88-302 WHITE — C�TV c�e K I COI1tICII PINK -�FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L e2 CANARV - DEPARTM NT � �� BIUE - MAVOR File NO• �� Counci Resolution � Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date RESOL ED: That Application (I.D. #61565) for a One Day City of St. Paul Gambling Permit (Bingo, Raffles, Paddlewheels, Tipboards , and Pulltabs) applied for y Cretin-Derham Hall at 550 South Albert Street on March 5, 1988 (SPAFF Derby) between the hours Of 7:30 P.M. and 11:30 P.M. be and the same is hereby approved/ ci�. COUNCIL ME BERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ' Dimond ��g [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman c� sche;bei __ Agains ; By Sonnen Wilson �R �. '� '�� Form Approv d y ity Attor Adopted by Cou cil: Date Certified Pas e b uncil Sec ry BY By �p Q t#pprove b � a or. Date , '" �L ��vD Approved by ay for Submission to Council By By Pu���S�;Ea , ..���� i. ��?88 l,�-���- �.�.; . � ,� ��� ����� sr��� �.o v o 9�5 - ��� �►�����, c�ri.stia� �o — — M� �a►an�ea e�v�s on+ECran 3 crrr c�c . ooNrncr rrar�No: � — �.� - _ 2 C+o�:�r.]. R�s�Ch :Finanoe- & t. 298-505b � ' ` 1 «ry�„�Y ` ouncil Researc ` en r E]�e :Day 'ty:of saint Pau1 c�aritable z�ioen�e. FE B 2 3� A1Ut�IFT TCN I�TI'ER S�Fr: 2/I6/88 HE,AR�G UATE: 3/1/88 �'no��s: U)«aelea t�f n�o�r: r��rM+rac� crva.s�+v�ce co�isero� oa�u� � � vHO►�►q. aoeMO �axs se►ao4 eaaao 8TAFF - - (�IffT COAiMiA�l . AS IS . � ADD1 � _ ADD1.��� � � .� . . . . . .. . .. . _ . - FOR WPE1. ��FEED811CIC AD�FD•�. . DISiAwT GOIMIC�L . . . . . *E)( TION: . . . . - . . . ..81�PORT8 NMICH f:OtMGL � . � .. . � . . . . .. . . NElAQNIO P�OSLi11, CP�6R11MrTY(WIW,Whet.WIIBfI.VN�a.N�hy): . l�r, Earl e, oa� behalf of C'xetir� 1, req�es�s C�cxn�cii �rpv�a;l o� tl�eir app].icati for a c� Day Charitable Lioe�nse ;(Pa�dd].�el�, Tipboa�ds� Ptl.11t�-tbBi Bingo,. and �fle) at 550 South Albert caa� Sa.�y, Marc�i �, �:�88-�bet� the.h�ure of 7:30 g. . and; 1�::3a p.m. _ , : _ �,�rwc�►�ow �a.rn.�.s.�s►: _. All applicata:�ns and 'fees havae �nitt�ed. Tt�e p� of t�eti.n-Derhaan Hall, � whi.ch 3�as itz e�ist�oe s�ae J�tl.y , 1 87 r is t� prc7vicle grivat,e Cath�Iic seoo�c3ary schoa].it�, . : �cw� �,ta.w,�ra: ,, ,, ,.;. . - . If Ooa�cil roval is x�t giv�en, Cr ' ha�n HaII w311 not be �1�q�d to lr}�d their annual ser as sctieduled. ��ru►� . co�s �nsTOmnva�oE►rta: . ' �wu.asues: . . � C��,��- UIVISIO OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINI TRATION DATE a"��b8 / a-��'�b INTERDF. RTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST ', Appn Processed/Received by � Lic Enf Aud Applicai t �Qr"� �pb��, ' Home Address �oaa �,,, li et Business Name r�,-�^I n � �r�rv� �.�� Home Phone �O ��• S�O�O�p Business Address Sy� �. �� � Type of License(s) c.: �-I-� q 4r�bt�hti — T—� Business Phone ' �rrn�`t • �•�-�� -�prrn� Public H aring Date 3 � �b License I.D. 4� to� ��pS at 9:00 .m. in the Counci Chambers, ' 3rd floo City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� Nl/Q� llate Nut'ce Sent -� ' Dealer �� N �/4 to Appli ant � �` �� Federal Firearms 4C N�/a• Public H aring ' DATE INSP CT�ON REV EW VERFIED (C MPUTER) CUNIl�IENTS A roved N t roved � Bldg I & D �I� � I Health Divn. ' ; � 1J �,4 � Fire D pt. i ,� t � � iv I � � Police Dept. •7�n� �� � �6� � i Licens Divn. �K � ' a,��z �k City A torney � C?� � , Date Received: ' Site Pla , ' To Council Research �"� �`�� Lease or ett � � �� Date from Lan ord �,C,L1VQ.� , : r, � �1'��` .�� � Minnesota Charitable Gambling Contr 1 Board - LAWFUL GAMBLING EXEMPTION ���`��� Room N475 Griggs-Midway Building � • FOR BOARD USE ONLY - 1821 University Avenue - St.Paul,MN 551043383 ', ��...��� (612)642-0555 ' INSTRUCTION : 1. Submit request for exemption a least 30 days prior to the occasion. 2. When completing form,.do not omplete shaded areas until after the activity. 3. Give the gold copy to the City o Cownty. Send the remaining copies to the Board.The copies will be returned with an exemption nu ber added to the form. When your activity is concluded; complete PLEASE TYPE the financial information, sign a d d�te the form, and return to the Board within 30 days. L����.�e�� F3 AM A AL L $I G'd S C H 00 L Number of Members ucense Number lif currently or previously i�Q� licensedl and/or permit number. Address ity State Zip County 554 South Albert Street St. Paul "�n. 55116 Ramsey Chief Executive Offic 's Name Phone Manager's Name Phone Number Brother M chael Collias , ¢12 � 69�-2443 Earl B. Doble �12 �379-3222 Type of Organization , If Other Nonprofit Organization ICheck One and attach proof of rwnprofit statusl. ❑ Fraternal � Veterans ' � IRS Designation ❑ Religion C�Other Nonprofit Organization Incorporate with Sec�etary of State Attach proof of three years existence. � Affiliate of Parent Nonprofit Organizatio� Name of Premises Wh re Activity Will Occur Datelsl of Activity,drawinglsl Cretin De ham Hall High School Activity Ce�ter Premises Address City , State Zip County Zia r c 12 5 ? 1�$$ 550 So . e bert St . St . Paul i Mn. 55116 Ramsev Game Yes No Bingo g Raffles g Paddlewheels g Tipboards g Pull-Tabs g useof�o�;chol rship fund and operatin e�penses I affirm all infor ation submitted to the Board is true, ccor- ate,and compl r�i� ' �� � r ��.��/�- - ���- ' ���� �...5�-`'. .� ' f I �h ef Executive Offic r Signature Date� ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby ackno ledge receipt of a copy of this applicati n.By acknowledging receipt,I admit having been served with notice that this applic tion will be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and will become effective 30 days from the date of receipt noted below)by the City or County, un ess a resoiution of the locaf governing body is passed which specifi- cally disallows uch activity and a copy of that resolu ion is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the bel w noted date. ' CITY OR COUNTY TOWNSHIP C i t f L Ol�ovS ing Bo��P a u�ounty) _ _ Township Name(Must be notified when Cou�ty is the approving body) y in Signawre of Person R eiving Elpplieation Signature of Person Receiving Application � r� � , J. ;.�ti..:. 'tu: c�,.. � ,:�,C Title .� � � Date '\vJ�' Title Date �,"A:�,,c�t �../Y�-�:-ii=� k. �J v`�'/ ✓` J 3 t:• L' CG-00020-Ot l6/871 White—Board Canery—Board retums to Organization to complete shaded areas. Pink—Organization Gold—City or County City of Saint Paul ��j�� :• : Department of F nance and Management,Services � � ��5 ' Licen e alnd Permit Division �03 City Hall St. Paul Minhesota 55102-298-5056 APPUC TlION FOR LlCENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New Renew o ca r�� oa � �� � _ ,� , � Date � 19 ) � Code No. Titte o( license 2 i �' 19��To 19 From .�o(�/ �,�� ���; �, �..1, . ,� . /=�.;,,:: � /•SO � , � � '; -- �� ,00 � v�?-�-� •, - -l'.P� nu::, �l; �1 '' l L =�.r�.�` ;j� ApplicanUCompa�y Name 100 �,_ r `.. j (� ��7 � ! ,':! � � ,� �.. 100 eusfnesa Name ��Q -� J /l W Business Addrsss Phone No. 100 ' 100 Mail to Addresa Phons No. � ✓ %�1 � i oo ��� � I (J�,n/ � �.�,� �- ManapedOwnx•Name 100 , �C:�' � �%�� �� e r 100 A1a�agerlGwner•Home Addresa Phone No. 4098 Applica ion Fee 2, 50 Received the Sum o 10a � i . ��'�.�j ; �t.i yl �J �`�l �` � � Y� J(/ ManagedOwner-City,Slate 3 Zip Code t00 otal t00 i � %� ` � J �-�,4 � �-i,.� : ,� J _ :���. LiCensB InSpeCtOr �� By: � Signature of Applieant Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expi�ation Date Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expirelion Oate Minnesota State I entification Na. Sociat Security Na Vehicle Informati n: Serial Number i Plate Numbsr Other. THIS IS A R CEIPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for Iicense will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinance an completion ot the inspections by the Health Fire,Zoning and/or License Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE OR ALL RETURNED CHECKS , _ �- , ,l- a/«.Ig� � i++?c,,�. ;,�.. ,=1 -�ti �{� 1 �`- .�%rW�','`� �/ ' ' . (��.�,�,70 �.�.'�^�'% ����-/ J — , � � i l� '�,l,e.� l,l.)aw��iZ CIZR F SAINT PAUL - ��_�� � � DEPARTMENT OF FIN CE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF LICENS AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION INFORMATIO RE UIRED WITfl APPLICATION FO PERMZT TO CONDUCT GArIDLING SESSION IN SAINT PAUL Four sess ons are allowed per year, wit each session being a masimum of four consecutive hours. is application and all requir d �.ttachments must be filed with the License Inspector at least thirty daqs prior to the requested date of the gambling event. 1) Name f organization Cretin-Derham Hall 2) Addre s where� organization's regula meetings are held 550 So. Albert St. Paul 55116 3) Day a d t�me of ineetings Organizati n is a school - normal hours of operation 4) Addre s where gambling session will be 'held 550 So. Albert, St. Paul , MN 55116 5) Is ap licant owner of propertq wher g�mbling session will be held? X Yes No 6) If le sed, who is the owner of prop rty where gambling session will be held? 7) Name f officer making application Brother Michael Collins, FSC 612-690-2443 8) Addre s of officer 555 S. Hamline Ave. , St. Paul , MN 55116 Date of birth 6-3-37 9) Name f ma.nager who will conduct g bling session Earl Doble 612-690-5666 LO) Addre s of manager 2002 Jul i et Ave , St. Paul , MN 55105 � U • a- �/o- �� 11) In co ection with what event is th s gambling session being held? Th 1988 SPAFF DERBY - the scho 1 'S annual fundraiser 12) What t e of gambling device(s) wil . be used? Paddlewheel X Tipboard X Ra f1e X Pulltabs X Bingo X 13) Specif whan gambling session(s) wi I Cake place: HOURS: - Day(s) Saturday Date(s) M rch 5, 1988 From: 7:30 PM To: 11 :30 P.M. (Maximum of four hours) 14) Wi11 p izes be paid in moneq or mer haadise? Money r I5) Is the applicant association organi ed under the laws of the State of Minnesota? Yes 16) How lo g has the organization been existence? SinCe 7-1-87 (see certificate of inerger attached) 17) what i the purpose of the organiza ion? private Catholic secondary school 18) Office s of the organization: ' � Name-Title .. Address Date of birth Bro. Michael C llins , Brother Principal 55 S. Hamline Ave. St. Paul 6-3-37 ea ! Si ster Susan 0 ffl i ng, Sister Pri nci,pa,1... ,�4 �.:3rd Ave. South, Mpl s. 8-18 - 41 Sister Virgini Webb, Vice Principal 34 1 46th Ave. South, Mpls. 12-25 -36 Richard Kallok, Vice Principal 1�9 James Ave. , St. Paul 11-30_45 19) Give na�es of officers or any other person paid for_services to the organizat�or.. Naae-Title Address Date of' Bir�th � • �� ��. .� 20) In whose custody will records of organization's gambling sessions be kept? Name Cynthia D. Rihm Address 3420 Golfview Drive Eagan, MN 21) Attach a cover letter defin3.ng the event for which you are requesting this Iicense. 22) Attach a letter of permission to conduct the gambling session at the requested address. 23) Attach a copy of your organization's membership roster and date each member joined. 24) Attach a copy of the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service "Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax", Form 990. [Chapter 419.04 (I) ] 25) Attach a copy of Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, "Exempt Organi- zation Business Income Tax", Form 990T. [Chapter 419.04 (2) ] 26) Attach the annual report required of charitable organizations by Minnesota Statutes, Section 309.53. [Chapter 419.04 (3) ] 27) Have you read and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of alI Iaws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation of gambling sessions? Yes 28) Any changes desired bq the applicant association may be made only with the consent of the License Committee. 29) Has any person(s) participating in the operation of any of the gambling sessions covered by this license ever been convicted of a felony in the State of Minnesota or in any other State or Federal Court? Yes No �_. If answer is "yes", provide names, addresses, and birth dates. Organization: Cretin-Derham Hall By: (Officer-Title) � ��iu.o '` an t�/ State of Minnesota) (Manager i.n charge of gambling session) ) ss County of Ramsey ) � �� and (��C,�,,� , �/r�✓l being du sworn say that they are the petitioners in the above application; that they have read the foregoing petition and know the contents thereof; that the same is true of their own knowledge. Subscribed and sworn before me this �� j _�_ day of ' 19 _. _ , , . ,,,.. t . + . r•:«=� MARi` L. �.;��.,:.:;��� y . �� � NOTARYPUNUC' - .�iVVc50TA Y Nota Public, County, Mi nesota s �, HENNEP�i� �UU�vTY t M Commission Ex ires /� -i/_ � `'�✓��mias�on E�pues Oc�. it, 1998f � � � Building Department Approved Disapproved by Fire Department Approved Disapproved by Police Department Approved Disapproved by . _ ��=��- Cr tin-Derham Hall • SSO South Alb rt St�eet•St. Azu�MN SSll6•69U-2443 Fe ruary 11, 1988 Ci y of Saint Paul Li ense and Permit Division 20 City Hall St. Paul , "linnesota 55102 To Whom It May Concern: On March 5, 1988, Cretin-Derham Hall will be holding its first SPAFF DE BY. This event is an all sc ool fundraising event whose proceeds go toward the operating budget f �he school . Th event is an evening of game , a live auction, live entertainment, fo d and beverages. A raffle i also conducted as part of this event. Vo unteer help by parents, facu ty, staff, and f'riends of the school is essential and fully utilized for the success of the evening. Cr tin-Derham Hall authorizes t e SPAFF DERBY cort�nittee to use the st dent activity center on the chool premises to conduct this event. Th event will be held at 550 S uth Albert, St. Paul . Si cerely, ' � . � B ther Michael Collins, FSC B ther Principal ��1`__a�'��� _ .�,== e. �' C1TY OF SAINT PAUL `"' = DEPAR MENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES O y� + � �� Q� �'�,. „ „ DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,��� i Room 203, Ciry Hali Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George latimer Mayor ' 2/12/8f3 , To: Virginia Baisley � From: Christine Rozek � Re: Record Check In connection with an a plication for a City Gambling Permit at 550 So. Albert Street, record check is requested on the following: Michael Collins Susan Oeffling 555 S. Hamline Ave. �457 3rd Ave. So. St. Paul , P�li nneapol i s Birthdate: 6/3/37 Birthdate: 8/18/41 Virginia Webb , Richard Kallok 3401 46th Ave. So. 1998 James Ave. P�linneapolis St. Paul Birthdate: 12/25/36 Birthdate: 11/30/45 Earl Doble , 2002 Juliet Ave. St. Paul Birthdate: 12/10/44 , A copy of the applicati n is attached. CR/car attachment . . _ (�;c=��od-- . , . ; <<<=•o� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��04♦ •y� DEPA T(v1ENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES '��� e ND P MIT ADMINISTRATION ,,. _ ,. DIVISION OF LICENSE A ER , ' ,��� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Msinnesota 55102 George Latime Mayor Februarq 16, 1988 Earl Doble 2002 Jul.iet St. Paul, MN 55105 Dear Mr. Doble: Your application for a City Gambling Permit has been received in this office. A hearing on your applicati fbr Bingo, Raffles, Paddlewheels, Tipboards, and Pulltabs ID (s), 61565 will be held before the St. Paul Citq Council on March 1, 19 at 9:00 A.M. , Third Floor of the City and County Court House. This d te �ay be changed without the License & Permit Division's consent a /o� knowledge. Therefore, it is sugg,esGed that you ca11 the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 to confirm this hearing date. ' You are hereby notified that your attendance is required at this meeting. Failure to appear y' result in denial of your application. Ver �iy your .; ,��`,.� '� , �,:1_� =:.� '�== : ,� - � -: .��:' ' . :: f_`-. ;�- �,,�;�.;,> JSseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/lk