -/ /���.���-S �+. Date of birth _ / U �'�.-,� 7 Age U place of birth ,�v� �� � , i(�"� � �� 5. Are you a citizea of the United Stat s �5 Astiire � Aatnralized __ 6- Are you a registered v�oter Where ✓ �e i� -o 7. Home ad ress �r, � r7 z � � � Aame telephooe ___ R. Present business addreas t � - ya,- ld�,��iness teLep600e 7_?�'�a,�� 9. Includi g your presetrt business/empl nt, vhst business/e�ployment have you foll Por the past live years. sineas/F}nplayment Addrets l°�x r � ��'1�7`e � Y�/ L�� �G�t� /`1�,th��, C�-�a l,��f/��-�d,� 3U�-�-:--_'= �. 10. hfarried ,� IP ans�rer is "yea", list name and addresa of spouse /3 � �-� � 5' d `c? G vsa Z1. ?iave you ever been arrested for an of ense that has resulted in s coavictionT �✓' Ir ansti+e is '�,yes", list dates of sts rhere c —� , , harBe�, corrvictioos and seatence . Dste of rest 19 ere CAAF?GE CONV IV SIIITENCE Date a: rrest 19 Wh re CRARG�' CONVICT2 iJ S�� . . �r--��,�� 12. List the names and addresses (if ed, name o! spouse also) of all persana, corp rations, partntrships, asaoc ationa or organizations which in any �+apr bave: a. mortgage interest in the l.i ensed premise, �L� �`� c����� � � cx � .s �- b. security interest in the li naed premises, licenae, or it�rnishings of the icensed premise, � H� � � , CJ O � c. prvmissory note Por Punds 1 aned !or the aperation of the licensed premiae r the pnrchase ot 'the licens , /�Ur � d. inar�cially contributed to th purchase of the premise or the license it- e1P �v n -�- e. r�y other interest either dir ct or indirect, either Pinancial or otherWi.se i in the licensed premise or th license itself, �C� _ Attach a copy hereto of aay and all do nts referred to in this atiidsvit. 1?. Gi namea and addresses oP t�o rsons, residents of 3t. Paul, Minnesata, xh� can give intormation concerning y u. �� �'�i .Q ,Q7,d0/�/ �'7 �l'(� Fj ���f J^Y�_ ' -� a l /'? � � � /'�S � a a( �v�- a�,...�,U„ /� sS s��� v Yr a ( �. a Y. S o � ll 6) �z�,.� /�/a��,����� 3 S/o� 14. Add as of premises for xhi,ch Lic nse or Permit is made Add aa � �_ . �/ � � a sv Zone claasificstion �S��UC 15. Bet een what croas streets �)� � �/ya.� �an Which side of street �d��'S-�� 16. ft under vhich this business wi 1 be conducted ���� .� ��1^ � I7. Bua aess telephone rnnnber � �{ �-S 1Q. Att ch to this application, a det iled description oP the design, location, aad squ Pootage oP the premises to be licensed �U �9. �.re premises nrn+ occupied � -e What business �-°��"g"f S�°'� H� lon�_G��� . � . . v�,���--�o� �0. List license which you cu.Trent2y h ld, or former�y held, or me�y hnve an intere in d � 21. Have ar�y of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been sevoked. Yes No . IP ansver is "yes", li t dstes aad reasona: 22. Do y u have an interest of at�yr typ ia any o�her busineas or busiaess premises. I° swer is "yes", list business, business address aad teltpbone number.__ /1f ` 23. If b siness is incorporated, givp ate of incorporation 19 and ttach copy of Articles of Inc rporation aad minutes of firat meeting 2�. Zist 11 ofYicers oP the corporati giving their names, oftice held, h�e ad s, and home and business tel hone n�bera: � p/F ��4 �-� �� S" � )` e' se �. �e�' _�... 25. If bu iness is partnership, list es(s) address aad telephone n�bers: �� dress 11e1.Fo. - 26. Is th re ar�yone else who will have lnterest in this businees o� premisesY I2' an wer is "yes", give name, hame address, telepha�e n�bers aad in �at manne is tbeir ir�tereat: 27. Are y goinF; to operate this busin ss personal�y y�_ ii aat, xho �riZl operate it: A� Hane address Tel.Ro. � � � �. , �--��� • � � �- `� ,/� Are y �oing to have a Manager or sistaat in this business? rIt ansWer is ��yes" give naa�e and ho:ae address a d hame telephone riumber: � Name Home address Te1.No. 29. Has a one you have named in questi ns 22 through 25 ever been arrested? IP answe is "yes", list name of perso , dates of arrest, where, cha.�ges, comri.c- tions arnd sentence 3a• Z o� �- 1� � v understa.nd this premise may be in- spect d by the police, fire, health and other city ofYicials at a�r and all times when the business is in opera ion. State of , nnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) L�o� � !� �z p bei g first du]y sworn, deposes and says upan oath that he has read the foregoing sta ement bearing his signature and lanotirs the contents hereoP, and tha.t the sa� is rue oP his own l�ovrledge execpt as to those matters t erein stated upon information and belieP and as to those matters� he be- lirves t to be true. Subscrib and s�rorn to bePoze me ,�� � � t-+�-��— " ' ignature of Applicsat ,��� this /� day of /liov. 1?�7• / / �M/�A�^/�l�ni�^�::�=t.�t�'.��.�i�.u.=.:�.nV�I�� . ` L(/ Notary Pu lic, l�8�� C�11I��� M��C.$�ti8 4 � ` ���' / 1.?'� c; ����'V:_-' e°f . ... _ .. `� *4y co�is ion expires �QL_ �-9_ �?9z._ � • ;�:.:.:� _ ..-..�.,._LJ�.:.:�,�;�. ,5sz � tt WYVW�h�VV�i�:V`:`:�'�rvvYYVWNyyy�a