88-296 ag ITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ILE NO. '�g - � FI AL ORDER ` � `` ; � , : 4.. ; � . Y ._-, B - ._ , 1 . _.. __,...-- File o. 1s449 Voting In t e Matter of �atro�etin� a tar� s�sr ia DaSoto Strest fio� ltsbrasta Ward Av+aaua to Maatsna . Al�ai caostract saaitu�p �rsz ssr�ice s eonasctions. (So be ttucted rltb ttea Arlia�t�►/1lrkanciaht Stre�t ?s�a3us aad Saws Septratioa lrajsct) � � � under Prel minary Order `� ��1"' � approved °`�7 �� � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has onducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof h ing been given as prescribed by the Cit Charter; and WH REAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, ther fore, be it RES LVED, That the Council of the City o Sair�t Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, nd the proper City officers are hereby dir cted and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FU THER RESOLVED, That upon the co pletion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expens s incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COU CIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �R - � 1988 Yeas �pg� Nays gN��s Certified sed Council Secretary $ ett�rsn In Fav r By cheibel o��n � Again iZB� Mayor ` �r� ° � �'��� �';��� r��+� � � . i�88 ... � , . . �,,--�:�q� ,� :. _ . . /�� i}� /1y /� ,: �..:n, . e,,,�� � � � �r�} . . . '.:.. M��� ��,*i�Y�� �.��V���V � .�., g ' Y . . . ��� y . . . .. ��� - � � ��A������� . � R . Bre 1 � - "e�'�' � �.��� ��c� < . � N°� � �T� � Council Research Se��x` ; si �9���;��,8,,.: enoEn: — �,n,A1fO1�, t .be. otr A e�da. b �2 88, : : 6et a� €in order hearing date to C struct Sanitary �ewer in DeS�to Street from $�ebr ka to Mor3ftana" Finance le No. 18499. �► (�)a�(af) cour+cr. naon'rb , CIVIL SERVICE�ION DATE IN MTE OUT � ANAIYST � . .. . � Pl10lE�NO. � . ..� . �OfMiO O�DMN�M86NN .tBD e26 9CNOOL B011AD � I�7 � 1 /1 7 f� /V . � . . � . � . �.�.BfAFF. ! :� �- - �Ci1ARTER COMY8910N � � ... ETE �It� �ADDi WFO.ADOED* -- � RET9 TO GONiACf . . CON9'TRUI�If . � _FOR RDU'L�NIFO.* � _FEECEACK ADDED i.. °�eTMa*�wx� � Pub�.ic WOrks .acP�,„,, ,,,/ ���� ���e1� au�rcw'�s venal oouric� v e y t�.s�t..�+`.e..t.w..� �/.c G,a,..�.,wu.r/r....�.�.,,a G+�+�...+r tt�rs �� .�.�,� �`� 1. To de lop a strategy for �• �- � - safer! and r better neighborh od� ° ` �ia�d 5 �P�..�- ` ; ,�..��,�.;�,� ,�.� � �_�� ��.�.�.�.��: . Lack d€ s itary �ewer in this por i of DeSota St was brought out at a - n�igh�orh . d informational meeting ( e attachments) �w�nwcntiroN �,avanao..,t�resk . . . : , _; - .. : DeSot St. is to be paved under th sidential Street Pa�ing Proqram and r sto tion costs o� the new p v ent wouid be exorbitant should the s�wer onstruction be delayed. j M!!wt �ntl To Wlam): � • Tf sewter 's not constructed at thi ime four platted lots will not hav�e - sanit�ry wer service. Sf the se e is constructed after tY�e stre�t is paved _the s�ree restoration costs will e xcessive. : w.Ter,�►� . oa+s do no�hin four platted lots � would be without � : i _ sewer serviee , �srar,► . No e , . �a�xs: , No pe��ti n has been received from t e affected p�o�erty own�r. �-���� � Members: � CITY F �3AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair __ ��� _ OFFICE3 F TFIE QITY COIINC7IL Janice Rettman - . Tom Dimond Date: Co mittee Report RECEIVED T : Saint Paul Cit Cou cil FEB 2 91988 Y CIl'Y CLERK F om :Public Works, Uti ities, and Transportation . Committee Roger J. Goswitz Chair r The P blic Works Committee at its eeting of February 24, 1988 took the follow'ng action: Hearin Date 1 . 3/ 0/88 VACATION: Petition f J. Brook Hauser for the vacation of the north-south un mproved alley in Block 7, Wifleburg Hills (bounded by ice Street. Maryland "Avenue, Park Street and W. Haw horne Avenue) for the purpose of building a drug sto e and upgrade a parking lot for the surrounding commerci 1 area. Recommended approval on a unanimous vote. 2. 3/ /88 RATIFICATION OF ASSE SMENTS: for the SNELLING AVENUE STORM SEWER PROJECT. Recommended approval on a unanimous vote. 3. 3/ /SS RAT[FICATION OF ASS SSMENTS: for the storm sewer service stub connections in idental to the PAYNE/ARCADE EAST AND WEST STORM SEWER AND PAVING PROJECT. Recommended approval on a unanimous vote. 4. 3/ /88 RATIFICATION OF A55 55MENT5: for improving GRAND AVENUE FROM MACALESTER STRE T TO SNELLING AVENUE by constructing curb and gutter, lan scaping and widening the boulevards. Recommended approval on a unanimous vote. 'S� �,� J88 -., FINAL ORDER: Cons ructing a sanitary sewer in DESOTO STREET FROM NEBRAS A AVENUE TO MONTANA AVENUE. Also construct sanitary s wer service connections. Recommended approval on a 2-1 Vote-- Dimond voting "NO". (CONTINUED) ' CI'TY HALL SEVENTH LOOR SAINT PAUI.� M1N�iESOTA 55102 'i��e . . � ���y� . . . . __ _ __ . 6. 3/1/ 8 FINAL ORDER. lmprov ng EVERETT COURT FROM ENERGY PARK � '� DRIVE TO TAINTER AVEN E by grading and paving, curbs and gutters and a green la tern style street lighting system. Also. installation of a new signal system at the intersection of En rgy Park Drive and Raymond. Constructing sanitary storm and water connections if . requested by the pro erty owner and improving parts of Raymond, Eneryy Park rive and Tainter Avenue. All to be • known as the ENERGY PA K/RAYMOND AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT> Recommended approval o a unanimous vote.: 7. 3/1/ 8 F[NAL ORDER: lmprov ng VIRGINIA STREET by regrading, paving, constructing concrete curb and gutters and instailing a street 1 'ghting system from Idaho Avenue to praposed cul-de-sac. Also, condemning and taking additional right-of-wa for turnaround purposes. Recommended approval o a unanimous vote. 8. 3/1/ 8 FINAL �RDER: f��r, MARS ALL/HAMLINE easements ( laid over on February 2, 1988 to Ma ch 1 , 1988) . Recommended approval o a unanimous vote. , . . : . - . � ���y� ✓ Jan ary Z2, 1988 MEM RANDUM To: City Councilmember Janice kettman Fro : Karen Swenson Sub ect: 5anitarv sewer for Oe5 to between Nebraska and Montana As ou requested, this �relimin ry order I��as been returned to Public Works bec use it lacks information. B low is a summary of the specific items you fou d to be inadequate, along ith a siammary of the notes 1 took when I ask d Public Works st�ff about t em. a) lhere is no indication of ow many people (e.g. abutting property own rs) would be affer.t:ed. Ar.c rding to Bill Williams, only the four lots ind cated on tiie map would bP af ected. Adjacent lots have previously been ass ssed when sanitary sewer wa extended to them. Williams says that Mr. Gib in, the owner of these lots, is elderly, has not responded, and may be una le to respond. The near�by esident whc� suggested the project, Mrs. Pri r, is thinking of purchasing the lots. b) � here is no indication that t e distrir_t council has a position or even has been notified. Bill William will call Pat Rife, the Uistrict 5 C.O. , and will arranqe for an info mational meeting or an appearance at a Dis rict 5 meeting. c) There is. some additional in ormation whir,h has become available since ttie matter� First surfaced but wh cYi is not included. lhis project was first sug. ested at thp City Counr.i 's Novernber 17 public hearing on the Ari ngtan-Arkwright storm sewer ro,ject, Public Works staff reiterate that the only cost-effective way to o the sanitary sewer project is whilP the str ets are torn up for the stor sewer praject. However, they do not have add tional information about th project and do not know what you may be reF rring to. . . � � ����� , - � .,���: :�,-: CI Y OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPA 7h1ENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Roy [3redah! . Tom k:uh+eld DA E: November 18, 1987 SU ECT: Sanitary Sewer for Des to befinreen Nebraska and Montana At t e public hearing for the Arlingt n-Arkwright storm sewer project, a resi ent, Mrs. Mary Prior, 1542 Des to, questioned the lack of sanitary sew r adjacent to property they we thinking of buying, that being the eas side of D�soto between Nebra ka and Montana. If sanitary sewer is nee ed in'this block, it should be in luded with the proposed construction • so t at future street cuts are not req ired. Please advise me if a sanitary sew r is requi�•ed here, and if so, co mence the necessary public hearing so t at it rnay be included with the onestroo contract. TEK smh cc: arv Sarvala _ . . , �, , � � � � _�_ _ j �,"����__._ F,� � .;J- _�:- . , --,--., .f � . :. ..- ; ,. i___..� /' .. 4�' '__"'! �CiK �W 1'• ' Y: . 1 I I � I I i lio I I I I '1 , '\, � �� / � - _ � -s.-�—� .'{ T� "� �E i i� �E rs �s ia ; �2 j u ' ic � ' E j � i c s I , y S �� : 1 I i ti" � . . � • - '1 '/r . ' ��' I � f ,� � z� ,r,I h•_ ;K I h= h:. (s' (s'� (e� h e R' :�c'I 0� I b�_� !s�' h e 1 f ' e ���` ��� ,� z 2 �� `� . �..� �m�-�a (wz� �o� � (o. (mc �x�I ;iC.� ' (� ; (�u i (u�) I - a ,,- � � � � , � �� . �.. ,,. = . :, ° ,;;`' ' � z3 - z s ts zt z r z e r e ' s c a� 3 2 � C) i s� ' a s;� �c ; a� �, �i�..' >!� ' ��? , ;k � � � � �3' � ' . � , .,� � .., � 9�`. .,. _ � ' O ' '• 'ii ,r I v � ie r. '• s �r r r •r st st � � " ' . " '. L (!3, � /_ �� 3e.. i;� O .r.� -.,, , ��4 � ; ., � R� : E. IOW •vE. 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"' 'f-s;' `+1 �:� r..�� _ � ' I i I y ` � r �, I 1 ` Q �'r _ ✓c T j I ' �c- I �• � : � � � -1 `y � ;., f I:• � �� ,�, �� � � 1 9,�,2 t.2 Y �,� �i� �2�1'2 i i 2 G,�i b I! � t T I 1 t, �s e� v �s+ s s s e sr s� n�t ♦�r t 4� ..•s�t �'V. � r.fa ar rc ts t• ve sr :� se n �E �T � ,�' i i. ��;* �,�i; ' , � , s�„ � �� , .++ .� .-� .+� .� r+ i� I '` � m ;�'�,- . � i , i 'r J y + ,1� � ♦I �7f e _ jJ « •(r Y � 1 =--�---r 1-r1 s—ir ' ,.. 2L�:.�7 -. — � „r �ti'GtT.T Op��, • .. �,�'��,/ (,/{' C/e�� R / / � • o a SAiNT PA 1L CI7Y COUPlCIL ����f�o � nnisnu� b < n�� �u.n r v� ~ P!1B�IC HER�{;(�G NOTIrE isH , PU6LIC IMPf� VEhtENT CONS?RUCTIOIJ Please note that the Public Works Commit ee of the City Council will discuss this item and develop a recommendation to the full City Council at its February 24 meeting. Please bring any c ncerns that you may have to his meeting on Wednesday, February 24, 1988, in - Room 707 at 9:00 A.M. City Council District # 5 District Planning Council # 5 File ��o. 18499 Dear Property Owner: To decide on �h�ther to prc�ceeci wi.th constructing a sanitary PURPOSE sewer in DeS to Street from Nebraska Avenue to Montana Avenue. Also, constr cting sanitary sewer service connections. (To AND be construct d with the ARLINGTON/ARWRIGHT STREET PAVING AND SEWER SEPARA ION PROJECT) . LOCATION HEARING Tuesday, Mar ti 1, 1988, at 9:00 A.ri. Cit Council hambers, 3rd Floor City Hall — Court House If the Counci approves this project, a portion of the costs FINANCING wil] be asses ed (after construction) against beneEitted INFORMATION pr�perties. he estimated assessments for this project are as follows: Total pro�ect cost $10,400 Rate/Foot $19.00 Financing: Assessments $3,200 City Aid 7,200 T TAL $10,400 . . . . . ��`�i��/' r:���•-`�: . .A�trs. ., s ,a.s,+a.. _ :.n .n �..�•....} �'�' . _ � . -,, rs-; v..#tt[e..� _ .1'd��a�'`�i4,:.�.s,>•-s. '�`' . -. .. , ;?j 'a .,>�UTU 3 '�,i�Oi�''1 �'� . p Y O�DI��s >: � �. �..'C` .r Aw.�R's*>�< , + ` ,� �/ } , < .. �r��r A� ,, �. , �:..a.t � /4�v__ 7y�p a�p� y� F 7♦ 9� %^:�lY1Q11�+FF,I\b.OfY1W.r"'^�F a.::._C_ " �t.;L .. : TYl�yt�� e�`'at��T O� CO2��3iY A �t8.�.,'8�''�t- a,� '"�'?`�9',�'' ;�.; ��e���9:�i��' i�� � ,"�� EO�� .3 ')'` .Cp.O��D�H���?i�.�4�-�����u��.�l T��Ol� t � ?�?�'YJ7['� AIIr�:+vJ@�)dIl Ot�„ � b . ' � -ia tc�t!S ay <s '� �, a . r1 .i:3'S: vF v:'.`.bJ��'�.� < The Councii of the City of 3aint au havdng i�ceivecl the r,t��� �.,4 � u�,��t� ��e ,inaprot�ent, !� Y� -Ca�sidsi'�e ��� , ���( "�te �. .. i r �-', • ._:.� .s.,�.�., .: '$ �!�` ,f.l, ��; i �.. .'..A-���i1 iX } .#:�t:'�- � �!.•F�Tltat the•��d �neg�bittF'�itl t ::�a;mB .is �bY � ��;,ait�er�at'iires::a�8 tJ�;tli� C�t•�'+eF�ee�fis,. . ., assessments �.200 in�d , -f�i!F,�:,Sewer ,. �� _ ,�{n ����A,� :: :< <� �a�. ,+'' �r 4��':�` � a; '�t.a����� ���`�sea��r�P �� �. . at S:OO� /+°�t�h♦e��r��.��1:��1Ae�'s':���:..#�.: ��,. �^���.{ n��� �'riiv �)` ._' L�7��. l.r.4... .: �4 t��.. � �1l��y}M...w. ��l:� . � b. y.h��i� "�" `f�We ' l.A,:Yll� '� r '. '�Yi.i.-r�iliYt-/AHi�i4vllL���.. .�.i����ri"t��T.FR����� . �` ..�� hf� • �� .s�riril�ot�.�i-b�=.�� �,. � �ime p� g� ��: , � . .- .�cxe;��f#tf�o�� �A�A1�s��, �,:,���. � ��+.��� ���� �.�i." ! 7t�� .';'..:� .. .'.:! it .{„a .1 �fC n14��'. "�'ou3i�`i`�`e +�, 19�. .sn, tz�s��n r ���i�d aY.; � ,A Rid-��l�'L'�t8ry4..1$8� �. *,f�r� �t�rf�v� r is ,[ �,� q = >�,)s �s't�rr�p�;�' x a�9'r{ '. . +:i�F , . :t �. � �:+ 29 rt�Rr�s. ,:�"''f 7 �-<:�+-u' �'if7.���'�#i�:e:,� 3. ��';lrt . ,:S i:'::�x_ �.'. .. . .} ...... . . ..a r``i:' .. _-!e , r"� �l81'�,"F:)'��.t:E;�;